Ray Sentence Examples
At last he saw a ray of light far ahead of him.
The next morning she woke to the first ray of light through the window.
His words were like a ray of sunshine through the window on a cold winter morning.
The walls were of stained pine, shellacked to a glow that reflected every ray of light that entered the large windows.
The buds may all become detached after a time and give rise to separate and independent individuals, as in the common Hydra, in which only polyp-individuals are produced and sexual elements From Allman's Gymnoblastic Hydroids, by permission of are developed the Council of the Ray Society.
John Ray (1627-1705) did much to advance the science of botany, and was also a good zoologist.
As the sun rises, the rays enter the prisms more and more obliquely, and the angle of minimum deviation increases; but since the emergent ray makes the same angle with the refracting edge as the incident ray, it follows that the parhelia will remain on the parhelic circle, while receding from the inner halo.
Greek and Roman authors have much to say about Apis, the marks by which the black bull-calf was recognized, the manner of his conception by a ray from heaven, his house at Memphis with court for disporting himself, the mode of prognostication from his actions, the mourning at his death, his costly burial and the rejoicings throughout the country when a new Apis was found.
He promulgated a system which may be considered as the dawn of the "natural system" of the present day (Ray, Methodus Plantarum, 1682).
Being called upon to arrange the plants in the garden, he necessarily had to consider the best method of doing so, and, following the lines already suggested by his uncle, adopted a system founded in a certain degree on that of Ray, in which he embraced all the discoveries in organography, adopted the simplicity of the Linnean definitions, and displayed the natural affinities of plants.
AdvertisementRay adopted Grew's views, and states various arguments to prove their correctness in the preface to his work on European plants, published in 1694.
The fact that in certain simple cases where a line when looked at equatorially splits into a triplet, the ratio of the charge to the mass is found by Lorentz's theory to be equal to that observed in the carrier of the kathode ray, shows that in these cases the electron moves as an independent body and is not linked in its motion to other electrons.
It gave no effects when the same magnetic poles or the contrary poles were on opposite sides (as respects the course of the polarized ray), nor when the same poles were on the same side either with the constant or intermitting current.
But when contrary magnetic poles were on the same side there was an effect produced on the polarized ray, and thus magnetic force and light were proved to have relations to each other.
On the 3rd of November a new horseshoe magnet came home, and Faraday immediately began to experiment on the action in the polarized ray through gases, but with no effect.
AdvertisementRay's translation of that work (p. 334), stating that it is "a Sea-fowl, which fishermen observe to resort to their vessels in some numbers, swimming 1 swiftly to and fro, backward, forward and about them, and doth as it were radere aquam, shear the water, from whence perhaps it had its name."
The fish is characterized by its large scales (34 to 40 in the lateral line), its long dorsal fin, the first ray of which is stiff and serrated, and the presence of two small barbels on each side of the mouth.
The star of the knights grand cross is a seven-rayed star of silver with a small ray of gold between each, in the centre is a red St George's cross bearing a medallion of St Michael encountering Satan, surrounded by a blue fillet with the motto Auspicium melioris aevi.
For the growth of flowers generally, and for that of all fruits, every ray of light to be obtained in the dull winter season is required, and therefore every possible care should be taken to keep the glass clean.
Large Wimshurst multiple plate influence machines are often used instead of induction coils for exciting Rntgen ray tubes in medical work.
AdvertisementThisleton Dyer (Edinburgh Review, 1902, p. 370) thinks that Ray's use of the word may be traced to the last-mentioned authors.
It is clear, however, that through Ray's work in the 17th century the common biological application of species became fixed much in its modern form, as denoting a group of animals or plants capable of interbreeding, and although not necessarily quite identical, with marked common characters.
Ray Lankester, have urged that the word is so firmly asssociated with historical implications of fixity which are now incongruous with its application, that it ought to be discarded from scientific nomenclature.
His collecting propensities made him useful to John Ray and Robert Boyle.
He returned to London with a considerable collection of plants and other curiosities, cf which the former were sent to Ray and utilized by him for his History of Plants.
AdvertisementFarther from the centre the ray structure is usually prominent.
Ray's quiet college life closed when he found himself unable to subscribe to the Act of Uniformity of 1661, and was obliged to give up his fellowship in 1662, the year after Isaac Newton had entered the college.
We are told by Dr Derham in his Life of Ray that the reason of his refusal "was not (as some have imagined) his having taken the ` Solemn League and Covenant,' for that he never did, and often declared that he ever thought it an unlawful oath; but he said he could not declare for those that had taken the oath that no obligation lay upon them, but feared there might."
From this time onwards he seems to have depended chiefly on the bounty of his pupil Willughby, who made Ray his constant companion while he lived, and at his death left him 60 a year, with the charge of educating his two sons.
In the spring of 1663 Ray started together with Willughby and two other pupils on a tour through Europe, from which he returned in March 1666, parting from Willughby at Montpellier, whence the latter continued his journey into Spain.
He had previously in three different journeys (1658, 1661, 1662) travelled through the greater part of Great Britain, and selections from his private notes of these journeys were edited by George Scott in 1760, under the title of Mr Ray's Itineraries.
Ray himself published an account of his foreign travel in 1673, entitled Observations topographical, moral, and physiological, made on a Journey through part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France.
From this tour Ray and Willughby returned laden with collections, on which they meant to base complete systematic descriptions of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Willughby undertook the former part, but, dying in 1672, left only an ornithology and ichthyology, in themselves vast, for Ray to edit; while the latter used the botanical collections for the groundwork of his Methodus plantarum nova (1682), and his great Historia generalis plantarum (3 vols., 1686, 1688, _1704).
In 1667 Ray was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1669 he published in conjunction with Willughby his first paper in the Philosophical Transactions on "Experiments concerning the Motion of Sap in Trees."
The Ray Society, for the publication of works on natural history, was founded in his honour in 1844.
Ray's first book, the Catalogue plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium (1660, followed by appendices in 1663 and 1685), was written in conjunction with his "amicissimus et individuus comes," John Nid.
The book shows signs of his indebtedness to Joachim Jung of Hamburg, who had died in 1657, leaving his writings unpublished; but a MS. copy of some of them was sent to Ray by Samuel Hartlib in 1660.
Jung invented or gave precision to many technical terms which Ray and others at once made use of in their descriptions, and which are now classical; and his notions of what constitutes a specific distinction and what characters are valueless as such seem to have been adopted with little change by Ray.
The first two editions of the Catalogus plantarum Angliae (1670, 1677) were likewise arranged alphabetically; but in the Synopsis stirpium Britannicarum (1690, 1696, also re-edited by Dillenius, 1724, and by Hill, 1760) Ray applied the scheme of classification which he had by that time elaborated in the Methodus and the Historia plantarum.
But a serious blemish was his persistent separation of trees from herbs, a distinction whose falsity had been exposed by Jung and others, but to which Ray tried to give scientific foundation by denying the existence of buds in the latter.
In the first volume a chapter "De plantis in genere" contains an account of all the anatomical and physiological knowledge of the time regarding plants, with the recent speculations and discoveries of Caesalpinus, Grew, Malpighi and Jung; and Cuvier and Dupetit Thouars, declaring that it was this chapter which gave acceptance and authority to these authors' works, say that "the best monument that could be erected to the memory of Ray would be the republication of this part of his work separately."
Here also begins his long controversy with Rivinus (Augustus Quirinus Bachmann) which chiefly turned upon Ray's indefensible separation of ligneous from herbaceous plants, and also upon what he conceived to be the misleading reliance that Rivinus placed on the characters of the corolla.
Besides editing his friend Willughby's books, Ray wrote several zoological works of his own, including Synopsis methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis (1693), that is to say, both mammals and reptiles, and Synopsis methodica Avium et Pisciurn (1713); the latter was published posthumously, as was also the more important Historia Insectorum (1710), which embodied a great mass of Willughby's notes.
Most of Ray's minor works were the outcome of his faculty for carefully amassing facts; for instance, his Collection of English Proverbs (1670), his Collection of Out-of-the-way English Words (1674), his Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages (1693), and his Dictionariolum trilingue (1675, 5th edition as Nomenclator classicus, 1706).
But Ray's influence and reputation have depended largely upon his two books entitled The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Creation (1691), and Miscellaneous Discourses concerning the Dissolution and Changes of the World (1692).
In The Wisdom of God, &c., Ray recites innumerable examples of the perfection of organic mechanism, the multitude and variety of living creatures, the minuteness and usefulness of their parts, and many, if not most, of the familiar examples of purposive adaptation and design in nature were suggested by him, such as the structure of the eye, the hollowness of the bones, the camel's stomach and the hedgehog's armour.
Dupetit Thouars in the Biographie universelle; all these were collected under the title Memorials of Ray, and edited (with the addition of a complete catalogue of his works) by Dr Edwin Lankester, 8vo (Ray Society), 1846; Correspondence (with Willughby, Martin Lister, Dr Robinson, Petiver, Derham, Sir Hans Sloane and others), edited by Dr Derham, 1718; Selections, with additions, edited by Lankester (Ray Society), 1848.
Some represent natural groups and had in several cases been already recognized by Ray and others, but the majority are, in the light of modern knowledge, very mixed.
Ray Lankester (preface to the English edition of C. Gegenbaur's Comparative Anatomy), and employed by the same writer in the 9th edition of this encyclopaedia (article "Zoology") to denote the eighth phylum, or major division, of coelomate animals.
The doom of the nation is pronounced; its fate is imminent; there is no ray of hope for the existing constitution of religion and society.
Many other forms of heliostats have been designed, the chief difference consisting in the mechanical devices for maintaining the constant direction of the reflecting ray.
The figures given are the partial dispersions for ordinary crown and ordinary extra dense flint glasses, styled in Messrs Schott's catalogue of optical glasses as o 60 and 0.102 respectively, having refractive indices of 1 5179 and 1.6489 for the D ray respectively, and (µ D -I)/(l F -µc) =60 2 and 33.8 respectively to indicate their dispersive powers (inverted), = v.
In his Natural Theology Paley has adapted with consummate skill the argument which Ray (1691) and Derham (1711) and Nieuwentyt 1 (1730) had already made familiar to Englishmen.
The back of the body is occupied by a crest, called the dorsal fin, consisting of a hollow ridge, the cavity of which is divided into about 250 compartments or fin chambers, into each of which, with the exception of those near the anterior and posterior end of the body, projects a stout pillar composed of characteristic laminar tissue, the fin ray.
Bismarck afterwards said that this speech of Bebel's was a "ray of light," showing him that Socialism was an enemy to be fought against and crushed; and in 1872 Bebel was accused in Brunswick of preparation for high treason, and condemned to two years' imprisonment in a fortress, and, for insulting the German emperor, to nine months' ordinary imprisonment.
The uniform gloom of this, the most dirge-like of all the pieces, is unrelieved by a single ray of hope, even the hope of vengeance; cf.
The needle in its normal position is symmetrically placed with regard to the quadrants, and carries a mirror by means of which its displacement can be observed in the usual manner by reflecting the ray of light from it.
The interval O'O", termed the astigmatic difference, increases, in general, with the angle W made by the principal ray OP with the axis of the system, i.e.
The course of the rays in the meridional section is no longer symmetrical to the principal ray of the pencil; and on an intercepting plane there appears, instead of a luminous point, a patch of light, not symmetrical about a point, and often exhibiting a resemblance to a comet having its tail directed towards or away from the axis.
This ray, named by Abbe a " principal ray " (not to be confused with the " principal rays " of the Gaussian theory), passes through the centre of the entrance pupil before the first refraction, and the centre of the exit pupil after the last refraction.
Similarly the corresponding image ray may be defined by the points (t', i'), and (x', y'), in the planes I' and II'.
He solved the problem of finding the point in a convex mirror at which a ray coming from one given point shall be reflected to another given point.
The troops having rendezvoused during the summer (of 1758) at Ray's Town (now Bedford, Pennsylvania), and at Loyalhanna creek (now in Westmoreland county), about 50 m.
In the article Refraction it is shown that a ray of light traversing a homogeneous medium is deviated from its rectilinear path when it enters a medium of different refractive index; it is therefore readily seen that the path of a ray through continuously varying media is necessarily curvilinear, being compounded of an infinite number of infinitesimally small rectilinear deviations.
In a radial section of a pine stem each ray is seen to consist in the median part of a few rows of parenchymatous cells with large oval simple pits in their walls, accompanied above and below by horizontal tracheids with bordered pits.
A ray of plane-polarized light traversing a right-handed crystal of quartz in the direction of the triad axis has its plane of polarization rotated to the right, while a left-handed crystal rotates it to the left.
Franklin has a public library (housed in the Ray memorial building and containing 7700 volumes in 1910) and is the seat of Dean Academy (Universalist; founded in 1865), a secondary school for boys and girls.
At the base of every system of astronomical observation is the law that, in the voids of space, a ray of light moves in a right line.
If the point P is so adjusted over the quicksilver that the ray is reflected back Z 0 0 FIG.
The zenith-distance of an object is the angle which the ray of light from it makes with the vertical direction thus defined.
But this is not the true direction, because the ray of light from the object undergoes refraction in passing through the atmosphere.
C. Kapteyn at Groningen on plates taken by C. Ray Woods at the Cape observatory.
He mapped 324, chose out nine, which he designated by the letters of the alphabet, to be standards of measurement for the rest, and ascertained the coincidence in position between the double yellow ray derived from the flame of burning sodium and the pair of dark lines named by him " D " in the solar spectrum.
The Indian eclipse of the 18th of August 1868 supplied knowledge of their spectrum, found to include the yellow ray of an exotic gas named by Sir Norman Lockyer " helium."
The pictures were taken, in both cases, with only one quality of light, the violet ray of calcium, the remaining superfluous beams being eliminated by the agency of a double slit.
There is, however, a marked difference between this magnetic rotation and that of a structurally active medium, for in the latter it is always right-handed or always left-handed with respect to the direction of the ray, while in the former the sense of rotation is determined by the direction of magnetization and therefore remains the same though the ray be reversed.
A temporary settlement was made on or near the site of the present borough about 1750 by an Indian trader named Ray, and for a few years the place was known as Raystown; the present name was adopted not later than 1759.
We can now understand the ray transmission in the compound microscope, shown in fig.
It is a similar phenomenon to that which arises when a ray of sunlight falls into a darkened room.
Every ray is divided into a reflected and a refracted portion on the front side of a parallel plate.
By the supplementary use of one of Wenham's prisms every ray is analysed into a more powerful refracted and a weaker reflected one.
Abbe, through the so-called delicate ray transmission, suggested a way by which the quality of the images of objectives can be observed.
The ray transmission, shown in fig.
By means of an attached mirror and reflected ray of light the motion of the movable system can be indicated on a screen.
This ray is also given a periodic motion of the same frequency by reflection from a separate oscillating mirror so as to make the two motions at right angles to one another, and thus we have depicted on the screen a bright line having the same form as the periodic current being tested.
A ray of light is reflected from this mirror and from another mirror which is rocked by a small motor driven off the same circuit, so that the ray has two vibratory motions imparted to it at right angles, one a simple harmonic motion and the other a motion imitating the variation of the current or electromotive force under test.
This ray can be received on a screen or photographic plate, and thus the wave form of the current is recorded.
Braun devised a form of cathode ray tube, consisting of a vacuum tube having a narrow tubular portion and a bulbous end.
A cathode discharge is projected through two small holes in plates in the narrow part of the tube on a fluorescent screen at the end of the enlarged end, and the cathode ray or pencil depicts on it a small bright greenish patch of light.
Her smile was like a ray of sunshine on a dreary day.
In the early 1970s, Greg did a two year stint playing lead alto with the Ray Charles orchestra.
Track Record UK involvement in VHE gamma ray astronomy dates to its inception.
At last year I saw another music biopic, Ray.
Ray's work who sent a donation for all projects to celebrate his 90th birthday.
I was regularly bombarded with questions about the set-up and use of the Ray.
An accompanying booklet includes Ray's sketches for the film.
The group is part of the EU gamma ray burst network.
Two delightful cameos form Ray Hopper are worthy of mention.
At Sister Ray we offer quality limited edition signed as well as limited edition signed, and limited edition cd.
One of the most distinctive characteristics of Ray's books, is the attention to detail.
But the good clairvoyant will still see the other rays, albeit briefly overlaid by this dominant ray and its color.
An X ray of the left shoulder confirmed a midshaft clavicle fracture.
Don't get too comfy Ray, Magnus will be back.
Joan clears Ray over the smuggling by saying that she personally searched him and found no contraband.
The concepts of " underfocus " and " overfocus " are introduced via ray diagrams and beam convergence is defined.
About the Author Ray Edwards is a master copywriter, published author and Internet Marketing Consultant.
A deep dejection followed this phantom ray of hope.
Ray Ferrier (Tom Cruise) is a divorced dockworker and less-than-perfect father.
Few cod or whiting only dogfish and early ray.
It is associated with relativistic electrons or cosmic ray electrons, so named because they travel at speeds comparable with that of light.
Ray Wilson, 22, had pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking, criminal damage and recklessly endangering the lives of 14 people.
His assassin, James Earl Ray, is arrested in London, England, on 8 June and promptly extradited to the USA.
The large ray florets have either three or four sepals only.
Flowers in June, white flowers with few ray florets which age to pink.
But the incoming cosmic ray flux, which would otherwise be isotropic, is shaped by the Earth's magnetic field.
It is an exclusive fountain pen made of a fascinating material called Galuchat - sting ray ' leather ' .
Ray Tucker of Zeneca Agrochemicals gave a useful presentation on their new strobilurin fungicide to staff in October.
Customs officers use large-scale gamma ray and x-ray imaging systems to safely and efficiently screen conveyances for contraband, including weapons of mass destruction.
Gamma Ray Astronomy Primary cosmic gamma ray Astronomy Primary cosmic gamma rays (300 GeV) are studied using the atmospheric Cerenkov radiation technique.
His castle was guarded by flying gargoyles, and the crypt entrance was protected by animated skeletons (think Ray Harryhausen ).
I saw Ray Charles at the Zenith and met the Stereophonics after a gig at an intimate venue in the rive gauche.
We won 5-0 with Jimmy Robson bagging a hat trick whilst Trevor Meredith and Ray Pointer were both still on the scoresheet.
Stephanie Ray went on to become, I believe, a school headmistress in her own right.
John Ray, often considered the father of English natural history, has a dedicated gallery to his ground-breaking research in the 17th century.
In a very hurried day your page was a ray of sunshine.
This light signal is converted to electrons which are subsequently amplified before being used to modulate the intensity of a cathode ray tube display.
The process, which uses gamma ray irradiation, kills bacteria, increasing the food products ' shelf life.
A broken Ray Finch jug, a large stoneware jug by Ray Finch, made in 1996.
British lawman Stanley (Ray Winstone) captures bushrangers Charlie and Mike Burns (Guy Pearce and Richard Wilson ).
Chest x- ray may show signs of nodules or hilar lymphadenopathy.
Example of using texture mapping to mimic ray tracing.
Ray Liotta, who for some reason has far too much mascara on, brings his strong presence to the film.
My darling you were my soul mate, my spirit, my ray of sunshine.
Mallory pretends to co-operate with the crime syndicate so that he has time to build a death ray and kill the mobsters.
Ray, 58, was chasing two muggers who had stolen his female friends ' handbag when they fired.
This week he's playing Billy Ray Cyrus and showcasing the dodgiest mullet of our times.
The spark chamber shows clearly the tracks of charged particles - in this case, mainly cosmic ray muons from outer space.
The implications for high energy neutrino, gamma ray and cosmic ray production in GRB and AGN jets are discussed.
Ray's mastery turned a starkly conventional plot into a subtly nuanced story which topped the Bengali box office for months.
He had the idea in 1916 of using cathode ray oscilloscopes to do this, but this did not come to fruition until 1923.
What begins as a single gamma ray photon in the sun's core emerges at the surface as thousands of visible-light photons.
Ray learned to fly gliders at Usworth Aerodrome some time later and gained his glider pilot 's license at the age of 16.
This action was brought by the plaintiffs against Messrs Ray, late of Clare, bankers.
A chest X ray showed an apical pneumothorax on the left side with inferior displacement of the distal fracture segment.
The Dawkins Ray wasn't on track for as long as it should have been; first Mason, then Radford scored maiden podiums.
The colored rays of light entered this second prism and a single ray of white light emerged.
Gamma ray A quantity of electro-magnetic energy without mass or charge emitted by a radionuclide.
There, in the distance, was an eagle ray.
Ray Lashley, Bristol, UK PAPER MONITOR TUESDAY 27 JUNE 1030 BST A service highlighting the riches of the daily press.
Quot boasts a says their you seinfeld ray Romano.
Ray Hepburn Cleaning News There are a couple of vacancies on our church cleaning rota.
Three months after buying alto sax, first live appearance playing a version of Sister Ray.
Then, as we ascended, we ran into a manta ray, and I even found a thresher shark.
The Captain of the Guard (Ray Pascoe) and Lilly Bakewell (Jimmy Ellis) provided the slapstick in an hilarious fashion.
The ' Ray ' star revealed that daily love making is the best way to stay slim.
Late in 2004, founding guitarist Andy Powell, bassist Bob Skeat and drummer Ray Weston were joined by Finnish guitar slinger Muddy Manninen.
Examples might include distant supernova or gamma ray bursts.
Scottish full back Ray Stewart was the regular penalty taker for which team for much of the 1980s?
She and Ray Gosling begin work on calf thymus DNA samples given to Wilkins by Rudolf Singer in May 1950.
Try telling that to the good townsfolk or to Ray Soames ' family.
The ray tracer will be launched several times passing each time a number that selects the image in the sequence to be produced.
In ray tracings, lenses are always reduced to simple lines, which I've marked L in the drawings.
The late Ray Walker was commissioned to cover Army Recruitment in 1981 and produced a powerful triptych with pointed references to Northern Ireland.
The PPI image from a high intensity cathode ray tube was projected on to the film through a focusing lens.
Anglers who fish the beach area on a regular basis report taking the occasional thornback ray and also a few decent-sized turbot.
He would have to be a little wacky, unlike Oswald, Ruby or Ray.
Two TSSA members defied the whip - Ray Gunter, who resigned from the Parliamentary Labor Party 32 and Tom Bradley.
Self-taught sailor of small physical stature who holds world solo yachting records Ray Charles.
The disturbance, consisting of transverse vibrations, is propagated outwards in all directions from the centre; and, in consequence of the symmetry, the direction of vibration in any ray lies in the plane containing the ray and the axis of symmetry; that is to say, the direction of vibration in the scattered or diffracted ray makes with the direction of vibration in the incident or primary ray the least possible angle.
The symmetry also requires that the intensity of the scattered light should vanish for the ray which would be propagated along the axis; for there is nothing to distinguish one direction transverse to the ray from another.
Suppose, for distinctness of statement, that the primary ray is vertical, and that the plane of vibration is that of the meridian.
The intensity of the light scattered by a small particle is constant, and a maximum, for rays which lie in the vertical plane running east and west, while there is no scattered ray along the north and south line.
If the primary ray is unpolarized, the light scattered north and south is entirely due to that component which vibrates east and west, and is therefore perfectly polarized, the direction of its vibration being also east and west.
Similarly any other ray scattered horizontally is perfectly polarized, and the vibration is performed in the horizontal plane.
It is easily seen to be about an axis perpendicular to the scattered ray (x, y, z), inasmuch as _ _ x&Ji+y02+z03 Let us consider the more special case of a ray scattered normally to the incident ray, so that x=o.
We have 62=W12+W22+032=P2 (N) 2 Y 2+P2 (A I - 3) 2 If AN, AD be both finite, we learn from (7) that there is no direction perpendicular to the primary (polarized) ray in which the secondary light vanishes.
On the electric theory, now generally not small, the scattered ray depends upon the shape and not merely upon the volume of the small obstacle.
In classifying methods of generation it is usual to make use of the sexual or non-sexual nature of the reproduction as a primary difference, but a more scientific classification is afforded by the distinction between tissue-cells After Allman, Gymnoblastic Hydroids, by permission of the Council of the Ray Society.
The xylem parenchyma cells are connected, as are the medullary ray cells, with the tracheal elements by one-sided bordered pitsi.e.
Most of them are but luxuries, and there is some degree of truth in the remark of Andreas Wagner in his Report on the Progress of Zoology for 1843, drawn up for the Ray Society (p. 60), that they " are not adapted for the extension and promotion of science, but must inevitably, on account of their unnecessary costliness, constantly tend to reduce the number of naturalists who are able to avail themselves of them, and they thus enrich ornithology only to its ultimate injury."
The method employed did not admit of the production of such high magnetizing forces, but was of special interest in that both B and I were measured optically-B by means of the rotation of a polarized ray inside a glass plate, as before described, and I by the rotation of a polarized ray reflected from the polished surface of the magnet ized metal (see " Ker.r's constant," Magneto-Optics).
After Ray's death the progress of anatomical knowledge, and of the discovery and illustration of new forms of animal life from distant lands, continued with increasing vigour.
Now the effect upon P of each element of the plane is proportional to its area; but it depends also upon the distance from P, and possibly upon the inclination of the secondary ray to the direction of vibration and to the wave-front.
According to the undulatory theory the light cannot be regarded strictly as travelling along a ray; but the existence of an unobstructed ray implies that the system of Fresnel's zones can be commenced, and, if a large number of these zones are fully developed and do not terminate abruptly, the illumination is unaffected by the neighbourhood of obstacles.
If the ray be parallel to OX, and the direction of vibration parallel to OZ, we have E =o, 7 7 = o, while I is a function of x and t only.
Briefly, the chief fish of Japan are the bream (tai), the perch (suzuki), the mullet (bora), the rock-fish (hatatate), the grunter (oni-o-koze), the mackerel (saba), the sword-fish (tachi-uwo), the wrasse (kusabi), the haddock (tara), the flounder (karei), and its congeners the sole (hiranie) and the turbot (ishi-garei), the shad (namazu), the salmon (shake), the mash, the carp (koi), the funa, the gold fish (kzngyo), the gold carp (higoi), theloach (dojo), the herring (nishin) the iwashi (Clu pea melanosticta), the eel (unagi), the conger eel (anago), the coffer-fish (hako-uwo), the fugu (Tetrodon), the ai (Plecoglossus altivelis), the sayori (Heminamphus sayoni), the shark (same), the dogfish (maiiuka-zame), the ray (e), the sturgeon (chO-lame) and the maguro (Thynnus sibi).
Large Wimshurst multiple plate influence machines are often used instead of induction coils for exciting Röntgen ray tubes in medical work.
After dividing plants into flowerless and flowering, Ray says, "Floriferas dividemus in Dicotyledones, quarum semina sata binis foliis anomalis, seminal ibus dictis, quae cotyledonorum usum praestant, e terra exeunt, vel in binos saltem lobos dividuntur, quamvis eos supra terrem foliorum specie non efferunt; et Monocotyledones, quae nec folic bina seminalia efferunt nec lobos binos condunt.
The synonym "gray," given by Willughby and Ray, is doubtless derived from the general colour of the species, and has its analogue in the Icelandic Grdond, applied almost indifferently, or with some distinguishing epithet, to the female of any of the freshwater ducks, and especially to both sexes of the present, in which, as stated in the text, there is comparatively little conspicuous difference of plumage in drake and duck.
But the dean saw a ray of hope out of those purblind old eyes of his.
Instead, he 's settled on becoming the new Ray Davies, slotting a ragbag collection of characters into his innately personal songs.
The flower heads are made up of lemon-yellow ray florets.
Nearly all cathode ray tubes disposed of from domestic households end up in landfill.
At last, a ray of sunshine finally arrived.
Missing Ray - Oct 04 Nice place to play, big stage receptive audience.
At each surface a ray splits into partially reflected and partially refracted rays.
The noise which accompanied the flap of the netting behind him must still be reverberating round Ray Clemence 's head today.
Quot boasts a says their you seinfeld ray romano.
Starring starring marlon wayans as shorty, shawn wayans as ray, tim curry, chris elliot, kathleen robertson and tori spelling.
Another case was that of an infant with situs inversus, with an unforgettable chest X ray.
The assumption of charge independence is used to calculate production by cosmic ray neutrons using spallation cross sections for proton induced reactions.
Despite spinning off on the first lap, Ray Armes rejoined the race to finish 17th.
Gamma Ray Imaging Platform (GRIP) A balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope made by a group at the California Institute of Technology.
The purses of the thornback ray are around 60mm long with pointed corners, rather than the sticky threads found in dogfish.
In ray tracings, lenses are always reduced to simple lines, which I 've marked L in the drawings.
Flanked by Ray of Light 's tried-and-true producer William Orbit and a French newcomer, DJ...
The other talking point, for fans on the Grandstand side anyway, was the non-stop whinging and moaning of Tranmere boss Ray Mathias.
Today I 've popped in for an x ray.
Ray's doubts about Loren's loyalty continued to gnaw at him.
You can find them from Baker's Secret, Chicago, Calphalon, Cuisinart, Norpro, Silicone Solutions, Wilton, Rachel Ray, and more.
Before the technology for flat screen televisions became available to the public in the 1990's, all televisions operated by cathode ray tubes.
The cathode ray tubes required the television to be as wide as it was long diagonally, which created televisions that were very bulky.
The company was named Souleiado, which means "a ray of sun shining through the clouds after a rain."
The song, from the maven's best-selling 1998 album Ray of Light, is a come-hither approach to the art of seduction, rife with memorable melodies and lyrics.
A ray of hope shines through when a local errand boy begins to teach her to read.
Billy Ray Cyrus' uber cute daughter Miley, has saturated the tween scene in record time.
Miley Cyrus, who plays Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel, is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus.
Trish managed a host of other WWE Superstars, including Kurt Angle, Bubba Ray Dudley, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Test, Val Venis, and Viscera.
She is the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and goddaughter of Dolly Parton.
Depp co-owns a Paris restaurant/club, called Man Ray, with Sean Penn and John Malkovich.
With her never-ending energy, catchy phrases, and penchant for fast, easy cooking, Rachael Ray has become a household name.
While Ray has met her fair share of criticisms from gourmet foodies, she never loses momentum.
Born August 25, 1968 in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Rachael Domenica Ray practically grew up in the kitchen.
Ray moved to Glens Falls, New York when she was in first grade.
Ray has a younger brother named Emmanuel (Manny) and an older sister named Maria.
Ray's first job out of college was at the candy counter at Macy's Marketplace.
Ray has adopted her own abbreviated language that seems almost fitting for a show that caters to those who are short on time.
Yum-o - According to Ray's website, this is a response to something that is beyond yum.
G.B. - Ray calls this the abbreviation for "garbage bowl," a bowl used to collect scraps of fruits, vegetables and other trash created during cooking.
Sammies - Ray's abbreviation for the word sandwiches.
Ray's first show on the Food Network, 30 Minute Meals, earned much attention.
Rachael Ray soon found her popularity earned her more gigs on the Food Network, including $40 a Day, Inside Dish, and Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels.
Inside Dish allowed Ray to go head-to-head with celebrities and Tasty Travels took her to eating destinations across the country.
Oprah Winfrey took a chance on Ray, helping her secure her own daytime talk show, The Rachael Ray Show.
With the blend of celebrity interviews, cooking segments, and Ray's personality, it had the makings of great daytime television.
Ray is no exception, churning out edition after edition of her 30 Minute collections.
Taking it one step further, Ray also released a holiday CD in 2006.
Ray has been the spokesperson for a variety of products, including Price Chopper stores and a sandwich for Burger King.
Ray posed for the men's magazine FHM in 2003.
Ray's 30 Minute Meals received an Emmy Award in 2006 for Outstanding Service Show.
Ray appeared with Mario Batali on Iron Chef America, defeating the team of fellow Food Network hosts, Bobby Flay, and Giada De Laurentiis.
Titled "Mad Ray," episode four took place at Norwich State Hospital.
Rachael Ray, television host and author, was supposed to appear in the 2006 tournament, but did not play.
Early in his career, Dane Cook took the leap from comedian to actor -- a gutsy move that helped skyrocket the livelihoods of fellow comedians Ray Romano, George Lopez and Denis Leary.
Billy Ray Cyrus is most recently known for playing the dad on Disney's hit show Hannah Montana with his real life daughter, Miley Cyrus.
Actor Ray Liotta hit two parked cars and was arrested on suspicion of DUI on February 18, 2007.
Rachael Ray is making sure some grieving students smile again.
Host of the syndicated show, The Rachael Ray Show, the Food Network personality said this was the right thing to do.
Through her publicist Georgianna Dente, Ray, 38, said, "The students of Enterprise High are so courageous, given all that they've gone through.
Ray coordinated donations for this event, which was taped for an episode of her talk show that will air April 30, 2007.
Pop singer and actress Mandy Moore joined forces with Rachael Ray and performed three songs at the end of the prom, which had a theme of "Caught in the Moment."
Kim Kardashian, pal of Paris Hilton, has been trying to keep her sex video with former boyfriend Ray J off shelves.
This charge follows his arrest three days earlier in Marina Del Ray, California.
Kanye and Donda's strong mother-son bond began when the future hip-hop star was around one year old after Kanye's father, Ray, left the home.
Preliminary reports state that Dr. West died of complications from surgery at Centinela Marina Hospital in Marina Del Ray, California.
Destiny Hope Cyrus, better known as Miley Cyrus and equally as well known as Hannah Montana, is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus (best known for his serious mullet and hit song Achy Breaky Heart) and Leticia Cyrus.
For the most part, the Cyrus family shares the spotlight with Miley and Billy Ray, opting to stay out of it themselves, but Miley and Billy Ray are not the only stars in the Cyrus clan.
She has appeared on Hannah Montana as well as dad Billy Ray's series Doc that ran on the PAX channel from 2001-2004.
Played the role of Kylie on dad Billy Ray's show Doc.
Even though she earns millions, dad Billy Ray gives her an allowance of $300 per month.
Rachael Ray may be a wiz at concocting meals in 30 minutes, but the cook/talk show hostess/author apparently can't be bothered to leave more than a buck or two when it comes to tipping.
In January 2007, Kardashian was thrown into the media spotlight after a 2004 sex video made with then-boyfriend Ray J, was leaked on the Internet.
In 2007, fans were surprised to learn that a sex tape featuring socialite Kim Kardashian and her then-boyfriend Ray J had been leaked.
The tape itself was recorded by Ray J and Kardashian, while they were on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
Ray J told Tyra Banks on her talk show that the tape was created because they were "bored" and decided to do it for fun.
Kardashian and Ray J sued Vivid Entertainment, claiming that they hadn't given permission for the video to be sold, and the case was settled before going to court.
Brandy's brother, Ray J, took an interest in Kardashian, and the two were soon inseparable.
Ray J is really William Raymond Norman Jr. He began a short-lived acting career when he was only eight years old, appearing in commercials.
He owns his own independent record label, Knockout Entertainment.Ray J has also had his own reality television show, called For the Love of Ray J, which aired on VH1 in early 2009.
Both Ray J and Kardashian were open and honest with the media about their video, addressing all of the questions that came their way.
Ray J has said that the two of them spent some time together piecing all of the details regarding the leak, and that they knew who had done it.
Eventually, the media hoopla died down and both Kardashian and Ray J have moved on with their lives.
Her father was Ray Heatherton, who was a popular star on Broadway and became a television personality in the early days of the medium.
As a born-again Christian, he works closely with evangelist Ray Comfort.
Sandy Duncan was born as Sandra Kay Duncan on February 20, 1946, in Henderson, Texas, to Mancil Ray and Sylvia Duncan.
Proving he was more than just a funny guy, Jamie Foxx earned the Best Actor Oscar in 2004 for his spot-on portrayal of legendary songwriter and singer Ray Charles in the box office hit Ray.
Billy Ray Cyrus – While he's known more as the daddy to Miley Cyrus these days he's been a country music star for some time, although he later moved to singing Christian music.
Although the tailfins and convertible roof make this model highly desirable for collectors, the Corvette did not earn its way into the American psyche until the debut of the Sting Ray in 1963.
The flowers are very numerous, in terminal corymbs, the ray florets 1/4 inch long, white, the disc yellow.
The flowers are axillary, 3 inches across, with from eight to twelve ray florets colored pale pink or sometimes white with pink tips; the disc is lemon-yellow.
The Secret Place is a worship site operated by Ray Watson.
Home to other bands with quirky lyrics and beats like Sugar Ray, Atlantic Records quickly picked up Fountains of Wayne.
Bluesette has been recorded by such greats as Ray Charles, Robert Conti and Hank Jones.
Over the years, people viewed moonstone as a solid ray of moonlight, a love charm or a talisman for healing.
One of the most important issues related to staying safe in the sun is the proper use of sunscreen and other UV ray protection tactics.
Staying safe in the sun and avoiding skin cancer is extra tough in the summer when UV ray exposure is more frequent.
Some studies show that wearing a hat that shades the face cuts UV ray exposure in half, giving your child a stronger chance to fight against the sun's typical damages.
We've found that Ray Bans are a top choice for the stars--particularly the classic aviator and Wayfarer styles.
The GlassesCenter.com does not have the extensive collection of parts for Ray Bans that Sight Direct does, but they do offer replacement temples.
One, you can simply visit the store where you purchased your Ray Bans and ask the salesperson if they can help you.
If you are in need of replacement parts for your favorite pair of Ray Bans, don't despair as you do have a few different online sites you can turn to for assistance.
If Ray Bans should break within the one year coverage period due to manufacturer negligence, the company will repair the glasses.
The Product Care Program will ensure that your Ray Bans are repaired, but the cost for repairing the damage or replacing the glasses is completely on the customer.
If you do not want to take the chance of sending your Ray Bans in the mail back to the manufacturer for repair, some local stores may be able to help you out.
You could also try going to traditional eye care facilities such as Pearle Vision and Lenscrafters for repairs to your Ray Bans.
In most cases, repairing your Ray Bans is a good option and can save you money in the long run.
Otherwise, getting a quote on repairing your Ray Bans is certainly worthwhile.
For whatever reason, there just aren't that many online shopping sites that offer lenses that are specific to Ray Bans.
And while Sight Direct claims that these models are able to fit all Ray Bans, you may want to contact the company directly just to double check and make sure.
Finding replacement lenses for your Ray Bans is difficult, but it's not impossible.
You can also visit your local Ray Bans store, and in many cases, they can arrange to ship your product back to the manufacturer for repair--as long as the defect is covered by your warranty.
Finally, you can contact Ray Bans at 1-800-343-5594 to find details about warranty repairs and parts replacement.
Once the glasses arrive at Ray Bans, there is a processing fee of $12.50.
You also must include details such as your name, address, the nature of the repair, replacement or parts you need, and contact information so Ray Bans can provide you with a cost estimate.
Parts that relate specifically to the style of your Ray Bans, such as a missing piece of the frame, may be more difficult to come by.
Eyewear Repair can also provide replacement parts for Ray Bans.
Whether you choose a local store or an online site, the key is making sure your Ray Bans are repaired to your specifications.
Ray Bans are a stylish piece of eyewear and a great investment.
Finally, we've come to the Sun Ray Sunglass Collection.
While Ray Bans are still made and new models are produced, vintage models have become highly collectible.
Each model of Ray Bans has a different look and was created for the style of the era.
Another great place to locate some classic Ray Bans is on eBay.
Longer than red wavelengths are infrared, microwave, and radio wave; shorter than blue are ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray.
There is a chance that you might accidentally sit on your Ray Bans and break the frame, lose a nose pad, or scratch the lenses.
Most reputable sunglass shops, including Solstice and Sunglass Hut offer repair services for damaged Ray Bans.
Ray Bans are also a very popular brand on the course.
The front of the style is reminiscent of a pair of classic Ray Banswhile the arms of the frame, unlike those of some other styles, taper off into a distinctly curved shape.
It's true - your favorite game developers want you to develop an unhealthy pallor from sitting in front of a cathode ray tube all the time.
Ray Hatton, a 20-year-old avid RPG player in Lafayette, LA, says that video games are more fun when, inside the game play, you have more choices.
That way, it doesn't quite ruin the game ending or the challenge for me, but it does reveal all those things I never would have found on my own," says Ray.
An alien race called the Morolians have invaded Earth and are shooting people with a mysterious ray gun.
The ray gun forces people to dance uncontrollably to the alien beats.
Imagine if the person who invented video games called video games a "Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device".
Goldsmith, Jr. and Estle Ray Mann titled their patent in 1947.
In 2001, Justin Meyer sold his partner shares to Ray Duncan, recruited Daniel Meyer as winemaker, and departed.
To understand Silver Oak, a person needs to understand Ray Duncan's and Justin Meyer's philosophy behind the wine.
Ray Duncan and the winery are going strong, expanding, and maximizing on Silver Oak's capacity and expertise.
In 1999 Ray Duncan acquired the 150-acre Soda Canyon Ranch in Napa Valley, south of Stags Leap, to create Twomey Cellars.
Ray's Station Sonoma County Merlot 2003 - Scoring 87 points from Wine Enthusiast, this bottle of merlot is priced at around $15.
Tests may include a chest x ray, echocardiogram, or electrocardiogram.
A chest x ray is used to look at the size, shape, and location of the heart and lungs.
The chest x ray can indicate if the heart is enlarged and can help the doctor identify some heart and lung problems.
In order to increase the information obtained from a conventional x ray, air or contrast media (such as barium or iodine) may be used to enhance the images.
Sometimes a foreign object or narrowing of the trachea is seen on a neck x ray.
The curve is measured in degrees by the angle between the vertebrae as seen on the x ray.
This usually shows up on an x ray and may aid the diagnosis of CF.
Lung scans, using a radioactive gas, can show closed off areas not seen on the x ray.
Growth hormone tests should not be done within a week after any radioactive scan such as an x ray, MRI, or CT scan.
Another diagnostic technique uses an x ray of the child's hand to determine the child's bone age by comparing this to the child's actual chronological age.
A chest x ray evaluates the size, shape, and location of the heart and lungs.
During the procedure, a long, slender tube called a catheter is inserted into a vein or artery and slowly directed to the heart, using x ray guidance.
To better view the heart and blood vessels, contrast material (dye) is injected through the catheter and viewed and recorded on an x ray video as it moves through the heart.
Within 24 hours after the closure device implant procedure, a chest x ray, electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram are performed to ensure that the device is properly placed.
Some children will require additional diagnostic imaging procedures, such as computed tomography scan (CAT scan), x ray, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to determine the cause of the macrocephaly and the appropriate treatment.
Other tests may include a sinus x ray and ophthalmology examination.
A trained x-ray technologist takes the x ray.
The x ray technologist positions the patient appropriately, so that the part of the body to be x rayed will be between the x-ray beam and the film plate.
It is essential to remain motionless during the x ray, since movement causes the resulting picture to be blurry.
Sometimes parents can stay with children during an x ray, unless the mother is pregnant, in which case she must protect the fetus from x-ray exposure.
Although unnecessary exposure to radiation should be avoided, the low levels of radiation one is exposed to during an x ray does not cause harm with a few exceptions.
Little aftercare is needed following an x ray.
Her exposure to industrial chemicals, solvents, and ionizing radiation (x ray) also increases the risk of having children with congenital heart defects.
Physicians also may use a chest x ray to look at the size, shape, and location of the heart and lungs.
Heavy metal poisoning may be detected using blood and urine tests, hair and tissue analysis, or x ray.
If acute arsenic poisoning is suspected, an x ray may reveal ingested arsenic in the abdomen (since arsenic is opaque to x rays).
An x ray of the injured area is the most common test used to determine the presence of a bone fracture.
Any x-ray series performed involves at least two views of the area to confirm the presence of the fracture because not all fractures are apparent on a single x ray.
Sometimes, especially with children, the initial x ray may not show any fractures, but if it is repeated seven to 14 days later, the x ray may show changes in the bone(s) of the affected area.
If the area of the bruise becomes hard, an x ray may be required.
An x ray may be ordered to assess bone damage and to check for foreign objects in the wound.
An x ray is also used to document spinal maturity, any pelvic tilt or hip asymmetry, and the location, extent, and degree of curvature.
The Cobb angle is found by taking an x ray of the spine.
An x ray picture taken from the side of the neck should also be obtained.
The x ray images may be enhanced by giving the child a barium enema, a form of contrast or opaque media that allows more detail to be seen in x rays and MRI or CT scans.
With contrast enhancement, the exact location of the obstruction can be pinpointed in the scans or x ray film.
To better determine what type of obstructive lung disease a patient has, the doctor may do a chest x ray and order blood tests.
An x ray showing bowel loops within the chest cavity confirms the diagnosis.
These changes on x ray, however, are known to lag in time behind actual symptoms.
This is in contrast to only one position observed during the x ray.
A chest x ray may show enlargement of the heart (cardiomegaly).
The physician may take an x ray of the infant's legs.
A definite diagnosis is made by x ray, electrocardiography (ECG), and echocardiography.
Diagnostic tests may include stool or blood tests, hydrogen breath test, or an x ray of the bowel, called a barium enema.
Barium enema-An x ray of the bowel using a liquid called barium to enhance the image of the bowel.
When symptoms continue even after treatment or to rule out the presence of other illnesses with similar symptoms, the diagnostic evaluation may include blood tests, a hydrogen breath test, or an x ray of the bowel, called a barium enema.
If craniosynostosis is suspected, an x ray or a CT scan of the child's skull will be taken.
He or she may order an x ray of the neck, chest, and/or abdomen to locate a foreign body in the esophagus, airway, or lower digestive tract.
Most foreign bodies swallowed by small children are radiopaque, which means that they show up on a standard x ray.
Metal detectors can successfully identify the location of soda can tops and other aluminum objects that will not show up on an x ray.
A barium-enhanced x ray of the intestines may also be used to detect abnormalities that can cause bleeding.
Tests such as a chest x ray, echocardiograph, and ECG are used to support the initial diagnosis and to determine the severity of the PDA.
In this imaging procedure, a combination of x ray and computer technology produces cross-sectional images of the body.
The other major diagnostic test is a chest x ray.
An x ray also can demonstrate pneumothorax, if this complication has occurred.
A chest x ray will help rule out other disorders.
The diagnosis is confirmed by a barium enema x ray, which shows a picture of the bowel.
The x ray will indicate if a segment of bowel is constricted, causing dilation and obstruction.
Barium is a chalky substance that enhances the visualization of the gastrointestinal tract on x ray.
An abdominal x ray may be needed to confirm the size and position of the impaction.
The endocrinologist will assess height, weight, and blood pressure, and order an annual x ray of the wrist (to assess bone age), as well as assess blood hormone levels.
Dye injected into the blood vessels can be tracked by x ray to confirm the presence of a fistula.
The bone abnormalities (visible by x ray) generally disappear gradually over a period of three to nine months.
The next big line dancing hit was found in Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Heart - which debuted in the early 1990s.
Sometimes a style of dance is launched by a song, which is exactly what happened when Billy Ray Cyrus released "Achy Breaky Heart" in 1992.
Hannah Montana is the superstar alter ego of Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus, the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus), a fictional 14 year old girl and talented teen pop sensation.
Singer and daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus typically keeps her hair look consistent.
The mullet was sported in the 1970s and 1980s by celebrities such as Billy Ray Cyrus, Chuck Norris, David Bowie, John Stamos, and Patrick Swayze.
You may also want to register with an employment agency based in Kenya, such as Silver Ray Limited.
With 9-year-old Luca Bella and 3-year-old Lola Ray as big sisters, a girl would certainly fit in the family quite easily.
Their second daughter, Lola Ray, was born on December 6, 2002.
Have you ever touched a manta ray or let a sea anemone attach its suckers to your finger?
Miley Cyrus, born Destiny Hope Cyrus, is the daughter of famed country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and Leticia Finely.
Love is a magic ray emitted from the burning core of the soul and illuminating the surrounding earth.
Toni Ray, the founder and creator of Hobo International, began with a vision that handbags should provide organization as well as great design.
Other notables in the early years include Carl Stalling, Sammy Cahn, Peggy Lee, Sonny Burke, George Bruns, Mel Leven, Leigh Harline, Ned Washington, Ray Gilbert, Roger Miller, Jerry Livingston, Al Hoffman, and Mack David.
Cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions are the tried-and-true television technology, but they are generally limited to 40-inch screens or lower due to general bulk and weight.
The phosphor used in the screen's cathode ray tubes often resulted in the creation of "ghost" images if the user accidentally left the computer unoccupied for too long.
While faux glows are the way to go if you want darker skin, there are still plenty of people who enjoy getting a little darker through UV (ultra violet) ray exposure.
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors are considered by many to be old-fashioned and outdated, but they still deliver a decent product.
Another Guinness Record holder is actor Ray Meagher, who has held the role of Alfred Stewart on the program since 1988.
Alf Stewart played by Home and Away veteran Ray Meagher is the patriarch of the Stewart family.
Knight and Ray MacDonnell would be reduced as part of a cost-cutting policy being applied to all three of ABC's soaps, including One Life to Live and General Hospital.
The cast is lead by veteran daytime actors Ray MacDonnell and Susan Lucci, both original members of the cast when the soap opera debuted in 1970.
Later seasons would reveal that Ray Krebbs was Jock's illegitimate son from an affair early in his marriage to Ellie.
Ray Meagher - He plays Alf Stewart on Home and Away and became the only original actor to stick with the drama, earning himself a Gold Logie award, as well as a Guinness World Record.
The Kali Ray TriYoga Flows, known as prasara, are a complete hatha yoga method.
Car Talk is a humorous radio show, in which hosts Tom and Ray Magliozzi diagnose car problems over the air.
Tom and Ray, also known as the "Click" and "Clack" or the Tappet Brothers," attempt to troubleshoot these issues while bantering with one another and the callers.
My favorite television personality these days is Rachael Ray.
Initially just a maker of body shaping hosiery, Spanx now sells a wide range of shaping garments that win raves - including some from Oprah, Rachael Ray and Ellen DeGeneres.
Miley Cyrus, daughter of one hit wonder country crooner Billy Ray Cyrus (whose Achy Breaky Heart lives on in infamy) had a meteoric rise to fame, thanks to the Disney Channel favorite Hannah Montana show.
Mayer's love affair kicked into high gear when he discovered the music of Stevie Ray Vaughn around the time he got his guitar.
Seeley also contributed to the lyrics of this song, along with Ray and Greg Cham.
The video starred Michael Jackson, Playboy centerfold Ola Ray and a large cast of dancers.
The Thriller video opens with Michael Jackson and Ola Ray dressed in 1950s style clothing riding in a car that then runs out of gas.
The camera then pans back to show Michael and Ola Ray in modern times in a movie theater.
Ray is too scared to continue watching the movie and leaves the theatre.
Then, zombies appear to perform a dance routine with Michael and start coming after Ray.
Ray runs away and they appear to chase her.
Ola Ray began complaining about lack of royalty payments in the 1990s.
The Black Crowes have Chris and Rich Robinson, Oasis has Noel and Liam Gallagher, Van Halen has Eddie and Alex Van Halen, The Kinks have Ray and Dave Davies, and so on.
Through the 1960s and 1970s, parodists such as Peter Schickele, Allan Sherman and Ray Stevens found success with humorous parodies.
Amy Ray and Emily Saliers - better known as the Indigo Girls - have enjoyed an unlikely amount of mainstream pop success for a primarily folk group.
Ray and Saliers are also known for their political activism.
Ray and Saliers have been friends since childhood.
They were not friends at first since Saliers was a year ahead of Ray in school, but they became closer friends in high school.
During their high school years, Ray and Saliers began to play music together.
They formed the B-Band, and then began to perform as Saliers and Ray.
They disbanded their groups when they went their separate ways for college - Saliers to Tulane and Ray to Vanderbilt.
In addition to their Indigo Girls work, Saliers and Ray both release music as solo artists and frequently tour independently.
Over the course of their careers, Saliers and Ray have used their celebrity to support a wide variety of political causes.
Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, also known as the Indigo Girls, got their start in 1985 in Atlanta, GA.
For the Love of Ray J combines sexiness, sarcasm and singing in a reality TV dating show that leaves little to the imagination.
Ray J was born Willie Ray Norwood, Jr. He is a 28-year-old hip-hop singer who has spent much of his life living in his celebrity sister Brandy's shadow.
Ray J's first big break in Hollywood came on Brandy's TV show, Moesha in the 1990s.
His boyish good looks appealed to young fans and Ray J was able to parlay his TV success to muted fame in the music industry.
Ray J's third album, "Raydiation" sold more than 400,000 copies domestically, but it wasn't enough to sustain his interest in recording.
The following year Ray J's name was back in the headlines.
Unfortunately, it wasn't for his musical or acting talents; rather, Ray J became an unlikely star when he appeared in a pornographic home video with then-girlfriend Kim Kardashian.
Following that revealing role, Ray J returned to the recording studio to record his fourth album, "All I Feel," which debuted in 2008.
At the end of 2008 Ray J teamed up with VH1 to star in a new reality dating show, For the Love of Ray J, which premiered on February 2, 2009.
In yet another attempt to hook lovelorn viewers, the producers of Flavor of Love, I Love New York and Rock of Love created Ray J's new reality series.
Self-proclaimed Hollywood "Bad Boy" Ray J is looking for love, and he's hoping he will find it on the reality TV show that bears his name.
Ray J claims he was tired of hook-ups and rocky relationships and yearned to break away from the "gold-diggers" and "groupies."
During the course of the show Ray J puts the women to the test via a series of challenges, dates and weekly eliminations.
The series follows the ladies as they prove their love for Ray J while trying to keep up with his fast-paced lifestyle which includes frequent jaunts to the hottest hangouts in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
Ray J wants his true love to work well with children and cook a mean meal, so he asks the girls to prepare a gourmet meal and raise money for his favorite children's charity.
Boxing--With the help from a famous boxing trainer, Ray J gives the girls a lesson in boxing basics and then has them duke it out in the ring with each other.
Singing Star--Ray J loves a woman who can sing, so he tests the ladies to see if they can be a part of his musical life.
Foxy Feud Challenge--This challenge tests the ladies' knowledge on all things Ray J, including his favorite foods, hobbies and vacation spots.
To find out if Ray J fills the hole in his heart with the woman of his dreams, you can tune into VH1 or visit the show's website, which features full episodes and weekly recaps.
Thank Flav if you like Rock of Love, Charm School, I Love Money, My Antonio, For the Love of Ray J - indeed most shows on VH1 can be linked to Flav either by cast or by theme.
She hinted Ray J was the father, then backed away from it, and then seemed to hint it again.
Celebrity Ghost Experts included Ray Parker Jr. because of his theme song to Ghostbusters.
A sex tape surfaced in 2007 that she made with her boyfriend at the time, Ray J, a singer.
The biography of Ray J tells the story of a musician who managed to breathe new life into a waning career with a little help from Kim Kardashian and VH1.
His two season of For The Love of Ray J were rating hits for VH1.
To say that Ray J was born into a musical family would be an understatement.
Ray J developed the family creative bug at an early age, and by age eight, he was co-starring on The Sinbad Show.
By the time The Sinbad Show wrapped in 1994, Ray J's sister Brandy was ruling the R&B airwaves.
Her success helped paved the way for Ray J to launch his music career.
Ray J's debut album, Everything You Want, was released in 1996.
Ray J returned to music and released his second studio album in 2001.
Despite his somewhat lackluster success as a solo artist, Ray J and Sanctuary Records collaborated on the set-up of a new label, Knockout Records.
After releasing Ray J's third album, Raydiation, Knockout went on to sign a multi-million distribution deal with large indie record company Koch.
After signing the Koch deal, in 2008, Ray J released his fourth album, All I Feel.
The first single from that album, Sexy Can I, was Ray J's biggest chart success in his career.
The biography of Ray J took a sudden turn in 2007, when a pornographic video featuring Ray J and his then girlfriend Kim Kardashian was leaked.
The tape, which leaked during the run up to the release of his fourth album, became something of a sensation and brought both Ray J and Kim an unprecedented level of success.
A group of women hoping to win Ray J's heart moved into a mansion with the R&B singer and competed in a series of challenges to win dates and alone time with him.
In the final episode of season one, Ray J chose Joanna "Cocktail" Hernandez as the winner of his heart.
Soon, however, rumors about Ray J's relationship with Tila Tequila leaked out, and Cocktail and Ray J split.
Not letting the grass grow under his feet, the second season of For The Love of Ray J debuted in November, 2009.
As of the time of writing, a VH1 show featuring Ray J and Brandy as they work on their careers was being filmed.
While Ray Bradbury is considered one of the authors of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, it's not completely clear that what he writes is science fiction at all.
In the 'fifties, Ray Bradbury published two novels and four collections of short stories that cemented his position in the Science Fiction Hall of Fame.
Now in his eighties, Ray Bradbury lives in Los Angeles.
Peopled by 'life's losers' from the surface, the tunnel dwellers, led by Father (Ray Dotrice), the man who found and raised Vincent, have created a Utopia out of time.
Jack Haley as the TinMan (called the Tin Woodsman in the novel) and Ray Bolger as the Scarecrow.
Take phasers as an example; Trekkies know these weapons are more sophisticated than the ray guns of Flash Gordon days, but when Twitter Tweets tell us that "Lab worms are stunned by 'phaser'" that's big news worth checking into.
Combining the effect of the will booster to do Medula's will and a new deadly ray that shoots from Wonder Woman's eyes to disintegrate men, Medula manipulates Wonder Woman's and Aquaman and Superman disappear under the power of the ray.
The ray gun was introduced in 1930 in the book The Black Star Passes by Campbell.
Today our military ground troops have access to light weight microwave blasters a kind of non-lethal ray gun.
Perhaps this is paving the way for that stun setting on the ray gun.
Godzilla needed help defeating this enemy as even his atomic ray didn't cause any long-term damage.
Godzilla on the other hand not only has his atomic breath and heat ray, but his thick armored skin can repel missiles, lasers and other such projectiles and weapons.
At the last moment, Godzilla mortally attacked Mothra with his atomic ray.
Most people are aware of the risks associated with ultra-violet ray exposure but that doesn't stop the appeal of a bronzed summer glow.
Such a cell-plate is called a medullary ray.
The xylem and phloem parenchyma consist of living cells, fundamentally similar in most respects to the medullary ray cells, which sometimes replace them altogether.