Really Sentence Examples
You look really tired.
I really like the look of wood - especially when it looks this graceful.
It really ticked Alex off.
Did he really think she was bright?
You really need to have it X-rayed.
Like I said, Russie's mother was always strange, but after Dad died, she really became eccentric.
Who really believes that whoever can prevail in war must be right?
It didn't really matter.
Really I don't understand you, my dear.
Only we really never broke the rules.
AdvertisementWhat had really taken place he did not wish to relate because it seemed to him not worth telling.
And yet really the anxiety is greater now than the joy.
Did you really think you had us fooled?
You've really got a case on him, haven't you?
Think how much worse you'd feel if the town you visualized really existed.
AdvertisementHe had access to his part much earlier than I did, so he was able to make some investments that really paid off.
I guess I can be a pill sometimes, but I really do appreciate your concern.
It's really very curious.
Need I tell you that I was more than delighted to hear that you are really interested in the "tea"?
He really was asleep.
AdvertisementIt isn't troubling me, but if you really don't want me messing with it...
I made a really bad mistake and I don't know what to do.
Look, I really want to see her and explain to her everything we do.
At a Ramada Inn, only he wasn't really there; just the address he gave.
We were really good together, he and I... not just that way; I could talk to him.
AdvertisementI really care for Howie.
Just pretend it's a really dry martini.
I'm sorry, but he really doesn't need it with what Mr. Cooms has done for all of us.
He must have been really exhausted.
He didn't really get the chance.
So why had he really hired Allen?
He was really screwed up last spring.
I mean; I don't really know, do I?
I'm sorry, but I'm really scared.
I don't remember and really don't give a shit.
Quinn, I really want you to try again.
It scares me but I really have to know.
I really don't approve of this.
I guess I watched too many movies about spies to know how they really work.
I'm not sure he can help me, but I would really like to speak to him.
He's really protective of the people he cares about.
Maybe. No one really knows but A'Ran.
It's enough to make Victoria really keep a secret.
Maybe she did write it years earlier and it really is her practice work, he offered.
I'm really glad I decided to come tonight.
When he lighted the oil a hundred tongues of flame shot up, and the effect was really imposing.
Now they could find what really satisfies them and do that.
If we are really dying, let us hear the rattle in our throats and feel cold in the extremities; if we are alive, let us go about our business.
Perhaps he did not really think this when he met women--even probably he did not, for in general he thought very little--but his looks and manner gave that impression.
Should he go to headquarters next day and challenge that affected adjutant, or really let the matter drop, was the question that worried him all the way.
But was it really not possible for Kutuzov to state his views plainly to the Emperor?
Overtaking the battalions that continued to advance, he stopped the third division and convinced himself that there really were no sharpshooters in front of our columns.
And really he only ran a few steps alone.
Some said the report that the Emperor was wounded was correct, others that it was not, and explained the false rumor that had spread by the fact that the Emperor's carriage had really galloped from the field of battle with the pale and terrified Ober-Hofmarschal Count Tolstoy, who had ridden out to the battlefield with others in the Emperor's suite.
You'd really better drop it all.
If you want your food really hot, however, you can always arrange for a hotter blend of spices.
Served in a low-key atmosphere and by friendly staff, the cuisine really is superb.
Participating in all these activities can really build your appetite.
If you have really worked up an appetite, an all-you-can-eat dinner buffet is available.
Dessert is where the menu really shines, as you can choose among house specialty fondues such as bananas foster or cookies and cream dream.
But all that adventure can really make a person tired.
This was a decision she had already made once - but not really.
I don't really know, but I think I answered one of the first calls they made.
I mean really serious?
This is really important.
Can he really be that close, Ben?
I'm really frightened now.
Howie really cares for you and your mom.
I told her we escaped the Vermont abduction attempted, if it really was one.
He thought she was really the psychic tipster and was responsible for his arrest?
I'm frightened, Ben, really frightened.
I realized booze wasn't the recommended wash-down with my pain medication but I wasn't driving any farm equipment and I really needed a stiff drink.
Howie, I really feel for you but you've had this problem of not knowing about your past for a long time and you've managed to live with it.
I hate to ask, but it's really important.
I really was out fishing.
I really don't want to lie outright to the police.
Now some really big names tell me to back off but it's my hen house where all you fox are playing.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not condoning what we did but there were others who were much worse; sicko guys who really hurt their victims; sometimes killed them.
You could lie and tell him Humphries said it wasn't really his fault and his mother was just upset at losing a daughter.
He really wasn't too much bigger than a cat, not when compared to an adult.
If you listen really hard to what his body tells you, you can save him.
Hey, I really am free this time.
I feel funny, like really cold.
They really are vampires!
He's normally really loud and stupid about what he's doing.
He really wasn't so bad, when compared to here.
Until that moment, he hadn't really cared why Sofi saved the life of the woman before him.
He really didn't want her to lose the spark of life he'd found as appealing as her body.
White hair, really big like Talon, these eyes that were darker than night, and when he talked, you could tell he didn't have a soul.
If you can really see the future, you could've prevented all of this!
She sipped her drink, surprised to find it really was her favorite, a pumpkin spice latte.
It's really hard to deal with all the bad stuff sometimes.
Do I really want that next to my head?
His brothers weren't any closer than they had been, but the sound of their voices made him realize how alone he'd really felt the past two weeks.
You really think I'll succeed?
You really think that'll work on me?
You see, Watcher, I'm not stupid enough to think you really want me to fail.
In the morning, her father really would kill him, and she'd be lucky to escape with another beating.
The sensations whipped through him, reminding him how human he really was.
What I really want to know is why Jule is of any interest to you at all.
I really am the only one with sense around here.
She really had personalized the mission.
You really don't remember.
Certain creatures with unlimited power and motivations thousands of years in the making weren't what Damian really needed right now.
Really, what'd the doc say?
That they really don't have a clue?
He really wasn't a man of detail, which was why she was so surprised to see him working as a financial planner.
He's apparently really interested in meeting you.
To do so would release the Original Beings, and then things would really be bad.
Jake, something is really wrong with me.
Something was really wrong in Europe, and he needed to figure out what, before the European front was overrun by vamps.
I'm just … really frustrated right now.
You all kidnapped me, drugged me, dragged me to Arizona—if I'm really in Arizona—and you won't tell me why or what's wrong with me!
You really want to win this bet, don't you?
Y'all pissed really them off this time, didn't you?
I would say it was a rough lesson in history when the kings of my time learned that killing a woman with the intent to bring her back as your servant doesn't really work as they'd planned, he explained.
It's okay, Damian, really.
Pierre, you can sleep with whomever you want, really.
Sofia bit her lip and crossed her arms, unable to admit she couldn't really eat.
I don't really know which way is up right now.
There aren't many of us, and we're all over the world, but we're really close-knit.
It kinda hurt getting killed, and it really sucks not being able to eat food.
Did you really shoot her?
He adored Sofia, that much was obvious, even if he wasn't really sure where—or who—he was most of the time.
She found herself poking the new teeth with her tongue to confirm they really were there.
Do you really think you'll become Gabriel's mate? he started, ignoring her.
It really did hurt to think that Darkyn outright tested others and they failed when it came to her.
In hindsight, she really didn't know any of them.
As much as he tried not to show her, he really did.
You can't ever really trust them.
But really, he humored me for his own reasons.
She feared seeing them happy again, knowing she really was nothing more than a disposable stand-in until they were able to be together again.
She really did create me.
I'm really glad to hear it.
You really believe that?
Deidre, I really am happy that you're okay.
He really did feel affection for her, if he was jealous.
Do you really want to be elsewhere?
And getting lost down here would be really stupid.
But did they love her enough to really punish her like parents did—real parents, with kids of their own?
I tried really hard.
I really love her.
Then, with her head bowed, taking small spoonfuls, she asked, If I did something really bad—if I broke a really important rule, what would you do?
Maybe I gave him a swat on his diaper when he was a toddler, but I never really hit him.
Randy must have been a really good kid.
She acts like you should spank her and force her admit to doing something she considers really bad.
I mean really big trouble.
It was really bad.
I tried to tell you what I did was really bad.
It was really kind of stupid.
You really believe me?
I figured everybody would be really mad and I'd get a beating for sure.
You must have been a really naughty little girl.
Both of my parents were really upset.
Uncle Pat Clancy asked around Pop's favorite bars, but no one knew for sure—or really cared much.
Not that I'm really concerned.
Had to really bid it up on the Internet to get it.
Let's forget about the election and see what Martha's bones really look like.
Absent one of those gizmos to see around corners or a newspaper with a hole in it to held high like all the really cool spies do, Dean tried the direct approach.
It's really tough not being able to get away with anything when you're around.
Paul was watching his son—a parental obligation thing—he didn't really like sports.
No, he really did listen.
It really is as spectacular as he described.
Joseph thinks he's a big corporate executive but he's really only half a step above a clerk.
I really appreciate everything you all did.
We don't really know for sure.
The camera isn't worth anything but she's really disturbed at losing her pictures.
Suzie really turned heads—could have been in the movies.
He really wouldn't want to be involved.
Do you think we should really be worried?
All I really wanted was the land in the first place, and they approached me about settling.
I really ought to go down to the jail and visit with the old guy.
You really think Fitzgerald chased Billy down the mountain, huh?
She said she'd really like you.
She really wrote it.
She's nice and she loves me but she's really messed up and she knows it.
He must be really happy.
I couldn't get him to back off and I got really scared.
He just slugged me again, really hard, in the belly.
We thought we were really clever.
Finally, Lydia said, "I told your wife I was going to ask you," then added, "I really underestimated that woman."
Nothing he really wanted to see.
She really was a human.
What Wynn did was really bad, Gabriel.
Deidre glanced over her shoulder, not really caring at that moment, not when she felt like her world was squeezing the life out of her.
Would he really accept her once she told him she sacrificed an innocent human to the Dark One?
You really want me to see Darkyn, don't you?
Deidre paced through the garden, not really interested in the blooming flowers, statuary or neat rows of hedges.
Ever have like a secret you can't tell your best friend but you really, really want to?
You don't have to trust me, but I really am trying to help you.
He liked trying to get a rise out of her, and he really did want to know where they stood in her mind and whether or not he had to worry about her running off to make more deals with Darkyn.
He didn't realize how great of a transformation had really taken place within the small woman gazing up at him.
She really was going to get sick from the cold and being soaked.
Or maybe, like he really had loved her through the millennia they were together.
Such as …" "What do you really want from me?"
Does it really matter?
And that she doesn't really want either of us?
I don't really care.
I don't really care what they think, Lori.
If it was all true, Lori was really messed up.
But if it wasn't his father, they needed to know who he really was.
I really couldn't talk.
I didn't mean … you're really trying … um, and doing your best.
While he envied them, Gabriel really didn't want to go through all that shit with his own mate.
She couldn't really be irritated with him.
Some of them are really stupid.
I made this really awkward.
There's nothing else on the planet that forces you to really see and accept who you are as the day the doctor says you're dying.
He really had left her.
There were too many things she'd wanted to do before dying; now that someone might kill her, she realized how unready she really was.
There really was a pile of bones in her tub.
It really was over.
Had she really died last night and entered this strange reality?
A side of her really didn't want to, even knowing he'd killed her boyfriend.
He really does care about you.
It's a really good story.
We don't really know what will happen.
She really, really wanted to go home!
I, uh, did something really awful Saturday night, and the whole world has gone insane.
I really, really want to feel safe.
Is she really sick?
That the skin around Wynn's eyes relaxed in genuine warmth made Gabe realize she'd survived partially because she really was different.
She thought she was going crazy already; if she really started to deteriorate, there was no way she'd be able to handle it.
She trusted him without question and yet, there was more to him than she really knew.
She didn't really know.
You really don't remember any of us?
Do you really want to know?
That's how I found out you really did love Gabe, even though you um …" "Crushed his will to live," Toby finished.
Death … you used to take care of the really old angels, and Gabe visited the little ones all the time.
Really, Deidre, it's nothing.
You really want to spend eternity with someone you resent?
We could really have something, Gabriel.
She really didn't want to leave the comfort of his arms.
She really didn't want to leave the comfort of his arms, but remaining meant giving up something she wasn't willing to do.
Instead, she was working hard to convince herself she really did want to walk away.
Could he really be much worse?
She really was perfect.
She really was dying a death he couldn't stop.
Did you really come here tonight to start trying to win me over?
I didn't want to go to school today and stayed home but we're out of marshmallows and Gabriel doesn't have any money so I told him that we could ask you to pick up more marshmallows because we both really like them.
This is just a really huge place.
She'd wanted to return home since she arrived, yet when presented with the enormity of her importance in her new world … when she realized how incredible it really would be to have a man like A'Ran in her bed every night … when she saw he was capable of passion … when she found out an entire planet full of people would die if she left … She couldn't help the tears at such a thought.
There really wasn't a decision to make.
I haven't really taken your feelings into account lately, have I?
I don't know why, but I really don't blame him!
But it's too bad she didn't send you one of those itsy-bitsy outfits all the really cool skaters wear, he answered.
It makes me feel really close to her.
Perhaps if I pretend Jerome doesn't exist, he really won't!
Is she really a loony?
Do you suppose the boy really did speak?
Wasn't it difficult to write, knowing so little about what really happened?
That's why we were so excited to come out here, to visit where it really happened!
How would I know he can ski, if in fact he really can?
He didn't really need them, but Cynthia had gone ahead and made the appointment.
Yeah. It really made my day, I'll tell you.
He'll have to abandon it, if Annie Quincy really is—one of those girls.
In the late seventies and early eighties scaling these challenging surfaces really caught on.
Winter isn't just a big inconvenience, it's really a season.
He wondered if this beautiful, loving, compassionate wife of his whom he loved so dearly, was really capable of killing another human being.
No one seems to know, not really.
Did someone really kill Jerome Shipton?
It was really upsetting.
I can't really blame the ones that step over the line once in a while.
Why do I think letting her stay here was a really stupid thing to do?
She must have known at that time who really did it.
She really loved him.
Maybe some people sense that sort of thing more than others—that feeling you get when you're standing in a spot where you know something really dramatic occurred.
She knows Rev. Martin really loved her.
But it doesn't really matter does it?
I'll bet the first time he really talks, it'll be about Martha!
Here's Jerome Shipton concocting a story, blaming his wife for something she really did!
Like Annie, and Edith, if she really was pregnant.
I'll pretend the other one was really what Annie wrote here so long ago.
The bottom line is, if this guy really loves you, he will find it in himself to accept you, fangs and all.
Not really, just that I love him… and don't hurt him.
Dude, I really think it would help if you drank that scotch.
He tried to hide it, however, if one really listened, they could ascertain that he came from a different time and place.
His voice, in a word, sounded 'haughty'. Connor finally made eye contact, and in a thin whisper said, "I'm really scared."
He wasn't too full of himself, and he really did appear to love her.
Really Sarah, can you honestly say you don't taste the plastic bag?
You really should pick some losers once in a while to skirt suspicion.
Really, I'm all right, and I thought I would take a long bath and give myself a pedicure.
I don't really feel like chess tonight.
She dropped her gaze and said softly, "What I would really like is for you to play for me."
Sarah shrieked, "Is that really how you see me?"
That will really get the job done.
Connor had not drank this much since his undergrad days and really felt like shit.
You really work hard at pissing people off, don't you?
Sarah told me you aren't really related.
Wow, thought Jackson, She really is going all in with this guy.
You really do love her, don't you?
So, I think you can understand you really get to know a person in that kind of time, right?
Honest, I just need to take care of some things and I really need some sleep.
When she returned to the room she asked, "Do you think he really meant it?"
She really had her guard up, causing him to wonder if some moron had just dumped her.
How could she not, and if she really didn't, she wouldn't have said, 'No'. She would have said, 'feel what;?
He really did need to sort through this with her.
Apparently only when it really matters to me.
You look really hot.
So, you're really wealthy then?
Jackson grinned sardonically "Nah, not really interested, maybe some other time."
He couldn't very well say, 'I really am that pig you pegged me for, just trying to hide it from you, babe'.
I really lucked out; it came on the market right before I arrived.
Really Elisabeth, that's one of your favorites.
It was my idea and I'm really hungry.
Jackson, I'm really sorry about before.
He knew she really wanted to tell him everything she had learned about Elisabeth, which was probably a great deal.
She could see Jackson didn't want to play, but she really wanted to hear him, had a feeling Sarah would win in the end.
Not really, just enough to plink out a vocal line.
I really never expected it to hang anywhere, but I think you have the perfect spot for it.
He is really dead now, and will wither very quickly.
And if he was invis'ble, and the bears invis'ble, who knows that they really ate him up?
Then he called his wisest men together and asked them, "Is it really true that the first people in the world were Egyptians?"
The boys looked at her and wondered if the master would really be as good as his word.
But really, I fell into the pool at the fountain, and this kind man brought me here to get me dry.
Bad science fiction plots, speculating on futures which could not really happen, are the worst examples of this.
If I had an even faster computer than I have today, I could come up with really interesting questions to ask it.
However, even if this problem were solved perfectly, it doesn't really end ignorance.
But even if I had a robot that knew everything, I couldn't really say, "Tell me every custom they have here" and be fully informed.
So really, wisdom is power.
I can't really remember what won, though at the time, I thought it all very forward looking and exciting.
Over time, Amazon has achieved such scale and thus has collected so much data that their suggestions are really useful.
After a few minutes more, you decide this really isn't the suit for you.
The twenty-five years of experience really does make a difference.
You will find that you probably really did want a pogo stick.
Given all this, do you really believe this disease still has a chance?
With skin cancer, like all diseases, over time some people get better and some people get worse, and often we really don't know why.
Though cases like these are not really how the science will be used, they illustrate the principle.
Opinions vary widely; no one really knows.
And it really is composed of two separate components that need to be understood in their own right.
When a person learns to do one job and specializes in that one job, she gets really good at it.
But is energy really scarce—or is it like air?
Food isn't really scarce.
First, many things in the physical world that we think of as scarce are not really scarce, just presently beyond our ability to capture.
Outsourcing a job to get it done more cheaply or building a machine to do it more cheaply is really the same.
But what if a machine did everything people really don't want to do?
If you have almost no productivity, amplifying it won't really help all that much.
But it really is no different than me thinking it is my birthright to be able to have freedom of speech.
Somebody else—actually, a lot of somebody elses—worked really hard for a long time to build the United States and its freedoms.
They don't really worry about whether playing polo or building orphanages or any other chosen pursuit can pay the bills, because they don't need it to pay the bills.
So our ability to find cause and effect in that—and to really discern fact from fallacy, what's good from what's bad for us—is highly suspect.
Since rice is relied upon by so much of the world's poor, efforts here really can save lives.
During this three-year period, conveniently named by the Chinese "The Three Years of Natural Disasters," no one really knows how many people died; estimates range from fifteen million to a high of more than forty-five million.
I realize in these pages I must seem very distrustful of government, but it is not really true.
It will be English, although not really the English we speak today.
It is only really about twenty years old.
When you reach a step you do not understand, do you not start reading out loud really slowly?
I rarely have dreams that are not in keeping with what I really think and feel, but one night my very nature seemed to change, and I stood in the eye of the world a mighty man and a terrible.
This man seemed to me to lean over the cornice, and timidly whisper his half truth to the rude occupants who really knew it better than he.
That time which we really improve, or which is improvable, is neither past, present, nor future.