Reabsorbed Sentence Examples
The pseudodeltidium is sometimes reabsorbed in the adult.
The medication works by keeping serotonin from being reabsorbed back into a signal-sending cell.
With small subdural hematomas, the blood may slowly be reabsorbed over several weeks without much damage.
The blood under the skin which causes the discoloration of bruising should be totally reabsorbed by the body in three weeks or less.
In most cases, however, the pieces of calcium are reabsorbed by the body during the recovery process.
Meckel's diverticulum-A congenital abnormality of the digestive tract consisting of a small pouch off the wall of the small bowel that was not reabsorbed before birth.
If all goes well, the pregnancy tissue will be reabsorbed into the woman's body.
If it does not contact sperm, either from intercourse that happened before ovulation or in the 12-24 hours after ovulation, it will die and be reabsorbed into the uterine lining.
Its origin is obscure, but in 741 it was sufficiently important for St Boniface to found a bishopric here, which was, however, after the martyrdom of the first bishop, Adolar, in 755, reabsorbed in that of Mainz.
Cushny has shown experimentally that slowing of the blood-flow through renal tissue causes less sodium chloride to appear in the urine while the excretion of urea and sulphates remains unaffected; apparently the chloride, being more permeable, is reabsorbed and so only appears to be excreted in less quantity.