Re-examination Sentence Examples
Men physically unfit are wholly exempted, and men who have not, at the tinie of the examination, attained the required physical standard are put back for re-examination after an interval.
Hyatt, in a re-examination of the Steinheim deposits, proved that successive modifications occur at the same level as well as in vertical succession.
A re-examination of his previously considered hypotheses as to the cause of these phenomena was fruitless; the true theory was ultimately discovered by a pure accident, comparable in simplicity and importance with the association of a falling apple with the discovery of the principle of universal gravitation.
Men belonging to previous years who had been put back for re-examination, &c., still borne on the lists ..
A re-examination of the English material in the museums of Paris and elsewhere has confirmed Williamson's conclusions.
The British Eocene and Oligocene strata yield so large a flora, and contain plant-beds belonging to so many different stages, that it is unfortunate we have still no monograph on the subject, the one commenced by Ettingshausen and Gardner in 1879 having reached no farther than gocene 79 g Oli of Great the Ferns and Gymnosperms. This deficiency makes it impossible to deal adequately with the British Eocene plants, most of the material being either unpublished or needing re-examination.
Pawar advised him to teach beginners, it allows a re-examination of your beliefs.
Re-examination of some of the material in 1981 suggests that some, if not all, of these sherds were actually from tripod pipkins.
The lessons we have learned will inform our re-examination of how best to support good scouting in some ten thousand local Groups.
The lessons we have learned will inform our re-examination of how best to support good Scouting in some ten thousand local Groups.