Rallying Sentence Examples
The main chamber had been transformed into a centralized location for rallying warriors, supplies, and war planning.
Three separate capitals must be discriminated Pavia, the seat of the new Lombard kingdom; Ravenna, the garrison city of the Byzantine emperor; and Rome, the rallying point of the old nation, where the successor of St Peter was already beginning to assume that national protectorate which proved so influential in the future.
The more moderate elements found a rallying cry in the manifesto of October, took the name of " the Party of 17 October," and became known as " Octobrists."
Justice is often a rallying cry in today 's world.
As this commanded the "Vindictive's" berth and would form a rallying point for reinforcements from landward, it was to be seized by four companies of Royal Marines - A (Chatham) under Maj.
This gave them not merely greater steadiness, but, what was far more important, the power of rallying and reforming for a second effort.
A huge car drawn by oxen, bearing the standard of the burgh, and carrying an altar with the host, this carroccio, like the ark of the Israelites, formed a rallying point in battle, and reminded the armed artisans that they had a city and a church to fight for.
From the tableland north of the Maluti several isolated hills rise, the most noted being the almost inaccessible Thaba Bosigo - the rallying place of the Basuto in many of their wars.
He then finally decided to attack Soult (intending subsequently to fall back through Galicia) and ordered up transports from Lisbon to Corunna and Vigo; thus changing his base from Portugal to the north-west of Spain; Blake's Spanish army, now rallying under the marquis de la Romana near Leon, was to co-operate, but was able to give little effective aid.
The blunders of the government were open to a united attack, andMr Chamberlain's tariff-reform movement in 1903 provided a new rallying point in defence of the existing fiscal system.
AdvertisementHis first achievement was the rallying of Cornwall to the royal cause, his next to carry the war from that county into Devonshire.
The royal kraal was again destroyed and Ulundi ceased to be a rallying point.
The beginning of his reign was devoted to the healing of domestic discords, and the rallying of all the forces of the nation round his standard for a new policy of conquest.
The salon of Mme de Condorcet was throughout the Consulate and the first Empire a rallying point for the dissentient republicans.
He resigned office at the restoration, but finally followed his party in rallying to the dynasty; he was appointed vice-president of congress, and was subsequently a senator.
AdvertisementThe Curia, once so corrupt, was completely metamorphosed, and once more became a rallying point for men of stainless character, so that it produced a profound impression even on non-Catholics; while the original methods of St Philip Neri had a profound influence on the reform of popular morals.
In the war of 421, in which the north-east of Mesopotamia was chiefly concerned, the Romans failed to take Nisibis, and it became a natural rallying point for the Nestorians after the decision of Ephesus (431).
The proclamation had the most important political effect in the North of rallying more than ever to the support of the administration the large anti-slavery element.
In spite of his Imperialist views, however, he did much to smooth over the party difficulties, and when the tariff-reform movement began in 1903, he seized the opportunity for rallying the Liberals to the banner of freetrade and championing the "orthodox" English political economy, on which indeed he had been a lecturer in his younger days.
This retort was President Kruger's rallying cry whenever he found himself in the least degree pressed, either from within or without the state.
AdvertisementThe rallying of the Russian nation round the throne of the new tsar, Michael Romanov, dissipated, once for all, this ambitious dream.
The French conquest swept away the old condition of things never to reappear; but allegiance to the Orange dynasty survived, and in 1813 became the rallying point of a united Dutch people.
These two points made the rallying ground of the new Whig opposition.
Guiscard's last enterprise was his attack on the Greek Empire, a rallying ground for his rebel vassals.
In the memorable engagement of the 12th of April 1782, in which Rodney defeated the comte de Grasse, near Martinique, Bougainville, who commanded the "Auguste," succeeded in rallying eight ships of his own division, and bringing them safely into St Eustace.
AdvertisementRallying in an instant, with the most enviable assurance, he began, - ' I beg ten thousand pardons, Mrs. Maxwell!
The army of part-time heroes are not rallying to the sound of distant bugles, say officers.
Save the Whale was a rallying cry for the 80s, symbolizing a realization of the damage humans were inflicting on the planet.
Odo was present at the Battle of Hastings and is shown on the tapestry holding a mace and rallying troops.
Thenceforth he became the rallying point of a large number of men dissatisfied with the new administration, and in 1877 he headed a rebellion which taxed all the resources of the central government.
Nevertheless, despite Bonaparte's marvellous skill in rallying moderate men of all parties to his side, there remained an unconvinced and desperate minority, whose clumsy procedure enabled the great engineer to hoist them with their own petard and to raise himself to the imperial dignity.
The Roman Catholics, while maintaining their religion, were willing enough to co-operate with them for this object; and Germany often saw the strange spectacle of princes rallying round the emperor for the defence of the church, and at the same time striking deadly blows at his political influence.
Until then, Sharon says the family is rallying around Kelly and that she's proud of her daughter for recognizing whatever problems she has and dealing with them accordingly.
Rallying Chants are used to help re-focus the crowd after team has suffered a setback.
He introduced a rallying insignia of a blue and red hood and although he was ultimately defeated those have been the colors of Paris ever since.
Prices for both of these health care elements are high but the lobbyists have had some success in keeping their clients safe by rallying congress and senate members to sway to their side.
Pink is pushing for more, and rallying women to dream of things like a woman as president.
Lafayette himself came to Paris in the hope of rallying the constitutional party, but the king and queen eluded his offers of assistance.
The troops were completely surprised and routed, and Braddock, rallying his men time after time, fell at last mortally wounded.
Whatever truth there may be in the legend, it demonstrates conclusively the absence of a rallying point where the idea of a central government might have taken root.
In 1642 a Scottish army under General Robert Monro landed in Ulster, and formed a rallying point for the colonists.
At Austerlitz he remained last at the Augezd dam, rallying the regiments, saving what was possible when all were flying and perishing and not a single general was left in the rear guard.
Sirius radio held an eBay auction rallying top athletic memorabilia.
The troops nearest the enemy, however, which have to be maintained in a state of constant readiness for battle, cannot as a rule afford the time either for dispersing into quarters or for rallying on an alarm, and in western Europe at any rate they are required to bivouac. In India, the term "cantonment" means more generally a military station or standing camp. The troops live, not in private houses, but in barracks, huts, forts or occasionally camps.
Lord Canning now decided that the next step should be the reduction of Lucknow, on the ground that it, like Delhi, was a rallying point of the Mutiny, and that its continuance in the hands of the enemy would mean a loss of prestige.