Ran Sentence Examples
The next few days ran together.
I slipped from my mother's lap and almost ran toward them.
His searching gaze ran over her face again.
I ran a marathon for that shirt!
She ran her hand over the smooth clean surface of the baler.
He ran up to them.
The young girl ran off without a word.
The two boys saw him and ran to fetch his shoes.
When next the door was opened you ran out and hid yourself--and the piglet was gone.
Following Señor Medena up the stairs, she ran her hand along the smooth wood, enjoying the cool silky soft feel of it.
AdvertisementAs Benjamin ran down the street, he wondered what he should buy.
He let go of the fox, and it ran out.
There was blood running down his pant leg but he ran on his leg so it couldn't have been too bad.
She ran her hand down his sleek neck and hugged him.
I ran it by Quinn and Martha, both of whom kicked the decision back to me.
AdvertisementAt the kitchen door she nearly ran into a dark form.
On a sudden thought I ran upstairs before any one could stop me, to put on my idea of a company dress.
In some places, within my own remembrance, the pines would scrape both sides of a chaise at once, and women and children who were compelled to go this way to Lincoln alone and on foot did it with fear, and often ran a good part of the distance.
He nibbled at her shirt and she ran her fingers across his velvety muzzle.
He counted to three then ran.
AdvertisementWhen a young man I ran away from home and joined a circus.
The two boys ran for the teacher's shoes, and each claimed the honor of carrying them to him.
Princess Mary ran up the steps.
She dressed hurriedly in the clothes Sarah had loaned her and ran fingers through her hair, wishing she had a comb.
They'd bring her back and beg us to hold her while they ran.
AdvertisementCynthia ran water in the pot.
She forced herself to sew the arrow wound the best she could then ran from the room, vomiting in the bathroom.
A strange energy ran between them, as if she could absorb the faint stream of his magic.
His own Guardians stayed out of arm's reach of him, and humans picked up and ran.
At first, we just ran.
For example, before you ran into her in the mortal world, there was a ninety seven percent chance you would've killed her the first time you met.
And then she ran into several of the cat-like creatures roaming the ship.
Some of them ran towards the east, some towards the west, and some towards the south.
He hurried back to the pathway, and then ran to his mother.
It ran into a narrow cleft which he had not seen before, and then through a long, dark passage which was barely large enough for a man's body.
He could not finish, and ran out of the room.
Rostov ran up to him with the others.
That aim was attained in the first place of itself, as the French ran away, and so it was only necessary not to stop their flight.
Destiny ran to Carmen, her eyes large.
She ran to the horse and lifted her skirt high enough to get a foot into the stirrup.
He chuckled and ran cool fingers across her hot cheek.
A Paul Weber crossed in and out of the great north on the dates I ran.
He ran his hands through his wet hair again.
She recognized the petite blonde, who wrenched open the door and ran.
He wasn't surprised when she whirled and ran.
She shot him and ran him over.
It was the same feeling that Deidre got every time she let herself think of what happened when her deal ran out.
The minute he released her on the ground, she ran after Jonathan.
He ran his tongue over his pointed teeth and stood in the center of her living room, pensive and hungry.
Deidre ran a hot bath.
Once she was out of sight, she ran.
Jackson glared at her for a moment, then dropped her and ran.
Zeb ran and picked up one of the Gargoyles that lay nearest to him.
A fat major skirted a bush, puffing and falling out of step; a soldier who had fallen behind, his face showing alarm at his defection, ran at a trot, panting to catch up with his company.
We're done for!... and Ferapontov ran into the yard.
Pierre gazed now with dazed eyes at these sharpshooters who ran in couples out of the circle.
There was only one expression on her agitated face when she ran into the drawing room--that of love--boundless love for him, for her, and for all that was near to the man she loved; and of pity, suffering for others, and passionate desire to give herself entirely to helping them.
And she ran out of the room, with difficulty refraining from tears of vexation and irritation rather than of sorrow.
She felt the poison in Talon's blood, but whatever poison ran in the devil's body was inseparable from him.
The scars ran all the way through his hand, as if it had been chopped up and put back together.
She ran to the bedroom and flipped on the TV loud then hid in the coat closet beside the front door.
Jenn ran small wand over her body, eyes expertly taking in her skin.
When the warring men careened away, she ran to Jonny and dropped beside him.
Bianca's cool magic ran through his body, repairing all but his exhaustion.
The woman flung open the door to the garage and ran into it.
Yully shoved Jule fully into the passenger seat of her car and ran to the driver's side, throwing herself into her seat.
And I bet you never shot Dusty or ran him over with a car.
Jenn ran through the halls, certain no vamp was about to get in her way when all of them so far were dead.
I ran into the Original Vamp already and am under the impression all the Original Beings are free.
She ran to her desk and pulled out a journal, jotting down her latest symptom.
She ran until the cold air burned her lungs and the people were far behind her.
I ran into someone I knew from college, Jake said and began to pace again, half-lost in his thoughts as he spoke.
She ran into a blurry wall, shoved herself off, and smashed into another monster.
Embarrassed by her words and the tears streaming down her face, she ran past him and up the stairs leading to the second floor, issuing a cry of frustration when she realized she didn't know which of the three wings led to her room.
She ran from the mansion into the gardens and toward the forest.
If she ran, they'd eat her, she was sure.
She took his hand and kissed his palm, then ran to her library, mind racing with what she'd learned about him.
Eventually, she ran out of tears and lay spent on the table, mind on Damian.
They ran to the next nearest group of rocks, where a handful of four-by-fours waited.
She ran her tongue over her gums then licked her lips.
Her hands ceased quivering as she ran them across his chest, over his firm shoulders and shapely arms before returning to his chest.
She ran her tongue across her gums again and froze.
Her breath caught at the cool electricity that ran through her.
He ran one finger along her lips.
She ran her hand down his arm and side, unable to shake the desire to saturate her senses with every part of him.
His hands ran down her naked body possessively.
Her cool fingers ran across Deidre's markings.
Tears ran in rivulets down her cheeks.
She ran her fingers through her hair.
He ran ahead and I fell down—that's how I skinned up my knee.
The two men didn't simply dislike one another—the feelings ran far deeper.
I sold newspapers down at the corner and ran errands for Barney's pool hall.
The road ran parallel to the highway, with the Uncompahgre River separating the unpaved road from the main thoroughfare to the east.
The attorney quickly recovered and half slid, half ran down the slope next to his Jeep where they were standing, covering his shiny black shoes with dust in the process and nearly falling on the seat of his creased shorts.
The track was long and ran straight to the edge of the roadway, and then into nothingness.
He planted vodka in his Jeep and then ran him off the road!
They said he ran over the pass to Telluride—before it was sport to do so.
Then he took off when the well ran dry— and his girlfriend started filling out.
We all ran down this ditch to help and then I saw it was Bobbie.
Just as I ran up to the wreck, it blew.
He ran when Patsy ditched the Buick because she ran and he had no idea what was going on.
A tow-haired boy happily dropped a Marlboro cigarette box in the churning water and then ran downstream to monitor its progress.
He pulled to a stop, jumped from the Jeep, and ran up to them.
Hell ran off deals, but Wynn's life was already in enough trouble without incurring another debt on behalf of a woman who had no hope of ever escaping Hell.
Deidre ran her hands over the clothing in the wardrobe, gasping at the sensations.
Deidre ran back up to her room and looked over the assortment of shoes.
He ran his hand down her arm and rested his hand at her lower back.
She ran outside the walls of the fortress into the forest.
Irritated by her tone, he reached in and ran his hand down the line of her sweaters.
It was a far cry from the woman who ran away screaming from the soul she accidentally touched last week or the goddess who would've commanded him rather than risk getting her hands dirty.
Her fingers ran through his short hair.
Destiny, giggling and ran at her side, caught up in the fun.
Destiny ran to her, excitedly.
At the same time boots ran across the porch.
She lunged from the floor and ran to his side.
She turned and ran outside, retching.
His contemplative gaze ran over her face and paused on her lips.
His gaze ran over her face again and then he shrugged.
Jonathan begged Alex for the key and ran ahead of them.
For a moment his gaze ran over her face, and then it found her eyes, probing her mind without revealing a single thought of his.
Then he ran both hands through his hair.
Alex, staring at his bloody hands after the man ran out the door.
She walked from the hospital campus to a crowded sidewalk that ran beside a main street.
Deidre staggered away and ran to the beach house.
Whenever she felt overwhelmed from her oncoming death or the doctors' news, she ran to her room until she was strong enough to face the world again.
Deidre ran and ducked behind a massive swamp cooler.
She ran as fast as she could, knowing it was her only chance.
She ran up the gravel road leading to the wooden door in the fortress.
Just because she knew there was a shadow society didn't mean everyone she ran into was part of it!
As fast as she ran, she couldn't escape her horror, her hatred of past-Deidre, her helplessness.
I almost ran when I saw her.
The little boy ran to her side.
She ran, crying out as glass shredded her feet.
It melted in her mouth and ran down her throat, soothing it after her screams had run it raw.
She followed him, praying he knew the town better than her, until they ran into a dead end.
Instead, she half ran, half leapt through the piles of bodies into the treed area lining two wide walkways.
She ran, eyes blurry and stomach turning.
She ran hard and left the sounds of the battle behind her, her thoughts on Rhyn and nothing else.
The courtyard bordered a small grassy park off which several trails ran from the grassy area into the still dark woods.
They ran through the forest toward the cliff, then ducked deeper into the forest before the trees gave way at the cliff.
Intent on fleeing him as well as the demons, she ran as hard as she could back to the castle before doubling over to catch her breath.
She ran with one glance over her shoulder as she reached the bathroom.
The beast crouched, and she ran harder.
Most who challenged him soon learned just how wild and deep his power ran.
He smelled Katie.s, too, and was unable to quell the surge of lust that ran through him.
He jogged through the castle and ran out into the snow, launching himself into the cold air as he changed into the bird form.
Gabriel frowned and ran a hand through his hair.
The exercise felt good, and he ran and leapt and clambered up trees until he was panting.
She sat in the bathroom and ran the shower to cover the sound of her crying, completely lost as to what to do.
She rose and ran into the bathroom, jostling Hannah out of the way as she slammed and locked the door.
She snatched the lighter on the mantle and ran to the door, standing close until the alcohol lit and spread.
I feel like we ran off and left him.
I ran into someone I thought was Ully in the lab.
The bump sounded again, as if someone ran into it.
With a curse, he rose and ran to the courtyard, changing into his demon bird.
Hot water ran over her head and down her body, soothing her.
The planet's energy warmed her, ran through her and into him, and grass grew beneath her feet.
She turned and ran down the hall.
A shiver ran through her as he sat close enough for their bodies to brush.
Panic seized her at the thought of floating through space until her air ran out.
With another deep breath, she ran her thumb down the jagged edge of the dagger.
Instead, she ran as fast as she could on the trail.
He snatched her hand when none of his opponents remained standing and ran with her toward the crevice.
Romas whirled at the name, and she ran into him before taking a quick step back.
All she could think about was seeing, touching, kissing A'Ran and experiencing the odd energy that ran between them.
Donnie turned and ran up to her, gave her a hug and then scampered from the parlor as she entered.
Smiling, she ran the comb through her long hair.
Donnie ran up to his mother and gave her a hug.
She hopped out of the car with a quick thanks ran into Bird Song ahead of him.
The young man ran his fingers through his beard.
Would you buy the answer that I ran into an incredible sale I couldn't pass up?
The giant pipe ran through a wooded area, away from the cliff edge.
That's all the times he ran for president!
If you want me to speculate, I'd say it ran far deeper than that.
Donnie ran off to Ryland's room.
Of course I ran.
In years long gone it was the rail bed for the line that ran to terminus in Ouray and now a favorite path for bikers.
Once off the walkway, Dean ran down the path until he spotted a pile of equipment and what had been described as fixed belay.
Dean leaned over and grasped the taut line that ran unseen over the edge.
All she was wearing was her underwear a little while later when she ran up the stairs when Edith's body was discovered.
That's why I ran off to the ice park.
Her eyes widened, then ran over him as if she were appraising a sinful dessert, ready to devour it.
Connor entered the room and Sarah ran to him, giving him a hug and peck on the lips.
He threw her over his shoulder, ran to his car, tossed her in, and raced home.
She ran down the stairs, frightened.
He ran both hands through his hair, exasperated.
I heard you ran interference for me last night.
Jackson's smile broadened; he thought how much fun it would be to watch her as she ran from car to car in his stable 'oohing' and 'ahing'.
She walked to the music cabinets and ran her hands across the top.
Ooh, a chill just ran up my spine.
She ran downstairs screaming, Jackson, stop it!
Sarah watched him climb the stairs while tears ran down her face.
They ran and were last tracked in Canada.
After a prolonged pause, Jackson ran a hand through his hair and inhaled deeply.
Jackson ran his hand through her hair.
Jackson ran his fingers through her hair, reflecting on the day and the new challenge they faced with her pack.
He pulled up to the front of the house and ran straight to the fridge.
Sarah ran to him.
Jackson ran both his hands through her fur, checking for injury.
When they entered the kitchen, Sarah ran to Elisabeth and drew her into a bear hug.
Jackson screamed, "Elisabeth!" and ran toward her.
He ran a finger along her jaw line.
One of them caught sight of her and screamed, "Werewolf!" as he ran.
And yet, according to Katie, she ran a budding goat dairy on a run-down farm in Northwest Arkansas.
Once before he had felt that way about a woman and she had literally left him waiting at the altar while she ran off with another man.
Carmen ran bluntly manicured fingers through her cropped off curls as her tongue explored a new crack in her dry lips.
She ran a hand through her hair.
He ran fingers through hair that didn't need straightening and brushed the straw from his pants.
She turned and ran, her laughter muffled in the waterlogged air.
In her room she ran a comb threw her curls and stared back at the violet eyes haunting her from the mirror.
She ran a hand through her hair and moaned.
She darted around the apple tree and half skipped, half ran down the hill toward the creek.
She ran a hand along his sleek neck and patted the muscular shoulder.
She gasped and ran from the barn.
Was there another reason why Katie ran away from home?
He ran fingers through his hair and stared at her through tortured eyes.
If she ran to the house to call for help, the dogs would attack Brutus again.
The wild dog ran a few steps toward the trees and then stopped, his head low as he watched her.
He shot one of them and they ran off...
She ran up the drive toward him.
Her heart dropped to her stomach, and she ran.
Lana scrambled up and ran, careening into another man in dark clothing.
She took a shower, as hot as it would go, and stayed until the hot water ran out.
Dan ran ahead of them, Elise behind, and they flew down a deer path to a creek, then darted across rocks to the other bank.
The water stung her skin, and she grimaced as her attacker's blood ran down the drain.
The device you found was coded as biowarfare, but when I ran it in the system, I found the serials had been switched.
When I ran the serials, I found several of them had been recoded, she continued.
Lana suspected the labyrinth of tunnels and chambers ran beneath the entire town.
Brady threw himself down, rolled, and ran, taking cover behind a boulder as the laser missile exploded the ground in front of him.
Ran out of estates after the fourteenth and stopped having children.
Jack ran from the house to greet them, nearly bowling Brady over.
The forest was soon filled with the sound of pursuers. Katie needed no further encouragement. She pulled her arm free and ran behind Gabriel as he kept to the invisible path. A shadow caught her attention. She glanced over and froze, tripping.
Andre ran beside them a short distance away.
His shove almost drove her to her knees again. She steadied herself and looked up in time to see him disappear into the jungle. Fear made her heart pound. The strange path he'd been following appeared ahead of her, revealing itself only a few steps at a time. She started at a walk and quickened to a jog, making sure the path wouldn't close and trip her. The path kept up with her, and she ran.
The crack grew fast, flying down the trail towards Gabriel. The sound of the earth tearing grew louder. The trees on either side of her expanded, quickly doubling and then quadrupling in size. Afraid of being crushed between them, Katie darted off the trail towards Andre, who ran ahead of her.
Andre ran hard for a creature that was already dead. Katie chased him, terrified of looking back when the awful sounds seemed so close. Only when the ground stopped trembling did Andre stop.
His walk turned to a trot and then a run. Rhyn ran after him, feeling alive as they raced through the enchanted forest towards a fate he wasn't entirely certain how to handle yet.
They ran until daylight then slowed. Gabe followed a trail Rhyn couldn't see that led them to a stream. The assassin stopped and knelt to splash water on his face.
He ran ahead of Ully through the place between worlds and the portal to the underworld.
Thunder cracked overhead, and Toby looked up. Ully ran into him as the angel stopped, and they both stared at the sky. He thought he saw something in the sky, but the trees blocked it.
Katie was close. Toby could sense her. He ignored the branches whipping his face and the brambles tripping him. Instead, he just ran, the screams of demons in his ears.
They navigated the jungle as fast as they could, catching themselves against trees as they slid through slippery piles of leaves and over fallen branches. Katie ran until she was breathless. Deidre kept on running, and Katie pushed her body forward.
Follow me, Toby said. He cast another puzzled look at Deidre and ran forward.
He ran as fast as he could through the unfriendly forest, cursing Death for stripping his power.
Katie sought an entrance into the palatial estate, not seeing one along this side. She ran alongside the marble structure. It was well over quarter mile in length. Toby pulled away from her suddenly, and she stopped so fast, she tripped.
She pulled, and he ran. Katie felt the ground shake beneath them as the demons pursued. Several flew overhead and dropped directly in their path. She stopped and shoved Toby behind her, drawing the knife Gabe had given her. Before long, they were surrounded.
By the time the man had finished, his night vision was better and he could make out the tiny necklace of lights in the distance, the Chesapeake Bridge-Tunnel that ran 17 miles to the Eastern shore.
Nothing serious, but it bothered him if he ran.
And then they got sick of sitting around, and maybe ran out of dough I guess and figured the heat was off, so they came out.
Dean was down to 11 dollars and change, so he used his Visa card, holding his breath that it wasn't maxed-out while the clerk ran it through the recording machine.
He ran his hand through his hair self-consciously.
Here I used an assumed name and all and you ran me down.
She was drenched to the skin and rivulets of water ran down her shivering body.
The two boys ran out of the store, as frightened as the old man—only they presumably held their water.
He ran down the receipt that was found in Byrne's car.
It was after one before they ran out of steam and called it a night.
Mascara ran in muddy little rivulets down her cheeks, and her eyes were as red as a three-day drunk.
Don't you think I'd want to know if my husband—just left me—just took some stupid money and ran?
Ms. Nightingale murmured a room number and motioned down a hall crowded with bodies like the day after Gettysburg while white-coated figures strolled among the moaning, clip boards in hand With wide-eyed Fred following behind, Dean ran the gauntlet until he found the room, a small office packed with five men and a lot of smoke, three of them in Philadelphia Police uniforms.
We ran a quick check on him and he was up to his ass in debt.
Alex absently ran fingers through his hair and sighed heavily.
He ran a hand through his hair again.
She ran a hand across her expanding stomach.
He ran a hand through short curly black hair that didn't need straightening.
Warmth ran up Carmen's neck again, invading her cheeks.
After a few steps, she ran the rest of the way to the porch.
Something like that – and then I ran into the house and locked the door.
The phone ran six times and then stopped.
He ran a hand over his face as if to wipe away the words.
Brutus ran down from the barn, barking at the new arrivals and Alex hushed him.
The warmth ran back up her neck and into her cheeks.
Alex called in a frantic voice as he ran into the barn.
Immediately he spotted her and ran to her side, squatting in front of her.
When I ran, he chased me and I fell.
Grabbing her purse, she ran out the door.
His gaze ran over her face and came back to her eyes.
Did you think I ran off with your money?
Finally he sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.
The next day she ran out of anything to do before she ran out of time.
Carmen ran after him.
His sober gaze ran over her face as he assisted her with her chair.
He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers and ran a thumb along her jaw.
He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek in a soft caress that increased her pulse.
He folded his arms and ran a hand over his chin reflectively.
She ran to him, still clutching the towel to her chest.
He ran a hand over his mouth and for a moment she thought he was going to be sick.
She ran to him, kissing him as if she hadn't done so an hour ago before he left to do the chores.
He was starting the car as she ran across the porch and down the steps.
She ran a finger across the top of the potbellied stove and pulled away a sooty finger.
Lori turned and ran into the house, leaving Carmen and Jonathan to face Josh.
He was drinking again and ... he ran off the road and hit a tree.
Darian guided the horse through marble streets marked by statues of his forefathers and beyond the city into the wood running along a stream that ran through the immortal countryside.
A moment later, he dropped the axe and ran.
Almost shrieking in excitement, Jenn snatched the scroll and ran.
Jenn released him and ran down the street, startled when the shaking ground knocked her down.
She hurried to her feet and continued, heart racing as she ran through the city towards her home.
He ran through the city and into the apple orchard on the side of the city she'd only seen once, for peasants didn't go there.
She ran faster to catch up to him and saw the small group at the bottom of the hill.
Dustin ran up to the young man Jenn assumed was his master, and the golden eyes at once told her who this Damian was.
Dustin hopped to his feet and ran to join his master.
Rather than risk Traveling to the center of the phenomenon, Jenn ran down the driveway the vamps had cleared of snow to the narrow country road leading up the mountain to the Black God's hideout.
The open floor plan ran from the living area through a kitchen to a formal dining room area that had been converted into an office on the other side.
Jenn ran her fingers through her hair, tousling it.
How I ran off just before the Schism killed them.
His pace quickened as he ran, his heart pounding with eagerness to see the magnificent hall that had been his.
All signs of the palace were swept away, replaced by neat lines of apple trees that ran all the way to the beach beyond.
Darian ran to the wall of the orchard and vaulted over.
Jenn ran a hand through her short hair.
It ran through him as well.
Yully flew down the hall ahead of him, and he ran to catch up with her, not convinced she hadn't lost it.
Jenn rolled, ran into the wall, and cried out as he split her back.
She ran hard, spotting Yully and Charles fighting back-to-back at the base of the obelisk.
Sweat and tears ran down her face.
Instead, Darian released Yully and ran straight into the magic.
She balanced herself as much as she could with the rumbling ground and then ran straight into the magic.
Jenn stumbled forward and then ran, jumping over fallen trees and ducking flying debris.
She ran harder up the hill.
She forced herself up and half stumbled, half ran away from the portal.
Her horse bolted, and she ran.
She resisted and ran.
She ran as she had so many times before.
He had never felt such a blinding combination of fury and terror as he did in those few moments before she ran.
He suspected Sirian was Memon's spy and couldn't help but wonder if Memon understood how deep ambition ran in a man like Sirian.
Unfortunately, the southern routes ran into the desert, and the armies were too far to return in enough time to stave off any attack Memon planned in the next fortnight.
Gritting her teeth, she ran the dagger down the scar already present at the inside of her forearm, grunting at the hot pain.
He ran his hand through his curly hair and closed the door to the tack room.
Because my armies are down south and my queen ran away.
She rose and stumbled forward again, cursed as she ran into a larger boulder, then lost her balance and rolled down a sudden dip.
Vara didn't send word, and only pages ran between their group and the main hold or Memon's armies.
With a quick look around, he breathed another calming breath and then ran to the hold.
He ran, the fury of his footsteps drowned out by ragged breathing.
She snapped up in bed and ran her hands frantically over her body.
They drove him to his feet, and he ran, his body torn apart from within.
The mares were now kept in the renovated dairy barn and they ran in a separate pasture.
Placing the coffee cup on the window sill, he ran a hand through thick black hair that curled in all the right places.
The children ran upstairs and Alex set out to check the bathroom for leaks.
A slit ran down the side from a little above her knee.
His gaze ran over her dress and he lifted a brow.
For a moment his gaze ran over her face in that searching way she had grown accustomed to.
He probably ran back to the barn.
Alex ran fingers through his hair and then rubbed the back of his neck.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily.
He leaned back and ran fingers through his hair.
For a moment his gaze ran over her face like it used to, and then his expression softened.
You promised to protect me, but instead you ran off and left me to take care of myself.
Natalie cringed when Carmen ran to her.
She put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and ran water in the sink to wash the iron skillet and wooden handled spatula.
Warmth ran up her neck.
He licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair.
You ran off and left me because you were sick of having me argue with you.
Her lip trembled and a tear ran down her face.
Finally he ran a hand through his hair.
You didn't like the way I dressed or the way I ran the business.
He looked away and ran a hand through his hair as he gazed absently at the floor.
He ran a powerful hand through thick hair that still held a touch of red.
He ran out to his bicycle and pushed the kickstand back while he peered through the window.
As she drew near, it turned and ran, its tail between its legs.
With the door closed, she ran to the window to gaze in horror as the trees tossed their limbs in protest of the wind.
She ran to the bedroom and grabbed the flashlight, pausing only long enough to check the window there.
He slid the frying pan into the sink and ran water into it.
Placing some eggs into a saucepan she ran enough water to cover them and placed them over a fire on the stove.
She found her flashlight and ran to the front door.
She ran to the kitchen and searched for a something sharp, settling for a rusty old butcher knife.
She dropped the curtain and ran shaking fingers through her hair as she opened the door.
Perspiration ran down the back of her neck.
Megan snapped her sagging jaw shut and ran to get a wet rag.
I ran across it one time and thought it described Dad.
The boy ran through the crowded marketplace, dodging merchants' carts and weaving through the patrons.
She ran a hand through her short, dark hair.
She ran in a bikini-style workout outfit.
He ran into something he can't handle.
Why was she immune to the effect he clearly had on every other woman he ran across?
Strange tingling ran down her arm.
She turned and almost ran into the third member.
Jessi whirled and ran, only to come face-to-face with him once more.
Jessi whirled and ran, doubting anyone was going to save her this time.
Solange, who inherited all her mother's wild blood with none of her genius, on the eve of a marriage that had been arranged with a Berrichon gentleman, ran away with Clesinger, a sculptor to whom she had sat for her bust.
He was so overjoyed when this happy thought struck him that he ran home without his clothes, shouting eiipfKa, eiip?
We know the line of this frontier which ran from the Main across the upland Odenwald to the upper waters of the Neckar and was defended by a chain of forts.
During the war and for years afterwards partisan feeling ran high.
A branch from this road ran to Olbia (followed closely by the modern highroad and railway also), and was perhaps the main line of communication, though the itineraries state that the road from Carales to Olbia ran through the centre of the island by Biora, Valentia, Sorabile (near Fonni) and Caput Thyrsi.
From Tibula another road ran inland to join the road from Carales to Olbia some 16 m.
The new city formed a rectangle, enclosed by a colossal mud rampart, the longer sides of which ran north and south.
Alexander could communicate with his base only by the narrow line of the Hellespont, and ran the risk, if he went far from it, of being cut off altogether.
John Norquay, in whose veins ran a large admixture of Indian blood.
The pulpit of St Mary's was no longer closed to him, but the success of Balliol in the schools gave rise to jealousy in other colleges, and old prejudices did not suddenly give way; while a new movement in favour of " the endowment of research " ran counter to his immediate purposes.
He became (1756-1759) the leading spirit of Nicolai's important literary undertakings, the Bibliothek and the Literaturbriefe, and ran some risk (which Frederick's good nature obviated) by somewhat freely criticizing the poems of the king of Prussia.
Similar granitic intrusions occurred in New South Wales and Queensland, and built up a mountain chain, which ran north and south across the continent; its worn-down stumps now form the east Australian highlands.
Nothing daunted, the two ran back into the bush, and presently returned furnished with shields made of bark, with which to protect themselves from the firearms of the crew.
A railing ran round the capital of the pillar, and a ladder enabled his disciples to take him the necessaries of life.
In prehistoric times the river ran straight on along the valley of the Chiana and joined the Tiber near Orvieto; and there was a great lake, the north end of which was at Incisa and the south at the lake of Chiusi.
This road was practically abandoned when the Indian government telegraph line, which ran along it, was removed to a road farther east in 1906.
A slave often ran away; if caught, the captor was bound to restore him to his master, and the Code fixes a reward of two shekels which the owner must pay the captor.
In 1886 he was elected mayor of New York City, his nomination having been forced upon the Democratic Party by the strength of the other nominees, Henry George and Theodore Roosevelt; his administration (1887-1888) was thoroughly efficient and creditable, but he broke with Tammany, was not renominated, ran independently for re-election, and was defeated.
From Beneventum, another important road centre, the Via Appia itself ran south-east through the mountains past Venusia to Tarentum on the south-west coast of the heel, and thence across Calabria to Brundusium, while Trajans correction of it, following an older mule-track, ran north-east through the mountains and then through the lower ground of Apulia, reaching the coast at Barium.
From Aequum Tuticum, on the Via Traiana, the Via Herculia ran to the south-east, crossing the older Via Appia, then south to Potentia and so on to join the Via Popilia in the centre of Lucania.
The Via Salaria, a very ancient road, with its branch, the Via Caecilia, ran north-eastwards to the Adriatic coast and so also did the Via Flaminia, which reached the coast at Fanum Fortunae, and thence followed it to Ariminum.
Along the west coast the Via Aurelia ran up to Pisa and was continued by another Via Aemiia to Genoa.
In view of the violence of Extremist obstruction, an effort was made to reform the standing orders of the Lower House, but parliamentary feeling ran so high that General Pelloux thought it expedient to appeal to the country.
The agitation ceased in June with the defeat of the strikers, but not until a vast amount of damage had been done to the crops and all had suffered heavy losses, including the government, whose expenses for the maintenance of public order ran into tens of millions of lire.
There must be a God, who could compel irrational matter to serve rational ends - so ran the old argument.
It originally ran only as far as Capua, but was successively prolonged to Beneventum, Venusia, Tarentum and Brundusium, though at what dates is unknown.
As far as Terracina it ran in an almost entirely straight line, even through the Alban Hills, where the gradients are steep.
A still older road ran along the foot of the Volscian mountains past Cora, Norba and Setia; this served as the post road until the end of the 18th century.
All round the northern, western and southern sides of the quadrangle ran, at some 10 ft.
Below the bifurcation the river of Babylon was again divided into several streams, and indeed the most famous of all the ancient canals was the Arakhat (Archous of the Greeks and Serrat and Nil of the Arabs), which left that river just above Babylon and ran due east to the Tigris, irrigating all the central part of the Jezireh, and sending down a branch through Nippur and Erech to rejoin the Euphrates a little above the modern Nasrieh.
The first session was tumultuous; party feeling ran high, and scurrilous and vulgar epithets were bandied to and fro.
In not a few of the Italian cities nobility had an origin and ran a course quite unlike the origin and the course which were its lot at Venice.
It was connected with Ariminum, 33 miles to the south by the coast road, the Via Popillia, which ran on north to Hatria, and joined the road between Patavium and Altinum at Ad Portum.
When 14 years old he ran away from a relative's farm in Oregon and went to Portland where he worked in a realestate office.
In particular, the Roman "North Road" which ran from York through Corbridge and over Cheviot to Newstead near Melrose, and thence to the Wall of Pius, and which has largely been in use ever since Roman times, is now not unfrequently called Watling Street, though there is no old authority for it and throughout the middle ages the section of the road between the Tyne and the Forth was called Dere Street.
It ran counter to the ideas suggested in 1527 on the captivity of Clement VII., that England and France should set up independent patriarchates; and its success depended upon the problematical destruction of Charles V.'s power in Italy.
Luard supposes that Matthew never intended his work to see the light in its present form, and many passages of the autograph have against them the note offendiculum, which shows that the writer understood the danger which he ran.
The war which broke out early in October 1806 (sometimes known as the war of the Fourth Coalition) ran a course curiously like that of 1805 in its main outlines.
The ordinary Venetian house was built round a courtyard, and was one storey high; on the roof was an open loggia for drying clothes; in front, between the house and the water, ran the fondamenta.
Feeling ran high.
Popular feeling at Venice ran so high that the state was rashly swept into war with the empire.
For many months the siege went on; but Pisani gradually assumed the offensive as Genoese spirits and food ran low.
This, with the exception of a brief tenure of Cremona (1499-1512), formed her permanent territory down to the fall of the republic. Her frontiers now ran from the seacoast near Monfalcone, following the line of the Carnic and Julian and Raetian Alps to the Adda, down the course of that river till it joins the Po, and thence along the line of the Po back to the sea.
At common law, it was said that covenants " ran with the land " but not with the reversion, the assignee of the reversion not having the rights of the original lessor.
The slaughter was terrible; the blood of the conquered ran down the streets, until men splashed in blood as they rode.
Treatment of Settled Soap. - The upper layer having been removed, the desired soap is ladled out or ran off to a crutcher, which is an iron pan provided with hand or mechanical stirring appliances.
The axis of the temple ran from S.W.
An inscription ran round one of the steatite vases just below the lid.
The north wall, leaving the city circuit at a point near the modern Observatory, ran from north-east to south-west near the present road to the Peiraeus, until it reached the Peiraeus walls a little to the east of their northernmost bend.
The widely-received view of Curtius that it ran to Cape Kolias (now Old Phalerum) on the east of the Phaleric bay is not accepted by recent topographers.
The original main road ran to Nuceria by Mevania; a branch by Interamna and Spoletium joined it at Forum Flaminii.
Nola lay on the Via Popillia from Capua to Nuceria and the south, and a branch road ran from it to Abella and Abellinum.
It is hardly mentioned in imperial times, except as a station on the road (Via Amerina) which diverged from the Via Cassia near the modern Settevene and ran to Ameria and Tuder.
The systems of guarantee above described are clearly faulty, since theoretically the railway company which ran no trains at all would, up to the limit of its guarantee, make the largest profits.
Their only value was from a fiscal point of view, and in times of fanaticism or when antiforeign sentiment ran high even this was held of little account, so that more than once they very nearly became the victims of a general and state-ordered massacre.
An old Indian trail between the Hudson and Connecticut valley ran through the township, and was once a leading outlet of the Berkshire country.
One of these skirted the southern coast, being a continuation of the Via Egnatia, which ran from Dyrrhachium to Thessalonica, thus connecting the Adriatic and the Aegean; it became of the first importance after the foundation of Constantinople, because it was the direct line of communication between that city and Rome.
In 1813, when he was before San Sebastian, the ammunition ran short; a battering train, long demanded, reached him not only some time after it was needed, but even then with only one day's provision of shot and shell.
In 1836 a railway from Bangor to Old Town was completed; this was the first railway in the state; Bangor had, also, the first electric street-railway in Maine (1889), and one of the first iron steamships built in America ran to this port and was named "Bangor."
The ditch ran northward to Tabarca and southward to Tina.
It attracted great attention, and ran rapidly through several editions.
Moreover, by accepting Christianity from Germany, he ran the risk of imperilling the independence of Hungary.
Scientific zoology really started in the 16th century with the awakening of the new spirit of observation and exploration, but for a long time ran a separate course uninfluenced by the progress of the medical studies of anatomy and physiology.
The Barolong, Bakwena and other Bechuana tribes, through whose lands the " lower road " ran, claimed however to be independent, among them Sechele (otherwise Setyeli), at whose chief kraalKolobeng - Livingstone was then stationed.
He declined any knowledge of the Apology for a late Resignation, in a Letter from an English Gentleman to his Friend at The Hague, which ran through four editions in 1748, but there is little doubt that he was, at least in part, the author.
He ran great danger at the estates of Compiegne in May 1358, where his dismissal was demanded, and he had to flee to St Denis, where Charles the Bad and Etienne Marcel came to find him.
Anti-Catholic feeling ran so high that, after the discovery of the Popish Plot, he found it wiser to retire to Brussels (1679), while Shaftesbury and the Whigs planned to exclude him from the succession.
Aemilius Lepidus, from whom it takes its name; it ran from Ariminum to Placentia, a distance of 176 m.
It rose on the heights of Hampstead, traversed Paddington, may be traced in the course of the Serpentine lake in Hyde Park, ran parallel to and east of Sloane Street, and joined the Thames close to Chelsea Bridge.
The survival of names of obliterated physical features or characteristics is illustrated in Section I.; but additional instances are found in the Strand, which originally ran close to the sloping bank of the Thames, and in Smithfield, now the central meat market, but for long the " smooth field " where a cattle and hay market was held, and the scene of tournaments and games, and also of executions.
In the latest or third Roman enclosure the line of the wall` ran straight from the Tower to Aldgate, where it bent round somewhat to Bishopsgate.
The line from Bishopsgate ran eastward to St Giles's churchyard (Cripplegate), where it turned to the south as far as Falcon square; again westerly by Aldersgate round the site of the Greyfriars (afterwards Christ's Hospital) towards Giltspur Street, then south by the Old Bailey to Ludgate, and then down to the Thames, where Dr Edwin Freshfield suggests that a Roman fortress stood on the site of Baynard's Castle.
There can be no doubt that within the walls there was originally much unoccupied space, for with the single exception of the larger circuit south of Ludgate, up to where the river Fleet ran, made in 1276 for the benefit of the Black Friars, the line of the walls, planned by the later Romans, remained complete until the Great Fire (1666).
The streets were hung with rich cloths of silk arras and tapestry; the aldermen and principal men of the city threw out of their windows handsful of gold and silver, to signify their gladness at the king's return; and the conduits ran with wine, both white and red.
The southern boundary of the strip added to Utrecht ran from Rorke's Drift on the Buffalo to a point on the Pongolo.
Impressed by the unsatisfactory positions in which the Allied troops found themselves on the peninsula, by the impossibility of their making any progress at their existing strength, and by the risks that the army ran in remaining on such shores without any safe harbour to depend upon for base in stormy weather, Monro, after examining the situation on the spot in the closing days of Oct., declared unhesitatingly for a complete withdrawal.
Passing the first of these vessels with terrific broadsides, the "Merrimac" rammed the "Cumberland" and then turned her fire again on the "Congress," which in an attempt to escape ran aground and was there under fire from three other Confederate gun-boats which had meanwhile joined the "Merrimac."
On the 9th of June 1772 the " Gaspee," a British vessel which had been sent over to enforce the acts of trade and navigation, ran aground in Narragansett Bay and was burned to the water's edge by a party of men from Providence.
Gladstone, in defending the government against Roebuck, rebuked in dignified and significant terms the conduct of men who, " hoping to escape from punishment, ran away from duty."
It was an important point in the road system of the district, lying on that between Mediolanum and Aquileia, while here diverged to the north the roads up the Athesis valley and over the Brenner into Raetia, and to the south roads ran to Betriacum, Mantua and Hostilia.
Naumann has concluded that formerly TokyO Bay stretched further over the whole level country of Shimosa and Hitachi and northwards as far as the plain of KwantO extends; that the mountain country of Kasusa-Awa emerged from it an island, and that a current ran in a north-westerly direction between this island and the northern mountain margin of the present plain toward the north-east into the open ocean.
It ran to more than 500 volumes, and the emperor honored the work by bestowing on it the title Reigi Ruiten (Rules of Ceremonials).
A broad central avenue led straight to the palace, and on either side of it ran four parallel streets, crossed at right angles by smaller thoroughfares.
Reate was reached from Rome by the Via Salaria, which may originally have ended there, and a branch road ran from it to Interamna.
As far back as 1755 Adam Smith, Blair and others had produced an Edinburgh Review which only ran to two numbers, and in 1773 Gilbert Stuart and William Smellie issued during three years an Edinburgh Magazine and Review.
Franklin's rival, Andrew Bradford, forestalled him by three days with the American Magazine (1741) edited by John Webbe, which ran only to two numbers.
Among the other magazines which ran out a brief existence before the end of the century was the Philadelphia Political Censor or Monthly Review (1796-1797) edited by William Cobbett.
It ran through four editions in as many months, and then in August appeared the second volume.
Blocks of marble which had seen use elsewhere ran from them back into the facade, which was hacked away in rough fashion to receive them.
The Prussian cavalry promptly bore away to cover to the westward, and reported what they had seen to superior authority, but not to the advanced guard of the 5th infantry division, which, emerging in its turn from the defile, ran right against the deployed French infantry moving to meet them.
The French infantry ran to their arms, piled along the front of their positions, and moved forward to attack, covering their advance by a hail of bullets.
As a matter of fact they ran back much farther, as Hallam soon found.
By driving eastward from Arras, covered on the left by the rivers Scarpe and Sensee, the First Army would endeavour to turn the enemy's positions on the Somme battlefield and cut his system of railway communications which ran south-westward across their front."
The general tendency of his mind ran counter to tradition, and he is remarkable as resuming in his individual history all the phases of Protestant theology from Luther to Socinus.
During this movement the "Prince" (100) carrying the flag of Admiral Sir Robert Ayscue, ran on the Galloper Sand, and was lost.
Since that the moment of the lead touching the bottom by the sudden time the British cable-ships have been busy in all the oceans slackening in the rate at which the line ran out.
Instead of the expensive mile-long stout hemp lines used and since 1887 those of the prince of Monaco in his yachts, as by Ross, Maury introduced a ball of strong twine attached to a well as numerous Danish vessels in the sea between Iceland and cannon shot, which ran it out rapidly; when the bottom was Greenland, conspicuous amongst which were the expeditions reached the twine was cut and the depth deduced from the length in1896-1898on board the " Ingolf."
Feeling ran high, and Jackson withdrew his treaty, and, taking a couple of envoys who should bring back word whether Uganda was to be French or British, he left the country, Mr Ernest Gedge remaining in charge of his expedition.
The civil government recognized monastic vows by regarding a professed monk as civilly dead and by pursuing him and returning him to his monastery if he violated his pledges of obedience and ran away.
It is impossible that Palestine should have remained untouched by the external movements in connexion with the Delta, the Levant and Asia Minor, and it is possible that the course of internal history in the age immediately before and after 1000 B.C. ran upon lines different from the detailed popular religious traditions which the biblical historians have employed.
Taking the narratives as we now have them, Balaam is a companion figure to Jonah, the prophet who wanted to go where he was not sent, over against the prophet who ran away from the mission to which he was called.
In its earliest form it ran simply - "Glor y be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, world without end, Amen," or "Glory be to the Father, in (or through) the Son, and in (or through) the Holy Ghost."
On the other hand, the duke's whole section lay close to an open frontier across which ran no fewer than four great roads, and the duke considered that his position "required, for its protection, a system of occupation quite different from that adopted by the Prussian army."
By deliberately depriving himself of this detachment, on June 18, the duke ran a very grave risk.
In the great vision of world domination which had gradually unfolded itself before German Imperialists, the high-road to be followed ran through Constantinople and Asia Minor - thence the East and the chief waterway to it, the Suez Canal, would come within reach.
In Jewish apocalypses especially, the imagination ran riot on the rank, classes and names of angels; and such works as the various books of Enoch and Deut.
Traces of the wall of Antoninus which ran through the parish may still be made out, especially near Inveravon.
The navigation of the Weser was long hampered by the various and vexatious claims and rights of the different states through whose territories it ran.
Augustus sent a Roman colony to it, and a Roman road ran from it to Catana.
The pipe was fixed in a horizontal position, and along the top wall ran a platinum wire wetted with sulphuric acid.
But the paper, under the censorship of the Austrian officials, ran for a year only, and the society itself was broken up by the government.
For a time the tide of feeling ran strongly in his favour.
The Russian cruisers kept on the right of their battleships, while the Japanese, very superior in speed, ran S., S.E.'
Previous to this, however, in 1851, the first train ran over the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul railway to Waukesha, and in 1857 through trains were run over the same road to the Mississippi at Prairie du Chien.
Under the pseudonym George Taylor he wrote several historical romances, especially Antinous (1880), which quickly ran through five editions, and is the story of a soul "which courted death because the objective restraints of faith had been lost."
There Jerome, though frequently rebuked by the emperor, displayed his fondness for luxury, indulged in numerous amours and ran deeply into debt.
In 1784 he ran away from school to enlist in the artillery, but was brought back and sent to study law at Lyons and Dijon.
It ran through four editions in four years.
First published anonymously in 1628, it became very popular, and ran through ten editions in the lifetime of the author.
At last, after many trials and failures, Grant took a daring step. The troops with their supplies marched round through a network of lakes and streams to a point south of Vicksburg; Admiral Porter's gunboats and the transports along with them "ran" the batteries.
Banks thereupon retreated, and, high water in the river having come to an end, the fleet was in the gravest danger of being cut off, until Colonel Bailey suggested, and rapidly carried out, the construction of a dam and weir over which the ships ran down to the lower waters.
Railway building was begun in the state in 1830, and in 1835 the first train drawn by a steam locomotive ran from Lexington to Franklin, a distance of 27 m.
The worship of the local sanctuaries did nothing to promote the sense of the religious unity of Israel; Yahweh in the age of the Judges ran no small risk of being divided into a number of local Baals, givers of natural good things each to his own locality.
Then a further modification took place, to avoid the inconvenience of dividing the foot in 16+(2/3) digits, and a new digit was formed -- longer than any value of the old digit -- of 1/16 of the foot, or 0.760, so that the series ran --