Pygmy Sentence Examples
Pygmy Seahorses may be found!
Shall a man go and hang himself because he belongs to the race of pygmies, and not be the biggest pygmy that he can?
It features an African exhibit with giraffes, chimpanzees, pygmy hippos and dwarf crocodiles.
Pygmy in the forest who has never been outside and seen the horizon.
Crocodiles and two kinds of hippopotami, the ordinary and a pygmy variety, are found in the rivers.
Oberhasli, Pygmy, Nigerian Dwarf, Angora... that's the one everybody confuses with a sheep...
An extremely interesting section of the population not hitherto mentioned is constituted by the Pygmy tribes inhabiting the densely forested regions along the equator from Uganda to the Gabun and living the life of nomadic hunters.
Pygmy hippos are extremely rare in the wild, mainly due to deforestation for the timber trade.
A ' Pygmy ' can be entirely self-sufficient at the age of seven.
Visitors can also see the rare breeds of chickens, cows, pigs and pygmy goats stocked.
AdvertisementThe red-billed buffalo weaver nests on the track into the Lodge had some Pygmy falcons in residence.
Pygmy groups are essentially nomadic, they build these dwellings to sleep in.
Pygmy present populations go back to Nilotic and Bantu migrations as well as the indigenous pygmies.
And Paul says it's like that for everyone - including the Pygmy in Peru.
Take the pygmy in the forest who has never been outside and seen the horizon.
AdvertisementI was 'the Pygmy in deepest darkest Africa ' only I lived in Basingstoke.
Shrews are notoriously small, ( the pygmy white-toothed shrew is the smallest extant mammal weighing a mere 2-3 grams at adult weight).
Flights of Pygmy Cormorants skim the water, Collared Pratincoles nest on the lake shore and Oriental Skylarks sing overhead.
March 9, 2003 A pygmy sperm whale died Saturday night after beaching itself near the Holiday Inn on Ocean Drive.
Gordon 's is soon offering ' Snake & pygmy pie and chips ' for tuppence ha'penny.
AdvertisementSome doubt exists whether the pygmy hog of the Nepal Terai, which is not much larger than a hare, is best regarded as a member of the typical genus, under the name of Sus salvanius or as representing a genus by itself, with the title Porcula salvania.
At first he voted with the Girondists, attacked Robespierre, "a pygmy who should not be set on a pedestal," and at the trial of the king voted with the Mountain for the king's death "without appeal and without delay."
He ran away from home at a young age and set up home with a local tribe of Pygmy cannibals.
Pygmy cormorant is highly restricted range species, its total population estimated between 50,000 to 60,000.
These forests are home to the forest elephant and the Pygmy hippopotamus.
AdvertisementThere is also a children's play area, picnic site and rare breed farm animals, including llamas and African pygmy goats.
Animals include beech martens, wildcats, genets, badgers, wild boar and common, pygmy and Etruscan shrews.
They know the need for multilateralism makes a Pygmy of the U.S. military might.
Pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites!
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and Pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites!
Flights of Pygmy Cormorants skim the water, Collared Pratincoles nest on the lake shore and oriental skylarks sing overhead.
March 9, 2003 A Pygmy sperm whale died Saturday night after beaching itself near the Holiday Inn on Ocean Drive.
The Pygmy hippo spends less time in the water being largely terrestrial in comparison to the amphibious ways of its larger relative.
And Paul says it 's like that for everyone - including the pygmy in Peru.
They know the need for multilateralism makes a pygmy of the U.S. military might.
I was 'the pygmy in deepest darkest Africa ' only I lived in Basingstoke.
These are well worth checking out, for this is just the type of location where Pygmy Seahorses may be found !
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites !
Luku!u A Longitude E.ust of Capitol Pygmy Forest (from the races inhabiting it), the Aruwimi or Ituri Forest (from the rivers traversing it), the Stanley Forest (from its discoverer), or the Great Congo Forest.