Radiative Sentence Examples
Both problems are crucial to understand the radiative properties of desert dust aerosol.
This movement can influence climate by changing the atmospheric and oceanic circulation and by altering the distribution of radiative heating and cooling.
The decays of tau's including radiative corrections are simulated by the dedicated package TAUOLA.
Knowledge of cloud and aerosol physics, boundary layer meteorology, and radiative transfer will also be useful.
This effect has been tentatively attributed to impact ionization followed by hot carrier interband radiative recombination.
But we know also that in the complete radiation of a white body the radiative energy increases with the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
For More Complex Molecules The Radiative And Absorptive Powers Are Known To Be Much Greater.
These yielded a remarkable extension of Pierre Provost's "Law of Exchanges," and enabled him to establish the fact that radiation is not a surface phenomenon, but takes place throughout the interior of the radiating body, and that the radiative and absorptive powers of a substance must be equal, not only for the radiation as a whole, but also for every constituent of it.