Qing Sentence Examples
To stop insurgence, the Qing emperor simply outlaws marshal arts.
As an example we may take the instance of Qing, the Bushman hunter.
Qing, when first he met white men, was asked about his religion.
But in the mythological account of Cagn given by Qing he appears as a kind of grasshopper, supernaturally endowed, the hero of a most absurd cycle of senseless adventures.
They know about " men who brought the sun," but their doctrines are revealed in mysteries, and Qing, the informant of Mr Orpen (Cape Monthly Magazine, July 1874), " did not dance that dance " - that is, had not been initiated into all the secret doctrines of his tribe.
According to Qing, creation was the work of Cagn (the mantis insect), " he gave orders and caused all things to appear."