Recasting Sentence Examples
This necessitated a complete recasting of the Entente plans.
Some officials have sought to bestow new legitimacy on long-standing disputes by recasting them as part of the antiterrorist crusade " .
The investigation of this substance and its properties (see Radioactivity) has proceeded so far as to render it probable that the theory of the unalterability of elements, and also the hitherto accepted explanations of various celestial phenomena - the source of solar energy and the appearances of the tails of comets - may require recasting.
It is about taking politicians out of management altogether and recasting the role of government so what it does better matches government competencies.
The recasting of bells which has been carried out for many centuries is probably one of the oldest known forms of recycling.
A token of this will be the recasting of the role of Alastair Campbell.
She has brought together 36 artists all of whom explore a significant strand in contemporary art - the reuse and recasting of cultural material.
Thank you for your recommendation regarding the recasting of the secondary synchromesh cog.
Publicized reports about New Moon movie production included directorial, budget, script and casting issues including the possibility of recasting the pivotal role of Jacob.
The return of fan favorite Robin Scorpio to General Hospital after several years away along with the recasting of Lucky Spencer (Jonathon Jackson's Lucky 'perished in a fire' and returned first as Jacob Young and later as Greg Vaughn).
AdvertisementRecasting a familiar face is big news, such as when Peter Bergman joined in the role of Jack Abbott when the wildly popular Terry Lester left the part.
The services which Dumont rendered in recasting as well as translating the works of Bentham were still more important.
Voltaire had made, however, a useful friend in another grand seigneur, as profligate and nearly as intelligent, the duke of Richelieu, and with him he passed 1724 and the next year chiefly, recasting Mariamne (which was now successful), writing the comedy of L'Indiscret, and courting the queen, the ministers, the favourites and everybody who seemed worth.
A small coterie of authors, headed by Professor Toyama, then attempted to revolutionize Japanese poetry by recasting it on European lines.
His critical principles are explained in the preface, where he dwells on the necessity of starting as much as possible from trustworthy contemporary sources, or at least from those nearest to antiquity - the touchstone by which verbal traditions can be tested being contemporary poems. He inclines to rationalism, rejecting the marvellous and recasting legends containing it in a more historical spirit; but he makes an exception in the accounts of the introduction of Christianity into Norway and of the national saint St Olaf.
AdvertisementThrough the time of both tyrants, he was, next to the actual rulers, the first man in Sicily; but of his record of his own times we have only what filters through the recasting of Diodorus.
However, the i spirit of that great legal classic seems to have in a measure dwelt with and inspired the inferior men who were recasting his work; the Institutes is better both in Latinity and in substance than we should have expected from the condition of Latin letters at that epoch, better than the other laws which emanate from Justinian.
Of a non-self-subsistent or attributive conception definition in its highest attainable form is a recasting of the syllogism, in which it was shown that the attribute was grounded in the substance or self-subsistent subject of which it is.
The thorough recasting that this involves, even of the thought of the masters when it occasionally echoes them, has resulted in a phrasing uncouth to the ear of the plain man with his world of persons and things in which the former simply think about the latter, but it is fundamentally necessary for Bradley's purpose.
The status quo ante was restored, the diet met in extraordinary session, and proceeded to the entire recasting of the Finnish government.
AdvertisementBut it was soon perceived that the new plan was unsatisfactory and required recasting, upon which the minister of war, Baron Rappe, resigned, and was succeeded by Colonel von Crustebjorn, who immediately set to work to prepare a complete reorganization of the army, with an increase of the time of active service on the lines of general compulsory service.
Meanwhile on the 29th of September 1394 he had begun the recasting of the nave of the cathedral with William Wynford, the architect of the college, as chief mason, and Simon Membury, an old Wykehamist, as clerk of the works.
Hence arise infinite and inextricable difficulties which obstruct the study of canon law; an immense field for controversy and litigation; a thousand perplexities of conscience; and finally contempt for the laws."' We know how the Vatican council had to separate without approaching the question of canonical reform; but this general desire for a recasting of the ecclesiastical code was taken up again on the initiative of Rome.