Rapture Sentence Examples
Coleridge received with rapture his new friend's scheme of Pantisocracy.
Wagner accepted with rapture.
To work only for self, to cloister oneself in the seeking of spiritual rapture, is to run from this responsibility.
Even hip indie kids find it socially acceptable to dance to The Rapture's music.
He gives himself up freely to his impressions, and there is a fine, careless rapture in his laughter.
Howie remained in rapture over Julie and his perception we'd accepted her as no one gave vocal evidence to the contrary.
Among the chivalrous lovers of Provence, this high rapture received the name of " Joy.
The daughter of enthusiasm, rapture, passion, and despair, she is of the earth but not earthly.
Wall to wall, people hypnotized, And they're stepping, Lightly, Hang each night in Rapture.
This stage of jhånacitta is more refined than the third stage of jhånacitta which is still accompanied by rapture.
AdvertisementIf I miss the rapture, I'm in good shape.
We have two passages that give, by all counts, an explicit description of what has been called the rapture.
Here we have the rapture - rapture " caught up " means to be seized away.
Among the chivalrous lovers of Provence, this high rapture received the name of Joy.
I first heard this song on rapture TVs R Muzik run but its from ages ago about 2000/2001.
AdvertisementIn this past election several million good and decent citizens went to the polls believing in the rapture index.
Wright heavily criticized traditional ' rapture ' theology we sees the coming of Christ as an escape from history and creation.
The embrace of the woman meant rolling on the ground in the rapture of divine love.
This " rapture of the saints " necessarily closes what we call the Christian dispensation.
The Motorola Rapture VU30 is one such V CAST cell phone.
AdvertisementWriting as an old man, long after her death, Ruskin speaks of his early love without any sort of rapture.
About the age of twenty he was seized with a violent access of devotional rapture.
Do you not know that, in moments of such rapture, lovers see and feel nothing but love?
Nor is there hint of resurrection accompanying this first rapture.
Last year's winner of the T S Eliot Prize was Carol Ann Duffy, for her collection rapture (2005 ).
AdvertisementBut the father whom the boy did not remember appeared to him a divinity who could not be pictured, and of whom he never thought without a swelling heart and tears of sadness and rapture.
If I miss the Rapture, I 'm in good shape.
Last year 's winner of the T S Eliot Prize was Carol Ann Duffy, for her collection Rapture (2005).
That tremulous expression on Natasha's face, prepared either for despair or rapture, suddenly brightened into a happy, grateful, childlike smile.
Then we await the resurrection at the rapture of the church.
Next year he published Le Pape, a vision of the spirit of Christ in appeal against the spirit of Christianity, his ideal follower confronted and contrasted with his nominal vicar; next year again La Pitie supreme, a plea for charity towards tyrants who know not what they do, perverted by omnipotence and degraded by adoration; two years later Religions et religion, a poem which is at once a cry of faith and a protest against the creeds which deform and distort and leave it misshapen and envenomed and defiled; and in the same year L'Ane, a paean of satiric invective against the past follies of learned ignorance, and lyric rapture of confidence in the future wisdom and the final conscience of the world.
At a time of such love, such rapture, and such self-sacrifice, what do any of our quarrels and affronts matter?
James Thomson (" B.V.") speaks " of the restful rapture of the inviolate grave," and sings the praises of death and of oblivion.
Between this opening and this close the pageant of history and of legend, marshalled and vivified by the will and the hand of the poet, ranges through an infinite variety of action and passion, of light and darkness, of terror and pity, of lyric rapture and of tragic triumph.
Rostov too, bending over his saddle, shouted "Hurrah!" with all his might, feeling that he would like to injure himself by that shout, if only to express his rapture fully.
Although he was at least sixty-five years of age at this period, his poetic faculty displayed itself with more than usual warmth and lustre in the glowing series of elegies, styled Eridanus, which he poured forth to commemorate the rapture of this union.
On the faces of all was one common expression of joy at the commencement of the long-expected campaign and of rapture and devotion to the man in the gray coat who was standing on the hill.
But well as he knew it, Pierre now listened to that tale as to something new, and the quiet rapture Karataev evidently felt as he told it communicated itself also to Pierre.
Yes, one must harness them, must harness them! he repeated to himself with inward rapture, feeling that these words and they alone expressed what he wanted to say and solved the question that tormented him.
The states of Rapture are called Conditions of Bliss, and they are regarded as useful for the help they give towards the removal of the mental obstacles to the attainment of Arahatship.6 Of the thirty-seven constituent parts of Arahatship they enter into one group of four.