Quadrant Sentence Examples
The pilots were all Indians, and they used the forestaff and quadrant for their observations.
The first root after zero is thus in the third quadrant, corresponding to m =1.
The old method of giving quadrant elevation by clinometer was obviously too slow.
Flamsteed, from measurements made in 1689 and succeeding years with his mural quadrant, similarly concluded that the declination of the Pole Star was 40" less in July than in September.
It is found that the alteration of the tangent elevation is almost insensible, but the quadrant elevation requires the addition or subtraction of the angle of sight.
There are three fronts; the principal, towards College Green, is a colonnade of the Ionic order, with façade and two projecting wings; it connects with the western portico by a colonnade of the same order, forming the quadrant of a circle.
He ascertained the distribution of electricity among several spheres (whether equal or unequal) placed in contact in a straight line; and he measured the distribution of 2 In 1878 Clerk Maxwell repeated Cavendish's experiments with improved apparatus and the employment of a Kelvin quadrant electrometer as a means of detecting the absence of charge on the inner conductor after it had been connected to the outer case, and was thus able to show that if the law of electric attraction varies inversely as the nth power of the distance, then the exponent n must have a value of 2 t Isua.
The astrolabe quadrant or cross-staff enabled the mariner to determine"his latitude with a certain amount of accuracy, but for his longitude 1 See fig.
In speaking of quadrant elevation a brief reference was made to the necessity for making an allowance for difference of level of gun and target.
The first logarithms to the base e were published by John Speidell in his New Logarithmes (London, 1619), which contains hYPerbolic log sines, tangents and secants for every minute of the quadrant to 5 places of decimals.
AdvertisementQuadrant electrometers have also been designed especially for measuring extremely small potential differences.
If the two quadrants are at different potentials, the needle moves from one quadrant towards the other, and the image of a spot of light on the scale is therefore displaced.
She even makes the rebel captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) her second in command, gives the convict Tom Paris a temporary Starfleet commission, and adds two Delta Quadrant natives to her crew as native guides.
A small upper thoracic laminectomy is carried out and the anterolateral quadrant of the spinal cord is sectioned with specially designed blades.
There may be pain in the right lower quadrant where the contents from the small intestine enter the large intestine (caecum ).
AdvertisementQuadrant III Quadrant III gives a macroscopic, not microscopic view, in other words a ' bird's-eye-view ' .
Perform rotational movements and downward pressure over this quadrant while keeping the patella stabilized with the non-dominant index finger and thumb.
Lost in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the USS Voyager face the perils of the long journey back to Earth.
Only play in more closely at using a quadrant.
At present, the south east quadrant of the town is the least well served by public parking.
AdvertisementThe Federation, Cardassia, the Klingons, Romulans and all races in the alpha quadrant must learn to reconcile their differences and make peace to unite against a common (and deadly) enemy.
The remaining survivors fled and scattered themselves across the delta quadrant and beyond.
His most dangerous 'trick' is when he tosses the Enterprise into the Delta Quadrant, where they meet the implacable Borg for the first time.
Janeway's task to hold her crew together and to integrate the Maquis and battling the Borg as they tried to return from the Delta Quadrant, gave her a unique perspective.
The big three was comprised of Commander Benjamin Sisko, a Starfleet officer and Major Kira Nerys, a Bajoran military officer and Security Offiicer Odo, a shape shifter from another quadrant.
AdvertisementStar Trek Voyager provided more than one first in the Star Trek universe as the little ship entered a wormhole and found itself lost in the delta quadrant.
He also compiled astronomical tables and a treatise on the quadrant.
The curve is symmetrical about the line x = y, and consists of two infinite branches asymptotic to the line x+y+a = o and a loop in the first quadrant.
Symmetrical Electrometers include the dry pile electrometer and Kelvin's quadrant electrometer.
Missouri lies very frequently in the dangerous quadrant of the great cyclonic storms passing over the Mississippi valley - indeed, northern Missouri, lies in the area of maximum frequency of tornadoes.
He had meantime (in 1742) been appointed to succeed Edmund Halley as astronomer royal; his enhanced reputation enabled him to apply successfully for an instrumental outfit at a cost of 1000; and with an 8-foot quadrant completed for him in 1750 by John Bird (1709-1776), he accumulated at Greenwich in ten years materials of inestimable value for the reform of astronomy.
He also invented a reflecting sextant for observing the distance between the moon and the fixed stars, - the same in every essential as the instrument which is still in everyday use at sea under the name of Hadley's quadrant.
With Gunter's name are associated several useful inventions, descriptions of which are given in his treatises on the Sector, Cross-staff, Bow, Quadrant and other Instruments.
Gunter's Quadrant, an instrument made of wood, brass or other substance, containing a kind of stereographic projection of the sphere on the plane of the equinoctial, the eye being supposed to be placed in one of the poles, so that the tropic, ecliptic, and horizon form the arcs of circles, but the hour circles are other curves, drawn by means of several altitudes of the sun for some particular latitude every year.
These suggestions took practical shape by a decree of the National Assembly in 1790 appointing a committee to consider the suitability of adopting either the length of the seconds pendulum, a fraction of the length of the equator or a fraction of the quadrant of the terrestrial meridian..
Nevil Mas kelyne, who succeeded him in 1764, set on foot, in 1767, the publication of the Nautical Almanac, and about the same time had an achromatic telescope fitted to the Greenwich M aske mural quadrant.
It was the only parish church by Wren to have an apse, which was joined to the main body by a quadrant bay.
Going further eastwards, nine houses had been constructed in the Quadrant, ideal for sea bathing quarters.
The inflammatory mass around the cholecystocolic fistula in the right upper quadrant was left undisturbed to minimize operative morbidity.
Again, these symbols indicate the nature of the transformations when moving from a hexagram in one quadrant to a hexagram in one quadrant to a hexagram in another.
If the man does not individualize in quadrant two, then the therapist can proceed to ask quadrant four questions.
The shared bathroom is fully tiled and has quadrant shower, toilet, wash basin and heated towel rail.
The vigorous depression will drift away northwards, leaving winds mostly coming from the northwest quadrant.
This is situated in the northeast quadrant of the city close to the eastern section of the city wall.
The component label is a 50 mm x 50 mm label which is affixed to the lower left quadrant of the base label.
John's ulcer was generally shallow and covered in red granulation tissue but was deeper in the lower, outer quadrant.
There is also Halley's 8 foot mural quadrant of 1725.
The development of the south west quadrant of the village was completed in 1996 with the Alder Way area.
A second educational position represented on the top right quadrant of Figure I, is discovery learning.
The second part of this arc starts at the 12 o ' clock quadrant point and ends at roughly 10 o ' clock.
The towpath side bottom quadrant wall is now finished, with special ' psychedelic ' blue and red brickwork capping!
From here there is a regular bus service to the Quadrant Bus Station alongside the Theater.
The Laurel vanity unit teamed with a quadrant shower enclosure and fabulous 4 jet shower panel.
The motif is no longer diachronic; in Quadrant II time is frozen and the motif becomes vertical, going downwards.
The primary way to reach wiz is to spend most of your time in the top, right-hand quadrant of the mortal graph.
Tartaglia claimed the invention of the gunner's quadrant.
Minor improvements in tangent sights certainly were made, notably an automatic clamp, but quadrant elevation was mainly used, and in the case of guns equipped with position-finders (see Range-Finder) the guns could be layed for direction by means, of a graduated arc on the emplacement and a pointer on the mounting.
The instrument consists of a high-voltage continuous-current dynamo which creates a potential difference between the needle and the two quadrants of a quadrant electrometer (see Electrometer).
He then explains how he verified the canon, and so found that there were no essential errors in it, although there were a few inaccuracies near the beginning of the quadrant, and he proceeds, " Haec to obiter scire volui, ut quibus to methodis incesseris, quas non dubito et plurimas et ingeniosissimas tibi in promptu esse, eas publici juris fieri, mihi saltem (puto et caeteris) scires fore gratissimum; eoque percepto, tua promissa folio 57, in debitum cecidisse intelligeres."
There are three fronts; the principal, towards College Green, is a colonnade of the Ionic order, with façade and two projecting wings; it connects with the western portico by a colonnade of the same order, forming the quadrant of a circle.
The conclusion to which the above observers came was that any quadrant electrometer made in any manner does not See Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism (2nd ed., Oxford, 1881), vol.
John 's ulcer was generally shallow and covered in red granulation tissue but was deeper in the lower, outer quadrant.
The figure above is a schematic description of the quadrant detector.
The Up direction signals have upper quadrant arms on tubular posts.
Clinical findings include fever, chill and right upper quadrant pain.
The towpath side bottom quadrant wall is now finished, with special ' psychedelic ' blue and red brickwork capping !
Upper Quadrant Signal A semaphore signal in which the arm was raised to indicate ' off ' or ' clear '.
Look for a shower with a curved side quadrant base; these bases are square, but the sides are curved instead of sharp, which will help create more space.
The first quadrant of the Time Management Matrix requires you to list all of your tasks and responsibilities that are both important and urgent.
The second quadrant is for the items that are important but not urgent.
The third quadrant is for tasks and responsibilities that are urgent but not important.
The fourth quadrant is for the things that are neither important nor urgent.
You should avoid the items that are listed in this quadrant as they can waste precious time.
Make a commitment to spend most of your time on the tasks and responsibilities that you listed in the second quadrant, as this is where the bulk of the most significant things you need to accomplish will fall.
By focusing most of your time on the items in quadrant two, far fewer items that didn't start out as emergencies will end up falling into quadrant one.
Some of the issues that can appear in the first quadrant may be beyond your control, and may come up when you least expect them.
Addressing responsibilities in the second quadrant in a timely manner allows you more time to deal with urgent matters that are unexpected whenever they arise.
However, if you ignore or put off items that started out in quadrant two, they can quickly become urgent, creating emergencies that could easily have been avoided.
Many of the items that fall into quadrant three are really things that can be put off or avoided altogether, though we often fool ourselves into thinking that they are important simply because they seem to have a sense of urgency.
Create daily to-do lists or charts to help you focus your time, and prioritize the tasks by quadrant.
If you find yourself being pulled away from something that's in your second quadrant, stop and ask yourself if it's really urgent and important.
Each one has a different area of urgency, from "urgent and important" to "neither urgent nor important." Covey recommends spending the most time in quadrant two to be productive and use time most efficiently.
This can also help you realize which quadrant you're spending most of your energy.
The object of Backgammon is to get all fifteen of your checkers off the board by moving them all into your inner quadrant and then removing them.
You must always move your checkers towards your inner quadrant, never backwards, and you can't move to any point that has two or more of your opponent's checkers on it.
On the next turn, that player must move the checker off the bar and onto the board starting at their opponent's inner quadrant.
If a player rolls a 2 and a 3, for example, they must put the checker on the bar on either point 2 or 3 of their opponent's inner quadrant.
Any number of checkers can get bumped onto the bar, which makes this a great strategy to keep the other player busy while you move all of your checkers to your inner quadrant.
To win, you must get all of your checkers to your inner quadrant and then begin moving them off the board.
Blockage of the appendix then causes inflammation, increased pressure, and restricted blood flow, leading to abdominal pain and tenderness in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.
Apply a different color of dye to each "quadrant" of the shirt roll.
Different colors of dye are then applied to each quadrant of the roll.
It offers reliable travel from the Bajoran planet in the alpha quadrant to the unexplored gamma quadrant.
Upon returning to the alpha quadrant, Sisko learns that the Bajorans worship the aliens inside the wormhole, calling them the ancient Prophets.
Because Sisko is regularly contacted by these aliens, he is unwillingly given the title of Emissary, a religious figurehead position he uncomfortably accepts.As the seasons progress, more information about the gamma quadrant is learned.
In 1784 the French government decided that new tables of sines, tangents, &c., and their logarithms, should be calculated in relation to the centesimal division of the quadrant.
The small area of lattice degeneration in the superior temporal quadrant OS remained free of retinal breaks.
This scene is made even more photogenic by a large steering quadrant.
In the upper right hand quadrant of Virgo lies the center of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies.
The mariner's astrolabe was superseded by John Hadley's quadrant of 1731.
Prony (1755-1839) in the formation of the great French tables of logarithms of numbers, sines, and tangents, and natural sines, called the Tables du Cadastre, in which the quadrant was divided centesimally; these tables have never been published (see Logarithms).
Upper quadrant signals were raised to indicate ' clear '.
It's discovered that much of the gamma quadrant is under the control of the Founders, a race whose true identity is revealed later in the series.
Because of the wormhole, the alpha quadrant is in danger of these fierce dictators.
They find themselves in the Delta Quadrant on the far side of the galaxy, seventy-five years' travel from home.
But the Voyager crew doesn't just make new friends in the Delta Quadrant, they also make new enemies.
Following what was essentially a hunch, he traveled to a remote planet in the gamma quadrant and discovered his people's home world hiding in the darkness of space.
Captain Janeway came in for her share of criticism for various decisions she made during Voyager's sojourn in the Delta Quadrant; if you want to start a heated argument at a Star Trek convention, just say the work "Tuvix".
Once the two crews are combined, a replacement is needed for Voyager's chief engineer, killed in the initial damage when Voyager was thrown to the Delta Quadrant.
A yard scale of varnished paper, made out locally for quadrant elevation with regard to height of site, was usually pasted over this.
The next great advance on the Trigonometria artificialis took place more than a century and a half afterwards, when Michael Taylor published in 1792 his seven-decimal table of log sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant; it was calculated by interpolation from the Trigonometria to 10 places and then contracted to 7.
The pattern is that of a true sight, that is to say, the base plate is capable of movement about two axes, one parallel to and the other at right angles to the axis of the gun, and has cross spirit-levels and a graduated elevating drum and independent deflection scale, so that compensation for level of wheels can be given and quadrant elevation.
An automatic sight is a sight connected in such a manner with the elevating gear of the gun, that when the sight is directed on the water-line of a target at any range the gun will ---- have the proper quadrant g B elevation for that range.
The automatic sight has, however, distinct limitations; it depends for its accuracy on height of site, and at long ranges even from a high site it cannot compare for accuracy with independent range-finding and careful laying or accurately applied quadrant elevation; it is also useless when the water line of the target is obscured, as may often be the case from the splashes caused by bursting shell.
There are methods of measuring electrical power by means of electrostatic voltmeters, or of quadrant electrometers adapted for the purpose, which when so employed may be called electrostatic wattmeters.
The title of Gunter's book, which is very scarce, is Canon triangulorum, and it contains logarithmic sines and tangents for every minute of the quadrant to 7 places of decimals.
The next publication was due to Vlacq, who appended to his logarithms of numbers in the Arithmetica logarithmica of 1628 a table giving log sines, tangents and secants for every minute of the quadrant to ro places; there were obtained by calculating the logarithms of the natural sines, &c. given in the Thesaurus mathematicus of Pitiscus (1613).
Briggs appreciated clearly the advantages of a centesimal division of the quadrant, and by dividing the degree into hundredth parts instead of into minutes, made a step towards a reformation in this respect, and but for the appearance of Vlacq's work the decimal division of the degree might have become recognized.
I „ Logarithms of the ratios of arcs to sines from 04 00000 to 0 4.05000, and log sines throughout the quadrant 4 „ Logarithms of the ratios of arcs to tangents from 0 4 00000 to 0 4.05000, and log tangents throughout the quadrant 4 The trigonometrical results are given for every hundred-thousandth of the quadrant (to" centesimal or 3" 24 sexagesimal).
A vast improvement in this instrument was made by the invention of the quadrant electrometer by Lord Kelvin, which is the most sensitive form of electrometer yet devised.
Other accessories are an hour-circle, around the north pole, a compass placed beneath the globe, and a flexible quadrant used for finding the distances between places.
This is called " quadrant elevation," and the proper inclination was given by means of the " gunner's quadrant," a quadrant and plumb bob, one leg being made long to rest in the bore, or by bringing lines scribed on the breech of the gun in line with a pointer on the carriage; these were called " quarter sights."
In coast defence artillery, owing to the fact that the guns are on fixed mountings at a constant height (except for rise and fall of tide) above the horizontal plane on which their targets move, and that consequently the angle of sight and quadrant elevation for every range can be calculated, developments in sights, in a measure, gave way to improved means of giving quadrant elevation.
In the navy the conditions of an unstable platform rendered quadrant elevation of little use, and necessitated a special pattern of tangent sight to facilitate firing the moment the roll of the ship brought the sights on the target.
He introduced several practical improvements, such as the measurement of time to tenths of a second; and he prevailed upon the government to replace Bird's mural quadrant by a repeating circle 6 ft.
This value of is the tangent elevation (T.E); the quadrant elevation (Q.E.) is -S, where S is the angular depression of the line of sight and if 0 is h ft.
In the same year Vlacq published at Gouda his Trigonometria artificialis, giving log sines and tangents to every ro seconds of the quadrant to ro places.
As the Tables du Cadastre remained unpublished, other tables appeared in which the quadrant was divided centesimally, the most important of these being Hobert and Ideler's Nouvelles tables trigonometriques (1799), and Borda and Delambre's Tables trigonometriques decimates (1800-1801), both of which are seven-figure tables.
In the second part Peregrinus describes first an improved floating compass with fiducial line, a circle graduated with 90 degrees to each quadrant, and provided with movable sights for taking bearings.
They found from observations that the particular quadrant electrometer they used might be made to follow one or other of three distinct laws.
Guided by these experiments, Ayrton, Perry and Sumpner constructed an improved unifilar quadrant electrometer which was not only more sensitive than the White pattern, but fulfilled the theoretical law of working.
The quadratrix of Tschirnhausen is constructed by dividing the arc and radius of a quadrant in the same number of equal parts as before.
The hake moves laterally on a quadrant and it is thus possible to give the plough a tendency to left or right by moving the hake in the reverse direction.
The lower quadrant of the casing is enlarged spirally, so as to leave a narrow rectangular opening at the bottom, through which the air is discharged into a chimney of gradually increasing section carried to a height of about 25 ft.
Radii are drawn from the centre of the quadrant to the points of division of the arc, and these radii are intersected by the lines drawn parallel to BC and through the corresponding points on the radius AB.
Proposition 30 describes the construction of a curve of double curvature called by Pappus the helix on a sphere; it is described by a point moving uniformly along the arc of a great circle, which itself turns about its diameter uniformly, the point describing a quadrant and the great circle a complete revolution in the same time.