Reasonable Sentence Examples
It was a reasonable concern.
He was a reasonable man and she had never known him to shirk his responsibilities.
Where was the closest town of any reasonable size?
The words were reasonable to her tired mind.
Oddly, it still seemed reasonable even as we coasted through three red lights to get home.
Dean couldn't bring himself to think of any of them seriously, given their lack of reasonable motive.
Nina Ess aims to give women handbags of quality at reasonable prices.
The choice was reasonable.
The desire is reasonable, moral, social, religious; it has the same worth as the loftiest ideals, and worthiest aspirations of the soul of man.
This word, he complains, should denote the heavenly food, the reasonable feast alone, and the Lord never used it of mere junketings.
AdvertisementThe council takes every reasonable precaution to secure its open land.
It seems reasonable to include any quality schemes they use.
But Mr Hofmeyr's mission, like every other mission to Mr Kruger to induce him to take a reasonable and equitable course, proved entirely fruitless.
It seems to me, the jury is still out on this mess but if Shipton is stalking her, legally or not, she deserves reasonable protection until we know for sure.
In uncertain tenancies there must be reasonable notice - i.e.
AdvertisementThese Khatti, there is no reasonable doubt, are identical with Kheta.
There can be no reasonable doubt that as soon as the Athenians began to recover from the paralysing effect of the victory of Lysander and the internal troubles in which they were involved by the government of the Thirty, their thoughts turned to the possibility of recovering their lost empire.
So much seems to be beyond reasonable doubt.
Thus, ' stress ', is, with some limitations, considered to be a reasonable proxy for reliability.
With the help of their architect, most parishes can make reasonable estimates of what costs the next quinquennial is likely to incur.
AdvertisementThis is perfectly reasonable; in principle then we can find primes quickly.
But once admit (as it is only reasonable to do) the extension of Jewish editorial activity to the prophetic books and all becomes clear.
It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that ornament is a stimulus to sexual selection, and this conclusion is enforced by the fact that among many comparatively nude peoples clothing is assumed at certain dances which have as their confessed object the excitation of the passions of the opposite sex.
The oldest and perhaps most reasonable idea represents guncotton as cellulose trinitrate, but this has been much disputed, and various formulae, some based on cellulose as C, 2 H200 10, others on a still more complex molecule, have been proposed.
It is, however, reasonable to suppose that his commanding intellect often makes itself felt in the words of Sydenham.
AdvertisementOn the other hand in the case of uncertain and irregular deposits, the value of which varies between very wide limits, as, for example - in most metal mines and especially mines of gold and silver - a very large number of samples must be taken - sometimes not more than two or three feet apart - in order that the average value of the ore may be known within reasonable limits of error.
There is reason, however, to believe that the uncertainty in regard to many of these names will eventually be resolved into reasonable certainty.
The parlamenti were abolished and a monte di pieta to advance money at reasonable interest was created.
But his artistic instincts are higher than those of the Chinese, and there is reasonable hope that,in time he may excel their best works.
Rotating zinc cathodes were used, with scrapers to prevent the accumulation of a layer of insoluble magnesium compounds, which would otherwise increase the electrical resistance beyond reasonable limits.
When the storm had discharged itself in the Japanese war, reasonable statesmen on both sides, King Edward, Lord Lansdowne, and the Russian Foreign Minister Isvolsky, changed the course both for Great Britain and for Russia, and thus frustrated the plans of the tertius gaudens.
The charge of Socinianism was frequently brought against him, but, as Tillotson thought, "for no other cause but his worthy and successful attempts to make the Christian religion reasonable."
It is not indeed that these methods have not claimed to solve the questions at issue, but that their solutions have failed to satisfy the larger body of reasonable criticism.
Each of these has its legitimate province, and the extent of this province can in most cases be defined with reasonable certainty.
A petition for a divorce may be presented after a residence within the state of one year immediately preceding, and a decree may be granted against the defendant if judged guilty of adultery, desertion for two years without reasonable cause, habitual drunkenness, such inhuman treatment as to endanger the life of the plaintiff, or if convicted of felony after marriage.
There need be no contradiction between idealism and a reasonable pragmatism.
Thus regarded, it becomes reasonable to suppose that North and South America have in a broad way been developed under a succession of somewhat similar strains in the earth's crust, and that they are, in so far, favourable witnesses to the theory that there is something individual in the plan of continental growth.
Beyond reasonable doubt, however, the writer seeks to take out the sting of the preceding passage in which Israel is devoted to utter destruction.
That Apollos visited Italy at any rate once during Paul's imprisonment in Rome is a reasonable inference from Titus iii.
The suggested origin of the name Antwerp from Hand-werpen (hand-throwing), because a mythical robber chief indulged in the practice of cutting off his prisoners' hands and throwing them into the Scheldt, appeared to Motley rather farfetched, but it is less reasonable to trace it, as he inclines to do, from an t werf (on the wharf), seeing that the form Andhunerbo existed in the 6th century on the separation of Austrasia and Neustria.
Portland cement concrete, on the other hand, may be used without fear in sea-water, provided that certain reasonable precautions are taken.
And, when the whole facts are borne in mind, there can be no reasonable doubt that the Mendelian principles offer an intelligible solution of the problem.
Taken as a whole, the finches, concerning which no reasonable doubt can exist, are not only little birds with a hard bill, adapted in most cases for shelling and eating the various seeds that form the chief portion of their diet when adult, but they appear to be mainly forms which predominate in and are highly characteristic of the Palaearctic Region; moreover, though some are found elsewhere on the globe, the existence of but very few in the Notogaean hemisphere can as yet be regarded as certain.
A heaven of quarrelling divinities cannot inspire a reasonable worship. These gods are not even respectable; how can they be adorable ?
But reasonable judgment must find very unjust the stigma of duplicity put upon him by the Federalists.
Four of the nominated members are selected on the ground mainly of their thorough acquaintance with " the reasonable wants and wishes " of the coloured races in South Africa.
It is reasonable also to suppose that there was some ground for it.
His scrupulous conscientiousness and anxiety to meet every reasonable claim availed him nothing with such antagonists, and the strain was intense and continuous.
Kindly and reasonable, his good nature seems sometimes to have verged on indolence, but he at any rate took personal part, and that bravely and successfully, in war.
Two things in this obscure affair are beyond reasonable doubt.
They can often be found for very reasonable prices at stores like Ikea, so it's not a big deal if your teen changes his or her mind about it in a year or two.
President Cleveland waited a reasonable time, as he conceived, for Governor Altgeld of Illinois to put an end to the disorder in that state.
It is much more reasonable to believe that each part of the world has its own special deity; prophets and supernatural messengers had forsooth appeared in more places than one.
A more reasonable theory seems to be that which suggests that, in the East, the stole was originally introduced as that which it was when it first appears in the 22nd canon of Laodicea, viz.
From this time, however, he is more or less in view; and, though at least two events of his life - his quarrel with Diderot and his death - are subjects of dispute, its general history can be checked and followed with reasonable confidence.
It is safer to give it the more reasonable dimensions of Caesar, and to accept the verdict of later commentators that it never extended west of the Scheldt.
Unless new discoveries provide the clue, or some reasonable explanation can otherwise be found, there seems to be no reason why we should not regard the " sayings " as containing material which ought to be taken into account in the critical study of the teaching of Jesus.
Later Canadian opinion, however, came to regard the decision of the commission as a reasonable compromise.
The fidelity of a scribe has to be judged chiefly by internal tests, and these are best applied to his work in passages where there is no reasonable doubt of the correctness of the transmitted text.
The connexion, however, though it may be early, is probably not primitive, and it seems reasonable to conclude that Hephaestus was a general fire-god, though some of his characteristics were due to particular manifestations of the element.
The legislature of Georgia remonstrated but expressed a willingness to cede the land to the United States, and in 1802 the cession was ratified, it being stipulated among other things that the United States should pay to the state $1,250,000, and should extinguish " at their own expense, for the use of Georgia, as soon as the same can be peaceably obtained on reasonable terms," the Indian title to all lands within the state of Georgia.
Moreover, by section 5 of the Money-lenders Act 1900, where any proceedings are taken against the senders of these circulars to infants, if it is proved that the person to whom the document was sent is an infant, the person charged will be deemed to have been cognisant of the fact unless he proves that he had reasonable grounds for believing the infant to be of full age.
It would be a hard, though probably not insurmountable, task to establish " a reasonable proportion," such as provided for in Art.
When they are beyond a certain distance from the seat of war it seems reasonable that the presumption that they are merely carrying on their legitimate business should be considered absolute.
The British government had no desire to place obstacles in the way of a belligerent desiring to take reasonable precautions in order to prevent the enemy from receiving supplies, but they insisted that the right of taking such precautions did not imply a " consequential right to intercept at any distance from the scene of operations and without proof that the supplies in question were really destined for use of the enemy's forces, any articles which that belligerent might determine to regard as contraband of war."
If it is the average distance irrespective of length of path and of number of impacts we should be justified in ascribing the effect to density, but if it is the number of impacts it would be more reasonable to ascribe it to pressure.
Thus, where the judges who try an election petition report that there has been treating, undue influence, or any illegal practice by the candidate or his election agent, but that it was trivial, unimportant and of a limited character, and contrary to the orders and without the sanction or connivance of the candidate or his election agent, and that the candidate and his election agent took all reasonable means for preventing corrupt and illegal practices, and that the election was otherwise free from such practices on their part, the election will not be avoided.
The form he recommends for the needle is that of "a true circle, having his Axis going out beyond the circle, at each end narrow and narrower, unto a reasonable sharpe point, and being pure steele as the circle it selfe is, having in the middest a convenient receptacle to place the capitell in."
That the group originated in Africa there can be no reasonable doubt; and it is remarkable that so early as the Upper Eocene the types in existence differed comparatively little in structure from the modern forms. In fact the hyraxes were then almost as distinct from other mammals as they are at the present day.
Judges may be impeached for misdemeanour in office or they may be removed by the governor, with the consent of two-thirds of each house of the general assembly, for any reasonable cause which shall not be sufficient ground for impeachment.
Henry had good cause to complain of the ecclesiastical courts, and had only awaited a convenient season to correct abuses which were admitted by all reasonable men.
The blocking of Zeebrugge and Ostend offered a good prospect of success and was within a reasonable distance of it.
Rizzio, hitherto his friend and advocate, induced the queen to reply by a reasonable refusal to this hazardous and audacious request.
That is ore from which there is reasonable hope that metal can be extracted with profit, if not to-day, then within a reasonable length of time.
Skins of a pale bluish tone are generally used in their natural state for stoles, boas and muffs, but the less clear coloured skins are dyed in beautiful shades similar in density to the dark and valuable sables from Russia, and are the most effective skins that can be purchased at a reasonable price.
So far as argument from nature is concerned, a total suspension of judgment is our only reasonable resource.
It is a reasonable inference from this statement that the thesmothetae had previously sat together apart from the superior archons and that it was only after Solon that collegiate responsibility began.
With the view of terminating these differences the king in 1827 entered into a concordat with the pope, and an agreement was reached with regard to nominations to bishoprics, clerical education and other questions, which should have satisfied all reasonable men.
There is no positive documentary proof in Mary's own hand that she had knowledge of the intended assassination of Elizabeth, but her circumstances, together with the tenour of her correspondence with Babington, place her complicity beyond all reasonable doubt.
It is therefore reasonable to suppose that the book was composed not later than the first half of the 2nd century B.C.,or (if we give the looser meaning to hair ros) even before the beginning of the century.
A body thrown from the hand would, under the single impulse of projection, move for ever in a straight line; but it would not be reasonable to take special action for the prevention of this result, ignoring the fact that it will be sufficiently counteracted by the other forces which will come into play.
Bernstorff's sympathy with England grew stronger still when in 1779 Spain joined her enemies; and he was much inclined, the same winter, to join a triple alliance between Great Britain, Russia and Denmark-Norway, proposed by England for the purpose of compelling the Bourbon powers to accept reasonable terms of peace.
This condition can generally be satisfied with sufficient approximation with plates of reasonable dimensions.
Up to that time it had been the principle of the government not to borrow money for the execution of irrigation works unless there was a reasonable expectation that within a few years they would give a return of 4 or 5% on the capital outlay.
There is much discrepancy as to the ordinary food of the lammergeyer, some observers maintaining that it lives almost entirely on carrion, offal and even ordure; but there is no question of its frequently taking living prey, and it is reasonable to suppose that this bird, like so many others, is not everywhere uniform in its habits.
The lists vary greatly in different versions, but the above seems the most reasonable selection of readings to be made.
The count hastened publicly to disavow Favras in a speech delivered before the commune of Paris and in a letter to the National Assembly, although there is no reasonable doubt of his complicity in the plot that did exist.
If, as is now generally believed, aurora represents some form of electrical discharge, it is only reasonable to suppose that the auroral lines arise from atmospheric gases.
The assumption may be a reasonable one, and if the results agree with probabilities as deduced from the rest of the evidence it is wise to adopt it; if on the other hand the other evidence seems in any serious degree contrary to those results it may be surmised that the assumption is faulty in some particular.
It was therefore clearly necessary with regard to both the older and the newer law to take some steps to collect into one or more bodies or masses so much of the law as was to be regarded as binding, reducing it within a reasonable compass, and purging away the contradictions or inconsistencies which it contained.
The posters, more especially those of the evening papers, are very often preposterous as well as misleading, and, at such a time, those responsible may fairly be asked to exercise a reasonable restraint and help the nation to a just appreciation of the task it has undertaken and the necessity for unremitting effort to secure the only end that can be accepted."
Thus to take the preface as a distinct word is not reasonable unless there are cogent grounds for uniting the commandments against polytheism and idolatry.
The arbitrator shall use all reasonable efforts to minimize discovery and to complete the arbitration proceedings as expeditiously as possible.
As these ships must often, against a contrary wind, have had to row both day and night, it seems reasonable to imagine the crew divided into three shifts (as they call them in mining districts), which would give double the number of men available to fight on any occasion as to row.'
An obligation to pay money on a certain day is theoretically discharged if the money is paid before midnight of the day on which it falls due, but custom has so far modified this that the law requires reasonable hours to be observed.
It is certain that Socrates's contemporaries regarded him as a sophist; and it was only reasonable that they should so regard him, because in opposition to the physicists of the past and the artists of the present he asserted the claims of higher education.
In these forests every reasonable facility is afforded to the people concerned for the full and easy satisfaction of their needs, which are generally for small timber for building or fuel, fodder and grazing for their cattle, and edible products for themselves; and considerations of forest income are subordinated to those purposes.
First, he sought to acquire the substance, though not the name, of territorial power, by using the authority of the Mogul emperor for so much as he wished, and for no more; and, secondly, he desired to purify the company's service by prohibiting illicit gains, and at the same time guaranteeing a reasonable remuneration from honest sources.
The privilege of the "star" is only accorded after careful inquiry and reasonable proof that the individual has never before been sent to prison.
Side by side with the new processes introduced, the idea of the indeterminate sentence was started and put in practice, by which release was made to depend upon reasonable hope of amendment and sentences were prolonged until it was more or less certain that the treatment had resulted in cure.
The obvious importance, especially to scattered villages or tribes, of systematic joint action in the face of a common danger makes it reasonable to infer that federation in its elementary forms was a widespread device.
This view is borne out by the experience in hospitals and with " contacts," which goes to show that with reasonable care and under fair conditions the risk of infection from ordinary plague patients is very small.
It is a reasonable conjecture that the tales of victories over Grendel and the fiery dragon belong properly to the myth of Beaw.
As the scene which Homer depicts is prae-Dorian Greece; it is reasonable to call his language Achaean.
In their theory of a triple manifestation of an impersonal deity, the Brahmanical theologians, as we have seen, had indeed elaborated a doctrine which might have seemed to form a reasonable, authoritative creed for logy.
But, though the people have thus been divided between two different religious camps, sectarian animosity has upon the whole kept within reasonable limits.
God must perforce be satisfied with whatever common sense thinks it fair and reasonable that He should expect.
Meanwhile, however, strenuous efforts were being made by the Roman Catholics to obtain relief by establishing a reasonable modus vivendi with the government.
It is held that an excess of the latter is undesirable in wine, but unless the quantity appreciably exceeds two grams per litre, na reasonable objection can be raised.
And I do easily see, that place of any reasonable commandment doth bring commandment of more wits than of a man's own.
It is true that a Young Wales party has arisen, which seeks to narrow this movement to the exclusion of English ideas and influences; and it is also true that there is a party which is abnormally suspicious of and hostile to this Welsh Renaissance; but in the main it is correct to say that the bulk of the Welsh nation remains content to assert its views and requirements in a reasonable manner.
In what follows, then, we shall, indeed, venture to present a wholesale appreciation of the religious idea as it is for primitive man in general; but our account will respect the modern anthropological method that bids the student keep closely to the actualities of the religious experience of savages, as it can with reasonable accuracy be gathered from what they do and say.
The whole previous correspondence (as well as a good deal afterwards) is full of the valet difficulty; and it is surely more reasonable to suppose that when Louvois writes to Saint-Mars on the 19th of July that he is sending Dauger, a new prisoner of importance, as to whom "it est de la derniere importance qu'il soit garde avec une grande seurete," his second paragraph as regards the instructions to "Sieur Poupart" refers to something which Saint-Mars had suggested about getting a valet from outside, and simply points out that in preparing furniture for "celui que l'on vous amenera" he need not do much, "comme ce n'est qu'un valet."
This was generally considered to be a reasonable and statesmanlike course.
He fully admitted that the cry which had become so popular since 1881 of " Africa for the Afrikanders " expressed a reasonable aspiration, but he constantly pointed out that its fulfilment could most had from the 16th century onward maintained a Y advantageously be sought, not, as the Kruger party and extremists of the Bond believed, by working for an independent South Africa, but by working for the development of South Africa as a whole on democratic, self-reliant, self-governing lines, under the shelter of the British flag.
The police service, which was violent where it should have been reasonable, and blind where it should have been vigilant, had long been a source of great irritation.
The whole analogy of nature is in favour of such a dispensation; it is therefore reasonable or probable.
When that has been done (it has been achieved by the present writer in the case of the sea fish Cottus with demersal eggs,) it would be possible to deposit the young fish in suitable localities on a large scale, with a reasonable prospect of influencing the local abundance of the s p ecies of fish in question.
In 1862 Pasteur placed it beyond reasonable doubt that the ammoniacal fermentation of urea is due to the action of a minute Schizomycete; in 1864 this was confirmed by van Tieghem, and in 1874 by Cohn, who named the organism Micrococcus ureae.
A neutral government is bound - (i) to use due diligence to prevent the fitting out, arming or equipping within its jurisdiction of any vessel, which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace, and also to use like diligence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessel intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction, to warlike use; (2) not to permit or suffer either belligerent to make use of its ports or waters as the base of naval operations against the other, or for the purpose of the renewal or augmentation of military supplies or arms or the recruitment of men; (3) to exercise due diligence in its own ports and waters, and as to all persons within its jurisdiction to prevent any violation of the foregoing obligation and duties.
The amount recovered as mesne profits need not be limited to the rental value of the land, but may include a sum to cover such items as deterioration or reasonable costs of getting possession, &c.
But, freely as Livy uses this privilege of speechmaking, his correct taste keeps his rhetoric within reasonable limits.
It is reasonable to conjecture that southern Babylonia, the home of the old culture, supplied Babylon and other important cities with priests, who from their descent were correctly called "Chaldaeans."
He may receive such remuneration as the council think reasonable.
The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address.
The county council under these acts has compulsory powers of purchase or hire if they are unable to acquire land by agreement and on reasonable terms. If an objection is made to an order for compulsory purchase or hire, the order will not be confirmed by the Board of Agriculture until after a local inquiry has been held.
If any house is without a sufficient supply, and it appears that a supply can be furnished at a reasonable cost, as defined in the Public Health Act and the Public Health Water Act 1878, the owner may be required to provide the supply, and, if he fails, the council may themselves provide the supply and charge the owner with the cost.
An urban council may also provide public clocks or pay for the reasonable cost of repairing and maintaining any public clocks in the district, though not vested in them.
Under the Allotment Acts district councils were empowered to provide allotments for the labouring population of their district, if they were satisfied that there was a demand for allot- Allot- ments, that these could not be obtained at a reasonable meats.
There can be no reasonable doubt that these events actually occurred, but the scene is laid by one biographer at Tunis instead of Bougie.
Confusion has arisen in regard to this point from attempts to compare organized bodies with crystals, the comparison having been suggested by the view that as crystals present the highest type of inorganic structure, it was reasonable to compare them with organic matter.
Stillingfleet's complaint against Locke was that he was "one of the gentlemen of this new way of reasoning that have almost discarded substance out of the reasonable part of the world."
The design of the work was to show, by an appeal mainly to the tribunal of Scripture, that there are no facts or doctrines of the "Gospel," or the "Scriptures," or "Christian revelation," which, when revealed, are not perfectly plain, intelligible and reasonable, being neither contrary to reason nor incomprehensible to it.
The excuse, as a rule, may hold good, that the postal charge is only a reasonable one for service rendered, so that the net income of the post office really resembles the profit of a business, but the element of taxation appears undoubtedly to enter.
This comparison, though far-fetched, is certainly more reasonable than the common name "coral-insects" applied to the polyps which form coral.
He had several interviews with the Italian patriot, and persuaded him of the impracticable nature of his plan, thereby obtaining for the government leisure to devise a more reasonable scheme.
The effect of them, it was believed, might conceivably be to encourage President Kruger in persisting in his rejection of the British terms. Mr Schreiner, it is true, used directly what influence he possessed to induce President Kruger to adopt a reasonable course.
On the 11th of June 1899, shortly after the Bloemfontein conference, from which Sir Alfred Milner had just returned, Mr Schreiner asked the high commissioner to inform Mr Chamberlain that he and his colleagues agreed in regarding President Kruger's Bloemfontein proposals as " practical, reasonable and a considerable step in the right direction."
Early in June, however, the Cape Dutch politicians began to realize that President Kruger's attitude was not so reasonable as they had endeavoured to persuade themselves, and Mr Hofmeyr, accompanied by Mr Herholdt, the Cape minister of agriculture, visited Pretoria.
The offer was not accepted, and Mr. Law, though he joined the Buckingham Palace Conference in a last hope of aiming at a reasonable settlement, was anticipating the immediate outbreak of civil war in Ireland when the World War supervened.
He enclosed a form of the proclamation, and expressed a hearty " wish that the university would so compose themselves as to perform the solemnity with a reasonable decorum."
A creditor fasting after a reasonable offer of settlement had been made to him forfeited his claim.
But no sooner had he been promoted to the archbishopric than he put away his former manners, became the most formal and austere of men, and set himself to be the champion of the church party in all its claims, reasonable or unreasonable, against the state.
General rules of indisputable equity are fixed for the conduct of the courtsno man is to be tried or punished, more than once for the same offence; no one is to be arrested and kept in prison without trial; all arrested persons are to,be sent before the courts within a reasonable time, and to be tried by a jury of their peers.
But many of the barons stood neutral, not seeing how they could refuse to accept the arbitration they had courted, while a number not inconsiderable joined the king, deciding that Leicester had passed the limits of reasonable loyalty, and that their first duty was to the crown.
On the one hand, however, he alienated even reasonable opponents by offering no guarantees that equality so gained would not be converted into superiority by the aid of his own military force and of the assistance of the French king; whilst on the other hand he relied, even more strongly than his father had done, on the technical legality which exalted the prerogative in defiance of the spirit of the law.
In Walpoles judgment the bill was objectionable because it afforded no reasonable basis for a stable settlement.
She is always spoken of by his friends as a mild, reasonable and obliging person, whose amiability and gentle sense did much to soothe the too nervous and excitable temperament of her husband.
The pamphlet was disliked by Chatham on the one hand, on no reasonable grounds that we can discover; it was denounced by the extreme popular party of the Bill of Rights, on the other hand, for its moderation and conservatism.
With regard to the lower teeth the difficulties are greater, owing to the absence of any suture corresponding to that which defines the incisors above; but since the number of the teeth is the same, since the corresponding teeth are preceded by milk-teeth, and since in the large majority of cases it is the fourth tooth of the series which is modified in the same way as the canine (or fourth tooth) of the upper jaw, it is reasonable to adopt the same divisions as with the upper series, and to call the first three, which are implanted in the part of the mandible opposite to the premaxilla, the incisors, the next the canine, the next four the premolars, and the last three the molars.
One marked characteristic of De Morgan was his intense and yet reasonable love of books.
At all events, traces of a cult of Marduk at Eridu are to be noted in the religious literature, and the most reasonable explanation for the existence of a god Marduk in Eridu is to assume that Babylon in this way paid its homage to the old settlement at the head of the Persian Gulf.
Modern Christians are tempted to charge the seeming extravagance of St Paul's thought upon his Jewish inheritance, while modern Jews are tempted to stigmatize them as grotesque exaggerations of reasonable rabbinical doctrines.
All Isaac D'Israeli's children were born into the Jewish communion, in which, however, they were not to grow up. It is a reasonable inference from Isaac's character that he was never at ease in the ritual of Judaism.
And if Disraeli, possessed by these views, became aggressively insubordinate some time before Peel's proclaimed conversion to Free Trade, we can account for it on reasonable and even creditable grounds.
The toll-house of Lamberton displayed the following intimation - "Ginger-beer sold here and marriages performed on the most reasonable terms."
The desire to see for himself what is true in the light of reasonable evidence, and that others should do the same, was his ruling passion, if the term can be applied to one so calm and judicial.
This predisposed him to regard physical miracles as the solid criterion for distinguishing reasonable religious conviction from " inclinations, fancies and strong assurances."
All our " interpretations of nature " are inadequate; only reasonable probabilities, not final rational certainties.
Among the prejudices from which the wise man was free he included all regard to customary morality beyond what was due to the actual penalties attached to its violation; though he held, with Socrates, that these penalties actually render conformity reasonable.
Similarly, though like other men he will be subject to bodily pain, this will not cause him mental grief or disquiet, as his worst agonies will not disturb his clear conviction that it is really indifferent to his true reasonable self.
The exercise of wisdom was now viewed as the pure life of that particle of divine substance which was in very truth the " god within him "; the reason whose supremacy he maintained was the reason of Zeus, and of all gods and reasonable men, no less than his own; its realization in any one individual was thus the common good of all rational beings as such; " the sage could not stretch out a finger rightly without thereby benefiting all other sages," - nay, it might even be said that he was " as useful to Zeus as Zeus to him."
Since, then, all the voluntary actions of men tend to their own preservation or pleasure, it cannot be reasonable to aim at anything else; in fact, nature rather than reason fixes this as the end of human action; it is reason's function to show the means.
Hence if we ask why it is reasonable for any individual to observe the rules of social behaviour that are commonly called moral, the answer is obvious that this is only indirectly reasonable, as a means to his own preservation or pleasure.
For example, it is not reasonable for me to perform my share of a contract, unless I have reason for believing that the other party will perform his; and this I cannot have, except in a society in which he will be punished for non-performance.
The principle of equity - that " whatever I judge reasonable or unreasonable for another to do for me, that by the same I declare reasonable or unreasonable that I in the like case should do for him," is merely a formal statement of the golden rule of the gospel.
We may observe that, in stating the principle of benevolence, " since the greater good is always most fit and reasonable to be done, every rational creature ought to do all the good it can to its.
On this view morality, though dependent for its actuality on the social compact which establishes government, is actually binding on man as a reasonable being.
But the quasi-theistic assumption that what is natural must be reasonable remained in the minds of Hobbes's most docile readers, and in combination with his thesis that egoism is natural, tended to produce results which were dangerous to social well-being.
Butler does not deny this, so far as mere claim to authority is concerned; 1 but he maintains that, the dictates of conscience being clear and certain, while the calculations of self-interest lead to merely probable conclusions, it can never be practically reasonable to disobey the former, even apart from any proof which religion may furnish of the absolute coincidence of the two in a future life.
He holds that it is through our moral consciousness that we know that we are free; in the cognition that I ought to do what is right because it is right and not because I like it, it is implied that this purely rational volition is possible; that my action can be determined, not " mechanically," through the necessary operation of the natural stimuli of pleasurable and painful feelings, but in accordance with the laws of my true, reasonable self.
Though duty, in his view, excludes regard for private happiness, the summum bonum is not duty alone, but happiness combined with moral worth; the demand for happiness as the reward of duty is so essentially reasonable that we must postulate a universal connexion between the two as the order of the universe; indeed, the practical necessity of this postulate is the only adequate rational ground that we have for believing in the existence of God.
The Irish Education Act of 1892 provided that the parents of children of not less than 6 nor more than 14 years of age should cause them to attend school in the absence of reasonable excuse on at least 150 days in the year in municipal boroughs and in towns or townships under commissioners; and provisions were made for the partial or total abolition of fees in specified circumstances, for a parliamentary school grant in lieu of abolished school fees, and for the augmentation of the salaries of the national teachers.
The constitution also provides for the establishment of a new county, " whenever one-third of the qualified electors within the area of each section of an old county proposed to be cut off to form a new county shall petition the governor .for the creation of a new county," whereupon the governor " shall order an election within a reasonable time thereafter," and if two-thirds of the voters vote " yes," the General Assembly at the next session shall establish the new county, provided that no section of a county shall be cut off without the consent of two-thirds of those voting in such section; that no new county " shall contain less than one one hundred and twenty-fourth part of the whole number of inhabitants of the state, nor shall it have less assessed taxable property than one and one-half millions of dollars, nor shall it contain an area of less than four hundred square miles "; and that " no old county shall be reduced to less area than five hundred square miles, to less assessed taxable property than two million dollars, nor to a smaller population than fifteen thousand inhabitants."
Man has a rational soul, one face of which is turned towards the body, and, by the help of the higher aspect, acts as practical understanding; the other face lies open to the reception and acquisition of the intelligible forms, and its aim is to become a reasonable world, reproducing the forms of the universe and their intelligible order.
The refusal of the Austrians to accept these reasonable terms justified Zamoyski's suspicion that the league would use Poland as a cat's-paw, and the negotiations came to nothing.
The right of the state to fix " reasonable " rates remained unquestioned, but American experience has not found such laws efficacious.
There are, however, several forms which it is reasonable to include in the Araucarieae; that this family was to the fore in the vegetation of the Jurassic period is unquestionable.
The causes for divorce are impotency, bigamy, adultery, desertion for two years, conviction of an infamous crime, the attempt of one of the parties to take the life of the other, the husband's cruel and inhuman treatment of his wife, refusal of the wife to remove with her husband into the state without a reasonable cause, pregnancy of the wife at the time of the marriage by another person without the knowledge of the husband, and habitual drunkenness, provided the habit has been contracted subsequent to the marriage.
In connexion with national resources he advocated development without waste as being reasonable conservation.
Otherwise he would have waited until a reasonable hour to visit.
The pay isn't that great, but its clean work with reasonable hours.
We wanted a firm economy and reasonable real estate costs and a good school system.
Dean in turn suspected the Dawkins, one or more or all, although he was hard pressed to find a plausible reason for them to do so, or a reasonable scenario of how they might have pulled off the switch.
He could babysit Baratto until a reasonable hour and then either call Anderson and turn him over to Andy Sackler, who was now in charge of the Wassermann case.
At the earliest reasonable time he called Lieutenant Anderson, who grumbled his reluctant agreement to let Vinnie stay at the motel until they could question him further and find out if he actually possessed any useful information.
The food was passable, the price reasonable and the volume excessive, but none of these things were worth the constant hassle of fighting the warm weather throngs that habitually crowded the entrance, impatiently awaiting their chance to dine in "The shore's largest dispenser of the banquet of the sea."
It will not be impeded by any circumstance or cause beyond our reasonable control.
The landlord can now only use the deposit to cover reasonable costs, reasonably incurred.
Consequently, if we know what constitutes good architecture, it seems reasonable to expect all modern architectures to be near optimum.
A tribunal could strike out an application where it believed there was no reasonable prospect of success.
Only a small admixture of sharing agents was required to create a reasonable quality factor for the entire population.
In third place, the Exeter Colleges Guild produced some reasonable ringing although the leading was a little adrift; they made 18 faults.
LondonJobs will use its reasonable endeavors to publish the advertisement or provide the Services on the agreed date.
It so far exceeded the reasonable ambit of his discretion on quantum as to be plainly wrong.
His careful and well-reasoned decision was well within the " generous ambit " within which reasonable men might differ.
However, a fair and reasonable apportionment must be applied if there is a mixed standard and zero-rated supply.
The issue is whether the violence used in self-defense was proportional to the harm inflicted and to the reasonable apprehension of future harm.
We will work to protect the assets of people who have tried to make reasonable provision for themselves.
Our examination of a sample of surrendered items provides reasonable assurance that the great majority of claims submitted for handguns were eligible for compensation.
Both management's assertion and the auditor's attestation are based upon reasonable assurance.
Client agrees to be responsible for Translator's costs in collecting late payments due from Client, including reasonable attorneys ' fees.
Having a reasonable time slot gives the parents an excuse to sit down and have calming down time before their child's bedtime!
The rock lies close to the others which are more clearly limestone breccias and it acts as a reasonable marker horizon.
Reasonable approach, with only a slight bump on the wing wall.
She is very good at shouting mommy and Daddy, a reasonable bye bye and ook.
If the official receiver volunteers to keep chattels, he is under a duty to take reasonable care to keep the chattels safe.
I blame this film for my eating much more cheesecake than reasonable, out of boredom.
Here is a good quality claret that would enhance a serious dinner table at a reasonable price.
Offers a reasonable range of drinks and snacks, tho it's certainly not a typical Viennese coffeehouse!
The School or Service may be asked to meet the reasonable and proportionate incidental expenses necessarily incurred by a successful complainant.
I doubt if the evidence will prove conclusive in all respects, but perhaps beyond reasonable doubt?
Justification There is no unlawful conduct where less favorable treatment or a failure to take reasonable steps is justified.
You must attend all courses on a punctual basis unless prevented by events beyond your reasonable control.
When children have a reasonable grasp of phoneme-grapheme correspondences and can blend they are introduced to decodable books.
We also personalize candles for your wedding for a very reasonable cost.
We report several failed attempts to induce the strategy to recommend more reasonable counteroffers.
To suggest that X is anything other than a man would tax most reasonable peoples ' credulity, of course.
As IT said before, a reasonable distance cutoff seems feasible.
It is proper mug size, not dainty like so much bone china pieces, and at a very reasonable price.
This means that a creator deity must be a reasonable hypothesis.
However, the Supplier will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you through reasonable or unavoidable delay in delivery.
You should reasonable expect to be given an itemized price list of the components of the funeral, which should include disbursements.
The first question is whether a defendant's behavior would be regarded as dishonest by the ordinary standards of reasonable and honest people.
Using staff flexibility (within reasonable limits) should maximize opportunities to avoid redundancy dismissals.
The prosecution must prove each accused's intention beyond reasonable doubt.
It is expected that students and staff will make reasonable efforts to resolve matters at the outset.
We reserve the right to disqualify any entrant if we have reasonable grounds to believe the entrant has breached any of these Competition Terms.
There is a need to obtain reasonable estimates of accident risk for individual groups.
Any decision to accept reasonable excuse will be based on all the circumstances of your individual case.
The material is reasonable, albeit limited, but not exemplary.
This is information in which an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
In reality, Amnesty has found that people were detained even tho the prospect of their forcible expulsion within a reasonable time was slim.
There was not one reasonable balanced statement in the whole farrago.
You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbor.
The licensing authority must form a view as to whether a reasonable person would consider the observations frivolous or vexatious.
This is a reasonable assumption, because the client is trying to query the screen's color gamut.
We stayed in a variety of accommodation, from the very grotty to quite reasonable.
I come out to collect any sick, injured or orphaned hedgehog anywhere within a reasonable distance from us.
Never before has such a high spec carp holdall been produced of this quality, at such a reasonable price.
Any repair or replacement would have to be carried out within a reasonable time and without causing you undue inconvenience.
The Clerk to make all indentures for all persons bound and to take Reasonable Fees.
You only have to have reasonable suspicion and not irrefutable evidence to support your concerns.
Also let k = 1 %, a reasonable figure for a good quality loudspeaker.
If stability remains in doubt, a trial of nonoperative bracing with careful follow-up to identify any progressive kyphosis is a reasonable option.
The vessel is provided with a sturdy dive ladder which allows reasonable access from the water back onto her deck.
Current status Wilson`s pouchwort is a leafy liverwort found in wooded ravines where there is both constant high humidity and reasonable light levels.
What was more, a reasonable manageress ought to have taken steps directly with the harasser to make it clear that he must desist.
Philip Wolstencroft at Artemis European Growth applies its ' Growth At a Reasonable Price ' model to mainly medium-sized companies.
Both days I slept past midday, despite going to bed at reasonable times the previous night.
The goods may be delivered by the Company in advance of the quoted delivery date on giving reasonable notice to the customer.
If a reasonable range is observed, this is a good indication that laser energy is penetrating the obscurant.
The defendants cannot rely on their own obstinacy to assert that mediation had no reasonable prospect of success.
Bulldog provide another example of a communication company unable to match its go-faster broadband offering with reasonable support.
We do take all normal reasonable precautions to protect user-information off-line.
What reasonable, sensible person would object either to a fair rent or to peaceful pickets?
According to my route planer it's 117 km or 73 miles, it would seem reasonable to round to 120 and 70.
Prices range from £ 5.15 to £ 7.60, which seems pretty reasonable for a whole plateful of delicious pizza.
So fair play, he's self recorded and written a pretty reasonable middle of the road album.
A short cast will put you into a reasonable depth of water where float fishing will produce mackerel, garfish and small pollack.
Understood on your last comment - sounds reasonable to me.
Thus, the user should use left recursion wherever reasonable.
One of the gendarmes even remonstrated with me to be more reasonable.
No objection will be made to any reasonable request.
This large residuum of reasonable disagreement leads on to the second response to the limit-setting problem.
There she would comb the market for a red sari with gold thread at a reasonable price.
It clearly is not scientific or reasonable to believe in the existence of God.
Joining up those journeys gives customers more seamless, co-ordinated journeys at a more reasonable price.
And in this book this seems entirely self-consistent and reasonable.
The country is largely arable with a reasonable portion of permanent and rotational set-aside and a little grass.
It is unlawful to carry a loaded shotgun in a public place without reasonable excuse.
Even if he makes an obvious clerical slip-up he is entitled to correct his mistake if he does so within a reasonable time.
In Scotland, it is also an offense to sell a self-locking snare, or to possess one without reasonable excuse.
Whilst this season has given reasonable snowfalls, preceding winters resulted in loss of revenue for the skiing companies.
Once 50 meters from these three sites you will enjoy reasonable solitude.
Creationists now seem to be perfectly reasonable people to run our schools, which I find staggering.
A reasonable amount of fish life including a large stingray on the sand.
That the Classis Britannica fort was largely or entirely superseded by the " Saxon Shore " fort is now beyond all reasonable doubt.
There is therefore a need to understand the range of each variable for which linearity might be a reasonable supposition.
But we may reasonable surmise that his subsequent promotions were as much owing to high birth as to great abilities.
He is a good mate, rather touchy on some points of etiquette, but very reasonable when he has cooled down.
It is a reasonable trade-off, agrees the Green Party's Dr. Richard Lawson.
We were in truth becoming very bored which seemed most ungenerous as Mamallapuram was a reasonable place to be.
A good selection of second-hand uniform is also available at very reasonable prices.
The new vip room is finally a proper VIP room is finally a proper VIP room serving some of the best cocktails at reasonable price.
With a three year original unlimited mileage warranty and reasonable prices the Cuore really is one of the best city cars you can buy.
Organic cotton and hemp diapers and organic wool waterproof covers are available at a reasonable cost.
Even if your drive is somewhat wayward, there's a reasonable chance that a benign breeze will blow it back on line.
The environmentally friendly technology was created to " provide wholesome, safe drinking water at a reasonable cost " .
No reasonable person is objecting to the FBI's right to conduct a wiretap.
Gross margins were up, reflecting reasonable dial-up modem margins and reduced inventory write-downs.
One by one they refuse to render any reasonable account of themselves; each seems a mere chance, and the whole tends to elude us like a mirage which some malignant power creates for our illusion.
When in addition to all this it is found that physically the Dravidians resemble the Australians; that the boomerang is known among the wild tribes of the Deccan alone (with the doubtful exception of ancient Egypt) of all parts of the world except Australia, and that the Australian canoes are like those of the Dravidian coast tribes, it seems reasonable enough to assume that the Australian natives are Dravidians, exiled in remote times from Hindustan, though when their migration took place and how they traversed the Indian Ocean must remain questions to which, by their very nature, there can be no satisfactory answer.
In order to provide a similar protection for the artisans employed in the protected industries, an excise duty was imposed on the home-produced articles, which was to be remitted in favour of manufacturers who could show that they paid " fair and reasonable " wages, and complied with certain other conditions for the benefit of their workmen.
The English cable companies urged that state interference with private enterprise was neither justifiable nor necessary, as the rates could be reduced and an alternative cable route to Australia arranged on reasonable terms without it, and that the Cape route would be the best alternative route.
The commissioner reported that the service was adequate but not efficient; that the rates were reasonable but that the corporation was responsible for unreasonably withholding facilities, thus rendering the service inefficient; that it was inexpedient to grant the corporation a licence because the funds of a city ought not to be applied for the benefit of a limited class of citizens; that delay and waste would result from two systems in one area and would increase the difficulties of the government in 1911; and that the corporation had not proved it could work the licence without placing a burden on the rates.
Gunther [19] to belong to the same family (Cladonemidae) as Cladonema and Clavatella, and it is reasonable to suppose that the non-parasitic ancestor of Mnestra was, like the other two genera, an ambulatory medusa which acquired louse-like habits.
He who thus obeys it will attain tranquillity of mind; nothing can irritate him, for everything is according to nature, and death itself "is such as generation is, a mystery of nature, a composition out of the same elements, and a decomposition into the same, and altogether not a thing of which any man should be ashamed, for it is not contrary to the nature of a reasonable animal, and not contrary to the reason of our constitution."
If revelation is thought of as God's personal word, and redemption as his personal deed, is it reasonable to view them either as open to a sort of scientific prediction or as capricious and unintelligible?
In such cases the company concerned may, after inquiry, be called upon to submit such a schedule of the hours during which the man or men are employed as will bring those hours within limits which appear to the department reasonable.
In the United Kingdom the Regulation of Railways Act 1889 empowered the Board of Trade to require all passenger trains, within a reasonable period, to be fitted with automatic continuous brakes, and now all the passenger stock, with a few trifling exceptions, is provided with either compressed-air or vacuum brakes (see Brake), and sometimes with both.
The process finds its normal development in later and non-biblical literature; but one can recognize earlier, cruder and less distinctive stages, and, as surely as writings reflect the mentality of an author or of his age, the peculiar characteristics of the extant sources, viewed in the light of a comprehensive survey of Palestinian and surrounding culture, demand a reasonable explanation.
All that he had done for her in the days of the Consulate was remembered; his subsequent proceedings - his tyranny, his shocking waste of human life, his deliberate persistence in war when France and Europe called for a reasonable and lasting peace - all this was forgotten; and the great warrior, who died of cancer on the 5th of May 1821, was thereafter enshrouded in mists of legend through which his form loomed as that of a Prometheus condemned to a lingering agony for his devotion to the cause of humanity.
Further, it may be concluded with reasonable certainty that the passages that affirm a moral government of the world are additions by pious editors who wished to bring the book into harmony with the orthodox thought of the time.
It is rather in their emphasis on this thought of Divine communion, in their insistence on its reasonable consequences (as it seems to them), that Friends constitute a separate community.
The British government did its best to help the Porte to evolve a compromise on the questions immediately at issue, and in March 1852 a firman was issued, which to Protestants and Mahommedans might well seem to have embodied a reasonable settlement.
When it is admitted - as seems to be reasonable - that the primitive Arachnida would, like the primitive Crustacea, be anomomeristic and anomotagmic, we shall not demand of claimants for the rank of primitive Arachnids agreement with Limulus and Scorpio in respect of the exact number of their somites and the exact grouping of those somites; and when we see how diverse are the modifications of the branches of the appendages both in Arachnida and in other classes of Arthropoda, we shall not over-estimate a difference in the form of this or that appendage exhibited by the claimant as compared with the higher Arachnids.
In the more considerable of the elegiac fragments which have survived, he ridicules the doctrine of the migration of souls (xviii.), asserts the claims of wisdom against the prevalent athleticism, which seemed to him to conduce neither to the good government of states nor to their material prosperity (xix), reprobates the introduction of Lydian luxury into Colophon (xx.), and recommends the reasonable enjoyment of social pleasures (xxi.).
Nicephorus refused to admit the validity of Otto's title, and the bishop was roughly repulsed; but the succeeding emperor, John Zimisces, was more reasonable, and Theophano, daughter of the emperor Romanus II., was married to the younger Otto in 972.
The lower estates murmured at the imposition of fresh burdens; and Charles had need of all his adroitness to persuade them that his demands were reasonable and necessary.
This catena of time-references is of course unique in the Gospels as a basis for a chronology of the ministry; and it is not reasonable to doubt (with Loisy, loc. cit., who suggests that the aim was to produce an artificial correspondence of a three and a half years' ministry with the half-week of Daniel; but many and diverse as are the early interpretations of Daniel's seventy weeks, no one before Eusebius thought of connecting the half-week with the ministry), that the evangelist intended these notices as definite historical data, possibly for the correction of the looser synoptic narratives and of the erroneous impressions to which they had given rise.
There is now no reasonable doubt that he and other Jesuits were legally accessories, and that the condemnation of Garnet as a traitor was substantially just (see Garnet, Henry).
It is a reasonable conjecture that this extraordinary relic of barbarism was characteristic of the earlier stratum of the population who presumably called themselves Arici.
Supposing that the Porte would yield to diplomatic pressure and menace so far as to make some reasonable concessions, he delivered his famous Moscow speech, in which he declared that if Europe would not secure a better position for the oppressed Sla y s he would act alone.
The two governments furthermore agree to reduce their respective fleets, according to an arrangement establishing a reasonable proportion between the two fleets.
One of his sons-in-law, Heron, having a suit in the chancellor's court, and refusing to agree to any reasonable accommodation, because the judge " was the most affectionate father to his children that ever was in the world," More thereupon made a decree against him.
This knowledge is acquired by experience; and since it is not, at all events as a rule, taught by the first taste to any individual bird, it is reasonable to infer that a considerable amount of injury, sufficient to disable if not to kill, is annually inflicted upon insects belonging to species protected by distastefulness or kindred qualities.
Hence, although a priori it would be reasonable to conjecture that objects with Etruscan characteristics came from Etruria, the evidence, positive and negative, points decisively to an Etruscan factory in or near Praeneste itself" (Conway, ibid.).
There was at that time on the part of the rulers of the church no wish for such comprehension, and their object in the negotiations that took place was to excuse the breach of faith which their rejection of all reasonable methods of concession involved.
Unfortunately the methods pursued were as little reasonable as those adopted by the medieval Jewish Rabbis; instead of the context being studied as a whole, with a view to the recovery of its literal sense, each single verse was considered separately, and explained as an allusion to some obscure myth or as embodying some mystical meaning.
The history of the events that led up to the battle of Navarino and the liberation of Greece is told elsewhere (see NAVARINO and GREEK INDEPENDENCE, WAR OF); the withdrawal of the Egyptians from the Morea was ultimately due to the action of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, who early in August 1828 appeared before Alexandria and induced the pasha, by no means sorry to have a reasonable excuse, by a threat of bombardment, to sign a convention undertaking to recall Ibrahim and his army.
Nevertheless, at this the eleventh hour of ter opportunities, Sweden might still have saved something from the wreck of her empire if Charles had behaved like a reasonable being (see CHARLES Peter The Great; Gortz, Georg Heinricii Von; Osterman, Andrei); but he would only consent to play off Russia against England, and his sudden death before Fredrikshald (Dec. i 1, 1718) left Sweden practically at the end of her resources and at the mercy of her enemies.
Refused at first a hearing, his perseverance was at length rewarded by the emperor's assent to his reasonable request that his accusers should be brought face to face with him in the imperial presence.
If such a machine could be constructed with reasonable mechanical efficiency to compress the air to a temperature but slightly above that of the cooling water, and to expand the air to a temperature but slightly below that required to be maintained in the room, we should of course get a result approximating in efficiency somewhat nearly to the figures given in Table I.
If the answers to those questions are affirmative, then making assumptions about increasing rates of technological progress is very reasonable.
I hope you will find him sympathetic and ready to co- operate in promoting all that is reasonable.
She only felt herself again completely borne away into this strange senseless world--so remote from her old world--a world in which it was impossible to know what was good or bad, reasonable or senseless.
That impulse was reasonable.
Purposive interpretation of a contract is a useful tool where the purpose can be identified with reasonable certainty.
Reasonable force may be used in pursuance of the warrant.
Can it be shown to be reasonable or rational to believe in God?
The College will use all reasonable endeavors to deliver courses in accordance with the descriptions set out in the prospectus.
It is an offense, without reasonable excuse, not to comply with the terms of the Restoration Order.
All reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of infectious or contagious diseases.
The employe must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting.
Conclusion The ambition of the project must be to demonstrate, beyond reasonable doubt, the location of the battle.
It seems reasonable to assume that the agent of BSE will not replicate in cell cultures either.
I do not believe it is reasonable to conclude that there is significant risk from eating beef.
It is not reasonable to expect one or two people to be representative of all people who use similar services.
It is reasonable to ask whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Officers have the discretion to decide what is reasonable in the circumstances.
This duty is dependant on what it is reasonable for the employer to do in the circumstances.
The invited speakers will be reimbursed directly for reasonable costs of travel and accommodation.
In such circumstances the university will take all reasonable steps to minimize the resultant disruption to students ' studies.
The bag is roomy enough to allow reasonable freedom of movement without being so spacious that cold spots are a problem.
Overall, the assumption is reasonable for providing rough-and-ready estimates when comparing options at a system level.
The in-game sounds are reasonable tho, being a variety of bike noises, revving, screeching of tires and so on.
The profession can no longer with impunity shrug aside reasonable requests to mediate.
That seems a reasonable basis for skepticism about such claims.
This time I had snapper with the red wine fish sauce and new potatoes - a very reasonable £ 13.50 including coffee.
In practice, a reasonable lower limit for spectacle correction is + 1.50 dioptres (+ 3.00 ret. @ 2/3 meter).
The subjunctive mode is used extensively, but its use is defined by reasonable rules.
On 27 August 2003, the costs judge held that the success fee was reasonable.
We must remember Britainâs supine response to President Amin of Uganda, on their knees asking him to be reasonable.
Any views - however reasonable these may in themselves be - taken up by the BNP will be tainted by association.
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) is a taut courtroom drama with an unforgettable twist in the tail.
At present it seems reasonable to recommend that tetravalent meningococcal vaccine be given to all persons with LCCD.
If only some manufacturer would offer schools some kind of tracking devices at a reasonable cost to stop these thoughtless thugs !
It is a reasonable trade-off, agrees the Green Party 's Dr. Richard Lawson.
To say it was undulating with one reasonable hill would sum it up for me.
If there is reasonable cause to consider that the decision to suspend or exclude was unreasonable in all circumstances.
The new vip room is finally a proper VIP room serving some of the best cocktails at reasonable price.
In tests, we have found the virtual machine runs at a reasonable speed.
Even if your drive is somewhat wayward, there 's a reasonable chance that a benign breeze will blow it back on line.
The environmentally friendly technology was created to " provide wholesome, safe drinking water at a reasonable cost ".
No reasonable person is objecting to the FBI 's right to conduct a wiretap.
For the best solution, organic cotton and hemp diapers and organic wool waterproof overpants are available at a reasonable cost.
Worst-case assumptions are a reasonable component of screening calculations, to ensure that the stack height will not be under-estimated.
If the product is good enough to have a reasonable chance of success, you're ready to go.
For parents who have maintained reasonable expectations of the infant stage and are ready to adapt, a newborn baby will be a consummate blessing.
Therefore it is reasonable to expect to deliver your twins early so take the time to begin planning for that now.
While you may not be able to find the crib at just any local department store, you can often find all of the extra accessories at reasonable prices.
You can find inflatable trees, straw hats, and small stuffed animals at very reasonable prices.
If no other reasonable cause of death is found during an infant's autopsy than the death is defined as SIDS.
Know the difference between reasonable safety precautions and hyper-vigilant parenting, which can stunt children's sense of selves, even from a young age.
Taking reasonable precautions is part of being a caring parent.
Hugging and kissing to soothe his fears and bruises is a reasonable reaction, but lining your whole house in pillows is not.
Hobby stores often sell large letter stencils for the wall, and for those who aren't inclined to be crafty, vinyl lettering can be custom made for a reasonable price.
Many grocery store bakeries offer custom cakes at reasonable prices, and they can also bake and frost a simple sheet cake for decoration.
The flat surface of a frosted sheet cake simply begs for decoration, and it's easy to achieve a finished look at a reasonable price.
At the Beatrix Potter Shop (located in the UK but fulfilling Web orders online with reasonable international shipping costs), you can find adorable Beatrix Potter curtains.
And the prices are more than reasonable.
Almost any toy that is over 10 years old and still in reasonable condition will qualify as an 'antique toy'.
You will expected to leave the premises in the same condition as when you took occupancy minus reasonable wear-and-tear.
Typically, each dental insurance company has a Usual, Customary, and Reasonable (UCR) fee guide.
The GTS version is a bit more reasonable in price at about $300, but you will have a bit less of memory (640 MB) and a little less speed than their counterpart.
What you want is a vehicle in good condition at a reasonable price.
You should test this before making your purchase, sitting on a desk, for example, or shaking it, are perfectly reasonable tests.
Every auction is different, so get a reasonable number of auction prices to use as a range and see where the asking price you are dealing with falls.
Are you really going to use the entire bag of onions in a reasonable amount of time?
If you think that you can't get DVDs at a reasonable price at major retailers, you're wrong.
If you have many people going in and out due to vastly varying schedules ensuring everyone can program it will help keep your cost reasonable.
With a little diligence and research, there's no reason you can't find a reliable refurbished Apple laptop to last you a reasonable amount of time.
Give reasonable time for your order to be processed.
Chances are if they don't they can recommend someone local or within a reasonable driving distance that does offer wholesale pricing.
In addition, the prices will be more reasonable so you get more monitor for your money.
If you live in a large city, you probably have an Apple Store within an reasonable distance.
There is also a special section called "GeekLine" where you can make an offer on electronics and computer parts and the "first reasonable offer" receives the item.
Minimum monthly investments vary with companies, but most are very reasonable.
Don't expect the same price for the substitute, but you might be able to get a better brand or a product with more features for a reasonable discount.
Located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina, the Burlington Outlet Village is within reasonable driving distance from the state's major cities like Greensboro, Raleigh, Durham and Winston-Salem.
Sometimes all natural markets will have specials that can help keep the cost reasonable when cooking for your cat.
It's a reasonable bet that far more hands went up for the first question than the second.
Kitty condos, towers, gyms and scratching posts can also provide your cat with a reasonable amount of entertainment.
Cats don't drink a lot of water, so purchasing bottled water may be a reasonable option if you feel you need it.
Identifying reasonable financial goals such as home ownership, children's educational needs, health expenses, debt repayment, or job advancement.
Perhaps most importantly, reasonable planning provides peace of mind because there are no longer mysteries concerning budgets, expenses, and income.
Offer a reasonable amount for the debt and pay promptly after the agreement is made.
The creditor can then request that a lien be placed against your paycheck and they can collect a reasonable amount from each paycheck until the debt is paid.
Such reps are experienced with processing volumes and will be able to help you make a reasonable estimation.
The cost for utilizing a monitoring service is reasonable, considering all of the headaches it can prevent.
These are tough times and they would much rather cut customers a little slack with lower fees and reasonable payments plan than push people into bankruptcy and end up with the grand goose egg.
The best place to buy your prepaid cards from is the one that offers exactly what you are looking for at the most reasonable price.
Anywhere between a five and ten percent interest rate is reasonable for most businesses.
If the settlement is too high, or you cannot make the payment as requested, contact the lender and make a request that is more reasonable.
Some claim that the fee structure is deceptive, and that Juniper charges what appear to be reasonable fees on the surface, which are actually not in-line with standard industry practice.
A reasonable interest rate might be coupled with decent benefits and low fees (or no annual fee whatsoever).
You can attempt to calculate debt settlement for a reasonable amount before contacting the creditor, but remember that this will ultimately be a negotiation between you and the creditor.
It is reasonable to assume that the initial amount proposed by the creditor is not the lowest they are willing to accept for the debt.
The fees and costs should be reasonable and there should be no Better Business Bureau complaints about the agency with which you choose to work.
Quick start-up times, fast processing, reasonable pricing, and a high approval rate make Chase Paymentech another option for a variety of sales-based businesses.
If the judge believes your settlement is reasonable, the agreement will become legally binding.
Using estimation calculators can give you a rough idea of what is reasonable for someone with your income and circumstances within your state.
In determining what is fair and reasonable in the situation before it, the Court may choose to award most or all the marital assets to one spouse or the other.
It is unlikely that the person would be able to find work and become self-supporting within a reasonable amount of time.
Judges were put in the position of having to interpret the law to determine what constitutes a "reasonable" amount for child support payments.
This bears even more truth for divorce proceedings that carry on far past a reasonable amount of time.
Another circumstance where spousal support may be terminated is where the recipient does not make a good faith effort to become self-supporting within a reasonable length of time.
If not, most will ship items for very reasonable rates.
Hickory, NC is a Mecca for furniture lovers and Hickory furniture outlets offer customers a huge selection of big name brands for very reasonable prices.
Here you can find bistro and pub style patio furniture sets at very reasonable prices.
Sears definitely has you covered when it comes to a great selection of outdoor patio furniture with matching accessories at reasonable prices.
Another popular multi-fuel option from Toyota, the Camry Hybrid gives car buyers a roomy interior and sporty exterior for a reasonable price.
Charity - There are some charities that work on behalf of certain disadvantaged groups and are always on the look out for reasonable quality used goods.
Whether or not solar cells are a reasonable addition to your home also depends on the area of the country in which you live.
Of course, one very reasonable excuse is that the cost of the purchase and installation can be very steep.
So the ideals to start with are homes built at a reasonable size using renewable resources that maximize heat in winter and coolness in summer.
When choosing wind power for your home, often the most reasonable way to generate clean, on-site electricity is to install a turbine with the capacity to generate 100 kilowatts and under.
If the Energy Star appliance costs more than a conventional, less efficient counterpart, then your initial investment in the cost of the appliance should be recovered through utility bill savings within a reasonable amount of time.
Most importantly, were the business owners satisfied with the end result and was the cost reasonable?
A valance or soft cornice an also be made from table runners which often feature ornamental fabrics with a reasonable price tag.
Shop around for reasonable prices - The style is becoming increasingly available, so the prices are becoming very competitive.
Their prices are reasonable and their selection is, it has be said, very, very cool.
Home decorating websites like the Wrought Iron Décor Store offer beautiful grilles for reasonable prices.
While posters by artists like Peter Maxx are often very expensive there are others that are more reasonable.
Home Decorators catalog offers consistent quality at reasonable prices that often beats other competitors.
If you shop online or on eBay for beadboard furniture, look for deals on shipping and verify that the company has a reasonable return policy.
Any of these styles can be incorporated into a modern or traditional design scheme, and many can be executed within a reasonable budget.
Although glass tile used to be an expensive material, today prices are incredibly reasonable because of the proliferation of manufacturers.
Just remember to make sure you make a reasonable offer.
With a reasonable price, high quality, and longevity, it is easy to see why this infamous mascara is gracing eyelashes all over the world.
Their light powder formula makes mistakes easy to correct, and with a reasonable price and great array of colors to choose from, blush has never been simpler.
For a reasonable price, you can get a perfume and lip gloss duo in one unit, saving you time and purse space.
L'Oreal makes lovely quads (Wear Infinite) you can pick up at any drugstore for a reasonable price.
At a reasonable price, it is available online and also at popular chain stores such as Target.
I love that even though Sephora sells some pretty pricy goods, their own brand is fairly reasonable.
Look for reputable sellers who have a history of providing legitimate MAC makeup at reasonable prices.
Typically, prices for mineral makeup are modestly reasonable, but can also be costly.
Granted, as they've grown, so too have their prices - but even those prices are extremely reasonable.
That - and its extremely reasonable price point - makes it a winner.
Some of the more practical choices for gift-giving purposes are Cool Water men's gift sets, which offer a variety of products for reasonable prices.
With a number of "e-tailers" devoted exclusively to selling fragrances at reduced rates, there is practically no scent on the market that can't be purchased at a reasonable price.
As mentioned previously, Cover Girl is a reasonable alternative to many of the more expensive eyeliners on the market, and at around $8.00 a pop, that's something we can all appreciate!
This will help you to get the most out of your eBay experience by increasing your chances of getting what you want at reasonable prices.
Sometimes, though, it's hard to find a Portuguese translator, so the Internet is a reasonable substitute.
Although the prices tend to be quite reasonable, each store typically only has one or two models available at any given time.
In order to learn the basics of a program such as Adobe Photoshop, look for adult education classes in your area that may offer such a course for a reasonable price.
Generally, work that allows the person a reasonable degree of control, good compensation, and a pleasant working environment is less likely to cause stress.
The pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters begin to add up and soon, there is a small but reasonable savings account growing.
Whether you are battling stress because you are sitting in traffic, or because you are trying to get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour, these techniques should help.
While anger is natural, there are reasonable and unreasonable ways of dealing with it.
Are you able to handle a reasonable amount of stress?
Together you may decide to only buy presents for the children or set a reasonable limit on the amount spent on each gift.
Decide together to set a reasonable spending limit or decide to only give presents to the children on your gift list.
For example, because of these new found "thinking" abilities, you are able to question rules and to argue about whether those rules are reasonable and fair.
It's the safest and most reasonable thing to do.
Common tips include list making, breaking projects into smaller manageable parts, setting time limits, and creating reasonable expectations.
Deb prom dresses offer you the latest fashions at reasonable prices.
Plenty of online printing companies offer graduation announcements at very reasonable prices.
Vista Print offers customized graduation announcements at reasonable prices with quick shipping.
Knowing how much money to give for high school graduation will help you feel better about whether you are offering a reasonable amount.
A reasonable amount for graduates who seek employment and live on their own is around $100.
You'll find a wide assortment of jeans, sweaters, shirts, and accessories for a reasonable price.
While the choice is certainly a personal decision with repercussions that one may not sometimes think of, there are often reasonable motives behind the decision.
Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are healthful, but a balanced and reasonable way of eating is probably best for most.
These seeds also contain reasonable levels of Vitamin E which is important for the prevention of certain cancers as well as cardiovascular diseases.
Create a reasonable budget, research several vendors in each category, stick to your timeline and be sure to enlist the help of willing friends and family in the planning process.
Their One True Love wedding package may include such items as a limo, bridal bouquet, groom's boutonniere, and professional photography at a very reasonable price.
Candy in personalized wrappers may be a bit more, but is generally still reasonable, for example, less than two dollars per custom-wrapped candy bar.
Look carefully -- some places are much more reasonable than others, and a place that includes wrapping or boxing may end up saving you money even if at first glance the cost is higher.
Finding a rental company that has classic limousine rentals in a reasonable price range can be difficult.
Discuss the pros and cons of having a band and set a reasonable amount aside to pay for it.
Because Clearwater Beach is in Pinellas County, most vendors should be within reasonable driving distance from your location, but double check when you call or email to inquire.
Even more reasonable requests, such as a unique flavor combination with text scrolling across the cake, can end up costing extra due to expensive ingredients and labor costs.
The prices are reasonable, the flowers are very realistic, and delivery happens within two weeks.
They are also great for brides on a budget, with reasonable price tags and modest wedding dress designs.
The company is known for great designs with a reasonable price tag.
A reasonable deposit fee secures your wedding date, and then you can trust them to work with you on everything from décor to finding a minister.
Prices are reasonable and results are phenomenal.
Best of all, however, is the generally reasonable pricing.