Rand Sentence Examples
The Rand reefs, first mined in 1886, cover a large area.
Taylor, Political rand Constitutional History of Roane (1899).
The chief exports, not all products of the province, are coal, wool, mohair, hides and skins, wattle bark, tea, sugar, fruits and jams. The import trade is of a most varied character, and a large proportion of the goods brought into the country are in transit to the Transvaal and Orange Free State, Natal affording, next to Delagoa Bay, the shortest route to the Rand.
Two years later, in 1886, the Rand goldfields were proclaimed, and the tide of trade which had already set in with the Transvaal steadily increased.
Meantime it was agreed by the Cape, Transvaal and Natai governments that, subject to Natal entering the Union, its share of the Rand import trade should be 25% before and 30% after the establishment of the Union.
In that year the government sanctioned the building of a " steam tramway " - a railway in all but name - from the Boksburg collieries to the Rand gold mines.
A continuation of the Springs-Breyten line eastward through Swaziland to Delagoa Bay will give a second independent railway from that port to the Rand, some 60 m.
The principal gold-bearing reefs are found along the Witwatersrand (" The Rand ").
Probably connected with the Rand i For projected routes, shortening the journey between Europe and Johannesburg, see the Geog.
The British element is chiefly gathered in Johannesburg and other towns on the Rand and in Pretoria.
AdvertisementIn 1905 when a full supply of labour was again available the output was 4,760,000 oz., in which year the sum distributed in dividends to shareholders in the Rand mines was over £4,800,000.
The Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom goldfields, known also as the Western Rand, were proclaimed in 1887 and up to the close of 1908 had yielded 446,224 OZ.
The reefs are narrower than those of the Rand, and the, ore is usually very hard.
There are extensive beds of good coal, including thick seams of steam coal near the Rand and other goldfields.
In 1887 coal was found at Boksburg in the East Rand, and a mine was at once started.
AdvertisementThe principal collieries are those at Boksburg and at Brakpan, also on the East Rand, with a coal area of 2400 acres; at Vereeniging and Klerksdorp, near the Vaal; at Watervaal, 12 m.
The building and construction trade is an important industry on the Rand, where there are also brickworks, iron and brass foundries, breweries and distilleries.
The Witwatersrand municipalities are for certain purposes combined into one authority, and representatives of these municipalities, together with representatives of the chamber of mines, compose the Rand water board.
In 1883, before the Rand gold mines had been found revenue and expenditure were about £150,000; in 1887, when the mines were beginning to be developed, the receipts were £668,000 and the expenditure £721,000; in 1889 the receipts had risen to £1,577,000 and the expenditure to £1,226,000.
A local division of the Supreme Court, formerly known as the Witwatersrand high court (consisting of one or more judges of the Supreme Court) sits permanently at Johannesburg and has civil and criminal jurisdiction throughout the Rand.
AdvertisementIn 1886 the Rand goldfields, which had just been discovered, were proclaimed and Johannesburg was founded.
From that time the gold industry made steady progress until the Rand gold mines proved the richest and most productive goldfield in the world.
The Delagoa Bay railway being at length completed to Pretoria and Johannesburg, Kruger determined to take steps to bring the Rand traffic over The Netherlands railway Drifts began by putting a prohibitive tariff on goods from the Vaal river.
Not to be coerced in this manner, the Rand merchants proceeded to bring their goods on from the Vaal by wagon.
They induced Alfred Beit, who was an old personal friend of Rhodes, and also largely interested in the Rand gold mines, to lend his co-operation.
AdvertisementIn the absence of Charles Leonard, who had been sent as one of the delegates to Cape Town to interview Rhodes, Lionel Phillips, a partner in Messrs Eckstein & Co., the largest mining firm on the Rand, was elected chairman.
In November of 1901 the main body of the Uitlanders were allowed to return to the Rand.
Great Britain finally (in 1906) abandoning all her claims. The commercial depression was due to many causes; of these the most apparent was the shortage of labour at the Rand mines.
Finally, to enable them to work their mines to their full capacity, the Rand houses asked for leave to import Chinese labourers.'
The home government concurred, and during1904-1906over 50,000 Chinese were brought to the Rand on three-years' indentures.
General Botha was defeated at Pretoria East by Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, and at Georgetown - a Rand constituency - Mr Hull was beaten by Sir George Farrar.
As revenue flowed in from the gold-mines on the Rand many fine buildings were erected in the capital, which was placed in railway communication with Cape Town in 1893 and with Lourenco Marques and Durban in 1895.
The grateful perfumed powder abir or rand y is composed either of rice, flour, mango bark or deodar wood, camphor and aniseed, or of sandalwood or wood aloes, and zerumbet, zedoary, rose flowers, camphor and civet.
Large numbers of natives sought employment in Natal and at the Rand gold mines, and Zululand enjoyed a period of prosperity hitherto unknown.
In the vicinity is St Mary's (Anglican) parish hall (1905-1907), the first portion of a large building planned to take the place of "Old" St Mary's Church, the "mother" church of the Rand, built in 1887.
There are also on the Rand, and dependent on the gold-mining, three towns possessing separate municipalities - Germiston and Boksburg, respectively 9 m.
Characteristic of the Rand is the fine white dust arising from the crushing of the ore, and, close to the batteries, the incessant din caused by the stamps employed in that operation.
By far the most important addition to the Australasian product has come fromWestAustralia,which began its production in 1887 - about the time of the inception of mining at Witwatersrand ("the Rand") in South Africa-and by continuous increase, which assumed large proportions towards the close of the 19th century, was £6,426,000 in 1899, £6,179,000 in 1900, and L8,212,000 in 1905.
In 1907 during a period of severe and prolonged trade depression the imports had fallen to £5,263,930, but the exports owing entirely to the increased output of gold from the Rand mines had increased to £37,994,658; gold and diamonds represented over £37,000,000 of this total.
A variety of spices - the wealth of the land - are named on these altars, as rand, ladanum, costus, tarum, &c. Frankincense appears as luban, and there are other names not yet understood.
In 1886, the year in which the Rand mines were discovered, President Kruger was by no means a popular man even among his own followers; as an administrator of internal affairs he had shown himself grossly incompetent, and it was only the specious success of his negotiations with the British government which had retained him any measure of support.
He was appointed in 1900 chairman of a commission to inquire into the various concessions which President Kruger and the Rand had granted to companies and private individuals in the Transvaal, and to report which should be maintained and which annulled.
There flocked to the Rand many thousands of British and other Europeans, together with a considerable number of Americans.
Rhodes, who had large interests in the Rand mines, had consistently endeavoured to conciliate the extreme Boer section in the Transvaal and win it over (as had happened in the case of the Cape Dutch) to a policy which should benefit the whole of South Africa.
Mr Chamberlain still desired Kruger to grant immediate reforms and propounded a scheme of " Home Rule " for the Rand.
The first necessity was to restart the gold mining industry on the Rand.
The Uitlanders, who had fled from Johannesburg just before the war opened, began to return in May 1901, and by the time the war ended most of the refugees were back on the Rand and mining was resumed.
This depression was in considerable measure due to, and was largely aggravated by, the comparative inactivity of the Rand mines, and that inactivity was due in turn to the insufficiency of native labour - Kaffirs being employed to do all the unskilled work on the mines.
Then, too, an increasingly important factor was the competition of Louren90 Marques for the Rand trade.
An agreement between the Transvaal and the Portuguese governments, concluded in April 1909, while the fate of the draft constitution was still in doubt, assigned to Lourenco Marques 50 to 55% of the import trade to the Rand, and (with certain exceptions) provided for free trade in native products between the Mozambique province and the Transvaal.
The polls were remarkable for the defeat of three ministers - General Botha (by Sir Percy Fitzpatrick) at Pretoria East, Mr Hull (by Sir George Farrar) on the Rand, and Mr Moor in Natal.
The discovery of the gold-mines on the Rand greatly increased the importance of the port, and renewed efforts were made to remove the bar which obstructed the entrance to the bay.
The pre-Cape rocks of the northern region occur in the Campbell Rand, Asbestos mountains, Matsap and Langebergen, and in the Schuftebergen.
The chief rocks of the Campbell Rand series are limestones and dolomites, with some interbedded quartzites.
A large number of Swazis find employment in the Rand gold mines.
Identifying himself with Brahmanical orthodoxy he bitterly opposed social reforms. His violent condemnation in 1897 of the plague prevention regulations was followed by the assassination of the local plague commissioner (Mr. Rand) and a young British officer driving with him at the time.
Rand & Robyn Miller, joint owners of Cyan, demanded perfection from their team of computer animators.
The Namibian dollar (N$) is tied permanently 1-1 to the South African Rand (SAR ).
Effects are primarily rand labor and outcomes probability of levels of care.
To the west, of some historical interest, is the Rand Club, haunt of mining magnates past and present.
Teachers who take up Casme's training offers pay 2,500 rand (about £ 300) a year in fees.
Launching the project concludes rand is the state chamber.
The top model of gaiter has a rubber rand which encloses the entire top of the boot.
The group's shares have suffered in recent weeks with the south African rand losing more than 20% against the dollar.
Already spending about the recent rand all come down over turn now.
The new gold rush Expat South Africans and Britons alike have been quick to capitalize on the weak rand.
Seed represents a value that starts a random number sequence. the systime special temp is often used as a seed for the rand function.
Resort fills with travel company rand the perfect alternative.
Yet I think Rand underestimated the resilience of Western civilization.
Rand explains that men know they have volition through the act of introspection.
Reluctantly he agreed, with the assent of the home government, to the proposal of the mineowners to import Chinese coolies on a three years' contract, the first batch of Chinese reaching the Rand in June 1904.
When Mr Chamberlain reached the Transvaal in January 1903 the feeling among the British section of the community was optimistic. Mr Chamberlain was well received by the Boer leaders; it was, however, to the Rand magnates that he turned for financial help. That large sums were imperatively needed to accomplish the work of reconstruction was apparent.
The consent of the high commissioner and of the home government was obtained, and in June 1904 the first batch of coolies reached the Rand.
The Portuguese further agreed to facilitate the recruitment of natives in their territory for work in the Rand mines, and in consequence Kaffirs were obtained in sufficient numbers to replace the Chinese coolies as they were repatriated.
In view of the agitation then proceeding for the introduction of Chinese coolies to work the mines on the Rand, the Progressives declared their intention, if returned, to exclude them from the colony, and this declaration gained them some native votes.
Teachers who take up Casme 's training offers pay 2,500 rand (about £ 300) a year in fees.
The group 's shares have suffered in recent weeks with the South African rand losing more than 20% against the dollar.
And raised the rand labor and the individual market aid to families.
Fewer workers and rand health insurance her husband tony.
Family housing units database holding development a rand study i headed to.
The ddd estimate concurrence by rand banner life insurance co do n't require members.
However, in Tokyo Mary Rand 's sensational victory in the long jump started the surge to a dozen medals.
The Rand McNally name is synonymous with maps.
If you are familiar with the color coding of theprinted atlases, then there should be no issues with viewing road maps online from Rand McNally.
Rand McNally also offers the option of purchasing a 24"x30" laminated map of your selection.
A study conducted by the RAND Corporation and published in the Christian Science Monitor in 2006 found that teenagers who spent significant time listening to suggestive lyrics were more likely to become sexually active at a young age.
The Anthem Scholarship, presented by Ayn Rand.
Rossi beat out early favorite Dilana Robichaux, and contenders Toby Rand and Magni Ásgeirsson to front the supergroup on tour and in the studio.
Her favorite novel is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.
The most commonly used is the American Optical/Hardy, Rand, and Ritter Pseudoisochromatic Test.
The foil-based design was patented in 1928 by American manufacturer Colonel Jacob Schick, and was further developed by the Remington Rand Corporation.
Remington Rand brought the first foil-based electric razor on the market in 1937.
According to the Rand Corporation, one-third of all American homes have a gun in them.
Western boots usually feature a pointed or squarish toe (sometimes with a metal toe rand), intricate stitching, a V-cut front, chunky, low heels and, back at the top, pull tabs to make getting into them easier.
Travel maps are available at travel agencies, tourist bureaus, and from retailers, such as bookstores and Rand McNally.
Rand McNally - The "granddaddy" of map retailers, Rand McNally sells wall maps, folding maps, atlases, and globes, both online and in specialty stores around the US and Canada.
The name Rand McNally is synonymous with maps.
Rand McNally is one of the oldest suppliers of maps in the United States and has guided travelers for decades.
The Rand McNally website offers free destination directions, which visitors can then print or email without charge.
Rand McNally's Trip Maker planning tool helps you plot out your entire road getaway from start to finish without fumbling through countless paper maps.
Rand McNally markets the high-tech tool and considers the system among its greatest achievements.
Consequently, it's no surprise that Rand McNally designed a way to make road trip planning more manageable.
The first is by visiting Rand McNally's website and clicking on the "Plan a Trip."
Rand McNally claims it updates its online and CD ROM versions annually, but this is not always the case.
Krugersdorp was founded in 1887 at the time of the discovery of gold on the Rand and is named after President Kruger.
The administration of justice is entrusted (1) to the high council (hooge rand) at the Hague, the supreme court of the whole kingdom, and the tribunal for all high government officials and for the members of the states-general; (2) to the five courts of justice established at Amsterdam, the Hague, Arnhem, Leeuwarden and 's Hertogenbosch; (3) to tribunals established in each arrondissement; (4) to cantonal judges appointed over a group of communes, whose jurisdiction is restricted to claims of small amount (under 200 guilders), and to breaches of police regulations, and who at the same time look after the interest of minors.
The total output from the Rand mines up to the end of 1908 was 56,477,240 oz.