Ranging Sentence Examples
He'd spoken to his sisters in depth and learned quickly just how different she was, their tales ranging from those that ought to anger him to those that amused him.
The Neolithic stratum varies very much in depth, ranging from nearly 20 ft.
The lake is saline and everywhere very shallow, its mean depth ranging from 3 to 5 ft.
It yields the most valuable of all cottons, the hairs being long, fine and silky, and ranging in length from to 22 in.
Steve 's address covered a wide spectrum ranging from the events of September 11th to the virtues of the internet.
There is something for everyone in this city, ranging from the free zoo parks to theater and opera events and nightlife.
Five hefty men, each well-armed and carrying weapons ranging from swords to maces, surrounded Sami.
The Didelphyidae are almost exclusively Central and South American, only one or two species ranging into North America.
With all the majesty and stately elaboration and musical rhythm of Milton's finest prose, Taylor's styleis relieved and brightened by an astonishing variety of felicitous illustrations, ranging from the most homely and terse to the most dignified and elaborate.
Again, the classification of an economic bibliography at once shows how varied has been the character of economic investigation, ranging from the most abstract speculation on the one hand to almost technical studies of particular trades on the other.
AdvertisementGenus includes several hundred extinct species ranging from the Silurian to the Tertiary.
The intervening kettles contain leads with silver contents ranging from above market to below cupelling lead.
Working with two different specimens, he found that the hysteresis loss in ergs per cubic centimetre (W) was fairly represented by o 00125B 1 6 and o o0101B 1 ' 6 respectively, the maximum induction ranging from about 300 to 3000.
This might be anything, ranging from a mounted needle to a sharpened pencil.
Ranging from 1 to 16 km, from gentle strolls to more strenuous hikes there are suitable walks for all age groups.
AdvertisementThe menu offers a variety of dishes ranging from seafood specialties to escargot.
She gave him a sour look and kicked the horse into a lope, ranging out ahead of him.
The dockyard, chiefly used for naval repairs, covers about 60 acres, and consists of three basins and large docks, the depth of water in the basins ranging down to 26 ft.
The lyces also take boardersthe cost of boarding ranging from f22 to f52 a year.
Among these are to be found a singularly large number of both active and inactive volcanoes, including the well-known Salak and Gede in the north, and bunched together at the eastern end the Chikorai, Papandayan, Wayang, Malabar, Guntur, &c., ranging from 6000 to 10,000 ft.
AdvertisementThis fleet of cable ships now numbers over forty, ranging in size from vessels of 300 tons to 10,000 tons carrying capacity.
The age of this building is very uncertain; it has been assigned to dates ranging from the 1st to the 4th century A.D.
The specifications for bull-headed rails issued by the British Engineering Standards Committee in 1904 provided for a carbon-content ranging from 0-35 to 0-50%, with a phosphorus maximum of 0.075%.
Wills found that the suceptibility was constant in fields ranging from 4200 to 15,000.
Diamonds were discovered in Minas Geraes, near the town now called Diamantina, during the first half of the 18th century, the dates given ranging from 1725 to 1746, but the productiveness of the district has greatly decreased.
AdvertisementThis decreases as r increases; its value ranging from na/A to al(nA).
The effects due to each of these rings are equal in amplitude and of phase ranging uniformly over half a complete period.
Dropsical liquids are usually pale yellow or greenish, limpid, with a saltish taste and alkaline reaction, and a specific gravity ranging from 1005 to 1024.
For melting the leadless glasses, open, bowl-shaped crucibles are used, ranging from 12 to 40 in.
The dull green was followed successively by amber, white opal, blue opal, straw opal, sea-green, horn colour and various pale tints of soda-lime glass, ranging from yellow to blue.
In any large collection of fragments it would be easy to find eight or ten varieties of opaque blue, ranging from lapis lazuli to turquoise or to lavender and six or seven of opaque green.
The Peruvian chinchilla (C, brevicaudata) is larger, with relatively shorter ears and tail; while still larger species constitute the genus Lagidium, ranging from the Andes to Patagonia, and distinguished by having four in place of five front-toes, more pointed ears, and a somewhat differently formed skull.
Each gild numbered various classes of members, ranging from beginners, or Schiller (corresponding to trade-apprentices), and Schulfreunde (who were equivalent to Gesellen or journeymen), to Meister, a Meister being a poet who was not merely able to write new verses to existing melodies but had himself invented a new melody.
Armagnac is a region of hills ranging to a height of 1000 ft., watered by the river Gers and other rivers which descend fanwise from the plateau of Lannemezan.
Most of the material termed " sand " in such analyses consists of particles ranging in diameter from .5 to.
Tobacco is cultivated in localities scattered over almost the whole world, ranging as far north as Quebec, Stockholm and the southern shores of Lake Baikal in one hemisphere, and as far south as Chile, the Cape of Good Hope and Victoria in the other.
The mean annual rainfall is about 50 in., ranging from 47.4 in.
There are many fine frescoes in the interior ranging from c. 1300 (knights kneeling before the Virgin) to the 15th century, including Pisanello's beautiful painting of St George (mentioned below).
Let us now collect specimens of the evidence for different varieties of cosmogony, ranging from those of the Red Indian tribes to that of the people of Israel.
Enygrus, ranging from New Guinea to the Fiji Islands.
As garden plants the Phyllocacti are amongst the most ornamental of the whole family, being of easy culture, free blooming and remarkably showy, the colour of the flowers ranging from rich crimson, through rosepink to creamy white.
Apollodorus, an Athenian who flourished in the middle of the and century B.C., wrote a metrical chronicle of events, ranging from the supposed period of the fall of Troy to his own day.
It consists of a cylindrical tube of a capacity ranging from 10 to 50 cc., provided at the upper end with a thick-walled capillary bent as shown on the left of the figure.
The state school fund, ranging from about $150,000 to $160,00o a year, is apportioned among the school districts, according to the number of teachers employed, and is used exclusively for teachers' salaries and the supplying of free text-books.
The words douze pairs were anglicized in a variety of forms ranging from douzepers to dosepers.
The average annual snowfall for the state is about 5 in., ranging from 19 in.
Vessels of the deepest draught can enter into the Victoria basin, the depth of water at low tide ranging from 24 to 36 ft.
Parallel to this shrinkage was the decrease in ranging sheep (82.0% from 1850-1900; 34.2% from 1890-1900), and cattle, once numerous in the hill counties of the west, and in the Connecticut Valley; Boston, then ranking after London as the second wool market of the world, and being at one time the chief packing centre of the country.
Ammonia is also present, but in very varying amounts, ranging from 135 to 0 I parts (calculated as carbonate) in a million parts of air.
Reedbuck, or rietbok (Cervicapra), are foxy-red antelopes ranging in size from a fallow-deer to a roe, with thick bushy tails, forwardly curving black horns, and a bare patch of glandular skin behind each ear.
In the memoir cited above Regnault gives an account of determinations of the velocity in air in pipes of great length and of diameters ranging from o 108 metres to i i metres.
The portion of South Dakota east of the Missouri river is dotted with numerous lakes, ranging from small ponds to bodies of water from Io to 15 m.
The average annual amount of rainfall for the state is about 20 in., ranging from 13.9 in.
The Paleozoic sediments, ranging in age from Cambrian to Permian, occupy the Great Valley, the Valley Ridges and the plateaus still farther west.
Mariette's excavation of the Serapeum at Memphis revealed the tombs of over sixty animals, ranging from the time of Amenophis III.
Faulting, probably in Pliocene times, lowered the basaltic plateaus to form the basin of Lough Neagh, leaving the eastern scarp at heights ranging up to 1800 ft.
There is an older series, ranging from the Devonian to the Cretaceous, which is folded and faulted and forms all the higher hills, and there is a newer series of Tertiary age, which lies nearly horizontal and rests unconformably upon the older beds.
There are hundreds of Patience games, ranging from the simplest to the most complicated.
Sauromalus, Crotaphytus, Callisaurus, Holbrookia, Uma, Uta are typical Sonoran genera, some ranging from Oregon through Mexico.
A sheet of silver of a finer quality than standard, ranging in thickness from-+ 6 - in.
But we are now able to prove that it was an independent system -- (1) by its not ranging usually over 200 grains in Egypt before it passed to Greece; (2) by its earliest example, perhaps before the 224 unit existed, not being over 208; and (3) by there being no intermediate linking on of this to the Phoenician unit in the large number of Egyptian weights, nor in the Ptolemaic coinage, in which both standards are used.
Probably before any Greek coinage we find this among the haematite weights of Troy (44), ranging from 208 to 193.2 (or 104-96.6), i.e.
In Portugal, ranging themselves on the side of Dom Miguel, they fell with his cause, and were exiled in 1834.
The ophidians are also very numerous, ranging from the comparatively harmless boa-constrictor to the deadly " palanca " or " fer de lance " (Lachesis lanceolatus) and rattlesnake (Crotalus), of which there are several species.
The Totonacs inhabit northern Vera Cruz and speak a language related to that of the Mayas; the Tarascos form a small group living in Michoacan; the Matlanzingos, or Matlaltzincas, live near the Tarascos, the savage Apaches, a nomadic group of tribes ranging from Durango northward into the United States; the Opata-Pima group, inhabiting the western plateau region from Sonora and Chihuahua south to Guadalajara, is sometimes classed as a branch of the Nahuatlaca; the Seris, a very small family of savages, occupy Tiburon Island and the adjacent mainland of Sonora; and the Guaicuros, or Yumas, are to be found in the northern part of the peninsula of Lower California.
Galatia is part of the great central plateau of Asia Minor, here ranging from 2000 to 3000 ft.
The ground colour of the jaguar varies greatly, ranging from white to black, the rosette markings in the extremes being but faintly visible.
Ranging from Canada in the north to Guatemala in the south, and chiefly frequenting the open plains on both sides of the chain of the Rocky Mountains, the coyote, under all its various local phases, is a smaller animal than the true wolf, and may apparently be regarded as the New World representative of the jackals, or perhaps, like the Indian wolf (C. pallipes), as a type intermediate between wolves and jackals.
The town, or township, of New England is generally a rural community occupying a comparatively small area, and with a population averaging about 3000, hut ranging from 200 in newly-settled, districts or thinly-peopled hilly districts up to 17,000 in the vicinity of large cities and in manufacturing neighborhoods.
In a country like Canada ranging from lat.
In Quebec and northern Ontario the rainfall is diminished, ranging from 20 to 40 in., while the snows of winter are deep and generally cover the ground from the beginning of December to the end of March.
The Garton artificial fertilization experiments have shown endless deviations from the ordinary type, ranging from minute seeds with a closely adhering husk to big berries almost as large as sloes and about as worthless.
The red larch grows usually on higher and drier ground, ranging from the Virginian mountains to the shores of Hudson Bay; the black larch is found often on moist land, and even in swamps.
Next comes the typical Sciurus, including the great bulk of the entire group, and ranging over Europe, Asia, North Africa and America.
Dormice a r e small arboreal rodents, with long hairy tails, large eyes and ears, and short fore-limbs, ranging over Europe, Asia and Africa.
In the typical jerboas, Jaculus (or Dipus), ranging from North Africa to Persia, Russia and Central Asia, there are only three hind toes, the incisors are grooved, and the premolars are generally wanting.
Vandeleuria, ranging from India to Yunnan, has flat nails on the first and fifth toes of both feet, and a very long tail; while the Indo-Malay Chiropodomys has a flat nail on the first toe of both feet and a tufted tail.
The African cane-rats, Thryonomys, are large terrestrial rodents, ranging from the centre of the continent to the Cape, easily recognized by their deeply fluted incisors.
Coffee of good quality is grown at elevations ranging between moo to 3000 ft.
The inscriptions which have come down to us are engraved partly on memorial stones, which are not uncommon in the north of England, and partly on various metal objects, ranging from swords to brooches.
In this section the river is confined between opposing walls of cliff ranging from 300 to 500 ft.
Various dates - ranging from 625 B.C. to 583 B.C. - have been assigned by different chronologists to this eclipse; but, since the investigations of Airy,2 Hind, 3 and Zech, 4 the date determined by them (May 28, 585 B.C.) has been generally accepted (for later authorities see Eclipse and Astronomy).
The Columbine family, consisting of beautiful border flowers in great variety, ranging from I to 2 or 3 ft.
They are of a similar nature to the caracul lambs, but looser in curl, ranging from a very light to a dark grey.
The pay of a schoolmaster in a small commune is only £48, and in a large town £96, with a maximum ranging from go to £152 after twenty-four years' service.
The annual output of diamonds from the De Beers mines was valued in 1906 at nearly £5,000,00o; the value per carat ranging from about 35s.
He at once brought his second line back to oppose them, but while he was doing so the French leader filled up the gap between himself and the frontal assailants by posting infantry around Wagnelee, and also guns on the neighbouring hill whence their fire enfiladed both halves of the enemy's army up to the limit of their ranging power.
The form of the leaf shows a very great variety ranging from the narrow linear form with parallel sides, as in grasses or the needle-like leaves of pines and firs to more or less rounded or orbicular - descriptions of these will be found in works on descriptive botany - FIG.
In the first of these senses the word is applied to objects ranging from the unworked stone to the pot or the wooden figure, and is thus hardly distinguishable from idolatry.
Tithes of small amount or due from Quakers could be recovered by summary proceedings before justices under statutes ranging from William III.
C. C. Baly (21), making use of the observations of the Russian expedition in Spitsbergen in 1899, accepts as the wave-lengths of the three principal auroral lines 557 o, 4276 and 3912; and he identifies all three and ten other auroral lines ranging between 5570 and 3707 with krypton lines measured by himself.
At the various mines, and on the routes to them and to the Red Sea, are some small temples and stations, ranging from the Pharaonic to the Roman period.
The proportion of sodium chloride in the water of the ocean, where it is mixed with small quantities of other salts, is on the average about 3.33%, ranging from 2.9% for the polar seas to 3.55% or more at the equator.
His purely journalistic activity was from the first of a varied description, ranging from sparkling " leaders " for the Daily News to miscellaneous articles for the Morning Post, and for many years he was literary editor of Longman's Magazine; no critic was in more request, whether for occasional articles and introductions to new editions or as editor of dainty reprints.
On the number and relations of these prisms the voles, which form an exceedingly large group, ranging all over Europe and Asia north of (and inclusive of) the Himalaya, and North America, are divided into genera and subgenera.
This family contains numerous species, having a wide geographical distribution, ranging in the New World from the Arctic circle as far south as Patagonia, and in the Old World throughout the whole of Europe and Asia, but absent in Africa south of the Sahara, and, of course, Australasia.
The slow loris (Nycticebus tardigradus) is a heavier built and larger animal, ranging from eastern Bengal to Cochin China, Siam, the Malay Peninsula, Java and Sumatra.
Many of the towns and villages of central Ecuador lie at altitudes ranging from 8606 ft.
Wilhelm Meister is a work of extraordinary variety, ranging from the commonplace realism of the troupe of strolling players to the poetic romanticism of Mignon and the harper; its flashes of intuitive criticism and its weighty apothegms add to its value as a Bildungsroman in the best sense of that word.
As a poet, his fame has undergone many vicissitudes since his death, ranging from the indifference of the "Young German" school to the enthusiastic admiration of the closing decades of the 19th century - an enthusiasm to which we owe the Weimar Goethe-Gesellschaft (founded in 1885) and a vast literature dealing with the poet's life and work; but the fact of his being Germany's greatest poet and the master of her classical literature has never been seriously put in question.
It is formed of raised beaches and sea-beds, ranging from the Pliocene period downwards, and resting on Upper Eocene sandstone.
There are about one hundred peaks, ranging from 1200 to 5000 ft.
Maize contains more oil than any other cereal, ranging from 3.5 to 9.5% in the commercial grain.
Whatever these dialects be called, the Kabyle, the Shilha, the Zenati, the Tuareg or Tamashek, the Berber language is still essentially one, and the similarity between the forms current in Morocco, Algeria, the Sahara and the far-distant oasis of Siwa is much more marked than between the Norse and English in the sub-Aryan Teutonic group. The Berbers have, moreover, a writing of their own, peculiar and little used or known, the antiquity of which is proved by monuments and inscriptions ranging over the whole of North Africa.
Meanwhile, the number of magistrates (consules) had increased, ranging from twenty to forty and upwards.
But below that line natives of India greatly preponderate; of 26,908 appointments ranging between Boo and 60 a year, only 5205 were held by Europeans, 5420 by Eurasians and 16,283 by natives.
The elaborate nature of these inquiries and calculations may be inferred from the fact that as many as thirty-five different rates are sometimes struck for a single district, ranging from 6d.
The plateau has an altitude ranging from 4000 to 6000 ft.
Extensive burial-grounds, ranging in date from neolithic to Merovingian times, have recently been discovered near the city.
There are twenty others, which have an area ranging from 106 sq.
We thus recognize two classes of variables, of which (I) the long-period variables have periods ranging in general from 150 to 450 days, though a few are outside these limits, and (2) the short-period variables have periods less than 50 days (in the majority of cases less than io days).
The varying brightness, ranging from the ninth to the second magnitude, was recognized in 1639 by John Phocylides Holwarda, and in 1667 Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694) established a periodicity of 333 days.
These stars include most of the brighter ones visible in the latitude of Greenwich, ranging down to about the seventh magnitude.
In a zoological sense the term is extended to embrace all the monkeys of the Asiatic genus Semnopithecus, which includes a large number of species, ranging from Ceylon, India and Kashmir to southern China and the Malay countries as far east as Borneo and Sumatra.
In Belgium, where penal administration has received the closest attention for a number of years, the regime of cellular imprisonment has been long carried to its farthest limits, and solitary confinement ranging over ten years and in some cases much more has been strictly enforced.
Another change was the power given to courts of law to differentiate between offenders by ordering them one of three classes of treatment ranging from severe to less rigorous.
These observations give values for S ranging from 0.30 to o 46, with a mean value 0.3778.
There is a great variety in the grades of oils produced in the state, ranging from the heavy asphaltic oils of the Popo Agie and Lander fields to the high-grade lubricants and superior light products obtained from the wells in the Douglas, Salt Creek and Uinta county fields.
He had to solve a more difficult problem than St Elizabeth's; for the skeletons of little children, ranging in age from two months to seven years, had now been found buried with the sacred virgins.
There are some tombs outside the town, some of which, ranging from the Villanova period (9th century B.C.) to the middle of the 3rd century B.C., were explored in 1908.
The grama, buffalo and bunch varieties cure on the stem, and furnish throughout the winter an excellent ranging food.
For all of New Mexico the mean precipitation is about 13 in., ranging from 9 in.
The Kama,' which brings to the Volga a contribution ranging from 52,500 to 144,400 cub.
After his death his published and unpublished writings were collected and published (with the exception of Les Cours royales des Iles Normandes and Lettres de Gerbert) in two volumes called Questions merovingiennes and Opuscules inedits (1896), containing, besides important papers on diplomatic and on Carolingian and Merovingian history, a large number of short monographs ranging over a great variety of subjects.
Ordinary commercial copper is somewhat porous and has a specific gravity ranging from 8.2 to 8.5.
Now there is a zone of the equatorial Andes, ranging between about 4000 and 6000 feet altitude, where the very best flavoured coffee is grown, where cane is less luxuriant but more saccharine than in the plains, and which is therefore very desirable to cultivate, but where the red man sickens and dies.
It rises from the surrounding plains of Marwar like a precipitous granite island, its various peaks ranging from 4000 to 5653 feet.
The second species, Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelli), is represented by a large number of local races, ranging from the plains north of the Orange river to north-east Africa.
The deposits of glacial sand and clay are found in the southern part of Sweden at a height ranging from 70 to 550 ft.
Almost exactly half the total area is under forest, its proportion ranging from 25% in Skane to upwards of 7 0% in the inland parts of Svealand and in the south of Norrland.
The courses are long, ranging from six to nine years; and the degrees are those of candidate, licentiate and doctor.
The officials charged with the administration of justice according to the shar are judges, called sheik/i-ui-islam and kazi (had/i, kadi or cadi of Arabs and Turks), members of the clergy appointed by the government and receiving a fixed salary, but some cities are without regular appointed judges and the title of cadi is almost obsolete; decisions according to the .char are given by all members of the clergy, ranging from ignorant mullahs of little villages and cantons to learned mujiahids of the great cities.
Only two or three forms of monkey enter the mountains, the langur, a species of Semnopithecus, ranging up to 12,000 ft.
Three very characteristic ruminants, having some affinities with goats, inhabit the Himalaya; these are the " serow " (Nemorhaedus), " goral " (Cemas) and " tahr " (Hemitragus), the last-named ranging to rather high elevations.
The cabezera de valle, as the name indicates, includes the heads of the deep valleys above the valle zone, with elevations ranging from 95 00 to 11,000 ft.; its climate is temperate, is divided into regular seasons, and is favourable to the production of cereals and vegetables.
Most of his life was spent in other lands, his campaigns ranging from Italy in the south to Lithuania in the north.
Equestrian seals of barons and knights; the seals of ladies of rank; the armorial seals of the gentry; and the endless examples, chiefly of private seals, with devices of all kinds, sacred and profane, ranging from the finely engraved work of art down to the roughly cut merchant's mark of the trader and the simple initial letfer of the yeoman, typical of the time when everybody had his seal.
The surface is irregular, with altitudes ranging from about sea-level to 900 ft.
There are many parks, ranging in size from Carlton Park of one acre to High Park (375 acres) and Island Park (389), the latter being across the harbour and constituting the favourite resort of the people during the summer.
The counties having the greatest area under cultivation (ranging up to about nine-tenths of the whole) may be taken to be - Leicestershire, the East Riding of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Huntingdonshire, Rutland, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
The rest of the Daghestan region consists of a series of roughly parallel folds, of Jurassic or Cretaceous age, ranging in altitudes from 7500 up to 12,500 ft., separated from one another by deep gorge-like river glens which cut it up into a number of arid, treeless plateaus which have something of the appearance of independent ranges, or rather elongated tablelands of a mountainous character.
The deviation is extremely slight, its maximum amount ranging between o 5" and o 6".
Finally, we have the thamin, or Eld's deer, C. (R.) eldi, ranging from Burma to Siam, and characterized by the continuous curve formed by the beam and the brow-tine of the antlers.
We attain, therefore, our first generalized description of life as the property or peculiar quality of a substance composed of none but the more common elements, but of these elements grouped in various ways to form compounds ranging from proteid, the most complex of known substances to the simplest salts.
The fishing industry of Lake Superior is important, salmon-trout (Salvelinus namaycush, Walb), ranging from 10 to 50 lb in weight, being gathered from the individual fishermen by steam tenders and shipped by rail to city markets.
There is an extensive class of inscriptions, ranging from the 3rd century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D., containing decrees relating to the ephebi, their officers and instructors, and lists of the same, and a whole chapter (42) of the Aristotelian Constitution of Athens is devoted to the subject.
It is a charge upon the occupiers of houses, mainly dwelling-houses, according to the amount of rent, the rate upon dwelling-houses ranging from 3d.
The average yearly rainfall for the state as a whole is about 39 in., ranging from 53.7 in.
The plains and valleys of lower elevation are used for the cultivation of coffee and other sub-tropical products, the former being produced in nearly all the departments at elevations ranging from 3500 to 6500 ft.
Farms in tillage are comparatively small, whilst those devoted to the rearing of sheep are very large, ranging from 3000 acres to 15,000 acres and more.
In 1920, although still imprisoned, he was again nominated presidential candidate by the Socialists and received 915,302 votes, ranging from 25 in Vermont to 203,400 in New York.
The Didache bids us " pour water on the head," and Christian pictures and sculptures ranging from the 1st to the 10th century represent the baptizand as standing in the water, while the baptizer pours water from his hand or from a bowl over his head.
Buffalo and bunch, and other short native prairie grasses, very nutritious ranging food but unavailable as hay, once covered the plains and pastured immense herds of buffalo and other animals, but with increasing settlement they have given way generally to exotic bladed species, valuable alike for pasture and for hay, except in the western regions.
The crop is very variable, according to seasons and prospective markets; ranging e.g.
The introduction to his first volume of Actes et paroles, ranging in date from 1841 to 1851, is dated in June 1875; it is one of his most earnest and most eloquent appeals to the conscience and intelligence of the student.
Geographically the cluster certainly belongs to the mainland, from which it is separated by Rosario Strait, generally much under 50 fathoms in depth, while Haro Strait, separating it from Vancouver Island, has depths ranging from ioo to 190 fathoms. In 1873 the islands, formerly considered part of Whatcom county, Washington, were made the separate county of San Juan.
The common dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius, ranging from England to Russia and Asia, is of the size of a mouse and mainly chestnutcoloured.
Hence the passes lie at great altitudes, ranging from about 9000 to 14,000 ft.
The typical representative of the genus is the yellow baboon (P. cynocephalus, or babuin), distinguished by its small size and grooved muzzle, and ranging from Abyssinia to the Zambezi.
The commercial grades are numerous, ranging by letters from A, the darkest, to N, extra pale, - superior to which are W, "window glass," and WW, "water white" varieties, the latter having about three times the value of the common qualities.
In the red coati, ranging from Surinam to Paraguay, the tail is marked with from seven to nine broad fulvous or rufous rings, alternating with black ones, and tipped with black.
In both a successive series of continental deposits, ranging from the Carboniferous to the Rhaetic, rests on an older base of crystalline rocks.
In 1890 the Conservative cabinet of Seor Canovas raised the duties on agricultural products, in 1891 it denounced all the treaties of commerce that included most-favored-nation treatment clauses, and in 1892 a new tariff law established considerably higher duties than those of I 882in fact, duties ranging from 40% to 300%.
In the chancel of the parish church of St Mary, a building ranging from Transitional Norman to Perpendicular, is buried Lord Howard, the commander of the English navy against the Spanish Armada.
Large grain elevators have been built, and a new commercial town has grown up. Besides cereals, which amount to 69% of the whole, the exports consist of petroleum and petroleum waste, oilcake, linseed, timber, bran, millet seed, wool, potash, zinc ore and liquorice, the total annual value ranging between 32 and 54 millions sterling.
It has recently been stated, however, that the supposed Algae are in reality the megaspores of Vascular Cryptogams. Scarcely anything is known of Palaeozoic Florideae; Solenopora, ranging from the Ordovician to the Jurassic, resembles, in the structure of its thallus, with definite zones of growth, Corallinaceae such as Lithothamnion, and may probably be of the same nature.
A comparative view of the plants found in various parts of the world, in beds ranging from the Upper Trias to the top of the Jurassic system, reveals a striking uniformity in the vegetation both in northern and southern latitudes during this long succession of ages.
The calcareous Siphoneae are represented by several forms, identified as species of Diplopora, Triploporella, Neomeris and other genera, from strata ranging from the lower Trias limestones of Tirol to the Cretaceous rocks of Mexico and elsewhere.
Similarly, the genus Sagenopteris, characterized by a habit like that of Marsilia, and represented by fronds consisting of a few spreading broadly oval or narrow segments, with anastomosing veins, borne on the apex of a common petiole, is abundant in rocks ranging from the Rhaetic to the Wealden, but has not so far been satisfactorily placed.
Williamsonia occurs in the Upper Gondwana rocks of India; it is recorded also from strata ranging from the Rhaetic to the Lower Cretaceous period in England, Portugal, Sweden, Bornholm, Greenland, Italy and North America.
Above these strata in Great Britain there is a complete break, no species of plant ranging upwards into the next fossiliferous division.
Extinct, ranging from the Upper Devonian to the Trias.
Hence Connecticut became known as the " Land of Yankee Notions "; and small wares are still manufactured, the patents granted to inventors in one city ranging from bottle-top handles, bread toasters and lamp holders, to head-rests for church pews and scissors-sharpeners.
Nearly allied is the American Mesohippus, ranging from the Lower Miocene to the Lower Oligocene of the United States, of which the earliest species stood only about 18 in.
Talk was loud enough to hurt his ears, ranging between orders shouted across the chamber to the man Bastion bellowing at the messengers from the northern wall.
The symptoms can be wide ranging and may not be limited to just neck ache.
With a variety of classes to choose from, ranging from the ancient art of yoga to highly aerobic circuit training.
We will also try to make landings at Nightingale Island where millions of seabirds ranging from Yellow-nosed albatrosses to Brown Noddies reside.
His references are wide, ranging from urban alienation to alternative religions.
The cost of renting an allotment depends on its size, ranging from £ 20 to £ 45 per year.
Side effects were seen temporarily, ranging from grade 0 to grade 3. The most frequent side effects were mild anemia and lymphopenia.
Additionally, the Governance area allows you to record important events ranging from receipt of R&D form through to ethics approval.
Also living in the house are five journeyman bakers (ranging in age from 15 to 24) and a female general servant.
Ranging from a of the best bobby Baldwin mike.
Neolithic long barrows have been found to date from the early part of the period ranging from 4000 to 2500 BC.
Other options, ranging from confit of duck leg to tiger prawns in tempura batter, are more cosmopolitan.
Bettas in the UK 17/09/06 Yes Selection of UK bred bettas in the UK 17/09/06 Yes Selection of UK bred bettas ranging from Delta to Halfmoon From £ 5.00 Site updated frequently.
Cruel Site of the Day - This site features a cruel site for the day - ranging from the painful to the downright bizarre.
He has broad ranging experience of dealing with cases of all types including injuries of the utmost severity.
Most valleys have hostels, ranging in standard from cozy bunkhouse, to almost luxurious family rooms.
The historical trend showed little change between 1910 and 1960, five-year averages ranging between 12 and 17 deaths of reputed centenarians.
I don't like categorizing, but we have people ranging from the high Anglo-Catholic tradition to evangelical charismatics all working together.
All the participants were employed civil servants, with income levels ranging from high to low.
Current Work I use stoneware clays of all kinds, ranging from porcelain to crank.
The daily rhythm of life is maintained by a circadian clock in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans.
Varied and wide ranging, they nevertheless cohere around a core of shared themes.
They are quite colossal in scale, ranging in height from five to ten feet tall.
Pritchard has a 10 point plan for reducing abuse, ranging from social policy initiatives to the safe containment of offenders.
It is designed to accommodate activity ranging from a large celebration to solitary contemplation.
Lessons cover topics ranging from muscle contraction to cardiac activity to reaction time.
Today the village has around 380 houses ranging from listed manor houses and quaint cottages, to modern town houses and octagonal architect-designed dwellings.
He created dynamic images ranging from steep perspectives of the gantry cranes, then down into the scarlet freight containers in the hold.
Also provided is an animated glossary of nuclear terms ranging from alpha decay to X-rays, many with clickable links to animated diagrams.
Applications are widespread, ranging from ore deposits in mining to pattern recognition.
It was a stunning display of vocal dexterity - with music ranging from deeply sacred to very profane!
We provide a comprehensive service, ranging from advising major corporations on reconstruction to helping financially distressed individuals.
They're split into groups ranging from music records you spin and instruments you play to little doodads and toys.
Species ranging from the common darter to the golden-ringed dragonfly can be seen at Bedgebury.
Our research and consultancy activities are supported by a large advanced equipment base ranging from the latest electron microscopes to high performance computing hardware.
The scheme utilizes passive and active principles, ranging from thermal walls and glazed southerly elevations, to solar panel technology.
Manufacturing enterprises ranging from clothing and ironwork to toys have also been established with the help of Princeâs Trust in the North-East.
Entertainment includes music and drama ranging from candlelit evensong in college chapels to Shakespeare in the park.
In legend they are nine women, three triple goddesses ranging in age from maiden to mother to crone.
Weiser defines a spectrum of access ranging from open to closed, with various gradations in between.
There are many causes, ranging from simple indigestion to a twisted gut.
The regular wired headsets are easy to design - with ranging styles.
He considers pictographic languages ranging from the natural Mayan hieroglyphics and Sumerian cuneiform, to recent experiments such as Elephant's Memory.
There are over 185 miles of footpaths in the Broads, ranging from short strolls to more strenuous hikes.
The AHS brings together those who share a common interest in antiquarian horology ranging from the earliest timepieces to 20th century mechanisms.
The climate in Bentota is fairly humid with temperatures ranging between 16 to 27 degrees centigrade.
The striped hyaena is the most widespread ranging from North Africa through the Middle East to India.
Chondroitin can result in problems ranging from painful benign prostate hyperplasia to deadly prostate cancer.
A wonderful variety of birds, ranging from sunbirds and weaver birds to fish eagles and sacred ibis are numerous.
Several alternative sources have been suggested, ranging from fully formed islets taken from pigs, to human embryonic stem cells.
Types of juice extractor There are different types of juice extractor There are different types of juice machines available, ranging from basic to expensive hi-tech power juicers.
There is a variety of grills and roasts ranging from The Ivy hamburger to roast poulet des landes with truffle jus and dauphin potatoes.
Loaded with a huge variety of activities ranging from making mosaics in the Sculpture gallery to designing a kimono in the Japanese Gallery.
L... koi for sale I have 13 koi carp ranging from 8 in - 18 inc.. .
Ranging from a network will present july allyn root Larry.
The clientele makes it a kind of student canteen on a weekday lunchtime, ranging from frantic gossiping to would-be quiet study.
The Knights Templar School chamber choir gave a very slick performance ranging from Elizabethan madrigals to songs from the shows.
These days you can buy all kinds of colors ranging from white, yellow, orange and even marbled forms.
Research in a variety of fields, ranging from fracture mechanics to ecological modeling.
The result of the grading exercise was to identify a total of 279 early medieval ecclesiastical sites, ranging from certain to possible.
These comprise a complete mix of tenures and house types ranging from one bedroom flats through to four bedroom houses.
The researchers discovered that the amount of freebase nicotine varied considerably between products, ranging from 1.6 per cent up to 36 per cent.
We'll be exploring songs ranging from the delightfully strange to the utterly nonsensical.
The elevation range is typical for lowland Britain, ranging between 0 and 260m above od.
But unpublished archives reveal that it conducted clandestine operations ranging from the bizarre to the murderous.
Students have the opportunity to participate in activities ranging from gamelan orchestra to fully staged opera.
A tale of anarchy and terrorism, ranging across Europe and reaching its climax with a bomb outrage in Balham, south London.
The mean operative time for all the patients undergoing distal pancreatectomy was 4 hours, ranging from 3 to 5 hours.
Among the exotic lakeside gardens live hundreds of animals from all around the world ranging from small rare monkeys to shy red pandas.
The noise, the spectacle, the looks on the faces of passers-by ranging from concern to blind panic.
These items came in various formats, with objects ranging from postcards to ancient parchments.
In addition, new concepts are introduced ranging from the scale of subatomic particles, up to the size of galaxies and beyond.
Product Features... surfboard and carve up the awesome waves of California Surfing, ranging from the perfect five-foot peelers off Malibu.. .
A population pharmacokinetics analysis was conducted on samples from over 1,100 MS patients receiving doses ranging from 3 to 6 mg/kg natalizumab.
The site contains information ranging from the basic driving theory test for learner drivers to advanced techniques, road rage and driving phobia.
Module 3B5 covers principles of solid state electronic devices ranging from the underlying semiconductor physics to the operating characteristics and design of advanced transistors.
Nevertheless, current research funding emphasizes the role of ultraviolet vision in birds with research ranging from receptor cell physiology to behavioral experiments.
There are more than 20 restaurants around the Port itself, ranging from smart and expensive, to good value pizzerias.
There are events for all ages in locations ranging from country parks to inflatable planetariums.
The group's repertoire is extensive, ranging from early 13th century polyphony through to 20th century pop songs.
It is home to over 30 buildings ranging from a replica Iron Age House to Victorian agricultural buildings and a 1940s prefab.
Ranging from classical to jazz to funk and beyond, the overall effect is quite psychedelic, but in a good way.
The papers reflect the breadth of interests of members of the Center, ranging from experimental psycholinguistics to literary theory.
Yet, for 12 years we have been allowed to carry on whatever liquids we wanted, ranging from nail varnish remover to Coke.
Income The questionnaire asked respondents to classify their current personal annual gross income within brackets ranging from under £ 5,000 to over £ 80,000.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
Fees are charged on a sliding scale, ranging from £ 15 upward per session.
The island's flora varies greatly, ranging from temperate to tropical forests and from arid scrubland and plains to lush hills.
The seabed is predominantly sedimentary, ranging between mud and cobbles but consisting mainly of sand.
Affected workers have received out-of-court settlements ranging from several hundred pounds to more than £ 100,000.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to Rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
And as we will see next month, many of these decisions have stopped short of granting wide ranging rights to employees.
Meat eaters are catered for with a selection of dishes ranging from crispy aromatic duck to satay chicken skewers.
Work there is diverse, ranging from organic gardening and building solar cookers to managing a tree nursery and community wastewater treatment system.
Steve's address covered a wide spectrum ranging from the events of September 11th to the virtues of the internet.
Color varied considerably, with the darker splodges ranging from very red to a darkish brown.
Stephen hunter products ranging from.
They've got a rotating menu, ranging from juicy oysters to a hearty white bean stew.
There are two well-equipped exercise studios where there is a regular program of classes ranging from Boxercise to Yoga and Pilates.
And ranging through the clots of cloud, the noonday sun winks on and off.
Sutherland's lochs are equally diverse, ranging from high acidic tarns to vast lochs over a sandstone base.
It's climate is temperate for the most part, ranging down to cool temperate in the southernmost tip.
An impressive debut dealing with wide ranging issues, if sometimes a little trite.
Small Talk is an opportunity for artists to discuss issues that affect their practice - ranging from conceptual underpinnings through to support structures.
With the alcohol flowing freely the many were quite voluble, ranging from running, football through to religion and the meaning of life.
Dozens of production lines turn out Birds Eye brand foods ranging from frozen peas to potato waffles to beef burgers.
In recent days we have seen a welter of forecasts ranging from the reassuring to the pessimistic.
There is a huge range in use, with print types ranging from fixed width narrow platen through laser color.
Click Here For More Information The new design of diesel-electric winder was introduced with lifting capacities ranging from 3 to 5 tons.
Plankton rich waters attract over 900 species of fish, ranging from cleaner wrasse through to whale sharks.
The true phalangers, or opossums of the colonists, constitute the genus Trichosurus, while the ring-tailed species are known as Pseudochirus; the latter ranging to New Guinea.
This relation of chemistry to medicine prevailed until the 17th century, and what in the history of chemistry is termed the iatrochemical period (see Medicine) was mainly fruitful in increasing the knowledge of compounds; the contributions to chemical theory are of little value, the most important controversies ranging over the nature of the " elements," which were generally akin to those of Aristotle, modified so as to be more in accord with current observations.
Simultaneously with this discussion of the atom and molecule, great controversy was ranging over the constitution of com pounds, more particularly over the carbon or organic compounds.
The fact that the other components have phases differing from this by amounts ranging between tam 2 r/(a+d) causes the resultant amplitude to be less than for the central image (where there is complete phase agreement).
It includes Sciuropterus, represented by small species from the northern parts of both hemispheres; Pteromys, comprising large flying-squirrels, ranging from India and the Malay countries to Japan, characterized by the long cylindrical tail and large inter-femoral membrane; and Eupetaurus, represented by one very large dark grey, long-tailed and longhaired species from Astor and Gilgit, which differs from all other members of the family by its tall-crowned cheek-teeth (see Flying Squirrel).
The African cane-rats, Thryonomys (or Aulacodus), are large terrestrial rodents, ranging from the centre of the continent to the Cape, easily recognized by their deeply fluted incisors (see Co yp u).
Experimental measurements of freezing points of various non-electrolytic solutions have been made by Raoult, Loomis, Griffiths, Bedford and others and numbers ranging round 1.85 found for this concentration.
In a great degree prairie-marmots, of which there are several species in North America, ranging as far south as Mexico, are intermediate between marmots and sousliks (see SousLIK), having the cheekpouches much smaller than in the latter, and the first front-toe, which is rudimentary in marmots and sousliks, well developed.
The above-mentioned anubis baboon, P. anubis (with the subspecies neumanni, pruinosus, heuglini and doguera), ranging from Egypt all through tropical Africa, together with P. sphinx, P. olivaceus, the Abyssinian P. lydekkeri, and the chacma, P. porcarius of the Cape, represent the subgenus Choeropithecus.
Charcoal samples obtained from six of these sites produced radiocarbon dates ranging from the 5th century AD to the 12th century.
I have a large repertoire of songs ranging from Latin grooves to swing classics.
The island 's flora varies greatly, ranging from temperate to tropical forests and from arid scrubland and plains to lush hills.
Research topics ranging from the fabrication of self-replicating molecules to the study of evolving POPULATION s of computer programs will be included.
Shere now claims to control two-thirds of the self-serve rail ticket machine market in Britain, with customers ranging from GNER to Virgin Trains.
A number of logos were drawn up ranging from modern to classic serif style banners.
Various built-in electronic functions are available, ranging from simple speed controls to programmable servo controllers with bus connections.
The Welsh Sweet Shop stocks over 200 different sweets ranging from rhubarb & custard to sherbet fountains.
At the peak of building activity, there will be more than 1,500 skilled workers on site - ranging from caterers to IT experts.
Socially, the Club has an active program of events ranging the Annual Dinner to occasional skittles nights.
Over the years a number of treatments have been tried ranging from reassurance with no treatment to conservative splint treatment to various surgical procedures.
With a market too thin times if stephen hunter products ranging from.
They 've got a rotating menu, ranging from juicy oysters to a hearty white bean stew.
Musical styles are all over the map, ranging from symphonic to techno.
Professionals, ranging from project co-ordinators, development workers, and support workers also participated.
Sutherland 's lochs are equally diverse, ranging from high acidic tarns to vast lochs over a sandstone base.
Quantum mechanics also provides the basis for technological innovations ranging from lasers to silicon chips.
It 's climate is temperate for the most part, ranging down to cool temperate in the southernmost tip.
For each color, 9 transmittance levels are available, ranging from approximately 3% to 85 %.
The web site is a treasure trove of information ranging from briefing notes to old copies of the bi monthly magazine PI focus.
The landscape is diverse, ranging from the Arctic tundra of the north to the great prairies of the central area.
These include an array of illegal activity ranging from drugs to controlling the underworld activities in the Port of Dublin.
Her virtuoso playing can be heard on numerous CD 's of music ranging from the medieval period to the present day.
Windrow composting involved several large heaps ranging from fresh garden cuttings to brown compost.
We are all under enormous amounts of pressure ranging from financial worries to academic problems.
This album contains 11 original tracks ranging from deeply worshipful songs to Christian rock.
The range of colors among these small plants is surprising, ranging from rich dark green to more yellowy hues.
We run a loans service which has over 200 boxes of objects, ranging from Ancient Egyptian artifacts to zoological specimens.
This site has many different styles, with prices ranging from about $700 to around $1300.
Baby Names has several offbeat baby name lists you can use for inspiration, ranging from names of Oscar winners to names inspired by Shakespeare.
Not only do they come put together as a whole gift in an attractive package, but they also usually feature multiple types of items, ranging from cute and cuddly to extremely functional.
If you or your toddler is desperate to get out of the house even though it is raining, there are plenty of different activities you can do together, ranging from free to moderately expensive.
Grading of diamonds is done on a scale ranging from Flawless to Imperfect.
Macys offers socks for men ranging from peds to athletic socks to soft argyles and dress socks.
It is usually a shortened version of the full slip in varying lengths, ranging from those that stop near the top of the thighs to anywhere up to the middle thigh and beyond.
Affinitas - This lingerie line has something for everyone, ranging from simple classic pieces to edgier or softer options.
These trees include the weeping willow, which thrives in moist soil in USDA growing zones 5-11 and provides a drooping tree ranging from 30 to 50 feet.
There are about 40 different kinds of red grapes widely grown for wine around the world, ranging from the light Gamay and Pinot Noir varieties, to the popular Merlots and Zinfandels and the heavier Syrah/Shiraz.
Ranging in size from small and suitable for just one or two guests to large and capable of accommodating more than one family at a time, vacation rentals are available worldwide.
Shoppers can watch videos, buy gift cards and browse thousands of items ranging from mattresses to exercise equipment, snow shovels to faux-diamond jewelry.
DiscMakers.com has a selection of manual and automatic CD duplicators ranging in size from 2 up to 10 drives.
For example, a visit to www.batterymart.com will show that riders of a Harley Davidson FXD model motorcycle have a choice of three batteries ranging in price from $68.95 to $128.95.
Dehumidifiers are available in a range of sizes, ranging from small machines that are suitable for a single room, to large, powerful dehumidifiers that can efficiently remove moisture from a vast area.
Ranging from $20 to $120, webcams can fall into the good, better, and best categories.
During the holidays, most retailers like Target and Walmart stock special food gifts ranging from hot chocolate combinations to coffee bundles to candy specials.