Receipts Sentence Examples
Receipts in Expenses in Passengers Goods carried Year.
For the year ending on the 30th of June 1908 the total receipts were $1,822,390, the expenditures were $1,871,166.
We thought we had him this time but he has receipts and papers from Chicago where he claims he attended a weekend art shindig.
In 1904 the budget receipts amounted to £495,241 (as compared with £474,545 in 1899).
In 1868 there were in France over 300 telegraph offices whose average receipts did not exceed 8 per annum.
Atlanta is the Southern headquarters for a number of fire and life insurance companies, and is the third city of the United States in the amount of insurance business written and reported to resident agents, the annual premium receipts averaging about $10,000,000.
Owing to the great distances which must be covered, and also to the defective means of communication in sparsely settled districts, the costs of the postal service in Argentina are unavoidably high in relation to the receipts.
Originally, perhaps, each town clustered round one temple, and each head of a family had a right to minister there and share its receipts.
Sale was the delivery of the purchase (in the case of real estate symbolized by a staff, a key, or deed of conveyance) in return for the purchase money, receipts being given for both.
During this period the Electric Telegraph Company's average receipts per message fell from 4s.
AdvertisementThe profits when earned were derived mainly from foreign messages and transit messages between foreign countries, while the receipts from inland messages did not always cover expenses.
Tobacco slightly diminished in weight at a little over I lb per head, while the gross receipts are considerably increasedby over 23/4 millions sterling since 1884-1885---showing that the quality consumed is much better.
All fines collected under the penal laws, all escheats and 2% of the receipts of toll roads and bridges go into the school fund, which is invested in state and Federal securities and the interest apportioned among the counties according to their school population.
At the close of 1908 the state receipts for the year amounted to $1,004,041, and expenditures to $875,941.
The total receipts of the general fund for the fiscal year 1907 were $2,603,293, and the total disbursements for the same year were $2,655,282.
AdvertisementThe total receipts from all sources in 1908 amounted to $25,987,021; the balance from the preceding year was $11,714,135, and the total expenditures were $24,695,157.
The chief sources of the general revenue fund are taxes on real and personal property, on liquors and cigarettes, on corporations and on inheritances; in 1909 the net receipts for this fund were $8,043,257, the disbursements $9,103,301, and the cash balance at the end of the fiscal year $3,428,705.
About one-half of the annual common school fund is derived from local taxes; the state levy for this fund in 1909 was one mill, and the total receipts were $2,382,353.
The university fund is derived from special taxes levied for the four institutions which receive aid from the state; in 1909 the levy was 0.245 mills and the total receipts were $582,843.
Revenue is obtained from a hut tax of £1 per hut; the sale of licences to trade; customs and post office receipts.
AdvertisementSome are in Greek and demotic, and one, of peculiar interest from the chemical point of view, gives a number of receipts, in Greek, for the manipulation of base metals to form alloys which simulate gold and are intended to be used in the manufacture of imitation jewellery.
The author of these receipts is not under any delusion that he is transmuting metals; the MS. is merely a workshop manual in which are described processes in daily use for preparing metals for false jewellery, but it argues considerable knowledge of methods of making alloys and colouring metals.
Thus, in the treatise known as Physica et Mystica and falsely ascribed to Democritus (such false attributions are a constant feature of the literature of alchemy), various receipts are given for colouring and gilding metals, but the conception of transmutation does not occur.
Later, however, as in the Commentary on this work written by Synesius to Dioscorus, priest of Serapis at Alexandria, which probably dates from the end of the 4th century, a changed attitude becomes apparent; the more practical parts of the receipts are obscured or omitted, and the processes for preparing alloys and colouring metals, described in the older treatise, are by a mystical interpretation represented as resulting in real transmutation.
But while there are thus some grounds for supposing that the idea of transmutation grew out of the practical receipts of Alexandrian Egypt, the alchemy which embraced it as a leading principle was also strongly affected by Eastern influences such as magic and astrology.
AdvertisementThus the pseudo-Democritus, who was reputed the author of the Physica et Mystica, which itself concludes each of its receipts with a magical formula, was believed to have travelled in Chaldaea, and to have had as his master Ostanes l the Mede, a name mentioned several times in the Leiden papyrus, and often by early Christian writers such as Tertullian, St Cyprian and St Augustine.
In Berthelot's opinion, the Syriac portions represent a compilation of receipts and processes undertaken in the Syrian school of medicine at Bagdad under the Abbasids in the 9th or 10th century, and to a large extent constituted by the earlier translations made by Sergius of Resaena in the 6th century.
But side by side with this literary transmission Berthelot insists that there was another mode of transmission, by means of the knowledge of practical receipts and processes traditional among jewellers, painters, workers in glass and pottery, and other handicraftsmen.
Each municipality is required to pay to its school board 25% of its receipts from the general property tax.
Sales of meat products in 1919 were $128,000,000; hog receipts, 3,650,534; head cattle receipts, 1,500,000.
His carelessness in keeping account of his receipts and expenditures, and the differences between himself and Arthur Lee regarding the contracts with Beaumarchais, eventually led, in November 1777, to his recall to face charges, of which Lee's complaints formed the basis.
The revenue receipts under the Republic have increased especially over those of the old regime in the item of customs duties; and the expenditure is very differently distributed.
By this last the centralization of receipts and expenditure and the movement of funds in the provinces were to be confided to the Imperial Ottoman Bank, which extended and perfected its own organization for the purpose.
The estimated receipts from the " Tithes " (including tobacco and silk, both hypothecated to the Public Debt Administration) are £T6, 73 1,107.
By far the most important " indirect " revenue is that produced by the customs, consisting of import, export and transit duties, and various unspecified receipts.
Thus it is explained in the preface to the budget that the revenues " proceeding from the deposed sultan " are not classed together under one heading, but that they have been apportioned to the various sections under which they should fall " whether taxes on house property or property not built upon, tithes, aghnam, forests, mines, cadastre, sport, military equipment, private domains of the state, various receipts, proceeds of sales, rents " - a truly comprehensive list which by no means set a limit to the private resources of Abd-ul-Hamid II., who looked upon the customs also as a convenient reserve on which he could, and did, draw when his privy purse was short of money.
Finally, various receipts of which the principal separately specified are government share of railway receipts (Oriental railways and Smyrna-Cassaba railway), ET201,710, and " subscriptions " for the Hejaz railway, ET264,600, form Section VIII.
The reserve fund is increased by the interest it may earn, but when the capital amount of the fund reaches £T2,000,000 the interest earned is merged in the general receipts of the public debt administration.
The gross receipts from this export trade amounted in the year1908-1909to £T99,564, and the profits approximately to £T12,000, in spite of the contest between Liverpool and Spanish salt merchants on the Calcutta market, which led to a heavy cutting of prices.
After1905-1906extra-budgetary receipts relating to expenditure previously effected have been deducted from " General Expenses."
The government adopted this proposal, and laid down as a principle that it would guarantee the gross receipts per kilometre of guaranteed railways, such gross receipts to be settled for each railway on its own merits.
In 1860 the regulations for public education were promulgated; schools were everywhere opened, and in 1882 a portion of the receipts from certain vakufs were appropriated to their maintenance.
Cleveland is the largest ore market in the world, and its huge ore docks are among its most interesting features; the annual receipts and shipments of coal and iron ore are enormous.
The arbitrators by their award in February 1904 decided unanimously in favour of the blockading powers and ordered payment of their claims out of the 30% of the receipts at the two Venezuelan ports which had been set apart to meet them.
Although the postal rates are high, the service is not self-sustaining, the receipts for 1904 being 7, 01 8,344 milreis, against a total expenditure of 10,099,545 milreis.
The depreciation and unstable character of the paper currency render it difficult to give a clear statement of receipts and expenditures for a term of years, the sterling equivalents often showing a decrease, through a fall in the value of the milreis, where there has been an actual increase in currency returns.
The passengers carried in 1907 numbered 107,171,000, the goods traffic was 61,483,000 tons; the traffic receipts for the year were £16,420,000.
The virtual suppression of Wladislaus was completed at the diet of 1492, when " King All Right " consented to live on the receipts of the treasury, which were barely sufficient to maintain his court, and engaged never to impose any new taxes on his Magyar subjects.
The Anglo-Boer War completely disorganized trade, but the close of the contest was marked by feverish activity and the customs receipts in1902-1903rose to £2,176,658.
A petiod of depression followed, the average annual receipts for the next three years being £1,683,159.
In 1883, before the Rand gold mines had been found revenue and expenditure were about £150,000; in 1887, when the mines were beginning to be developed, the receipts were £668,000 and the expenditure £721,000; in 1889 the receipts had risen to £1,577,000 and the expenditure to £1,226,000.
In the five years1902-1907the average annual receipts and expenditure amounted to £4,500,000, exclusive of the sums received and expended on account of the loans mentioned.
The Transvaal revenue (apart from railway receipts) in 1908-1909 was £5,735,000, the corresponding expenditure £4,524,000.
The public revenues are derived from customs taxes and charges on imports and exports, transit taxes, cattle taxes, profits on coinage, receipts from state monopolies, receipts from various public services such as the post office, telegraph, Caracas waterworks, &c., and sundr y taxes, fines and other sources.
In each of those years expenditure was greater than receipts by sums varying from £400,000 to £1,500,000 and new loans had to be contracted.
In 1910 receipts and expenditure balanced at about £1,888,000 each.
The principal sources of revenue are direct taxation, stamp and death duties, customs, port and lighthouse dues, octroi and tithes, tobacco, salt and gunpowder monopolies, postal and telegraph receipts, and revenue from the state domains (lands, fisheries, forests, mines).
The total receipts from all sources for the year 1909 were $2,317,512, the expenditures $2,345,359.
Taking both together the receipts into the exchequer on behalf of Coburg were estimated for 1909-1910 at about £ioo,000 and those for Gotha at about £200,000, while the common state expenditure amounted to about the same sum.
In 1901 the total receipts for school purposes were $6,001,187; and the total disbursements $5,813,541; in 1906 the receipts were $7,126,162.12 and the disbursements $6,950,580.27.
For the year ending June 30th, 1908, the receipts of the state from all sources were $3,663,154.67, and the total expenditure was $3,891,842.81.
A statement of receipts and expenditures of an election campaign, showing the amount received from each contributor and the name of t every person or committee to whom more than $5 was paid, must be filed by the treasurer of every political committee within twenty days after the election; each candidate also must file a statement of his contributions.
Revenue is derived chiefly from customs receipts and a capitation tax of frs.
The revenue for state, county and municipal purposes is derived principally from a general property tax, a privilege tax levied on the gross receipts of express companies and private car companies, an inheritance tax and licence fees for the sale of intoxicating liquors.
For the two years ending the 1st of October 1908 the total receipts into the state treasury amounted to $10,854,281.42 and the total disbursements amounted to $ 11, 0 53,375.1 3.
The English will only use their position to swindle the Transvaal of its proper receipts."
The first week's expenses were $525 and the receipts $92.
Furthermore, Congress in 1902 appropriated the receipts from the sales of public lands in the state to the construction of irrigation work.
The principle of balancing expenditure and receipts was, indeed, soon abandoned, the State making advances to the institution in order that bread-stuffs might be sold under cost price.
Of the estimated net revenue of 2,102 millions of kronen, 432 millions (20.5%) came under the head of receipts from direct taxation, 905 millions (43%) under the head of receipts from indirect taxation and taxes on commerce, while 294 millions (14%) were the proceeds of State property and State institutions.
In 1908 the total expenditures for public schools were $3,152,006 ($1,633,594 being for teachers' salaries) and the total receipts were $3,853,695, of which $2,283,038 was from district taxes.
At the close of the fiscal year ending on the 31st of October 1908, the receipts for the year amounted to $3,259,668, the expenditures to $3,47 6, 0 73 and the balance in the treasury to $582,905.
The internal taxes of the war were applied not only in the form of income taxes, stamp taxes, licence and gross receipts taxes, but also as direct excise taxes on many commodities.
The Society is not assisted by the state or the municipality, but derives its revenue from the subscriptions of Fellows, gate-money, Garden receipts and so forth.
In other cases again, as in the case of London, the income is derived partly from the subscriptions of members, who in return receive privilege§ as to admission, and partly from gate-money and menagerie receipts, all the income being expended on the maintenance of the institution and on scientific purposes.
The system of classifying the revenue into separate funds has frequently produced annual deficits, which are, as a rule only nominal, since the total receipts exceed the total expenditures.
During the year 1905-1906 the society expended £238,632, while its income was £231,964 (of which £98,204 represented receipts from sales).
The tema is the same name as the large wheat measure (35), which was worth 30,000 to 19,000 grains of copper, according to Ptolemaic receipts and accounts (Rev. Eg., 1881, 150), and therefore very likely worth to utens of copper in earlier times when metals were scarcer.
The national revenues are derived from import and export duties, port dues and other taxes levied on foreign commerce; from excise and stamp taxes and other charges upon internal business transactions; from direct taxes levied in the federal district and national territories, covering a land tax in rural districts, a house tax in the city, commercial and professional licences, water rates, and sundry taxes on bread, pulque, vehicles, saloons, theatres, &c.; from probate dues and registry fees; from a surcharge on all taxes levied by the states, called the " federal contribution," which is paid in federal revenue stamps; from post and telegraph receipts; and from some minor sources of income.
The most fruitful revenue is the duty on imports, which is sometimes used for the protection of national industries, and which yields from 40 to 45% of the total receipts.
At times also the proceeds of the sales of public lands have formed an important element of the receipts of government, although it has been the accepted policy to sell such lands to actual settlers at rates so low as to be inconsistent with the object or attainment (relatively) of revenue.
In 1909 the ordinary receipts were $637,773,165, or $7.17 per capita; and the ordinary disbursements $670,507,889, or $754 per capita.
There was a disastrous fire in 1829, an epidemic of yellow fever in 1839, and a flood in 1840, but the growth of the city was not seriously checked; the cotton receipts of 1846 were 212,019 bales, and in 1847 a cotton factory was built.
In 1906 the grain elevators had a capacity of between twenty and thirty millions of bushels, and annual receipts of more than 200,000,000 bushels.
Other important articles of commerce are lumber, the receipts of which average 200,000,000 ft.
The reform sought by the law is thorough publicity, and not only are details of receipts and expenditures to be published, but the names of contributors and the amount of their contributions.
The total receipts for the year ending on the 30th of November 1909 were $28,945,210, and the expenditure was $30,021,774.
The following is a fairly typical statement of the budget estimates (1902-1903), in marks (=1 shilling sterling) Receipts.
The postal receipts amounted for the whole empire in 1907 to 33,789,460, and the expenditure to 3I,o96,944, thus showing a surplus of 2,692,516.
According to the statistics furnished in the Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des deutschen Reiches for 9o5, the receipts amounted to upwards of Io,000,000 for 1903, and the expenditure to somewhat less than this sum.
The debtor and creditor account of the state from 1864 to 1875 showed receipts amounting to 148,215,000.
The finest non-religious papyrus known, the Ebers Papyrus, is a vast collection of receipts.
Situated in the heart of the "Cotton Belt," Macon has a large and lucrative trade; it is one of the most important inland cotton markets of the United States, its annual receipts averaging about 250,000 bales.
The Forth and Clyde canal has a revenue of about £1 20,000 a year, including receipts from the docks at Grangemouth, and the expenditure on management and maintenance is about £40,000.
The chief sources of revenue were licences (which include the farms let for the collection of import duties in opium, wine and spirits) $4,248,856, nearly half the revenue of the settlement; post and telegraphs $424,645; railway receipts $196,683; and land revenue $104,482.
The total receipts for the biennial period ending the 30th of September 1908 were $19,588,842.06, and the disbursements were $21,278,805.27; and on the 1st of October 1908 there was a balance in the treasury of $3,859,z63-44.
In1907-1908the gross receipts from income tax amounted to £1,504,000.
In 1909 the receipts were $22,739,000, the expenditure $23,337,000, and the total bonded indebtedness $16,000,000.
The principal sources of revenue are a general property tax, a tax on the gross receipts of express companies, a tax on the gross products of mines, an inheritance tax, a poll tax and the sale of liquor licences.
The specialized use of the word as equivalent to the management of the public expenditure and receipts first became prominent in France during the 16th century and quickly spread to other countries.
A second general feature is the relative decline of the receipts from state property and industries in contrast to the expansion of taxation.
Regarded as an organized system, the body of receipts has to be made conformable to certain general conditions.
The normal yield of the property tax is reported as 60 talents (14,400); but on special occasions it reached 200 talents (48,000), or about one-sixth of the total receipts.
The public land yielded receipts which may indifferently be regarded as rents or taxes; the citizens contributed their services or commodities, and dues were raised on certain articles coming to market.
The treasury is the centre towards which the special receipts of the ruler or rulers should be brought, and from it the public wants should be supplied.
On the side of receipts a similar unifying process has been accomplished.
The almost universal separation between " ordinary " and " extraordinary " receipts, taxation being put under the latter head, has completely ceased.
Previous legislative sanction for both expenditure and receipts in all their particular forms is absolutely necessary; so is thorough scrutiny of the actual application of the funds provided.
Over and above the peculiar revenues of local bodies there is the further resource - which emphasizes the subordinate position of local finance - of obtaining supplemental revenue from the central treasury, either by taxes additional to the charges of the state, and collected at the same time; or by donations from its funds, in the shape of grants for special services, or assignments of certain parts of the state's receipts.
At the close of the fiscal year ending on the 31st of May 1908, New Mexico showed expenditures of $721,272.81, receipts of 8754,080.94 and a balance in the treasury of $378,653.63.
Its growth may be realized from the fact that during a part of 1906, $806,015 worth of building permits were granted; the customs receipts, $57,994 in 1905, grew to $104,416 in 1906; the mail parcels handled increased from 6800 to 12,079; and the express parcels handled from 1277 to 2347.
The development of tramway enterprise in the United Kingdom, as shown by the mileage open, the paid-up capital, gross receipts, working expenses and number of passengers carried, has been as follows 1900, 1,749,804 * Excluding season-ticket holders, whose number in 1880 was 502,174; in and in England and Wales alone, in 1880, 449, 82 3; in 1900, 1,610,754.
After 1870 the revenues increased more rapidly owing to the development of new mining industries, the receipts in 1879 amounting to 15,300,000 pesos, and in 1882 to 28,900,000 pesos.
In 1906 the receipts from all sources were estimated at 149,100,000 pesos, of which 62,200,000 pesos gold were credited to the tax on nitrate, 39,800,000 pesos gold to import duties, and 23,500,000 pesos currency to railway receipts.
The national revenue isderived chiefly from the nitrate taxes, customs duties, alcohol tax, and from railway, postal and telegraph receipts.
The custom of dividing receipts and expenditures into ordinary and extraordinary, of treating the receipts from loans as revenue, of adding six months to the fiscal year for closing up accounts, and of dividing receipts and expenditures into separate gold and currency accounts, leads to much confusion and complication in the returns, and is the cause of unavoidable discrepancies and contradictions.
After November, 1903 the expenditure was reduced, and the new customs tariff which, came into force on the 14th of February 1903 increased the revenue by nearly 200,000 per annum; it was thought that the expenditure would not exceed the receipts, even if the shah undertook a third voyage in Europe (which he did in 1905).
However, in November 1907, when the national assembly or council demanded a budget and made inquiries as to the financial position, it was found that the expenditure foz some years past had been half a million sterling per annum in excess of the receipts and that considerable sums were owing to banks and commercial firms who had lent money.
This stipulation was agreed to in principle by the grand vizier, Amin ad-daulah, who in March, in order to meet some pressing demands on the treasury borrowed 50,000 on the customs receipts of Kermnshah and Bushire, and agreed to the lenders, the Imperial Bank of Persias agents, being placed as cashiers in the custom-houses of both cities.
The chief sources of revenue were customs duties, taxes on land and industries, duties on tobacco and breadstuffs, the Lisbon octroi, receipts from national property, registration and stamps, &c. The heaviest expenditure (nearly £ 5,000,000) was incurred for the service of the consolidated debt; payments for the civil list, cortes, pensions, &c., amounted to more than £2,000,000, and the cost of public works to nearly as large a sum.
No itemized returns of receipts and expenditures are ever published, and the estimates presented to congress by the cabinet ministers furnish the only source from which information can be drawn.
The government in 1903 authorized the issue of treasury notes for the department of Beni and the National Territory to the amount of one million bolivianos (£87,500), for the redemption of which 10% of the customs receipts of the two districts is set apart.
The receipts of the territorial treasury for the year ending on the 30th of June 1907 were $687,386, and the disbursements for the same period were $601,568.
In the fiscal year ending June 1907, the total receipts for schools were $697,762, and the expenditures were $701,102.
The supervisor, two of the justices of the peace and the clerk constitute the township board, whose duty it is to settle claims against the township, audit accounts, and publish annually an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements.
Domestic telegraph, telephone, express, cable, parlourand sleeping-car, gasand electric-lighting, oil and pipe line companies, and several classes of insurance companies, are taxed on the amount of their gross receipts.
An inheritance tax is levied on all bequests in excess of $500 to persons other than specially excepted classes; and in 1907 the receipts from the " collateral inheritance tax " were $241,480.
For the fiscal year 1907 the fees collected from corporations by the secretary of state amounted to $204,454, the receipts from the tax on corporations other than railways amounted to $2,584,363.60, and the receipts from the tax on railway corporations were $807,780.4 It is the revenue from these sources that has enabled New Jersey to dispense almost entirely with the general property tax for state purposes.
The accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the county council are made up for the twelve months ending the 31st March in each year, and are audited by a district auditor.
The growth of the port as illustrated by customs receipts is shown in the increase from £250,000 in 1880 to £981,000 in 1904.
The amount is not large, though unfortunately it is not exactly known, owing to the fees being treated in many cases as extra receipts, and deducted from the expenditure of the departments by which they are received, so that this part of the national expenditure is not shown in the accounts at all.
In subsequent receipts saltpetre and turpentine make their appearance, and the modern "carcass composition," containing sulphur, tallow, rosin, turpentine, saltpetre and crude antimony, is a representative of the same class of mixtures, which became known to the Crusaders as Greek fire but were more usually called wildfire.
In the civil war of Stephen's reign the county suffered severely; the great Roll of the Exchequer of 1165 proves the shire receipts had depreciated in value to two-thirds of the assessment for the Danegeld.
The receipts and expenditure are estimated for biennial periods, but it has not been customary to publish detailed results.
During the first year of this period the actual receipts, according to the council of the corporation of foreign bondholders, were $9,149,591 gold (£1,829,918) and the payments $7, 0 33,3 1 7 gold (£1,406,663).
Under the 1905 arrangement the government undertook to pay the first coupons at 22%, and succeeding ones at 3%, pledging 12 to 15% of the customs receipts as security.
Their receipts in 1908 were £269,000; their expenditure in the same period was £283,000.
The receipts of the municipalities in 5907 amounted to £1,430,000.
The receipts from municipal rates and taxes rose from £520,587 in 1901 to 700,103 in 1905; the total municipal receipts in the same period from £978,867 to £1,752,105.
Throughout 1904, moreover, revenue continued to shrink - compared with 1903 receipts dropped from £11,70r,000 to £9,913,000.
As a consequence, imports further declined during 1906-1907, and receipts being largely dependent on customs the result was a considerably diminished revenue.
At the close of the year 1907 the state was free from bonded indebtedness; receipts into the treasury during the year were $2,851,471, and the expenditure was $2,697,645.
The total net receipts for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1908, were $4,771,628, and the total net expenditure $5,259,002, the cash balance in the treasury for the year ending September 30, 1907, amounted to $1,096,459, leaving a cash balance on September 30, 1908, of $609,085.
In the six months ending with that date the receipts were $1,259,574 (largely from import and export duties, and taxes on liquors, tobacco, matches, coffee, opium, salt, steamship companies and money changers), and the cash balance for the six months was $105,307.
There is a tax on the gross receipts of corporations, a graduated land tax on all holdings exceeding 640 acres, a tax on income exceeding $3500, and a tax on gifts and inheritances.
The total gross receipts from all sources of traffic in 1905 were £4, 0 43,3 68, of which £2,104,108 was derived from passenger traffic and £1,798,520 from goods traffic. The total number of passengers carried (exclusive of season and periodical ticketholders) was 27,950,150.
For the year ending the 31st of March 1905, the total receipts of the Irish county councils, exclusive of the county boroughs, were £2,964,298 and their total expenditure was £2,959,961, the two chief items of expenditure being " Union Charges " £1,002,620 and " Road Expenditure " £779 1 74.
During the same period the total receipts from local taxation in Ireland amounted to £4,013,303, and the amount granted from imperial sources in aid of local taxation was £1,781,143.
He was not a financier of genius; but he administered the public moneys with the same probity and exactitude which he used in managing his own, retrieving alienated property, straightening accounts, balancing expenditure and receipts, and amassing a reserve in the Bastille.
Its commerce in other grains is also extensive; in the amount of barley received and shipped Minneapolis surpasses any other city in the United States, and in receipts and shipments of rye is second only to Chicago.
As Raouf was instructed to increase the receipts and diminish the expenditure, the system of government naturally reverted to the old methods, which Gordon had endeavoured to improve.
In the year ending on the 30th of September 1908 the receipts of the state treasury were $3,925,492, the expenditure $4,74 1, 549, and the funded debt, deducting a Civil List Fund of $325,513 in the treasury, was $548,586.
We've done a damned good job covering our tracks—painting the Scranton Apartment, swiping motel receipts with Byrne's signature on them....
An analyzed cashbook An analyzed cashbook can be used if an organization needs to break down its receipts and payments into greater detail.
The records are updated for rent debits, cash receipts and tenancy changes.
For the rest of us, surrounding yourself with invoices, receipts and statements sounds horrendous.
Payphone operators usually negotiate rents with private landlords based on a percentage of gross receipts and install the kiosks at their own expense.
Keep records of expenses such as automobile mileage incurred for business purposes and get receipts for charitable contributions.
With a share of the gate receipts of around £ 100,000, the game was not without it's plus points.
Spending was tight, but we did have the capital receipts which weren't being used for housing.
Work is also in hand with the IT department to add a reference to the notice on all the filing receipts.
It could possibly be hypothecated taxation from spectrum receipts.
It is not affected, for example, by the precise timing of tax receipts.
Electric traction was first used in Buenos Aires in 1897, since when nearly all the lines of that city have been reconstructed to meet its requirements, and subways are contemplated to relieve the congested street traffic of the central districts; the companies contribute 6% of their gross receipts to the municipality, besides paying $50 per annum per square on each single track in paved streets, 5 per thousand on the value of their property, and 33% of the cost of street repaving and renewals.
Departmental Finances.Every department has a budget of its own, which is prepared and presented by the prefect, voted by the departmental council and approved by decree of the president of the republic. The ordinary receipts include the revenues from the property of the department, the produce of additional centirnes, which are levied in conjunction with the direct taxes for the maintenance of both departmental and communal finances, state subventions and contributions of the communes towards certain branches of poor relief and to maintenance of roads.
The ratio of receipts from coaching traffic to total receipts is about 41%, which is somewhat less than in the United Kingdom; but the proportion varies greatly amongst the states themselves, the more densely populated states approaching most nearly to the British standard.
They contain, under the title Doctrine of Democritus, a fairly methodical treatise in ten books comprising the Argyropoeia and Chrysopoeia of the pseudo-Democritus, with many receipts for colouring metals, making artificial precious stones, effecting the diplosis or doubling of metals, &c. They give illustrations of the apparatus employed, and their close relationship to the Greek is attested by the frequent occurrence of Greek words and the fact that the 1 An alchemistical work bearing the name of Ostanes speaks of a divine water which cures all maladies - an early appearance of the universal panacea or elixir of life.
Receipts given in the Leiden papyrus reappear in the Compositiones ad Tingenda and the Mappae Clavicula, both workshop receipt books, one known in an 8th-century MS. at Lucca, and the other in a loth-century MS. in the library of Schlettstadt; and again in such works as the De Artibus Romanorum of Eraclius and the Schedula Diversarum Artium of Theophilus, belonging to the 11th or 12th century.
For every province (vilayet) a complete budget of receipts and expenditure was drawn up by its defterdar (keeper of accounts) under the supervision of the vali (governor); this budget was forwarded to the minister of finance, while each state and ministry of department received communication of the items appertaining to it.
The Sublime Porte forwarded these budgets, with its own added thereto, to the minister of finance, who thereupon drew up a general budget of receipts and expenses and addressed it to the Sublime Porte before the 15th of December.
Finance, regarded as state house-keeping, or " political economy " (see Economics) in the older sense of the term, deals with (I) the expenditure of the state; (2) state revenues; (3) the balance between expenditure and receipts; (4) the organization which collects and applies the public funds.
Spending was tight, but we did have the capital receipts which were n't being used for housing.
He had no receipts for monies paid from the residents ' benefits, as cashed and paid in for their accommodation fees.
Can they show you receipts or past valuations to prove it is theirs to sell?
Also, some infants may never take to items such as pacifiers, swings, and bouncer chairs; hence, storing receipts for returns is a wise concept.
Many stores have special gift receipts that don't advertise what you paid.
When your shopping is complete, keep all receipts just in case someone receives duplicate gifts or doesn't like their gift as much as you'd hoped they would.
Always save your receipts and refer to the owner manuals if you find something isn't working properly.
You may be in the habit of saving paper coupons as they come to you on the backs of receipts or in your Sunday paper, but some people overlook the money-saving opportunities online.
The only thing to be wary of is that sometimes, refurbished iPods are touted as new ones so ask the seller a question and keep any communication and receipts in case you need to dispute the transaction.
Unethical people scour the parking lot in search of dropped or unwanted receipts.
The buyers claim they sent you the gold on this or that day and a few consumers of even been given fake receipts for shipping payment.
Merchants will usually use a special printer connected to their phone so they can make receipts of the transaction.
PayPass Cards were created especially for people who hate the hassle of swiping cards, entering pins, and signing receipts.
A manager will be responsible for checking all slips and receipts when the till is emptied.
Pick up your receipts and take them with you when you leave.
Avoid leaving gas station receipts behind.
If your desktop is covered in paperwork, receipts, newspapers, magazines and other office clutter, this can greatly affect your work performance, accuracy and sense of professionalism.
Use junk mail envelopes, the backs of receipts, and other small scraps of paper for jotting notes and memos.
Save your receipts and thoroughly document your purchases.
Clean out the clutter - Go through all of your stacks of paperwork, bills, receipts and whatever else is gathering dust in your home office and throw away what you don't need.
Be sure to let the associate know it is a gift and if they have these receipts with no prices on it.
What is the return policy for gift items, with and without receipts?
The addition of LaBeouf to the film is expected to boost box office receipts by attracting a younger demographic of moviegoers that have been following him since his Disney days.
The film's gross receipts for its opening weekend landed it at the number four spot, with $21.5 million.
Selena and Saldivar had been arguing about missing papers and tax receipts when Saldivar fired her gun.
Be sure and hang on to your receipts until you know your toddler will be able to wear whatever items you buy.
Still, it is always a good idea to keep your receipts for the more costly apparel, since every baby develops differently.
You will have to do some solid predicting when it comes to ideal sizes and it's a very good idea to save your receipts.
Some organizations require you to submit receipts to document how you've spent the money.
If your granting organization requires this, keep all of your receipts together in an expandable file to avoid losing them.
If you are including materials with the dog, have as many receipts available as possible to substantiate your asking price.
Save all your receipts from purchasing appliances or building materials as well as labor costs.
Keep ticket stubs, park receipts, and medical records.
Be sure to get all of your receipts before leaving the store.
Get multiples while you're there or make copies of the receipts before you send them in.
Rather than let children keep their financial gifts in a piggy bank in the house, parents can help children open a passbook savings account or a mutual fund and let them file the receipts for these accounts.
Some deliveries may require customer interactions, such as signing delivery receipts or collecting cash for the delivery of merchandise.
Specialty clerks work at the service counter, organizing staff time sheets and handling cash register money and receipts.
This is because whatever funds you have taken out of your salary that you cannot provide current year medical receipts for reimbursement will not be returned to you.
This means if you have $3,000 set aside and only turn in $1,000 in receipts, you will have lost $2,000 of your income; thereby negating any tax savings you may have gained.
Be sure to keep all of your receipts and do not remove the tags until you are sure you like the item and will keep it.
Save all your fertility-related receipts for tax season.
Hold onto any thank you letters from the charity recipient, canceled checks, receipts, or anything else that can serve as proof of your itemization.
You want printed receipts, preferably on the charity's letterhead and you want to keep copies of everything you sign.
Or, keep all of your gift receipts in a special folder.
Keep gift receipts for returning or exchanging the gift if the recipient does not find it as funny as you'd hoped.
Many stores offer gift receipts to make the return easier.
Keep receipts and ask for gift receipts at checkout.
If you find any receipts, messages or notes from another person that are suspicious, make a copy or write them in your notebook.
You find unexplainable receipts, clothing purchases, or charges on a phone bill that don't make sense.
Paperwork such as certificates, appraisal documentation, and original sales receipts should accompany the ring when it is returned.
Does the ring come with its original purchase receipts or certificate?
A wristlet will not promote the excessive collection of old gum wrappers, juice boxes, gasoline receipts and pennies.
Its sleek, streamlined design is especially great for those who don't require much room (in other words, those who are great about throwing out old receipts and not bogging their wallets down with years of reading material).
Just ask anyone who's ever dug through a bottomless pit of ancient receipts, gum wrappers and coins!
In addition to the usual main compartment and card slots, it also features three additional compartments for receipts and other paraphernalia.
In addition to a basic flap button closure, it also features a zip-around section with enough space for cash and receipts.
In its second weekend, however, Meet Joe Black's box office receipts soared.
The trilogy is the highest grossing trilogy of all time, having earned nearly $3 billion in box office receipts -- more than Harry Potter or Star Wars.
Most store receipts have a "savings" line that adds up all the money you saved by using coupons and buying items on sale.
Make sure to keep all receipts, so you can really determine variable expenses and see where your money goes.
Log all receipts, no matter how small, into the appropriate category so you can continually modify your personal budget with facts.
Don't leave receipts in shopping bags, in the ashtray of your car, or floating about a purse or backpack.
Carry a notebook to put receipts in and log them, or put them in a wallet until you can record them later.
Register receipts at drugstores, discount stores and grocery stores may have Alli coupons printed on them.
Sometimes, she'll even take pictures of her goodies or save copies of her store receipts for a little extra money-saving motivation.
If you're buying office supplies for a home-based business, such as supplies for your work as a freelance writer or materials to create fliers for your direct sales business, remember to save all of your receipts.
Gather check stubs, receipts, bill statements, bank statements, and any other documentation to help you create a clear picture of how your money flows, then outline the specific categories that apply to your needs.
Look through your receipts and old bank statements or try tracking your spending for one week to get a better idea of expenses that fall into this area.
Keep receipts from items you purchase for work, document how you use those items, and even track mileage if possible for that easy deduction.
Send certified letters for everything because the receipts they generate give you a paper trail to follow.
Attach electronic images and statements, including canceled checks, invoices, and business receipts to transactions and accounts.
Lost receipts are the bane of any business, as are lost checks or checks entered in the wrong parts of a ledger or accounting program.
The company should have a clear, written policy on expense reimbursement that includes details such as what is a covered expense, what the filing deadline is, and when receipts are required.
Some companies don't require receipts for expenses below a certain amount.
Don't wait until you get back from your trip to try to remember the expenses you don't have receipts for, such as tolls and tips.
Be diligent about saving receipts, including for items that you are unsure whether they are tax deductible, and keep them organized.
Sales tax deduction claims can be made even without all of your receipts.
Also, be sure to include expense receipts incurred.
Receipts, letters, and other papers used for taxes can often be scanned.
Keeping your receipts is a great way to plan for your income taxes, but this printable expense sheet lets you keep all your expenses in one spot.
You can have each member of your family track their expenses so that at the end of the year, you’re not sorting through piles of receipts.
You need to pay the full amount of the vet bill and then submit a claim form and your receipts.
You submit the completed claim form and itemized receipts by email, mail or fax.
You must save receipts and documentation related to temporary repairs made to machines or equipment necessary to allow the items to function while the claim is being filed.
You will need to provide receipts for the property to prove their value.
The insurer may ask to see copies of bills or receipts indicating that both parties are financially responsible for their home.
Duplicate items are also a concern, and gift receipts should always be included for convenience.
Remove all tags prior to giving the lingerie, but retain identifying tags and gift receipts in case it is the wrong size or style.
Just be sure and keep your receipts for everything.
Don't leave incriminating receipts on tables or desks.
By gathering you receipts and other documents and performing some simple calculations, you can estimate the amount of your tax return.
Make a simple note on receipts for claims and deductions of which category you believe they fall into that makes them available to you.
Don't worry about the percentage of your income you deduct; just make sure you have receipts to prove entitlement.
Sorry. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today.
Receipts were attached to all reports, mostly for inexpensive meals and an occasional beer or two.
We've done a damned good job covering our tracks—painting the Scranton Apartment, swiping motel receipts with Byrne's signature on them....
For the year ending on the 30th of September 1908 the receipts were $3,382,131.66 and the disbursements $3,482,317.03.
The city has also a large trade in cotton, the annual receipts averaging about ioo,000 bales.
Since 1891 the national budgets have been calculated in both gold and currency, and both receipts and expenditures have been carried out in this dual system.
The revenue from stamps includes as its chief items the returns from stamped paper, stamps on goods traffic, securities and share certificates and receipts and cheques..
The so-called " contracts," including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of all, the actual legal decisions given by the judges in the law courts, exist in thousands.
A new consolidated debt of £20,500,000 was issued at 32% interest, and, as security for payment of interest, 45% of the customs receipts at Montevideo was assigned.
Such bodies, established to appraise land for railway purposes, to apportion receipts and expenditures of interstate traffic, and in a general way to supervise railway transportation, had been in existence in New England before 1860, one of the earliest being that of Rhode Island in 1839.
But there is danger of their reaching the point where there is little or no margin between unit costs of service and unit receipts for the service.
The receipts of cotton in the season 1904-1905 at the leading interior towns and ports of the United States are given below.
In the previous budget there had been a special heading, " Proceeds of Domains transferred from the Civil List," estimated to produce ET620,233, which may have been intended to include all the various receipts above enumerated.
The state receipts from all sources increased from $4,070,316 for the year ending September 30, 1899, to $8,299,982 for the, year ending June 30, 1908; the disbursements in the latter year were $7,762,771 or $537,211 less than the receipts.