Pyroclastic Sentence Examples
The amount of volcanic material, consisting of both pyroclastic material and lava flows, is great.
Pyroclastic fragmental volcanic material that has been blown into the atmosphere by an explosive eruption.
About 60 million cubic meters of dome and crater wall traveled to the south as a debris avalanche and pyroclastic density currents.
On 25 June 1997, pyroclastic flows from an eruption resulted in the first deaths directly caused by the volcano.
Tuff A type of pyroclastic rock which is derived from the collapse of volcanic ash clouds.
Two of the trips to the Páramo ended in pyroclastic events.
His Ph.D. focused on the processes involved in the deposition of subaqueous pyroclastic flows and was supervised by Steve Sparks.
To survey the main building types in the areas principally at risk and to assess their vulnerability to pyroclastic flow and tephra fall damage.
Igneous rocks, whether lava flows or pyroclastic ejections, are less important in the Quaternary than in the Tertiary, though volcanic activity is known to have continued into the Quaternary.
They had either gone out to check a nearby pyroclastic fall deposit or had spent the night asleep on the beach !