Quincy Sentence Examples
Once more, she wore Annie Quincy's white dress.
He remained too steamed up over the Claire Quincy transactions.
As Ryland closed his door, the Quincy sisters came out of the parlor and began climbing the stairs—Effie with a cheery 'good night Mr. and Mrs. Dean,' and Claire with tight-lipped silence.
I have to tell you, Mr. Ryland is a damned sight more pleasant than bossy Miss Quincy, the sister from hell.
Most women were putty in the old man's hands, but Claire Quincy had pushed all the wrong buttons and short-circuited his good nature.
Just then, Claire Quincy descended the stairs on cue.
He stood over Claire Quincy, much too closely.
It was her way of saying that while he might have been somewhat more reserved in his response to Claire Quincy, she was admitting the guest isn't always right.
I'd still bet my last buck Claire Quincy has it in the bottom of her suitcase.
I'd try to smooth over the missing picture with Miss Worthington by telling her about this here notebook, but I can't be sure she'd keep her mouth shut and not blab about it to the Quincy ladies.
AdvertisementSomething doesn't add up with Miss Annie Quincy.
Makes reading Annie Quincy's journal a bit more interesting, doesn't it?
I can hardly wait to see the look on Claire Quincy's face when I tell her saintly Aunty Annie was turning tricks!
And what about the book the Quincy brother is writing?
He'll have to abandon it, if Annie Quincy really is—one of those girls.
AdvertisementShe turned to Fred and handed him her latest translations of Annie Quincy's diary.
Fred had spent his day seeking obituary information on Annie Quincy Martin.
Looks to me like Annie Quincy and Mrs. Martin ain't one in the same for sure.
At least she wasn't wearing the Annie Quincy white dress.
As he spoke, the Quincy sisters entered the front door.
AdvertisementCynthia asked I knew the picture Mr. O'Connor had wasn't Annie Quincy.
She and her husband related their conversation with Effie to Fred, how she had read the notebook, her comments regarding the gold coins, and their new, more respectful evaluation of Miss Effie Quincy.
Fred left with a wave and Cynthia returned to Annie Quincy's notebook.
My monthly condition excuses me from duties today so I donned my finest dress and strolled the streets of Ouray like the lady that was once Annie Quincy.
I know we'll probably never learn the answer, but I still can't fathom what could have happened back in Boston to make Annie Quincy desert a comfortable life.
AdvertisementAll that Dean could picture in his mind's eye was Annie Quincy, plying her despised trade in a darkened room.
Claire and Effie Quincy led the parade to the table.
The two of them managed to finish attending to the chatting guests, the late rising climbers and the Quincy sisters.
Fred read the latest transcribed pages of Annie Quincy's journal while the Deans cleaned up the dining room.
But at least Annie Quincy had one happy day to remember.
So far, this saga of Annie Quincy is going just like we thought.
Just then, Effie Quincy poked her head into the room.
Ryland made a beeline for his room, and the Quincy sisters tromped up the stairs, Effie giving a three-finger wave and Claire looking as if she'd punch out the lights of anyone who got in her way.
Effie Quincy stepped into the room, startled when she saw Dean, sitting there in his bathrobe.
As it tolled its final gong, Edith Shipton appeared, in her late night attire— the Annie Quincy white dress—her hair loosened about her shoulders.
The Quincy sisters sauntered down.
After milling about until nearly nine o'clock, the entire group began to trek up to the ice park and, as Claire Quincy put it, view this craziness.
Effie Quincy rushed in the door while Dean was drumming his fingers, listening to waltz music on hold.
I'm not sure Claire Quincy isn't just as pleased as Gladys.
There's the boy's father, Ryland, Gladys Turnbull, Claire Quincy....
Edith Shipton was standing by the fireplace, sobbing, Ryland was ready to swing on Fitzgerald, Claire Quincy was protesting something in the corner while Effie just looked bewildered.
She looked terrible—re-deyed, no makeup and dark roots beginning to show through her Annie Quincy blonde.
Effie Quincy was next in the hot seat, according to Fred.
Claire Quincy is another one who should be there.
If Shipton did, in fact, bust her chops over the fact Annie Quincy was a hooker, who knows, she might hate him enough to do something nasty.
It was Effie Quincy.
Has your sister given any indication Shipton might have told her the truth about Annie Quincy?
As he reached for the bedside lamp, he noticed Annie Quincy's notebook where Cynthia had been working on it.
It hangs there, waiting for me to step upon this velvet chair where I sit, tie its far descending end to my neck, and step from this world, freeing it from the guilt and troubles Annie Quincy has caused.
Dean awoke Monday morning with Annie Quincy's words still ringing in his ears, and the phone ringing on his nightstand.
I read Claire Quincy's notes on her great aunt Annie.
The Quincy sisters strolled by moments later, arm in arm.
There, at the top, in tightly bundled robe and, yes, a Mother Goose stocking cap, stood Claire Quincy!
Even Sheriff Jake Weller was there, and the city police chief and, in various costumes of night-wear, Fred, the Quincy sisters and Gladys Turnbull who'd let out a banshee scream that woke everyone but poor Edith Shipton, who'd never wake again.
Claire Quincy turned and stared at him, as if waiting for the quid pro quo of an if-you-don't-tell, I-won't-tell agreement of some sort.
He was in no mood to argue against Claire Quincy's selfish interests in preserving the strained moral reputation of the long-dead ancestor.
Dean and his stepfather looked at her, surprised she was privy to the Annie Quincy saga.
Fred O'Connor gave a brief—unusual for him—explanation of Annie, careful not to identify her as a Quincy and the sisters' ancestor.
You heard him arguing with Claire Quincy?
Dean thought about Claire Quincy standing on the top of the stairs, as Edith ascended, naked as the day she was born.
Edith Shipton commits suicide just like Annie Quincy did.
I might could buy the Annie Quincy look-alike scenario but to me, it's a hard sell to do something horrible like strangling yourself when you have a bottle of perfectly good sleeping pills a hand's reach away.
Donald Ryland and Franny Mulligan were checking out this evening, as soon as he returned with Donnie, followed by the Quincy sisters scheduled departure in the morning.
Dean wondered if Annie Quincy had ever entered through its portals.
Dean explained how Annie Quincy too had ended her life, in a carbon copy fashion, with Edith mimicking the century-old life to its final extreme.
She obsessed with the Annie Quincy story, and....
It'll give him something to do now that the Annie Quincy business is over and the sisters are returning to Boston.
She quickly added, Not for Claire's sake certainly, but for Annie Quincy.
The only people truly interested in Annie Quincy are Effie and Claire.
He thought about Annie Quincy carrying a child she would have loved to bear, but couldn't.
The Quincy sisters had left the day after Cynthia's return from Indiana.
Nor when she paraded up the stairs and gave the business to Claire Quincy.
The whole business with Annie Quincy leads up to a similar suicide.
He must have put Annie Quincy's white dress on her.
Did she ever believe she was Annie Quincy?
When he read about Annie Quincy's death, that must have seemed too perfect for him to pass up.
In a way, this whole business started with Annie Quincy.
She reached over and picked up the translated pages of Annie Quincy's notebook and began reading aloud.
As intelligent as Annie Quincy was, I still have trouble rationalizing her exit.
He preached in Quincy, and in 1859-64 in Salem, Massachusetts, and in 1862-63 was chaplain of the 40th Massachusetts Volunteers.
Denver is an important railway centre, being served by nine railways, of which the chief are the Atchison, ' Topeka & Santa Fe; the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; the Denver & Rio Grande; the Union Pacific; and the Denver, North-Western & Pacific, Denver lies on the South Platte river, at an altitude exactly m.
The country is rolling and hilly, the Blue Hills (with the exception of a part included in Braintree in 1712 and now in Quincy) lying in Milton.
There are two granite quarries in the township immediately north-west of the Blue Hills; the granite is of the "dark Quincy" variety-dark bluish grey in colour-and is used chiefly for monuments.
Pop. (1900) 10,588, of whom 1804 were foreign-born; (1 9 10 census) 9535 It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railways, by interurban electric railways, and by the Illinois & Michigan Canal.
Two years later, with that degree of moral courage which was one of his distinguishing characteristics, as it has been of his descendants, he, aided by Josiah Quincy, Jr., defended the British soldiers who were arrested after the "Boston Massacre," charged with causing the death of four persons, inhabitants of the colony.
On the 4th of July 1826, on the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, he died at Quincy.
President John Quincy Adams was their eldest son.
The adjoining Quincy market may be mentioned because its construction (1826) was utilized to open six new streets, widen a seventh, and secure flats, docks and wharf rights - all without laying tax or debt upon the city.
Sterling is served by the Chicago & Northwestern and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railways, and by inter-urban electric railway to Dixon, 12 m.
Florida is also the principal source in the United States for fuller's earth, a deposit of which, near Quincy, was first discovered in 1893 and clay (including kaolin) is also mined to some extent.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Chicago, Milwaukee & Gary ("Rockford Route") and the Illinois Central railways, and is connected by interurban electric railway with Chicago and Freeport, Illinois, and Janesville, Wisconsin.
His great difficulty lay in managing his colleagues, who were, especially Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams, able men of strong wills and jarring tempers.
The election, undecided by the popular vote, was thrown into the house, and resulted in the choice of John Quincy Adams, who in 1826 drew Gallatin from his retirement and sent him as minister to England to conduct another complicated and arduous negotiation.
Louisiana is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Chicago & Alton railways, and by several lines of river steamboats.
Resigning the secretaryship in 1848, he was elected to the national House of Representatives as an anti-slavery Whig to succeed John Quincy Adams, and was re-elected in 1849, and, as an independent candidate, in 1850, serving until March 1853.
It is the natural terminal of three great northern transcontinental railway lines - the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound (the extension of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul system); and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the connecting lines of the Canadian Pacific form lines of communication with the middle Northwest and the Pacific provinces of Canada.
Crawford, and received the electoral vote of Georgia for vice-president; but he shrewdly kept out of the acrimonious controversy which followed the choice of John Quincy Adams. He early recognized the availability of Andrew Jackson, however, as a presidential candidate, and after the election sought to bring the Crawford and Jackson followers together, at the same time strengthening his control as a party leader in the Senate.
In 1820 he was re-elected, receiving all the electoral votes but one, which William Plumer (1759-1850) of New Hampshire cast for John Quincy Adams, in order, it is said, that no one might share with Washington the honour of a unanimous election.
Jefferson, Madison, John Quincy Adams, Calhoun, and Benton all speak loudly in Monroe's praise; but he suffers by comparison with the greater statesmen of his time.
Possessing none of their brilliance, he had, nevertheless, to use the words of John Quincy Adams, " a mind.
It is served by the Wabash, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the St Louis & Hannibal railways, and by boat lines to Saint Louis, Saint Paul and intermediate points.
It is served by the Chicago Burlington & Quincy railroad and by the Galesburg & Kewanee Electric railway.
The Quincy mine, also in Houghton county, has reached a vertical depth of nearly 4000 ft.
Hastings is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-western, the Missouri Pacific and the St Joseph & Grand Island railways.
His elder brother, John Quincy Adams (1833-1894), a graduate of Harvard (1853), practised law, and was a Democratic member for several terms of the Massachusetts general court.
Another brother, Brooks Adams (1848-), born in Quincy, Massachusetts, on the 24th of June 1848, graduated at Harvard in 1870, and until 1881 practised law.
At Merry Mount, in that part of Braintree which is now Quincy, a settlement was established by Thomas Morton in 1625, but the gay life of the settlers and their selling rum and firearms to the Indians greatly offended the Pilgrims of Plymouth, who in 1627 arrested Morton; soon afterward Governor John Endecott of Massachusetts Bay visited Merry Mount, rebuked the inhabitants and cut down their Maypole.
In 1708 the town was divided into the North Precinct and the South Precinct, and it was in the former, now Quincy, that John Adams, John Hancock and John Quincy Adams were born.
Quincy was separated from Braintree in 1792 (there were further additions to Quincy from Braintree in 1856), and Randolph in 1793.
In company with his friend and classmate, Mr Quincy Shaw, he passed several months with the Ogillalah band of Sioux.
It is served by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railways.
Des Moines is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago Great Western, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Wabash, the Minneapolis & St Louis, and the Des Moines, Iowa Falls & Northern railways; also by several interurban electric lines.
It is served by the Wabash and the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City railways.
To promote the ends he had in view he suggested non-importation, instituted the Boston committees of correspondence, urged that a Continental Congress be called, sought out and introduced into public service such allies as John Hancock, Joseph Warren and Josiah Quincy, and wrote a vast number of articles for the newspapers, especially the Boston Gazette, over a multitude of signatures.
The several roads are under the management of twenty-seven companies, but about 75% of the business is done by the Chicago Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul and the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific. Electric interurban railways are increasing in importance for freight and passenger service.
Systematic quarrying of siliceous crystalline rocks in New England began at Quincy in about 1820.
Quincy granite takes a very high polish, owing to the absence of mica and to the coarser cleavage of its hornblende and augite.
The lightest of the monumental stone quarried at Quincy is called gold-leaf; it is bluish-green gray, speckled with black and light yellow brown.
According to the census of 1900 there were 33 incorporated cities in Massachusetts, of which 8 had between 12,000 and 20,000 inhabitants; 5 between 20,000 and 25,000 (Everett, North Adams, Quincy, Waltham, Pittsfield); 2 io between 25,000 and 50,000 (Holyoke, Brockton, Haverhill, Salem, Chelsea, Malden, Newton, Fitchburg, Taunton, Gloucester); 7 between 50,000 and ioo,000 (Lowell, Cambridge, Lynn, Lawrence, New Bedford, Springfield, Somerville); and 3 more than roo,000 inhabitants, viz.
Davenport is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Iowa & Illinois (interurban), and the Davenport, Rock Island & North Western railways; opposite the city is the western terminus of the Illinois and Mississippi, or Hennepin, Canal (which connects the Mississippi and Illinois rivers).
From 1822 to 1829 he was a member of the National House of Representatives,' and there voted for John Quincy Adams for the presidency, and served as chairman of the committee on agriculture.
On the opposite bank of the river is Montrose, Iowa (pop. in 1900, 748), served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway.
He died at Quincy, Mass., on the 8th of October 1793.
It is served by the Chicago, Milwaukee & Saint Paul, the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Illinois Central, and the Great Northern railways.
The old court party followed the lead of Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams in national politics, and became National Republicans and later Whigs.
From January 1846 to 1849, as the successor of Josiah Quincy, he was president of Harvard College.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Iowa Central railways, and by electric railways to Galesburg and to Rock Island.
John Quincy Adams was an intimate friend of William Plumer, the Democratic leader, and carried the state both in 1824 and 1828, but a Jackson man was elected governor in 1827, 1829, 1830 and 1831.
Tacoma is served by the Northern Pacific, the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound, and the Tacoma Eastern railways; the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway operates through trains to and from Missouri river points and Tacoma, over the Northern Pacific tracks, which are also used by the Great Northern and Oregon & Washington railways.
Fairfield is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railways.
It is on the main line of the Union Pacific railway, on a branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system, and on the main western line of the Chicago & North-Western railway, several branches of which (including the formerly independent Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley and the Sioux City & Pacific) converge here.
Weymouth is served by the New York, New Haven & Hartford railway, and is connected with Boston, Quincy, Braintree, Hingham, Nantasket and Rockland by electric lines.
Fogg; and the Tufts Library (1879, in Weymouth village), endowed by Quincy Tufts and his sister Susan Tufts.
The city is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Illinois Central railways, and by the Illinois and Michigan Canal, of which La Salle is the western terminus.
In 1817, at the instance of John Quincy Adams, the United States and Great Britain entered into a compact whereby the Great Lakes, and the waterways from them to the ocean by the St Lawrence river, which divide the United States from the Dominion of Canada, were practically excluded from any possible hostilities.
Canton is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Toledo, Peoria & Western, and the Illinois Central Electric Interurban railways.
Aurora is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western, the EIgin, Joliet & Eastern, and the Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota railways, and is connected with Chicago by an electric line.
Aurora is an important manufacturing centre; among its manufactures are railway cars - the shops of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway being 927 here - flour and cotton, carriages, hardware specialties, corsets, suspenders, stoves and silver-plate.
Endecott experienced some trouble with the previous settlers and with Thomas Morton's settlement at "Merry Mount" (Mount Wollaston, now Quincy), where, in accordance with his strict Puritanical tenets, he cut down the maypole and dispersed the merry makers.
It served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Missouri Pacific railway systems. A railway and wagon bridge spans the Missouri.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and Chicago & North-Western railways.
In 1828 he was induced to establish the Journal of the Times at Bennington, Vermont, to support the re-election of John Quincy Adams to the presidency of the United States.
It is served by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (which has repair shops here) and the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City railways.
It is pre-eminently a railway centre, being served by the Union Pacific, of which it is the principal eastern terminus, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Milwaukee & Saint Paul, the Chicago & Northwestern, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Chicago Great-Western, the Illinois Central, and the Wabash, which together have given it considerable commercialimportance.
Three other candidates, however, Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and Henry Clay, were otherwise put in the field.
These seven were Chicago (1,698,575), the second city in population in the United States, Peoria (56,100), Quincy (36,252), Springfield (34,159), Rockford (31,051), East St Louis (29,655), and Joliet (29,353).
The others were the State Psychopathic Institute at Kankakee (established in 1907 as part of the insane service) for systematic study of mental and nervous diseases; one at Lincoln having charge of feebleminded children; two institutions for the blind - a school at Jacksonville and an industrial home at Marshall Boulevard and 19th Street, Chicago; a home for soldiers and sailors (Quincy), one for soldiers' orphans (Normal), and one for soldiers' widows (Wilmington); a school for the deaf (Jacksonville), and an eye and ear infirmary (Chicago).
Up to this time, John Quincy Adams was regarded as belonging to the Federalist party, but he now found its general policy displeasing to him, was frowned upon, as the son of his father, by the followers of Alexander Hamilton, and found himself nearly powerless as an unpopular member of an unpopular minority.
Before the Spanish government ratified the treaty in 1820, Mexico, including Texas, had thrown off allegiance to the mother country, and the United States had occupied Florida by force of arms. The Monroe Doctrine (q.v.) rightly bears the name of the president who in 1823 assumed the responsibility for its promulgation; but it was primarily the work of John Quincy Adams. The eight years of Monroe's presidency (1817-1825) are known as the "Era of Good Feeling."
In 1829 Adams retired to private life in the town of Quincy; but only for a brief period, for in 1830, largely by Anti-Masonic. votes, he was elected a member of the national House of Representatives.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & Alton, the Chicago, Peoria & St Louis and the Wabash railways.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Milwaukee & Saint Paul, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Wabash railways.
It is served by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Wabash, and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railways.
From this, as from previous troubles, John Quincy Adams, then secretary of state, extricated him.
Four branches of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system enter or cross the state.
Hodges, Loimologia sive pestis nuperae apud populum londinensem narratio (London, 1672) 8vo - in English by Quincy (London, 1720), (the chief authority); Aommoypa41a or an Experimental Relation of the last Plague in the City of London, by William Boghurst, apothecary in St Giles's-in-the-Fields (London, 1666), - a MS. in British Museum (Sloane 349), containing important details; George Thomson, Aoimotomia, or the Pest Anatomized, 8vo (London, 1666); Sydenham, " Febris pestilentialis et pestis annorum 1665-1666," Opera, ed.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (which has extensive construction and repair shops here), the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Toledo, Peoria & Western (Pennsylvania system) railways; and has an extensive river commerce.
The river is spanned here by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway bridge.
Calhoun was vice-president of the United States from 1825 to 1832, during the administration of John Quincy Adams, and during most of the first administration of Andrew Jackson.
Thereafter, until the end of life, and in a field where he met, as either friend or foe, John Quincy Adams, Gallatin, Madison, Monroe, Webster, Jackson, Calhoun, Randolph and Benton, his political activity was wellnigh ceaseless.
From 1825 to 1829 he served as secretary of state in President John Quincy Adams's cabinet, and in 1831 he was elected to the United States Senate, where he served until 1842, and again from 1849 until his death.
Crawford, Andrew Jackson, and John Quincy Adams, he was a candidate for that office.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western and the Illinois Central railways; the Galena river has been made navigable by government locks at the mouth of the river, but the river traffic is unimportant.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Missouri Pacific railway systems. There are railway car-shops, and a considerable trade is done in grain and cattle.
That Mather's administration of the college was excellent is admitted even by his harsh critic, Josiah Quincy, in his History of Harvard University.'
Mather's worth has been under-estimated by Josiah Quincy, Justin Winsor and other historians out of sympathy with his ecclesiastical spirit, who represent him as only an ambitious narrow-minded schemer.
In 1828 after unsuccessful efforts to secure for him the command of the army, upon the death of Major-General Jacob Brown, and the nomination for the vice-president, on the ticket with John Quincy Adams, his friends succeeded in getting Harrison appointed as the first minister of the United States to Colombia.
After slavery had fallen Phillips associated himself freely with reformers occupied in other paths, herein separating himself from the other patrician of the movement, Edmund Quincy, who always frankly said that after slavery was abolished there was nothing else worth fighting for.
It is served by the Baltimore & Ohio South-Western, and the Burlington (Chicago, Burlington & Quincy) railways, and by steamboats plying between it and St Louis.
The industrial establishments of the city include flour, planing and saw mills, the machine shops (of the St Louis division) of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway, ice factories, pearl button factories and a shoe factory.
On his pages, close beside the Parthenon, the Sphinx, St Paul's, Etna and Vesuvius, you will find the White Mountains, Monadnock, Agiocochook, Katandin, the pickerelweed in bloom, the wild geese honking through the sky, the chick-a-dee braving the snow, Wall Street and State Street, cotton-mills, railroads and Quincy granite.
Queau de Quincy (1748-1827) administered the islands.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railways.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Union Pacific railways.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Union Pacific, the Missouri Pacific and the Chicago & North-Western railways.
Clinton is served by the Chicago & North-Western (which has machineshops here), the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railways, and is connected with Davenport by an electric line.
The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (owned by the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific railways) traverses the state along its western boundary and gives it access to a third great railway system with transcontinental service.
He spent one year as a teacher in Phillip's Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire, and then began the study of law in the office of John Quincy Adams. In 1809 Adams was appointed minister to Russia, and Everett accompanied him as his private secretary, remaining attached to the American legation in Russia until 1811.
From 1825 to 1829, during the presidency of John Quincy Adams, he was the United States minister to Spain.
To a large degree Quincy is a residential suburb of Boston.
The birthplaces of John Adams, built in 1681, and of John Quincy Adams, built in 1716, are still standing.
Quincy was also the home of Charles Francis Adams. John Adams gave to the town his valuable private library, and in 1822 founded here the Adams Academy for boys (now closed).
In the home of Josiah Quincy (1802-1882) in Wollaston Park is the Quincy Mansion School for Girls.
The public school system, the "Quincy System," was made famous in1875-1880by Col.
The manufactures of Quincy were long unimportant, with the exception of "Quincy granite,'" which was first quarried in 1825,-this being the first "systematic siliceous crystalline rock quarrying" in New England-and of which the output in the form of tombstones and monuments in 1905 was valued at $2,018,198, and in the form of "marble and stone work" was valued at $364,924.
Quincy granite, a hornblende, pyroxene, bluish or greyish, without mica, was used for the construction of the Bunker Hill monument at Charlestown (in 1826), and of King's Chapel, Boston; and for interior decorations it has found some use, for example in the Philadelphia city buildings.
In 1888 Quincy was chartered as a city.
John Quincy of Mount Wollaston, 1689-1767 (Quincy, 1909), published by the Quincy Historical Society, and containing addresses made at the celebration in February 1908 in honour of Col.
In 1858, when the Supreme Court, after the vote of Kansas against the Lecompton constitution, had decided that Kansas was a " slave " territory, thus quashing Douglas's theory of " popular sovereignty," he engaged in Illinois in a close and very exciting contest for the senatorship with Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate, whom he met in a series of debates (at Ottawa, Freeport, Jonesboro, Charleston, Galesburg, Quincy and Alton), in one of which, that at Freeport, Douglas was led to declare that any territory, by " unfriendly 1 Her death in 1853 was a great blow to him and embittered him.
Minneapolis is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Great Western, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Chicago & Northwestern, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Great.
It is served by the Union Pacific, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Colorado & Southern railways.
Its principal importance is as a railway and manufacturing centre; it is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & Alton, the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis, the Illinois Central, the Wabash, and the Litchfield & Madison railways, and by electric lines connecting with St Louis and the neighbouring towns.
Quincy is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City, and the Wabash railways, and by lines of river steamers, which find an excellent harbour in Quincy Bay, an arm of the Mississippi.
The Quincy Library, founded in 1837, has been a free public library since 1889.
There is a monument in Quincy in memory of George Rogers Clark, and the homestead (built in 1835) of John Wood, founder of the city, is now owned by the Quincy Historical Society, organized in 1896.
Quincy is the seat of St Francis Solanus College (1860) and St Mary's Institute (Roman Catholic); The Chaddock Boys' School (Methodist Episcopal), until 1900 known as Chaddock College; two schools of music; and the Gem City Business College.
The city is the seat of a Protestant Episcopal bishop. Quincy is the industrial and commercial centre of a large region.
In 1822 John Wood (1798-1880), the first white settler, built a log cabin here, and in 1825, Quincy, then having less than ten inhabitants, was made the county-seat of Adams county, both town and county being named through Wood's influence in honour of John Quincy Adams. Wood was lieutenantgovernor of the state in 1857-1860, and acting-governor in 1860-1861.
There was a general hospital of the United States Army in Quincy during the Civil War.
Quincy was incorporated as a town in 1834, and was chartered as a city in 1839.
She listed Annie Quincy and Reverend Martin on one of them ancestor search bulletin boards on the computer.
Fred had returned and was seated in the parlor with the Quincy letters and the rest of his acquired paraphernalia spread out before him on the coffee table.
By the time Dean finished shoveling, Edith Shipton was seated alone in the dining room eating her breakfast while Donnie and Fred were poring over the Annie Quincy letters and notebook in the parlor.
As Ryland closed his door, the Quincy sisters came out of the parlor and began climbing the stairs—Effie with a cheery 'good night Mr. and Mrs. Dean,' and Claire with tight-lipped silence.
He'll have to abandon it, if Annie Quincy really is—one of those girls.
As the Deans entered the kitchen they both saw with dismay, Effie Quincy, seated at the table, milk glass in one hand, and the Annie Quincy notebook in the other.
As it tolled its final gong, Edith Shipton appeared, in her late night attire— the Annie Quincy white dress—her hair loosened about her shoulders.
She looked terrible—re-deyed, no makeup and dark roots beginning to show through her Annie Quincy blonde.
The night you got screwed out of the gold coins by Claire Quincy.
Claire Quincy is no saint in anyone's book, but her motive is a mite on the thin side, isn't it?
In spite of his admonition the door opened, not to Fred O'Connor, but to Claire Quincy who closed the door behind her and stood with nervous defiance at the foot of his bed.
Fred O'Connor gave a brief—unusual for him—explanation of Annie, careful not to identify her as a Quincy and the sisters' ancestor.
She was desperate to hide any blemish on her version of ancestor Annie Quincy's sainthood.
It is served by six railways, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago Great Western, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Missouri Pacific, and the St Joseph & Grand Island; in addition there are two terminal railways.
It is served by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & Alton, the Chicago, Indiana & Southern and the Wabash railways.
Fort Madison is served by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (which has repair shops here) and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railways.
It is served by the Union Pacific, the Missouri Pacific, the 'Frisco System, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Chicago Great Western, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Chicago & Alton, the Wabash, the Kansas City Southern, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, the Leavenworth, Kansas & Western, the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient, the St Louis, Kansas City & Colorado, the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City, and the St Joseph & Grand Island railways, and by steamboat lines to numerous river ports.
Atchison is served by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Missouri Pacific railways.
It is one of the most important railway centres west of the Missouri river, being served by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Chicago Great Western, the Missouri Pacific, the Union Pacific and the Leavenworth & Topeka railways.
The most important systems are the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Missouri Pacific, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Union Pacific, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the St Louis & San Francisco systems. The first train entered Kansas on the Union Pacific in 1860.
This first settled part of Braintree - a name given in 1640 to the community then organized - after 1708 was officially called the North Precinct of the Town of Braintree; here the Adamses and the Hancocks lived, and Quincy was the birthplace of John Hancock - in a house on Hancock lot lived the first Josiah Quincy; the Mount Wollaston farm was a legacy to John Quincy (1689-1767), in whose honour the township was named on its separation from the township of Braintree in 1792, and whose name was borne by his great grandson, John Quincy Adams. In 1826 a railway about 4 m.
According to Quincy Bioscience, the company that manufactures the product, Prevagen can reduce brain cell death by as much as 50%.
Quincy advertises the capsules as vegetarian on its website.
Quincy Bioscience sells Prevagen on its product website in packs of one, three, six or 12 bottles.
Note that the information in the book may not be completely unbiased, since the Underwood is the president of Quincy Bioscience.
Some preeminent historical figures who were home-schooled include several presidents, such as George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The smoke the ashes of John Quincy Adams, but that does not have the same effect.
He got Stevie Wonder, Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson involved in the project.
In 2009, as the 25th anniversary of We Are The World drew closer, Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie were approached with the idea of re-recording the song and releasing it as a single during the 2010 World Cup.
But the show's star, selfish egotist Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen) revels in the attention and adoration showered on his character Commander Peter Quincy Taggart.
I sold Annie Quincy's dress and letters.
You told these ladies that this Annie Quincy woman probably lived here in Bird Song?
Son, Annie Quincy lived in a boarding house.
Each was signed, Your loving sister, Rachael Quincy.
Cynthia followed her husband into the room, holding the Annie Quincy dress in front of her, with a bundle of under garments beneath her arm.
She was Annie Quincy.
Anne Quincy Martin, after she married the minister fellow.
They all looked up as Edith Shipton tentatively entered the room, dressed in Annie Quincy's antique dress.
Did you see how she adopted the Annie Quincy persona?
Dean too was curious about Annie Quincy's writings but decided not to join the pair.
One minute she's in fear of her life, the next she's enthralled over Annie Quincy, dreaming about life a century ago.
Perhaps we should pay Annie Quincy's ghost a commission!
Fred O'Connor beat a hasty retreat out the back door, looking like the Pied Piper with Donnie and Martha tagging behind, the Annie Quincy notebook under his arm.
What did you find out about Annie Quincy?
The sisters Quincy were anything but a matched pair.
Claire Quincy had donned reading glasses and was scrutinizing the letters as Fred O'Connor followed his notes and explained the information on Annie Quincy he had gathered at the library.
Effie Quincy sniffed as she pulled her chair next to Dean.
Edward heard the stories from father who heard them from Grandfather Quincy who took copious notes.
He was Congressman Quincy.
Edward is saying the book is 'based on the life of Annie Quincy Martin' just so he can take some liberties with the inconsequential details that have been lost in time.
Cynthia came out of the parlor, followed by Fred, who was still seething over Claire Quincy's appropriation of the gold coins.
Besides," he added, glancing at the parlor where the Quincy sisters were still gabbing, "I feel a need to get away from here a bit."