Radiator Sentence Examples
I need to check the water in my radiator before we leave.
A radiator of this last class can be constructed by connecting inductively or directly FIG.
Wall mounted electric panel radiator with built in timer.
Part tiled walls, side aspect double glazed window, double radiator.
It may be helpful to remove the radiator shroud in order to have room to remove the fan from the engine bay.
With built-in wardrobe, radiator, 2 double glazed windows.
Access to the roof space, central heating thermostat control, airing cupboard housing a lagged hot water cylinder, radiator.
Hill View House ensures that radiator thermostats are working properly.
Full height ceramic wall tiling, ceramic tiled floor, vertical chrome towel radiator.
The radiator and front shock absorbers have been fitted, and work on the front tinwork has commenced.
AdvertisementAllow the radiator to fill and close the air bleed valve when water begins to come out.
All rooms have radiators with thermostatic radiator valves allowing you to adjust the temperature in each room.
She moves around selectively between a few preferred spots in the house which combine the warmth of a radiator with real sunlight.
The heater air intake is above the bonnet on the 200 series, but behind the radiator grille on the 400 series.
Chrome radiator valves can be purchased at the bottom of the page or you can choose from a wider range by clicking here.
AdvertisementHigh level roof window, textured ceiling, radiator.
With its flat radiator this was the most popular three-wheeler ever produced and encouraged a number of firms to copy the idea.
Partial ceramic tiling to walls, radiator, textured ceiling with inset extractor fan.
Full height tiling throughout, chrome shaver socket and towel radiator.
Bedroom 2 11&'6& ' ' x 10&'6& ' ' With fitted wardrobes with 2 mirror sliding doors, cylinder cupboard, central heating radiator.
AdvertisementIn 1921 an 8 to 10 h.p. water-cooled version was launched using a conventional radiator.
Radiator Fan Units The group have stripped and rebuilt two radiator and fan units owing to worn bearings.
Antifreeze is put in a car's radiator to act as a coolant.
Portability - some space heaters can be fastened to a wall in a similar manner to a normal radiator.
Also, make sure the crib is a safe distance from any heating and cooling vent or radiator.
AdvertisementThe same forced hot water that heats your old clanking radiator can be redirected into a new system that is far more efficient and cheaper to run.
Since the metal of the heater retains and conducts the heat well, the radiator was able to give off more heat than forced hot air.
In fact, too much air can even stop a radiator from working all together.Radiant heat is totally silent.
Radiators were frequently installed on only one zone, which meant you had to physically shut off a radiator at its base to avoid heating an unoccupied room.
While a radiator cover can help to redirect the heat into the room, there may still be cold spots, or unheated areas the radiator isn't reaching.Radiant in-floor heat delivers a constant blanket of heat to the entire room.
Cars Land will occupy 12 acres of Disneyland's Timon Parking Lot behind A Bug's Life adventure and includes the Radiator Springs Racers ride, Flo's Cafe and two smaller Cars rides.
You can tune some individual parts (the Head, Core, Arm, Leg, Booster, Generator, and Radiator ).
White smoke from under the car's hood can mean a leaky water pump or radiator.
A puddle of bright green, slippery fluid can mean a radiator leak.
Lodge was, however, fully aware that it was necessary for syntonic telegraphy to provide a radiator capable of emitting sustained trains of waves.
The name has no reference to the appearance of the body to the eye; when emitting energy, its radiations will he of all wave-lengths, and if intense enough will appeal to the eye as luminous between about wave-lengths 7600 and 4000 tenth-metres; this intensity is a question of temperature, and as it is exquisitely inappropriate to speak of the bulk of the solar radiations as black, the writer will speak instead of amorphous radiations from an ideal radiator.
The ideal radiator is realized within any closed cavity, the walls of which are maintained at a definite temperature.
The property boasts sealed unit double glazing, gas radiator central heating, fitted kitchen with integrated appliances.
Radiator, pattern tiled floor, pine spindled balustrade to staircase off.
If the weather gets chilly you have your own radiator, beside your bed to turn on to keep you warm.
To help get the big hose back onto the radiator, smear a little grease over the outer circumference of the junction.
Front aspect double glazed window with far reaching views over the surrounding countryside with the coast on the horizon, double radiator.
Clean aerodynamics The distinctive front cowling is beautifully sculptured around the radiator with its chrome surround and incorporates built-in direction indicators.
It's hard to believe where a busted radiator hose will get you... beautiful downtown Superior, Arizona.
A perfect black body radiator has an emissivity of unity, so all other surfaces have emissivity between zero and one.
Tiled splash areas, double glazed side aspect window, radiator, extractor fan.
The small 39 fin radiator have cast well and once fettled will be fine.
The property also features gas radiator central heating throughout and upvc double glazed windows.
There is sealed double glazing and gas radiator heating.
January 2004 - Bob Brewer has fitted the radiator grill.
The bumper is from a newer Series II 306 with the standard radiator grille replaced with mesh.
Accommodation Ground Floor Entrance hall inner hallway With central heating radiator.
The front end styling is different too, with twin headlamps either side of the radiator grille and a two-piece blind.
The handsome radiator cap mascot provides an excellent sighting device as you navigate this great leviathan of an MG.
The water from my radiator accidently froze at twelve midnight.
Simply heat in a microwave oven for two minutes or leave to warm on a radiator or water heater.
The engine is a reliable unit but will easily overheat if the aging radiator is clogged.
Two double glazed windows and radiator, walk in shelved pantry off.
He seemed so pathetic, an unconscious man tied to a radiator.
Why should a bloody radiator suddenly perk up and decide to be the center of attention?
Do not mount a projector directly above a radiator as this may cause overheating.
I set my radiator in the room where the torts are to stay above the other rads in the house.
Spacious with glass sash window and encased radiator below.
Bedroom 2 12'4 X 9 ' with coving, radiator, double glazed patio doors opening onto balcony to rear.
There is a low level WC, a pedestal wash hand basin and a single paneled radiator.
Gatehouse Room Gilar House has central heating and the Gatehouse can be warmed by an electric oil-filled radiator.
Double glazed window and a heated towel rail radiator.
To each radiator should be fitted an air tap, which when opened will permit the escape of any air that has accumulated in the coil; otherwise free circulation is impossible, and the full benefit of the heat is not obtained.
This in turn caused the reshaping of the steel tube between the two lower radiator hoses.
It includes a new tank and seat, longer rear fender, restyled side covers and new radiator shrouds.
Built-in airing cupboard fitted with a radiator & shelving over.
With the dustpan underneath the joint, use the other wrench to slacken the nut which holds the radiator to the valve.
While the original light-fittings have been replaced, the original radiator covers and much of the terrazzo flooring is still intact.
It has a dado and terrazzo paving similar to the water-closet turret, and is warmed by a radiator.
They are similar in appearance to a hot-water or steam radiator, and, indeed, some are designed to be filled with water and used as such.
To regulate the heat it is necessary either to instal a number of small radiators or to divide the radiators into sections, each section controlled by distinct valves; steam may then be admitted to all the sections of the radiator or to any less number of sections as desired.
Radiators should not be fixed directly on to the main heating pipe, but always on branches of smaller diameter leading from the flow pipe to one end of the radiator and back to the main return pipe from the other end; they may then be easily controlled by a valve placed on the branch from the flow pipe.
His proposed radiator and absorber consisted of two wing-shaped plates of copper, the transmitter plates being interrupted in the centre by a spark gap, and the receiver plates by an inductance coil from the ends of which connexions were made to a coherer.
Marconi applied a modified and improved form of Branly's wave detector in conjunction with a novel form of radiator for the telegraphic transmission of intelligence through space without wires, and he and others developed this new form of telegraphy with the greatest rapidity and success into a startling and most useful means of communicating through space electrically without connecting wires.
When we speak of the sun's radiation as a whole, it is assumed that it is of the character of the radiations from an ideal radiator at an appropriate temperature.
He invented for this purpose a radiator consisting of two metal rods placed in one line, their inner ends being provided with poles nearly touching and their outer ends with metal plates.