Radioactive Sentence Examples
In this case too it is associated with radioactive matter, which is almost ubiquitous.
The lake glowed like it was radioactive.
Strutt has found that phosphatized nodules and bones are rich in radioactive constituents, and has brought this into relation with their geological age.
Or why Gabriel looks radioactive.
Second, it is a potent radioactive carcinogen, emitting a relatively heavy alpha particle composed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
But the industry has the potential for accidental radiation releases and produces radioactive byproducts that require safe storage for decades.
Most people would rightly expect trains with such a deadly cargo to be guarded like a radioactive Fort Knox.
Fresh contamination found New areas of radioactive contamination have been found by monitors at Dounreay.
Catalog of human error led to massive radioactive discharge.
At present the plant is not radioactive - once it becomes radioactive the decommissioning costs increase greatly.
AdvertisementRadioactive properties have also been ascribed to other elements, e.g.
Radioactive elements in the Earth decay, giving off heat, which drives the convection of rocks in the Earth's interior.
Japanese problems The was a leak of radioactive primary coolant at the Mihama 2 reactor in Japan this week.
A local fisherman has also revealed that he had found radioactive debris from Dounreay in his lobster creels on a number of occasions.
The rate of radioactive decay is an example of 1st order kinetics.
AdvertisementThis is a terribly short-sighted solution, notwithstanding the problem of radioactive waste disposal.
A ban on the import of foreign radioactive waste and spent fuel 3.4 Britain must stop being a nuclear dustbin for other countries.
Such radioactive forms of elements are known as " positron emitters " .
Radioactive compounds are rapidly excreted in the urine, one-third of the dose appearing in two hours.
Over 70% of the radioactive fallout landed on Belarus.
AdvertisementIt is a silicate of iron. feldspar feldspath felspar a common rock-forming mineral. fermium a radioactive element, no.
We were using high explosives and radioactive material in large quantities for the first time.
Checking for the presence of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland.
None of the patients had had previous radioactive iodine therapy or external irradiation.
A small amount of radioactive isotope, carbon called 14 C can then be added to the water they are kept in.
AdvertisementThe briefing note also examines how a proposed overhaul of contaminated land regime would include radioactive sites.
Sand and seawater has penetrated the tunnel, trapping radioactive particles within the tunnel.
A very small amount of a mildly radioactive substance is injected into a vein, usually in the arm.
When a uranium-tipped weapon hits an object, it produces a vapor that is weakly radioactive.
The dissolver, full of intensely radioactive nitric acid, is behind extremely thick shielding.
Much of it will remain dangerously radioactive for thousands of years.
Nuclear studies using intravenous agents which are slightly radioactive are becoming increasingly useful.
There is no safe way of disposing of nuclear waste, which can stay radioactive for 100,000 years.
Radioiodine (iodine-131) This is iodine that has been made radioactive, similar to the iodine used for a scintigraphy scan.
He uses high-resolution solid-state detectors to make precision measurements on the gamma rays emitted by radioactive nuclei.
Uranium extraction has resulted in more than 6 billion tons of radioactive tailings, with significant impact on human health [2] .
Former Russian security agent Alexander Litvinenko may have been poisoned with " radioactive thallium ", the toxicologist treating him disclosed.
Grave's disease is widely treated, where medical methods are deemed unsatisfactory, by partial thyroidectomy, or Radioactive Iodine ablation.
Bone scans use a tiny amount of radioactive tracer to show up ' hot spots ' in the bones.
Initially, it is placed in cooling ponds to allow short-lived radioactive isotopes to decay.
Separation leak There was a small leak of radioactive liquor in Sellafield's chemical separation plant last weekend.
At least 11 nuclear sites are so low-lying they could be drowned or damaged by rising seas, causing radioactive waste to leak.
Put seeds near radioactive cobalt, grow the results, and keep the genetic mutants with desirable traits.
Rotting container A badly corroded container of radioactive uranyl nitrate was found by a European Union inspector during an investigation of Dounreay in March.
Examples are trials with genetically modified organism, radioactive substances or involving medical devices.
Radon warning One in seven private water wells in Devon were found to have high levels of radioactive radon warning One in seven private water wells in Devon were found to have high levels of radioactive radon in an 18-month government study.
Experimental studies on the deposition to crops of radioactive gases released from gas-cooled reactors.
Media attention was at it peak in 1983 when radioactive ruthenium was allowed out to sea and washed back onto the holiday beaches.
Apart from the radioactive sludge it left on the plate.
Over 1,500 tons of radioactive liquid sodium is being treated at Dounreay in the largest plant of its kind in the world.
She has fought giant radioactive walruses in Russia, and faced stampeding buffalo in China.
This would be the first time a submarine has been dismantled with some of the most radioactive wastes being stored at Rosyth.
One-third of the waters become wormwood (or poisoned, or radioactive ).
Wilson (36) that a vessel in which freshly fallen rain or snow has been evaporated to dryness shows radioactive properties lasting for a few hours.
Elster and Geitel (58), having found air drawn from the soil highly radioactive, regard ground air as the source of the emanation in the atmosphere, and in this way account for the low values they obtained for A when observing on or near the sea.
Mache (62) thinks that the ionization observed in the atmosphere may be wholly accounted for by the radioactive emanation.
It is remarkable as always containing helium and radioactive elements (see Radioactivity).
Marckwald (Ber., 1903, 36, p. 2662) showed that the Joachimsthal pitchblende yields tellurium and a minute quantity of the strongly radioactive polonium which is precipitated by bismuth (see Radioactivity).
The study of radium and radioactivity (see Radioactivity) led before long to the further remarkable knowledge that these so-called radioactive materials project into surrounding space particles or corpuscles, some of which are identical with those projected from the cathode in a high vacuum tube, together with others of a different nature.
The NaI crystal is grown from powder that has been purified to remove uranium, thorium and radioactive isotopes of potassium.
It relies on an analysis of how much of a radioactive isotope has decayed into its daughter isotope.
Therefore, the radioactive iodine builds up in the thyroid gland.
Deciding the future of the UK 's radioactive waste Left hand column editable content area !
Using a vein in your arm, you will receive an injection of the radioactive tracer.
Highly radioactive fallout would be generated even by a small nuclear weapon detonated just below the Earth 's surface.
They glowed like they were radioactive in the neon light of the Hamm 's beer sign over the bar.
Depleted uranium is thus many, many times less radioactive than the uranium employed for nuclear uses.
The photograph shows part of the new radiochemistry suite at NPL used for preparation of radioactive material such as these low level standards.
Radon warning One in seven private water wells in Devon were found to have high levels of radioactive radon in an 18-month government study.
These plastic drums will be uplifted along with solid radioactive waste.
Uranium extraction has resulted in more than 6 billion tons of radioactive tailings, with significant impact on human health [2 ].
Radioactive thorium is known to cause leukemia and other cancers.
Grave 's disease is widely treated, where medical methods are deemed unsatisfactory, by partial thyroidectomy, or Radioactive Iodine ablation.
In addition, unsealed radioactive material might enter the body by skin absorption, inhalation or ingestion.
Not to worry, the President has plenty of raw material for radioactive uranium munitions left.
One-third of the waters become wormwood (or poisoned, or radioactive).
Because decaying radioactive particles inside the Earth continuously generate heat, geothermal energy is a very reliable form of renewable energy.
Wind energy is infinite, pollution-free, and does not produce radioactive or toxic waste.
Geothermal heat comes from deep within the planet's core, where decaying radioactive materials produce energy.
Main types of water pollution include disease-causing agents, oxygen-demanding wastes, inorganic pollutants, nutrients, organic compounds, suspended sediment, and radioactive compounds.
Radioactive compounds don't show any immediate signs of damage and are often undetectable.
The water released into the environment from nuclear cooling tanks does not come in contact with the radioactive materials it cools.
An immediate evaluation that includes blood tests and imaging of the biliary system (through ultrasound, specialized x-ray techniques, or radioactive screens of the liver) are required to confirm the diagnosis.
Gene sequences can also be evaluated in a method (comparative genomic hybridization) that compares samples from a tumor and normal tissue after both have been exposed to the same radioactive material.
In internal radiation (brachytherapy), radioactive liquid or pellets are delivered to the cancerous site via a pill, injection, or insertion in a sealed container.
A gallium scan or bone scan is a test in which a radioactive chemical is injected into the body.
The antigen/antibody complex can be detected in the laboratory by adding specific immunoglobulins that are linked with a radioactive dye.
The test is read by locating radioactive spots on the solid-phase medium, and a positive result is reported in each test in which reactive allergens are found.
Lung scans, using a radioactive gas, can show closed off areas not seen on the x ray.
Circulation in the lungs may be monitored by injection of a radioactive substance into the bloodstream.
In this procedure, a tiny amount of radioactive fluid is injected into the blood and detected as it flows through the scrotum and testicles.
Torsion is indicated if the radioactive fluid does not flow through the sore testis.
Growth hormone tests should not be done within a week after any radioactive scan such as an x ray, MRI, or CT scan.
Furthermore, new studies using radioactive materials (nuclear medicine) can detect areas of infection and inflammation previously almost impossible to find, even with surgery.
For this test, the child is asked to drink milk mixed with a radioactive chemical.
Radionuclide bone scans involve injecting a small amount of radioactive material into a vein.
Primary tumors or cells that have metastasized absorb the radioactive material and show up as dark spots on the scan.
Radiologist-A medical doctor specially trained in radiology, the branch of medicine concerned with radioactive substances and their use for the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Positron emission tomography (PET)-A computerized diagnostic technique that uses radioactive substances to examine structures of the body.
In this diagnostic procedure, a radioactive tracer is injected into the bloodstream and images are taken of specific areas or the entire skeleton by CT or MRI.
Once VUR has been diagnosed, its progress may be followed with a nuclear scintigram, in which a radioactive substance is put into the bladder via catheter, and a gamma camera takes images that reveal the presence and degree of VUR.
Brachytherapy involves the application of radioactive material to the outer surface of the eye at the base of the tumor.
During that time, he or she undergoes one surgery to attach the radioactive material and one surgery to remove it.
Brachytherapy-A method of treating cancers, such as prostate cancer, involving the implantation near the tumor of radioactive seeds.
Radiation. Radioactive iodine used to treat hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or radiation treatments for head or neck cancers can destroy the thyroid gland.
All patients should be sure their doctors are aware of any recent procedures involving radioactive materials or contrast media.
Radioactive iodine is often prescribed to damage cells that make thyroid hormone.
Some patients may receive a single larger oral dose of radioactive iodine to treat the disease more quickly.
In nuclear scanning, radioactive isotopes are used as a diagnostic agent.
This discovery means that fMRI studies can be conducted without injecting radioactive materials into a subject's blood.
In addition, it means that usable MRI images can be obtained in a very short period of time (1.5-2 minutes on average) rather than the longer periods of testing required when radioactive materials are used.
The property should not have any toxic chemicals, radioactive materials, pollutions or any drainage or erosion problems.
The HEPA filter was created in response to the atomic bomb as a way to filter out harmful radioactive particles.
Most people who purchase HEPA air purifiers aren't typically concerned about radioactive particulates.
The 1950's ushered in the nuclear and space ages and the movies followed suit, giving us science fiction/horror films based on radioactive mutations.
Moreover, it does not contain radioactive materials, making it much safer than the older products.
At the time, radioactive radium was the main substance used to create the luminous paint.
Godzilla, glowing with radioactive energy attacks Hong Kong.
Godzilla tried to revive his son with his radioactive breath without effect.
The monster gradually dissolved into a radioactive puddle.
Hard on this came the recognition of the fact that freely charged positive and negative ions are always present in the atmosphere, and that a radioactive emanation can be collected.
In 1901 Elster and Geitel found that a radioactive emanation is present in the atmosphere.
Mache thinks that the ionization observed in the atmosphere may be wholly accounted for by the radioactive emanation.
Helium is relatively abundant in many minerals, all of which are radioactive, and contain uranium or thorium as important constituents.
After the discovery of the radioactive properties of uranium by Henri Becquerel in 1896, it was noticed that some minerals of uranium, such as pitchblende, were more active than the element itself, and this circumstance suggested that such minerals contained small quantities of some unknown substance or substances possessing radioactive properties in a very high degree.
Bemont in 1898; it was so named on account of the intensity of the radioactive emanations which it yielded.
After removing the uranium, it was found that the bismuth separated with a very active substance - polonium; this element was afterwards isolated by Marckwald, and proved to be identical with his radiotellurium; that the barium could be separated with another active substance - radium; whilst a third fraction, composed mainly of the rare earths (thorium, &c.), yielded to Debierne another radioactive element - actinium, which proved to be identical with the emanium of Giesel.
There is more radium than any other radioactive element, but its excessive rarity may be gauged by the facts that Mme.
The study of radium and radioactivity led before long to the further remarkable knowledge that these so-called radioactive materials project into surrounding space particles or corpuscles, some of which are identical with those projected from the cathode in a high vacuum tube, together with others of a different nature.
Radioactive microspheres are subsequently injected into a vein so they lodge within the pulmonary arterioles and a second picture is taken.
All three investigations found raised levels of radioactive contaminants, far in excess of background levels.
I also visited some of the Kazakh villages worst affected by the radioactive fallout.