Real Sentence Examples
He's not my real brother.
The real surprise came with his presence in the delivery room.
She can drink milk like a real baby.
Soon he became the real king and ruler of all Scotland,
I'd be lying if I didn't admit we have expenses and we're limited in what we can do because of real life restraints, but we're not in this for a golden purse.
It's better for both of us, and it's the only real way I can protect you from him.
My real name is too hard for you to say.
You mean like a real date?
Am I seeing a real place?
Even the IV didn't seem real.
AdvertisementThis world was real.
He felt too real.
I keep telling myself it can't be real, she said, her voice barely audible.
It doesn't seem real.
I won't let you think there's a chance this isn't real or permanent.
AdvertisementIt was just as real as the first time.
She looked away from the scene, unwilling to believe what she saw was real.
How certain are you that what you feel is not real?
Your scenes can't be real.
It seemed too real, and he'd dwelled long on what he could remember of the conversation.
AdvertisementShe gripped the hourglass, a symbol of her hope at leaving, even after learning that there was no real hope.
The way Fred loves mysteries you'd think he'd be thrilled to be a part of a real jury.
I can't even eat real food, she said bitterly.
Even with him taking the edge off, reality still wasn't real.
It was the first real words the two had exchanged since their meeting at the mine.
AdvertisementThey keep waiting for what they call real important stuff.
I can't prove it, but I think it's a real possibility.
Pushing that part of the issue aside, she focused on the real problem.
Come. We'll feed you real food.
The world around her was real.
Here then characteristically intuitionalism occupies a half-way house between empiricism, with its appeal to real given fact, and idealism, with its appeal to necessity.
We can by no means regard the physical world as the real world.
Will is noumenally free; but phenomenally, in all real exercises of will, we are determined by the past.
On one side, the world we know by valid processes of thinking cannot, we are told, be the real world.
Materialism supposes that this mechanical order is the real world and the only real world - mechanical monism.'
Nor did the Aegean objects which were lying obscurely in museums in 1870, or thereabouts, provide a sufficient test of the real basis underlying the Hellenic myths of the Argolid, the Troad and Crete, to cause these to be taken seriously.
The real name of the usurper was, as Darius tells us, Gaumata, a Magian priest from Media; this name has been preserved by Justin i.
No real second edition ever appeared, but in anticipation of it Sir Thomas Browne prepared in or about 1671 (?) his " Account of Birds found in Norfolk," of which the draft, now in the British Museum, was printed in his collected works by Wilkin in 1835.
This was William Sharpe Macleay, a man of education and real genius, who in 1819 and 1821 brought out a work under the title of Horae Entomoiogicae, which was soon after hailed by Vigors as containing a new revelation, and applied by him to ornithology in some vigoes.
Moreover, it veiled the honest attempts that were making both in France and Germany to find real grounds for establishing an improved state of things, and consequently the labours of De Blainville, Etienne, Geoffroy St-Hilaire and L'Herminier, of Merrem, Johannes Muller and Nitzsch-to say nothing of others-were almost wholly unknown on this side of the Channel, and even the value of the investigations of British ornithotomists of high merit, such as Macartney and Pvlacgillivray, was almost completely overlooked.
Geoffroy here maintained that the five centres of ossification existed in the duck just as in the fowl, and that the real difference of the process lay in the period at which they made their appearance, a circumstance which, though virtually proved by the preparations Cuvier had used, had been by him overlooked or misinterpreted.
He prefixed an " Idea Systematis " to his " Expositio "; and the former, which appears to represent his real opinion, differs in arrangement very considerably from the latter.
You had no real knowledge and therefore no way to make a wise decision.
The pain faded once more, and the experience became too dreamlike to be real.
You're awfully nosy not to have any real interest in this stuff.
We've got a few thousand kids in real danger of immediate, physical harm.
It's as if they might have been switched—from a real skeleton.
Why would whoever switched the bones hide the real ones back in the trunk—in a place where they were sure to be discovered?
They were supposed to look real, as were all the theater props.
Thankfully, he was too concerned with sports to get in any real trouble.
He talked to me as if I were a real person, not just a skirt he was plotting to lift.
But there was a real skeleton.
More importantly, Dean now realized that the only real evidence that the remains from the mine were human had disappeared.
He wondered which was the real person.
He's a real dandy, isn't he?
This felt too real for her to be dead.
It was too real not to be real, yet it didn't feel real at all!
Real women have something back there to grab.
After all, he'd shown no real interest in her, aside from sleeping with her.
The emperors real weakness was in Germany, where his subjects openly expressed their discontent.
In 1032 be was obliged to act in concert with a senate, called pregadi; and in 1172 the grand council, which became the real sovereign of the state, was formed.
Returning northwards, we have of the birds of the whole of France nothing of real importance more recent than the volume.
Physiology may one day very likely assist the systematist; but it must be real physiology and not a sham.
Questions of affinity, and the details of geographical distribution, were endowed with a real interest, in comparison with which any interest that had hitherto been taken was a trifling pastime.
Andrew, who was now with St Louis, interpreted to the king David's message, a real or pretended offer of alliance from the Mongol general Ilchikdai (Ilchikadai), and a proposal of a joint attack upon the Islamic powers for the conquest of Syria.
The property rights of husband and wife are nearly equal; a wife may hold her property the same as if single, and a widower or a widow is entitled to the use for life of one-third of the real estate of which his or her deceased consort was seized at the time of his or her death.
The chief sources of the general revenue fund are taxes on real and personal property, on liquors and cigarettes, on corporations and on inheritances; in 1909 the net receipts for this fund were $8,043,257, the disbursements $9,103,301, and the cash balance at the end of the fiscal year $3,428,705.
There is a tendency to reduce the rate on real property, leaving it as a basis for local taxation.
The incubus and succubus of the middle ages are sometimes regarded as spiritual beings; but they were held to give very real proof of their bodily existence.
The question of the real existence of incubi and succubi, whom the Romans identified with the fauns, was gravely discussed by the fathers of the church; and in 1484 Innocent III.
It is, however, with the Opus Majus that Bacon's real activity begins.
These are, authority, custom, the opinion of the unskilled many, and the concealment of real ignorance with pretence of knowledge.
The name lemniscate is sometimes given to any crunodal quartic curve having only one real finite branch which is symmetric about the axis.
The Realists held that universals alone have substantial reality, existing ante res; the Nominalists that universals are mere names invented to express the qualities of particular things and existing post res; while the Conceptualists, mediating between the two extremes, held that universals are concepts which exist in our minds and express real similarities in things themselves.
In 1908 the assessed valuation of real and personal property was $119,592,508, the net debt was $3,854,498 and the rate of taxation was 14.75 mills on the dollar.
The revolution in its treatment is a real romance of industry.
Again we must distinguish between the " future " contracts for the delivery of a particular kind of cotton, which may be entered into by spinners and their brokers, and are real purchases in the sense that the spinners want delivery of the cotton referred to, and the "futures," which always relate 1 The Cotton Trade of Great Britain, by Thomas Ellison, p. 186.
The latter are not " real " purchases in the sense given to that term above, but fictitious because delivery of the cotton is not desired.
Who has hitherto here with certainty measured the realm of the possible and the real?
The existence of physical evil, and still more of moral evil, forbids the assumption without qualification that the real is the rational.
The real founder of the house, however, was Robert the Strong, who received from Charles the Bald, king of the Franks, the countships of Anjou and Blois, and who is sometimes called duke, as he exercised some military authority in the district between the Seine and the Loire.
But the real menace to the Latin kingdom lay in northern Syria; and here a power was eventually destined to rise, which outstripped the kings of Jerusalem in the race for Cairo, and then - with the northern and southern boundaries of Jerusalem in its control - was able to crush the kingdom as it were between the two arms of a vice.
Nor was there any real unity among the crusaders themselves.
The crusaders of northern Germany never went to the Holy Land at all; they were allowed the crusaders' privileges for attacking the Wends to the east of the Elbe - a fact which at once attests the cleavage between northern and southern Germany (intensified of late years by the war of investitures), and anticipates the age of the Teutonic knights and their long Crusade on the Baltic. The crusaders of the Low Countries and of England took the sea route, and attacked and captured Lisbon on their way, thus helping to found the kingdom of Portugal, and achieving the one real success which was gained by the Second Crusade.
His view of the value of Albert of Aix, and his account of the First Crusade, have been generally followed (Kugler alone having attempted, to some extent, to rehabilitate Albert of Aix); and thus von Sybel's work may be said to mark a revolution in the history of the First Crusade, when its legendary features were stripped away, and its real progress was first properly discovered.
His book thus begins to be a real authority only from the date of the Second Crusade onwards; but the perfection of his form (for he is one of the greatest stylists of the middle ages) and the prestige of his position conspired to make his book the one authority for the whole history of the first century of the Crusades.
The Jesuit Masdeu stoutly denies that he had any real existence, and this heresy has not wanted followers even in Spain.
At the council of Tours (1054) he found a protector in the papal legate, the famous Hildebrand, who, satisfied himself with the fact that Berengar did not deny the real presence of Christ in the sacramental elements, succeeded in persuading the assembly to be content with a general confession from him that the bread and wine, after consecration, were the body and blood of the Lord, without requiring him to define how.
Trusting in Hildebrand's support, and in the justice of his own cause, he presented himself at the synod of Rome in 1059, but found himself surrounded by zealots, who forced him by the fear of death to signify his acceptance of the doctrine " that the bread and wine, after consecration, are not merely a sacrament, but the true body and the true blood of Christ, and that this body is touched and broken by the hands of the priests, and ground by the teeth of the faithful, not merely in a sacramental but in a real manner."
As early as 1831 an unsuccessful attempt was made to form an adequate public school fund; the first real effort to establish a common school system for the territory was made after 1835; in 1840 there were altogether 18 academies and 51 common schools, and in 1849 the state legislature made an appropriation in the interest of the public instruction of white pupils, and this was supplemented by the proceeds of land granted by the United States government for the same purpose.
Lorenzo Dow (1777-1834), an eccentric American Methodist revivalist, visited North Staffordshire and spoke of the campmeetings held in America, with the result that on the 31st of May 1807 the first real English gathering of the kind was held on Mow Cop, since regarded as the Mecca of Primitive Methodism.
It was John Flesher who chiefly guided the movement from a loosely jointed Home Missionary Organization on to the lines of a real Connexionalism.
As a rule they make no real pretence of leading a religious life.
But I am glad to meet a last a Real Horse.
They wore white uniforms with real diamond buttons and played "What is Oz without Ozma" very sweetly.
I only wish there was a real horse here for me to race with.
There was once a painter whose name was Zeuxis. He could paint pictures so life-like that they were mistaken for the real things which they represented.
I might enjoy that kind of banter with a real person I will never meet, talking to me from a distant state.
Monarchies with any real, significant power are just waiting out the clock.
I feel a genuine interest in the animals themselves, because they are real animals and not caricatures of men.
We were real peasants.
David was knee deep in a can't-put-down-able James Lee Burke mystery, while Cynthia plodded through her zillion-page saga, a real flower-presser in Dean's mind.
Let's cut out this spy stuff and talk about the real world.
By then, my mother was a single mom but she'd met my stepfather—my only real father—and she opted to remain in California.
He couldn't hold a candle to my real father—the one who was there for me all those years.
You said so yourself—you've got no real evidence a crime was even committed—you lost the body!
The real celebration of Fred's release from jail didn't begin until the pair returned to Bird Song where Cynthia had baked a fresh apple pie, complete with vanilla ice cream, tagged on to the end of a healthy lunch.
She talked about a friend in Chicago but gas was costing lots more than we thought and she was getting real tired from driving.
It was a real mess.
Did you plan on leaving the real bones in the trunk?
If anything, you and I nearly broke what was too good to be real.
As a deity, she had few real emotions.
She struggled to recall what her real mother looked like or the day she became Death or even the day she met Gabriel.
At the first sign of real trouble, those who weren't had begun to show their true allegiances.
He didn't give her the reassurance she sought about whether or not they had a real future together, and she brokered a deal with the Dark One in a desperate attempt to ensure she had a chance with Gabriel.
She hadn't been able to wake up, and the sensations felt too real.
Even his lingering doubt about the real cost of her deals with Darkyn didn't extend to the question of whether or not he was meant to be with the woman in his arms.
Only when he sensed the approach of someone behind him did he realized it was real.
For the first time in their history, they stood a real chance of turning a sordid love story into a pure one.
Watching her, it was hard to tell how much was theatrics and how much was real.
She wanted to feel his large hands on her body and to find out what it was about him that made her feel like he was the only real person she'd ever met.
They looked too clean to be real, like props bought from a Halloween store.
There was no way this was real.
It felt real, which meant this place was real.
The scents were real enough and made her realize she hadn't eaten all day.
Life got real weird, real fast.
Witnessing the gaping hole to the shadow world form in the middle of the real world was unsettling.
The sense that nothing was real filled her again.
Definitely some advice from someone who understood make-up better and a real hair stylist who could figure out how to un-pink hair.
Convince me you aren't telling me we can have a real relationship just so I go through with this procedure you want to try.
He'd forgotten what color real fire was, but he found himself thinking it was orange, like the fruit in the basket on Sasha's desk.
Obviously too long under his keep to know what to do with herself in the real world?
She'd cried herself senseless before falling into a sleep too heavy to bring her any real rest.
The windows were open with no glass, and heavy iron chandeliers hung from thick wooden rafters and were burning real candles.
She'd always wanted to be a financial planner, and the thought of becoming a socialite with no real responsibilities made her gut sink.
The dream had seemed so real.
I should have something in the fridge and then we can go get some real food.
Unlike the nightmares, this time it was real and agonizingly slow.
He despised her video game playing and art, instead saying she needed a man capable of keeping her feet on the ground long enough for her to focus on doing something real with her life.
He didn't believe she was interacting with real people and instead called the other online players invisible friends.
She'd given up trying to convince him they were real.
How did you tell your best friend that aliens were real and oh, by the way, I married one and am taking you with me to his planet, for your own good?
The world was becoming more real as the days passed.
She expected real space to look closer if nothing else.
He agreed you needed a real life, though.
She had many more questions, but the more she asked, the less she could deny the world around her was real.
The scent of real food wafted towards her.
It looked like real food packed on the low tables with meat, gravies, and tons of dishes of what might have been casseroles of varying colors.
She wondered what life would be like with someone like him, or if he was so bound to duty, there was no room for real affection.
You were no real threat to them without your nishani, but now, you can rally your people behind you with the promise of healing the planet.
He'd granted favors to women as a way of releasing his frustration, but never with any real affection-- just physical need.
The concept of something more was as foreign to him as peace, and yet he wanted the image on the leaf to be real.
If you keep buying 'opportunities' like Mr. Stanislaw's Salvation Army box, you'll be too broke to answer the door if a real opportunity does come knocking.
A real tree is the only way to go but they sure are a mess, especially out here in the dry air.
Me and Miss Worthington are going to do a real study tomorrow.
These ought to be a real crowd pleaser.
That was a real high-up position in town.
I'd guess she was real content here in Ouray.
It was so real, the dream I had.
You're a real smart guy.
It's a real mess, I gotta tell you.
Shipton sounds like a real jerk.
Like I said, the whole situation is a real mess.
It's real pick-and-shovel work, maybe an hour a page.
But this is a real find!
Fred, it looks like you've got yourself a real mystery this time.
Then she added, But it looked like a real ghost.
In addition to the storage buildings, he owns an insurance agency, a bank and a bunch of commercial real estate.
He's a real fan of sci-fi occult, whatever that is.
Real people have secrets.
While her writing demonstrates education, most likely her background ill equipped her for the practical realities of the real world.
Both of them are at that level of not worrying about missing any meals but they're not big spenders—maybe five to ten mil bracket, give or take—no real debts.
She's always doing something melodramatic—a real nut case.
The state boys are real interested in this.
My guess is someone did a bit of planning for Jerome Shipton's big fall, and Edith hasn't demonstrated any real talent for long-range thinking.
I didn't want to say it, but I saw her, real close to where Shipton fell.
Besides, I'm not just doing this to be a real neat buddy, you know.
He let her know he and Fred were sniffing about in an attempt to determine the real killer.
Which one of these damn contraptions is the real thing?
But I'll be real generous and let the nutty bitch self-destruct.
All her information is on that woman, all the good deeds she did, with nothing about the real Annie.
It was real sad how Annie ended up.
I know he wasn't real sad when Mr. Shipton fell but now that his real father is around, he isn't as scared as he was.
He lay there, trying to comprehend if the noise were in his mind's fantasies or in the real world of Bird Song.
Dean had a memory of Fred draping a flannel shirt over Franny's bare shoulders, though no recollection of the order of arrival or any real details of what followed.
Then she asked, "You're not going to tattle on Claire about the real Annie, are you?"
Perhaps not real 'ghosts' but things we don't understand—some essence of what occurred there.
There's a real good chance he'll be living with us!
It was a quick first visit, so the doctor didn't come to any real conclusions.
It was time for the Deans to talk, to enjoy one another, the first real time together since their May wedding and hectic summer and fall that followed their move West and the opening of Bird Song.
I was in that room real quick after Edith died.
All I'm trying to do is sort out the real man from the image his wife created.
I mean real food, sustenance.
Connor was a lawyer, which he considered a real plus.
None of it was real.
How can I ever believe anything I feel for you is real?
I have to drink a real lot to get a hangover, so, with no downsides and a whole lot of up, why wouldn't I drink to my heart's content, plus it tastes awesome and warms my soul.
She smelled human, real human, almost beyond human.
Plus she felt warm, real warm.
She knew the real reason.
His story being that their family dealt in oil and real estate, and he managed some of their holdings.
Jackson lay back with his hands behind his head, replaying the night, still hardly believing it was real.
He stood, scrutinizing Elisabeth's painting, wondering how any of this could be real.
I still can hardly believe any of this is real.
Jackson is a real bore, he's Dracula every single year, ughh.
I have nightmares of waking and finding you dead at my feet, and now you are trying to make them real.
You know that is a very real possibility.
We are becoming a real family.
Because then it will all be real.
If we need help, we can hire a real vet.
He can understand a career in real estate.
Oh Josh, get real.
Which was the real Alex?
Brutus is torn up real bad.
She knew little about the stranger who called to check on her every day, not even his real name, but she was always cheered by his familiar voice.
I don't think I'll get any real sleep for a long time.
Your communiqué—" "Is this real?" one of the men trailing asked in surprise.
I have a real mission to execute hunting down insurgents.
Doc, you got a real gun?
It resembled a studio apartment with a real bed and dresser, a restroom cordoned off by opaque curtains in one corner, a small study where he kept his war docs, a kitchenette, rugs, and a small living area.
Mrs. Watson was already up, and the scents of bacon and eggs reminded Lana how long she'd gone without real food.
Brady's stomach roared at the scent of real food.
There was no real way to know which route she might've taken.
Lana found herself eating faster than she should have, hungry for real food after ten days of appetite suppressants and the dehydrated staples that she'd stuffed her bag full of.
She had enough for a month, but after a few days, she found herself wishing for real food instead of the stale bars.
At least now they'll have real heat, she thought to herself.
For the first time in her life, she told a real lie.
The dream sky wasn't even real, and he missed it already.
Toby's hand was all that felt real after the past three days.
The idea of emeralds swimming around in a lake was too much for Katie. She felt nauseous again at her overwhelming situation and stopped, leaning against a tree. What she would give for a sip of real water!
She had no idea how to be a single mother in the real world, let alone in a world as unforgiving as the Immortal one. She'd proven she couldn't raise Toby without a bottle of vodka permanently glued to her hand. Rhyn had been exiled for his mixed origins, and she'd never been especially welcomed by anyone but Gabe and Toby. If something happened to Rhyn or if she couldn't leave here … Panicking made her already surging hormones worse. She felt nauseous.
Toby was silent, knowing a normal Immortal could never understand. He didn't yet have the full power of a real guardian angel, but he should've been able to do more than … nothing. Angels were placed with human mothers so they could understand the creatures they were meant to take care of. Human mothers raised them as their own, yet none of his human mothers had gone to the extent Katie did to try to protect him.
The real Gabriel had been the one to tell her that the child she carried was a girl. "I guess we have to wait and see," she forced herself to say and added silently, I hope you're safe, Gabriel, wherever you are.
She hugged him hard. Rhyn wrapped his arms around her, marveling at how real her body felt in the dream. Her hair tickled his face, and he rested his chin on her head. They held each other for a long moment.
They walked towards the beach that had formed his prison for three days in the real world.
He was an angel, and he wasn't her real nephew. Oh, and they were in Hell.
She needed sleep and real food. Her hand went instinctively to her stomach, and she couldn't help wondering if the food and water cubes were good for the baby.
Doesn't quite seem real yet, though.
He considered warning the Indian night clerk that they had a real winner wandering out on the sand in the middle of the night but discarded the idea.
Your son has real talent.
Jeff is never sick and is a real stickler for that sort of thing.
I'll tell you—it'd make me look like a real bastard, that's how it'd look.
Fred, this is the real world.
I keep telling you, this stuff happens in the real world.
He felt little concern, however; let the old man read about a real mystery instead of his fictional sleuth stories.
If you're real nice to him, maybe we'll clear out your room.
Murder seems a real stretch, given lack of motive—nothing missing, no evidence or anything else usual to a homicide.
Not in the real world, it doesn't.
He turned to Rita, "The real FBI?"
He wants to close up that Byrne case unless you've found a real good reason to keep it open.
It was a real turn-on, not that we needed it.
If he wasn't alone, she was real quiet.
Real bikers weren't bothered by a little rain, he tried to tell himself, but the car radio spoke of a storm system moving up from the south, bringing with it high winds and torrential rain.
Fred consoled her in his best fashion in spite of having a snoot-full at the time—the mark of a real pro.
There were a few loose ends, but no real evidence.
He reported his visit to the post-memorial service gathering at the Byrne's home as uneventful, adding Cynthia's mother was "a real charmer."
It may take a while, but she shouldn't have any real difficulty having her husband declared dead—but she refuses to sue.
I'll check it out real good on Monday.
It was a shared-popcorn, arm-around-her-shoulder, old-fashioned-love-story-movie kind of evening, topped off by a kiss goodnight—a real one, just one, maybe not passionate but on the lips and not a brother-sister smooch at all.
Then he added, "The guy was real surprised someone was looking for Corbin."
You must think we're real bastards.
Lori had been with Alex so much when she was helping him with his real estate needs that everyone thought they were interested in each other.
It wasn't a real kiss – more like a light brush.
If she did, it probably wasn't her real name anyway.
I turned a good profit on that piece of real estate.
I suppose you think you're real smart.
You're my only real family.
What would trusting a real mind control expert get him?
Sofi left him alone in the study, and he sat down at Damian's computer to send the info the real estate agent needed to rent him the cabin.
At last, she realized she had no real advantage.
After a zillion years sleeping on the floor, I won't waste another night outside a real bed.
He'd accepted that sparring was the only real, physical interaction he'd ever have with her.
They didn't seem real.
His anger looked too real to be faked.
Jonny, what you feel for me—it's not real.
I haven't eaten real food in weeks.
Haven't eaten real food in weeks.
I had no real power and absolutely no guidance from you or anyone else on what my role was.
Before the moment when she saw the book, she hadn't wanted to connect the spectral figure of her mind with the very real man before her.
A real estate sign advertising a house for sale peeped out from tall grass beside the road.
He even tried to eat real food, like his mother and everyone else around him did.
One drop then two fell to the ground, and he almost flinched at the thought of his only real food in a week escaping him.
She was one; the memory of his real mother the second.
They probably weren't real, but he didn't care, as long as they filled his hands.
Under his spell, the blonde wasn't going to be phased by the display of magic, while Ingrid already knew he was the real thing.
Xander asked with no real heat.
They couldn't be real.
They certainly appeared real.
This is a real vamp.
How was that kid for real, anyway?
Are you certain Jessi is her real name?
She didn't have the patience or interest to be a real personal assistant.
Some of them don't know the difference between who they play on TV and who they are in real life, he said.
Do you think he's a real vampire?
She needed a real plan.
I'm talking to a real vampire.
It seemed too possible not to be real, especially with what she already knew about Xander.
Or maybe the only real meaning of life is to take what pleasure you want from it.
She didn't really remember what a real date felt like.
New rule, it has to be a real secret, none of this bullshit.
She wasn't certain her meltdown would wait, but this place seemed real enough.
Then I'm quitting for real, never to see any of you ever again.
That was the real Xander again, wasn't it?
I knew the necklace wasn't real.
These creatures couldn't read her mind, which meant they'd never know that she hid the real one in a shoebox.
Jessi reached for it, surprised to find the real one around her neck.
Though the controversy went on, its most important result had already been achieved in the silencing of Convocation, for that body, though it had just "seemed to be settling down to its proper work in dealing with the real exigencies of the church" when the Hoadly dispute arose, did not meet again for the despatch of business for nearly a century and a half.
To comprehend the real position we are forced to the conviction that the world of facts is the field in which, and that laws are the means by which, those higher standards of moral and aesthetical value are being realized; and such a union can again only become intelligible through the idea of a personal Deity, who in the creation and preservation of a world has voluntarily chosen certain forms and laws, through the natural operation of which the ends of His work are gained.
We may add that according to this view nothing is real but the living spirit of God and the world of living spirits which He has created; the things of this world have only reality in so far as they are the appearance of spiritual substance, which underlies everything.
To endow the universal substance with moral attributes, to maintain that it is more than the metaphysical ground of everything, to say it is the perfect realization of the holy, the beautiful and the good, can only have a meaning for him who feels within himself what real not imaginary values are clothed in those expressions.
At the beginning of the 19th century it did not contain 20,000 inhabitants, and its real advance began with the reigns of Kings Frederick and William I., who exerted themselves in every way to improve and beautify it.
Storing an email address enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.Your real name, if you choose to provide it, will be used for giving you attribution for your work.
Though votes were often cast for ten names, there were but two real candidates before the convention, Grant and Blaine.
Her nights were spent in writing, which seemed in her case a relaxation from the real business of the day, playing with her grandchildren, gardening, conversing with her visitors - it might be Balzac or Dumas, or Octave Feuillet or Matthew Arnold - or writing long letters to Sainte-Beuve and Flaubert.
The movement had no real popular support, and very soon collapsed.
Real cotton goods were not made in Lancashire till 1641, when Bolton is named as the chief seat of the manufacture of fustians, vermilions and dimities.
Mossman thinks that the apparent increase at Edinburgh and London in the later decades is to some extent at least real.
A woman's right to hold, manage and acquire property is not affected by marriage, except that unless she lives apart from her husband, she may not mortgage or convey real estate without his consent.
When a husband dies 'intestate leaving a widow and issue, the widow is entitled to the life use of one-third of the real estate and to one-third of the personal estate absolutely.
If there is no issue she takes the whole of the personal estate, while the real estate, subject to her dower, goes first to her husband's father and then to his mother, brothers and sisters.
If the wife dies intestate the husband has a right to the use of her real estate for life, and to one-third of the personal estate if there is issue; otherwise to the whole.
Neither can by will deprive the other of the right of dower or courtesy in the real estate and of the right to one-third of the personal estate.
The real beginning of English equity is to be found in the custom of handing over to that officer, for adjudication, the complaints which were addressed to the king, praying for remedies beyond the reach of the common law.
Her real name was Hostia, and she was a native of Tibur.
The entire duties of administration were suffered to remain in the hands of the nawab, while a few irresponsible English traders had drawn to themselves all real power.
This angle, therefore, divided by the magnifying power of the telescope gives the real angular distance of the centres of a double star.
These two groups are divided by the deep valley of the Tirso, the only real river in Sardinia, which has a course of 94 m.
Artists have been known to use the left hand in the hope of checking the fatal facility which practice had conferred on the right; and if Hood had been able to place under some restraint the curious and complex machinery of words and syllables which his fancy was incessantly producing, his style would have been a great gainer, and much real earnestness of object, which now lies confused by the brilliant kaleidoscope of language, would have remained definite and clear.
From the real or fancied rapprochements between Cartesianism and Jansenism, it became for a while impolitic, if not dangerous, to avow too loudly a preference for Cartesian theories.
In general, Aquinas maintained in different senses the real existence of universals ante rem, in re and post rem.
He sees insoluble contradictions in every mode of conceiving God as real, yet he advocates religious belief, though the object of that belief have but an abstract or imaginary existence.
A special feature of his rule was the sending out of numerous cleruchies (q.v.), which served the double purpose of securing strategic points to Athens and converting the needy proletariate of the capital into owners of real property.
There is a dispute as to his real desings.
The latter was a great magician, able, by operating upon waxen figures of the armies and ships of his enemies, to obtain complete power over their real actions.
In projective geometry it may be defined as the conic which intersects the line at infinity in two real points, or to which it is possible to draw two real tangents from the centre.
The 'eighties were notable for great real estate activity, and the population of the city increased 199.5% from 1880 to 1890.
It was, in a very real sense, representative of the whole country, as two members were chosen by parliament from each county.
Giuseppe Balsamo - for such was the "count's" real name - gave early indications of those talents which afterwards gained for him so wide a notoriety.
Causes of friction still remained, but they did not develop into open quarrels, for Mitre was content to leave Urquiza in his province of Entre Rios, and the other administrators (caudillos) in their several governments, a large measure of autonomy, trusting that the position and growing commercial importance of Buenos Aires would inevitably tend to make the federal capital the real centre of power of the republic. In 1865 the Argentines were forced into war with Paraguay through the overbearing attitude of the president Francisco Solano Lopez.
On the 31st of August of the same year a series of proposals upon the currency question was submitted to congress by the president, whose real object was to counteract the too rapid appreciation of the inconvertible paper money.
Archelaus, Herod's successor, had far less authority than Herod, and the real power of government at Jerusalem was assumed by the Roman procurators, in the time of one of whom, Pontius Pilate, Jesus Christ was condemned to death and crucified outside Jerusalem.
As a residence, however, for the rulers of the empire, a remote place in a difficult alpine region was far from convenient, and the real capitals were Susa, Babylon and Ecbatana.
As regards the last mentioned it may be said that it was accomplished from within, there being no real external necessity for the union of the states.
He was also the author of important papers in which he extended to complex quadratic forms many of Gauss's investigations relating to real quadratic forms. After 1864 he devoted himself chiefly to elliptic functions, and numerous papers on this subject were published by him in the Proc. Lond.