Rat Sentence Examples
Rat did kill baby pigeons.
You've got more than one rat to worry about.
Once you're an auction rat, it sticks with you.
The only wild mammalia in the island are the hedgehogs, two species of weasel, the Norway rat, and the domestic mouse.
At least four species of fleas (including Pulex irritans) which infest the common rat are known to bite man, and are believed to be the active agents in the transmission of plague from rats to human beings.
The only indigenous land mammalia are a small rat and a few curious species of bats.
Brazil has three groups of animals similar to the common rat - the Capromydae, Loncheridae and Psammoryctidae- the best known of which is the " tuco-tuco " (Ctenomys brasiliensis), a small burrowing animal of Rio Grande do Sul which excavates long subterranean galleries and lives on roots and bulbs.
No adequate investigation of this subject has yet been made, but some observations made by the author of this article, on the piebald black and white rat, show that differences connected with the microscopic structure exist.
The number of rat infestations is reportedly increasing and the brown rat is a major problem in urban areas.
The mechanism and relevance of these findings in the rat carcinogenicity study for humans are not yet clarified.
AdvertisementThe rats, which had been given both human and rat retina cells, retained the cells and did n't go blind.
What a great idea for your first born or rug rat.
This long-tailed rat, originally a native of India, would seem to have first penetrated to all parts of the world and to have nearly or quite exterminated the indigenous rats.
Thus these albinoes exhibit a pattern of pink skin similar in form with the black pattern of the piebald rat.
Selective breeding of the Brown Rat has produced the albino laboratory rat.
AdvertisementWe seem to get caught up in the rat race of life and forget why we work for success.
The small figure by the machine saluted smartly and beamed, if a rat skull could beam.
Rat examination Recent changes in protocol have put a ban on the LD50 test, save in exceptional circumstances.
Rat Scabies drummed on the debut and only LP so that might explain why you saw them with The Damned.
The brown rat migrated westwards from Central Asia early in the 18th century, and is believed to have first reached Great Britain about 1730.
AdvertisementAfter this followed the advance of the more powerful brown rat.
The wild mouse, rat and rabbit are self-coloured, but the domesticated forms include various piebald patterns, such as spotted forms among mice, and the familiar black and white hooded and dorsal-striped pattern of some tame rats.
Haacke has described a single albino rat, in which he states that the hairs of the shoulder and mid-dorsal regions were of a different texture from those of the rest of the body.
But the author of this article has quite recently reared some albinoes in which the familiar shoulder hood and dorsal stripe of the piebald rat is perfectly obvious, in spite of the absence of the slightest pigmentation.
The experiments of the latter author show that, if a gametically pure black rat be crossed with an albino derived from a piebald black and white ancestry, all the offspring in successive litters will be black; but if the same black parent be crossed with albinoes extracted from parents of which one or both are grey, then both grey and black members will appear in the successive litters.
AdvertisementEven in Greek, /itKEXoL is now sometimes used instead of nKE%L&rat.
The ichneumon (Pharaohs rat) is common and often tame; the coney and jerboa are found in the eastern mountains.
It is about the size of a rat, and has long soft thick fur, of a uniform grizzled brown, except when (as is not uncommon) it is black.
A rat, he declared, was gnawing at the pit of his stomach.
He had also the opportunity of reading the first act of the new tragedy before the duke of Weimar at Darmstadt in December 1784, and, as a sign of favour, the duke conferred upon him the title of "Rat."
In 1742 he acquired, as a consolation for the public career he had missed, the title of kaiserlicher Rat, and in 1748 married Katharina Elisabeth (1731-1808), daughter of the Schultheiss or Biirgermeister of Frankfort, Johann Wolfgang Textor.
The ferret, rabbit, cat, rat, mouse and two kinds of bat have become naturalized.
The rat and mouse family is only too numerous.
The station was formerly on Rat Island (within the bay), which is now used as a public deposit for inflammables.
A chevrotain is found in Balabac. The house rat, introduced by man, is a common nuisance, and mice occasionally seriously damage sugar-cane and rice.
In the older and larger towns it soon went beyond what the bishops thought proper to tolerate; conflicts ensued; and in the 13th century several bishops obtained decrees in the imperial court, either to suppress the Rat altogether, or to make it subject to their nomination, and more particularly to abolish the Ungeld, as detrimental to episcopal finances.
These gilds would, where they existed, no doubt also influence the management of town affairs; but nowhere has the Rat, as used to be thought, developed out of a gild, nor has the latter anywhere in Germany played a part at all similar in importance to that of the English gild merchant, the only exception being for a time the Richerzeche, or Gild of the Rich of Cologne, from early times by far the largest, the richest, and the most important trading centre among German cities, and therefore provided with an administration more complex, and in some respects more primitive, than any other.
The craft-gilds had remained subordinate to the Rat, but by-and-by they claimed a share in the government of the towns.
There was also known an arrangement corresponding to the German alte and sitzende Rat, viz.
Healthy rats contracted plague from infected rats when the only apparent means of communication between the two was the rat flea (pulex cheopis).
In 21 experiments out of 38, 55% of healthy rats living in flea-proof cages have contracted plague after receiving fleas collected from rats either dead or dying of septicaemic plague; consequently it is proved the rat flea can transmit plague from rat to rat.
Guinea-pigs set free in plague-infected houses become infected with the rat flea and develop plague in a certain percentage.
The last-named official soon confined himself to the judicial magisterial office, and a further increase in the numbers of the council having taken place by the appointment of 8 nominees of the king, a municipal council of 34, under the direction of the senior consul or burgomaster, dealt with matters exclusively civic. Later this council (the kleine Rat) was increased to 42 members, 8 of whom belonged to the artisan class.
Among animals, the European rat, goat and pig are naturalized in New Zealand, where they multiply to such an extent as to injure and probably exterminate many native productions.
Rats and mice swarm, both kinds and individuals being numerous, but few present much peculiarity, a bamboo rat (Rhizomys) from the base of the eastern Himalaya being perhaps most worthy of notice.
Thus the serum of the white rat, which is immune to anthrax, kills the bacillus; whereas the serum of the guinea-pig, which is susceptible, has no such effect.
A series of the apes, arranged from lower to higher orders, shows gradations from a brain little higher that that of a rat, to a brain like a small and imperfect imitation of a man's; and the greatest structural break in the series lies not between man and the manlike apes, but between the apes and monkeys on one side, and the lemurs on the other.
At a later period he talked of "dying of rage, like a poisoned rat in a hole"; for some time, however, he was buoyed up by feeble hopes of a restoration to England.
It is deficient in mammals, of which the only varieties are the rat and bat.
This absence of mammalian life in oceanic islands extends even to New Zealand, where the indigenous mammals comprise only two peculiar species of bats, the so-called Maori rat having been introduced by man.
The little or two-toed anteater (Cyclopes or Cycloturus didact y lus) is a native of the hottest parts of South and Central America, and about the size of a rat, of a general yellowish colour, and exclusively arboreal in its habits.
Foxes are common, both the white and the blue occurring; mice and the brown rat have been introduced, though one variety of mouse is possibly indigenous.
In the first quarter of the 18th century the bowl becomes narrow and elliptical, with a tongue or "rat's tail" down the back, and the handle is turned up at the end.
Powers of self-government were acquired by the council (Rat) of the town, the importance of which was enhanced during the 15th century by several grants of privileges from the emperors.
They are pretty little animals, varying from the size of a small cat to less than that of a rat, with large eyes and ears, soft woolly fur and long tails.
The Marsupials include the Macro pus or kangaroo; the opossums, Phalangista vulpina and P. Cookii; the opossum-mouse, Dromicia nana; Perameles or bandicoot; Hypsiprymnus or kangaroo rat; Phascolomys or wombat; while of Monotremata there are the Echidna or porcupine ant-eater and the duck-billed platypus.
You can also use a rat pouch, which is an ideal refuges for baby rats getting accustomed to being close to you.
To Index General I have an albino (white rat ).
Rat arrays Production of rat cDNA expression arrays will begin in early 2002.
People don't really give a rat's ass about how an animal feels.
It is now known that the plague was caused by a bacillus transmitted by rat fleas.
The Committee agreed that there were very limited validation data on the neonatal mouse bioassay and even fewer data regarding the neonatal rat bioassay.
The Committee agreed that the negative rat inhalation carcinogenicity bioassay provided additional reassurance with regard to possible site of contact mutagenicity.
The aim of this study was to confirm the presence of these enzymes and localize them precisely in the rat brain.
A large rat or even a chinchilla cage is ideal.
The Lord Mayor is Chairman of our Management Committee We employ one full time rat catcher (all other workers are volunteers ).
Apparently, rat catchers were held in high esteem in the community due to the locals ' fear of the Black Plague.
The scientists managed to stimulate single brain cells in the rat cortex.
Brain waves can be measured by implanting a small radio transmitter device into a rat that sends data to an external recorder.
The Desert Rat Kangaroo is missing, presumed extinct.
The cloth was infested with the rat fleas now known to be responsible for the spread of the disease.
A large dead pig littered the gangway alongside a foraging rat.
A variety of digestive processes can remove the available nitrogen compounds from the smallest gnat to a full grown rat.
Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine.
Members expressed concerns that the in-vivo rat liver UDS assay had not been conducted to modern standards.
The Committee considered the new in vivo rat bone-marrow micronucleus test.
The original rat monoclonal antibodies had been prepared from ascitic fluid, crudely fractionated with ammonium sulfate.
A population of rat hybridoma cells were transfected with an expression plasmid encoding a humanized monoclonal antibody.
Effect of swimming on reinnervation of rat skeletal muscle.
Replicate high-density rat genome oligonucleotide microarrays reveal hundreds of regulated genes in the dorsal root ganglion after peripheral nerve injury.
Others are presumed to be active because of their structural similarity to active peptidases from other species such as rat.
Electron microscopy experiments have been carried out on sections of rat pituitary gland.
We've decided to leave rat poison out instead of bananas in future.
In the third paradigm NE operates as an unconditioned stimulus for odor preference learning in the rat pup.
Natalie isnât stupid; having smelled a rat, she is lying in wait.
But not when I'm trudging the streets like a drowned rat looking for a basement bolthole.
The number of rat infestations is reportedly increasing and the brown rat infestations is reportedly increasing and the brown rat is a major problem in urban areas.
Selective breeding of the Brown rat has produced the albino laboratory rat.
She is the sewer rat of the political world.
The purpose of the traffic calming is to improve road safety and discourage rat running.
Back to Top My rat has small scabs all over its back.
They studied damage to part of the rat brain called the substantia nigra, where the cells normally release a substance called dopamine.
The anti-inflammatory activity of NSAIDs in the rat paw edema test has been correlated with their ability to inhibit prostaglandin synthetase.
Rhythmic, strange to my ears, rat tat tat, I hear, rat tat tat.
Investigation of the neuronal aggregate generating seizures in the rat tetanus toxin model of epilepsy.
Near-term rat fetuses showed growth retardation, again at maternally toxic doses.
Working for Muskie, Thompson wrote, " was something like being locked in a rolling box car with a vicious 200-pound water rat.
In the rat there was also some evidence of abortion at 300 mg/kg body weight daily.
Pest-Stop Electronic Rat Killer (new Dec 04) ** NOT APPROVED FOR OUTSIDE USE** The very latest zapper for rats.
The genus Phascologale comprises a number of small marsupials, none exceeding a rat in size, differing from the dasyures in possessing an additional premolar - the dentition being i.
In some respects intermediate between the preceding and the next genus is Dasyuroides byrnei, of Central Australia, an animal of the size of a rat, with one lower premolar less than in Phascologale, without the first hind toe, and with a somewhat thickened tail.
Books, pictures, objects of art, antiquities, reminiscences of Rat Goethe's visit to Italy, above all a marionette theatre, kindled the child's quick intellect and imagination.
The young rat, pictured here, differs from mice in having a very thick, scaly tail.
Type SMITE display ptext " mouse " subtract ptext " rat " to give....
The rat was doing a solo shrieking & squeaking into Nik 's microphone, along with spacey guitar & lotsa bleeps from me.
I have n't had a wash for weeks and I stink of rat urine.
Azathioprine is not a teratogen in the rat, but is highly dysmorphogenic in the rabbit.
Changes in the pattern of distribution of von Willebrand factor in rat aortic endothelial cells following thrombin generation in vivo.
Tinkering may feel necessary for those of you with a lab rat's mindset, but it's a psychological crutch.
This isn't to say that these animals cannot be tamed, but it will be more of a challenge than if the hamster, rat, or rabbit is already accustomed to human touch.
Never leave out rat poison or other toxic substances.
Silver and gold accessories, like napkin rings, chargers, and candle sticks, are Rat Pack style holiday cool, and you can add a splash of color by turning a glass bowl filled with baubles into a centerpiece.
With no one on the guest list knowing they will be attending a wedding, there's no one to accidentally rat them out to the press.
The neighbors continue to rat them out, however.
Joey Bishop - The last surviving member of the Rat Pack; passed away October 17.
In the beginning of the game, after you take out the rat at the inn, explore Houton to find a small black and white puppy.
Using his magic lute, he conjures up a small rat that he "gets rid of" for a price.
The voluptuous barkeep is grateful and tells him if he disposes of their rat problem in the basement, she will give him food and shelter.
The Bard then goes to the basement only to find a gigantic rat who is more than a handful.
After the Bard destroys the rat and receives his reward, the helpful stranger tells him about another powerful magic song; and with promises of wealth and power, sets him on a journey that turns him into an unlikely hero.
Sometimes you will hear sounds of motion, but this can be deceiving since it could be a rat scurrying by, machine sounds or just natural creaks from the location you are in.
One kind of bacteria can cause the same illness if it is ingested in unpasteurized milk or in water that has been contaminated with rat waste.
Rat bites are becoming more common, particularly in large cities where the rat population has been increasing in the early 2000s.
If you wish to add a splash of summery, carefree charm to your twist, use a rat comb tail to gently loosen a few curls from the front of your hair.
A variation on the mullet is to take the long hair in the back and tightly weave or braid it in into a rat tail.
This look was worn by women of all ages and brought to life by infamous mall rat pop stars Tiffany and Madonna.
The program then teaches how to add letters to make additional words such as "cat", "rat" and "hat".
She is positioned in direct opposition to the Rat King who serves as the Prince's nemesis throughout the tale.
In the eastern hemisphere, the Rat is held in high regard.
It's considered a good luck symbol, so if you happen to be born in the year of the Rat, you have some excellent qualities to fall back on.
In 2008, the Chinese New Year began on February 7 whereas the Chinese Year of the Rat began on February 4, 2008.
Those born in the year of the Rat are hardworking and shrewd.
The first trine is the rat, the dragon and the monkey.
To the active Rat, this is appealing and intriguing.
As a result, the Rat tends to clash with the Rabbit in certain circumstances.
However, the colorful Rat can be a great compliment to Dragon.
For the Rat, this can be difficult to deal with.
The rat, being a clever creature, jumped onto the back of the ox.
The ox being such a massive animal was unaware of his hitchhiker, so when he reached the other side, the rat sprang from his back and was the first animal to touch land.
This is how the rat became the first animal in the zodiac.
Another story surrounding the rat's ascension to the number one slot begins with Buddha sending out an invitation to the animals to attend a convention.
At this time, the rat and cat were great friends and before going to sleep the night before the convention, each promised to wake the other one in the morning so they could go together.
The rat woke up first, but didn't wake his friend and was the first animal to arrive at the gathering followed by the other eleven zodiac animals.
This is how the cat became an enemy of the rat and forever tries to exact its revenge.
Although the sun sign or birth year isn't the only important factor in your natal chart, in Chinese astrology the year of your birth will assign you to an animal such as the Rooster or a Rat.
Believing the marauder to be a large rodent, the pair put out rat poison, and they were quite surprised at the carcass they found.
According to the report, the beast appears to be a mix between a hairless dog, a rat and a kangaroo, giving rise to speculation that El Chupacabra is the result of genetic experimentation.
With diffusion lines including Marc by Marc Jacobs, Stinky Rat and Little Marc, Jacobs would appear to have the fashion market covered for men, women and children.
The Rat has the accompanying element of water.
In today's fast paced business world, more people are managing to leave the rat race behind, and start their own rat race at home with "work at home" businesses.
Unless you're a music pack rat these storage sizes are more than adequate.
Some of his biggest successes came during the 1960s, primarily doing swing music and lounge music with his fellow Rat Packers and became a regular on the performance circuit, especially in Las Vegas.
To tie up your Ratatouille theme together, send each chef home with a new whisk and a rubber rat.
Natalie's most memorable moment on Survivor happened when she encountered a large rat while walking through the jungle by herself.
She brought the dead rat to camp where it was eaten by Natalie and her tribe mates.
After the fact, this scene was interpreted as foreshadowing, as Natalie killing the rat was equated to her beating Russell in the end.
The opening scene in Back to the Future, with the large speakers blasting, is based on real incidents with Kim Burrafato in North Beach that the Coppola Rat Pack at Savoy Tivoli and Caffe Trieste would hear.
Peter Pettigrew - Pettigrew's death was a long time coming after the rat like man betrayed the Potter family and Harry time and again in his service to Voldemort.
If you check in at a gym five times, you get a "Gym Rat" badge, and if you check in more than four times in one night you are on a "Bender" with an inebriated cartoon badge to remember it by.
If he thinks she has him trapped, he'll be a rat in a cheese house with a craw full of cheddar, snarling and biting to get out.
The lab rat flushed but saluted and ducked out of the room.
He smelled a rat.
There are a lot of people in California who would pay dearly for a weekend or two away from the rat race.
The only species of this genus is about the size of a small rat, found in the interior of Australia.
All are comparatively small animals, few of them exceeding the size of a rat.
The comparatively few indigenous placental mammals, besides the dingo or wild dog - which, however, may have come from the islands north of this continent - are of the bat tribe and of the rodent or rat tribe.
Of the extremely limited Samoan fauna, consisting mainly of an indigenous rat, four species of snakes and a few birds, the most interesting member is the Didunculus strigirostris, a ground pigeon of iridescent greenish-black and bright chestnut plumage, which forms a link between the extinct dodo and the living African Treroninae.
That of the alpine zone includes two species of dassy (Pr ocavia), a coney (Hyrax), and a rat (Otomys).
In the eastern portion of the Coastal Plain Region are the cotton rat, rice-field rat, marsh rabbit, big-eared bat, brown pelican, swallow-tailed kite, black vulture and some rattlesnakes and cotton-mouth moccasin snakes, all of which are common farther south; and there are some turtles and terrapins, and many geese, swans, ducks, and other water-fowl.
One is the hutia (agouti) or Cuban rat, of which three species are known (Capromys Fournieri, C. melanurus and C. Poey).
Mammals are very few; they include the rat and Pteropus and other bats.
Among smaller animals the jerboa and other descriptions of rat, and the wabar or cony are common; lizards and snakes are numerous, most of the latter being venomous.
Anything like efficient co- Rat!
In their natural state the islands were without land mammals, and the Polynesian immigrants brought but two in their canoes - a dog, now extinct, and a black rat, now rarely seen.
The characteristic Chinese mode of dividing the "yellow road " of the sun was, however, by the twelve "cyclical animals " - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon or Crocodile, Serpent, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Hen, Dog, Pig.
The opening sign corresponds to our Aquarius, and it is remarkable that the rat is, in the far East, frequently used as an ideograph for "water."
The island of Kotlin, or Kettle (Finn., Retusari, or Rat Island) in general outline forms an elongated triangle, 72 m.
It is the home of the southern fox-squirrel, Cotton rat, ricefield rat, wood rat, free-tailed bat, mocking bird, painted bunting, prothonotary warbler, red-cockaded woodpecker, chuckwills-widow, and the swallow-tailed and Mississippi kites.
A small island just above the lower anchorage, which is occupied by port officials, was once known as Rat island, and is now called Ilha Fiscal.
Of these, Hypogeomys is a large, long-tailed, fawn-coloured rat, with large ears and feet; Nesomys is a red species, with long hair; Brachytarsomys is shortfooted and long-tailed, with velvety fawn fur; HallQmys has elongated hind feet, as has also Macrotarsomys; Gymnuromys is naked-tailed; and the several species of Eliurus are dormouselike.
Finally, the Philippine Rhynchornys is represented by a rat with two pairs of molars and a long shrew-like nose, the zygomatic arch of the skull being also placed unusually far backward.
In the twilight it moves about cautiously and as noiselessly as a rat, to which, indeed, at this time it bears some outward resemblance.
In fact, as mentioned in the article Mouse, there is no possibility of defining the term "rat" when used in a sense other than as relating to the two species above mentioned; while there is also no hard-and-fast limit between the terms "rats" and "mice" when these are likewise employed in their now extended sense, "rats" being merely larger "mice," and vice versa.
Thence it has spread to all parts of the world, driving out the house-haunting species everywhere, as it has in England all but exterminated the black rat.
The Isle of Dogs and Yarmouth, in Norfolk, are reported to be the chief of the English strongholds of the black rat.
When an albino mouse, rat, guinea-pig or rabbit is crossed with either a pure self or pure pied-coloured form, the offspring are similar to, though not always exactly like, the coloured parent; provided, of course, that the albino is pure and is not carrying some colour or pattern determinant which is dominant to that of the coloured parent used.
The capital, Benkulen, is on the coast near Pulu Tiku, or Rat Island, in a low and swampy locality, and on an open roadstead.
His successor, Engelbert II., however, attempted to overthrow the democratic constitution set up by him, with the result that in 1262 the brotherhoods combined with the patricians against the archbishop, and the Richerzeche returned to share its authority with the elected "great council" (Weiter Rat).
In 1497 he set up a new Aulic council or Hof rat, the members of which were chosen by himself, and to this body he gave authority to deal with all the business of the Empire.
The Reichskammergericht and the Rciclzsregirnent were for all practical purposes destroyed, and greater authority had been given to the Hof rat.
Large rodents, like the porcupine and cane rat, are numerous.
The best elements in Goethe's genius came from his mother's side; of a lively, impulsive disposition, and gifted with remarkable imaginative power, Frau Rat was the ideal mother of a poet; moreover, being hardly eighteen at the time of her son's birth, she was herself able to be the companion of his childhood.
Simpson in his Report on the Causes of the Plague in Hong Kong (1903) reports the endemicity of the plague in that colony to be maintained by (a) infection among rats often connected with infectious material in rat runs or in houses, the virus of which has not been destroyed, (b) retention of infection in houses which are rat-ridden, and (c) infected clothing of people who have been ill or died of plague.
I have a golden retriever called Jasper, a pet rat called Hanna and lots of tropical fish.
There are things that do not exist, such as a hallucinated pink rat or a hallucinated lemon.
You cannot rat out a coworker who shows up at work with a massive hangover.
The rat hippocampus does also appear to be involved in forming learned associations between objects where no spatial component is involved.
For example, once your rat will go over the bridge no problem, make her go through the bridge then jump the hoop.
The project aims to compare the biological activity of conventional and cross-linked polyethylene using the rat subcutaneous air pouch in vivo model.
Indeed, because of environmental disruption and the relative income effects of the rat race, economic growth may make people less happy.
Among these are two monkeys of the genera Macacus and Cercopithecus, a stag (Cervus hippelaphus), a small hare, a shrewmouse, and the ubiquitous rat.
Yet, for my part, I was never unusually squeamish; I could sometimes eat a fried rat with a good relish, if it were necessary.
But not when I 'm trudging the streets like a drowned rat looking for a basement bolthole.
Save money and do n't make it another rat race. + $ Watching charts and stocktrading all day?
Nathan Wheatear prefers not to spend his life as a rat catcher.
Working for Muskie, Thompson wrote, was something like being locked in a rolling box car with a vicious 200-pound water rat.
Ricky, a Rat Terrier, was the smallest SAR dog present.
The Rat compliments the Monkey's playfulness, and the Dragon can help Monkey settle its energy.
Freeing a man should put him in her debt, and he was the last person in the house who would rat her out to Romas's family!
I've got a rat in my ranks.