Re Sentence Examples
I re played the recording of our aborted final session and had judged it incorrectly when I first listened.
In general, Aquinas maintained in different senses the real existence of universals ante rem, in re and post rem.
In the figure the cord of the left side is seen, marked re.
But the Platonically conceived proof of the being of God contained in the Monologion shows that Anselm's doctrine of the universals as substances in things (universalia in re) was closely connected in his mind with the thought of the universalia ante rem, the exemplars of perfect goodness and truth and justice, by participation in which all earthly things are judged to possess these qualities.
There is hardly one of Wagner's orchestral innovations which is not inseparably connected with his adaptation of music to the re q uirements of drama; and modern conductors, in treating Wagner's orchestration, as the normal standard by which all previous and contemporary music must be judged, are doing their best to found a tradition which in another fifty years will be exploded as thoroughly as the tradition of symphonic additional accompaniments is now exploded in the performances of Bach and Handel.
Always bifid and re tractile into itself.
If we were to take QD and RE closer to MC, the former area would be still greater.
In 1870 some rearrangements were made, Gradual consoli- the duties on iron and on some other articles being re dation duced.
The canon provides that any clerk having a complaint against another clerk must not pass by his own bishop and turn to secular tribunals, but first lay b a re his cause before him, so that by the sentence of the bishop himself the dispute may be settled by arbitrators acceptable to both parties.
The area between the northern border of the Persian high lands and the Caspian and Aral Seas is a nearly desert low-lying plain, extending to the foot of the north - western extremity of the great Tibeto-Himalayan mountains, and prolonged east- Trans- ward up the valleys of the Oxus (Amu-Darya) and Caspian Jaxartes (Syr-Darya), and northward across the country re ior, and of the Kirghiz to the south-western border of Siberia.
AdvertisementHe wrote a poem on agriculture (De re rustica) in fourteen books, the material being derived from Columella and other earlier writers.
The De re publica of Cicero is supposed to be founded on one of Dicaearchus's works.
A strange episode in the legend of the destruction of man by the gods tells how Ra (or Re), the first king of the world, finding in his old age that mankind ceased to respect him, first tried the remedy of massacre, and then ascended the heavenly cow, and organized a new world - that of heaven.9 8.
Frontinus also wrote a theoretical treatise on military science (De re militari) which is lost.
In those days Anubis was considered to be son of Osiris by Nephthys; earlier perhaps he was son of Re, the sun-god.
AdvertisementBut no such suggestion occurs in the Basis Astronomiae of Peter Horrebow (Copenhagen, 1735), which contains the only works of Roemer that re e o main to us.
Alberti wrote works on sculpture, Della Statua, and on painting, De Pictura, which are highly esteemed; but his most celebrated treatise is that on architecture, De Re Aedificatoria, which has been translated into Italian, French, Spanish and English.
There is also little doubt that the names of the first six notes of the scale, ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, still in use among Romance nations, were introduced by Guido, although he seems to have used them in a relative rather than in an absolute sense.
As the Guard recoiled (about 8 P.M.) Zieten pierced the northeast corner of the French front, and their whole line gave way as the allies rushed forward on their now defenceless re Three battalions of the Guard indeed stood their French.
If you're seeking professional development, an accredited institution can still help you find the best educational experience, but not every workshop or discussion group will be offered by an accredited group.
AdvertisementBefore enrolling in any online education degree program, make sure you're dealing with an accredited school.
The following websites are very useful resources to get started if you're interested in trading stocks during the course of a day.
If you're waiting to discuss your favorite show around the water cooler at work with everyone else, it might be too late.
It encourages students to reflect critically on practice in assessment in RE observed in schools.
Optional courses Each RE will be required to undertake three optional modules.
AdvertisementVitamin A is measured in retinol equivalents (RE) which allows the different forms of vitamin A to be compared.
Re soaps, etc, I saw a recipe for a hair rinse made from horsetail !
It seems that the RE were somewhat saddened not to lose the Waterloo & City !
Then on June 24 came Kenneth Arnold 's famous re port, which set off the saucer scare.
Rogers [Whole Service in D sol re; M/N] pp.
Tie into both nuts with a re threaded fig 8 knot with a stopper knot.
Letter received from National Grid re proposed planning permission for telecom mast.
Initially using their tin plate car bodies with a re worked chassis to accommodate the new electric motor.
Mr Platt RE department Events This is a busy term for the RE department with all Key Stage 3 groups having visiting speakers.
If you’re going to the mall, can I come too?
I don’t think you appreciate how much trouble you’re in over this prank.
They’re still not here yet! Why are they always so late?
They’re blocking up the road with their huge RV!
Hurry up! They’re all waiting for you to start the show.
They’ve been married for 40 years and they’re still so in love with each other.
Come and see the new puppies, they’re so cute!
Once you've delivered your baby, you're not quite finished!
Take one for a test drive to find out whether or not you're adept at and comfortable with driving such a large vehicle.
By shopping for movie tickets online, you can even catch the trailer for the film you're interested in in high definition.
These apps are perfect for those times when you're out with friends or family and you decide to hit a movie at the last minute.
When you get to the cineplex, just flash the ticket receipt on your cell phone and you're on your way to the concession stand to stock up goodies before the house lights dim.
Taking the time to learn how to buy an oven range will not only help you choose a range that will complement your cooking needs, but it will ensure that you’re getting the best value for your money.
Modern ovens are available with a host of special features, but you may not need some of these if you’re a standard user.
Once you prepare your dish, set it in the oven and it will be kept cool until you’re ready to cook it.
Unless you’re totally remodeling your kitchen, the size of your new oven range will also be pre-determined for you.
If you’re simply replacing an oven one-to-one, just measure the width of the existing appliance and shop for one that matches the size.
From consumer-minded print publications like Consumer Reports to online review and comparison sites, there are many different ways for you to compare oven ranges so you can make sure you're getting the best value for your money.
While reading the consumer reviews, look for common threads both pro and con with the models you're interested in.
If an oven range model you're interested in receives more good reviews than bad, then odds are it's a good product.
Odds are you’re going to be using the appliance for many years, so you don’t want to simply run out and buy the cheapest one you can find.
If you’re considering buying a new or used snowmobile, a snowmobile buyer’s guide is a good thing to have in your back pocket.
It will also tell you what to look for in a used snowmobile so you can make sure the one you’re interested in is worth the asking price.
Before you choose your snowmobile, there are certain things you should do to make sure you’re buying the right one.
First, sit on the model you’re interested in and see if you’re comfortable.
It’s much more convenient to own one, but you might need some tips if you're a college student interested in buying a laptop.
If you edit videos or pictures or you plan on using a graphic design program, then you’re a multimedia user.
Make sure you read this part over or bring it to the store you’re looking at so you won’t get caught off guard when school starts.
Now you’re able to find a few models of Intel solid-state drives in actual stores of major computer retailers.
Now you just need a free drive bay to install the drive and you’re set.
If you’re looking online then your first stop should be
If you’re looking to save a few dollars and don’t mind a used computer, then consider a refurbished Dell laptop.
If you're like most people, you probably enjoy watching a good video now and then.
Have a cat who gets anxious whenever you're not around?
If you're still feeling overwhelmed, use the following sections as a step-by-step guideline for filing for your own divorce.
Next to your bed, a dining table is one of the largest pieces of furniture you're likely to bring into your home, and it can be an extravagant purchase, depending on the style and materials you choose.
Even if you're relatively new to the woodworking hobby, there are plans available for all levels of skill and in styles that will suit almost any décor.
Whether you’re looking for a few replacement pieces or an entire dining set, Sears carries quality outdoor furniture with a variety of choices.
If you’re looking for an outdoor dining set, Sears has more than 50 different options to choose among.
Choose the right herbs for kidney problems depends upon the reason you're seeking herbal remedies.
Tell your doctor about all herbs and supplements you're taking, and if your condition worsens or you have a serious or chronic medical condition, consult your physician prior to using any herbal medicines.
My house is a huge (4600 square foot), 1860 vintage, two-story brick and shingle structure in the middle of one of Cleveland, Ohio's (re)developing neighborhoods.
You’re living free, which means you don’t have to make a single design compromise.
If you’re pulling up highchairs for meals, dedicate a corner of your dining room for storage rather than keeping them pushed up to the table at all times.
Once you've settled the all-important matter of what to wear and splurged on a gorgeous dress, stylish pair of heels, and all the right accessories, you're ready to focus on makeup.
Once you've made your choice, you're ready to have some fun.
Follow accordingly with lipstick and gloss, or just gloss if you're going for a more natural look.
If you’re a fan of luxurious makeup brand Estee Lauder, the best time to stock up on your favorite staples is when the Estee Lauder gift with purchase promotion is running.
If you’re still unsure of the value offered with an Estee Lauder Gift with Purchase, looking at past promotions can help you decide if it’s worth spending the extra money to receive the gift.
During these times, you’re usually able to snag over $100 worth of merchandise for 50 percent off or more.
You're right to be concerned about security and safety in online banking.
If you're thinking about banking online, it's a good idea to simply use the online services of a reputable bank such as Washington Mutual or Bank of America.
If you're going with a less popular bank, make sure you do your research - read the bank's website and talk to a human representative if possible while setting up your account, and verify your money is going where you think it is.
This will ensure that you're the only person who can log onto your account, even if your children or other family members have emergency access to other passwords.
The FDIC should be your first stop for filing a complaint or getting more information if you think you're being defrauded.
It does no good to say that your interests lie in Monet and Proust when they're really Married...
If you're just starting your job hunt, the plethora of job-related websites may seem confusing.
Unfortunately, Monster's popularity comes with a price - ad-rich pages (often, an ad loads before you're allowed to go to the next page) and copious job postings for temp agencies and recruiters.
Admit it - if you're reading this article, you probably want to see your name in print, and online writing courses can help you achieve your dreams.
If you're having a hard time honing down your writing goals and looking for a writing course, ask yourself about your favorite books and publications.
If you're already a published writer, are you looking to expand your clientele or strengthen one aspect of your writing?
Now that you know what you want in a course and how much you want to pay for it, you're ready to begin your search.
You're new in town, and your job hunt just isn't going as planned, so it may be time to check out temp agencies online.
Maybe you're returning to the employment market after a long absence or are looking to change careers.
Temp agencies flood job banks and online classifieds because they have positions to fill - fast - and they're listing more opportunities than ever before.
If you're looking for something to fill in the gaps between jobs, you can benefit from one of these listings.
Once you feel the agency is reputable and have found a position you're interested in, go ahead and apply.
If you're having trouble finding a job online, it's likely you're not applying to the right jobs.
If you're looking for a job that combines location with a certain title or skill, enter both into the search field of your favorite search engine or job board.
You'll be amazed at what you can find - and even if you don't get the job now, you never know what kind of connections you might make by getting your resume on file with a company you're interested in joining.
You're using e-mail to get a job, but are you using it the right way?
Try sending an e-mail to close family members and friends (be sure to blind carbon copy recipients so they don't get the e-mail addresses of everyone in your in-box) letting them know you're on the prowl.
Lay out a few of your major qualifications and mention the industry you're interested in working in.
Don't be pushy or aggressive - you're asking for a favor here - and don't attach anything to your e-mail, even your resume.
Once you can play without a hitch, you're ready to start the wagering!
You're missing the shifty eyes of the bluffer, the physical droop of someone's shoulders when they get a hand that isn't going to work out, and all those other little tell-tale characteristics you used to look for.
With such a success rate, if you're looking for a life partner look no further.
These are strangers you're talking to, so you don't need to tell your life story--just a few interesting bits.
If you're currently looking for a new job, consider preparing a few details ahead of time.
To avoid frustration, it's best to have an idea of what type of job you're looking for.
Simply post your information, and you're done.
You won't have to look far to learn about the subjects you're interested in.
When you're planning a vacation or business trip, you don't want to spend a fortune on your airline tickets.
If you shop at least three weeks before you're going to leave, you can take advantage of their super-saver fares.
If you just want to go home from college, you're better off with Southwest or Jet Blue.
Torrents work by taking little pieces of the files you're trying to download and assembling them together into a whole.
If you're into having full albums, direct downloads may be the way to go.
Sites like Wikitravel allow you to get the best information for travelers about any place you're considering going.
Whether you're looking for casual dating or have marriage in mind, dating is never easy.
If you're sick of the bar scene, dates with incompatible acquaintances and blind dates arranged by friends and family, you may want to consider online dating.
The site offers access to articles where you can read about how to tailor your profile to attract only the types of people you're interested in dating.
If you're selected, you will receive a sample of a new product with instructions on how frequently to use it, then you fill out a survey after the trial period is over.
You're not going to get rich by filling out online surveys, but if you enjoy sharing your opinion, it can be a fun way to make a little pocket change.
If you're confused about a piece of information you're supposed to submit, look for help menus or graphics.
Know which option you're signing up for, so you don't miss any payments.
If you're looking for the ultimate in convenience, there are also services available online that will take care of all your bills for a monthly fee.
Instead of starting with "http," a secure site's URL will start with "https." Depending on your web browser, an icon that looks like a locked padlock may also appear to show that you're on a secure website.
Best of all, there are often customer reviews that allow you to see what other people who have purchased the products that you're interested in have to say about the goods.
If you're used to shopping the clearance racks in your favorite department store or heading to the outlet mall, you can do the exact same thing online.
Auctions. The deals will be even better if you're willing to consider purchasing a used product.
If you are already in a league, and you're looking for an online fantasy football site that can run the league for you, this is one of best places.
If you're still using snail mail for weekly updates you may want to check out
Just create a username and password, and you're underway.
If you're between fantasy sports seasons, and you have the itch to play, here are a few ways you can get involved in NCAA tournament fantasy basketball.
If you don't want the hassle of copying brackets and totaling each participant's points (a huge task, if you're in a big office), there are online services that will do it for you for a small fee.
If you want to know more about the variety of online fantasy competitions, or if you think you're ready to start playing your favorite game, Fantasy Online Sports is a good place to begin.
When you're cheering against one of your favorite players because he's on a rival fantasy basketball team, that's when you know you're really into the game.
If you're buying from a site with pictures, you should also look at these carefully for signs of wear on a book.
Pay attention to information on editions and copyright dates to make sure you're getting exactly the book you want.
Any cost savings you've realized from purchasing books online can quickly drift away if you're not careful about shipping costs.
If you're not looking for anything specific, you can also browse categories and subcategories.
If you decide that you're willing to pay up to five dollars for the book, you could also start with a bid of five dollars.
Scholarships will often be found as part of a company's community relations page since they're viewed as a way to give back to the community.
Whether you're a high school or college student, if you're involved in extracurricular activities, there's a chance you are eligible for a scholarship.
Even when other websites offer printable coupons, they're often provided by the Cool Savings service.
Some company websites offer customers printable coupons, especially when they're introducing a new product.
If you're shopping online, a common way to try to save money is to look for online coupon codes.
You can also look for coupon codes by searching for "coupon codes" and the name of the site you're about to make a purchase from.
Even if you're not allowed to actually apply for a savings account online, you may be able to compare your interest rate options and potential fees.
If you're still not sure which option is best for you, get help from a Bank of America associate through a their 24-hour toll-free customer support line.
The site offers 18,000 free books, available because they're in the public domain.
They're copyright-free, so they can be freely distributed, and Project Gutenberg has compiled them in one extensive catalog.
The second method offers more flexibility, since you can store the file directly on your computer and read it at your leisure, whether you're connected to the Internet or not.
However, you're not just limited to those.
You're probably familiar with day trading, but did you know that you can also trade currency online?
Even if you're not interested in completing an online education degree, you can usually enroll in single classes as a lifelong education student.
Yet, if you're wanting to catch up with different shows on different networks, it can be a painstaking process to go to all those different websites to watch the shows you want to watch.
Either way, I thought the taller glass was a better presentation and would suggest getting a few Collins glasses while you’re out getting your muddler.
When you're pressed for time or feeling flustered over an upcoming date, it can be a challenge to think of good romantic dinner ideas.
If you're on a diet or are lactose intolerant, you would want to try some sugar and diary-free baking.
Say sawatdee krub (hello in Thai) to Thai food when you're in the mood for something different.
As you're packing up your suits, towels and other beach gear, don't forget to include your camera.
When you're taking photos outside, you can sometimes run into issues with wind or lighting.
If you take a lot of photos, you're sure to have some you really love.
Take lots of notes while you're at the beach and incorporate those details into your layouts.
If you suspect you should be able to get more things crossed off your list, yet you're not able to focus during the day, try logging what you actually do every hour.
Whether you're a stay-at-home parent or a person who works out of the home, setting yourself up with a schedule can make life much easier.
For instance, you could read instructions on how to shoot a basketball and you could watch someone else do it, but you're most likely to gain understanding and skill when you practice shooting the ball yourself.
When you're learning new skills, it's important to actively plan to learn the skills through experience in order to maximize the impact of the process.
If you're a guy looking for a guy-centered game, you may have to look a little harder, but there are farming, camping and safari options.
This can also help you realize which quadrant you're spending most of your energy.
If you are unable to identify the reactions to stress you experience, or you're unable to use anger management techniques before you have an outburst, you may need further assistance controlling your emotions.
If you're on a budget, don't forget to check out their clearance section.
They're taking the place of skinny jeans.
You can also order a free catalog to shop when you're not online.
If you're already in debt, all you can do is stop spending and work on paying off your debt.
If you’re wondering whether you should choose an authentic vintage prom dress or a vintage-inspired gown, consider a few factors, such as price and durability.
If you’re really looking to turn heads at your prom, a dress with a vintage feel is sophisticated and elegant.
Be sure you're not only getting the best value but the best style, and you're sure to be happy.
By the time summer rolls around, you’re ready to ditch those heavy sweaters and boots in favor of the hottest tween summer fashions.
Pair with metallic flat sandals, and you’re ready to beat the heat in style.
Knit item - If you're a bit crafty, consider getting some yarn and knitting orcrochetingsomething special for your friend like a hat or blanket.
If you're still having trouble coming up with the perfect homemade graduation gift for a friend, think long and hard about your friend.
Money is always a welcomed gift in a young person’s life, especially when they’re about to embark on a new chapter and may need a boost in discretionary income.
If you’re purchasing for a girly girl, laptop computers, such as those from Dell or Apple, also come in feminine colors such as pink and purple instead of your basic black or silver.
Whether you’re commemorating her high school, the special girl in your life is sure to appreciate any graduation gift she recieves.
If you have a sizeable budget, there are a few high end items that are essential for a recent high school graduate, especially if they’re college-bound.
Offering to foot the bill for your teen’s college textbooks can help free up his funds for other necessities and will leave you feeling good that you’re purchasing something for his education and not just for fun.
Add a glass of orange juice (vitamin C) and you're pretty close to your daily number.
You’re limited only by your imagination, so start experimenting.
Attach the wet blade to your Vita Mix, and you’re ready make your own array of nut butters at home.
If you’re not in love with the consistency, throw in a little more ice and give it another quick blend.
If you’re using almonds for your milk, start by soaking them overnight.
Blend until smooth, and you’re ready to go.
If you're looking for something extra special, though, you can easily make any of the below into a meal that's more memorable by seeking out higher-quality ingredients and using more elaborate preparation methods.
Sandwiches are fun to experiment with, so keep some bread on hand at all times to whip one up, if you're ever pressed for time and need a light meal.
The above choices should be enough to whet your appetite and pique your culinary curiosity, but they're really just the beginning.
Finally, many large department stores sell special occasion shoes that may be exactly what you're looking for in bridal footwear.
If you're getting married on the beach or on soft grass, it may be best to avoid any sort of heel.
If you're not showing yet, or don't expect to be, you can wear virtually any style you desire, from simple dresses to more elaborate ballgowns.
If you're in between sizes, go up two sizes.
If you're a fashionista, and normally wear designer duds, feel free to purchase a desinger wedding gown that reflects your personal style.
If you're a friend or distant relative who wants to throw a bash, check with the couple before planning the party, to make sure someone else isn't hosting one all ready.
If you're having a party to share your good news and you feel engagement gifts aren't necessary, you can either indicate "no gifts" on the invitation or keep the reason for the party a secret.
By knowing what you want, looking into samples and packages, reading over the contract and taking your time, you're sure to find the perfect professional to capture your wedding day.
Whether you go into the wedding with a specific location in mind or you're open to anywhere, there are a few things that must be dealt with, no matter where you end up going.
For example, you may get married in a church for free if you're a member, but at a destination location, you may have to pay a fee.
Even if you're planning a destination wedding, you still need to have a photographer, flowers, centerpieces and other decorations and food for guests.
When you're just not into the idea of having a grandiose three-tier cake that could potentially cost thousands of dollars at your wedding, turn your thoughts to cupcakes instead.
They're a fun, practical, and affordable alternative, and they taste just as good but are much less fussy since you don't need to pay anyone to plate and cut them.
A cupcake stand is the traditional way to display a lot of cupcakes, but if you're having a really big wedding, you might worry about fitting all of the treats on the stand.
Irritability - You're bound to feel tense since you no longer smoke to relax.
Even if you're not going with a flag design, use blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, or raspberries to accent the design you choose and bring some natural sugar to the dessert.
If you're interested in who won the more unique awards, such as "Favorite TV Obsession" or "Favorite TV Chef," you can find them in the following places.
If you're interested in attending a People's Choice Award ceremony, you can buy tickets to the event here as well.
When you're looking for a deal, you'll still want to ensure you are receiving the quality you are hoping for.
This is especially helpful if you're hoping to create a period dress, or copy a vintage dress.
You may want to narrow your search with terms like "formal" or "casual" depending upon the type of item you're searching for.
This is one of the reasons they cost more, but if you're interested in quality, you'll find it in boutique fashions.
If you're looking for something that you're not likely to see on every other child on the block, a boutique is the place to get it.
If you're looking for boutiques that cater to children, check your local stores first.
Boutiques often have sales, too, so check sales racks if you're looking for a bargain.
If your child attends a public school where there is no enforceable uniform, white pants are still a fun choice to add to a wardrobe when you're looking to mix up those sweats and dark denims.
Perhaps you are on a new budget and can't afford to shop as freely as you're used to, or maybe you're looking for some extra clothes for a family vacation or camping trip.
While it can be difficult to size your child to the point where you're guaranteed to get a good fit with clothes you cannot see in person, many discount retailers sell basic items that will fit well.
They are back after a few decades of hiatus, and they're better than ever.
Add a sweater to the ensemble, and you're fully updated for fall and winter.
They're a perfect way to dress up khakis and an oxford shirt, or to add some flair to jeans.
A moth infestation can ruin 100 percent wool sweaters, so store them properly during spring and summer to avoid finding holes in them the next time they're pulled out to wear.
There are many girls clothing stores to choose from when you're embarking on a shopping spree or looking for the perfect place to purchase a gift card or outfit for a friend.
Perfect for elementary schoolers and tweens, your child will love shopping here, and if you're looking for a birthday present for a little lady in your life, you can't go wrong with Justice.
A pink and peppy website selling trendy tops and tights, as well as everything in between, Countessina is your one-stop shopping adventure when you're looking for mail order boutique items.
If you're looking to receive coupon offers and event information, it is very important that you create an online account with the company.
If you're greedy for savings, then alerting your Gymboree shopping friends of your desire for coupon updates is always a good idea.
However, if you're looking for something with a little more runway sense, you might want to try stores catering to the nine- to 12-year-old crowd.
Although many employers offer no assistance with repaying or forgiving student loans, some do, so it's always worth asking if you're offered a job recently following your graduation.
But, on the flip side, it's always worth asking about repayment options if you're invested in a career that does offer them to many workers.
If you're interested in learning more about employment opportunities on a Carnival Cruise Line, visit "Fun Jobs" for current openings.
Name the job you're interested in and detail your personal qualifications.
Crew members come from all over the world and on board US ships, you're sure to find a few individuals from the United Kingdom.
In fact, they're nearly identical, as all cruise ships aim to offer the same standards in service and accommodations.
If you're an outgoing, enthusiastic, high-energy sort of person, you'll have an advantage in the selection process.
If you're feeling stalled, take this opportunity to leash up that little buddy of yours and go shopping together!
Paint the guitar - Unless you want your guitar to have an unfinished look, you're going to want to add a coat of paint.
Unless you have an extensive background in woodworking, you're going to need specialized training.
Because they're tee shirts, they're not appropriate for every venue, but for most casual settings, they should fit right in.
Keep in mind that if you're in a venue with young children and their parents or any type of religious setting, these types of shirts will probably not go over well and the joke will be lost.
If you're the type of man who appreciates a good laugh and likes to engage others in light hearted conversation, you'll want to know where to find your own conversation starter, or tee shirt.
One of the good points about tee shirts is that they're inexpensive and easy to care for, which is perfect for the age group these retailers target.
They're also comfortable to wear, which is why so many young men seem to live in them.
Although these garments are called jogging suits, warm up suits or track suits, they're not just for jogging.
If you're looking for specialty items or a style that you've seen on an athlete or something unique, you can always shop online.
If you're purchasing a tuxedo, it's always best to stick with a classic black suit for the most wearability.
They're extremely easy to get in and out of and are usually easy to care for.
Made in a permanent press, poly-cotton twill fabric, they're great alternatives for summer wear.
Being familiar with them can help you avoid awkward situations where you're too casual for the establishment.
Some patrons feel they should be allowed to wear what they want and so long as they're wearing a shirt and shoes, they should be served.
No fast food restaurant is going to turn you away if you're without a jacket, but other dining establishments that are interested in promoting a certain ambiance and atmosphere want to keep the experience pleasant.
It can be disappointing to show up at a restaurant, famished for dinner, and find out that the maître d' refuses to seat you because you're not wearing a tie.
When answering the perplexing question of "What does restaurant dress code mean?" you will usually meet the requirements if you're dressed in business casual mode, at least.
If you show up without a jacket at a restaurant that requires one, you may have to sport a loaner jacket, which may not match what you're wearing at all.
However, a restaurant that says jackets are "required" means just that and you may be turned away from dining there if you're without a jacket.
You don't want to be turned away from a restaurant that you've been dying to try just because you're without one key item.
They're also surprisingly easy to find.
If conservative and classic are two words you use to describe yourself (or your guy), Jerry Garcia neckties may not be what you're looking for.
However, if you or your guy are into using ties to make a statement or you just gravitate toward patterns and colors that make others do a double-take, Jerry Garcia may be the brand you're looking for, after all.
No, you're not hiding your tee shirt!
Find your shirt, then get out there and find the object you're looking for.
Chances are, if you're a man or you know one who prefers biking to driving a car, he loves his motorcycle.
If you're looking for a tee that's more personalized and displays a particular locale, you can find state- and city-specific tees at Harley Shirts, listed above.
They might be just a little pricier than average tee shirts, but they're well-made and well-designed.
If you're curious about his size, either ask him directly or check a shirt's measurements wherever you buy.
It doesn't matter if you buy these tees for yourself or as a gift for someone else, they're made to show the world how passionate the Harley fan is.
Wear your tee with jeans, a vest or leather chaps - they're a great casual wear item for lounging, hanging out, running errands and especially, riding.
Of course, you're wondering about the need for a bathroom break.
A Body Type system also suggests which suits are best for different body shapes, whether you're a triangle, hourglass, rectangle or circle.
If you're looking for rock-bottom prices, you may have to rely mostly on sales, eBay and luck, but you can find decent stuff at reasonable prices that will show you off at your best.
We're offering great classic pieces with a modern twist including sweaters with bright, fun icons; ribbon belts and twinsets.
Whether you're just starting out with hiking or you've been involved with it for years, there are some important points you should look for when selecting shorts to wear for this activity.
Panache Inferno underwire plunge multiway bra - This lightly padded underwire plunge bra offers superb shape and support to give you the cleavage you're looking for.
Take time to browse the vast selection to find the cleavage-enhancing option that gives you the look and comfort you're after.
For your convenience, their activewear is broken into categories to help you find what you're looking for.
If you're thinking about starting an exercise regime but don't know where to start, the important thing is to choose something you enjoy that gets you moving enough to break a sweat.
If you love going out and having a great time clubbing, then plus size club dresses are an easy way to look put-together and attractive, whether you're spending time with friends or looking to meet someone.
If your legs are your best feature, then you're probably not shy about showing them off.
However, when it comes to going out to clubs, remember that if you're trying to look sophisticated as well as sexy, you don't need to show a lot of skin.
Likewise, if you're wearing a super short miniskirt, a modest top is in order to keep your overall look classy instead of tacky.
Just add the right accessories and you're ready for the evening.
You're not limited to bridal shops when your dress of choice is less formal.
Statuesque plus sizes can get away with just about any length; knee length will show off your legs if they're your best feature, while a floor-length dress will make you look even taller.
While not an actual "wedding" since you're already legally married, you can renew your vows with your husband and have a memorable celebration with all of your family and friends in attendance.
If you're ready to make a commitment to being active, then you're sure to find your ideal exercise Capri at one of the sources listed above.
Unlike a bikini, however, your stomach is fully covered in a tankini, which can be important if you're not comfortable showing off this area of your body.
High cut bottoms can still have full coverage across the seat, so don't think you're giving up any coverage just because the legs are cut for maximum exposure.
Therefore, you should be able to find bathing suits that feature the flattering details you're looking for while also downplaying the problem spots so common to many women.
If you're shopping for 3x slips, the best place to look are companies that provide quality plus size lingerie or undergarments.
Slips come in a variety of styles to best complement the dress or skirt you're wearing.
With the Internet, you have the option of seeing what's available without stepping out of the house, so you can shop for the exact 3x slip style, fabric and color you're looking for.
You may even run the risk of injury during your workout if you're encumbered by uncomfortable attire.
If you're seeking plus size bike shorts in Canada, this is definitely the place to look!
This is an ideal choice if you're looking for high quality without paying through the roof for it!
You'll want to take your measurements to be sure you're ordering the size that fits.
If you're in the market for a comfortable pair of jeans (and who isn't?), you'll likely come across the Seven7 brand name at some point.
No matter what your denim style preference, you're bound to find a pair that meets your needs in the Seven7 collection.
Narrowing down your selection can be difficult if you're confronted with so many options!
They're perfect to wear with heels; the wide leg will swallow a flat shoe completely, and the addition of heels instantly elongates the leg and presents an even more flattering silhouette from top to bottom.
If you're among those who have ignored jumpsuits until now, you're not alone.
You can slip into your favorite pair whether you're heading to a casual garden party or beach house barbecue.
These long shorts are what many women are looking for; they're short enough to keep you cool, but lengthy enough to make you feel comfortable.
White Stag plus size jeans were once easy to find at Walmart, but if you're one of those women who loved this brand's comfort and fit you may be wondering what happened to their availability.
If you peruse the web and find what you're looking for in your size, it's probably wise to buy the White Stag jeans while you can, if you're not ready to settle for another brand.
Ralph Lauren plus size belts will undoubtedly prove difficult to find, but if you're in the market for a stylish, no-nonsense belt that will last you years, they're worth considering.
No matter what your style preference, you're bound to find a Ralph Lauren belt that suits your taste - the question, though, is whether it will actually fit.
Made with leather or nylon, they're richly textured and the perfect addition to a casual ensemble.
If you're a shorter plus size woman and feel like you're swimming in fashions too long for your torso, arms or legs, then you probably should consider shopping for petite women's plus size clothing.
However, before you shop, it's important to know that not all petite cuts are the same, whether you're talking plus size or not.
If you're equipped with the understanding of why there are different petite cuts, it's easy to see why not all petite sizes fit every petite woman.
Just My Size provides a smaller selection of petite sizes compared to some online retailers, but the styles they offer are up-to-date and stylish whether you're looking for something casual or casual/dressy.
They're long, loose, lightweight and cut to fall to the ankles in an easy, relaxed fashion.
They're also available in numerous styles; from solids and prints to dramatic and understated, there's a maxi dress out there to suit every woman's unique tastes.
They're fearless when it comes to fashion.
They may take some inspiration from current trends, but they're not slaves to them.
Regardless of what type of bra you're searching for, there are several key elements that contribute to making it a great bra.
Often, women find they're wearing a size vastly different than what they should be wearing!
If you're wearing the right size, they won't dig into your skin, but they should have adjustors to account for any small changes you might want to make from time to time.
Lane Bryant is the place to go if you're in the market for a high-quality, pretty push-up demi bra.
Sun dresses and summer go hand-in-hand; add a flirty fabric like chiffon and you're sure to feel girly and innocent whether you're attending a garden wedding, going on a picnic or on a weekend date.
You don't want any embarrassing see-through incidents while you're trying to be fashionable!
Unless you're in a summer, outdoor wedding, you don't have to choose pastels, especially if you prefer bolder fashions.
If you're shopping for plus size lingerie of any kind, it can prove helpful to seek assistance from a sales associate if you're shopping at a brick and mortar location.
Choose hues that really play well against your skin tone, especially if you're shopping for an evening with someone special.
No matter what you're looking for - be it a sexy babydoll or a comfortable pair of briefs - you'll find it in this vast lineup of retailers.
If you're not satisfied with only white hosiery, take a quick look at the other color options you might want to spring for.
You'll even find red and white or black and white options if you're feeling particularly creative and adventurous.
If you're especially queen sized and want to show off your shape, these plus sized nylon and Lycra tights will be perfect for you.
They're cute, but modern technology has been applied to the simple sock.
No longer relegated to little girls or sports, they're seen on the streets with sandals and dressy shoes as well, and the trend has spread.
If you are tired of shopping in plus size stores that look right for your mom instead of you, then Torrid may be the answer you're looking for.
Whether you're looking for plus size lingerie, corsets, bras, panties or anything else, sizing allows you to buy tops in one size and bottoms in another to get the perfect fit for your shape.
If you're looking for a pair of stylish boots to fit your calf as well as your foot, or sexy heels to fit a wide foot, Torrid offers an attractive selection with a variety of tastes in mind.
These fashion friendly shorts can make it look like you're ready to go to the beach, or be appropriate for making an appearance at work for casual Friday as long as it meets your company's dress code policy.
For plus size women who carry more weight in their hips and legs, go with casual denim shorts or classic Bermuda walking shorts that won't ride up when you're walking.
If you're wondering where to buy plus size denim shorts, you can check your local mall or buy them online.
They're also perfect for lounging around the house or sleeping.
So whether you're going to work, going out on the town, or just hanging around the house on a lazy afternoon, choose clothes that you know highlight your best features and give you pleasure.
When you're searching for flattering plus size clothing, you will usually have the best luck at a shop that's geared to women of size.
Just because you're retiring doesn't mean that you have to give up choices in your life.
If you're considering moving away from family, discuss how visits will be arranged and how frequently.
Plus you're traveling with your peers, and their views of their homebase may enlighten you.
If you're familiar with the city or county website for your community, services for seniors are often listed there as well.
If you're unsure who to contact, try calling your city's main number or looking up the listings for your local community or recreation centers.
If you're feeling the need to begin living in a community with people of like age and interests, but you're not ready to completely hang up your independence, then independent living may be just what you're looking for.
National parks - If you're over 62, $10 buys a Golden Age Passport, permitting lifetime free access to all American national parks.
Whether you're headed on an organized trip as part of a group, or leaving on a trip that you or your travel agent put together for you, pull out your best luggage, grab a compass, and some good walking shoes.
If you're not an AARP member, it may be possible to find print copies of AARP Magazine at libraries, medical offices, and senior centers.
If you're considering starting a new business of your own in retirement, you can benefit from this service as well.
Get out of the house and try some things, meeting some new people while you're at it.
Not only will you have fun, but you'll learn new skills and develop new relationships while you're at it.
Just because you're getting older doesn't mean you can't age gracefully.
If you already have a strong social network of good friends, a relationship, maybe a church, mosque or synagogue where you feel welcome, you're well on your way to healthy mental and spiritual aging.
As you age, some days will be easier than others, but the important thing to remember is that you're still vital and you still have a lot to offer.
The healthier you're able to remain as you age, the longer you'll be able to continue reaching out to others and impacting the lives of those you love.
The best time to make your will is when you're in good health and your mind is clear.
Waiting until you're ill adds unnecessary stress.
If you're single, don't hesitate to get back into the dating scene.
Keep in mind that just because you're experiencing nightmares doesn't mean something bad is going to happen to you during waking life.
This dream is actually quite amusing to think about once you're awake, but it can feel awful and embarrassing while dreaming.
No matter what kinds of dreams you're having, they are personal to you and how you want to interpret them is up to you.
They're attached via a groove in the bottom of the lens that houses a small length of fishing wire-like material.
So while you're shopping for small frames, consider going as large as you can as is proportional to your face.
If you're looking for a pair of shades that protect your eyes, look good, and work well with larger facial features, the Kanana style from Maui Jim may fit the bill.
The HCL Bronze lenses from Maui Jim can be found on a number of styles, and they're almost universal in usage.
Thanks to the Grilamid plastic material they're made from the frames are lightweight.
If you're having trouble getting through some of the more challenging parts in your favorite games, you may want to consider using some new GameCube codes to get you through to the next stage.
When you’re jogging, you’ll eventually see a dog pass you and your trainer.
The ultimate goal of Wii Fit Plus is not to cheat or find easy ways to unlock modes and stamps; you’re supposed to work towards goals.
In the Just Dance series, which includes Just Dance, Just Dance 2 and Just Dance for Kids, the controllers detect your movement in time with what you’re supposed to do on the screen.
With the varied ways to play dance games on the Nintendo Wii, you’re able to dance for fun or for exercise.
Many of the games will have recognizable songs or remixed songs, but one thing all the games have in common is you will work up a sweat whether you’re doing it for fun or not.
If you have a copy of Sims 2 for PC, then you're probably already familiar with the many official expansion packs that you can purchase for the game.
If you're ready to get started with Sims 2 custom add-ons, then you've come to the right place.
But still, the lines sounded like they were delivered tongue-in-cheek and I know Jaleco wanted this to be a serious contender to RE.
The excited butt wagging puppies do when they're ready to play can also be taught as a trick.
With the variety of wine storage options avaiable, you're sure to find the perfect solution for your needs.
With skilled winemakers, varied grape growing conditions, and a variety of grapes, you're sure to find an Oregon wine you will enjoy.
If you're craving that rare bottle of Bordeaux but can't find it locally, you may be able to find it at your favorite online wine retailers.
Auction sites and some rare wine purveyors may have aged wines from early vintages, so if you're looking for that bottle of 1990 Chateau Latour, you'll likely find it online.
Point being, if you're willing to try wines you are not familiar with at a price of $10 or below, you can find some great bottles.
While it can only be guessed exactly how the pinot noir grape was transported and planted around the world, it was described as being very similar to today's vines that are grown in Burgundy in De re rustica.
Once you've packed these basic items, you're ready to branch out and consider what other foods you'll need to take.
Maybe you're interested in getting your hands on a pink Verizon smartphone so that you can express your personality and stand out from the crowd.
With such a large variety of cell phone accessories these days, you're bound to find a pink case to your liking.
If you're about to take your first ballroom dancing lesson, there are a few things to keep in mind before you go, while you're there, and afterwards.
This means fabrics that breathe (because you're probably going to sweat) and that let your body move easily.
If you're just trying out ballroom dance, you may not want to invest in special shoes right away, but do bring a pair of shoes to change into when you arrive at the lesson.
When you're not taking the lesson, you can still be improving your dancing.
If you've been on the hunt for feng shui consultants, Boca Raton, FL residents, you're in luck.
If you're not sure what you'd like to research, this can give you an idea of your options.
Whether you're researching the lives of your Mormon ancestors or need records for family members of any faith or background, you'll find helpful information at FamilySearch.
Free ancestry information comes in many different forms, so it’s helpful to clarify what you’re looking for before you begin your search.
However, if you’re patient and willing to do a bit of extra digging on your own, you can often find alternative ways of getting the information you need.
If you're a man, remember that replacing your thinning hair isn't the only way to get a sexy, youthful look.
Folk wisdom - and many advertisers - will tell you that poor circulation to the scalp is the culprit, or that you're losing your hair because you're not taking the right vitamins.
Minoxidil's effects continue only while you're using it.
When you're choosing a new hairstyle, think carefully about the shape of your face, then try to work out what will and won't suit you.
Finally, ask yourself how much time you're willing to spend on your hair.
Some hair vitamin companies claim that lack of iron actually suffocates your scalp, sothat when you're anemic, your blood can't deliver enough oxygen to keep your hair healthy.
Check with your doctor before starting supplements containing iron, to find out if you really need them and if they're safe for you.
Supplements may also interact with other medications you're taking.
In addition, the featured "Salon of the Week" showcases one of Chicago's beauty salons or spas making it easy for you to find exactly what you're looking for.
However, regardless of what type of indulgent treatments you are seeking, you're sure to find them among the varied Chicago beauty salons available in this metro area.
But what can you learn at a beauty college, and what can you expect when you're enrolled?
Having a high quality wig made with human hair promises great results, but it does little good if you're not able to apply the wig correctly.
If you're teetering between a traditional wig and a lace wig, some factors can tip you either way.
They're ideal for those who like long hair but don't always want to style it enough to leave it down.
They're perfect for a girl on the go as long as she doesn't need extensions (those take a bit longer!).
Though we're sure you'll love the looks included here, you can even easily take a ponytail one more step and make a bun, a topknot, or a braid.
Keep your style happy with hair accessories and you're sure to make it through to the next phase of your long haircut.
Whether you're opting for a long haircut for the first time or need to take your generous locks to new heights, a reputable stylist with plenty of experience can help ease you into a new haircut with confidence.
Whether for sport, leisure or mere hygienic purposes, here's a look at what to expect if you're considering this smooth and bare waxing procedure.
If you’re a do-it-yourself type who would rather get hair-free in the comfort of your own home, there are several different methods that can achieve that silky smooth look.
The strips are also clear, so you can see the hair through the strip to make sure you’re removing all of the hair.
Some of the best hair removal products are also super affordable so look no further than your local drugstore the next time you’re looking to be fuzz-free in a hurry.
Teenage years can prove even more traumatizing in the looks department if you're not steered in the right direction from the start.
If you're a risk taker, you may find the coolest girl style involves bold color or an edgy cut.
Prepare the front the way you'd like for it to look when you're done, taking out the bangs or wisps of hair around your face that you'd like to remain outside the twist.
This will create more volume and help the hair settle into place when you're done.
If you're feeling coy, pull a piece of bangs down over one eye.
Whether you're just getting started in your professional life, or you're thinking about making a career change, you're sure to find helpful, practical tips and advice when you visit LoveToKnow Jobs & Careers.
Whether you're interested in working on a cruise ship, flying an aircraft, becoming an information technology, or pursuing just about any other occupation, you're sure to find information that can help you make up your mind.
If you're looking into getting a job with a company in Germany, it doesn't hurt to check out the list of the World's Most Admired Companies 2007.
If you're from a country that is a member of the European Union, Switzerland, or Liechtenstein, you don't have to get a permit to work in Germany.
The internship you find can help you pay your way through school and get some real-life experience in a new country that will also help you when you're done with your studies.
While it's probably not advisable to pick a career based solely on where it falls in the alphabet, it can be helpful to see a full list of careers from A to Z when you're considering the available options.
For instance, if you're interested in management, you may have to narrow your focus to a particular field, like financial management, recreation management or health care management.
Whether you're making an origami envelope or a wolf, you'll see many of the same folding techniques used on a regular basis.
To help keep your costs down as you're mastering the basic origami folds, consider working with free printable origami papers instead of the expensive specialty papers purchased from a craft store or stationary shop.
Here are some resources if you're up for a bigger challenge.
If you're looking for more ornament ideas, keep in mind that many basic origami projects can easily be adapted for use as ornaments.
If you're interested in folding animals out of origami, you'll love making an origami tiger.
If you're new to origami, practice your skills with some simpler projects like a simple origami bird or cat.
Remember to take notes as you’re building your model, however.
If you're planning a dinner party and want to make your table extra festive, consider folding the napkins into beautiful origami shapes.
If you're having trouble coping, your doctor or midwife may be able to connect you with a counselor who can help.
If you're not sure when you ovulate, there are signs of ovulation that you should look for.
Remember to have fun when you're trying to get pregnant--some people say it's the best part of having children.
If after a year of trying, you're still not pregnant, you should contact your care provider.
You and your partner will need good communication if you're going to start a family.
If you're planning to continue to work, what are you going to do about childcare?
If you're planning on continuing to work, you will have to pay for childcare.
You should talk about what you and your partner expect from being a parent when you're planning a pregnancy.
You'll need to take good care of yourself if you're planning a pregnancy.
This can be difficult, but a great deal of a baby's development happens before you even know you're pregnant.
They may even communicate without words, although this is often to do something they're not supposed to do!
However, if you’re expecting a baby, having a few estimates in mind might be helpful to create a budget for this special time in your life.
The important thing is to get in there while the hottest styles are still available, because they're bound to go fast.
These bottoms can vary in how much coverage they provide, so you can choose a style that allows you to show as little or as much as you're comfortable with.
The process is thorough, fast and painful, but when it's finished, you're as smooth as a baby's bottom.
If you're going to wear a Brazilian, be sure to purchase sunscreen with the highest SPF available, and apply it generously and often to avoid serious burns.
Whether you're a size 4, 14 or 24, much of how you feel in a bathing suit depends on how you feel about your body.
If tan lines really bother you, you're going to love sheer swimsuits.
Depending on the style you choose, sheer swimsuits do not look any more transparent wet than they do when they're dry.
A simple search of the internet can yield hundreds of results, and you may just find exactly the type of swimsuit calendar you're looking for.
If you're seriously considering a thong, think about whether it will compliment your body type.
If you're a bit on the shy side, you may want to consider a less revealing, but still sexy suit such as a string bikini.
If you're a young lady who loves to move around without worrying too much about modesty, board shorts and rash guards may be the best choice.
Unlike board shorts and rash guards, they aren't meant to wear into the water, so they're strictly a beachside cover up.
Swim skirts work similarly, but instead of offering full-body coverage, they're a bottom-half only option.
If you're still not sure which cover up to purchase, remember that you can always throw on a hoodie and a pair of linen shorts for a cute, beachy look.
If, while you're swimming, you feel trunks or a bikini bottom start to slide down, you can stop and yank the offending garment back in place.
The fabric that extends from the top to the bottom is wider than some other styles, so if you're looking for a monokini with significant tummy coverage, it's worth a look.
If you're concerned with whether your top will stay in place, this style offers more coverage for the breasts than the traditional triangle top.
When you're on the hunt for the perfect monokini that will be appropriate for your body type and lifestyle, you may have to try on quite a few.
Whether you're a diehard John Deere fan looking to increase your collection of memorabilia or have a little boy or girl who loves playing with tractors, John Deere remote control toys can provide hours of interactive fun.
It tastes great and can he give you a great jolt of energy in the afternoon when you're starting to feel the evening slump.
In some cases you may think you're getting the selenium you need through the foods you eat, but if they have been grown in selenium deficient soil there's a good chance you may also be lacking in this essential trace mineral.
As always, tell your doctor about any supplements you're taking.
Always tell your doctor about any supplements, vitamins or natural health products you're using.
During fall and winter, knit sweater dresses are especially appropriate; they're cozy and chic at once, and they look phenomenal paired with boots and opaque tights.
Best of all, they're available at various price points, ranging from extremely affordable to high end.
If you're opting for something classic, you just cannot go wrong with the ubiquitous Little Black Dress.
Whether you're shopping on a budget or not, you can find plenty of wonderful choices to meet your needs.
If you're ordering online, take note of the retailer's return policy in case you need to send it back.
Where to wear them depends on the materials they're made from and what you pair with them.
Of course, they're called trends for a reason – and that means not everyone will love them or even attempt to try them.
If you're intrigued by anything, give it a test drive with a simply accessory.
If you’re a little handier than the typical homeowner, you can maintain your Kenmore vacuum with parts that can be a little more time consuming and delicate to replace.
They’ll add a service charge on top of the cost of the part, so you’re better off bypassing the repair shop and ordering direct from Sears.
Depending on the problem you’re having with your vacuum and the duration of time you have had the appliance, your part may or may not be covered under the product’s warranty.
Good quality electric razors can run anywhere from fifty dollars to nearly three hundred dollars, so knowing what you’re paying for is important.
Whether you’re looking for an after dinner desert coffee or something a little stronger with which to start off your day, Melitta most likely has what you’re craving.
When you’re looking for a way to keep cool during the hottest months of the year, a portable air conditioner unit can be an affordable, flexible option.
However, there are a few options available if you’re interested in making novelty candles.
Since a kit for making beeswax candles typically only includes wax sheets, wicks, and instructions, you’re paying a premium to have someone package the products together.
If you’re interested in learning how to make homemade scented candles, you probably have several questions about the candle making process.
This service could prove an invaluable tool to help you figure out why you're not meeting the right people, and perhaps even help you gain insight into why past relationships didn't last.