Reappear Sentence Examples
But his authority was scarcely respected in his own residence, for several Turkish amirs assumed independence and could only be subdued by Mongol aid, when they retired to the mountains, to reappear as soon as the Mongols were gone.
Albino individuals may reappear among the offspring.
Here reappear all the characteristic points of Fechner's " worldview " - the panpsychism, the universal parallelism with the identi.
The energy due to their separation is thus less in the contracted state than in the original state, and as that energy cannot be lost it must reappear in heat.
Because your bond will reappear seven days after you broke it.
These characteristics reappear (accompanied, however, by frequent touches of the epigrammatic power above mentioned, which seems to have come to Thiers more readily as an orator or a journalist than as an historian) in his speeches, which after his death were collected in many volumes by his widow.
Kill the queen, so she cannot reappear to claim her title.
The corn spirit is also said to be hiding in the barn till the corn is threshed, or it may be said to reappear at midwinter, when the farmer begins to think of his new year of labour and harvest.
After 1200 we can find no notice of them in Armenian writers until the 18th century, when they reappear in their old haunts.
Behind the wide bay between Cape Codera and Cumana there is an interruption in the Maritime Andes; but both ranges reappear between Cumana and the Gulf of Paria.
AdvertisementThis division (which is not, however, strictly exhaustive) directs special attention to what is undoubtedly the most striking feature of the flora - namely, that of its 693 species no less than 271 reappear in the extreme north.
Holoarctic types reappear on the Andes and in South Africa, and even in New Zealand.
But with these insignificant exceptions it holds true that, after the sceptical wave marked by the Sophists, scepticism does not reappear till after the exhaustion of the Socratic impulse in Aristotle.
Small streams often sink from sight in their beds of gravel, and after flowing some distance underground, reappear farther on.
The test of a miracle is, were there present in the case such external conditions, such second causes we may call them, that wherever these conditions or causes reappear the event will be reproduced.
AdvertisementThey may reappear in the changes which the future will bring.
In the 10th century the Vlachs reappear as an independent power in Southern Macedonia and the Pindus district, which wer.e known as Great Walachia (MeyaXri BXaxia).
The Other he charged disappeared before he reached him, only to reappear on the other side of the factory floor.
After the first fervour of enthusiasm had subsided the Christian nationalities in Macedonia resumed their old attitude of mutual jealousy, the insurgent bands began to reappear, and the government was in1909-1910forced to undertake the disarmament of the whole civil population of the three vilayets.
Most of these were situated within the territories eventually occupied by the invaders, and reappear as towns in later times.
AdvertisementOn the south side of a well-marked anticline in the Upper Old Red Sandstone at North Sannox, the Carboniferous strata reappear on the coast with a south dip showing a similar ascending sequence for about half a mile.
The neighbouring Eutaw Springs issue first from the foot of a hill and form a large stream of clear, cool water, but this, only a few yards away, again rushes underground to reappear about a m.
The views of Becher on the composition of substances mark little essential advance on those of the two preceding centuries, and the three elements or principles of salt, mercury and sulphur reappear as the vitrifiable, the mercurial and the combustible earths.
The oak, elm, hazel, ash, apple, lime and maple disappear to the east of the Urals, but reappear in new varieties on the eastern slope of the border-ridge of the great plateau.
When these bubbles are suctioned away, they reappear.
AdvertisementI don't know when Talon and the Black God will reappear, but we need to be ready.
He looked around, bristling, and then saw the Black God reappear with Bianca.
In the episode Maelstrom, Kara apparently died only to reappear a few episodes later in a brand new viper.
His eyes found Bianca, who stood shivering in the rain, staring towards the fire, as if waiting for Jonny to reappear.
She squeezed her hand closed to hide the number and faced the forest, waiting for him to reappear.
She walked for half an hour, until rain began to trickle through the jungle overhead. Andre didn't reappear.
The swan played a part in classical mythology as the bird of Apollo, and in Scandinavian lore the swan maidens, who have the gift of prophecy and are sometimes confused with the Valkyries, reappear again and again.
We are therefore entitled to assume that the suppressed wings of Exopterygota tend to reappear; and, speaking of the past, we may say that if after a period of suppression the wings began to reappear as hypodermal buds while a more rigid pressure was exerted by the cuticle, the growth of the buds would necessarily be inwards, and we should have incipient endopterygotism.
But the difficulties which embarrassed a former age in trying to conceive the mode in which the universal exists in the individual reappear in the systems of the present period as the problem of the principium individuationis.
The prophet Elijah must reappear to bring back the hearts of fathers and children before the great and terrible day of Yahweh come.
Here, wedged in among the ruder Papuans, who reappear at the extremity of the peninsula, a very different-looking people are found, whom competent observers, arguing from appearance, language and customs, assert to be a branch of the fair Polynesian race.
Only some sixteen Synoptic sayings reappear here; but we are given some great new sayings full of the Synoptic spirit.
Prairie fires, both of natural and artificial origin, are also a contributive cause; for young trees are exterminatedby fires, but annual plants soon reappear.
These two sources present striking points of difference, which reappear in the subsequent narrative.
If alarmed they utter a shrill loud whistle, and rush down the burrow, but reappear after a few minutes to see if the danger is past.
When once sexually ripe the axolotl are apparently incapable of changing, but their ancestral course of evolution is still latent in them, and will, if favoured by circumstances, reappear in following generations.
Numerous small battles were fought with Aguinaldo and the insurgents, who were repeatedly defeated only to reappear in other places.
They cut so deep into the limestone formation of the plateau as to over-drain it, and often they disappear into swallow holes (dud en) to reappear lower down.
The old gods and mythical figures reappear as heroes and kings, and their battles are fought no longer in heaven but upon earth, where they are localized for the most part in the east of Iran.
But in a book published posthumously, Le Banquet, these powers reappear at their fullest.
The Aravalli hills send off rocky ridges in a north-easterly direction through the states of Alwar and Jaipur, which from time to time reappear in the form of isolated hills and broken rocky elevations to near Delhi.
It was not until a large number of lives had been sacrificed, and many bushrangers brought to the scaffold, that the offence was thoroughly stamped out in New South Wales, only to reappear some years afterwards in Victoria under somewhat similar conditions.
To the west and south the Coal Measures dip gently under the New Red Sandstone, to reappear at several points through the Triassic plain.
It is therefore necessary first to examine the nature and characteristics of her Eastern prototype, and then to see how far they reappear in the Greek Aphrodite.
But they were never developed systematically, and the conception of the material universe here contended for does not again explicitly reappear in any of his writings.
The French conquest swept away the old condition of things never to reappear; but allegiance to the Orange dynasty survived, and in 1813 became the rallying point of a united Dutch people.
The lakes of the Dobrudja likewise abound in molluscs; parent forms, in many cases, of species which reappear, greatly modified, in the Black Sea.
Beyond the mouth of that river the hills reappear, and increase in height, till on reaching the N.W.
Such are the leading features of the rite in Tertullian, and they reappear in the 4th century in the rites of all the orthodox churches of East and West; Tertullian testifies that the Marcionites observed the particulars numbered one to six, which must therefore go back at least to the year 150.
He did not return for fifteen months; but when he did reappear it was to complete the work which he had begun in 1155, to extort from the greater barons the last of the royal fortresses which still remained in their hands, and to restore the northern boundaries of the realm.
Le Roi s'amuse (1832), the next play which Hugo gave to the stage, was prohibited by order of Louis Philippe after a tumultuous first night - to reappear fifty years later on the very same day of the same month, under the eyes of its author, with atoning acclamation from a wider audience than the first.
When the tribulation of the faithful has reached its height, Hakim will reappear to conquer the world and render his religion supreme.
The encyclopaedic interest in nature, although in White's day culminating in the monumental synthesis of Buffon, was also disappearing before the analytic specialism inaugurated by Linnaeus; yet the catholic interests of the simple naturalist of Selborne fully reappear a century later in the greater naturalist of Down, Charles Darwin.
This phenomenon seems to arise from rains which, falling on the chalk hills, sink into the porous soil and reappear after a time from crevices at lower levels.
The doctrine of space and time as forms of sense-perception, the reference of both space and time and the pure intellectual notions to the laws of the activity of mind itself, the distinction between sense and understanding as one of kind, not of degree, with the correlative distinction between phenomena and noumena, - all of these reappear, though changed and modified, in the Kritik.
She followed, expecting him to disappear into the trees at any point and reappear with a herd of deer clenched in his jaws.
Their war was passive-aggressive rather than open, consisting of Qatwal making his ore ships disappear and then reappear without the ore or his affront at the last Council meeting, where A'Ran had Kisolm, the man who would be dhjan, imprisoned in his quarters and miss the Council's final vote on who would maintain distribution rights to the ore only Anshan possessed.
The phantom stayed with Katie throughout the night and into the first light of morning. Katie didn't sleep, not with the creepy phantom and no sign of Gabriel. She huddled in the hollow of the tree by the lake, praying for Gabe to reappear.
Katie's gaze dropped to Deidre's hands. They looked normal, but so had Gabriel's. Andre had warned her about the Gabriel-demon. She looked around, wanting to believe the phantom would reappear if it sensed she was in danger. The Gabriel-demon had appeared distant, as if uncomfortable acting out its role. Deidre had been open and warm towards her, like a real human.
Since the new belfry was built, water flowing from the Drinking Pond does not reappear on the surface.
The Kitchen Bar however will suffer the ultimate insult, swallowed up to reappear in the bowels of the Victoria Square.
When Weissmuller left the poolside, the crowd of 7,000 stood and chanted for him to reappear to take a bow.
Now the country was at the mercy of the invaders, but, instead of advancing, they suddenly retreated and did not reappear for thirteen years, during which the princes went on quarrelling and fighting as before, till they were startled by a new invasion much more formidable than its predecessor.
And yet the fact that these reappear in the Physiologus would not suffice to stamp the work as a series of extracts from Alexandrian writings, as parallels of the same kind can be adduced 1 Origen, Sel.
They may pass a spot at such a depth as to evade the nets, and reappear at the surface some days after farther eastwards; they may deviate from their direct line of migration, and even temporarily return westwards.
Receipts given in the Leiden papyrus reappear in the Compositiones ad Tingenda and the Mappae Clavicula, both workshop receipt books, one known in an 8th-century MS. at Lucca, and the other in a loth-century MS. in the library of Schlettstadt; and again in such works as the De Artibus Romanorum of Eraclius and the Schedula Diversarum Artium of Theophilus, belonging to the 11th or 12th century.
Nowhere in his later epistles does this forecast of the future reappear.
With each word, your 'turns remaining' goes down by one and new letters will reappear in the used letter's place.
The rash may fade away and then reappear upon exposure to sunlight, hot baths, emotional distress, or vigorous exercise.
Benign brain tumors rarely recur, but sarcomas can reappear after treatment was believed to have eliminated every cell.
It may also reappear in adults when the bone marrow is overactive, as in disorders such as pernicious anemia, multiple myeloma, and invasive (metastatic) cancer affecting bone marrow.
It may reappear in liver disease, or tumors of the liver, ovaries, or testicles.
Seborrheic dermatitis usually disappears by the end of the first year and does not reappear until puberty.
If the lice are just camping out there until someone decides it's time for a Pilates session or a wrestling match, they'll just reappear later.
It teaches young children that even though mommy or daddy's face is hidden, he or she will reappear in a matter of seconds when the hands are removed.
Once a person has been initially infected with the virus, it will lie dormant until a "trigger" occurs that will cause the virus to reappear.
Keep in mind that even with a 30-day response time required by law, simple errors may take months to correct and all three bureaus dealt with at the same time so negative data doesn't magically reappear.
The stiff, rigid, back-laced corset of the past centuries became less desirable by 1923 but began to reappear during the 1940s to 1950s without much medical controversy.
Once the area has healed, the tag generally won't reappear.
To reverse this, simply delete only the above code from your About Me page and save; your friends will reappear on your profile.
In the imperial administration, the corruption and long-established abuses which had momentarily vanished, began to reappear.
Still farther to the north-west a distinct Minoan influence is perceptible in the old Illyrian lands east of the Adriatic, and its traces reappear in the neighbourhood of Venice.
If we could come back to the Bible and use biblical terms only, as Cyril of Jerusalem wished in his early days, we know from experience that the old errors would reappear in the form of new questions, and that we should have to pass through the dreary wilderness of controversy from implicit to explicit dogma, from " I believe that Jesus is the Lord " to the confession that the Only Begotten Son is " of one substance with the Father."
Once you enter a weight the message will disappear and not reappear until your next weigh-in is due.
No albinoes, in such a case, will appear among the first generation, but if the individuals of this (F.i) generation are crossed inter se or back crossed with the albino parent, then albino individuals reappear among the offspring.
Sometimes they undergo reformulations and reappear several months or even years later with a new avatar.
While you may not feel anxious, if you stopped taking your medication, your symptoms may reappear.
They can disappear and reappear from one examination to the next.
Unfortunately, in older children, the symptoms may not reappear immediately although intestinal damage is occurring.
Seborrheic dermatitis can reappear at puberty and into adulthood.
Acne tends to reappear when treatment stops, but spontaneously improves over time.
They descend in parallel ridges of grey Karst limestone, south-westwards to the sea; their last summits reappear in the multitude of rocky islands along the Dalmatian littoral.
A few years after her cancer diagnosis, Fawcett announced that she was cancer free, only for the disease to reappear a short time later.
He didn't know if they'd reappear before his weekend went to shit, but he hoped they did.
Standing as a Liberal Unionist, he lost his seat at the General Election of that year, and did not reappear in Parliament till he succeeded his uncle in the earldom in 1894.
In the latter cases the waters find their way beneath Taurus in subterranean channels, and reappear as the sources of rivers flowing to the coast.
According to Hegel the terms in which thought exhibits itself are a system of their own, with laws and relations which reappear in a less obvious shape in the theories of nature and mind.
Thus the Rio San Antonio suddenly disappears near San Antonio de los Banos; the cascades of the Jatibonico del Norte disappear and reappear in a surprising manner; the Moa cascade (near Guantanamo) drops 300 ft.