Quit Sentence Examples
I'm ready to quit already.
Yeah, yeah, quit your nagging.
I guess I'll just have to quit school then.
Quit this job and move to Arkansas to be a veterinarian.
Would he expect her to quit work?
I quit smoking and I'm taking it out on everyone.
Well, don't quit on it entirely.
Of course, she couldn't simply quit and disappear from their lives.
It would be so unfair to so many people if we quit, but God almighty, it's difficult and scary.
Frankly, I agree he was being a pain in the ass, but you quit being a detective when you left the East—we're the guys still on the job.
AdvertisementHe eyed her with a wary expression, probably not sure if he should quit while he was ahead.
The Distress for Rent Act 1737, however, enables a landlord to recover double rent from a tenant who holds over after having himself given notice to quit; while another statute in the reign of George II.
Hey, hon, Jake told me you quit work?
He's been after bad guys for thousands of years, and he's never gone to the Dark Side or quit or anything.
Alex had lost his parents and had to quit college to raise his little sister.
AdvertisementI help them with marketing, which was my major until I quit school.
And she quit two weeks ago.
The effect of the final Lombard invasion is shown by the resolve to quit the mainland and the rapid building of churches which is recorded by the Cronaca altinate.
He was educated for the army, and entered the artillery of the Guards as an officer in 1860, but a malady of the knee, which crippled him, forced him to quit the service in 1865.
Here the tenancy ends on the expiry of the prescribed term, without notice to quit or any other formality.
AdvertisementI told Fitzgerald to quit all this hero business so you don't have to worry about having to back up some cartoon story.
You didn't quit because you wanted to, but because you had to after breaking those laws to spare me and Hazel, Katie added, patting her stomach.
Nor had he made any sense of his deliberations but finally his mind quit the task and allowed his exhausted body to sink into a deep sleep.
I've made arrangements to quit my job this fall and work my residency at a clinic in Houston.
Yes, my lord. She quit and appointed Gabriel in her stead.
AdvertisementIf you want me to quit, keep it up.
Yet, when Edward was forced by home affairs to quit Scotland, Annandale and certain earldoms, including Carrick, were excepted from the districts he assigned to his followers, Bruce and other earls being treated as waverers whose allegiance might still be retained.
Where there is a lease for a certain period, no notice to quit is necessary.
How did she quit when he was able to hurt them?
She quit her old one to work for Xander – at Jonny's direct order.
A tenant is not entitled, without the landlord's consent, to change the character of the subjects demised, and, except under an agricultural lease, he is bound to quit the premises on the expiration of the lease.
Its makers had not conceived bupropion hydrochloride as a drug to help people quit smoking.
I love you anyway and I've quit twisting your arm about trying to dig up the past.
Every year more than half the adult males (in some districts three-fourths of the men and one-third of the women) quit their homes and wander throughout Russia in search of labour.
It is certain, however, that he was suspected by Honorius and abandoned by his own troops, and that he fled to Ravenna, and, having been induced by false promises to quit the church in which he had taken sanctuary, was assassinated on the 23rd of August 408.
Our guy didn't quit with Brenda Washington.
You made Kris and Gabe trade their souls for Katie and baby's then you quit.
The super-demon bowed his head and left. Darkyn watched him go then looked again at the hourglass. He hadn't expected Death to quit, but she was about to give him a new window of opportunity, one that might be more powerful. He might soon take over the underworld and its army of souls.
In spite of his hesitancy he wasn't about to quit.
They just now realized you quit.
Past-Deidre broke two rules and quit.
Jessi arrived fifteen minutes early the next day, in case Xander or Ingrid called in a substitute after she quit.
Probably when you tried to quit.
The principal incidents of a seignory were an oath of fealty; a "quit" or "chief" rent; a "relief" of one year's quit rent, and the right of escheat.
That effort was followed by great physical prostration, and he determined not to quit his retirement at Midhurst until spring had fairly set in.
When once it had taught men that the next world was God's world, though it did so at the cost of relinquishing the present to Satan, it had achieved its real task, and the time had come for it to quit the stage of history, when Christianity appeared as the heir of this true spiritual achievement.
As under the republic, the praefect was not allowed to quit the city for more than a day at a time.
In 1827 he at length made up his mind to quit the law, and was ordained deacon the same year.
But James at once declared himself king, had Alopo killed and Sforza imprisoned, and kept his wife in a state of semi-confinement; this led to a counteragitation on the part of the barons, who forced James to liberate Sforza, renounce his kingship, and eventually to quit the country.
On the 16th of September his disapproval of the popular excesses at Warsaw caused him to quit the government after sacrificing half his fortune to the national cause; but it must be admitted that throughout the insurrection he did not act up to his great reputation.
A special enactment protects tenants against arbitrary treatment at the hands of landlords in respect of notice to quit and raising of rents.
In 1797 he brought reinforcements from the Rhine to Bonaparte's army in Italy, distinguishing himself greatly at the passage of the Tagliamento, and in 1798 was sent as ambassador to Vienna, but was compelled to quit his post owing to the disturbances caused by his hoisting the tricolor over the embassy.
The government of Louis Philippe ordered him to quit French territory in 1833 at the request of the Russian ambassador.
The Say and Sele Company secured in 1631 from Robert Rich, earl of Warwick (1587-1658), a quit claim to his interest in the territory lying between the Narragansett river and the Pacific Ocean.
But the Connecticut authorities in their effort to establish a legal claim to the country and to thwart the efforts of the Hamilton family to assert its claims to the territory between the Connecticut river and Narragansett Bay - claims derived from a grant of the Plymouth Company to James, marquess of Hamilton (1606-1649) in 1635 - elaborated the theory that the Plymouth Company had made a grant to Warwick, and that consequently his quit claim conferred jurisdiction upon the Say and Sele Company; but even in this event, Fenwick had no right to make his sale, for which he never secured confirmation.
The committed quitters stop smoking plan will support you all the way through your quit attempt.
Cilla says ta Ra - 06/01/03 Cilla Black has sensationally quit Blind Date live on air.
Becks, who quit as England captain after their World Cup failure earlier this month, donned a silk shirt and black trousers.
Once you become sober, you realize you do have the power to quit.
I just wish people would quit with the " banging techno " soundtracks.
He may refuse to quit the spot, or to change the employment, in which his labor has become unprofitable.
Many smokers have used willpower to try to quit.
Your greatest chance to successfully quit smoking is to partner with your physician.
Don't allow yourself to go through this difficult time alone; others know how hard it is to quit smoking and can help you succeed.
According to the American Heart Association, four out of five smokers wish they could quit, but only 20 to 40 percent of quitters succeed after one year.
Volunteers who have successfully quit smoking run this free nonprofit program that provides support through discussion and using the 12-step program commonly used in Alcoholics Anonymous.
If you don't have the time to attend meetings or want a private cessation program, the Internet provides many support websites for people attempting to quit smoking.
Identify why you want to quit smoking, understand what your barriers are, plan what you will do when you become tempted and ask for support from family and friends.
The online quit smoking classroom includes education and peer support.
To join the classroom, you need to have quit cold turkey for at least 72 hours, and relapse is grounds for dismissal from the class.
Cessation programs are an effective way to quit smoking, but there is still a chance you may relapse.
If relapse should happen, don't think you can't quit; it's just a temporary setback.
The addict lost friends to the drug by death, but it wasn't enough to convince her to quit.
The good news is that the symptoms are temporary, and if you can get through them without lighting up, you're just about home free in your efforts to quit smoking.
Your doctor will be able to check and make sure that you are in good health so you can continue to quit smoking with peace of mind that nothing else is medically wrong.
Take one day at a time when you decide to quit; each day you successfully end without lighting up is a day closer to the end of your withdrawal symptoms and the beginning of a smoke free lifestyle.
Not everyone who tries to quit smoking will experience severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
When a smoker decides that they don't want to use it anymore and they quit suddenly, they are going to go through a period of withdrawal.
Some experts will even recommend choosing a day to quit and stopping the habit at that point to get the withdrawal process over with.
Unfortunately for some people with severe nicotine withdrawal, the symptoms can be a problem on an occasional basis for a number of years after they quit smoking.
For many people, it is not necessarily the tobacco that causes the withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit smoking.
Nicotine can be incredibly addictive and is a powerful reminder that just because a substance isn't illegal it does not necessarily mean that the substance isn't incredibly addictive and difficult to quit.
Although there is no disputing that the nicotine found in tobacco is incredibly addictive, many people who try to quit smoking or chewing tobacco encounter more problems with the emotional aspect of tobacco usage.
It is vital for people who are trying to quit smoking or chewing tobacco to recognize these symptoms and to remember that they are only temporary.
Far too often, people may decide that they are too cranky or angry when trying to quit smoking and therefore decide that they will be better off with the tobacco usage.
This, of course, can make it even more difficult to quit, and it can intensify the craving for nicotine in your system.
If you quit smoking, you might continue to have nicotine withdrawal for two weeks or more.
They should consult medical professionals to form sound plans to quit smoking.
A smoker'sbody is accustomed to having a certain level of nicotine, so when you quit smoking you'll go through one or more symptoms of withdrawal as your body learns how to function without nicotine.
When you consider what happens when you quit smoking, the results are all positive ones.
The most important thing is to not be too hard on yourself and get back to working on your goals to quit your sugar obsession.
These groups provide support and teach behavior modification methods that can help the smoker quit.
Most of the famous entrepreneurs whose stories are known are famous because they never quit.
If things don't go well, you need a plan to determine when and if to quit the business.
They could include your products or service's reception, profits, growth, or the decision to quit being based on a mutual agreement of the company's officers.
Never quit your day job, until you are sure your new business is growing.
I quit for several years after high school but have picked the obsession back up in the last couple of years.
Some lifestyle habits will be hard to quit cold turkey.
Bupropion side effects and skin aging are closely related in that individuals taking Bupropion to quit smoking may decrease the skin aging process.
But the Bernese government ordered him to quit its territory.
It became a mesne borough by the charter granted by John in 1201, which provided that the town should be a free borough, the burgesses to be free and quit of all tolls, and made William de Briwere overlord.
Finding it necessary to quit the army in order to take charge of his younger brothers who had been left orphans, he was appointed a farmer-general by Louis XV.
This offer he refused from unwillingness to quit his own country and his family connexions.
There he remained till the visit to that city of the hereditary grand-duke (afterwards Alexander II.), accompanied by the poet Joukofsky, led to his being allowed to quit Viatka for Vladimir, where he was appointed editor of the official gazette of that city.
Even then he remained for some time under the influence of Hubert de Burgh, whose chief rival, Peter des Roches, found it expedient to quit the kingdom for four years.
Translated into English, French, German, Dutch and Italian, it attracted much attention in Europe, and involved its author in considerable persecution, which, on the publication of his Portraits politiques des pages in 1822, culminated in a peremptory order to quit France.
In despair, Lessing determined towards the end of his residence in Hamburg to quit Germany, believing that in Italy he might find congenial labour that would suffice for his wants.
After one or two harmonious interviews, the king advanced a claim for the payment of the quit rents for Anamabo fort and Cape Coast castle, rents the major part of which the Fanti had induced the British to pay to them, leaving only a nominal sum for transmission to Kumasi.
The Aldine press continued through this period to issue books, but none of signal merit; and in 1585 Aldo determined to quit his native city for Bologna, where he occupied the chair of eloquence for a few months.
On the death of his elder brother Federigo, he was advised to quit the church and marry, that his family might not become extinct.
The old rgime was not restored without an attempt made by an adherent of the TulUnids to reconquer Egypt ostensibly for their benefit, and for a time the caliphs viceroy had to quit the capital.
Terms were then made by which both Syrians and Franks were to quit Egypt, though the garrison of Cairo remained; the hostile attitude of the Moslem population to this garrison led to another invasion at the beginning of 1168 by King Amalric, who after taking Bilbeis advanced to Cairo.
Egypt was declared independent and the pasha given forty-eight hours to quit the country.
Over the first some success was won, in consequence of which the Turks agreed to a convention (signed January 24, 1800), by virtue of which the French were to quit Egypt.
In the 18th century the ability of certain natives of the town greatly fostered its cotton industry; thus James Hargreaves here probably invented his spinning jenny about 1764, though the operatives, fearing a reduction of labour, would have none of it, and forced him to quit the town for Nottingham.
As a Cinque Port, Dover (Dofra, Dovorra) had to contribute twenty of the quota of ships furnished by those ports; in return for this service a charter of liberties was granted to the ports by Edward the Confessor, making the townsmen quit of shires and hundreds, with the right to be impleaded only at Shepway, and other privileges, which were confirmed by subsequent kings, with additions, down to James II.
The distinction between khalsa land, or the imperial demesne, and jagir lands, granted revenue free or at quit rent in reward for services, also dates from the time of Akbar.
The superior lordship, or right to receive the quit rent, remained with the nawab; but in 1759 this also was parted with by the nawab in favour of Clive, who thus became the landlord of his own masters, the company.
Hyllus and his brothers then invaded Peloponnesus, but after a year's stay were forced by a pestilence to quit.
The men of the vill were made quit of toll in 1337, and in 1342 the town was incorporated by a charter frequently confirmed by later sovereigns.
As quit rents were customary and not rack rents, the successors of those who had redeemed their services were gaining the whole surplus in the value of goods and labour as against money, while the successors of those who had commuted their right to claim services for certain sums in money lost all the corresponding difference.
A land revenue is derived from the sale of government lands, from quit rents and fees of transfer, &c. Judicial fees bring in a small amount, and the issue and sale of postage and revenue stamps have proved a fruitful source of income.
The return of the emperor in 1815 determined him to quit France, and he spent the close of his life with his younger son, Eleuthere Irenee (1771-1834), who had established a powder manufactory in Delaware.
This conviction made young men leave their loves and pleasures, grave men quit their counting-houses, churchmen desert their missals, to crowd the lecture-rooms of philologers and rhetoricians.
Matter is no longer animated or self-acting; it is subject to the will of an agent which can enter or quit it, perhaps at its own pleasure, perhaps at the compulsion of another.
He left the service of Maximilian, and after a brief employment by another kinsman, the duke of Ferrara, he decided to quit the military life, and in 1514 entered as a student at the university of Bologna.
General Jorge Cordova succeeded him, but had not been long in office when a new revolt in September 1857, originating with the garrison of Oruro, spread over the land, and compelled him to quit the country.
The Sienese tyrant, however, did not fall into the trap, and although Borgia in 1 502 obliged him to quit Siena, he returned two months later, more powerful than before.
Vendome at first opposed great obstacles to the plan which the prince had formed for carrying succours into Piedmont; but after a variety of marches and counter-marches, in which both commanders displayed signal ability, the two armies met at Cassano (August 16, 1705), where a deadly engagement ensued, and Prince Eugene received two severe wounds which forced him to quit the field.
The success of his teaching was signal, though for a time he had to quit the field, the strain proving too great for his physical strength.
Heraclius (1646), Andromede (1650), a spectacle-opera rather than a play, Don Sanche d'Aragon (1650) and Nicomede (1651) were the products of the next few years' work; but in 1652 Pertharite was received with decided disfavour, and the poet in disgust resolved, like Ben Jonson, to quit the loathed stage.
Finding them no less accommodating than their rivals, he gratified the prejudices of his subjects and himself by forcing the Hebrews to quit England.
Edward was not to levy an army, appoint dainers.an official, raise a tax, or quit the realm without their leave.
Indeed the garrisons had to be of Glouthreatened with the use of force before they would cester and quit their strongholds.
For, in their joy at being quit of taxation, men forgot that they were losing the lever by which their fathers had been wont to move the crown to constitutional concessions.
James IV.who had refused to quit the field was slain in the forefront of the battle, with the greater part of his nobles; with him fell also some 10,000 or 12,000 of his men, Scotland, with her military power brought low, and an infant king on the throne, was a negligible quantity in international politics for some years.
He went so far as to quit Leipzig altogether, and betook himself to Jena, where he formed an intimate friendship with Erhard Weigel the mathematician, whose influence helped to develop his remarkable independence of character.
In connexion with this chapel it is related that, when the temple was in course of erection, Terminus, the god of boundaries, and Juventas refused to quit the sites they had already appropriated as sacred to themselves, which accordingly became part of the new sanctuary.
On the same day he dismissed Necker and ordered him to quit Versailles.
Standing before its open door, with his Thracian soldiers around him, he endeavoured to prevail on Demosthenes to quit the holy precinct.
The quit rents reserved to the crown were less than one penny per acre.
Leopold having rejected these demands, the Florentines rose as one man and obliged him to quit Tuscany (April 27, 1859).
He determined to quit Paris, where the life was far too exciting for his nerves, and to regain the quietude of Normandy.
Its aim was to secure for the Church of England a definite basis of doctrine and discipline, in case either of disestablishment or of a determination of High Churchmen to quit the establishment, an eventuality that was thought not impossible in view of the States' recent high-handed dealings with the sister established Church of Ireland.
He almost quit for good but I calmed them down.
The rain had quit for the day, though the tropical storm spinning around in the Gulf guaranteed another week or so of sporadic storms.
The name past-Death adopted when she took on a human form in her underworld before she quit.
Rhyn had quit on her in the hopes she.d be safe, only to leave her more vulnerable than ever.
Frankly, I agree he was being a pain in the ass, but you quit being a detective when you left the East—we're the guys still on the job.
She quit her old one to work for Xander – at Jonny's direct order.
I cannot quit the comforts of a settled abode to ramble over the fields wherever the flocks may require me to roam.
Tobacco is a powerfully addictive drug that most of its users would like to quit using.
The tenant may terminate the agreement at any time by giving two months written notice to quit.
Two middle-ranking ministers, John Denham and Lord Hunt, quit while five unpaid ministerial aides also stood down.
A fractured ankle saw him quit The Posh and drift away from the professional game.
After leaving college he played professional baseball, but was forced to quit due to an injury.
After the band had split, Brian decided to quit the music biz and emigrated to Australia.
All people with high blood pressure need to quit smoking.
I do think one of us needs to quit the booze!
The most important ' treatment ' is to quit smoking - most people who develop chronic bronchitis are smokers.
Last week iSoft's Chief Executive quit after the firm had to restate revenues for the past three years - wiping out its profits.
It's a slot recently vacated by everyone's favorite former choirboy Aled Jones, who quit the station to move to the BBC.
If your page is too dense, your reader will quit out of it as soon as their eyes begin to tear.
He quit school at 17 to join the foreign legion.
Everybody is free to quit at any time, thereby forfeiting payment.
I quit my jobs and took a massive gamble.
You see him strumming a guitar in the Quit Playin ' Games (With My Heart) video.
I work with Drug dependant people who are either trying to quit the habit, trying to stay off drugs.
Hypnotherapy to stop smoking by an experienced London hypnotherapist with just one quit smoking hypnosis session.. .
It would be wrong, therefore to remove the price incentive to quit smoking.
She quit to take up ballet, however a knee injury prematurely ended her career.
Indeed the inhabitants have sworn that Aesculapius, the god of medicine, has quit heaven and clothed his divine majesty with my appearance.
Then quit the standalone backend and restart the postmaster.
Doctors may quit profession - 30 Nov 05 Doctors will leave the profession because of declining medical professionalism, a new survey has predicted.
Then one day in February, she abruptly quit her job and disappeared.
The school decided to move and finally quit Park Hall for Cotton Hall, on the Staffordshire Moorlands, in August 1868.
He had since quit teaching and was doing what he had always desired.
Formerly 2700 retired seamen were boarded within it, and 5000 or 6000 others, called outpensioners, received stipends at various rates out of its funds; but in 1865 an act was passed empowering the Admiralty to grant liberal pensions in lieu of food and lodging to such of the inmates as were willing to quit the hospital, and in 1869 another act was passed making their leaving on these conditions compulsory.
The princess was obliged to quit Holland, but kept up a philosophical correspondence with Descartes.
But the constant feuds which raged between the regent and her second son, Shams Addaula, compelled the scholar to quit the place, and of ter a brief sojourn at Kazwin, he passed southwards to Hamadan, where that prince had established himself.
The doors of St Mark's were hastily secured, and Savonarola discovered that his adherents had secretly prepared arms and munitions and were ready to stand a siege The signory sent to order all laymen to quit the cloister, and a special summons to Valori.
This was only a preliminary skirmish; the main battle opened in the following year, when the king, quite aware that he must for the future look on Thomas as his enemy, brought forward the famous Constitutions of Clarendon, of which the main purport was to assert the jurisdiction of the state over clerical offenders by a rather complicated procedure, while other clauses provided that appeals to Rome must not be made without the kings leave, that suits about land or the presentation to benefices, in which clerics were concerned, should be tried before the royal courts, and that bishops should not quit the realmunless they had obtained permission to do so from the king (see CLARENDON, CONSTITUTIONS OF).
But I, O gracious Poseidon, quit thy temple while I yet live; Antipater and his Macedonians have done what they could to pollute it."
Smokers - even light smokers - should seek help to quit the habit.
Think of the money you'll save now you 've quit drinking !
We can refer you to your free local NHS Stop Smoking Service for ongoing advice and support in your quit attempt.
Also thought u better no Brian has resigned from his seat not quit altogether.
If you want to top the highscore table you will need to learn how to quit when you are ahead !
But the council has been given a notice to quit which is likely to be effective from December 24.
Foggy won the title in 1994 and 1995, his main rival, Scott Russell, quit to join the Grand Prix circuit.
If you aren´t a follower of Christ¸ does that mean I should " quit whining " and not even voice my opinion?
Sorry, did n't I say I was going to quit complaining?
Furthermore smoking increases the metabolism by five to ten per cent and when you quit smoking this will decrease.
You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room 11.
If you lose, quit without saving and simulate again until you win.
Cilla says ta ra - 06/01/03 Cilla Black has sensationally quit Blind Date live on air.
Shimmy up the wall, then quit the level.
Pierce Brosnan could return as James Bond despite saying he had quit as the role of the suave spy.
Many heavy drinkers fail to quit cold turkey but do much better when they taper gradually, or even learn to moderate their drinking.
Moreover, the people who quit using cocaine reported that their craving did not return once they tapered off vigabatrin.
In order to determine periodic unprotected tenancies and restricted contracts, notice to quit must first be served.
Hot Job Search Made Easy Quit wasting time looking for that dream job by visiting 2 Get Work today.
I was unable to persuade Kim to quit her bad habit of smoking.
You could just quit smoking altogether or try an electronic cigarette.
If the peaceful little kitten in your lap suddenly decides to grab your hand and begin gnawing on it, gently set him on the floor and quit giving him any attention.
That way you're less likely to get frustrated and quit halfway through.
Right now of course we have oil and other non-renewable energy available, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't quit using it in trade for cleaner alternative sources.
Then from that job I got other jobs and was able to quit my waitress job.
If someone pressures you for personal information before you are ready to give it up you should quit communicating with them.
If a company posts exorbitant statements about the amount of money you can make, claims you can quit your job and live off your earnings, and then asks for a payment from you, run away.
You can't uninstall or "quit" your pet and if you neglect it it will be taken to a shelter.
Pay attention to your child's cues and quit before he or she becomes frustrated.
Burnout causes you to make decisions you normally wouldn't make such as quit your job.
Don't try to quit your coffee or other caffeinated beverage intake cold turkey because you could end up with a stress headache.
No matter how you lost your job, whether you were fired, laid off, or even quit, you'll need time to mentally adjust to this new major change in your life.
Smoking-Anyone who has ever tried to quit smoking can attest to how difficult it is.
It's only when they actually become older and try to quit that they see how hard it is to do.
If modeling is causing problems, then parents should have their children quit or take a break from it.
The night before my wedding at the rehearsal, I found out that the wedding coordinator had quit and standing in was the golf course owner's wife.
This drug is a stimulant that triggers feelings of high energy and euphoria, but it is highly addictive and often difficult to quit.
While some of the symptoms like the pleasurable sensations might feel good at first, methamphetamine is a dangerous drug that can be difficult to quit and can impair brain function for a time long after use.
Together, you can make a plan for you to cut down or quit.
They also stated that a significant percentage of people undergoing rapid detox quit returning for their follow-up care.
An alcoholic is someone who cannot quit drinking, even though they know they are causing damage to themselves and those around them.
If you get your doctor's diagnosis, it may be enough to make you quit hiding from what you are afraid of.
For example, if you're attempting to quit smoking, Wellbutrin may be a great depression medication for your needs.
Nicotine is highly addictive, as evidenced by the 34 million smokers who attempt to quit each year.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are one of the reasons people have trouble staying abstinent once they decide to quit.
Once a person has decided to quit, his/her health almost immediately improves.
Did you know that half of all adult smokers have quit smoking?
Many people attempt to quit several times before they are successful.
Do you want to quit smoking to set a good example for your child?
Understanding why you want to quit smoking will help you discover strategies that work for your unique situation.
If you've unsuccessfully tried to quit smoking in the past, you can also think about what obstacles you've faced and how you can learn from your experience.
After you've considered your reasons for wanting to quit smoking, it's time to develop a plan of action.
Developing coping mechanisms to deal with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can help you successfully quit smoking.
Women who want to quit smoking face special challenges.
If you wish to quit smoking, contact your healthcare provider for advice.
If you're trying to quit smoking, Nicorette gum may be able to help you cope with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
If you're a teen who wishes to quit smoking, ask your parents or healthcare provider for advice.
Although Nicorette gum is a safe and effective way to quit smoking, it's important to use the product as intended.
Nicorette is not intended for people who want to quit using chewing tobacco or smoking cigars.
Breastfeeding women should not use Nicorette gum to quit smoking.
The Nicoderm patch should only be used by people who have already quit smoking.
If you're a teenage smoker, contact your healthcare professional for advice on how to quit smoking.
Once you're ready to quit, the next question is how to stop smoking.
Trying to quit means you have a chance of getting there!
But preparing to quit, and then following your plan, can really help.
Has a loved one been asking you to quit?
It's common to gain weight when trying to quit, but you don't need to.
They help you reduce your nicotine use slowly, so you won't be as grouchy or anxious while you're trying to quit.
For the same amount of money, you can buy these "helpers" for a few weeks-and once you've quit, you'll have a good idea how much you're saving.
Make a Quit Smoking Action Plan with advice from the American Lung Association.
For addicts who are trying to quit, exposure to the drug or even to reminders of it can cause an enormous desire for the drug.
If you're a user of smokeless tobacco, one of the best things you can do for yourself is quit.
A prescription medicine called bupropion (brand name Wellbutrin or Zyban) actually eases cravings in some people, making it easier to quit.
Although there are many good reasons to quit smoking tobacco, the process can be difficult.
Some of these symptoms can be eased with products that are specifically designed to help you quit smoking.
Each works differently, but all are meant to aid in your effort to quit smoking.
Plus, surveys show that those who use the aids shown above are twice as likely to quit smoking for good.
Whether you decide to use quit smoking aids or go cold turkey, the important thing to remember is that you are not alone.
Many people suffer from a tobacco addiction, but find it in themselves to quit once and for all.
I don't remember exactly what day I started smoking cigarettes, but I do remember the day that I quit smoking as if it were yesterday.
He said "yes, but he quit about 15 years before our conversation."
And that, "when it is time for you to quit, then you will know it and just quit for good."
I remember trying to quit off and on with no success whatsoever.
I would quit a day or two, a week or so and "bam!"
Also, my good friend Charles told me that he just picked a date to quit smoking "cold turkey".
Are you looking for the best way to quit smoking?
People who smoke always want to know the best way to quit smoking.
The most important thing is that you truly want to quit.
Perhaps like Mark Twain, you have also tried to quit before.
If you are committed to the cause, you will be able to quit.
To determine which of these methods will be the best way to quit smoking, you can take the Stop Smoking Quiz that appears on the American Cancer Society's website.
Though all of the methods mentioned above have worked for other smokers, the best way to quit smoking is to think about what smoking will do to you if you don't quit.
Remember, the only way to quit is by being committed to the project.
In some cases, it may even be dangerous for a teen to quit a drug "cold turkey".It is important to consider seeking professional treatment for your teen.
Whatever you do, do not quit taking your medicine.
Chantix is a newer medication that helps people to quit smoking.
The goal of Chantix is to cut these numbers down by helping people to quit smoking.
In five of the studies, Chantix proved far superior results when compared to a placebo in helping people to quit smoking and fight nicotine addiction.
All in all the first FDA clinicals showed that at the end of the 12-week treatment period around 44 percent of people quit smoking with Chantix.
Chantix had the best results - at the one year mark 22 percent of people who quit smoking with Chantix were still smoke free.
The newer studies were conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Associationand showed that four week quit rates for users of Chantix were at 48 percent.
For more information and help with calling it quits check out the best way to quit smoking, Smokefree.gov or Quit Smokeless.
If your New Year's resolution to quit smoking failed last year (or even the year before that) don't give up; with support this can be the year you succeed in quitting smoking.
Each year plenty of people make a New Year's resolution to quit smoking.
Nicotine is a very addictive drug, which is why it's so hard for people to quit smoking, even when they know the harmful effects of smoking.
This can be the year you plan well, get the proper support, and quit smoking for good.
Gather the skills and behaviors that can help them quit.
Your quit smoking plan needs to include some very specific items to be successful.
Choose a date to quit and mark it on your calendar.
If your friends get cranky about this suggest they quit too.
Find the right support and have your support in place before your quit date.
Your New Year's resolution to quit smoking is such an amazing step in the right direction.
The steps above are what doctors and nurses consider good treatment goals for alcohol abuse - and it's smart that someone trying to quit know them as well.
There are various kinds of supports you can line up to help you manage a resolution to quit drinking.
Research from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), among many other places, shows that people with the proper supports in place have a far easier time while trying to quit drinking than people with no supports.
By setting a resolution to quit drinking you've already tackled that first big mountain and with the proper supports can be on your way to an alcohol-free new year and life.
Making promises to family member to quit, but not really quitting.
Do you often think people should mind their own business and quit telling you to quit?
When attempting to quit smoking cigarettes, as well as dealing with the nicotine withdrawal, smokers also struggle to cope with not having an actual cigarette to hold at various times of the day.
For those people who are trying to stop using chewing tobacco, it is the chewing mechanism, along with the nicotine addiction which must be dealt with when trying to quit.
There are so many products available to those who wish to quit.
Tell your doctor about any previous attempts to quit smoking.
Hear the bad facts first, and then learn the good facts that begin to accumulate the moment you quit.
The benefits of a smoke-free life begin to accumulate a mere 24 hours after you quit smoking.
Cravings - Your body will react most strongly to the absence of nicotine during the first week after you quit smoking, but cravings will subside a little more each day.
Eventually she quit Home Improvement to focus all of her time and energy on Baywatch.
Undeterred, Mathew Knowles decided to quit his $100K+ a year job at Xerox to help the girls with their music career full time.
Angie almost quit the program when she thought her health problems were too serious.
He quit school at 15 to work on his music.
Even though the charges were dropped, McCartney had already quit the band to start a solo career.
He spent less than a year there, then quit and moved overseas where he snuck into Burma to report on students who were fighting with the Burmese government.
She quickly became head choreographer and quit school shortly thereafter.
When Moore was 16 years old, she quit high school and became a pin-up model.
Even after the number of rehab stints, it didn't seem like she was ever going to quit the life of booze and drugs.
Jameson quit doing adult films and the couple embarked on a journey of what they describe as a "monogamous" relationship.
These photos often capture Pitt with a cigarette in hand, though he has said that he'd like to quit the habit because of his children.
Depp successfully quit several years ago but he has once again taken up the habit, though he smokes much less now.
Kiefer Sutherland attempted to quit smoking after serving a 48-day jail sentence in 2007 for driving under the influence of alcohol.
If you're looking for a little inspiration to kick the habit, why not look through the list of celebrities who quit smoking?
Some have even managed to quit after smoking multiple packs of cigarettes a day for decades.
She quit smoking at home first, then started cutting down when she was out with friends.
He finally quit after smoking for forty-five years, although he said in the first few days after quitting he "felt like an ax murderer."
He quit back in 2005 by going cold turkey.
President Obama also started smoking as a teenager, but promised the First Lady he'd quit if he ran for President.
Once she had kids she quit, only to start up again.
Her co-star on the series Hope and Faith, Faith Ford, convinced her to quit again.
Brad Pitt originally quit in 2004 when he was working on the movie Troy, needing to get a little heftier for the role.
It took Angelina Jolie and his kids to get him to quit again.
She detoxed her system back in 2007, and quit both caffeine and cigarettes.
Affleck quit shortly after his wife Jennifer Garner became pregnant.
These celebrities who quit smoking used methods from hypnosis to nicotine gum to going cold turkey.
A special feature of Washtenaw is that it is a smoke-free campus as of 1996 and provides assistance for students who may wish to quit smoking and resume more healthy lifestyles.
Most of these shampoos not only kill fleas on contact when properly applied, but also contain anti-itch medication that helps soothe the flea bites, helping your pet to quit scratching.
Most pet food manufacturers have quit using BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin as preservatives due to concerns that they may cause cancer.
Not wishing to offend anyone, Taco Bell quit airing the commercials.
At some point many older adults have to quit driving due to safety issues.
Of course, it's normal to get sick a few times each year; however, if you have a cold that just won't quit even though you've been fighting it for weeks, you might want to take a look at how much you're sleeping.
But the irritants of the multiplayer maps were similar to the ones in single-person mode and we quit after 10 minutes and went to Barnes and Noble.
I'm sure with some patience I could make a decent one, but I quit after 30 minutes or so in order to play the actual game.
Now go to Quick Play Mode and choose any song you like and start playing or quit just after it begins.
You have plenty of time to save up, so quit your complaing and quit living in the past.
Also, you must successfully "save and quit" after picking up the skull.
Luckily for us though, Fuse Games doesn't know when to quit.
Make sure is says ON and then click Save and Quit.
Do this until you all the Miis you want to move are up there and click Save & Quit.
If you plan to quit after your free trial, make sure you do it within their defined time period.
This way you are closer to your current Colossus if you need to quit the game.
One frustrating thing about the game is that it makes it difficult to when you want to quit a scenario (like if you are losing or want to try something else).
You then have to press start again once it finishes loading and select quit again to get out of it.
When you are done picking out your Miis, then click '''Save & Quit''' and wait for the Wii to add them to the remote.
Soon he quit journalism and went into business for himself, calling his company Airstream.
The phones do not support multitasking; third party applications will quit rather than run in the background when you close their window.
If a school-age child sucks his or her thumb and is teased by classmates, the child may wish to quit and need help either from parents or a counselor.
If a child's dentist sees evidence that thumb sucking is causing a particular problem, the child may need to be urged to quit.
Quit smoking completely or stop smoking inside the house.
Substance abusers often make repeated attempts to quit before they are successful.
In particular, if they quit working for a time to stay home with their children, the gap in their resumes is regarded with suspicion.
A smoker has to quit the habit entirely in order to improve his health and decrease the chance of disease.
Smokers should seek medical help if they want to quit smoking but are unable to do so, or if they exhibit signs of any of the illnesses associated with long-term tobacco use.
Research shows that most smokers who want to quit benefit from the support of other people.
It helps to quit with a friend or to join a group such as those organized by the American Cancer Society.
The drug buproprion hydrochloride has shown some success in helping smokers quit.
There are a wide range of alternative treatments that can help a smoker quit the habit, including hypnotherapy, herbs, acupuncture, and meditation.
Research on smoking shows that 80 percent of all smokers desire to quit.
Still, many people attempt to quit smoking over and over again, despite the difficulties-the cravings and withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability and restlessness.
For those who do quit, it is well worth the effort.
Family members should quit smoking and others should not be allowed to smoke in the house or near the child.
Quit smoking and do not allow others to smoke inside the house.
After experiencing somewhat of a quarter life crisis, Matt quit his job in Australia and used his savings to tour Asia.
I have been working as a medical transcriber for the last three-and-a-half years but unfortunately, I am not happy with this career anymore and want to quit my job.
I need some advice about what I should say to quit my job.
A boss, manager, or supervisor who is purposely trying to create an unpleasant work environment to force an employee to quit his or her position is also guilty of workplace harassment.
If you quit your job or were fired for cause, your application is not likely to be approved.
However, people who voluntarily quit their jobs or who are fired for performance or disciplinary reasons are not eligible to receive benefits.
Actually, the first months of pregnancy may make it easier to quit than you think.
Additionally, the health of the baby will act as additional incentive to quit.
According to LoveToKnow Recovery, some people find that going cold turkey is the best way to quit smoking.
There is also a pill, called Chantix, that can help people quit smoking.
You should also quit smoking, and drinking alcohol while continuing to eat nutritiously and exercise regularly.
Before conception, it's very important to quit smoking, stop drinking, and talk to your doctor about any prescription drugs you consume.
You can find free advice and help to quit smoking at SmokeFree.gov.
In Scorpio, Virgo finds a match that actually admires his penchant for keeping things running smoothly, and Virgo is delighted that Scorpio doesn’t quit until the job is done right.
Swearing in front of friends or in boy/girlfriends' homes may cause the other parents to quit letting the child come over or stop them from dating.
Unfortunately, some parents have to quit work to stay home with their children because they simply can't afford to pay for someone else to take care of them.
It's funny, they quit and find somewhere that pays more, but they come back because we're more flexible and it's more fun - you know it's just a more relaxed environment.
A famous example of this type of classic line is when Jake from Brokeback Mountain states "I wish I could quit you!"
Others claim they quit smoking or lost weight thanks to the Silva Method.
If you indulge in any of these habits, quit.
However, not everyone finds it easy to quit.
While quitting is the best solution to saving your money and your health, using Marlboro cigarette coupons can help with the former until you are ready to quit.
If you quit, you'll save about $3,000 a year in out-of-pocket expenses, and even more on health insurance.
During Springfield's stint on the program during 2006 and 2007, his character managed to quit drinking and started healing his relationship with Patrick Drake, his son.
You'll soon discover there are plenty of ways to catch up with your favorite soap opera - without having to quit your job!
When a tattoo flash artist becomes discouraged enough to quit creating flash sets, a great source of designs is simply gone.
An unexpected opening occurred in IT this morning because XX quit.
Part of the game is that the bureaus figure that if you grow weary, you'll quit, which happens a lot.
It's standard to give your employer two weeks notice when you decide to quit.
If you're planning to quit your job and aren't sure what kind of documentation you should provide to your employers, looking at resignation letter examples can be very beneficial.
The fifth step deals with how to quit the tobacco habit.
The idea behind all of the diet patch offers is that a skin patch that delivers a combination of herbal or chemical ingredients will help a person lose weight, in much the same way as the nicotine patch helps smokers quit.
Contradictory to the school of thought that believes the way to lose weight is to quit eating, you actually need to eat something to kick your metabolism into gear.
You can control weight gain even when you quit smoking, if you combine healthy eating with a physical activity program.
People who quit smoking often gain five to ten pounds.
When you quit smoking you need to become more physically active and change your eating habits.
If you don't, you will gain weight.If you are planning to quit smoking, start challenging yourself to be more active and to improve your nutrition before you quit.
Difficult diet plans may become frustrating, causing you to quit before you reach your goals.
Perhaps you started out only able to walk 10 minutes before having to quit.
A rope that is too heavy is more likely to make you quit the workout earlier due to tired muscles than to provide great muscle definition in your arms.
Over straining and pushing ahead too quickly is the top reason most runners quit.
What's more, if a person is able to find a secure and comfortable place to exercise, he is more apt to continue with his regime rather than quit after a few sessions.
It is not "giving up" when you have to quit because of health issues.
These songs can keep you going when you really just want to quit, so don't disregard one based on genre right away.
If you do smoke, then take steps to quit smoking for good.
One example is if the employee quit because the job was misrepresented in the initial interview.
If you were fired for cause or quit your job, then the claim may be denied.
For example, people who decide to quit their job, or people who are fired for negligence, would not qualify for unemployment benefits.
If you quit your job or were fired, you will not be able to collect unemployment benefits.
A person who has chosen to quit their job can qualify.
Under COBRA law, most employees in the private sector who have either been laid off or quit their jobs can continue to participate in the employer's group health insurance plan.
You were participating in the group health insurance plan at the time you were fired, laid off, or quit your job.
Employees who had their hours reduced, quit their jobs or were fired due to gross misconduct are not eligible for the subsidy.
However, those with cut hours or who quit are still eligible for coverage according to the old rules.
If you decide to quit, you can still be eligible for COBRA coverage.
Your dependents have the right to COBRA coverage for up to 18 months if you quit, get fired or have shortened hours.
A few years later, Natori moved her lingerie business into a proper workspace and quit working for Merrill Lynch.
Mid-tour, guitarist Bernie Leadon decided that the direction the band was taking music-wise was not for him, so he quit in December '75.
When Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, and Bernie Rhodes asked him to join their new project, he quit the 101ers and joined what would become the Clash.
Marti quit the band and went into rehab to fight his long addiction to heroin, while the others went their separate ways, picking up on their personal lives.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) was successful in ceasing the original site and it seems they aren't ready to quit the battle.
Frusicante briefly quit the band as they rose to prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s, unwilling to deal with the pressures of fame.
After Mark Wahlberg quit, Jaimie Kelly joined the group.
Wilder quit the band in 1995, and Gahan, Gore and Fletcher have continued the band as a trio ever since.
Beyonce's father still saw potential in the group and quit his job to manage them full time.
Not long after Davis returned, rhythm guitarist Jason Bynum quit the group.
After Lamb quit, the band decided not to replace him and continued as a four-piece.
Mozart was soon to quit the position to begin a tour of major European cities like Mannheim and Paris in search of new employment.
The veteran players who thrive in these situations can appear quite intimidating, making more passive contestants quit or simply not return for another season.
The Ikki Twins originally sent an e-mail to MTV before Tila Tequila quit the series, but MTV didn't read it.
She quit soon after because of the incident.
Early on in the show, four contestants quit the show, and three other eliminations were essentially mutually agreed upon before the ceremony.
One major blow to Daisy came when London quit the show.
Perhaps the most realistic of all of the survivalist reality shows, the tolls of filming Survivorman eventually led Stroud to quit the program.
On the show, Paul Jr. was fired, returned, decided to quit, and was ultimately retained on a consulting basis.
Over the following months, Jon was photographed with -and rumored to be involved with- a string of other women, including Kate Major, a reporter for the National Enquirer who quit her job to be in a relationship with Jon.
He eventually quit school just as his brother Rudy had to work for the family business.
Details later emerged that James called Denton without warning and quit the group in the middle of recording a new album.
She had to quit her job to appear on the show.
From those who quit the show to those who get in trouble with the law, here are some memorable contestants who goofed, big time.
She quit the show and walked away, with only two episodes left before the winner was crowned.
Despite the protests, however, the rumors about the Manzo family just won't quit.
Ricky's ex-wife Pam was also part of the first season of the show, but she quit her job at Vexcon before the second season.
One rumor that just won't quit is that Harper is married to fellow Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels.
After the show aired, Aubrey quit the force and opened a donut shop with fellow officer Daniel Wood, located in Atoka, Tennessee.
Eventually Simon convinced Ryan to enroll in mechanic's school and got him a job at his dealership, but Ryan quit, causing even more tension.
Eventually Simon got Ryan a job, but Ryan soon quit and moved out of the house.
Things may not be fair in the Big Brother house, but if you quit you've wasted a slot thousands and thousands of people wanted.
When Max causes the death of one gang-leader's henchman, the gang responses by killing Max's partner, leading Max to quit the force to protect his wife and son.
This is where a drug like Bupropion can help because if it can help you quit you may be able to reverse some of the skin damage and also stop the premature aging process from continuing.
Studies show that as a drug to help smokers quit it has been fairly successful.
If Bupropion side effects and skin aging are concerns of yours and you don't feel that its benefits outweigh the risks, then you can try other solutions to help you quit.
After a few years of starting his blog, Darren quit his job and took the leap to becoming a full time blogger, eventually earning six figures a year.
That's the old lady who claims she's the psychic tipster but has seen God and now quit.
You quit working at the hospital?
Taxis quit coming this way after rush hour.
Things would not work out with us for many reasons, so I think we should quit while we're ahead.
You said he quit college to take care of you.
That would be an excellent reason, but actually, I quit for me.
She fully intended to quit.
Meanwhile Thiers had given place to Marshal Macmahon, who effected a decided improvement in Franco-Italian relations by recalling from Civitavecchia the cruiser Ornoque, which since 1870 had been stationed in that port at the disposal of the pope in case he should desire to quit Rome.
After the birth of his first child, Augusta, in 1737, Frederick was ordered by the king to quit St James' Palace, and the foreign ambassadors were requested to refrain from visiting him.
They were allowed £17,500 for their rights and £5000 for arrears of quit rents.
To be quit of his hateful presence he gave him a mili tary command.
The Persians were not quit of the Ephthalites until 557 when Chosroes Anushirwan destroyed their power with the assistance of the Turks, who now make their first appearance in western Asia.
The Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Acts 1883 and 1900, already referred to incidentally, contain provisions - similar to those of the English acts - as to a tenant's right to compensation for unexhausted improvements, removal for non-payment of rent, notice to quit at the termination of a tenancy, and a tenant's property in fixtures.
Local preachers received notice to quit their holdings, labourers were discharged, those who opened their cottages for meetings were evicted, and to show any hospitality to a travelling preacher was to risk the loss of home and employment.
The archbishop was thus enabled to invoke the pope's assistance, and to quit the country with some show of dignity.
During the golden age she remained among men distributing blessings, but when the iron (or bronze) age came on, she was forced to withdraw, being the last of the goddesses to quit the earth.
The resistance of the Chinese, however, obliged the Cossacks to quit their forts, and by the treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) Russia abandoned her advance into the basin of the river.
Euler's eulogium was enhanced by his desire to quit Berlin, d'Alembert's by his dread of a royal command to repair thither; and the result was that an invitation, conveying the wish of the "greatest king in Europe" to have the "greatest mathematician" at his court, was sent to Turin.
Thence he proposed going to Benares, to study the language, antiquities, and sacred laws of the Hindus; but the capture of Pondicherry obliged him to quit India.
But Bestuzhev succeeded, at last, in convincing the empress that Chetardie was an impudent intriguer, and on the 6th of June 174.4, that diplomatist was ordered to quit Russia within twenty-four hours.
While serving his time he had the misfortune accidentally to shoot a young man who came to visit him; and although through the intercession of his master he escaped prosecution, the untoward event weighed heavily on his mind, and led him at the close of his apprenticeship to quit his native place.
Cromwell directed Colonel Harrison, on the refusal of Lenthall to quit the chair, to pull him out - and Lenthall submitted to the show of force.
On the 3rd of November he arrived at Constance; shortly afterwards there was put into his hands the famous imperial "safe conduct," the promise of which had been one of his inducements to quit the comparative security he had enjoyed in Bohemia.
But Benjamin's management of the paper, and particularly his free-thinking, displeased the authorities; the relations of the two brothers gradually grew unfriendly, possibly, as Benjamin thought, because of his brother's jealousy of his superior ability; and Benjamin determined to quit his brother's employ and to leave New England.
They then summoned Montsioa to quit the territory.
In 1673 Spinoza received an invitation from the elector palatine to quit his retirement and become professor of philosophy in the university of Heidelberg.
In 1686 the English merchants at Hugli under Charnock's leadership, finding themselves compelled to quit their factory in consequence of a rupture with the Mogul authorities, retreated about 26 m.
Lord Palmerston himself declared in a letter to Lord Melbourne that he should quit the ministry if his policy was not adopted; and he carried his point.
Violent recriminations followed, the result of which, it would seem, was a promise on the part of Piso to quit the province.
Desborough himself became an object of ridicule, his regiment even revolted against him, and on the return of the Rump he was ordered to quit London.
He resolved to quit his captial Debra-Tabor, which he burned, and set out with the remains of his army for Magdala.
None of them, not even the middle-aged Dimmler, wanted to break off their conversation and quit that corner in the sitting room, but Natasha got up and Nicholas sat down at the clavichord.
But he's sucked our blood and now he thinks he's quit of us.
The Empress Elisabeth, however, when asked what instructions she would be pleased to give--with her characteristic Russian patriotism had replied that she could give no directions about state institutions for that was the affair of the sovereign, but as far as she personally was concerned she would be the last to quit Petersburg.
I was so determined to change my karma that I decided to quit smoking and volunteer at the homeless shelter.
The federal government taxes cigarettes so as to try to encourage smokers to quit.