Quantum Sentence Examples
The organism is run, in the ideal, on quantum coherence.
In the quantum theory, matter which is in a false vacuum may "tunnel" to its true vacuum state.
Ever since the first science fiction stories regarding time travel and alternate dimensions were published, a growing population of researchers turn to Quantum Physics for a solution to most paranormal issues.
But in spite of a quantum measure of misery, it was a holiday weekend, the day was beautiful, as Dean discerned as soon as he managed to pry his eyes open and inhale the smell of Fred's coffee.
He still retained a small quantum of intuitive beliefs, and did not appear to see that the very existence of these could not be explained by his theory of mental action.
Areas being researched are neutrino astrophysics, the Casimir effect, quantum gravity fluctuations and laboratory astrophysics.
In yet another, quantum billiard balls exhibit the strange, probabilistic nature of quantum particles.
Looking to the future growth areas that may have a big impact are nanotechnology, quantum computing and molecular biophysics.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics implies that vacuum fluctuations are present in every quantum theory.
I suspect my disappointment was down to Fuji's marketing blurb - I expected a quantum leap in technology which wasn't there.
AdvertisementThe practical relevance of ' quantum chaos ' has - to my knowledge - yet to be demonstrated.
The GAMESS-UK Benchmark is designed to represent the typical range of calculations commonly performed by the ab initio quantum chemist.
Many aspects of quantum chromodynamics are presently probed in particle collider experiments.
Their potential use in quantum computation is very exciting.
The main problem of quantum cosmology is the lack of a quantum theory of gravity.
AdvertisementIt started with quantum theory and its radical indeterminacy.
The quantum universe does not really exist, anymore than the gage boson exists.
In addition we find that image states are also subject to quantum confinement.
Abstract The quantum noise of the light field is a fundamental noise source in interferometric gravitational-wave detectors.
Look, they haven't asked for a treatise on quantum electrodynamics.
AdvertisementHe regarded the apparent indeterminacy of quantum phenomena as a fundamental component of their nature.
Quantum Redshift is a must have game for any Xbox or racing game fan.
Quantum physics theorists maintain you can time travel and even jump into parallel worlds.
We have not been asked to review critically the quantum of the orders or the exercise of the judicial discretion.
There is a display made by Canon that uses nano-composites, but they are metallic particles and not quantum dots.
AdvertisementEinstein quantum theory COMPLEXITY AT LOW REYNOLDS NUMBER.
The very recent progress in fabrication of high-Q polymer microcavities doped by semiconductor QDs actually initiates cavity quantum electrodynamics.
The " advanced physics " package covers electromagnetism, quantum and nuclear physics and thermodynamics in twenty simulations.
Students should know classical electromagnetism and quantum mechanics before attending this course.
The quantum eraser also works by seeking an entanglement of the particle motion with the detector.
Special emphasis is given to spatially indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells.
For these men and women from the future are themselves dangerous fanatics in pursuit of their own bizarre quantum grail.
By comparison, he seemed to put little value on arguments starting from the mathematical formalism of quantum theory.
A universe with nonzero size and finite energy density appears from a quantum fuzz.
They now match up with quantum mechanics and provide a totally satisfactory solution for quantum gravitation.
Quantum creation scenarios produce gravitational waves of a calculable form and magnitude.
In quantum gravity, the role of the gage coupling, is played by the energy of a particle.
For the moment, quantum holography exists only on paper.
Fund managers have made a quantum leap from outright hostility to mild interest in housing.
Chaos theory confirms that, even without quantum indeterminacy, many phenomena would be impossible to predict.
The difficulty thereby lies in the harnessing of the quantum interference, which will determine the observable state.
The effect of finite efficiency for the quantum interrogation is delineated for the various schemes.
In the vicinity of a conical intersection, many unusual quantum effects take place.
Some of the most important like quantum theory have required great imaginative leaps.
In fact, Eberlein says, sonoluminescence may represent the first observable manifestation of quantum vacuum radiation.
Thus the process of understanding quantum mechanics is highly chaotic.
It relies heavily on the use of symbolic representations and deduction to apply quantum mechanics to a variety of situations.
Survey of a modeling hierarchy, from relativistic quantum mechanics to fluid dynamics.
In quantum mechanics, a system can never have an energy of exactly zero.
Are the resonant coherent photon-mediated interactions in semiconductor microstructures perspective for quantum computing?
His work in theoretical quantum optics recently predicted the existence of the optical analog of " black holes " .
The ' hierarchy of optics ' from quantum optics down to paraxial geometrical optics - how does it all fit together?
In theory, this quantum parallelism can be utilized for solving problems which are intractable on any classical computer.
We can routinely measure photoluminescence from individual quantum dots, also time-resolved.
At school she is an ace at quantum physics.
Probability amplitudes give probabilities when squared, and the rule for combining them was discovered by quantum physicist Richard Feynman.
Are quantum physicists looking in all the right places?
In the section on physics Laszlo makes some points about quantum physics, where I have comments.
All the standard interpretations of quantum theory posit that the cosmos changes in accordance with causal principles that are stochastic or probabilistic.
These are symptoms of the immediate prelude to quantum change.
Recent years have seen a rapid progress in two areas connected with quantum mechanics.
Only then can we assess quantum (the value) of the claim.
The enzyme will now be constructed using AMBER, and the active site treated quantum mechanically.
The minimum time-slice quantum allowed by the Threads Module under Solaris is 1 millisecond.
The indicators show a large increase of the fluorescence quantum yield upon increasing Ca2+ concentration.
The modulation frequency corresponds to the Larmor precession frequency of the spin, or the Zeeman energy splitting of the spin quantum state.
I didn't understand quantum theory before I entered the cinema and sure as hell didn't when I left.
Polkinghorne highlights that quantum mechanics and relativity are two theories that are not yet reconciled.
They can be used to calculate the quantum process of universe creation, which cannot be described using classical general relativity.
The Quantum features a unique gas strut, which lifts the wing for you during the rigging process, saving your back.
In fact, quantum teleportation has to include a light speed transmission of data.
String theory is a prime candidate for a quantum theory of gravity.
In addition to his work on quantum theory, other areas of study included thermodynamics.
A voyage of discovery through many areas of contemporary physics FROM non-equilibrium thermodynamics to quantum optics in ORDER to understand the problem of life.
The three roads are black hole thermodynamics, loop quantum gravity, and string theory.
Essential part of the workshop is concentrated on new features of quantum turbulence compared to the classical one.
The second line we can draw derives from quantum uncertainty.
The quantum vacuum can therefore flow like a fluid.
A crucial measurement for light emitting materials is their quantum yield.
Quantum mechanical modeling techniques have been used to study many different zeolites and the roles they play in the reactions they catalyze.
Much of his time again was spent on the obscure problems usually combined under the heading " quantum theory."
The court of law is the appropriate forum to establish issues of liability and quantum of damages.
Planck constant; h The fundamental constant equal to the ratio of the energy of a quantum of energy to its frequency.
That, if it were correct, would affect the quantum of the claim.
I described it as the elementary quantum of action.
Quantum theory goes back to a scientist Max Planck who in 1900 presented the theory that energy comes in discreet units called quanta.
These materials are prepared both as thin films and isolated quantum dots.
It is a challenging task to study these problems in the setting of quantum computation.
You can learn more on quantum cryptography from our tutorials.
We discuss applications to fundamental quantum physics experiments and quantum information processing investigations.
I did n't understand quantum theory before I entered the cinema and sure as hell did n't when I left.
I 've been looking into quantum touch energy healing which can apparently realign bones.
We extend the semiclassical theory of scarring of quantum eigenfunctions by classical periodic orbits to include situations where these orbits undergo generic bifurcations.
The study of how quantum systems, whose classical counterparts are chaotic, behave in the semiclassical limit has been called quantum chaos.
This is known as the semiclassical approximation because its validity lies somewhere between that of classical and quantum physics.
The semiclassical quantization of the normal form has been investigated and in some cases a very good agreement with quantum results was found.
Unlikely, although quantum of spousal maintenance orders and provision after short marriages may increase in some cases.
For example, the summation of divergent series is of great importance in the large order perturbation theory of quantum mechanical systems.
A sequence of electrons in these superposed states gives you much more subtle information - quantum information.
I sympathize with these feelings, but the Anthropic Principle seems essential in quantum cosmology.
Quantum mechanics also provides the basis for technological innovations ranging from lasers to silicon chips.
Other aspects of quantum communication appear in the news from time to time, for example teleportation of the quantum state of an atom.
Many believe that the strange properties of the high temperature superconductors may be related to a hidden quantum critical point in these materials.
In the quantum theory, matter which is in a false vacuum may ` tunnel ' to its true vacuum state.
Here disclosure of the " without prejudice " negotiations would include disclosure of the undecided contentious point of quantum of damage.
In the quantum world, as in life, it 's by an unrelenting desire to try and try.
We are not in a zero-sum game; there is no fixed quantum of ' jobs ' to which the country is entitled.
In 1984 Quantum became the first company to market zinc lozenges.
When graduating from one difficulty setting to the next, it will feel like you took a quantum leap in difficulty.
Quantum Redshift is a beautiful futuristic racer that showed off the graphics processing power early in the Xbox's life.
In Quantum Redshift you race around various richly-detailed tracks grabbing power-ups, shooting your opponents and trying to get first place.
It's not the quantum leap we got going from the PlayStation to the PlayStation 2, but it's hard to ignore.
Make sure that you have an adequate data plan before proceeding, but you can see how wireless broadband is a quantum leap in robustness above older wireless technologies like GPRS/EDGE.
You have to remember that this is no Palm Centro; Palm's newest phone is a quantum leap forward from that.
These principles, namely the Law of Attraction, the Law of Magnetism, etc., are actually real principles and phenomena that take place in the universe by way of quantum physics.
In the past several years serious research into paranormal phenomena has been on the upswing along with many of the findings in quantum physics.
Many quantum physicists believe that time is a poorly understood force, just like gravity.
Her mother is actress Deborah Pratt who portrayed Marella on Airwolf and the voice of Ziggy on Quantum Leap among her many roles.
Quantum Leap is more fantasy than science fiction; once the project was seized by the mysterious higher power, science went out the window.
Quantum Leap premiered on NBC in 1989 and ran for four and a half years.
Bakula brought name recognition and an established fan base from his years on Quantum Leap.
Is such technology pure fantasy or is there any basis in quantum physics for this?
Plus science has perfected new quantum cascade lasers that emit more light than heat.
The series followed the adventures of Captain Jonathon Archer (Scott Bakula, Quantum Leap, Chuck).
In convocation, when the supremacy was discussed (11th of February 1531), he declared that acceptance would cause the clergy "to be hissed out of the society of God's holy Catholic Church"; and it was his influence that brought in the saving clause, quantum per legem Dei licet.
The counterexample is the quantum exterior algebra in 2 variables.
It so far exceeded the reasonable ambit of his discretion on quantum as to be plainly wrong.
Results have been used to perform quantum efficiency and escape intensity analysis for various detector sizes over a wide energy range.
In 1925 Heisenberg had developed the first coherent mathematical formalism for quantum theory (Heisenberg, 1925 ).
His first venture, Quantum International Sales, boasts $500 billion in annual sales.Harrington is known for encouraging startup businesses, and has founded two networking organizations to help entrepreneurs achieve success.
The ego and non-ego limit one another, or determine one another; and, as limitation is negation of part of a divisible quantum, in this third act, the divisible ego is op-posed to a divisible non-ego.