Rattlesnake Sentence Examples
The prairie rattlesnake is common in the dry plains country.
Of reptiles, the rattlesnake and copperhead are the only poisonous species, but numerous harmless varieties are common.
Poisonous or noxious animals usually have some special advertising attribute, sometimes the display of conspicuous coloration, as in the skunk; sometimes the emission of sound as in the rattlesnake; sometimes a combination of the two, as in the common porcupine and the large black scorpions of Africa and India.
In 1908 there were 8 quarries at Concord, all on Rattlesnake Hill, and all within 2 m.
To Edward Jenner we owe the discovery that vaccination protects against smallpox, and it is now generally acknowledged that smallpox and vaccine are ' Quoted by Weir Mitchell, "Researches on the Venom of the Rattlesnake," Smithsonian Contributions (1860), p. 97.
Among the ophidians, which include many harmless species, are the boa-constrictor, rattlesnake, the dreaded Lachesis and the coral snake.
Among venomous snakes the harlequin, or coral snake (Elaps fulvius) is common along the coast; the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) along the wooded banks of creeks and rivers; the cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus), in all parts of the state except the more arid districts; the "sidewiper," or massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus consors, sometimes called Crotalophorus tergeminus) and the ground rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius), in all sections.
A rattlesnake is entirely natural, but it can be lethal.
On the other hand, the " rattlesnake " men of the Moqui are merely transformations and expect to return at death to their original reptile form (Maclennan, 357).
Thus being bit by a rattlesnake is what you get for touching a snakeskin.
AdvertisementThe structure of the inner ranges is so variable as to elude simple description; but mention should be made of the Uinta range of broad anticlinal structure in north-east Utah, with east-west trend, as if corresponding to the east-west Rattlesnake Mountains, already named.
Is it really possible to survive a rattlesnake bite that easily?
As I have not much experience of time in the bush in rattlesnake country, neither reaction is found im any good pertinent knowledge.
He spotted [a] 4-foot rattlesnake in the trail about 6 feet in front of us.
Some of the bass tabs available include I Want You, Jailhouse Rock, Livewire, Merry Go Round, Rattlesnake Shake and many more.
AdvertisementEach year about 8,000 Americans receive a venomous snakebite, but no more than about 15 die, mostly from rattlesnake bites.
Minor rattlesnake envenomations can be successfully treated without antivenin, as can copperhead and watermoccasin bites.
However, coral snake envenomations and the more dangerous rattlesnake envenomations require antivenin, sometimes in large amounts.
Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera) - A beautiful little Orchid, G. pubescens having leaves close to the ground, delicately veined with silver; hardy, distinct, and charming, though its flowers are not showy.
The ophidians are also numerous, especially in the wooded lowlands valleys, and the poisonous species, though less numerous than others, include some of the most dangerous known - the rattlesnake surucucd (Lachesis rhombeatus), and jarardca (Bothrops).
AdvertisementThe Reptilia include II species of the crocodile, alligator and lizard, including the savage jacare of the Amazon, several species of turtle, 4 species of batrachians, and 29 species of serpents, including the striped rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus), Lachesis mutus, and a rather rare species of Cophias.
The symptoms of the bite from the Daboia or Vipera russeli resemble the effects of rattlesnake poison, but sanious discharges from the rectum, &c., are an additional and prominent feature.
The green rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus) inhabits the valley of the Rio Grande; the plains rattlesnake (Crotalus confluentus), the north-western counties; the diamond rattlesnake (C. adamanteus), the wooded river bottoms; the Texas rattlesnake, western Texas and the southern coast counties; the banded rattlesnake, a few widely separated woodland districts.
The ophidians are also very numerous, ranging from the comparatively harmless boa-constrictor to the deadly " palanca " or " fer de lance " (Lachesis lanceolatus) and rattlesnake (Crotalus), of which there are several species.
The rattlesnake was worshipped in the Natchez temple of the sun; and the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl was a serpent-god.
AdvertisementThis low range turns westward in a curve through the Rattlesnake Mountains towards the high Wind River Mountains (Gannett Peak, 3,775 ft.), an anticlinal range within the body of the mountain system, with flanking strata rising well on the slopes.
The Lararnie Plains and the Green river basin, essentially a single structural basic between the east-west ranges of Rattlesnake Mountains on the north and the Uinta Range on the south, measuring roughly 260 m.
The North American Indians fear lest their venerated rattlesnake should incite its kinsfolk to avenge any injury done to it, and when the Seminole Indians begged an English traveller to rid them of one of these troublesome intruders, they scratched him-as a matter of formin order to appease the spirit of the dead snake.
Among the venomous reptiles and insects are the rattlesnake, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), a poisonous lizard, and the tarantula (Mygale Heintzii), which, however, are common only in certain places and at certain seasons.
The prairie marmot and the burrowing owl come into neighborly contact with the rattlesnake, but the acquaintance does not quite amount to friendship.
To catch the rattlesnake, the hawk will approach the snake by walking with its wings outstretched making it look large & threatening.
In America some of the Amerindian tribes reverence the rattlesnake as grandfather and king of snakes who is able to give fair winds or cause tempest.
The menu includes prime grade steaks, as well as the not-so-common menu offerings of rattlesnake and alligator tail for appetizers and buffalo, elk and game hen for main courses.
The principal reptiles are a lizard, a tortoise, the vivora de la crux (a dangerous viper, so called from marks like a cross on its head) and the rattlesnake in Maldonado and the stony lands of Minas.