Readership Sentence Examples
This is primarily because the banners and pennons will be seen by a targeted readership interested in the advertiser 's products and services.
Readership of the newspapers has been declining over the last 10 years.
He founded a new readership in Divinity, and presented Greek MSS.
For more details click here to read the results of our readership survey.
Low flying, produced monthly, has a regular readership in excess of 2,500.
While there are many methods you can use to market your website, one of the most effective ways to build a loyal readership over the long term is to offer high quality RSS feeds of your website or blog updates.
I realized I'd got a sizeable non-UK readership, so I try when I remember not to use too many British colloquialisms.
Demographics How does newspaper readership differ by socio-economic grouping?
The growing readership of political and economic adult manga stories with contemporary themes, was noted by manga editors and newspaper journalists alike.
The older target readership becomes immediately apparent when you find that the main villain is a psychopathic murderer!
AdvertisementGood news and quirky stories also have their place, if they are genuinely newsworthy and have relevance to our readership.
It deserves a far wider readership than it has ever yet gained.
I commented that all her books, regardless of intended readership, are very skilfully paced.
It is to do with trying to extend the readership of contemporary innovative British poetry.
At the same time, other Scots were writing in English in order to attract a British readership.
AdvertisementThe magazine has fought BSL and educated the readership to the real causes of dog aggression.
In addition to reaching a readership of over 700,000, the supplement is also handed out to every attendee of the fair on entry.
Overall, this is a very competent index, well focused on its intended readership.
Parenting is India's only national magazine for the modern parent and, as a result, has a vast and loyal readership.
Total estimated readership of 24,000, including 3,000 private sector subscribers.
AdvertisementYou'll no doubt get a wider readership of your views.
This is primarily because the banners and pennons will be seen by a targeted readership interested in the advertiser's products and services.
The combined readership of our magazines is around 500,000.
The pass-on readership is estimated in the region of 21,000.
We work closely with our clients to ensure a quality product, which is well-presented, accurate and relevant to the target readership.
AdvertisementThe response from Digg's readership was immediate, nasty and, ultimately, completely wrongheaded.
Parenting is India 's only national magazine for the modern parent and, as a result, has a vast and loyal readership.
A true comparison would be with the straight readership of a similarly aspirational magazine rather than the general population.
The response from Digg 's readership was immediate, nasty and, ultimately, completely wrongheaded.
The advantage is that books sold at Amazon gain you readership, and they are sales you probably would not have made otherwise.
Other ezines are relatively young, yet well-established with a solid readership base.
And as the site grew, fortunately, so did its readership.
But, in the end, it's only because of my loyal readership - their support and encouragement - that the site continues.
Readership at press time of May 2011 is more than 1.5 million.
In 1985, Yoga Journal addressed broader topics and expanded its readership.
Gold produced daring high-gloss covers and found the right mix of established well-known writers to draw readership.
You choose to limit your blog readership to a group of your choice or set it up for your own private use.
Don't lose valuable readership because your profile lacks quality HTML codes, making it look boring.
One, they just love to write and want to gain readership.
Normally, web pages target the entire online marketplace (or readership).
In fact, local newspaper readership keeps on rising.
People - People magazine has always enjoyed a healthy readership and now visitors can get up-to-the-minute news stories without waiting for the next issue to hit news stands.
There are other sources, who simplify copyright law for their readership, but who also thoroughly study the governmental resources so their information is accurate and up to date.
Make sure you've thought about how you'd cover the topic to best suit the readership and style of each publication you're considering.
I am mostly interested in posting what's going on with à la Mod Body as well as articles that may be of interest to the readership relating to the business of retail and/or that illustrate the philosophy behind à la Mod Body.
In the end, you could create one of the most impressive looking blogs in the world, but if you don't publish content often, you won't develop a loyal readership.