Reading Sentence Examples
He was always reading, learning, inquiring.
I am reading a very sad story, called "Little Jakey."
She was an open book to him and he was obsessed with the idea of reading it.
They spent the rest of the spring reading and studying.
The actual tip sounds like someone is reading it and it's always worded in the same format.
She found him in the living room reading the newspaper.
You will sense without reading minds.
I'm reading their blogs.
I learned what I know of the world from reading in his library, and I learned to fight.
After reading my arguments, you may or may not believe the future I describe is inevitable, as I say it is.
AdvertisementIt was midnight, and he'd just finished reading Jenn's latest report.
Cynthia asked, as if reading his mind.
Carmen sat down beside his bed and pulled out the horse book she had been reading to him.
Unable to sit still he paced up and down the room holding the letter and reading it.
Only now in the stillness of the night, reading it by the faint light under the green shade, did he grasp its meaning for a moment.
AdvertisementYou can't go around reading other people's mail!
Alex was sitting in his chair, reading a magazine and glanced up when she spoke.
She sat running her finger over the braille manuscript, stopping now and then to refer to the braille notes on which she had indicated her corrections, all the time reading aloud to verify the manuscript.
Alex dropped his mind reading gaze on her.
But before he had finished reading, a stentorian major-domo announced that dinner was ready!
AdvertisementMy eyes are tired from all this reading and culling, discarding the inappropriate ones.
The silver of her eyes flared and swirled as she gazed at him, an indication she was reading either his future or his mind.
The Watcher returned his gaze to his phone, reading a text.
Nobody I talked to ever heard of Dawkins, but Mrs. Worthington said she remembers reading about this Rowland guy.
We have reading lessons every day.
AdvertisementHe began reading about the sufferings and virtuous struggles of a certain Emilie de Mansfeld.
And he began reading Bilibin's letter which was written in French.
When Michael Ivanovich returned to the study with the letter, the old prince, with spectacles on and a shade over his eyes, was sitting at his open bureau with screened candles, holding a paper in his outstretched hand, and in a somewhat dramatic attitude was reading his manuscript-- his "Remarks" as he termed it--which was to be transmitted to the Emperor after his death.
She was lounging on the bed reading a magazine when someone knocked on the door.
She wasn't actually tired, but reading was relaxing.
He recited a meticulous inventory of everything in the bedroom quarters, including the page number of a book his wife was reading as she remained in bed.
How could I convince my reading public I heard it from the horse's mouth?
Sofi's skill relied mostly on reading the future of a specific soul by touching them, and he'd not let her within miles of a vamp since taking over her guardianship.
She collected what she could find and perched in a chair, reading until sundown, when the hunger pangs hit her again.
He asked, and started reading.
After a while she stopped reading, staring at a picture.
It's like reading a novel!
She was sitting up in bed reading.
Sarah sat in the drawing room reading.
Even as a boy he had intense pleasure in reading St Thomas Aquinas and the Arab commentators of Aristotle, was skilled in the subtleties of the schools, wrote verses, studied music and design, and, avoiding society, loved solitary rambles on the banks of the Po.
The invectives against idolatry of the early Jewish and Christian apologists, of Philo, Minucius Felix, Tertullian, Arnobius, Lactantius and others, are very good reading and throw much light on the question how an ancient pagan conceived of his idols.
The great qualities displayed in this work have been universally acknowledged - conscientiousness, accuracy, judgment and enormous reading.
His reading in Livy taught him to admire the Roman system of employing armies raised from the body of the citizens; and Cesare Borgia's method of gradually substituting the troops of his own duchy for aliens and mercenaries showed him that this plan might be adopted with success by the Italians.
From reading he passed to sleeping, from sleeping to gossip in drawing rooms of the club, from gossip to carousals and women; from carousals back to gossip, reading, and wine.
Boris read 'Poor Liza' aloud to her, and more than once interrupted the reading because of the emotions that choked him.
To Pierre's timid look of inquiry after reading the letter she replied by asking him to go, but to fix a definite date for his return.
He studied her over the rim of his reading glasses, and his eyes warmed with a smile.
If Howie drops into ten or twenty minutes of anyone's life, chance are all he sees is them picking their nose, reading a book or working.
Molly was seated in our living room, reading a book when I arrived.
Right now, she didn't want him reading her mind.
He turned on some music with weak intentions of continuing his sheriff reading but instead just sat there, finishing the last of the merlot.
Claudia introduced the men, reading from printed biographies.
Two were reading different sections of a newspaper while Roger was stirring his coffee and chatting, although no one seemed to be listening.
He searched her face, reading it like a book.
He glanced up from the book he was reading and followed her gaze to the picture in her hand.
I've been reading up on it...
Dean said after reading Cynthia's latest translations.
I've been reading the reports from both sides.
The reading is, however, only one of several possibilities.
Reading, I think, should be kept independent of the regular school exercises.
He went on reading to the end, without raising his eyes at the opening of the door and the sound of footsteps.
But the author himself took the verses and began reading them aloud.
He was seized with alarm lest something should have happened to the child while he was reading the letter.
Alpatych, having sent his family away, was alone at Bald Hills and was sitting indoors reading the Lives of the Saints.
You've been reading my mind from the beginning, haven't you?
Destiny gradually relaxed and Carmen stopped reading.
Carmen grabbed a chair and sat down beside him, reading as he typed.
Clicking on the desktop icon labeled 'Carmen' she started reading.
Gabe pried the knife free and tossed it on the bed, reading the message.
Rhyn stood and crossed to the iPad, reading quietly.
He returned to his underworld, reading the information on the iPad as he walked.
There were six students around five-years-old and an older boy on the verge of puberty sitting around a beautiful blond, who was reading a book out loud.
He had no intention of reading it, but he liked how soft the cover was.
He turned to her twice and pointed out the window as the scenery whizzed, but she ignored him, reading instead.
She marched to her bathroom and yanked out the five pill bottles, reading the labels.
She sensed he was reading her thoughts, and she wondered what he was thinking.
Dean looked up at his wife after reading the strange lines.
No. But it's so sad reading about it.
I'm about to go blind reading them old microfilm newspapers.
I guess after reading this here notebook, it was a fool's errand.
That's what reading does for me.
I got here early and was reading the highlighted portions of one of your psychology books.
The two books mentioned remained unnoticed by the reading public, and Lotze first became known to a larger circle through a series of works which aimed at establishing in the study of the physical and mental phenomena of the human organism in its normal and diseased states the same general principles which had been adopted in the investigation of inorganic phenomena.
There he passed nine studious years, chiefly devoted to classical reading, Plato and Tacitus being his favourite authors, because "the former described the ideal man, and the latter man as he really is."
Repsolds employ for the micrometers of their reading microscopes the form of construction shown in fig.
The attendants then withdrew, and while Henry was reading the letters Clement mortally wounded him with a dagger which had been concealed beneath his cloak.
The mean winter reading of the thermometer is 54.7, and accompanied as this is by clear skies and an absence of snow, the season is both pleasant and invigorating.
A simple, but important, addition to enable the reading from the instrument to be effected by sound is shown in fig.
His first publication, however, dealt with a question of philosophical method suggested by the reading of Hutcheson.
Its railway mileage in January 1907 was J33.6 m.; the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington (Pennsylvania system), the Baltimore & Philadelphia (Baltimore & Ohio system), and the Wilmington & Northern (Philadelphia & Reading system) cross the northern part of the state, while the Delaware railway (leased by the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington) runs the length of the state below Wilmington, and another line, the Maryland, Delaware & Virginia (controlled by the Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic railway, which is related to the Pennsylvania system), connects Lewes, Del., with Love Point, Md., on the Chesapeake Bay.
In this instrument a considerable linear relative movement of the divided lens corresponds with a comparatively small separation of the double image, so that simple verniers reading to 6 1 0 in.
Accordingly, in reading the scales A and B (attached to the slides which carry the two halves of the object-glass), it is only necessary to turn the screws until the fixed 1 The primary object was to have the object-glass mounted in steel cells, which more nearly correspond in expansion with glass.
No book is worth reading that does not make you better or wiser.
And so William Jones went on reading and learning.
Maybe you will agree it to be possible, but after reading this chapter, you will likely think it is improbable.
After reading this, I decided I concur.
Instead of reading words on a page and trying to imagine a concept, we can see it, as the old expression goes, in Technicolor.
Ambrose replied that he was looking at the words and reading them that way.
When you reach a step you do not understand, do you not start reading out loud really slowly?
Processing aurally was familiar to Augustine while reading silently was revelatory, so noteworthy that he wrote it in his autobiography.
In the second case, the technique of reading without vocalizing allowed for faster reading and a new, visual way to process verbal information—again, a net gain.
I hope that, after reading this far, you appreciate that for our age, this is no idle boast.
One reading was sufficient to stamp every detail of the story upon my memory forever.
It seems strange that my first reading of Shakespeare should have left me so many unpleasant memories.
I go to school every day I am studying reading, writing, arithmetic, geography and language.
For a whole evening she will sit at the table writing whatever comes into her busy brain; and I seldom find any difficulty in reading what she has written.
She bends over her book with a look of intense interest, and as the forefinger of her left hand runs along the line, she spells out the words with the other hand; but often her motions are so rapid as to be unintelligible even to those accustomed to reading the swift and varied movements of her fingers.
Can any one doubt after reading these questions that the child who was capable of asking them was also capable of understanding at least their elementary answers?
He learns not by reading what he understands, but by reading and remembering words he does not understand.
There is a work in several volumes in our Circulating Library entitled "Little Reading," which I thought referred to a town of that name which I had not been to.
One who has just come from reading perhaps one of the best English books will find how many with whom he can converse about it?
Pierre reaching the house first went into Prince Andrew's study like one quite at home, and from habit immediately lay down on the sofa, took from the shelf the first book that came to his hand (it was Caesar's Commentaries), and resting on his elbow, began reading it in the middle.
All were silently crossing themselves, and the reading of the church service, the subdued chanting of deep bass voices, and in the intervals sighs and the shuffling of feet were the only sounds that could be heard.
Of course, she, a handsome young woman without any definite position, without relations or even a country, did not intend to devote her life to serving Prince Bolkonski, to reading aloud to him and being friends with Princess Mary.
Vera, Natasha, Sonya, and Petya now entered the room, and the reading of the letter began.
After reading a few lines, he glanced angrily at Berg, then, meeting his eyes, hid his face behind the letter.
On a third estate the priest, bearing a cross, came to meet him surrounded by children whom, by the count's generosity, he was instructing in reading, writing, and religion.
He became animated when he began reading his paper and specially drew Rostov's attention to the stinging rejoinders he made to his enemies.
His hospital companions, who had gathered round Rostov--a fresh arrival from the world outside--gradually began to disperse as soon as Denisov began reading his answer.
In the middle of the reading, the Uhlan interrupted Denisov.
Denisov interrupted him, went on reading his paper.
A trained midwife was engaged for Bogucharovo at his expense, and a priest was paid to teach reading and writing to the children of the peasants and household serfs.
Reading these letters, Nicholas felt a dread of their wanting to take him away from surroundings in which, protected from all the entanglements of life, he was living so calmly and quietly.
As she read she glanced at the sleeping Natasha, trying to find in her face an explanation of what she was reading, but did not find it.
Toward night candles were burning round his coffin, a pall was spread over it, the floor was strewn with sprays of juniper, a printed band was tucked in under his shriveled head, and in a corner of the room sat a chanter reading the psalms.
An ukase, they are reading an ukase!
Reading an ukase! cried voices in the crowd, and the people rushed toward the reader.
At Anna Pavlovna's on the twenty-sixth of August, the very day of the battle of Borodino, there was a soiree, the chief feature of which was to be the reading of a letter from His Lordship the Bishop when sending the Emperor an icon of the Venerable Sergius.
To such customary routine belonged his conversations with the staff, the letters he wrote from Tarutino to Madame de Stael, the reading of novels, the distribution of awards, his correspondence with Petersburg, and so on.
What Russian, reading the account of the last part of the campaign of 1812, has not experienced an uncomfortable feeling of regret, dissatisfaction, and perplexity?
At home Natasha placed herself in the position of a slave to her husband, and the whole household went on tiptoe when he was occupied--that is, was reading or writing in his study.
I'm trying to teach one of the Roma girls her letters as she knows nothing of reading or writing.
Fred wandered into the kitchen as Dean was reading the label of a Campbell's soup can in hopes of creating an exotic sauce for his broiling fish.
Then, with a total change of subject she rambled forward, I've been reading about Annie.
I was reading them the riot act and they weren't believing it any more than they ever do, except for maybe the first-timers.
Effie told me about the prostitute whose diary you're reading.
I'm not sure I'm reading it at all.
She reached over and picked up the translated pages of Annie Quincy's notebook and began reading aloud.
When Sarah and Connor entered the drawing room, Jackson and Elisabeth were sitting on the sofa reading.
Alex was lounging on the couch, reading a book when she entered the house.
Will I be reading another report about you smacking someone?
She glanced up at the screen, feeling uneasy about reading messages the dead man had sent.
Another corner contained crates full of sleeping babies while older children sat reading antique books in the center of the room.
Brady asked, reading the blond woman's face.
She felt nauseous again. As if reading it in her features, he smiled.
Dean remembered reading about Adolph Messner, a craftsman of the old school who was a stickler for perfection, if not business acumen.
Those glasses are only for reading, Fred replied, without looking up.
He was resigned to quietly reading a book until Mrs. Porter the housekeeper showed up a day early, accommodating a family wedding, and Dean's peace began competing with the sounds of a vacuum cleaner and Mrs. Porter's radio music, even worse junk than Fred's usual selections.
A slow-moving car on his side of the street blocked him from reading the license number or giving chase.
I think you ought to stick to reading mysteries instead of inventing them.
It was strange reading your report on Jeff—hearing what everyone thought of him.
Dean recalled reading the same article in his copy.
With crochet needles in her lap, Mums eyed Carmen over the rim of her reading glasses.
Reading tire tracks in the dirt.
No television, no light for reading – the only thing she could do was cook.
He had been incredibly good at reading her so far, but this was different.
He walked over to examine the crosses and then squatted beside them, rifle across his knees, reading.
His attention returned to the book, but she could tell he wasn't reading.
After supper, Alex and Jonathan were sitting on the couch reading a book while she did the dishes.
After reading the note, Jonny, too, Traveled elsewhere.
He began to read, stumbling over the words after years without reading his native tongue.
You'll have to develop some skill in reading people if you want to make this a business.
Jonathan had band practice with his friends and Alex was in his recliner, reading a letter from a wildlife management area in Colorado.
Gerald's gaze shifted briefly to Alex, who continued reading as if he hadn't heard their conversation.
When Felipa returned with the children, he was in his chair, reading the paper and Carmen was in the kitchen fixing supper.
He opened his book and began reading.
Thus they stood and waited for what appeared to be the reading of a will.
If so, it was strange that so much fuss would be made over the reading of a foreman's will.
When everyone had settled down, he began reading in Spanish.
He enjoyed coming home and sitting in his chair, relaxing and reading the newspaper while she put supper on the table.
Later, after the children had gone to bed and they were enjoying a little time reading, he closed his book and looked at her.
The airplane trip to Arkansas seemed like an opportunity to catch up on reading, but his mind kept drifting away from the book.
Megan pulled the list from her pocket and started reading off the supplies.
Slowly the strength ebbed from her body and reading became a chore.
She stooped and picked it up, reading aloud.
After reading my note, you still think you're the only one with feelings?
As if reading his mind, the stranger spoke.
She imagined him snarling over the book she pushed in and replacing the one she'd been reading.
She went to the iPad and tried to focus on reading her rules.
Xander watched, reading their movements before they occurred.
She found herself admiring his body and forced her attention on reading one of the books she'd picked up during a trip to stretch her legs earlier.
If the reading for coincidence of the movable with the fixed webs is known, we then obtain from the single reading of S the difference from coincidence of the divisions of the two scales.
The excellent manner in which the scales and micrometers are mounted, the employment of a compound microscope for viewing the scales, with its ingeniously arranged and admirably efficient reversing prism, and the perfection of its slow motions for focusing and reading, combine to render this a most accurate and convenient instrument for very refined measures, although too slow for work in which the measures must depend on single pointings in each of two reversed positions of the plate, and where speed of working is essential.
She was to a considerable extent selftaught; and her love of reading made her acquainted first with Plutarch - a passion for which author she continued to cherish throughout her life - thereafter with Bossuet, Massillon, and authors of a like stamp, and finally with Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau.
The Geometry of Descartes, unlike the other parts of his essays, is not easy reading.
Educated at Reading school and at Winchester college, Henry Vansittart joined the society of the Franciscans, or the "Hellfire club," at Medmenham, his elder brothers, Arthur and Robert, being also members of this fraternity.
On his deathbed remorse seized him; he bestowed his goods on the poor, restored unjust gains, freed his slaves, and every third day till his death listened to the reading of the Koran.
There are Turkish primary and secondary schools in some of the towns; in the village mosques instruction in the Koran is given by the imams, but neither reading nor writing is taught.
He connects the Christian ministry, not with the worship of the Temple, in which were priests and sacrificial ritual, but with that of the synagogue, which was a local institution providing spiritual edification by the reading and exposition of Scripture.'
It consists of reading of Holy Scripture, psalmody, non-liturgical prayer and preaching.
He also studied the first six books of Euclid and some algebra, besides reading a considerable quantity of Hebrew and learning the Odes of Horace by heart.
Modern mathematicians may find on reading this brilliant summary a good many dicta which they will call in question, but, whatever its defects may be, Peacock's report remains a work of permanent value.
One of the oldest and most widespread methods of divining the future, both among primitive people and among several of the civilizations of antiquity, was the reading of omens in the signs noted on the liver of the animal offered as a sacrifice to some deity.
He stood between Scotland and France and Germany and France; and, though his expositions are vitiated by loose reading of the philosophers he interpreted, he did serviceable, even memorable work.
Operators who used the recorder soon learned to read the message by the click of the armature against its stop, and as this left the hands and eyes free to write, reading by sound was usually preferred.
Dots and dashes are distinguished by the interval between the sounds of the instrument in precisely the same way as they are distinguished when reading from the recorder by sound.
There is a various reading «aµuAos (cable) for Ka/lfXos (camel), but Cheyne, in the Ency.
Frequently half his nights were spent in reading, after the labour of his most strenuous days.
Presented to parliament in November 1898, the bill was read a second time in the following spring, but its third reading was violently obstructed by the Socialists, Radicals and Republicans of the Extreme Left.
After a series of scenes and scuffles the bill was promulgated by royal decree, the decree being postdated to allow time for the third reading.
The younger generation, in view of the requirements and criticism of a reading public, cultivated the art of composition and rhetorical embellishment.
Its most important feature on the theological as distinct from the political side was the endeavour to promote the circulation of the Bible in the vernacular, by encouraging translation and procuring an order in 1538 that a copy of the Bible in English should be set up in every church in a convenient place for reading.
Four of them are attributed to the archbishop himself - those on Salvation, Faith, Good Works and the Reading of Scripture.
Mill boldly affirmed that there might be remote realms in space where 2+2 did not make 4 but some different total, even empiricists may hestitate to concur; and yet Mill's assertion is at least the most obvious empiricist reading of the situation.
His position, indeed, often necessitated his presence at games and shows, but on these occasions he occupied himself either in reading, in being read to, or in writing notes.
He treated them all with forbearance, and it is said that when the correspondence of Cassius was brought him he burnt it without reading it.
The word signifies horned cattle, and is found in Shakespeare's own writing, in the restored line "It is the pasture lards the rother's sides" (Timon of Athens), '' where "brother's" was originally the accredited reading.
Their long lists of the occurrences of words and forms fixed with accuracy the present (Masoretic) text, which they had produced, and were invaluable to subsequent lexicographers, while their system of vowel-points and accents not only gives us the pronunciation and manner of reading traditional about the 7th century A.D., but frequently serves also the purpose of an explanatory commentary.
The inconvenience of having a single ambo led to the substitution of two separate ambones, between which these various functions were divided, one on the south side of the chancel being for the reading of the gospel, and one on the north for reading the epistle.
It reached second reading but was not proceeded with.
The mere reading of accounts of seances developed the peculiar susceptibility in some persons, while others, who became mediums ultimately, did so only after prolonged and patient waiting.
His writing apparatus - a noctograph - lay before him, and he kept his ivory style in his hand to jot down notes as the reading progressed.
Cyprian had none of that character which makes the reading of Tertullian, whom he himself called his magister, so interesting and piquant, but he possessed other qualities which Tertullian lacked, especially the art of presenting his thoughts in simple, smooth and clear language, yet in a style which is not wanting in warmth and persuasive power.
Meanwhile his indiscriminate appetite for reading had begun to fix itself more and more decidedly upon history; and the list of historical works devoured by him during this period of chronic ill-health is simply astonishing.
He soon learned to call to his aid the subsidiary sciences of geography and chronology, and before he was quite capable of reading them had already attempted to weigh in his childish balance the competing systems of Scaliger and Petavius, of Marsham and Newton.
Under the judicious regulations of his new tutor a methodical course of reading was marked out, and most ardently prosecuted; the pupil's progress was proportionably rapid.
His reading was largely designed to enable him fully to profit by the long-contemplated Italian tour which began in April 1764 and lasted somewhat more than a year.
The Kennet and Avon Canal, between Reading and the Avon, follows the river closely from Bradford down to Bath, where it enters it by a descent of seven locks.
In March 1679 he protested against the second reading of the bill for disabling Danby.
Within the seven years next following he failed twice as a storekeeper and once as a farmer; but in the meantime acquired a taste for reading, of history especially, and read and re-read the history of Greece and Rome, of England, and of her American colonies.
Then, poor but not discouraged, he resolved to be a lawyer, and after reading Coke upon Littleton and the Virginia laws for a few weeks only, he strongly impressed one of his examiners, and was admitted to the bar at the age of twentyfour, on condition that he spend more time in study before beginning to practise.
Instead of reading Aristotle and other naturalists, people went for information to commonplace books like those of Aelian, in which scraps of folk-lore, travellers' tales and fragments of misapprehended science were set forth in an elegant style.
As he was reading the Law at the feast of tabernacles he burst into tears at the words " Thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother "; and the people cried out, " Fear not, Agrippa; thou art our brother."
In any case, only the eastern districts would have been affected by invaders from over the Rhine, the chief seat of the Belgae proper being in the west, the country occupied by the Bellovaci, Ambiani and Atrebates, to which it is probable (although the reading is uncertain) that Caesar gives the distinctive name Belgium (corresponding to the old provinces of Picardy and Artois).
The reading in public of his two treatises De Potestate ecclesiastica and De Reformatione Ecclesiae revealed, besides ideas very peculiar to himself on the reform and constitution of the church, his design of reducing the power of the English in the council by denying them the right of.
Eckhart was a distinguished son of the Church; E but in reading his works we feel at once that we have passed into quite a different sphere of thought from that of the churchly mystics; we seem to leave the cloister behind and to breathe a freer atmosphere.
The " cave " is also spoken of as a " hold " or fortress, and this is everywhere the true reading.
Reid graduated at Aberdeen in 1726, and remained there as librarian to the university for ten years, a period which he devoted largely to mathematical reading.
It is served by the Lehigh Valley and the Philadelphia & Reading railways, and by the electric lines of the Schuylkill Railway Company and the Shamokin & Mount Carmel Transit Company.
In later life he was accustomed to say that he knew as much about mathematics when he was eighteen as ever he knew; but his reading embraced nearly the whole round of knowledge - history, travels, poetry, philosophy and the natural sciences.
This antiphon received the name either because it was sung on the steps of the altar or while the deacon was mounting the steps of the ambo for the reading or singing of the Gospel.
His wide reading and capacious memory enabled him to carry in his mind the materials of a sound historical theology, but these materials were unsifted by criticism.
His father, who was a wealthy man and possessed at any rate a smattering of Greek, Latin and French, was thought to have demeaned himself by marrying the daughter of an Andover tradesman, who afterwards retired to a country house near Reading, where young Jeremy spent many happy days.
He spent his time in making chemical experiments and in speculating upon legal abuses, rather than in reading Coke upon Littleton and the Reports.
In 1882, at Reading, a gold medal was given for a cream separator for horse power, whilst a prize of roo guineas offered for the most efficient and most economical method of drying hay or corn crops artificially, either before or after being stacked, was not awarded.
In some instances colleges are supported entirely by one county, as is the Holmes Chapel College, Cheshire; in others a college is supported by several affiliated counties, as in the case of the agricultural department of the University College, Reading, which acts in connexion with the counties of Berks, Oxon, Hants and Buckingham.
His main reading was still history, but he went through all the Latin and Greek authors commonly read in the schools and universities, besides several that are not commonly read by undergraduates.
His father's History of India was published in 1818; immediately thereafter, about the age of twelve, John began a thorough study of the scholastic logic, at the same time reading Aristotle's logical treatises in the original.
He engaged in set discussions at a reading society formed at Grote's house in 1825, and in set debates at a Speculative Society formed in the same year.
In the course of the next few years he wrote comparatively little, but he continued his reading, and also derived much, benefit from discussions held twice a week at Grote's house in Threadneedle Street.
It was in 1837, on reading Whewell's Inductive Sciences and re-reading Herschel, that Mill at last saw his way clear both to formulating the methods of scientific investigation and joining on the new logic as a supplement to the old.
Though Mill appears here purely as the disciple of Ricardo, striving after more precise statement, and reaching forward to further consequences, we can well understand in reading these essays how about the time when he first sketched them he began to be conscious of power as an original and independent thinker.
Languages he disliked, but he spent much of his spare time in reading history, especially Plutarch.
His last act was to listen while on his death-bed to the reading of the preliminaries of the treaty of Paris.
He developed this line of argument when moving the second reading of the Home Rule bill in April, and at Dundee in the autumn outlined a general policy under which England would be cut up into self-governing areas.
This knowledge, joined to what he had gathered by historical reading of equally unusual extent, he carefully digested and gave to the world in his Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, containing notices of the lives and labours of mathematicians, astronomers, physicists, and chemists, of all peoples and all ages.
In reading the service he altered or omitted phrases which seemed to him untrue, and in reading the Scriptures pointed out errors in the translation.
The instrument therefore does not begin to read from zero current, but from some higher limit which, generally speaking, is about one-tenth of the maximum, so that an ammeter reading up to io amperes will not give much visible indication below i ampere.
Direct reading equidivisional movable coil ammeters can be made in various portable forms, and are very much employed as laboratory instruments and also as ammeters for the measurement of large electric currents in electric generating stations.
It has the disadvantage of not being direct reading when made in the usual form, but can easily be converted into a direct reading instrument by appropriately dividing the scale over which the index of the torsion head moves.
Each of these balances is made to cover a certain range of reading.
A steady continuous current is then passed through the ammeter and low resistance, placed in series with one another and adjusted so as to give any required scale reading on the ammeter.
This can be then compared with the observed scale reading and the error of the ammeter noted.'
In the use of ammeters in which the control is the gravity of a weight, such as the Kelvin ampere balances and other instruments, it should be noted that the scale reading or indication of the instrument will vary with the latitude and with the height of the instrument above the mean sea-level.
The middle of the altar was censed, according to Sarum, Bangor and Hereford, before the reading of the Gospel.
The accuracy of a meter is tested by drawing calibration curves showing the percentage departure from absolute accuracy in its reading for various decimal fractions of full load.
Reading has become a general accomplishment, a demand for reading matter has arisen, and bookshops stocked with books have appeared to satisfy it.
He took an active part in the foundation and direction of a number of societies for religious and social work, notably the National Home Reading Union Society and English Land Colonization Society, and was.
There he found little religion and less refinement; but no serious difficulty seems to have been made about his reading the classics and the Fathers with his friends to his heart's content.
But the bent of his reading is shown by the manuscript with which he returned to Paris at the close of 1.504 - Valla's Annotations on the New Testament,.
His day was thus one of incessant mental activity; but hard work was so far from breeding a distaste for his occupation, that reading and writing grew ever more delightful to him (literarum assiduitas non modo mihi fastidium non pant, sed voluptatem; crescit scribendo scribendi studium).
It is impossible in reading Erasmus not to be reminded of the rationalist of the 18th century.
But the Frenchman Budaeus wrote an execrable Latin style, unreadable then as now, while the Teuton Erasmus charmed the reading world with a style which, though far from good Latin, is the most delightful which the Renaissance has left us.
He complains that much reading of the works of St Jerome had spoiled his Latin; but, as Scaliger says (Scalig er 2 a), " Erasmus's language is better than St Jerome's."
He was, however, a desultory student, and in 1870 was advised to go to the little village of Martinhoe, in Devon, for quiet reading, but distinguished himself more by his daring climbs after seagulls' eggs and his engineering skill in cutting a pathway along precipitous cliffs to some caves.
His quotations from the classics, Sallust, Lucan and others, show the extent of his reading.
He was educated at Reading free school, matriculated at St John's college, Oxford, in 1589, gained a scholarship in 1590, a fellowship in 1593, and graduated B.A.
He was an active visitor of Eton and Winchester, and endowed the grammar school at Reading, where he was himself educated.
It is served by the Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia & Reading, the Northern Central and the Cumberland Valley railways; and the Pennsylvania canal gives it water communication with the ocean.
The original form of the name was Nethunim, as in the Khetib (consonantal reading) of Ezra viii.
He here urges that the foundation of all true learning is a " sound and thorough knowledge of Latin," and draws up a course of reading, in which history is represented by Livy, Sallust, Curtius, and Caesar; oratory by Cicero; and poetry by Virgil.
Latin was, above all, to be learned through use, with as little grammar as possible, but with the reading of easy Latin texts, and with no repetition, no composition.
To facilitate the reading of Latin texts, the favourite method was the use of interlinear translations, originally proposed by Locke, first popularized in France by Dumarsais (1722), and in constant vogue down to the time of the Revolution.
In 1875 Wiese was succeeded by Bonitz, the eminent Aristotelian scholar, who in 1849 had introduced mathematics and natural science into the schools of Austria, and had substituted the wide reading of classical authors for the prevalent practice of speaking and writing Latin.
Steelton is served by the Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia && Reading railways, and is connected with Harrisburg by electric line.
Here he remained till 1862, reading widely on his own account, and giving special attention to the works of the French encyclopaedists and to modern French history.
Before the arrival of the French two kinds of instruction were given, reading and writing being taught in the ordinary schools and higher education - largely theological - in medressas (colleges), usually attached to the chief mosques.
The scale reading then indicates directly the electromotive force of this second source of potential.
An observation is then taken of the reading of the amperemeter and of the fall of resistance down the low resistance when a certain steady current is passing through the strip and amperemeter.
If then the amperemeter scale reading was 100 it would show an error of that scale reading of minus 1.9 amperes or nearly 2%.
Many even of these readings merely relate to variations of spelling, pronunciation or grammatical forms; others substitute a more decent expression for the coarser phrase of the text, but in some instances the suggested reading really affects the sense of the passage.
Taking account of the reading of LXX.
The list recognized four Gospels, Acts, thirteen epistles of Paul, two epistles of John, Jude, Apocalypse of John and (as the text stands) of Peter; there is no mention of Hebrews or (apparently) of 3 John or Epistles of Peter, where it is possible - we cannot say more - that the silence as to t Peter is accidental; the Shepherd of Hermas on account of its date is admitted to private, but not public, reading; various writings associated with Marcion, Valentinus, Basilides and Montanus are condemned.
If one of the two is the original it is probably the African, for which there is older evidence, and of which the style both in reading and rendering seems purer.
This was a great step forward, but unfortunately it was accompanied by a retrogression to the pre-Griesbachian (or rather pre-Bengelian) days; for Lachmann rejected the idea of grouping MSS., and having selected a small number of the oldest authorities undertook always to follow the reading of the majority.
They decided that the two best authorities were k and B, and that when these differed the reading of B, except when obviously an accidental blunder, was probably right.
The obvious solution would be to say that where two agree their reading is probably correct, but the followers of WH maintain that the agreement of the Western and Eastern is often an agreement in error.
Unfortunately, difficulties, either (i.) of reading, or (ii.) of interpretation, or (iii.) of arrangement, have been raised with regard to nearly all of them; and these difficulties must be briefly noticed here.
When the Finance Bill went up to the House of Lords, Lord Lansdowne gave notice that on the second reading he would move "that this House is not justified in giving its consent to this bill until it has been submitted to the judgment of the country," and on the last day of November this motion was carried by an overwhelming majority of peers.
But the sermons or discourses of the homiletic Midrashim are classified according to the reading of the Pentateuch in the Synagogue, either the three year cycle, or else according to the sections of the Pentateuch and Prophetical books assigned to special and ordinary Sabbaths and festival days.
A majority of either house constitutes a quorum, but as regards ordinary bills, on the third reading, not only must they receive a majority of the quorum, but that majority must be at least two-fifths of the total membership of the house.
Thenceforth the religion of Yahweh and the religion of the prophets are synonymous; no other reading of Israel's past was possible, and in fact the whole history of the Hebrews in Canaan, as it was finally shaped in the exile, is written from this point of view, and has come down to us, along with the remains of actual prophetic books, under the collective title of "The Prophets."
From the time of Amos downwards the prophets spoke mainly at great historical crises, when events were moving fast and a few years were often sufficient to show that they were right and their opponents wrong in their reading of the signs of the times.
The Manuductio was translated into English in 1813, under the title A Guide to the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures.
The prefaces to his various editions contain details as to the methods of this association, and repeatedly insist on the importance of reading the Scriptures.
Often needed in reading older works.
Not but that the reading of it necessarily requires so much attention, and the public is disposed to give so little, that I shall still doubt for some time of its being at first very popular, but it has depth, and solidity, and acuteness, and is so much illustrated by curious facts that it must at last attract the public attention."
The question of missions is reserved, and the relaxations granted to the Society in such matters as fasting, reciting the hours and reading heretical books, are withdrawn; while the breve ends with clauses carefully drawn to bar any legal exceptions that might be taken against its full validity and obligation.
Norristown is served by the Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia & Reading and the Stony Creek railways, by interurban electric railway to Philadelphia and Reading, and by the Schuylkill canal, and is connected by bridge with the borough of Bridgeport (pop. in 1900, 3095), where woollen and cotton goods are manufactured.
In 1531 the Book of Jonah appeared with an important and highly interesting prologue, the only copy known of which is in the British Museum.6 Meanwhile the demand for New Testaments, for reading or for the flames, steadily increased, and the printers found it to their advantage to issue the Worms edition of the New Testament in not less than three surreptitious reprints before 1534.
Meanwhile the closing years of Henry VIII.'s reign were characterized by restrictive measures as to the reading and use of the Bible.
To note such chapters and places as contain matters of genealogies, or other such places not edifying, with some strike or note, that the reader may eschew them in his public reading.
New Hampshire formed a part of Massachusetts when, in 1647, the General Court of that province passed the famous act requiring every town in which there were fifty householders to maintain a school for teaching reading and writing, and every town in which there were one hundred householders to maintain a grammar school with an instructor capable of preparing young men for college.
In 871 the Danes encamped at Reading, where they defeated !Ethelred and his brother, but later in the year the English won a great victory at "lEscesdun."
The next few happy years were devoted to his profession and a good deal of miscellaneous reading, especially of Shakespeare (he learnt English in order to compare the original with his well-thumbed German version) and Homer.
Like the corresponding ammeters, they have the great advantage that the scales are equidivisional and that there is no dead part in the scale, whereas both the electrostatic and electrothermal voltmeters, above described, labour under the disadvantage that the scale divisions are not equal but increase with rise of voltages, hence there is generally a portion of the scale near the zero point where the divisions are so close as to be useless for reading purposes and are therefore omitted.
His Histoire de Marie Stuart (2 vols., 1851) is well worth reading; the author made liberal use of some important unpublished documents, taken for the greater part from the archives of Simancas.
He was fond of reading, and before the end of his apprenticeship had read more than a thousand volumes.
He received his education at a private school in Reading.
He wrote (in Italian) a book called The Learned Man as a counterblast to the widespread reading of romances, and also a history of his order in 6 vols.
Reading is served by the Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia & Reading railways, by the Schuylkill Canal, which carries freight to Philadelphia, and by electric railways to several villages in Berks county.
Charitable institutions are numerous; among them are the Reading Hospital (1867), St Joseph's Hospital (1873), Homoeopathic Hospital (1891), the Home for Widows and Single Women (1875), the Hope Rescue Mission (1897) for homeless men, the Home for Friendless Children (1888), St Catharine's Female Orphan Asylum (1872), St Paul's Orphan Asylum for Boys, and the House of the Good Shepherd (1889).
Lying within the rich agricultural region of the Lebanon and Schuylkill valleys and near vast fields of anthracite coal and iron ore, Reading possesses unusual business and industrial advantages.
There are large shops of the Philadelphia & Reading railway here.
Reading was surveyed and laid out as a town in 1748, in accordance with the plans of Thomas and Richard Penn, sons of William Penn, and was named Reading after the county town of Berkshire, England.
German was long used in Reading; Pennsylvania German (or "Dutch") is still spoken in the surrounding country; and several German periodicals are published in the city, including among them the weekly Adler since 1796.
During the War of Independence Reading was an inland depot for supplies for the American army, and prisoners of war were sent here in large numbers.
The development of the town dates from the opening in 1824 of the Schuylkill Canal, from Reading to Philadelphia.
This was followed in 1828 by the Union Canal, running westward to Lebanon and Middletown, and in 1838 by the entrance into Reading of the Philadelphia & Reading railway.
The establishment of these means of communication hastened the development of the natural resources of the region, and Reading early became an industrial centre.
Reading was incorporated as a borough in 1783, and was chartered as a city in 1847.
An ingenious, though ineffective, proposal for the reform of the calendar was put forward in his Elenchus Calendarii Gregoriani (Frankfort, 1612); and he published a book on music, Melodiae condendae ratio (Erfurt, 1592), still worth reading.
The rival school of Basra, on the other hand, has given currency to a story that the original collection made by al-Mufaddal included a much smaller number of poems. The Berlin MS. of al-Marzugi's commentary states that the number was thirty, but a better reading of the passage, found elsewhere,' mentions eighty; and that al-Asma`i and his school added to this nucleus poems which increased the number to a hundred and twenty.
Accident apart, identity of reading implies identity of sources.
Translations from one language into another may help to fix the reading of the original, or this again that of the translation.
Here the manuscripts have "Scythicis" - "deo ut noceat," of which deo is rejected by every one in favour of the Pompeian reading, but Scythicis and noceat are retained on the ground that they are in themselves better than the Pompeian readings, which may be simply due to lapse of memory.
Dittography is common enough in manuscripts but is usually detected in reading proofs.
The words so incorporated may appear side by side with the genuine reading or they may expel it.
Careful and continuous regard to the various kinds of errors and defaults that are found in transcription will enable us to judge whether a reading which it is suggested stood in the archetype of our text is likely to have been corrupted to the reading, or readings, which stand in the extant manuscripts or editions.
If it is, we say of this reading that it is transcriptionally probable.
Maxims of criticism to which we may here refer are that "harder readings are better than easier" and that "the shorter reading is generally the truer."
It is no answer to the objection that a reading in some Roman poet makes nonsense to say that its Latinity is perfect or its metre excellent.
Where the critic has ascertained the earliest form of a reading in his text, he will apply to it the tests of intrinsic probability.
It should, however, be here observed, that whoever takes a reading without investigation, on the authority either of a manuscript or of a great scholar, or of a number of scholars, ceases for the time being to be a textual critic.
No alteration of a text, or emendation, is entitled to approval, unless in addition to providing the sense and diction required, it also presents a reading which the evidence furnished by the tradition shows might not improbably have been corrupted to what stands in the text.
It emerges because in all judgments on textual matters it is presupposed that they will be acted on, that a reading accepted will remain in the text, a rejected one obelized, enclosed between brackets or removed, and, in this last case, something else substituted in its place.
As to alterations (emendations) that are less than certain, his attitude is clearly if somewhat crudely expressed in the dictum that it is better to leave in the text "what if not the original reading is at least the remains of it."
When it is conscientiously obtained, it is arrived at by handi capping, more or less heavily, intrinsic probability as compared with documental probability, or by raising the minimum of probability which shall qualify a reading for admission into the text until it is in agreement with the notions of the editor.