Quash Sentence Examples
They moved to quash the indictment on which he was brought to trial.
You take the part of a mercenary pilot hired to quash a robotic rebellion on a lunar mining colony.
If the parties to the suit are dissatisfied with the judgment, they may appeal to a priest who stands higher in public estimation, or one of the parties may induce a higher authority by bribery to quash the judgment of the first.
A motion to quash a subpoena shall be filed in the appropriate United States district court or State court.
The United Nations began last year to try to quash Iraq 's surcharges by imposing a system of retroactive pricing on Iraqi oil.
And he went some way to quash the speculation that he is enjoying the top job too much to want to leave it behind.
As for the dynastic opposition, it was reduced to a rump of 66 members, a result so unsatisfactory from the point of view of the monarchy that the government offered to quash certain Conservative returns in order to provide it with more seats.