Rainy-season Sentence Examples
The rainy season is from July to September.
In the rainy season the barriers are submerged in succession, the reaches are filled and the plains of the lower Senegal are changed into immense marshes.
Logwood forests fringe all the lagoons and many parts of the seaboard, which are flooded during the rainy season.
Thes places were garrisoned, and during the rainy season Baratier returned to Italy, where he was received with unboundec enthusiasm.
There are two clearly defined seasons, a rainy season from March to June, and a dry season for the remaining months.
In some parts it rises into irregular uplands and elevated plains, interspersed with detached rocks of granite; in others it sinks into marshy lowlands, which frequently remain under water during the rainy season.
It is partly mountainous, partly so flat as to be under water in the rainy season.
The prevailing winds are from the north-west in this region, and westerly winds in the rainy season are usually accompanied by rain.
On the other hand, an ozoneless east wind (sirocco) is occasionally experienced - especially during the second half of May and before the beginning of the rainy season - which has a prejudicial influence on both animal and vegetable life.
So uniform is the level over a great part of these plains that in the rainy season hundreds of square miles are submerged, and the country is covered with a network of connecting channels.
AdvertisementThere are a few small lakes in Maranhao and Piauhy, some in Goyaz in the great valley of the Araguaya, and a considerable number in Matto Grosso, especially in the Paraguay basin, where the sluggish current of that river is unable to carry away the rainfall in the rainy season.
Another exception is that of the Pernambuco coast, where the rainy season comes between March and August, with the heaviest rainfall from May to July, which is the time of the southern winter.
Winter, or the cold season, lasts from October to February, and is followed by a dry hot period, which about the middle of June gives place to the rainy season.
The seasons are two - the hot and rainy season from November to April, and the cool and dry season during the rest of the year; this remark applies chiefly to the interior, for rain falls throughout the year on the eastern coast, which is exposed to the vapour-laden south-east trade winds.
The rainy season lasts from May to December, but refreshing showers frequently occur during other parts of the year.
AdvertisementIn this way the irrigation which is absolutely indispensable for the members of the orange tribe during the dry season is greatly facilitated, and even those trees for which irrigation is not so indispensable receive a more ample supply of moisture during the rainy season.
These are difficult at all times, and in the rainy season are quite impassable.
The rainy season occurs at the same period as in southern Europe.
This plain has no outlet and is marshy in the rainy season.
The continental type of weather prevails over almost the whole of India from December to May, and the oceanic type from June to November, thus giving rise to the two great divisions of the year, the dry season or north-east monsoon, and the rainy season or south-west monsoon.
AdvertisementThe annual vegetation which springs up in the rainy season includes numerous genera, such as Sida and Indigofera, which are largely represented both in Africa and Hindustan.
The serpent tribe in India is numerous; they swarm in all the gardens, and intrude into the dwellings of the inhabitants, especially in the rainy season.
On the Pacific coast of Luzon, Samar, Leyte and Mindanao the rainy season is from November to May, when the winds blow from the east or the north-east.
The deposit is greatest when the floods of the rainy season are subsiding.
It extends but a few miles inland, but within this belt is virtually a prolongation of the rainy season and has a marked effect on vegetation.
AdvertisementIt is significant that in India the widely-distributed Nagapancami-festival occurs in the rainy season.
In many of these bolsons are ephemeral lakes, in which the waters collect during the rainy season and stand for several months.
Going south the temperature slowly falls and the rainfall gradually increases, the year being divided into a short rainy season and a long, dry, cloudless season.
In southern Chile the climate undergoes a radical change - the prevailing winds becoming westerly, causing a long rainy season with a phenomenal rainfall.
Except in southern and western Cape Colony and along the Atlantic coast, summer is the rainy season.
The chief rivers flow north and south into bays, but are navigable only for a few miles during the rainy season.
The great drawback to this region is defective drainage; the streams have too sluggish a current to carry off the water in the rainy season.
Farther north, and east of the Cordillera Oriental, rains fall throughout the year, though the summer months (November - March) are usually described as the rainy season.
The Gila-monster, tarantula, the scorpion and thelyphonus, scolopender and julus occur in some localities in the rainy season.
The rainfall varies also according to the districts, the rainy season being the summer.
Even in the rainy season on the lower river the rain does not fall continuously for a long period, the storms rarely lasting more than a few hours, but frequently attaining great violence.
But the rainy season proper, caused by the south-west monsoon, lasts from June to mid-September, and commencing in the north moves southward.
The rainy season is of great importance not only to Abyssinia but to the countries of the Nile valley, as the prosperity of the eastern Sudan and Egypt is largely dependent upon the rainfall.
By this time the rainy season has thoroughly set in, and the field is dammed up so as to retain the water.
Farther north, on the open llanos of the Orinoco tributaries, the year is divided into equal parts, an alternating wet and dry season, the sun temperatures being high followed by cool nights, and the temperatures of the rainy season being even higher.
The most disagreeable feature of the climate of the colony is the abundance of dust, which seems to be blown by every wind, and is especially prevalent in the rainy season.
As the tropics are approached, even in mountain districts, the irregularities become greater, and occasionally the rainy season is entirely absent for a single year, though the mean rainfall is considerable.
It is simply the drainage ditch of districts which are extensively overflowed in the rainy season.
Commander Todd reports that the average depth of the river in the height of the rainy season is 120 ft.
In the rainy season it inundates the country throughout its course to the extent of several hundred thousand square miles, covering the flood-plain, called vargem.
Tigers, panthers, deer, wild hogs and other wild animals abound in the forests, and during the rainy season many deaths occur from snake-bites.
No snow is known, even on the loftiest mountains, but thin ice is occasionally seen; and hail-showers, often very destructive, are frequent in the rainy season.
In the central belt, where " the rainy season " is from mid-June to September, there are some to in.
On lands near the rivers the durra is sown after the flood has gone down and also at the beginning of the rainy season.
The rainy season accompanied by variable winds sets in at the end of November, and lasts for about six months.
In the rainy season the lake is subject to violent storms.
This latter area has a typical tropical climate with a single rainy season.
Devastating floods in the rainy season washed away most of the year's rice harvest.
I can't use my cycle in the rainy season or in the dark, there are too many potholes in the mud roads.
The village is considered moderately remote because the roads from the village are of poor quality, and particularly difficult in the rainy season.
From May to November it is rainy it is the rainy season with the heaviest rains falling from August to October.
The comparative scantiness of its sources, the steepness of its upper course and the rapid evaporation which takes place after the short rainy season would make the Senegal an insignificant stream for more than half the year; but natural dams cross the channel at intervals and the water accumulates behind them in deep reaches, which thus act as reservoirs.
It is a country of extensive plains (llanos) covered in the rainy season with nutritious grass which disappears completely in the dry season, and of great forests and numerous rivers.
Below the mountainous region of the headstreams the Juba and its tributaries flow through a country generally arid away from the banks of the streams. The soil is sandy, covered either with thorn-scrub or rank grass, which in the rainy season affords herbage for the herds of cattle, sheep and camels owned by the Boran Gallas and the Somali who inhabit the district.
But the quantity of water carried seawards varies within wide limits; for whereas, during the rainy season in summer and while the snows of winter are melting in spring, great volumes of water sweep down from the mountains, these broad rivers dwindle at other times to petty rivulets trickling among a waste of pebbles and boulders.
But when the rainy season has set in upon the advancing enemy, they have watched their opportunity to make excursions and vent their rage; the famished invaders have either become their prisoners or been put to death.
The rainy season over most of Pakistan is from late June to early October.
When I arrived in December, the rainy season was well under way and the swamp forest and marshes had just become flooded.
Rather, your cruise attire should include clothes that can be layered with lightweight jackets, sweaters and raincoats, especially if you are traveling during the rainy season.
Even if you live in the tropics, chances are you need a waterproof jacket for the rainy season.
The best cleaning practice is to prevent mold and mildew in the first place by airing out your cushions before storing, and then storing them for the winter or covering them during the rainy season.
Springs which would equalize the discharge of rivers by continuing to pour water into their beds after the rainy season has passed seem entirely absent in the interior.
A so-called " rainy season " lasts from October to April, but the precipitation is chiefly in the form of snow on the mountains.
Towards the end of October, with which month the rainy season begins, seedtime commenced, and of course does so still.
The rainy season extends from October to April, during which time refreshing showers fall, chiefly during the night, and generally at intervals of a few days.
The rainy season lasts from June to December, with a short interval in September.
There is no appreciable change of seasons, except that produced by increased rainfall in the rainy season.
In Annam the rainy season begins during September and lasts for three or four months, corresponding with the northeast monsoon and also with a period of typhoons.
A rainy season of about two months usually begins in January; the spring season of verdure is over in May; summer ends in October with the first rains.
Thus far the Ganges has been little more than a series of broad shoals, long deep pools and rapids, except, of course, during the melting of the snows and throughout the rainy season.
In the interior the climate has a more continental character, and is subject to considerable changes of temperature; the rainy season sets in a little earlier the farther west and north the region, and is well marked, the rain beginning in November and ending in April; the rest of the year is dry.
Except the Caledon, Vaal and Orange, they are dry or nearly dry for three or four months in the year, but in the rainy season they are often raging torrents.
In the rainy season this valley becomes a sea, flooded by the discharge of the Khanega; in summer the Arabs dig holes here which supply them with brackish water.
The northwest monsoon, beginning in October and lasting till March, brings the principal rainy season in the archipelago.
During the rainy season they render communication between different parts of the country extremely difficult.
Besides these there are a number of streams in the interior, but they are usually dry except in the rainy season.
In the trade-wind region we find the characteristic heavy rainfall on the weather sides of the islands, and a shorter rainy season at the season of highest sun on the lee side.
The rainy season completely changes the appearance of these plains, new grass appears, and wheat and Indian corn are cultivated.
The best known of these depressions, Ngami, lies to the north-west and is the central point of an inland water system apparently in process of drying up. To the north-east and connected with Ngami by the Botletle river, is the great Makari-Kari salt pan, which also drains a vast extent of territory, receiving in the rainy season a large volume of water.
The rainy season is the summer months, November to April, but the rains are irregular, and, from the causes already indicated, the rainfall is steadily declining.
In those containing water in the rainy season only, the fish preserve life when the bed is dry by burrowing deeply in the ooze before it hardens.
The rainy season in the interior lasts from May to October, but on the coast sometimes continues till December.
There are a number of small lakes in the state, some of which are, apparently, merely reservoirs for the annual floods of the rainy season.
The rainy season lasts from the end of May until October; storms are frequent and violent.
As his force was small, provisions scarce, and the rainy season setting in, and as he was encumbered with many sick and wounded, the British general decided to retire.
Carriers could scarcely be obtained, there were no local food supplies, the rainy season was at its height, all the roads were deep mire, the bush was almost impenetrable, and the enemy were both brave and cunning, fighting behind concealed stockades.
The rivers form the chief means of communication during the rainy season.
During the rainy season there is a considerable body of water in these channels, but owing partly to rapid evaporation and partly to the porous character of the soil the surface of the country dries rapidly.
The rainy season lasts from midJune to the end of September, rain usually falling every three or four days in brief but violent showers.
All the bordering country on both sides is of the same description, and for a long distance inland extensive areas of swampy country are submerged during the rainy season.