Ranching Sentence Examples
Horse ranching is practised largely in Alberta.
Alberta and Saskatchewan, particularly the ranching districts, are chiefly peopled by English immigrants, though since 1900 there has also been a large influx from the United States.
Nevada is a great ranching state, and stock-raising has shown a rapid extension.
The chief industries of the people are farming and ranching.
Farm Discounts - If your main occupation is farming or ranching, this discount may apply to any autos used for ranch and farming work.
A fearful drought in 1862-1864 greatly depressed it, and especially discouraged cattle ranching.
In the late summer and autumn, agitation in Ireland (led by Mr Ginnell, M.P.) took the form of driving cattle off large grass farms, as part of a campaign against what was known as " ranching."
Rustic is often associated with western style furniture, which has influences from the ranching lifestyle of the Western Plains and also has a lot of Native American influence.
Horse and cattle ranching is practised in Alberta, where the milder winters allow of the outdoor wintering of live stock to a greater degree than is possible in the colder parts of Canada.