Rebuked Sentence Examples
He stilled the storm with a word and rebuked their want of faith.
He rebuked both parties in the state for their shortcomings, but he did not break with either.
He indignantly rebuked his rival's language and demeanour.
General Lee, however, rebuked Magruder for slackness in pursuit.
Sappho wrote an ode, in which she severely satirized and rebuked him.
At the same time Bestuzhev resisted any rapprochement with France, and severely rebuked the court of Saxony for its intrigues with that of Versailles.
Here Elizabeth rebuked and disavowed him, and Mary's triumph seemed complete.
But He turned to the other disciples and openly rebuked Peter.
At Merry Mount, in that part of Braintree which is now Quincy, a settlement was established by Thomas Morton in 1625, but the gay life of the settlers and their selling rum and firearms to the Indians greatly offended the Pilgrims of Plymouth, who in 1627 arrested Morton; soon afterward Governor John Endecott of Massachusetts Bay visited Merry Mount, rebuked the inhabitants and cut down their Maypole.
Gladstone, in defending the government against Roebuck, rebuked in dignified and significant terms the conduct of men who, " hoping to escape from punishment, ran away from duty."
AdvertisementThe emperor on several occasions sharply rebuked Fesch for what he thought to be weakness and ingratitude.
There Jerome, though frequently rebuked by the emperor, displayed his fondness for luxury, indulged in numerous amours and ran deeply into debt.
By 1550, when he summoned his second diet, a reaction in his favour began, and the lingering petulance of the gentry was sternly rebuked by Kmita, the marshal of the diet, who openly accused them of attempting to diminish unduly the legislative prerogative of the crown.
Elizabeth, by the mouth of her chief justice, formally rebuked the audacity of the subjects who durst bring such a charge against their sovereign, and challenged them to advance their proofs.
The violence with which it was conducted, coming, as it did, from the highest circles of the Prussian nobility, appeared almost an imitation of Socialist methods; but the emperor, with his wonted energy, personally rebuked the leaders, and warned them that the opposition of Prussian nobles to their king was a monstrosity.
AdvertisementIn the debates on the Reform Bills submitted to the House of Commons from 1859 to 1867, Bright's was the most influential voice He rebuked Lowe's "Botany Bay view," and described Horsman as retiring to his "cave of Adullam," and hooking in Lowe.
The lukewarm are rebuked, the enemies threatened with terrible punishment, both temporal and eternal.
The Marrow was discouraged as verging on Antinomianism (1720); and in 1722 its protesting admirers were rebuked by the Assembly.
Molo, he says, rebuked his youthful extravagance and he came back " a changed man."' He returned to Rome in 77 B.C., and appears to have married at this time Terentia, a rich woman with a domineering temper, to whom many of his subsequent embarrassments were due.2 He engaged at once in forensic and political life.
With perfect fearlessness and piercing eloquence, he rebuked the sloth, the avarice, and the lawlessness of the diets which were doing their best to make government in Poland impossible.
AdvertisementHe next thought that his presence in the National Assembly would be of use to his cause; but being rebuked by his ecclesiastical superiors for declaring himself a republican, he resigned his seat ten days after his election.
In 1915, when he gave unofficial indorsement to the proposed formation of the American Legion whose purpose was to establish a body of some 300,000 men ready for immediate service, he was rebuked by the Secretary of War.
His impulsive objection to some of Bishop Carroll's instructions was sharply rebuked, and he was recalled to Baltimore.
It was delivered on St Thomas's day (1609) before the feast of Christ's nativity, and in it he rebuked sharply "lusory lotts" and the "heathenish debauchery" of the students during the twelve days ensuing.
In 1741 he issued the bull Immensa pastorum principis, demanding more humane treatment for the Indians of Brazil and Paraguay, and in the bulls Ex quo singulari (1742) and Omnium sollicitudinum (1744) he rebuked the missionary methods of the Jesuits in accommodating their message to the heathen usages of the Chinese and of the natives of Malabar.
AdvertisementBalaam, after being sternly rebuked, was allowed to proceed, but only on condition that "the word that I shall speak to thee, that thou shalt speak."
This Theodosius was sternly rebuked by Ambrose for the massacre of 7000 persons at Thessalonica in 390, and was bidden imitate David in his repentance as he had imitated him in guilt.
The Assembly accordingly reaffirmed the Act of 1720 in a very lengthy document, and ordered the twelve brethren to be rebuked and admonished.
The pendulum of rampant materialism has now swung too far, correspondingly to be rebuked by new forces of dissent.
The resemblance not having been flattering, the artist was sharply rebuked by his patron.
And in the way only He can, He gently rebuked our lack of faith and began to open what we had closed.
The judges strongly rebuked the Home Secretary for ignoring Britain's obligations under the Geneva Convention.
We were not allowed to ask - were even rebuked by some for asking - " what is God's truth?
I was soon rebuked by him and was sharply reminded that status and rank is alive and well in civvy street, too.
A lengthy term of office seemed to be opening out before him when, on the 31st of January 1891, Crispi, speaking in a debate upon an unimportant bill, angrily rebuked the Right for its noisy interruptions.
His victim retorted with extraordinary powers of invective, and on being rebuked by the bench declined to retract or apologize, but placed his gown upon the table, and with a low bow left the court for ever.
Soon afterwards he again spoke to them, urging them to reverence one another, and rebuked one of the disciples who spoke 2 The text of the account of this last journey is the Mahaparinibbdna Suttanta, vol.
At the beginning of this passage, Jesus rebuked the disciples for turning away potential converts.
The judges strongly rebuked the Home Secretary for ignoring Britain 's obligations under the Geneva Convention.
We were not allowed to ask - were even rebuked by some for asking - what is God 's truth?
The second rebuked the first, saying, Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?
In fact, when Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan himself, he immediately recognized his identity and resisted and rebuked him.
A study will come out that says the pill can make you fat only to be rebuked the next week.
The primate, Christopher Hampton, in a letter which is a model of Christian eloquence, mildly rebuked his eminent suffragan.
The three Jacobinical Directors thereupon intrigued to bring to Paris General Lazarre Hoche and his army destined for the invasion of Ireland for the purpose of coercing their opponents; but these, perceiving the danger, ordered Hoche to Paris, rebuked him for bringing his army nearer to the capital than was allowed by law, and dismissed him in disgrace.