Puts Sentence Examples
Miss Keller puts her fingers lightly over the hand of one who is talking to her and gets the words as rapidly as they can be spelled.
As Mr Henry James puts it, she interviews herself.
Charles president of felt puts people like.
An estimate of the crop puts it at about 1,500,000 bales.
For first time buyers, the UK price of around £ 50-55 depending on the exchange rates puts it above the impulse buy category.
A good racing line is incredibly difficult to maintain and missing five checkpoints puts you out of the game entirely.
It puts through 9-12 tons of ore in twenty-four hours, reducing the percentage of sulphur to 2-4%, and requires four to six men and about 2 tons of coal.
Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask.
This puts a stop to the nursing attempts in a non-threatening way, and should distract her from it.
By command of Zeus she carries in a ewer water from the Styx, with which she puts to sleep all who perjure themselves.
AdvertisementFairbairn, " Plato's arguments for immortality, isolated, modernized, may be feeble, even valueless, but allowed to stand where and as he himself puts them, they have an altogether different worth.
This arrangement is still employed, a hook being attached to the switch lever so that the mere hanging up of the telephone puts the bell in circuit.
He is indeed careful to keep right with the orthodox doctrine of creation by saying that he does not believe the world actually arose in this mechanical way out of the three kinds of elements which he here supposes, but that he simply puts out his hypothesis as a mode of conceiving how it might have arisen.
On the other hand, neither sex of the latter at any age puts off its striped garb - the mark, it may be pretty safely asserted, of an inferior stage of development.
Flies and frogs were also complained of, and Sidonius, writing in the 5th century, complains bitterly of the "feculent gruel" (cloacalis puts) which filled the canals of the city, and gave forth fetid odours when stirred by the poles of the bargemen.
AdvertisementCyrus had 10,400 Greek hoplites and 2500 peltasts, and besides an Asiatic army under the command of Ariaeus, for which Xenophon gives the absurd number of ioo,000 men; the army of Artaxerxes he puts down at 900,000.
In the Malay Peninsula the blood of a murdered man must be put in a bottle and prayers said over; after seven days of this worship a sound is heard and the operator puts his finger into the bottle for the polong, as the demon is called, to suck; it will fly through the air in the shape of an exceedingly diminutive female figure, and is always preceded by its pet, the pelesit, in the shape of a grasshopper.
Flowering and fruiting go on continually, although in diminishing degree, until the advent of frost, which kills the flowers and young bolls and so puts an end to the production of cotton for the season.
The exhaustion of the soil under cotton culture is chiefly due to the loss of humus, and nature soon puts this back in the excellent climate of the cotton-growing belt.
Options are single puts" or " calls ") or double (that Swaddles."
AdvertisementMusical public opinion now puts an extraordinary pressure on the young composer, urging him at all costs to abandon " outof-date " styles however stimulating they may be to his invention.
Meyer, therefore, conjecturally puts the date of Zoroaster at 1000 B.C., as had already been done by Duncker (Geschichte des Altertums, 4 4, 78).
The "Cleveland plan," in force in the public schools, minimizes school routine, red tape and frequent examinations, puts great stress on domestic and manual training courses, and makes promotion in the grammar schools depend on the general knowledge and development of the pupil, as estimated by a teacher who is supposed to make a careful study of the individual.
Over this the priest, robing for mass, puts on the amice, alb, girdle (cingulum), stole, maniple and chasuble.
He is the only one of Saxo's heroes in whose mouth the chronicler never puts a speech.
AdvertisementHe became an associate of Jay Gould in the development and sale of railways; and in 1863 removed to New York City, where, besides speculating in railway stocks, he became a money-lender and a dealer in "puts" and "calls" and "privileges," and in 1874 bought a seat in the New York Stock Exchange.
The defence which Josephus puts forward has a permanent value and shows him at his best.
This depicts the journey of the soul from heaven to earth, its life in the body, and its final return to the heavenly home, under the figure of a Parthian prince who is sent from the court of his parents to the land of Egypt to fetch the serpent-guarded pearl; after a time of sloth and forgetfulness he fulfils his quest, and returns triumphant and again puts on the heavenly robe.
The nearest parallel to his literary position may be found in the aim which Virgil puts before himself in his Bucolics.
At his consecration the bishop-elect is, according to the rubric, presented to the consecrating bishops vested in a rochet only; after the "laying on of hands" he retires and puts on "the rest of the episcopal habit," i.e.
In the Magamas of Hamadhani a narrator describes how in various places he met a wandering scholar who in these assemblies puts all his rivals to shame by his eloquence.
The theology of the Indian Syrian Christians is of a Nestorian type, and Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th century) puts us on the right track when he says that the Christians whom he found in Ceylon and Malabar had come from Persia (probably as refugees from persecution, like the Huguenots in England and the Pilgrim Fathers in America).
The phrase, "devil's advocate," has by an easy transference come to be used of any one who puts himself up, or is put up, for the sake of promoting debate, to argue a case in which he does not necessarily believe.
Dressing himself in the armour of the slain knight, which he has great difficulty in handling and eventually puts on over his peasant's garb, he sets out on a series of adventures which differ greatly in the various versions, but the outcome of which is that he becomes a skilful and valiant knight and regains the heritage of his father.
There the Brahmin invites the god to dwell within the image, specially made hollow to contain him, "performing the ceremony of adhivasa or inhabitation, after which he puts in the eyes and the prana, i.e.
It is true that Harnack has adduced arguments which cannot be discussed here to prove that Irenaeus was not born till about 140; 15 but against this we may quote the decision of Lipsius, who puts the date of his birth at 130, 16 while Lightfoot argues for 120.17 The fact that Irenaeus never quotes Polycarp does not count for much.
Thereupon Deianeira, prompted by love and jealousy, sends him a tunic dipped in the blood of Nessus, and the unsuspecting hero puts it on just before sacrificing at the headland of Cenaeum in Euboea.
Sir Guilford Molesworth puts this in a convenient but less exact form.
He expressly puts this forward in various passages as the conclusion to which reason conducts us.
And even when a thinker puts forward his doubt as absolute it does not follow that his successors are bound to regard it in the same light.
Dr Joseph Casimir Plebanski, besides editing the Biblioteka warszawska, a very valuable literary journal which stands at the head of all works of the kind in Poland, has also written a dissertation (in Latin) on the liberum veto, which puts that institution in a new light.
The interpretation which Isaiah puts on this fact depends on the circumstance that at that date religion had never been conceived as a relation between God and individuals, or as a relation between God and a purely spiritual society, but always as a relation between a deity and some natural social group - a stock, a tribe, a nation.
Parsimony is the source of the increase of capital; by augmenting the fund devoted to the maintenance of productive hands, it puts in motion an additional quantity of industry, which adds to the value of the annual produce.
With some more show of authority it puts Logic before Metaphysics.
But as Mr Stone well puts it, " It would not be a necessary inference [from Dr Hort's opinion] that there ought to be no ministry in the Christian Church."
He obtained a considerable addition to his resources (Carlyle puts the amount at £10,000) on his marriage in 1767 to Betty Anne, sole child and heiress of John Dawson of Marly in Yorkshire.
By this ingenious suggestion of the membership of one spirit in another, Fechner's " day-view " also puts Nature in a different position; neither with Hegel sublimating it to the thought of God's mind, nor with Lotze degrading it to the phenomena of our human minds, but identifying it with the outer appearance of one spirit to another spirit in the highest of spirits.
After absorbing the cell-contents of the latter, which it does in a few hours or days, the fungus puts out a sporangium, the contents of which break up into numerous minute swarm-spores, usually one-ciliate, rarely two-ciliate.
The teleutospore puts forth on germination a fourcelled structure, the promycelium or basidium, and this bears later four sporidia or basidiospores, one on each cell.
As regards north Germany, Muller puts the Northern Bronze age 500 years later than the Southern, but a recent find in Sweden bears out Monteliuss view that southern influence made itself rapidly felt in the North.
The former he imitates in the maxims (-yv14at) he throws in and the speeches which he puts into the mouth of the chief actors; the latter in his frequent geographical digressions, in the personal anecdotes, in the tendency to collect and attach some credence to marvellous tales.
When placed on the stigma, under favourable circumstances, the pollen-grain puts forth a pollen-tube which grows down the tissue of the style to the ovary, and makes its way along the placenta, guided by projections or hairs, to the mouth of an ovule.
His will to believe merely recognizes that choice is necessary and implies risk, and puts him in a position to obtain verification (or disproof).
The earth-stopper "stops out" and "puts to" - the first expression signifying blocking, during the night, earths and drains to which foxes resort, the second performing the same duties in the morning so as to prevent the fox from getting to ground when he has been found.
De Quatrefages, in a table giving the stature of different races of men,' puts the natives of Samoa and Tonga as the tallest people in the world.
Gentile faith puts Israel to shame.
In the first of his Dialogues (fair models of Cicero), Severus puts into the mouth of an interlocutor (Posthumianus) a pleasing description of the life of coenobites and solitaries in the deserts bordering on Egypt.
He sometimes deliberately puts the case upon a wrong issue.
It is universally agreed that the letters ad Familiares were published by Tiro, whose hand is revealed by the fact that he suppresses all letters written by himself, and modestly puts at the end those written to him.
In short, the conflict between Petrinism and Paulinism is, as Carl Schwarz puts it, the key to the literature of the 1st and 2nd century.
The Domesday Survey puts before us the state of things in England as it was at the very beginning of the Norman and at the close of the Saxon period.
As Aristotle puts it, the syllogism is directed " not to the outer, but to the inner discourse," or as we should say, not to the expression but to the thought, not to the proposition but to the judgment, and to the inference not verbally but mentally.
Each man then procures a piece of wood or stone, on which he puts a private mark.
He puts far greater stress than his predecessors upon the sympathetic pleasures, and thus quite avoids that appearance of mean prudential selfishness that is such a depressing feature in Paley and Bentham.
Towards the west it may originally have extended as far as the Danube where it runs from north to south at Waitzen (Vacz), while on the other hand Ptolemy puts its eastern boundary as far back as the Hierasus (Sereth).
Already "in our towns and places reformed," as the Confession puts it, there were local or "particular kirks," and these grew and spread and were provincially united, till, in the last month of this memorable year, the first General Assembly of their representatives met, and became the "universal kirk," or "the whole church convened."
Ptolemy puts the Gotar in the southern part of the country, and from the earliest historical times their name has been given to the whole region between the Cattegat and the Baltic, exclusive of the provinces of Halland and Skane which down to the 17th century always belonged to Denmark.
Plato (Theaetetus, 15 2 E) puts him at the head of the masters of comedy, coupling his name with Homer and, according to a remark in Diogenes Laertius, Plato was indebted to Epicharmus for much of his philosophy.
His style is lucid and vivid, but he lacks the critical sense, and the speeches he puts into the mouths of his characters are imaginary.
Besides assisting British subjects who are tried for offences in the local courts, and ascertaining the humanity of their treatment after sentence, he has to consider whether home or foreign law is more appropriate to the case, having regard to the convenience of witnesses and the time required for decision; and, where local courts have wrongfully interfered, he puts the home government in motion through the consul-general or ambassador.
After this the new bishop, who has so far been vested only in a rochet, retires and puts on the rest of the episcopal habit, viz.
Refusing to remain with Dido, queen of Carthage, who in despair puts an end to her life, he sets sail from Africa, and after seven years' wandering lands at the mouth of the Tiber.
In or before 1530 he left Maillezais, abandoned his Benedictine garb for that of a secular priest, and, as he himself puts it in his subsequent Supplicatio pro Apostasia to Pope Paul III., "per seculum diu vagatus fait."
With a very few exceptions the speeches are dignified in tone, full of life and have at least a dramatic propriety, while of such incongruous and laboured absurdities as the speech which Dionysius puts into the mouth of Romulus, after the rape of the Sabine women, there are no instances in Livy.
The mind is in this case both subject and object, or, as William James puts it, both "I" and "me."
That he possessed considerable literary abilities, and that these were carefully trained, we gather, both from the speeches which Tacitus puts into his mouth, and from the reputation he left as an orator, as attested by Suetonius and Ovid, and from the extant fragments of his works.
He puts Simon after Marcion, and yet refers in the same breath to his acceptance of Peter's preaching.
Dr Prichard here puts forward distinctly the time-honoured doctrine which refers the mental faculties to the operation of the soul.
Unless, indeed, we conceive our faculties to be constructed on some arbitrary plan which puts them out of relation to the facts with which they have to deal, we have a prima facie right to treat beauty as an objective determination of things.
This lateral course is due to the more vigorous growth of the axillary branch formed near the base of each flower, which is a terminal structure, and, except in the female flower of Cycas, puts a limit to the apical growth of the stem.
Seeing Kassapa, who as the chronicle puts it, was as well known to them as the banner of the city, the people at first doubted who was the teacher and who the disciple, but Kassapa put an end to their hesitation by stating that he had now given up his belief in the efficacy of sacrifices either great or small; that Nirvana was a state of rest to be attained only by a change of heart; and that he had become a disciple of the Buddha.
And if in truth he knew it before you, he ought not to blame any but himself for having taken no more care to secure a discovery, which he puts so much value on.
On the other hand e was wholly free from that quality which he ascribed to Lord eorge Sackville, a man "apt to take a sort of undecided, equ vocal, narrow ground, that evades the substantial merits of the qu stion, and puts the whole upon some temporary, local, accide tal or personal consideration."
In a sense this theory puts the coping-stone upon Christological development.
Any type of highly wrought feeling may make a man religious, whether it be theistic or pantheistic; indeed, as a child of Romanticism, Schleiermacher puts a peculiarly high estimate upon the pantheistic type.
Ritschl denies natural theology 4 as well as natural religion, denies dogma outright in its Greek forms - Trinitarian and Christological; and seeks to transpose the doctrine of Atonement - Christ's Person " or " Works as he puts it - from the legal to the ethical.
I have not that certainty of his continued existence which we call knowledge; though the great likelihood of it puts it past doubt.
But used in the sense in which Green habitually uses it self-realization implies, as he puts it, the fulfilment by the good man of his rational capacity or the idea of a best that is in time, i.e.
Merzbacher, is a peak to which he has given the name of Nicholas Mikhailovich; its altitude he puts at 20,670 ft.
That sacred communication of His flesh and blood whereby Christ transfuses into us His life, even as if it penetrated into our bones and marrow, He in the Supper attests and seals; and that not by a vain or empty sign set before us, but there He puts forth the efficacy of His Spirit whereby He fulfils what He promises.
Whenever a woman brings forth a male child, she puts his first food on the sword of her husband, and lightly introduces the first auspicium of nourishment into his little mouth with the point of the sword.
It is certainly an advance on the older patristic theory, in so far as it substitutes for a contest between God and Satan, a contest between the goodness and justice of God; but it puts the whole relation on a merely legal footing, gives it no ethical bearing, and neglects altogether the consciousness of the individual to be redeemed.
Kittel certainly puts it too strongly when he asserts that D quotes always from E and never from J, for some of the passages alluded to in D may just as readily be ascribed to J as to E, cf.
His most common form is that of a vigorous young man, with wings on his forehead; his attributes a stalk of poppy, and a horn from which he drops slumber upon those whom he puts to rest.
Thus the " lazy yawning drone," as Shakespeare puts it, has a short shrift when his usefulness to the community is ended.
Xanthus, however, puts Torrhebus in the place of Tyrsenus, and makes him the eponym of a district in Lydia.
The opening of the mouth is small, and from it the echidna puts forth its long slender tongue, lubricated with a viscous secretion, by means of which it seizes the ants and other insects on which it feeds.
The reaction against anthropomorphism begins in Greek philosophy with the satirical spirit of Xenophanes (540 B.C.), who puts the case as broadly as any.
Thus it came about that, as Professor Schiemann puts it, " Potemkin's scenery was brought out again," and Nicholas walked with conscious self-approval through a Russia seemingly well ordered, but in fact merely temporarily prepared for each stage of his progress.
I suppose a man puts a certain amount of pride into the fact that he can father a child.
Mommy puts Sammy down while gently admonishing her to be more careful.
This size font puts a further strain on the reader.
The lack of ironed choir robes puts the choir off.
The class teacher is somewhat absent-minded and is not very careful when he puts their reports into envelopes at the end of ' term.
Why Rover's return is making us blush Stephen Pritchard puts paid to the errant apostrophe.
Rusty's voice was fantastic and puts all the popular recording artistes to shame.
Paul puts the spirit first when he speaks of our whole spirit, soul and body being preserved blameless.
And converting debt into secured borrowing, such as a mortgage, puts the property at risk if the borrower defaults.
When you can't take the heat anymore watch in amazement as our fire breather puts on a show!
The owner puts the budgies in a cardboard box.
In the end, what puts bums on seats is a hit.
This puts pressure on organizations to become more businesslike in their approach.
Marco's irresponsible attitude inadvertently puts his mother's life in grave danger.
He bathes in the river, shaves his head and puts on a new white dhoti.
The food puts most restaurants to shame, with a mouth-watering mix from confit of duck and grilled john dory to saddle of rabbit.
Throwing two billion ink droplets every second, 1mm above the substrate puts the problem in perspective.
Fred tells Diana in June that if she puts leather elbow reinforcement on a jumper he will pay her £ 140 for it.
How Jacqui puts up with my somewhat erratic working practices, I don't know!
Sartre has the point of view that is called Atheistic existentialism, which puts the emphasis on the individual instead of society.
Thomson NETg puts the information that drives performance literally at your people's fingertips.
She is so forceful now and puts in so much effort.
Have you ever thought about how a young man with cerebral parsley who is getting frisky with his partner actually puts a condom on?
What puts the traveler at risk of suffering heatstroke?
It is society or the system society puts in place that should make, enforce, and punish infractions of the law.
Today I actually found myself reading one of those junk spam mails that Mail puts straight in my junk mailbox.
The above recipe puts all incoming mail into the inbox folder.
Where it puts the first part of an entry into the RSS feed, it can cause invalid markup.
Your Mother is so fat that... she puts mayonnaise on aspirin.
This puts considerable pressure on the training program for mentors, and some institutions involve teachers other than the designated mentor in the training.
Quot that puts birmingham auto insurance jersey mercury new ala area.
The demand for English language courses in Pakistan is insatiable and puts us predominantly monolingual English speakers to shame.
So Bronagh steps up, bends over and puts the ball down on the tee giving everyone a flash of her hairy muff.
If he goes to the pub because she always nags him and puts him down and rejects him, who is in the wrong?
When selected, a child stands next to Pandora and puts a hand on her shoulder and speaks the thought or feeling.
His party, and its union paymasters, are wedded to a philosophy which puts producers before customers.
To appreciate the emphasis that Schönbrunn puts on pleasure, rather than imperial pomp, visit the gardens first.
Now there's a solution offered by Fatbrain which puts your deathless prose online.
This puts almost irresistible pressure on markers to use quantitative marking schemes.
Here the traction engine puts on a spectacular display as it ascends the steep ramp off the site.
The study puts forward an alternative explanation for such sponsorship that is an alternative theory to standard realist and neo realist explanations.
The change puts beyond doubt the position as regards the ability to use capital redemption policies to create a capital loss.
Europe's persistent reluctance puts the Turks in a quandary.
Schools, as Toynbee puts it, are only remedial.
Also the introduction of the new scrummage law puts more pressure on sides to hold their own scrum.
He who puts the green scum aside can drink the water.
The best way to cover this annual shindig is to go, as " Le Shack " puts it, right off piste.
Baldrick is another dim yet loyal sidekick who inexplicably puts up with a lot of abuse from a heavily sadistic employer.
But when someone puts their words into writing, then what they say become more significant.
Racing and revving as if enacting a Doppler Effect experiment, the wheelie artist puts paid to hopes of an afternoon snooze.
A hardware salesman puts a spanner into Joe's plans for a romantic evening with Melanie.
To take the smear, the doctor or nurse puts an instrument called a speculum inside your vagina.
Electroplating steel spokes puts a compressive stress into their surface, dangerously shortening their fatigue life.
A ' frozen moment ' activity puts a spotlight upon parts of the story through dramatic representation.
A few repeated squirts of water from a good water pistol in the face puts off most dogs.
Suppose the agent who discovers succotash puts up a sign that she sells succotash.
The text provides a lively survey, puts pieces into context and explains the symbolism behind the designs.
In addition, the mining in the Andean Forests puts unique species, such as the mountain tapir, at risk.
The Irenaean theodicy justifies evil as being soul making, while the Augustinian form puts evil down to the exercise of human free will.
The responses are a prism that puts several things in perspective.
Late on Sunday afternoon David Coleman puts the finishing touches to the pedestrian walkway across the newly installed turnout.
And which puts forward smart ideas to improve public transport in our Cities.
The ' Saxon Dog ' puts such trivia aside to tell us about his introduction to fishing in Scotland.
Mr twit puts frogs in his wife's bed while Mrs Twit cooks up worms in his spaghetti.
The enlarged uterus also puts more pressure on the veins.
Its ergonomic design puts silky smooth multi-speed vibration right at the tip of your fingers.
It puts out a constant little whine which I for one find very annoying.
In fact, as our Lord puts it, the Rabbinical theory seemed to be that the Sabbath was not made for man but man for the Sabbath, the observance of which was so much an end in itself that the rules prescribed for it did not require to be justified by appeal to any larger principle of religion or humanity.
In his Dialogues concerning Natural Religion he puts forward tentatively, in the person of one of his interlocutors, the ancient hypothesis that since the world resembles an animal or vegetal organism rather than a machine, it might more easily be accounted for by a process of generation than by an act of creation.
But from this perfectly correct observation a conclusion which is by no means warranted was drawn, namely, that the chick as a whole really exists in the egg antecedently to incubation; and that what happens in the course of the latter process is no addition of new parts, " alias post alias natas," as Harvey puts it, but a simple expansion or unfolding of the organs which already exist, though they are too small and inconspicuous to be discovered.
The reign of Louis the Pious (814-840) was, as Graetz puts it, " a golden era for the Jews of his kingdom, such as they had never enjoyed, and were destined never again to enjoy in Europe " - prior, that is, to the age of Mendelssohn.
In view of the other points of 1 It has been suggested that Saphon, which is often rather troublesome if rendered "the north," may be a weakened form of .ib'on, a affinity between Joel and Ezekiel, this word inevitably suggests Gog and Magog, and it is difficult to see how a swarm of locusts could receive such a name, or if they came from the north could perish; as the verse puts it, in the desert between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.
To rescue Merswin from the charge of deceit involved in this theory, Jundt puts forward the suggestion, more ingenious than convincing, that Merswin was a "double personality," who in his primary state wrote the books ascribed to him, and in his secondary state became "the Friend of God from the Oberland," writing the other treatises.
Holding firmly to the principle, voi16wv cb'cr c 197Tpoi., he did not allow himself to remain inactive in the presence of disease; he was not a merely " expectant " physician; as Sydenham puts it, his practice was " the support of enfeebled and the coercion of outrageous nature."
For a projectile in which the ogival head is struck with a radius of 2 diameters, Bashforth puts K= o 975; on the other hand, for a flat-headed projectile, as required at proof-butts, = 1 .
Sometimes, as in the cases of the resurrection being allegorized2 and marriage repudiated,' it is feasible to detect distortions or exaggerations of Paul's own teaching, against which the Paulinist of the pastorals puts in a caveat and a corrective.
When Miss Keller puts her work in typewritten form, she cannot refer to it again unless some one reads it to her by means of the manual alphabet.
Her whimsical and adventuresome spirit puts her so much on her mettle that she makes rather a poor subject for the psychological experimenter.
Sometimes she puts her hand on a singer's throat to feel the muscular thrill and contraction, and from this she gets genuine pleasure.
She puts her hands in our plates and helps herself, and when the dishes are passed, she grabs them and takes out whatever she wants.
She makes many mistakes, of course, twists words and phrases, puts the cart before the horse, and gets herself into hopeless tangles of nouns and verbs; but so does the hearing child.
The head monkey at Paris puts on a traveller's cap, and all the monkeys in America do the same.
But this puts an infinitely worse face on the matter, and suggests, beside, that probably not even the other three succeed in saving their souls, but are perchance bankrupt in a worse sense than they who fail honestly.
So our human life but dies down to its root, and still puts forth its green blade to eternity.
The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us.
It puts to rest many questions which he would otherwise be taxed to answer; while the only new question which it puts is the hard but superfluous one, how to spend it.
That puts the court in too bad a light, replied Bilibin.
Chance puts the Duc d'Enghien in his hands and unexpectedly causes him to kill him--thereby convincing the mob more forcibly than in any other way that he had the right, since he had the might.
The weak coupling in this example puts a further strain on the reader.
Do not attempt to sing it puts the choir off.
This also puts it in the top quartile of all local authorities.
Europe 's persistent reluctance puts the Turks in a quandary.
Read the rest... Johnson puts hammer down - John Wilford Copy from Football Unlimited of 09/02/2003.
This also puts susceptible pregnant women at higher risk and could increase the number of congenital rubella affected pregnancies.
German imperialism, deprived of colonies, puts on the fearful mask of fascism with its saber teeth protruding.
Anything of actual value he puts in his safe-deposit box.
The key area being between the island and front bank which puts you over two big shoals of bream.
Silly bugger thought it was a qualification, he still puts it on application forms under education.
A hardware salesman puts a spanner into Joe 's plans for a romantic evening with Melanie.
Including stockholders irc policy puts a on terror extends.
Erika PS... he is also very nice and kind to talk to and puts up with swooning women like me.
Johnny Depp is brilliant as the tipsy Pirate, while Orlando Bloom puts on a strong performance thats really made a name for himself.
Mr Twit puts frogs in his wife 's bed while Mrs Twit cooks up worms in his spaghetti.
My goal is to earn a 4.0 GPA this semester, but getting a C on my Algebra test puts my plan in jeopardy.
Driving after you've had too much to drink puts your life in jeopardy.
Every time she puts socks on her newborn's feet, she'll remember the fun she had at her shower and the thoughtfulness of the gift.
A solid, dependable sports watch is a must for the man who puts the "a" in active.
Soccer.com puts soccer enthusiasts at the "center of the soccer universe."
New editions Once a publisher puts out new editions, costs of previous editions usually decrease.
The reason is that carpet can get heavy and bulky to handle and this puts a strain on the carrier in terms of weight.
She often puts her nose to my mouth to see where the noise comes from.
If he can't lay on her, he at least puts his paw on her.
I hope this advice puts you on track for a solution.
This puts the cat in a very venerable position.
The intense itching puts your cat at risk for secondary bacterial and fungal infections from scratching at her ears and perhaps causing open wounds.
Encouraging children to read puts them on the path to a successful life, so it should come as no surprise that Scholastic book clubs are very popular in elementary schools across the United States.
A red apple martini puts a tasty spin on this popular cocktail.
Traditionally a Spanish drink, Mexico puts its own spin on this refreshing, fruity cocktail.
Since this could eat into your tax return or make you owe the government, this puts you in a sticky situation.
Anything higher than that puts you in a good group since you are considered a lower risk than many other consumers.
We expect Congress to try to create legislation that puts restrictions on marketing that targets teenagers and college students, and put caps on interest rate increases.
Asking your child to play messenger puts him/her in an awkward position.
The problem comes with the carbon-altering activities that humans take part in, such as the burning of fossil fuels and other biomass, which puts more carbon into the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect.
In the summer months, the system reverses the process and pulls heat from your home, and puts it into the earth.
A general estimate from the Department of Energy puts an average system's cost at $7500.
After our system puts the greywater through the filtration and disinfection processes, it can safely be used for flushing toilets and for irrigation systems.
Walk through one of the many fully-accessorized displays at major retailers or sit at home in front of the fire with a catalog and browse the attention to detail that Martha puts into all of her projects - it's a good thing!
Women's perfume releases images of a young girl watching her mom spray on her perfume as she puts on her face and clothes.
The MainStage portion of the show puts the spotlight on established guest artists, who offer hands-on teaching sessions for participants.
Emo makeup puts the emphasis on your eyes with a second lighter, focus on the lips.
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Trish McEvoy cosmetics puts great emphasis on their tools and accessories, especially their line of award-winning makeup brushes.
The Internet puts just about any kind of information at your fingertips within seconds.
A good photographer, though, puts thought into what subjects they shoot.
The company's popular Rebel Series puts professional imaging techniques into the hands of fledgling photographers across the globe.
For best results, ask what days the store normally puts out new stock, and check in on those days to see what's new.
This makes you susceptible to illness such as colds and flu, and puts your body at risk for more serious medical disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes,and heart disease.
The massage therapist usually puts oil or lotion on your skin or his hands before beginning the massage.
Using a stress ball puts your mind to work on something other than the stressor, without you even realizing it.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer labeled tanning beds as "carcinogenic to humans," which puts it in the same cancer-risk category as radon gas and plutonium.
A bad clique would be defined as any sort of group that forces you to do things you are not comfortable with, that puts down "outsiders", or don't set a good example for those younger than they are.
If a teen puts up flyers around his neighborhood and town, he can easily find jobs mowing grass in the spring and summer, raking leaves in the fall and shoveling snow in the winter.
Or, is the best player the one who consistently rebounds the ball and puts it into the hands of the top scorer?
Once they have indicated this to the narrator, the narrator puts them back to sleep.
Low fat diet fans believe than eating carbohydrates increases your insulin levels and in turn puts strain on your heart, leading to long term damage.
When talking to your spouse, avoid placing blame -- this only puts the other person on the defense and often doesn't resolve anything.
Tradition usually puts white cake front and center, with a chocolate grooms cake offering an alternative for people with a super sweet tooth.
Prices on wedding cakes are normally proportionate to how much work the decorator puts in, so keep in mind that making a lot of flowers may take a while.
Whether an addict has been clean for 30 days or three years, marking the milestone puts his/her life in perspective and offers hope for the future.
Sharing needles puts the user at risk of diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
The theory is that drinking puts people more at risk because of other choices they make.
This makes communication difficult and puts a strain on your relationship.
As he puts it, "I am currently negotiating the right contract with the right race team to continue my climb to the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series."
We all have the right to be who we are, and we all have the right to question what a person puts out there.
This latest war of the words, perhaps just a slip by Lohan, again puts the hot topic of Hollywood friendships in the spotlight.
While not uncommon for pregnant women to have a physician's order to take it easy, it certainly puts a wrinkle in a working actress' life.
This puts her in the stratosphere of television salaries, because the next highest paid TV celebrity makes $45 million.
Perez Hilton - The self-proclaimed "Queen of all Media," Perez Hilton (aka Mario Lavandeira Jr.) puts his own spin on celebrity gossip, often times with a snarky edge and the addition of his own visuals to embellish the story.
Page's Oscar Award nomination along with Keira Knightly, Isabelle Adjani and Keisha Castle-Hughes, puts her amongst the youngest actresses to recieve a nomination.
Perhaps it puts them more on the level of the average person, but the public thrives on catching celebrities in the wrong.
One thing is always for certain though, Kevin Bacon always puts everything into each of his performances.
In other words, a detail like this puts the "special" in special occasion.
Crisp white pants look classy when offset by any color in a spring/summer wedding, and puts a modern spin on traditional attire.
Teenormous puts their money where their mouth is and offers the largest selection of Wild Things tees on the web.
Each season, Ralph Lauren puts out a collection of impeccably preppy polos for girls which are decorated with the polo logo.
A camo jacket looks great with a pair of jeans or cargo pants--basically with whatever else your child puts on that day.
Each season, Splendid puts out a selection of casual-wear gone cutesy, and the summer seasons are no exception.
For tweens and teen girls, dELiA's is an affordable online retailer that also puts out a monthly catalog.
This debt puts an extra strain on families and places students at an immediate disadvantage as they leave school and enter the workplace.
Nothing puts the sizzle back into a sedentary union more than setting sail on a romantic anniversary cruise on Royal Caribbean.
As with any gift, it truly is the thought the giver puts into it that counts.
Concrete and asphalt can harm your dog's feet, and sand puts more stress on joints than grass.
Solid Gold puts the same care into their canned dog foods as well, and they come in flavors like Green Cow Tripe, Lamb and Barley, and Turkey and Ocean Fish.
Remember, the child-like faith an English Bulldog puts in you is a great gift and should never be betrayed.
Founded in 1976 in New Jersey, the organization puts dogs in the places that people need them most -- hospice care, hospitals for both adults and children, and assisted living facilities.
A large dog's weight puts more stress on her joints, so sleeping on a hard surface for any length of time can makeher hips and elbows hurt.
Mowing too short puts stress on your lawn.
The plant takes this as a signal to grow more roots, and puts down deeper, stronger roots, which in turn means a healthier plant.
Finally, it puts the guitar tabs, in a very easy to read format, right on the same page.
You won't always find exactly what you are looking for every time you visit, but you need to just keep checking back until someone puts up a Red Baron for sale.
Delta Monitor puts an end to an icy blast of cold water when a washing machine is turned on or being scalded whenever a toilet is flushed.
HomeProHub puts contractors for replacement windows and homeowners together in a unique way.
You can indulge in a little guilt-free shopping when you purchase Vera Bradley jewelry cases, knowing the company puts considerable effort and a portion of its profits into funding breast cancer research.
Jeri is a Lia Sophia Jewelry consultant and also partners with her husband in selling antiques, jewelry, and other items on eBay - but always puts people before business.
He takes this motto and puts it on a bracelet made by hand.
Applied in the spring and again in the fall, organic fertilizer strengthens the plant and puts essential nutrients in the soil.
While the term may signify healthier living quarters, it is important to note that the U.S. Department of Agriculture puts no restrictions on these terms unlike the scrutiny regarding the use of the word organic on labeling.
Shopping on the Internet puts a wide selection of stores at your fingertips.
You won't know the area, but your online "pal" will, which puts them at an advantage if they choose to take advantage of you.
Life on the fairway of golf retirement communities puts you in the middle of the action.
Lifting a leg over the side of a bathtub puts an individual at risk for losing balance and falling, causing serious injury.
Snowbird Seeker puts together snowbirds, property owners and property managers.
It is a simulator attraction with an extensive preshow and themed queue area that sets up the story of the ride and puts riders in the fun frame of mind to visit Krustyland, the setting for the ride simulation.
Six Flags Magic Mountain also puts on great shows utilizing DC Superheroes and characters from the WB Kids' Club.
Available on both the Xbox 360 and Windows PC platforms, Mass Effect puts the player in control of Commander Shepard.
One player puts on the hockey mask and tries to hit people with the axe.
This game takes the same word-building formula and puts an interesting new twist on it.
This feature puts a link to the auction on your personal page called "My eBay".
Each battle puts you one-on-one against a much larger ship.
Use your sketches and notes to organize a design document that puts everything together in an easy format to follow.
Diner Dash puts you in the role of Flo, an ambitious ex-executive with a dream of owning and operator her own restaurant.
Challenge Mode puts you into a handicap situation, where you get to select two of your favourite Dragon Ball Z characters, but you must face off against three enemies in a team battle.
However, after all the hell he puts you through, it's still just as satisfying as a long drudged out climax.
Another favorite of mine, Hobo Wars is a browser-based MMORPG that puts you in the role of a homeless person trying to make it in the city.
From Russia With Love puts you in the fancy shoes of the original James Bond, complete with Sean Connery providing the legendary spies' voice.
The sound effects work nicely and help convey the destructive mood that the game puts forth.
Sega puts out the Sega Master System to compete with the SNES.
Sony puts out the PlayStation 3, which supports the Blu-Ray format.
One of the more unique launch titles for the Wii, Rayman Raving Rabbids puts the motion-sensitive Wii Remote to good use and provides a wacky gaming experience.
The latest Tony Hawk incarnation is much more kid-friendly and puts a stronger focus on racing rather than tricks.
A Wii launch title from Nintendo themselves, Excite Truck puts you in control of a vehicle and lets you race by tilting and turning your controller.
Like its predecessor, this title puts you into the action as a Navy SEAL who must stop forces who are engaged in weapon and drug trafficking.
Different rooms, like the rotating tile of lights room puts a little happiness into the dark graphics you'll encounter during the game, but the dark graphics are a good thing since they fit in well with the type of game it is.
Jewel Quest takes the basic concept behind Bejeweled and puts a different spin on it.
Jewel Quest puts you in the shoes of an explorer exploring the ruins of an ancient Mayan civilization.
North America isn't the only region that puts a title on the list of recalled video games.
Each challenge puts you on a section of track with a specific goal.
I'm going to tell a ninja what to do.Ninja Gaiden Black puts you into the shoes of young ninja Ryu Hayabusa.
Wii puts people in touch with their games and with each other.
Namco puts out their Museum which includes games like Dig Dug and Galaga.
The video game puts us in his shoes in the climactic final scene.
Designed for the PS2, GameCube, Xbox and Xbox 360, Gun is a western shooter game that puts you into the lives of cowboys and Indians.
Like all the newest consoles of its generation, it promises ground-breaking new graphical detail, and puts unprecedented processing and memory resources at the feet of eager game developers.
They may not seem like much, but tapping a few buttons over moving the mouse can give you that extra second that puts you ahead.
Mario's second 3D adventure puts him in peril even while he's on vacation!
The Metroid-themed Catch Mode puts a unique spin on the Tetris formula.
For specific character actions, it puts up a face icon to let you know which one needs to do something.
The Godfather video game puts you right in the middle of the action as a young man entering the Corleone family.
With a little help from your friends, of course, this game puts you smack in the middle of the adventure as the star of the show.
Little Gamers features a very simplistic art style that really puts the focus back on the clever writing and great humor.
Westward puts you in control of entire towns, giving you the reins from settlement to a glorious population boom.
While you might be 150 pounds, it's possible that the Wii Balance Board reads a different number and puts you over the Wii Fit weight limit.
Joystiq part 2-another mockup that basically puts a screen on the Xbox 360 controller.
As I'm sure you're aware, Zoo Tycoon puts you in control of your very own zoo.
The food that is brought out is a step above the already tasty treats that the executive chef, Mark Caldwell, puts together for the normal flights.
He puts together his own personal recommendations of planning a trip through Napa and other Northern California wine regions.
Carrying that kind of additional weight on your back during a hike puts added strain on your shoulders, hips, and legs.
Compatible with S60 v.3 and S60 v.5 Nokia smartphones, this hunting game puts some big game in your sights, including bears and deer.
The Windows Mobile operating system puts the power of a Windows computer into a phone.
Having a history of diseases that damage the bone marrow, such as aplastic anemia, or a history of cancers of the lymphatic system puts people at a high risk for developing acute leukemias.
In other words, a child can catch a rotavirus infection if she puts her finger in her mouth after touching toys or things that have been contaminated by the stool of another infected child.