Pyramid Sentence Examples
She stopped to admire the colors of a fruit pyramid and the textures of textiles.
Then the section of the pyramid by this plane is the parallelogram Pqrs.
Once I lived on top the earth, but for many years I have had my factory in this spot--half way up Pyramid Mountain.
Xelhua, one of the seven giants rescued from the deluge, built the great pyramid of Cholula in order to storm heaven.
In late times the priests of Denderah claimed Khufu as a benefactor; he was reputed to have built temples to the gods near the Great Pyramids and Sphinx (where also a pyramid of his daughter Hentsen is spoken of), and there are incidental notices of him in the medical and religious literature.
For the length of the building cubit Sir C. Warren has deduced a length equivalent to 20.6169 English inches, which compares with a mean Pyramid cubit of 20.6015 in.
Manetho correctly places the great Pyramid kings in Dynasty IV.
The Double Lib Extension is a relatively basic form of the pyramid.
Candace appears to be found as the name of a queen for whom a pyramid was built at Meroe.
In 1848 this pyramid was pulled down at the instance of the Christian community, and the bones were buried in the Catholic cemetery.
AdvertisementWrite a headline that tells what the press release is about, and then write up what's happening in inverted pyramid style.
Pyramid schemes abound, requiring participants to buy-in so they can recruit others generating profits for those at the top levels generated from new recruits entering at the bottom.
Once everything in a pyramid has gone up, usually the cheerleaders will strike some kind of pose such as a "Muscle Man" or chant and cheer.
Today there's a new food pyramid in town.
Chances are that a more local or regional competition is not going to allow certain tosses or pyramid stunts.
AdvertisementThen the prismoid is divided into a pyramid with vertex P and base ABCD ..., and a series of tetrahedra, such as PABa or PAab.
In his long reign of forty-six years he built a pyramid at Dahshr, and at Hawra near the Lake of Moeris another pyramid together with the Labyrinth which seems to have been an enormous funerary temple attached to the pyramid.
In the Black Pyramid of Abusir (VIth Dynasty), at least 3000 B.C., Gaston Maspero found some pieces of iron, and in the funeral text of Pepi I.
In the Pyramid texts Thoth is already closely associated with the Osiris myth, having aided the god by his science and knowledge of magic, and demonstrated the justice of his claims in the contest with Set.
Crystals have imperfect cleavages parallel to the eight faces of the pyramid c 12011.
AdvertisementOwen (13,102), Teocalli Mountain (13,220), Snow Mass (13,970, Hayden) and Maroon (14,003, Hayden) mountains, Castle Peak (14,259), Capitol Mountain (13,997, Hayden), Pyramid Peak (13,885, Hayden), Taylor Peak (13,419), and about a dozen other summits above 12,000 ft.
Following this summary philosophy come the sciences proper, rising like a pyramid in successive stages, the lowest floor being occupied by natural history or experience, the second by physics, the third, which is next the peak of unity, by metaphysics.
The spot where he was seized at Barn, when mounting his horse, was marked by a pyramid, formed, by order of his revengeful enemy, of the skulls of the most faithful of his adherents.
On one side stood a pyramid 40 orgyiae, or about 243 ft.
Near the south coast, west of the Bay of Elpaputeh, a complex mass of mountains forms a colossal pyramid, with peaks rising to nearly s000 ft.
AdvertisementIn the Altun or Zolotai-oba (Golden Mound) was found a great stone vault similar in style to an Egyptian pyramid; and within, among many objects of minor note, were golden dishes adorned with griffins and beautiful arabesques.
Rome was the apex of a pyramid called feudalism.
The Great Pyramid at Giza is composed of Golden triangles.
The Swedish falls is a two-and-a-half story pyramid stunt.
Stack a series of photo corners in a pyramid pattern to make an abstract Christmas tree.
And, the pyramid simply uses the term "serving" as a guide to portions.
Within its triangular shape, the pyramid denotes important changes.
Most of us are now familiar with the food pyramid style of eating.
For individuals planning a healthy dietary strategy, the food pyramid, illustrated by the Mayo Clinic, is a very helpful tool for determining how much of what type of food is appropriate for an optimal diet.
Follow the USDA's Food Pyramid guidelines, which provide personalized recommendations on eating foods from all food groups.
Step four zeros in on how to eat from the food pyramid and covers dieting and portion control.
Researchers at Arizona State University recently created the vegetarian food pyramid that helps dieters select foods for a healthy vegetarian diet.
Vegetarians who avoid these foods should plan their meals according to the vegan food pyramid.
The pyramid excludes meat, and emphasizes the importance of consuming a wide variety of plant-based foods.
According to the pyramid, the bulk of a vegetarian diet should consist of bread, cereal, pasta, and other whole wheat or whole grain foods.
Vegetarians can use the four basic food groups and the vegetarian food pyramid as a guide to meal planning.
Follow the food pyramid when it comes to fruits, grains, meats, vegetable and dairy consumption.
While it may seem like the food pyramid has been around for centuries, the concept is rather new, and without its critics.
However, while there are a few downfalls to the pyramid, you are bound to gain healthful eating habits with its application to your daily food choices.
The Food Pyramid was introduced to Americans in 1992 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Every packaged food item in supermarkets has nutritional label with food pyramid graphic.
The 1992 version of the Food Guide Pyramid has been used as an educational tool for young and old.
The nutritional advice contained within the pyramid is basic information toward a healthful eating pattern.
Variety - Eat different foods from the all the food groups within the pyramid to supply the variety of nutrients your body needs.
It may be clear to see why the pyramid has come under much scrutiny and question since its inception.
For the first time since 1994, the food guide pyramid has taken on a new look in hopes to address the criticism it has received over the years.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines set in the food guide pyramid, no more than 30% of total calories should come from fat on a daily basis.
In fact, the USDA has introduced a site called My Pyramid that recognizes the unique nutritional needs of each individual by using the food pyramid.
With that in mind, the The American Diabetes Association has developed the Diabetes Food Pyramid.
The good news about the Diabetes Food Pyramid is that it allows people on a diabetic diet to eat the same foods that everyone else should be eating.
The following suggestions are for a diabetic diet plan based on the Diabetes Food Pyramid.
A legitimate standard of guidelines defining a balanced diet is depicted in the Food Pyramid.
The idea is that it is best to eat more of the foods at the bottom of the pyramid and less of the items at the top.
This basic pyramid has been replaced with My Pyramid, a more individually tailored eating plan based on your age, gender and amount of physical activity.
The My Pyramid site tells you how many calories you should be getting each day.
So what makes a diet like the one illustrated by the food pyramid a "balanced diet"?
Instead, the Diabetes Food Pyramid groups foods based on their composition in terms of carbohydrates and protein.
Individuals who utilize this pyramid to guide their food choices will consume approximately 1,600 to 2,800 calories each day, depending on the number of servings consumed.
The food pyramid doesn't paint a complete picture of the best American diabetic diet.
The National Diabetes Education Program offers a wealth of diet planning support including a sample diabetic diet planmeals for a day, nutrition information, some handy thoughts about the diabetic food pyramid, and more.
You might want to keep a food diary for a week or so, writing down everything you eat and compare it with what the food pyramid suggests you should be eating.
If you've never learned about the food pyramid, or haven't seen how it has changed in the past five years, now is the time to get acquainted with it.
An excellent tool for weight control with diabetes type 2 is using the Food Pyramid.
This pyramid varies slightly from the USDA food guide due to food groups being based on their protein and carbohydrate content instead of their food classification.
An excellent free healthy eating plan is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture called My Pyramid.
The United States Department of Agriculture provides an excellent healthy eating plan called My Pyramid.
Each color in the food pyramid represents a specific food group.
The orange segment of the food pyramid represents grains.
The green portion of the food pyramid represents vegetables.
The food pyramid guidelines suggest consuming a wide variety of vegetables.
The red portion of the food pyramid represents fruits.
Food pyramid guidelines recommend that people eat a variety of fruit.
The blue section of the food pyramid represents milk.
Food pyramid guidelines encourage selection of low fat and fat free options.
The purple part of the food pyramid represents meat and beans.
Most of you reading this will remember learning in school about the old food pyramid that featured six basic categories.
The new food pyramid is a graphical guide to how much of what foods we should eat and is much more flexible and accurate than the old pyramid.
Tools on the food pyramid website can even tell you exactly how many calories you need.
Here's a look at how you can take advantage of what the new pyramid website has to offer.
If you go to the US Department of Agriculture's My Pyramid Website, you will find a large array of choices that allow you to personalize the pyramid to your individual dietary needs.
My Pyramid Menu Planner This tool allows you to input all of your meals into the Planner.
My Pyramid Plan This tool is a calculator that tells you the amount of each food group you need daily.
Additional Info In addition to the personalized planning tools, the new pyramid site has a huge amount of useful information that focus on helping individuals meet their dietary needs.
The new pyramid may be all about tailoring dietary information to the needs of the individual, but there are still some basic general recommendations retained from the old pyramid.
The new pyramid and the tools on its website are a great way to help you lose weight, plan meals or make sure your kids are getting the proper nutrition.
The new pyramid website also has a wealth of information to address any questions or concerns you may have.
The five food groups constitute the food pyramid, which was created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Balanced nutrition requires nutrients from across the spectrum of categories found on the food pyramid.
This organization features a diabetic food pyramid that helps individuals adopting an eating plan for diabetics easier.
The pyramid helps by providing a visual aid dieters can use to determine which foods to select.
Of this group of lakes in the western depression, Pyramid Lake is the largest, being 33 m.
Keeping the electoral machinery almost unchanged (save that the lists of notables were to be permanent) Bonaparte entirely altered the upper parts of the constitutional pyramid reared by the philosopher.
Above the shaft comes the arcaded bell-chamber, frequently built of Istrian stone; and above that again the attic, either round or square or octagonal, carrying either a cone or a pyramid or a cupola, sometimes surmounted by a cross or a gilded angel which serves as a weathercock.
At the apex of the pyramid came the doge and his council, the point of highest honour and least weight in the constitution.
Dr. Reisner, working for Boston, was not held up by the war, but continued his excavations in the Giza pyramid field and in Nubia, making good finds in both places.
The New York Museum has further investigated the Middle Kingdom pyramid field at Lisht and its neighbourhood, 53 and Prof. Petrie and Mr. Brunton have found fine XII.
He was the first to penetrate into the second pyramid of Giza, and the first European in modern times to visit the oasis of Baharia, which he supposed to be that of Siwa.
At the apex of the pyramid stands John of Antioch, Chrysostom, who in 387, at the age of 40, began his 12 years' ministry in his native city and in 399, the six memorable years in Constantinople, where he loved the poor, withstood tyranny and preached with amazing power.
Proceeding from bad to worse, he sacrificed the honour of his daughter in order to obtain the money to complete his pyramid; and the princess built herself besides a small pyramid of the stones given to her by her lovers.
At length Mycerinus, son of Cheops and successor of Chephren, reopened the temples and, although he built the Third Pyramid, allowed the oppressed people to return to their proper occupations.
Modern writers rather dwell on the perfect organization demanded by his scheme, the training of a nation to combined labour, the level attained here by art and in the fitting of masonry, and finally the fact that the Great Pyramid was the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world and now alone of them survives.
Two tablets at the mines of Wadi Maghara in the peninsula of Sinai, a granite block from Bubastis, and a beautiful ivory statuette found by Petrie in the temple at Abydos, are almost all that can be definitely assigned to Khufu outside the pyramid at Giza and its ruined accompaniments.
This was followed by a long series of popular treatises in rapid succession, amongst the more important of which are Light Science for Leisure Hours and The Sun (1871); The Orbs around Us and Essays on Astronomy (1872); The Expanse of Heaven, The Moon and The Borderland of Science (1873); The Universe and the Coming Transits and Transits of Venus (1874);(1874); Our Place among Infinities (1875); Myths and Marvels of Astronomy (1877); The Universe of Stars (1878); Flowers of the Sky (1879); The Peotry of Astronomy (1880); Easy Star Lessons and Familiar Science Studies (1882); Mysteries of Time and Space and The Great Pyramid (1883); The Universe of Suns (1884); The Seasons (1885); Other Suns than Ours and Half-Hours with the Stars (1887).
The very beautiful (anhydrous) crystals have the habit of a double six-sided pyramid, but really belong to the rhombic system.
In the centre, the oblong pyramid of rubble cased with hewn stone and cemented 375 X 300 ft.
The great pyramid of Cholula with its hemispherical temple of Quetzalcoatl at the top, now an almost shapeless hill surmounted by a church, was about thrice as long and twice as high as the teocalli of Mexico.
Above the pteron rose the pyramid, mounting by 24 steps to an apex or pedestal.
The peak rises like a pyramid, with a steep summit of white marble, to a height of 6350 ft., and can be seen at sunset from the plain of Troy on the east, and the slopes of Olympus on the west.
Fig, i represents a garden of one acre and admits of nearly double the number of trees on the south aspect as compared with the east and west; it allows a greater number of espalier or pyramid trees to face the south; and it admits of being divided into equal principal compartments, each of which forms nearly a square.
Starting from Cairo and going southward we have first the great pyramid-field, with the necropolis of Memphis as its centre; stretching from Abfl Rosh on the north to Lisht on the south, it is followed by the pyramid group of Dahshur, the more isolated pyramids of Medum and Illahun, and that of Hawgra in the Fayum.
Main Sources.(a) The Pyramid texts, a vast collection of incantations inscribed on the inner walls of five royal tombs of the Vth and VIth Dynasties at Sakkgra, discovered and first published by Maspero.
The funerary ritual is known from texts in the Theban tombs (XVIIIthXXth Dyn.) and papyri and sarcophagi of later date; older versions are contained in the Pyramid texts and The Book of the Dead.
Neither the influx of new deities nor the diligence of the priestly authors and commentators availed to break down the cast-iron traditions with which the compilers of the Pyramid texts were already familiar.
The most splendid masonry is that of the Great Pyramid of Cheops.
This Sothic period r era of 1460 years, during which the Egyptian New Years day travelled all round the Sothic year, is recorded by Greek and Roman writers at least as early as the 1st century B.C. The epagomenal days appear on a monument of the Vth Dynasty and in the very ancient Pyramid texts.
There are statues of Dürer, Sachs, Melanchthon, the reputed founder of the grammar-school, the navigator Martin Behaim, and Peter Henlein, the inventor of the watch; and the streets are further embellished with several fountains, the most noteworthy of which are the Schöne Brunnen, 1385-1396, in the form of a large Gothic pyramid, adorned with statues of the seven electors, the "nine worthies," and Moses and the prophets; and the GÃnsemÃnnchen or goose-mannikin, a clever little bronze figure by Pankratz Labenwolf.
Here is an open plot of ground, Donkin Reserve, containing the lighthouse and a stone pyramid with an inscription in memory of Elizabeth, wife of Sir Rufane Donkin, described as "one of the most perfect of human beings, who has given her name to the town below."
On the summit of the former is George III.'s jubilee pyramid.
No ethnical relationship can ever have existed between the Aztecs and the Egyptians; yet each race developed the idea of the pyramid tomb through that psychological similarity which is as much a characteristic of the species man as is his physique.
Nevertheless, holding that every dimension has a principle of its own, he rejected the derivation of the elemental solids - pyramid, octahedron, icosahedron and cube - from triangular surfaces, and in so far approximated to atomism.
A pyramid in the neighbouring village of Couhard was probably a sepulchral monument.
His body was burned, and his ashes, which at the time were placed under a pyramid designed by Kleber, were transferred in 1889 to the Pantheon at Paris.
Among its chief features are the Virgin Martyrs' Memorial, representing in white marble a guardian angel and the figures of Margaret M`Lauchlan and Margaret Wilson, who were drowned by the rising tide in Wigtown Bay for their fidelity to the Covenant (1685);(1685); the large pyramid to the memory of the Covenanters, and the Ladies' Rock, from which ladies viewed the jousts in the Valley.
The north-eastern boundary of the plain of Athens is formed by the graceful pyramid of Pentelicus, which received its name from the deme of Pentele at its foot, but was far more commonly known as Brilessus in ancient times.
The face looks out due eastward from the pyramid field over the Nile valley, and, according to the inscriptions of the XVIIIth Dynasty in the shrine between the paws, it represented the sungod Harmachis.
The small stellated dodecahedron is formed by stellating the Platonic dodecahedron (by "stellating " is meant developing the faces contiguous to a specified base so as to form a regular pyramid).
Later she commonly wore the horns of a cow, and the cow was sacred to her; it is doubtful, however, whether she had any animal representation in early times, nor had she possession of any considerable locality until a late period, when Philae, Behbet and other large temples were dedicated to her worship. Yet she was of great importance in mythology, religion and magic, appearing constantly in the very ancient Pyramid texts as the devoted sister-wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.
The Temple of the Magician crowns an unusually steep pyramid 240 X 180 ft.
It has three rooms, and a smaller temple is built against the upper western side of the pyramid.
It reminds me of when you see circus acrobats building a human pyramid all balanced on the central person.
Buy It For Your - From a A to ZZR we've got quality aftermarket products from Pyramid Plastics for your bike.
Her every feature expressed astonishment, for she had drawn from the pyramid the word which was the key to her manuscript.
Another study we carried out at Manchester Museum proposed an educational resource based around the pyramid builders ' town of Kahun [26] .
It also houses a beautifully preserved 16th century convent constructed on top of a Maya pyramid.
Silver Pyramid Black Cat's conic fountain creates a surprisingly high pillar of sparks.
A quartz crystal is made up of a hexagonal prism, topped by a hexagonal prism, topped by a hexagonal pyramid.
Meanwhile, the population pyramid in sub-Saharan Africa is beginning to resemble an hourglass.
The mirror acts to amplify the energy of the pyramid thus intensifying the power of your healing requests.
Like a form of pyramid selling it all sounds so laudable - at first.
They are almost identical in Gothic style, with curious stepped pyramid roofs surmounted by obelisks topped with an egg shape.
The first, maintained by Tom Willis is named, with startling originality 'The Pyramid ' .
The Pyramid DPA tasted like cream-coloured flannel pajamas with the feet in -- and with the added benefit of a fuzzy striped tail.
The Empty Pyramid The Great Pyramid was found containing no tomb of a great Pharoah, no mummified remains or religious paraphernalia.
Built over 4000 years ago, the Step pyramid at Saqqara predates the great pyramids by over 1000 years.
A quartz crystal is made up of a hexagonal prism, topped by a hexagonal pyramid.
Certainly a player with the talent to keep pace with Wimbledon's ambition to rise through the non-league pyramid.
In the full sun they form a three-sided pyramid to prevent excess evaporation.
The team uses daylight to navigate through the complex summit pyramid above.
The glass pyramid entrance is a bold, highly successful modern addition to the Louver.
While the Food Pyramid recommends five servings per day of fresh fruits and vegetables, the average is closer to two.
For now the street went up straight in front of my face like a steep staircase or the side of a pyramid.
It was an egypt session, so we made Tammy 's fantastic sugarcube pyramid - from the story of the world activity book.
Introduction Pyramid is a multi-purpose arts venue, with eight spaces.
The bisphenoids (the hemihedral forms of the tetragonal and rhombic bipyramids)., and the trigonal pyramid of the hexagonal system, are examples of non-regular tetrahedra (see Crystallography).
At the basis of the pyramid we get the great council, the elective body composed of all who enjoyed the suffrage, i.e.
Following on a period of good rule and prosperity under Rhampsinitus, Cheops closed the temples, abolished the sacrifices and made all the Egyptians labour for his monument, working in relays of ioo,000 men every three months (see Pyramid).
In the Saite period a sort of standard edition was drawn up, consisting of 165 chapters in a fixed order and with a common title the book of going forth in the day; this recension was published by Lepsius in 1842 from a Turin papyrus Like the Pyramid texts, the Book of the Dead served a funerary purpose, but its contents are far more heterogeneous; besides chapters enabling the dead man to assume what shape he will, or to issue triumphant from the last judgment, there are lists of gates to be passed and demons to be encountered in the nether world, formulae such as are inscribed on sepulchral figures and amulets, and even hymns to the sun-god.
The IVth to VIth Dynasties are best known by the series of pyramids (see PYRAMID) in the region of Memphis.
The chief monuments of the period - are certain inscribed tombs at Assifit; it appears that one of the kings, whose praenomen was Miker, supported by a fleet and army from Upper Egypt, and especially by the prince of Assiflt, was restored to his paternal city of Heracleopolis, from which he had probably been driven out; his pyramid, however, was built in the old royal necropolis at Memphis.
Near his pyramid was discovered the splendid jewelry of some princesses of his family (see JEWELRY ad mit.).
The Peninsula in its general contour resembles an inverted pyramid or triangle, terminating at its apex in a subsidiary peninsula, the Peloponnesus or Morea.
There are statues of Dürer, Sachs, Melanchthon, the reputed founder of the grammar-school, the navigator Martin Behaim, and Peter Henlein, the inventor of the watch; and the streets are further embellished with several fountains, the most noteworthy of which are the Schöne Brunnen, 1385-1396, in the form of a large Gothic pyramid, adorned with statues of the seven electors, the "nine worthies," and Moses and the prophets; and the GÃnsemÃnnchen or goose-mannikin, a clever little bronze figure by Pankratz Labenwolf.
Again, the eastern extremity of Parnes is joined by another line of hills, which, separating from Mount Oeta, skirts the Euboic Gulf, and, after entering Attica, throws up the lofty pyramid of Pentelicus, overlooking the plain of Marathon, and then sinks towards the sea at Sunium to rise once more in the outlying islands.
Boris, in the accurate way characteristic of him, was building a little pyramid of chessmen with his delicate white fingers while awaiting Berg's move, and watched his opponent's face, evidently thinking about the game as he always thought only of whatever he was engaged on.
Certainly a player with the talent to keep pace with Wimbledon 's ambition to rise through the non-league pyramid.
For example, pyramid selling schemes are highly disapproved of.
Mr Walker challenged the quietly held belief that the pyramid builders were not black Africans.
Pyramid Orchids were frequently seen in the central area known as the Triangle and are common all over the hill.
Population pyramid - a double bar graph used to show the structure of the population.
A pyramid of florists foam forms the center of the arrangement with the oranges secured using satay sticks.
A squat tower capped by a pyramid roof with a weathercock.
It was an egypt session, so we made tammy 's fantastic sugarcube pyramid - from the story of the world activity book.
In diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral structure, like a pyramid.
Let this light sweep out the pyramid, transmuting any negative energies into positive ones.
The most accurate method is to use a pyramid of energy to show the transfer of energy between trophic levels.
Bradford pears have fluffy white flowers in the spring and an upright, oval or pyramid shape.
Currently women's perfumes are analyzed based on a pyramid system.
The Bayview Trail offers views of Leelanau County's rolling hills, Sleeping Bear Dune and Pyramid Point.
Look at the food pyramid and choose foods for each mealtime that will satisfy each of the different food groups.
An easy way to begin understanding exactly what you need to eat is by looking at a food pyramid.
A food pyramid shows you how much you should eat from each food group.
The Vegan Food Pyramid - A good source to ensure your Vegan diet is on track is the Vegan Food Pyramid.
This pyramid suggests daily servings of vitamins, soymilk, vegetables, grains, beans, and fruit.
Glue fruit together in an upside down cone shape that will resemble a rounded pyramid when finished.
Products made with 100 percent Egyptian cotton feature the Egyptian Cotton Logo (ECL), a pyramid shape with a cotton plant inside.
Letterman also made appearances on Mork & Mindy, $10,000 Pyramid and The Gong Show.
Otherwise, you can enjoy a nine-day holiday that includes a pre-cruise Giza hotel stay, pyramid visits, and a train journey to Luxor with a five-night Nile River cruise.
You get to see the world's oldest step pyramid, the Sphinx, temples, statues of Rameses and Nefertari, and more.
By following the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) guidelines for the food pyramid, Innova creates a healthy, balanced food that is full of flavor.
Each of these items is an important building block in the food pyramid.
Humea - A very graceful halfhardy biennial, 3 to 8 feet high, H. elegans having large leaves with a strong odour, and forming, when in flower, an elegant feathery pyramid of reddish-brown blossoms.
It forms an erect pyramid, the upper half of which is covered with pretty pale blue blossoms, drooping gracefully from slender branchlets.
The stem is furnished from top to bottom with spreading whorls of slender branches, slightly drooping, the whole forming a graceful pyramid.
R. nobile is distinct, forming a dense pyramid of foliage.
Umbrella Pine (Sciadopitys Verticillata) - A stately evergreen tree attaining a height of upwards of 100 feet in its own land, and forming a dense pyramid of verdure of remarkable beauty.
Another favorite for strawberry gardeners is the strawberry pyramid.
This is a raised garden bed system that uses circles of plastic or another material to create a stacked pyramid of raised beds.
You can build them yourself or buy kits to create a pyramid bed, complete with netting to keep birds away and a sprinkler system for the top.
The diagonal belt loops at the hips have pyramid stud accents.
When you load Midway Arcade Treasures, the video takes you through an elaborate pyramid where the game menu resides.
Kennedy steps out of an Airstream trailer at the White Sands Missile Range, and a caravan of Airstreams are parked at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The company practices the Pyramid School of Feng Shui, a type of Western hybrid feng shui developed by Nacilee Wydra.
Ms. Wandra began her research of how the environment related to human condition in the 1960s, founding her Pyramid School of Feng Shui in 1989.
In Pyramid Feng Shui, the focus is on the individual as the central core of each evaluation.
The master builders of the past understood the value and significance of the Golden Ratio and applied it to such structures as the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Parthenon.
When the square base of the pyramid is halved and a vertical line drawn up the center, the slanted height forms a triangle that measures to the value of Phi.
If you have naturally curly hair, avoid shapes that create a pyramid look.
It is important to know the difference between a direct sales business where you sell items to individuals and memberships to the company and pyramid schemes.
In pyramid schemes, the profit is in signing up others to recruit others rather than to sell the products.
The Origami Fox Box for the Beginner Paper Folder Child at Artists Helping Children is a great basic project that creates a triangle box that stands up like a pyramid.
By eating according to the food pyramid and selecting a wide variety of foods within each category, you will give your body the best opportunity possible to form healthy skin and hair.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has established the food pyramid, which shows the best way to eat to meet your body's nutritional requirements.
If you eat a wide variety of foods, as suggested by the food pyramid, then you will very likely get all of the vitamin C your body needs to be healthy.
This game could focus around a group of archaeologists who have entered a pyramid and unwittingly woke up the bloodthirsty mummy!
The board would look like the catacombs of the pyramid.
Using one deck of cards deal them into a pyramid starting with one card at the top, then two in the next row and so on until you have seven cards in the last row.
The goal is to remove cards from the pyramid until it's gone and to do that, the value of two cards must equal 13.
From Spider and Klondike to FreeCell and Pyramid, there are hundreds of solitaire card games and variations to keep even the most devoted solitaire player busy and challenged.
To play pyramid solitaire, arrange 21 cards in the shape of a pyramid with 7 overlapping rows.
This wooden structure in a pyramid shape closely resembles a Christmas tree, only it has shelves in the middle of it.
The princess is a square with untrimmed corners with facets that take on an inverted pyramid pattern.
Rather than creating a cone, the facets create a reverse pyramid.
The top part of a princess cut is square or rectangular, and the lower portion of the diamond is a modified pyramid shape.
However, if you're able to view the entire stone, you'll see the shape is actually more of an inverted pyramid, with the point of the pyramid buried in the setting.
While the emerald cut is square, the Asscher cut resembles an inverted pyramid when you look at the stone from the side.
The step cut pattern resembles an inverted pyramid when examined from the side.
Instead of being limited by the inverted pyramid structure used in a typical news story, feature writers have the freedom to experiment with more creative storytelling techniques.
Although the inverted pyramid news structure was created as a response to the limited amount of space available in each edition of the newspaper, it's interesting to note that a number of online publications follow this format as well.
When an article is structured according to the inverted pyramid format, online readers who are quickly skimming to look for information can more easily obtain the facts they need.
The sleekness of the rounded bag top and inclusion of a dipping lower pocket with pyramid stud detailing, however, can also work beautifully with dressier looks, such as an embroidered eyelet or sheer silk dress.
An adorable pyramid shaped handbag is formed when the zipped together.
Pyramid Games features games like "Professor Fizzwizzle and the Molten Mystery", a Shareware game, but you can own a registered version for a fee as well.
No one knows for sure what this huge stone figure signifies, but many believe it was meant to be a guardian over the king who once laid in the nearby pyramid.
Some believe that the shape and orientation of each pyramid gives it some sort of power or energy.
Traditional newspaper writing is written in a format called inverted pyramid style, and it's a great way to structure your press release.
This implies a central "point" or focus, with the rest of the pyramid being built to the sides symmetrically.
As they go up, each becomes a kind of stepping stone for the next level of the pyramid, whether it be vertical or horizontal.
The more skirt you have the more dangerous it can be to catch a flyer or support her in a pyramid.
If you can look at the food guide pyramid and say that you take in healthy amounts of each food group, you most likely do not need a supplement.
However, this vegetarian food pyramid includes milk, cheese, and yogurt.
First, the importance of physical activity is clearly depicted by the person climbing the stairs up the left hand side of the pyramid.
The tip of the pyramid is a non-colored space to show fats, sweets, and alcohol beverages as unnecessary the overall food intake of any persons.
Since the USDA has been continuously criticized for not offering various pyramid recommendations to account for various needs in the population, they have developed MyPyramid.
The American Diabetes association recommends that those observing an American diabetic diet utilize its Diabetes Food Pyramid, which differs from the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, as a guideline for planning meals.
The following sections are also included in My Pyramid.
Portion control is another significant issue that is addressed by the diabetic food pyramid.
The idea is to find a plan that presents a variety of foods, including all foods in the Food Pyramid.
If you are unsure of how much you meat, pasta or cheese you should eat, use the food pyramid as a guideline.
The United States Government Food Pyramid attempts to provide a visual diagram of healthy foods by placing very healthy foods on the large bottom of the pyramid and 'eat in moderation or infrequently' types of foods at the apex.
The USDA Food Pyramid is a good starting point.
At the MyPyramid site run by the USDA, there is a customizable food pyramid, as well as a food tracker, menu planner, and other resources.
Eating according to the FDA's food pyramid will help assure you supply your body with all of the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy.
Plan your menus around the food pyramid, keeping your basal metabolic rate and Harris-Benedict number in mind.
The USDA created the food pyramid to show you how to eat a healthy diet.
It is difficult to know how to eat with all of the food choices available, which is why the healthy eating pyramid exists.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) created the food pyramid in order to teach the public the tenets of making healthy choices.
By following the food pyramid's simple plan, you can eat all of the nutrients your body needs for good health.
It is known as a healthy eating pyramid because the USDA created it in the shape of a triangle to give you a visual reference as to which foods to eat.
The base of the pyramid contains complex carbohydrates, which should make up the bulk of your diet.
Fruits and vegetables are on the next level of the pyramid.
According to the food pyramid, you should eat three to six ounces of complex carbohydrates every day.
According to the food pyramid, you should eat two to three servings of each every day.
Eating according to the food pyramid can help you meet the dietary reference intake for both micronutrients and macronutrients without needing to supplement.
If you eat according to the food pyramid and include variety in your diet, your body will get the nutrition it needs.
Sam Anders - The Pyramid player turned resistance fighter fell in love with Kara Thrace and mourned his humanity when he discovered he was a Cylon.
The most productive part of the state is the Humboldt Valley and the region near Pyramid Lake, including the counties of Humboldt, Elko and VVashoe.
The dwarf and pyramid trees, more usually planted in gardens, are obtained by grafting on the quince stock, the Portugal quince being the best; but this stock, from its surface-rooting habit, is most suitable for soils of a cold damp nature.
Cheops reigned 50 years and was succeeded by his brother, Chephren, who reigned 56 years and built the second pyramid.
In the case of a pyramid, of height h, the area of the section by a plane parallel to the base and at distance x from the vertex is clearly x 2 /h 2 X area of base.
In 1560 after the destruction of the Spanish fleet off the coast of the island by Piali Pasha and the corsair Dragut the Spanish garrison at Haumt-es-Suk was exterminated, and a pyramid, 10 ft.
A rectangular or square podium is in each case surmounted by a pyramid.
By the time that the Pyramid texts were put into writing, doubtless long before the Vth Dynasty, this religion had assumed a stereotyped appearance that clung to it for ever afterwards.
These, however, may have borne little resemblance to C later conceptions of the same gods with which we are made Egl siliar by the Pyramid texts.
The Pyramid texts and the Book of the Dead are the most important of these, and teach us much about the dangers and needs that attended the dead man beyond the tomb, and about the manner in which it was thought, they could be counteracted.
This theme is elaborated with great detail in the Pyramid texts, where it is the dead king to whom this destiny is promised.
The Pyramid Kings.A different ideal appears in the pyramid times; in place of the naturalism of the earlier work there is more regularity, some convention, and the sense of a school in the style.
Limestone in the Great Pyramid, as elsewhere, was dressed by chopping it with an adze, a tool used from prehistoric to Roman times for all soft stones and wood.
The base of the pyramid of Snefru had an average variation of 6 in.
The food pyramid is designed to help you make healthy choices.
The building consisted of five parts - a basement or podium, a pteron or enclosure of columns, a pyramid, a pedestal and a chariot group. The basement, covering an area of 114 ft.
The question as to whether copper really was first used in Egypt is not yet resolved, and many arguments can be brought against the theory of Egyptian origin and in favour of one in Syria or further north.26 Egypt has also recently been credited with being the inceptor of the whole " megalithic (or heliolithic, as the fashionable word now is) culture " of mankind, from Britain to China and (literally) Peru or at any rate Mexico via the Pacific Isles.27 The theory is that the achievements of the Egyptians in great stone architecture at the time of the pyramid-builders so impressed their contemporaries that they were imitated in the surrounding lands, by the Libyans and Syrians, that the fame of them was carried by the Phoenicians further afield, and that early Arab and Indian traders passed on the megalithic idea to Farther India, and thence to Polynesia and so on so that both the teocalli of Teotihuacan and Stonehenge are ultimately derived through cromlechs and dolmens innumerable from the stone pyramid of Saqqara, built by Imhotep, the architect of King Zoser, about 3100 B.C. (afterwards deified as the patron of science and architecture).