Rats Sentence Examples
Leather pinions must be protected from rats, which eat them freely.
Rats and mice, especially the guayabita (Mus musculus), an extremely destructive rodent, are very abundant.
The opossum (Didelphis) is represented by three or four species, two of which are so small that they are generally called wood rats.
Only full-grown ferrets are "worked to" rats.
The indigenous fauna of the islands is exceedingly poor in mammals, which are represented mainly by rats and bats.
For the distinctive characteristics of the family Muridae and the genus Mus, to which true rats and true mice alike belong, see Rodentia.
This long-tailed rat, originally a native of India, would seem to have first penetrated to all parts of the world and to have nearly or quite exterminated the indigenous rats.
Mice, rats, water-rats and moles, as well as frogs, constitute its principal food.
His arrival, however, roused the suspicion of the natives, and under King Mwanga's orders he was lodged in a filthy hut swarming with rats and vermin.
His mock heroics are, to say the least, amusing, and among these may be mentioned Myszeis, where he describes how King Popiel, according to the legend, was eaten up by rats.
AdvertisementThe Park consists of about 265 acres of undulating land with natural woods and rocks, traversed by a gorge cut by Rock Creek, a tributary of the Potomac. The river and gorge extend into the country far beyond the Park, and in addition to the animals that have been introduced, there are many wild creatures living in their native freedom, such as musk rats in the creek, grey squirrels, crested cardinals and turkey buzzards.
The remarkable didunculus occurs in Samoa, and after the introduction of cats and rats, which preyed upon it, was compelled to change its habits, dwelling in trees instead of on the ground.
It is chiefly employed in destroying rats and other vermin, and in driving rabbits from their burrows.
Several are generally used at a time and without copes, as rats are fierce fighters.
In habits some are partially arboreal, others wholly terrestrial, and a few more or less aquatic. Among the latter, the most remarkable are the fish-eating rats (Ichthyomys) of North-western South America, which frequent streams and feed on small fish.
AdvertisementSome of its characteristic mammals and birds are the long-eared desert fox, four-toed kangaroo rats, Sonoran pocket mice, big-eared and tiny white-haired bats, road runner, cactus wren, canyon wren, desert thrashers, hooded oriole, black-throated desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk and Gambels quail.
The teats vary in number from a single abdominal pair in the guinea-pig to six thoracico-abdominal pairs in the rats; while in the Octodontidae and Capromyidae they are placed high up on the sides of the body.
In the squirrels and porcupines the tibia and fibula are distinct, but in rats and hares they are united, often high up. The hind foot is more variable than the front one, the digits varying in number from five, as in squirrels and rats, to four, as in hares, or even three, as in the capybara, viscacha and agouti.
In hares and pacas the inside of the cheeks is hairy; and in some species, pouched rats and hamsters, there are large internal cheek-pouches lined with hair, which open near the angles of the mouth and extend backwards behind the ears.
In the New World pouched rats (Geomyidae) the pouches open externally on the cheeks.
AdvertisementThe fur varies exceedingly in character, - in some, like the chinchillas and hares, being fine and soft, while in others it is more or less replaced by spines on the upper surface, as in spiny rats and porcupines; these spines in several genera, as Xerus, Acomys, Platacanthomys, Echinothrix, Loncheres and Echinomys, being flattened.
In porcupines and hares the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus are connected in the foot, while in the rats and squirrels they are separate, and the flexor digitorum longus is generally inserted into the metatarsal of the first toe.
The American pouched rats, or pocket-gophers, constitute the third section, Geomyoidea, with the single family Geomyidae.
On account of certain structural peculiarities, the rats of Madagascar, which have a dentition like that of the cricetine Muridae, are separated as a distinct family, Nesomyidae.
A distinct sub-family, Lophiomyinae, is represented by the Central African arboreal spiny rats, Lophiomys, of which there are two or three species.
AdvertisementVoles, as typified by the water-rat and the tailed fieldmouse, are stouter built and shorter-nosed rodentsthan the typical rats and mice, with smaller ears and eyes and shorter tails; all being good burrowers.
The typical rats and mice, together with their nearest relatives, constitute the sub-family Murinae, which is represented by more than three hundred species, distributed over the whole of the Old World except Madagascar.
Here also may be noticed the huge Philippine long-haired rats of the genus Phlaeomys, characterized by their broad incisors, transversely laminated molars and large claws.
Mammals are not numerous; they include the cuscus, several species of bat, and some rats of great size.
A day-flying bat, whales and dolphins are about the only indigenous mammals; hogs, dogs and rats had been introduced before Cook's discovery.
It thus becomes an easy prey to the marauding creatures - cats, rats and so forth - which European colonists have, by accident or design, let loose in New Zealand.
In fact, as mentioned in the article Mouse, there is no possibility of defining the term "rat" when used in a sense other than as relating to the two species above mentioned; while there is also no hard-and-fast limit between the terms "rats" and "mice" when these are likewise employed in their now extended sense, "rats" being merely larger "mice," and vice versa.
Rats have, however, generally more rows of scales on the tail (reaching to 210 or more) than mice, in which the number does not exceed 180.
Since then (1904) Miss Florence Durham has shown that if the skins of young or embryonic mammals (rats, rabbits and guinea-pigs) be ground up and extracted in water, and the expressed juice be then incubated with solid tyrosin for twentyfour hours, with the addition of a very small amount of ferrous sulphate to act as an activator, a pigmentary substance is thrown down.
The wild mouse, rat and rabbit are self-coloured, but the domesticated forms include various piebald patterns, such as spotted forms among mice, and the familiar black and white hooded and dorsal-striped pattern of some tame rats.
P. Mudge for rats, that in a cross between a coloured individual of known gametic purity and an albino, the individuals of the progeny in either the first or second, or both generations, may differ, and that the difference in some cases wholly depends upon the albino used.
P. Mudge have both shown that albino rats also carry in a latent condition the determinants for black or grey.
Among albino rats, for instance, the author of this article has reason to believe, upon theoretical grounds resting on an experimental basis, that probably no less than thirteen types exist.
Although the British representatives of this group should undoubtedly retain their vernacular designations of water-rat and short-tailed field-mouse, the term "vole" is one of great convenience in zoology as a general one for all the members of the group. Systematically voles are classed in the mammalian order Rodentia, in which they constitute the typical section of the subfamily Microtinae in the Muridae, or mouse-group. As a group, voles are characterized by being more heavily built than rats and mice, and by their less brisk movements.
They have very small eyes, blunt snouts, inconspicuous ears and short limbs and tails, in all of which points they are markedly contrasted with true rats and mice.
In common with lemmings and other representatives of the Microtinae, voles are, however, broadly distinguished from typical rats and mice by the structure of their three pairs of molar teeth.
Bears, foxes, otters and sables are numerous, as also the reindeer in the north, and the musk deer, hares, squirrels, rats and mice everywhere.
The conquest of Scotland was soon completed; at last she lay at an English victor's feet; the General Assembly was turned out into the street by " some rats of Musketeers and a troup of horse," and the risings of Glencairn, Lorne (eldest son of Argyll) and others in the highlands were easily crushed.
The agriculturist has many enemies to contend with, the tax-gatherer being perhaps the most deadly; and drought, earthquakes, rats and locusts have at all periods been responsible for barren years.
The field rats (Mus mettada) occasionally multiply so exceedingly as to diminish the out-turn of the local harvest, and to require special measures for their destruction.
Noteworthy in the animal life of the lower Sonoran and tropic region are a variety of snakes and lizards, desert rats and mice; and, among birds, the cactus wren, desert thrasher, desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk, mocking-bird and ground cuckoo or road runner (Geococcyx Californianus).
Squirrels, flying-squirrels, porcupines, civet-cats, rats, bats, flying-foxes and lizards are found in great variety; snakes of various kinds, from the boa-constrictor downward, are abundant, while the forests swarm with tree-leeches, and the marshes with horse-leeches and frogs.
On this the principal people sleep, and it serves as a storehouse inaccessible to rats, which infest all the islands.
A very remarkable circumstance was the death of animals (rats, and more rarely snakes) at the outbreak of an epidemic. The rats brought up blood, and the body of one examined after death by Dr Francis showed an affection of the lungs.'
Simpson in his Report on the Causes of the Plague in Hong Kong (1903) reports the endemicity of the plague in that colony to be maintained by (a) infection among rats often connected with infectious material in rat runs or in houses, the virus of which has not been destroyed, (b) retention of infection in houses which are rat-ridden, and (c) infected clothing of people who have been ill or died of plague.
He considers the outbreaks are favoured by the seasonal heat and moisture of the spring and early summer, and the movement from place to place of infected rats or persons.
He also believes that human beings may infect rats.
Of the lower animals, mice, rats, guinea-pigs, rabbits, squirrels and monkeys are susceptible to the bacillus; horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and cats are more or less resistant, but cats and dogs have been known to die of plague (Oporto, Daman, Cutch and Poona).
Attention has been concentrated on rats, and some observers seem disposed to lay upon them the whole blame for the propagation and spread of plague, which is held to be essentially a rat-borne disease.
The susceptibility of rats has been noted from remote times and in many countries, particularly in China, but it has never attracted so much attention as during the recent prevalence of plague.
From one place after another a great mortality among rats was reported, and the broad fact that they do die of plague is incontestable.
Mortality among rats is said to precede the appearance of human plague, but the evidence of this is always retrospective and of a very loose character.
At Sydney a careful investigation was made; and the conclusion reached by Dr Tidswell was that " there was no ground for even a suspicion that our epidemic was being maintained by any process of direct contagion between man and man," but that rats were the carriers.
Personal connexion was traced in every case, and rats excluded; there was no mortality among them, and of 300 caught and examined none had plague (Chalmers).
Similarly, at Oporto, personal connexion was traced in all the earlier cases; there was no mortality among rats, and no evidence to connect them with the outbreak (Jorge).
A campaign against rats in Bombay, by which 50,000 or 60,000 were killed in a short time, had no effect in checking the disease.
Healthy rats contracted plague from infected rats when the only apparent means of communication between the two was the rat flea (pulex cheopis).
In 21 experiments out of 38, 55% of healthy rats living in flea-proof cages have contracted plague after receiving fleas collected from rats either dead or dying of septicaemic plague; consequently it is proved the rat flea can transmit plague from rat to rat.
Fleas caught on plague-infected rats are able to infect rats placed in flea-proof cages.
Chronic plague may prevail in rats.
It was also shown that animals may become infected through the faeces of a flea which has been fed on plague-infected rats.
The floors, mostly of mud covered with dung, are fouled with spittle, vomit, and urine, and, being seldom or never cleaned out, foster a gradual accumulation of poison, to which infected rats and the concealment of illness contribute.
A watch should be kept on rats at ports of arrival and on board ships from infected countries.
Rats should be exterminated as far as possible, especially by means of the Danysz virus, which spreads a disease amongst rats which cannot be communicated to man.
The waters of this cavern appear to be entirely destitute of life; and the existing fauna comprises only a few bats, rats, mice, spiders, flies and small centipedes.
The first introduction into Jamaica took place in 1872, and ten years later the animal was credited with saving many thousands of pounds annually by its destruction of rats.
Rats, frogs and bats form actually the only animal life in the caves, but a great number of antediluvian animal bones have been found here, as well as human bones and numerous remains of prehistoric human settlements.
A similar increase in virulence appears to occur in plague, where animals, especially rats and mice, seem to be affected before human beings, and not only increase the virulence of the microbes, but convey the infection.
Rats and mice swarm, both kinds and individuals being numerous, but few present much peculiarity, a bamboo rat (Rhizomys) from the base of the eastern Himalaya being perhaps most worthy of notice.
Characteristic forms of the Upper Sonoran zone are the burrowing owl, Nevada sage-thrush, sagethrasher and special species of orioles, kangaroo rats, mice, rabbits and squirrels.
Its animal life is in the main distinguished in species only from that of the Upper Sonoran belt, including among birds, the desert sparrow, desert thrasher, mocking-bird, hooded oriole; and among mammals small nocturnal species of kangaroo rats, pocket mice, mice and bats.
The mammals include black bear, deer, lynx, porcupine, fox, squirrels, hares, rabbits, musk rats, minks, weasels, skunks and woodchucks.
Pigs, cats, dogs and rats have been imported.
As for the reasoning powers in animals, the accounts of monkeys learning by experience to break eggs carefully, and pick off bits of shell, so as not to lose the contents, or of the way in which rats or martens after a while can no longer be caught by the same kind of trap, with innumerable similar facts, show in the plainest way that the reason of animals goes so far as to form by new experience a new hypothesis of cause and effect which will henceforth guide their actions.
Formerly bears, wolves and other wild animals took refuge in its fastnesses; and bats, rats, mice and salamanders are frequent visitors.
In the southern and western islands the fauna is restricted mainly to foxes, bats, rats, mice, the sea otter, the penguin and other aquatic birds, and various cetaceans in the surrounding waters.
Antelopes, hares and occasionally the lynx, fox, deer, rats, vultures, crows, ravens, hawks, with lizards are other denizens of the borders of the deserts.
Thomas Bagley was accused of declaring that if in the sacrament a priest made bread into God, he made a God that can be eaten by rats and mice; that the pharisees of the day, the monks, and the nuns, and the friars and all other privileged persons recognized by the church were limbs of Satan; and that auricular confession to the priest was the will not of God but of the devil.
Like most true boas, it is of a very gentle disposition and easily domesticates itself in the palm or reed thatched huts of the natives, where it hunts the rats during the night.
Besides the dog and the pig, which (with the domestic fowl) must have been introduced in early times, the only land mammals are certain species of rats and bats.
The ravages of the rats have rendered impossible the growing of wheat; the wealth of the islanders now consists in their cattle, sheep, potatoes and apple and peach trees.
In the southernmost islands are a small monkey, rats and mice, treeshrews (Cladobates nic.), bats, and flying-foxes, but it is doubtful if the "wild" pig is indigenous; cattle, when introduced and left, have speedily become "wild."
A layer of sheet zinc or tin has frequently to be used as protection from rats.
The land fauna however is very poor; there are few mammals with the exception of dogs, rats and pigs; and amphibia and insects are also generally scarce.
Maybe … if you want to send in someone to help, then they can help me kill the bugs and rats?
You can also use a rat pouch, which is an ideal refuges for baby rats getting accustomed to being close to you.
We control rats today with modern second generation anticoagulants.
Charges dropped against man who gave poison antidote to rats.
The animal experimentation involved in Cold Buster's development included rats being frozen, starved, and injected with drugs, including barbiturates.
Members agreed that technical grade malathion had been tested in four long-term dietary bioassays in rats and two long-term dietary bioassays in mice.
Although mainly carnivorous, the polecat has a varied diet consisting of voles, mice, rabbits and rats.
Rats and feral cats have been introduced and have established themselves in the area, threatening endemic birds.
The authors noticed also cellular differentiation violations in posterity of white rats irradiated by EMF with PFD of 500 microW/cm2.
Cells isolated from the umbilical cord of the newborn injected into rats repaired brain injuries by becoming brain cells [7] .
Reduced sperm function was noted in male rats at high oral doses.
Kidney and blood abnormalities in rats fed one of Monsanto's GM maize in Monsanto's secret dossier.
They eat anything edible including rats, mice and, rabbits.
The rats will be humanely killed to supply serum, which is essential for the in vitro culture of mouse embryo tissues.
Also to have endocrine disrupting properties in offspring of rats exposed to it during gestation.
The Wet Babylonians began an exodus which rivaled that of rats abandoning a sinking ship.
Fires can be cause in this way and rats can even gnaw through pipes, causing flooding.
Feel the humiliation of sleeping in urine and bile, the pain of rats gnawing at their feet, their legs, their genitals.
There is also an animal model of increased seizure elicitation in female rats primed with estrogens when you stimulate the hippocampus.
My team of rats came rattling back With fifty bright guineas and an empty sack And a bunch of green holly and ivy.
In the thyroid, 1,3 DCP induced thyroid follicular cell hyperplasia in dose-related manner in both male and female rats.
There was no increased incidence of liver tumors in rats.
Unlike Alzheimer's patients, these rats exhibit loss of appetite and motor incoordination.
The thing about Maurice and the rats is that they have become intelligent having been eating off the Wizards rubbish dump.
Lactation studies in rats have shown that buprenorphine may inhibit lactation studies in rats have shown that buprenorphine may inhibit lactation.
These tables allow ready comparison of the differences between rats fed diets containing foreign lectin and the appropriate controls.
Worse yet, rats fed plain potatoes sprinkled with snowdrop lectin did not show these effects.
Dogs can contract leptospirosis if they drink or swim in rivers or canals that are inhabited by infected rats.
The evidence from mutagenicity studies suggests technical grade malathion is not mutagenic in rats by the oral route.
Negative results in such an assay would provide full reassurance with regard to oral exposure of rats to technical grade malathion.
Downtown fashionistas and suburban mall rats are biting on the idea big time.
The first was sarcoptic mange which might be caught from rats or mice or from unclean hay.
Mice colonies also grow faster than rats thanks to their ability to reach sexual maturity quicker.
But in general, susceptibility to illness such as active mycoplasma does run through generations in a line of rats.
Malfunction of the orexin system causes narcolepsy in mice, rats, dogs and humans.
Using rats, scientists showed that a damaged area in the brain - akin to human stroke - is infiltrated by new nerve cells.
You need to remain observant of your rats ' behavior.
In rats, there was a small increase in the incidence of transitional cell papillomas in the urinary bladder and kidney.
Rats fed zinc phosphide over a wide range of doses experienced toxic effects at the lowest dose tested.
Preliminary data indicate that stress can increase lithium pilocarpine toxicity in rats.
The bubonic plague was brought to London by rats on board trading ships.
She has written to us to highlight the plight of domesticated Pet Rats in South Africa... .
Green hair and a pointy nose, Black cats who love to pose, Always pointy nose, Black cats who love to pose, Always pointy hats, With mice and rats.
In times of extreme privation, they will even eat other rats - usually sick or weak individuals - but this is rare.
Researchers used the technique to destroy a section of liver tissue in anesthetized rats.
Valsartan was excreted in the milk of lactating rats.
Here are the steps that encouraged neuroscientists to develop an animal model that involved injecting rats with reserpine or tetrabenazine.
Juvenile animals presented similar toxicity profiles to mature animals although enhanced nephrotoxicity in neonatal rats has been reported in some studies.
For Sassoon the " brown rats, the nimble scavengers " are simply another dab of paint to define the scene.
Specific group II metabotropic glutamate receptor activation inhibits the development of kindled epilepsy in rats.
Low protein diets during early pregnancy in rats were found to significantly reduce birth weight of pups.
Rats can transmit many diseases to humans, including salmonellosis (food poisoning) and Weils disease.
There are several reasons why rats get scabs, the most obvious being mites which can be picked up from bedding or food.
Rats that fight... Maurice, a streetwise tomcat, has the perfect money-making scam.
A third collection of rats remained sedentary during the training period.
The place to be seen for young socialites on the pull (or married love rats ).
Researchers at Purdue University found that rats given artificial sweeteners ate three times the calories of rats given sugar.
It is also found in or on eggs, in unpasteurised milk, rats, mice, and domestic pets, including terrapins.
He concluded that if mice and rats prove sensitive to a chemical, it does not have to undergo further tests on dogs.
Reduced serum thyroxine led to an increased release of TSH with resultant follicular cell hypertrophy in the thyroid glands of rats.
Your fine timepiece was designed for rats, not mice.
Spinnaker chutes won the first race of the day against Papercourt Restronguet Rats then trounced Papercourt Pirates.
It is said that the Pied Piper of Hamlyn used valerian to lure away the rats.
The scientists plan to study the hormone vasopressin which is known to control aggressive behavior in male rats.
It was number 5, there were rats in the sideboard and I had whooping cough.
She has a daughter called Heather - a very worldly-wise teenager who nevertheless keeps lovable white rats in the sitting-room.
Pest-Stop Electronic Rat Killer (new Dec 04) ** NOT APPROVED FOR OUTSIDE USE** The very latest zapper for rats.
The same author was likewise of opinion that the domestication or taming of various species of wild cats took place chiefly among nationalities of stationary or non-nomadic habits who occupied themselves with agricultural pursuits, since it would be of vital importance that their stores of grain should be adequately protected from the depredations of rats and mice.
The co-existence of the asexual encysted form and the sexually mature adult in the same host, exceptionally found in 011ulanus and other Nematodes, is the rule in Trichinella; many of the embryos, however, are extruded with the faeces, and complete the life cycle by reaching the alimentary canal of rats and swine which frequently devour human ordure Swine become infested with Trichinella in this way and also by eating the dead bodies of rats, and the parasite is conveyed to the body of man along with the flesh of "trichinized" swine.
Among its characteristic mammals and birds are the sage cotton-tail, black-tailed jack-rabbit, Idaho rabbit, Oregon, Utah and Townsends ground squirrels, sage chipmunk, fivetoed kangaroo rats, pocket mice, grasshopper mice, burrowing owl, Brewers sparrow, Nevada sage sparrow, lazuli finch, sage thrasher, Nuttall s poor-will, Bullocks oriole and rough-winged swallow.
This genus contains a few clumsily built rats spread over Southern Asia from Palestine to Formosa, and from Kashmir to Ceylon (see Bandicoot-Rat).
Similarly imbricated epidermic productions form the covering of the undersurface of the tail of the African flying rodents of the family Anomaluridae; and flat scutes, with the edges in apposition, and not overlaid, clothe both surfaces of the tail of the beaver, rats and certain other members of the rodent order, and also of some insectivora and marsupials.
The rats, which had been given both human and rat retina cells, retained the cells and did n't go blind.
The people have tried everything, when a stranger appears who says he can rid the town of rats !
Rats can transmit many diseases to humans, including Salmonellosis (food poisoning) and Weils disease.
Scuttling away from their glowing light gems numerous rats made for whatever shadows they could find.
The parasitic generation consists solely of adult parasitic females which lie embedded in the mucosa of the small intestine of rats.
The place to be seen for young socialites on the pull (or married love rats).
Rats and mice synthesize vitamin C in their bodies; humans do not.
Teratology studies in rats and rabbits showed maternal toxicity at high dose levels, but there was no evidence of embryotoxic or teratogenic potential.
I am not afraid of rats but I 'm terrified of spiders.
She is, however, haunted by the unquiet spirit of Jupiter, the evil Lord of the Rats.
Rats, despite their less than favorable reputation, actually make excellent pets.
Rats are quite easily tamed, and can even learn simple tricks.
In the past, research has shown that both dogs and rats can handle high doses of melamine in their systems, but this does raise the question why it would ever need to be in their systems in the first place.
Owners who keep cats as hunters to keep rats and mice at bay will look to reward the cat, whereas owners who do not welcome a cat's hunting skills may wish to discourage this behavior.
That being said, some research suggests that laboratory rats have experienced tissue changes in their mammary and prostate glands, which raises red flags for cancer risks.
Other tests suggest that increased BPA exposure leads to accelerated puberty in female lab rats.
The clinical trials related to the use of emodin in treatment of diabetes were conducted on lab rats and show promising results.
If small, furry mammals are more your style, you can build a cool play land for critters like ferrets, hamsters, rats or even cats.
You can choose traditional animals to raise (cats, horses, dogs) or pick non-traditional ones (rats, butterfly wolves, 2nd-gen pets) and well as pets created by the webmasters, Malk and Nick.
Locals prefer their meat fried, and also take a liking to frog, lizard, snake, large red ants, rice field rats, and insects.
People then began to place the dogs in a "pit" with many rats; the dog that killed the most rats won the competition.
They attract rats and other scavengers, and they can spread diseases.
Dried sunflower seeds are a favorite of mice, chipmunks, squirrels and rats, so be sure to use a tight-fitting lid or else you will have very fat rodents and a very empty container in a few days!
A weekly paper conducted an interview with a San Francisco Ultima Online addict in the early 2000s and found his apartment plagued with rats and the smell of urine.
Make sure there are no rats around, and the skill points will start rolling in.
Collectibles of mice, rats, snakes and lizards can also be found on the Internet.
Rat-bite fever occurs most often among laboratory workers who handle lab rats in their jobs, and among people who live in poor conditions, with rodent infestation.
The parents of children living in rodent-infested conditions, or who have pet rodents (mice, rats, gerbils) should be vigilant to illness in their children.
For example, Swiss scientist Martin Schwab actually managed to heal spinal cords in rats and restored their ability to walk.
At the Swedish Karolinska Institute, scientists succeeded in constructing a bridge of slender nerve filaments to connect a once-severed spinal cord in rats that subsequently were able to flex their legs.
Bites from mice, rats, or squirrels rarely require rabies prevention because these rodents are typically killed by any encounter with a larger, rabid animal, and would, therefore, not be carriers.
Cats account for about 10 percent of reported bites, and other animals (including rats, hamsters, ferrets, rabbits, horses, sheep, raccoons, bats, skunks, and monkeys) make up the remaining 5 to 10 percent.
One medical study, using large amounts of gentian violet in rats, found that it could cause cancer.
Ball Pythons eat rodents (mice or small rats), either live or dead and frozen (also known as pre-killed).
In addition to infusing any outfit with personality, color and class, they also serve as a savior for pack rats, partygoers, errand-runners, students, professionals and everyone in between.
Dragons will find their best love matches with Rats and Monkeys.
Monkeys are happiest when paired with Dragons and Rats.
Intelligent rats get along best with dragons, monkeys, dogs and pigs.
You'll also mesh well with rats, ox, dragons and snakes.
These sensitive, brave and honest dragons get along best with dynamic rats, and monkeys.
Your tremendous sympathy for others also lets you fair well with rats, rabbits and goats.
Clever, skillful and flexible, their best matches are rats, dragons and dogs.
Their best chance for a love connection is with rabbits, goats, rats and fellow pigs.
Rats can be very good at business and tend to be wealthy.
However, both Rats and Roosters provide a good balance for the Ox.
Cinsequently, this sign does not always pair well with Rats who find Tiger too stubborn.
The connection between terbutaline and autistic disorders is supported by research into the effects after terbutaline neonatal treatments in rats.
The rats experienced neuroinflammation, and behavior characteristics similar to autism after receiving the neonatal treatment.
Neuroinflammation in rats exposed to the medication is a compelling argument that the medication may be a cause, and the terbutaline autism lawsuit reflects that belief.
High Cholesterol - a study performed in 2006 showed that rats who were given ACV had lowered cholesterol levels.
Knowing a variety of exercise facts isn't just for trainers and gym rats -- anyone can benefit from fitness knowledge, whether they only use it for themselves or they want to educate others.
Van Morrison, The Cranberries, The Coors, My Bloody Valentine, The Boomtown Rats, The Undertones and Stiff Little Fingers all hail from Ireland and all combine traditional Irish influence with popular music sensibilities.
Plastic frogs and a few rubber rats can move the atmosphere right along.
Ratatouille is a great idea because it has several elements that kids get excited about; cooking, chefs and rats.
For instance, various manufacturers sell gummi versions of rats, tarantulas, eyeballs and more.
How do you wipe out an entire town down to the rats without anyone else ever finding out?
Maybe … if you want to send in someone to help, then they can help me kill the bugs and rats?
Brady, I don't need to tell you that there are more rats in the fed ranks than I can find.
He managed to catch a few stray rats for food, but they tasted different.
The forest regions of Cochin-China harbour the tiger, panther, leopard, tiger-cat, ichneumon, wild boar, deer, buffalo, rhinoceros and elephant, as well as many varieties of monkeys and rats.
Hares, rabbits, field-mice, waterrats, rats, squirrels, moles, game-birds, pigeons, and small birds, form the chief food of the wild cat.
Among the plants the wild banana, pepper, orange and mangosteen, rhododendron, epiphytic orchids and the palm; among mammals the bats and rats; among birds the cassowary and rifle birds; and among reptiles the crocodile and tree snakes, characterize this element.
Australia is inhabited by at least if o different species of marsupials, which is about two-thirds of the known species; these have been arranged in five tribes, according to the food they eat, viz., the grass-eaters (kangaroos), the root-eaters (wombats), the insect-eaters (bandicoots), the flesh-eaters (native cats and rats), and the fruit-eaters (phalangers).
There is a small pig (Sus andamanensis), important to the food of the people, and a wild cat (Paradoxurus tytleri); but the bats(sixteen species) and rats(thirteen species) constitute nearly three-fourths of the known mammals.
The spores of Rusts, Erysipheae an d other Fungi may be conveyed from plant to plant by snails; those of tree-killing polyporei, &c., by mice, rabbits, rats, &c., which rub their fur against the hymenophores.
The arch is surmounted by a triple attic with Corinthian columns; the frieze above the keystone bears, on the north-western side, the inscription aZS' 'Aqvat, OouEw 7rpiv rats, and on the south-eastern, aZS' do' `ASptavoii Kai ou X i Ono-Los 'TO Xis.
The agouti and the armadillo are practically extinct and the only other mammals are ground squirrels, rats, a few other small rodents, and some bats.
Wild boars, monkeys and rats abound and are the chief enemies of the cultivator.
Zoologically, there is no distinction between mice and rats; these names being employed respectively for most or all of the smaller and larger "mouselike" and "rat-like" representatives of the Muridae, whether they belong to the genus Mus or not.
Rabbits, hares, domesticated poultry, game-birds, and, when these run short, rats, mice and even insects, form the chief diet of the fox.
It is stated to live usually in pairs, and to eat rats, birds, frogs, white ants and various insects, and in the north of India it is accused of digging out dead bodies, and several of the native names mean "grave-digger."
Ant-eaters (Orycteropus capensis), porcupines, weasels, squirrels, rock rabbits, hares and cane rats are common in different localities.
Among the rodents there are hares, marmots, beavers, squirrels, rats and mice, the last in enormous swarms. Of the larger game the chamois and deer are specially noticeable.
Their investigations on cancers found in the lower animals, and the successful transplantation of such growths into a new host of the same species (mice and rats), have greatly advanced our knowledge of the etiology of this disease.
In recent years the successful experimental transplantation of new growths, occurring sporadically in white mice and rats, into animals of the same species, has thrown a fresh light on all the features of malignant growths.
It differs from typical rats of the genus Mus by its broader incisors, and the less distinct cusps on the molars.
According to the legend, the town in the year 1284 was infested by a terrible plague of rats.
It is of no particular service to man, neither its flesh nor its fur being generally put to use, while the statement that its presence is sufficient to drive off rats and mice appears to be without foundation.
The rodents are represented by an abundance of rats, with comparatively few mice, and by the ordinary squirrel, to which the people give the name of tree-rat (ki-nezumi), as well as the flying squirrel, known as the momo-dori (peach-bird) in the north, where it hides from the light in hollow tree-trunks, and in the south as the ban-tori (or bird of evening).
The pine-marten appears to have been partially domesticated by the Greeks and Romans, and used to keep houses clear from rats and mice.
In the same way, according to Brian Hodgson, the yellow-bellied weasel (Putorius kathia) " is exceedingly prized by the Nepalese for its service in ridding houses of rats.
Wild pig, several species of rats, and many bats - one of the commonest being the'flying-fox, and many species of monkey - especially the gibbon - are also met with.
To gamekeepers and those interested in the preservation of game, all animals such as the pole-cat, weasel, stoat, hawks, owls, &c., which destroy the eggs or young of preserved birds, are classed as "vermin," and the same term includes rats, mice, &c. It is also the collective name given to all those disgusting and objectionable insects that infest human beings, houses, &c., when allowed to be in a filthy and unsanitary condition, such as bugs, fleas, lice, &c.
At least four species of fleas (including Pulex irritans) which infest the common rat are known to bite man, and are believed to be the active agents in the transmission of plague from rats to human beings.
I'm killing the rats and stuff.