Pyramids Sentence Examples
Thirty miles north are the pyramids of Meroe.
Pyramids of the Old and Middle kingdoms form a chain 20 m.
Great as it was, it created no empire outside the Nile valley, and its most imposing monument, which according to the testimony of the ancients rivalled the pyramids, is now represented by a vast stratum of chips.
The finding of worked iron in the Great Pyramids seems to corroborate this view.
Pyramids were erected for queens as well as for kings, and the position of the queens was little inferior to that of their consorts, though, so far as monumental representations go, they always yielded precedence to the latter.
Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus are historical personages of the fourth Egyptian dynasty, in correct order, and they built the three pyramids attributed to them here.
They were pyramids on a square or oblong base, rising in successive terraces to a small summit-platform.
The pyramids of Egypt, the mausolea of the Lydian kings, the circular, chambered sepulchres of Mycenae, and the Etruscan tombs at Caere and Vold, are lineally descended from the chambered barrows of prehistoric times, modified in construction according to the advancement of architectural art at the period of their erection.
He accepted a division in the expedition to Egypt under Bonaparte, but was wounded in the head at Alexandria in the first engagement, which prevented his taking any further part in the campaign of the Pyramids, and caused him to be appointed governor of Alexandria.
In late times the priests of Denderah claimed Khufu as a benefactor; he was reputed to have built temples to the gods near the Great Pyramids and Sphinx (where also a pyramid of his daughter Hentsen is spoken of), and there are incidental notices of him in the medical and religious literature.
AdvertisementHe was barely persuaded from ordering the barrage to be built with stone from the pyramids!
In it we have(a) the recently discovered inscriptions of the 1st Dynasty, too brief and concise to throw much light on the language of that time; and the great collections of spells and ritual texts found inscribed in the Pyramids of the Vth and VIth Dynasties, which must even then have been of high antiquity, though they contain later additions made in the same style.
The most impressive form of solitary cone is that wherein after vast denudation a thick overlying formation has been reduced to a single outlier, such as Morven in Caithness, the two Bens Griam in Sutherland, and still more strikingly, the pyramids of red sandstone on the western margin of the shires of Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty.
Of the phosphotungstic acids the most important is phosphoduodecitungstic acid, H 3 PW, 2040 nH 2 O, obtained in quadratic pyramids by crystallizing mixed solutions of orthophosphoric and metatungstic acids.
Silicotungstic acid is obtained as quadratic pyramids from its mercurous salt which is prepared from mercurous nitrate and the salt formed on boiling gelatinous silicic acid with a polytungstate of an alkali metal.
AdvertisementIn 1881 he began a long series of important surveys and excavations in Egypt, beginning with the pyramids at Giza, and following up his work there by excavations at the great temple at Tanis (1884), and discovering and exploring the long-lost Greek city of Naucratis in the Delta (1885), and the towns of Am and Daphnae (1886), where he found important remains of the time when they were inhabited by the Pharaohs.
Laplace developed a theorem of Vandermonde for the expansion of a determinant, and in 1773 Joseph Louis Lagrange, in his memoir on Pyramids, used determinants of the third order, and proved that the square of a determinant was also a determinant.
The importance of their heliacal risings, or first visible appearances at dawn, for the purposes both of practical life and of ritual observance, caused them to be systematically noted; the length of the year was accurately fixed in connexion with the annually recurring Nile-flood; while the curiously precise orientation of the Pyramids affords a lasting demonstration of the high degree of technical skill in watching the heavens attained in the third millennium B.C. The constellational system in vogue among the Egyptians appears to have been essentially of native origin; but they contributed little or nothing to the genuine progress of astronomy.
This elevated region is broken in all directions by mountains, from which the crystalline rocks show most frequently as huge bosses, and in certain regions present very varied and picturesque outlines, resembling Titanic castles,cathedrals,domes, pyramids and spires.
Five equilateral triangles covertically placed would stand on a pentagonal base, and it was found that, by forming several sets of such pyramids, a solid could be obtained which had zo triangular faces, which met in pairs to form 30 edges, and in fives to form 12 vertices.
AdvertisementIn the immediate neighbourhood of Jebel Barkal (the " holy mountain " of the ancient Egyptians), a flat-topped hill which rises abruptly from the desert on the right bank of the Nile a mile or two above the existing village of Merawi (Merowe), are many pyramids and six temples, the pyramids having a height of from 35 to 60 ft.
Pyramids are also found at Zuma and Kurru on the right bank, and at Tangassi on the left bank of the river, these places being about 20 m.
On the left bank of the Nile opposite Merawi are the pyramids of Nuri, and a few miles distant in the Wadi Ghazal are the ruins of a great Christian monastery, where were found gravestones with inscriptions in Greek and Coptic. Ruins of various ages extend from Merawi to the Fourth Cataract.
Thirty miles north of the town of Shendi are the pyramids of Meroe (or Assur) in three distinct groups.
From one of these pyramids was taken " the treasure of Queen Candace," now in the Berlin Museum.
AdvertisementMany of the pyramids have a small shrine on the eastern side inscribed with debased Egyptian or Meroite hieroglyphics.
These pyramids are on the right bank of the Nile, that is in the " Island of Meroe."
The buildings stand upon raised terraces, or upon truncated pyramids, approached by broad stairways, usually of cut stone.
The ruined temples and pyramids are noted for their exquisite carvings.
We cooked so many fabulous dishes, from duck confit and chicken salad to poussin, which we stuffed and twisted into perfect pyramids.
The following program was also about showing the cross-pollination of some of the pyramids built on just one continent, the African continent.
The form of David Mitchell's Six-way Brick is a rhombic dodecahedron from which twelve small rhombic pyramids have been removed.
The pyramids had the purpose of keeping the land fertile by charging it with yang energy.
F rotates the icosahedron in various ways apparently looking for pentagon based pyramids on the " left " and " right " hand sides.
Active volcanoes, ice fluted pyramids and immense rock monoliths are just a few examples of what this fantastic continent has to offer.
In the City I the tops of the pyramids form a perfect pentagon.
The site includes 7 plazas, 2 ball courts, 6 plain Stela and 1 alter, as well as temple pyramids.
In origami this term is often misused to mean any star-like form produced by adding pyramids to the faces of a convex polyhedron.
Built over 4000 years ago, the Step pyramid at Saqqara predates the great pyramids by over 1000 years.
The Predators gave humans knowledge and taught them how to construct pyramids.
Are they inverted pyramids, referring to the Egyptian book of the dead?
Originally there were probably 15 or 20 of these steep-sided, truncated pyramids around the bay.
From here visit the enticing colonial town of Taxco or the enormous Aztec pyramids at Teotihuacán.
The first was the obvious similarity in shape to the early Egyptian pyramids.
It actually predates the pyramids of Egypt and the current consensus is that it was an astronomical observatory.
The form of David Mitchell's Six-way Brick is a rhombic dodecahedron from which twelve small rhombic dodecahedron from which twelve small rhombic pyramids have been removed.
Can Danger Mouse and his bumbling sidekick Penfold keep us safe from deadly sound guns, giant chickens, pyramids and robot ghosts?
First to Giza, where youâll stand in wonder at the huge Pyramids and see the enigmatic sphinx.
Beside the great pyramids at Giza stands a giant sphinx (a lion's body with a man's head ).
I hired a taxi at 2 o'clock a.m. to take me out to the pyramids.
They look like huge human pyramids formed by acrobatic troupes dressed in carnival costumes.
His favourite argument against any reform was to appeal to the Pyramids as an immutable proof of the solidity of Egypt financially and politically.
Besides his papers in the Philosophical Transactions, the principal works of Greaves are Pyramidographia, or a Description of the Pyramids in Egypt (1646); A Discourse on the Roman Foot and Denarius (1649); and Elementa linguae Persicae (1649).
Beyond are the Ethiopian temples and pyramids of Jebel Barkal and the other pyramids of Napata at Tangassi, &c., the still later pyramids of Meroe at Begerawia, and the temples of Mesauwart and Naga reaching to within 50 m.
The IVth to VIth Dynasties are best known by the series of pyramids (see PYRAMID) in the region of Memphis.
Portions (including a harbour) of the site of the city of Meroe, at Begerawia, not far from the pyramids named, were excavated in1909-1910(see Mero?.).
The best approach is to use pyramids of biomass, which include the total mass of living organisms at each trophic level.
Building stone pyramids nevertheless the lowland giant sea fans.
Both these pyramids were found to contain empty sarcophagi.
First to Giza, where youâll stand in wonder at the huge Pyramids and see the enigmatic Sphinx.
Beside the great pyramids at Giza stands a giant sphinx (a lion 's body with a man 's head).
As for those truncated pyramids, they were a sight I shall not forget.
I then read mummification [and thought both of Tammy, and also the crocodile experiment of the yorkshire group] and pyramids.
Props such as buildings, pyramids, pagodas, palm trees, sphinx, dragons, Eiffel Tower and so much more are available to turn your room into a different place.
They deliver with jumps, twirls, flips, pyramids and tosses that bring the crowds to their feet and have them screaming the team's name.
Luxurious cruise ships ply the Nile River, offering itineraries that include Cairo, the Sphinx and the Pyramids, or extensions to Abu Simbel.
On this nostalgic Nile cruise, you will visit major attractions on shore excursions, such as Cairo and the Pyramids.
There are 13 featured excursions that include Cairo Museum, the Sphinx and the Pyramids.
This is another 12-day cruise tour, boasting rare sights of Rameses II and Nefertari, temples, pyramids, the Sphinx and more.
A Nile cruise allows you to get up close to the pyramids, Pharaohs and the majestic life of this ancient region.
The habit of the plants as a rule is compact when in bloom, ranging from 18 to 24 inches in height, and forming perfect pyramids of flowers.
Caribbean Cove Park, located about twenty minutes from downtown Indianapolis, is part of the Holiday Inn North at the Pyramids complex.
The louder the sound of the wind is, the closer you are to the pyramids.
Build your civilization from small huts and basic farms to thriving cultural centers with massive pyramids, statues and temples.
Another cool thing about this game is that you can build giant pyramids, the Sphinx and other great monuments.
Play in different eras of ancient Egypt; build massive pyramids, temples and other great monuments.
It is awe inspiring as you marvel at the beauty of a flower, the magnificence of the pyramids or the miracle of the growth of a human embryo.
No one is exactly certain when mathematicians discovered Phi, also known as the Golden Number, ancient people have used this number throughout history since the time the Egyptians built the pyramids in approximately 2575 B.C.
Why not visit a café in Paris, tour the Pyramids in Egypt, or sleep in a castle in Scotland?
When regarded from above, Asscher cut diamonds resemble pyramids or octagonal snowflakes, depending on how the light is shining on them.
Admittedly, the architecture is fascinating; just picture the pyramids or the lonely Sphinx.
Perhaps our fascination with the denizens of ancient Egypt will endure as long as the pyramids themselves?
There are pyramids, hieroglyphics, gods and goddesses, mythical creatures, the eye of Horus and more.
The Louvre – The world-famous museum is well-recognized by the geometric pyramids decoratingits front.
Of all the moves seen on the sidelines, cheerleading pyramids stunts are the biggest attention-grabbers.
There are several methods for creating cheerleading pyramids stunts, but before they are attempted there are safety issues that need to be addressed.
Another way to increase the complexity of pyramids stunts is to add more positions and flyers.
With that said though, you'd certainly want to have something shorter when doing splits and low level pyramids.
Jumps are higher, pyramids have more people and they are doing stunts while climbing, gymnastics skills are more amazing and dance and precision are also an integral part of the competition.
Begin by practicing with spotters in place without building any pyramids or actually doing the tricks.
There are 12 pyramids presently in place to meet the nutritional needs of most Americans.
In addition, there are ethnic and age-specific food pyramids available.
Goat cheese can come in a variety of shapes, such as spheres, logs, pyramids, discs, and more.
The central core, which consists of several steep pyramids, is that of a very denuded old volcano, which when its crater was complete may have reached 2000 ft.
Where the trees are trained as pyramids or columns they may stand 8 or 10 ft.
At Saqqara, opposite Memphis itself, the steppyramid of Zoser of the IIIrd Dynasty, several pyramids of the Vth and VIth Dynasties, and innumerable mastaba-tombs of the Old Kingdom, are crowded together in the cemetery.
In 1819 he returned to England, and published in the following year an account of his travels and discoveries entitled Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia, &c. He also exhibited during 1820-1821 facsimiles of the tomb of Seti I.
Peaches and nectarines are frequently cultivated in well-drained pots, and are then 'usually trained as pyramids, and in some cases as half-standards.
By heating the nitrate it is obtained as hemimorphous pyramids belonging to the hexagonal system; and by heating the chloride in a current of steam as hexagonal prisms. It is insoluble in water; it dissolves readily in all aqueous acids, with formation of salts.
The solution is filtered and allowed to cool, when colourless rhombic pyramids of the aurocyanide separate.
After travelling in Europe, he visited the East in 1637, where he collected a considerable number of Arabic, Persian and Greek manuscripts, and made a more accurate survey of the pyramids of Egypt than any traveller who had preceded him.
As Professor Mahaffy has suggested, the era of the Pyramids may have been the veritable autumn of civilization.
The forms of these are earth-heaps, conical mounds, walls of earth,, rectangular pyramids and effigies (Putnam).
Of the old Egyptian freshwater canal Dicuil learnt from one "brother Fidelis," probably another Irish monk, who, on his way to Jerusalem, sailed along the "Nile" into the Red Sea-passing on his way the "Barns of Joseph" or Pyramids of Giza, which are well described.
Herodotus continues that in his own day the Egyptians were unwilling to name these oppressors and preferred to call the pyramids after a shepherd named Philition, who pastured his flocks in their neighbourhood.
When in Egypt he measured the pyramids, and, finding that the angles formed by the sides of the largest were in the direction of the four cardinal points, he concluded that this position must have been intended, and also that the poles of the earth and meridians had not deviated since the erection of those structures.
They were the builders of the pyramids of Cholula and Teotihuacan, near the city of Mexico, and of Papantla, Huatusco and Tuzapan, in Vera Cruz.
These deities are not easily ' One of the most important sources for the ancient Mexican traditions and myths is the so-called " Codex Chimalpopoca," a manuscript in the Mexican language discovered by the Abbe analysed, but on the other hand Tonatiuh and Metztli, the sun and moon, stand out distinctly as nature gods, and the traveller still sees in the huge adobe pyramids of Teotihuacan, with their sides oriented to the four quarters, an evidence of the importance of their worship. The war-god Huitzilopochtli was the real head of the Aztec pantheon; his idol remains in Mexico, a huge block of basalt on which is sculptured on the one side his hideous personage, adorned with the humming-bird feathers on the left hand which signify his name, while the not less frightful war-goddess Teoyaomiqui, or " divine wardeath," occupies the other side.
A remarkable feature of the Central-American ruins is the frequency of truncated pyramids built of hewn stone, with flights of steps up to the temple built on the platform at top. The resemblance of these structures to the old descriptions and pictures of the Mexican teocallis is so striking that this name is habitually given to them.
This genus is especially abundant in Eocene Limestones, which attain great thickness around the Mediterranean basin; the Pyramids of Egypt are built of it.
When the growth of pyramids is completed, the outline is something like that of fig.
Below lies the city with its ancient walls and lofty towers, its gardens and squares, its palaces and its mosques, with their delicately-carved domes and minarets covered with fantastic tracery, the port of Bulak, the gardens and palace of Shubra, the broad river studded with islands, the valley of the Nile dotted with groups of trees, with the pyramids on the north horizon, and on the east the barren cliffs, backed by a waste of sand.
On its eastern edge, a few miles west of Cairo, stand the great pyramids (q.v.) of Gizeh or Giza.
Marine Pliocene strata occur to the south of the pyramids of Giza and in the Fayum province, where, in addition, some gravel terraces, at a height of 500 ft.
Starting from Cairo and going southward we have first the great pyramid-field, with the necropolis of Memphis as its centre; stretching from Abfl Rosh on the north to Lisht on the south, it is followed by the pyramid group of Dahshur, the more isolated pyramids of Medum and Illahun, and that of Hawgra in the Fayum.
Such men, who, capable in every field, designed the Great Pyramids and bestowed the highest monumental fame on their masters, must surely have had an insight into scientific principles that would hardly be credited to the Egyptians from the written documents alone.
C. Proportions of pyramids and other monuments with sloping sides.
The pyramids of both father and son are at Lisht.
High mounds, pyramids heaped in fantastic shapes, and impenetrable drifts lay scattered in every direction.
The myriads who built the pyramids to be the tombs of the Pharaohs were fed on garlic, and it may be were not decently buried themselves.
Kutuzov never talked of "forty centuries looking down from the Pyramids," of the sacrifices he offered for the fatherland, or of what he intended to accomplish or had accomplished; in general he said nothing about himself, adopted no pose, always appeared to be the simplest and most ordinary of men, and said the simplest and most ordinary things.