Put up Sentence Examples
How long are you going to put up with this?
I put up a fight, but it was useless.
I put up boards on all the windows.
She would gladly put up with the man if he rescued her!
Anatole consented and went to Moscow, where he put up at Pierre's house.
How do you put up with … him?
Lisa put up a hand as Yancey started toward her.
I haven't put up with you for fifteen years not to know when you're worried.
She put up a fight?
Once on the street, Dean put up a halting hand.
AdvertisementAfter dinner, Connor helped Jackson put up the shutters, then they sat down for a drink.
Deidre did as he said and fed long, prepared to put up an honest fight this time.
Why do you put up with it?
I guess he wasn't the ideal patient so the doctors weren't inclined to put up much of a fuss.
Katie was expecting twins, but they hadn't put up the cribs yet.
AdvertisementStopping by the employment office, she contracted for temporary help to put up the fence.
She called the employment office and they rescheduled the three men they were going to send to help put up the fence.
Second, I prefer not lifting the goats over the fence to get them into the barn, and third, if you'd let me finish …" "You can't just put up a fence, Carmen.
For Joseph, the son of Tobiah and nephew of Onias, went to court and secured the taxes of Palestine, when they were put up to auction.
At harvest the corn was cut high on the stalk with short sickles and put up in sheaves, after which it was carried to the threshing-floor and there trodden out by the hoofs of oxen.
AdvertisementHave manure put up in heaps and mixed with earth."
The Dynamics of a Particle was written on the occasion of the contest between Gladstone and Mr Gathorne Hardy (afterwards earl of Cranbrook); and The New Belfry in ridicule of the erection put up at Christ Church for the bells that were removed from the Cathedral tower.
Gracchus ordered that the taxes, direct and indirect, should be increased, and that the farming of them should be put up to auction at Rome.
Any obscurity that may hang over Huygens's principle is due mainly to the indefiniteness of thought and expression which we must be content to put up with if we wish to avoid pledging ourselves as to the character of the vibrations.
At the beginning of his reign he ordered a recast of the coinage, with serious results to commerce; civil officials were deprived of offices, which had been conferred free, but were now put up to auction; duties were imposed on exported merchandise and on goods brought into Paris; the practice of exacting heavy fines was encouraged by making the salaries of the magistrates dependent on them; and on the pretext of a crusade to free Armenia from the Turks, Charles obtained from the pope a tithe levied on the clergy, the proceeds of which he kept for his own use; he also confiscated the property of the Lombard bankers who had been invited to France by his father at a time of financial crisis.
AdvertisementHis real offence was a witticism at the expense of Sejanus, who put up two of his creatures to accuse him in the senate.
He put up for auction the highest offices and honours; even remitting to William the Lion of Scotland, for a sum of 15,000 marks, the humiliating obligations which Henry II.
In 1575, and again in 1587, it was put up for public auction, when the Hungarian Bathory and the Swede Sigismund respectively gained the prize.
His position as a naturalized foreigner, his influence and his wealth naturally made Balbus many enemies, who in 56 put up a native of Gades to prosecute him for illegally assuming the rights of a Roman citizen, a charge directed against the triumvirs equally with himself.
Two or three slubbing rovings are put up behind the machine opposite each spindle; each end is guided separately into back rollers and thence between smaller rollers, known as carrier rollers, to the front rollers.
In it he corrects his aunt, who had put up the wooden pillars of his Waterloo bridge "upside down."
Encouraged by this, the senatorial party put up Drusus to outbid Gracchus.
An agitation was then begun for retrenchment, the public works were put up for sale, and were finally disposed of in 1858 (when the debt was $39,4 88, 2 44) to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for $7,500,000.
As time went on the travellers (with whatever object) who used the great alpine passes could not put up any longer with the bad old mule paths.
And I won't put up with any trouble at The Lucky Pup!
He's put up with my attitude for a lot of years.
Rhyn waited for it, determined to put up the same fight he always did.
No one else could put up with either of us.
Unable to wait, she started the test and then put up the groceries.
In Prague the victory of the Czechs has been marked by the removal of all German street names, and the Czech town council even passed a by-law forbidding private individuals to have tablets put up with the name of the street in German.
The fleet was, as it chanced, delayed by a storm in the Bay of Navarino, and rough fortifications were put up by the sailors on the promontory of Pylos.
The king was the emblem, the focus and the bond of national unity; and to preserve it men were ready to put up with vagaries which to other ages seem intolerable.
In woodland countries, however, a good whipper-in is really of almost as much importance as the huntsman himself; if he is not alert the hounds are likely to divide, as when running a little wide they are apt to put up a fresh fox.
Thus Gardiner and the archbishop maintained opposite sides of the king's church policy; and though Gardiner was encouraged by the king to put up articles against the archbishop himself for heresy, the archbishop could always rely on the king's protection in the end.
In any case Joseph borrowed money from his friends in Samaria; and this point in the story proves that the Jews were supposed to have dealings with the Samaritans at the time and could require of them the last proof of friendship. Armed with his borrowed money, Joseph betook himself to Egypt; and there outbid the magnates of Syria when the taxes of the province were put up to auction.
When once a pack of wild dogs has put up any animal, that animal's doom is sealed.
They are then dried and put up for preservation in glass-stoppered bottles; and they require to be very carefully guarded against mites and various other minute insects, to the attacks of which they are peculiarly liable.
There must clearly be a Church, and the small success of the Civil Constitution made clear that public opinion would not put up with a Church practically detached from Rome.
When finally taken out, it is unloosed and put up in cones, instead of being grassed, and when quite dry it is stored for some time previous to undergoing the operation of scutching.
The last king's second son, Lang Darma, concluded in May 822 a treaty with the then emperor of China (the twelfth of the Tang dynasty), a record of which was engraved on a stone put up in the above-mentioned great convent of La Brang (Jokhang), and is still to be seen there.'
The tax, if kept at a low rate, undoubtedly fulfils a useful function as a revenue reserve for emergencies, on account of the ease with which it can be put up and down without disturbing trade.
In the earlier part of his life he and his relation Dr Newton of Grantham had put up furnaces, and had wrought for several months in quest of the philosopher's tincture.
The British government refused to put up with an affront of this kind, and their envoy, supported by an army, continued his advance.
At first he seems to have lived with the Florentine scholars on tolerably good terms; but his temper was so arrogant that Cosimo de' Medici's friends were not long able to put up with him.
Having gradually revolutionized the whole economic system, in Paris, in Lyons, in Nantes, in Bordeaux, in Marseilles, they could not tamely put up with being excluded from public affairs, which had so much bearing upon their private or collective enterprises.
When the male plants are ripe they are pulled, put up into bundles, and steeped in a similar manner to flax, but the female plants are allowed to remain until the seed is perfectly ripe.
Numbly, she rolled over to a pile of grain sacks they had put up as a barricade.
The Langstroms put up with me for years, and now that they're doing some traveling themselves I get to try other places and taste delicious home cooking like Mrs. Dean's marvelous muffins!
Ethel, her usual sympathetic self, reached for her cigarettes and began to get dressed after what she deemed sufficient time to put up with the unsuccessful performance.
Second, I prefer not lifting the goats over the fence to get them into the barn, and third, if you'd let me finish …" "You can't just put up a fence, Carmen.
How do you put up with … him?
The grandmother put up with the pernicious nonsense.
The company put up to $50 million in their pockets just by changing energy supplier.
I thought he would put up a bit more of a fight.
Stuart Excel made two fabulous barn owl boxes, which were put up by the Broxton barn owl boxes, which were put up by the Broxton Barn owl group, earlier this year.
At no stage during the conference did CG put up ant sort of fight for its once cherished aim of an independent socialist republic.
Because Hazel Blears is such a hard-working little chipmunk, she's not actually put up her Top 40 on Labor's website.
Gewurztraminer likes alluvial clay, while Sylvaner will put up with the loam soil of the valley or Bas Rhin.
Is Michael Howard going to put up with such political cross-dressing in his senior ranks?
Period said Dan put up any direct the broadcasts.
No good God could put up with such deceit, and justice demands that they should be punished for it.
The first building was put up in the early twelfth century and consisted of a simple stone gatehouse with an arch at each end.
You also have to put up with loads of grubby, battered fellow festival goers who you've probably had enough of by then.
Neither Diane nor the character would ever put up with too much guff.
It is not libertarian to force people to put up with all manner of things they are highly concerned to avoid.
It's time employer lobbyists put up or shut up.
Nobody wants a mobile phone mast put up anywhere near where they live.
Mary put up strong resistance to the idea at first, but gave in on condition that she may dispatch messengers to Scotland.
And Lyn, you put up with my constant mickey taking, without resorting to violence, so thank-you.
I put up a water wheel and went to growing sugar cane and made molasses of sugar cane.
A tall, slim granite obelisk was put up.
There really are conservative politicians who have spent the past four years waiting for Labor to put up income tax or renationalise British Telecom.
Don't be reckless with other people's vehicles, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours ' .
Don't be reckless with other people 's SRT kits, don't put up with people who are reckless with other people 's SRT kits, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
The invasion grabbed a small piece of land but the French put up fierce resistance and a full-scale invasion of southern France never occurred.
They also put up notices claiming squatters ' rights in the woodland.
Adopting.org offers help and hope for those searching for either a birth parent of a child that was put up for adoption.
I love him dearly, but I cannot put up with this much longer.
You could put up a screen in the doorway of the room where the cat is located, or you could put the new cat inside her crate and bring her into the main living area.
Many law firms and sole practitioners have put up web sites to advertise their services.
The jelly cabinet was an important piece of furniture because it stored the plethora of preserved goods that families put up throughout the harvest seasons.
You can't just put up any kind of a loft bed on a college campus.
Hang some plants from windows or put up shelves for holding pictures, pottery, books and other items that might otherwise be relegated to a table on the floor.
A mural created from vinyl wall art can be put up, taken down and put up again in minutes.
While many teens like to put up posters of celebrities and rock stars, you can make it look a little nicer by framing them and hanging them gallery-style on the walls.
It's a convenient way to put up artwork, ribbons and awards, messages, and photos.
They can be used permanently to brighten a kitchen or playroom window, or put up and taken down for use with the seasons, holidays or for parties.
If you have Bob Dylan hair, or a Sinead O'Connor bald 'do, don't put up last year's picture of your screaming orange dye job.
Are you willing to put up with low water pressure or old flooring if the location is right?
There is no reason for you to put up with that kind of stress, or to be plain, nonsense.
But don't put up with cattiness either, because insecurity is no excuse for being a "Heather."
Teens should put up advertisements, such as flyers or newspaper advertisements, to get word out about their business.
I think the feeling I had was exactly what they meant when they say, "Rode hard and put up wet."
Several tents can be put up next to each other to accommodate larger groups.
It's more of a way to put up a mirror in front of drug users and show that their choices are hurting both loved ones, and most importantly their own selves.
We put up with their flirtations on The Surreal Life and endured weeks of wondering if he'd ever pop the question on the first season of My Fair Brady.
Dog's first son, Christopher, was put up for adoption.
Large tents were put up in order to keep the ceremony private.
Holyfield experienced his own financial strife as well, when he had to have his 54,000 square-foot home put up for auction when he couldn't pay child support for one of his ten children.
Would she put up with a pair of Easter bloomers or an Easter hat?
While you may be able to snag super savings by booking less than 45 days in advance on other cruise lines, with Disney, the demand for last minute sailings is so great most spots sell out as soon as they are put up for grabs.
Just because you aren't using these harmful chemicals doesn't mean you have to put up with pesky, disease carrying mosquitoes, or other bothersome bugs ruining your garden.
Either way, know that there is no longer any reason for you to have to put up with discomfort and unnecessary aggravation!
He has put up over 5 billion dollars to build a 7 attraction movie theme park where he invites people to try and survive his Park of Horrors.
If you can warrant Fifty Bucks just for that, go ahead, but I recommend spending considerably less at Blockbuster to learn whether you can put up with the flaws.
Alternatively, you can put up your own posting, exclaiming that you'd like to do some video game trading, what titles you have and what games you want.
Aside from the dance competition websites, they will probably have other resources on the web that helped them, and might even have put up videos of their performances on YouTube.
Lee became general for the Virginia military forces and troops put up military installments all around the estate.
This holiday season, try learning to put up a French twist.
Similar to HUD homes, these houses are put up for sale in a bidding process.
He advised the people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors, light torches and make loud noises like fire crackers to scare away the beast.
While trying to alert people to the plight of endangered great white sharks, she put up posters of the animals in Oklahoma City where she was working in June 2009.
Whatever the scenario, it's just plain uncomfortable, so why put up with it?
Recent surveys show that their efforts are paying off, and relatively few girls put up pictures of themselves in swimsuits.
You can't simply put up a site and consider the task done.
For example, Chinese may put up an artificial Christmas tree, called the "Tree of Lights."
Families today usually put up and decorate their own trees several days before Christmas.
As mentioned, people in France do not usually put up their Christmas trees until several days before Christmas.
Some churches ask that parishioners not put up Christmas trees in their homes because of the possibly pagan origins of the practice.
In that year, President Calvin Coolidge's wife, Grace Coolidge, allowed the D.C. public school district to put up a tree on the Ellipse, near the Washington Monument.
Many stores had agreements not to put up decorations or start holiday shopping sales promotions until after the conclusion of the parades.
Even if you light real trees, you can also put up lightshow trees, colorful cascading trees, spiral trees, and many other options.
However, most people are willing to put up with this inconvenience for the sake of a great costume.
R4wr.com has a generator that lets you put up to forty friends on your front page and change some other aspects of the friend space layout.
For your privacy, your name is removed or initialized if your e-mail is put up on the website.
She would always blow up on me, then later on calm down and apologize, and I put up with this similar routine for so long but finally couldn't take it anymore.
You might have to put up posted notes that say this, or talk to yourself in the mirror.
That hurt me so bad because I was the one who put up the tree and stockings, and I couldn't even be at my home on Christmas.
Many not-free dating and adult sites also will put up fake profiles, often with cleverly-phrased personal messages claiming to be a long-lost friend or something similar to lure you away from the free site and onto a paying site.
Remember, don't put up with bad behavior or anything that makes you uncomfortable.
Create a welcoming profile, put up some recent photos and see what happens.
Scorpio won't put up with any bull, not even Taurus, so this earth sign better watch his Ps and Qs.
Who wouldn't put up with a little bit of fuss for romance like that?
If you have a basketball theme, put up a hoop over his bed.
If it makes more sense to put up the chore chart in a home office or a family room, then that is where it should be left.
And, if you're one of the people who hates the site of them, you're probably going to have to put up with them for a little longer!
Iva gave Lily up for adoption and she never knew about Rose who was also put up for a separate adoption.
She eventually tells Ephram about the baby that she put up for adoption.
I was active in a soap forum at the time as a fan of The Young and the Restless and The Bold and The Beautiful, and an online friend decided to put up a Y&R spoiler page with his.
Unfortunately, in an age when anyone can self-publish a book or put up a website, not all of the information you find in a book or on a site will be safe or valid.
That's a good way to break the wife in and then maybe move on to some colors and slowly get fancier if the wife doesn't seem to put up too much of an issue.
Thankfully, the good people at Limewire put up a very useful wiki page that discusses this issue, helping you overcome the problem of not being able to connect.
First of all, obviously the songs were performed on TV, and unless the company formally releases them in CD/MP3 format, you'll be left with a recording that someone made during the show broadcast and put up on a file sharing network.
The main goal of the show is to see how the girls can put up with his rocker lifestyle.
Who would put up with this kind of behavior?
It appears that most of the people involved realize that it's the bride's day and it will be over soon and they can put up with it for a short time.
Trish Suhr also offers numerous yard sale tips to fans not on the show such as making sure they put up signs, pick a great weekend, set prices high and make sure things are organized.
We put up festive lights and decorate a Christmas tree.
They put up a Twitter page and their Facebook page and they immediately start shouting at users about everything that's great about them.
While you may have to put up with a few pop-up ads or other limited features, this can be a quick and easy way to get into simple website building.
If you are a college student, maybe you want to put up a daily blog of what you are doing.
When a dentist decides to put up a web page, that website becomes both the global "front door" to the practice, as well as a large sign that promotes the dental practice to all potential clients.
Simple HTML is read by the browser and then displayed as is written - that is, whatever was put in the original HTML file is simply put up in the browser window, with no variation in content.
Part of the reason all this is available is because of how easy it is to put up your own website - again, completely for free.
In Asia Minor his younger brother Antiochus Hierax was put up against him by a party to which Laodice herself adhered.
Even the mere money value of the lost pieces must be immense, and among them is the central relic box, which would have told us in whose honour the monument was put up.
All such monuments hitherto discovered in India were put up in honour of some religious teacher, not in memory of royal persons, generous benefactors, politicans, or soldiers or private persons, however distinguished.
And we need have no hesitation in accepting this as a monument put up over a portion of the ashes from the funeral pyre of Gotama the Buddha.
He had for a time to put up with the presence of old servants of the electoral house, but after 1738 he was in effect sole minister.
Epitaphs of members of the Flavian family have been found here, and others stating that they are put up " Ex Indulgentia Flaviae Domitillae Vespasiani Neptis."
When this is done, the revenues to be farmed are put up to public auction and sold to the highest bidder, provided he can prove himself amply solvent and produce sufficient sureties.
The solution is filtered, the precipitate well washed, and, generally, is put up in the form of a paste in well-closed vessels.
His remains were removed in 1842 to Caracas, where a monument was erected to his memory; a statue was put up in Bogota in 1846; in 1858 the Peruvians followed the example by erecting an equestrian statue of the liberator in Lima; and in 1884 a statue was erected in Central Park, New York.
Next morning, having sold his horse, he walked into Geneva, put up at " the Rose," and asked for a boat to take him towards Zurich on his way to Naples.
For nearly thirty years Philip put up with the capture of his treasure-ships, the raiding of his colonies and the open assistance rendered to his rebels.
For export it is put up in bales of about 150 lb each.
Large quantities of condensed milk, put up in hermetically sealed tins, are sold fcr use in mining camps and on board steamships.
This sliver is put up behind the second drawing; eight or more ends together run through the second head again into one sliver; and so on through the third and fourth heads of drawing.
He put up a poster asking for help with my name as the contact.
Bob Livingstone has requested that the solicitor advocates ' poster be put up.
If you live in a building with a communal Ariel i would advise you to get yer own one put up!
Planting, pruning, tidying litter picking, helping to put up notice board!
Signs spark row in Heartbeat land Sheep farmers anxious to save their flocks have put up signs turning away visitors from a tourist attraction.
One has to admire the tenacity of those who helped to put up the exhibition.
Whilst for Scotland, Hailey Haining and Susan Partridge should put up a good fight with Gb vests at stake.
As long as there is a cartoon villain to put up front and stone to death, then people don't notice.
It was as if he was saying the police can't stop the yobs so put up the barricades and take cover.
But the death of Sejanus in 31 set Tiberius free from prejudice against the Jews; and, when Pilate put up the votive shields in Herod's palace at Jerusalem, the four sons of Herod came forward in defence of Jewish principles and he was ordered to remove them.
And on the ground that the Buddha, the Sakiya sage, was born here, he (the king) had a flawless stone cut, and put up a pillar.
The Latin praevaricatio was specifically applied to the conduct in an action at law in which an advocate (praevaricator) in collusion with his opponent put up a bad case of defence.
One of these groups shows the horse and rider in relatively tranquil march, in the manner of the Gattemalata monument put up fifty years before by Donatello at Padua and the Colleoni monument on which Verocchio was now engaged at Venice.
The exact site of this garden has been recently rediscovered, marked by an inscribed pillar put up by Asoka (see J.R.A.S., 1898).
And if you put up at my house that will be better still.
And he began explaining why he could not put up with his daughter's unreasonable character.
Customers stand to put up to £ 50 in their pockets just by changing energy supplier.
The Jedi dying was handled well, although you think they could have put up a bit more of a fight.
We put up a poster asking for help with my name as the contact.
Maybe Shallet 's story was a put-up job for the Air Force.
Up to two children can be accommodated on put-up beds.
Hopefully find someone that could put up with his quicksilver mind and bad morning temper.
I would much rather take full responsibility for what I 'm doing myself, than have to put up with reams of compliance paperwork.
Do n't be reckless with other people 's vehicles, do n't put up with people who are reckless with yours '.
Do n't be reckless with other people 's SRT kits, do n't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
She had been approached by Mr John to put up £ 10,000 to construct a roadway in front of her property.
Apparently, they 're also happy to put up with a rock-hard ride that gets even rockier in the Sport version.
We put up with the rowdy teenagers on the bus.
They were going through their house looking for items to put up for sale by auction.
The clock was put up in the late Seventies by the Clifton 's, who ran a tailor 's shop in Midland Road.
The fight put up by the courageous Palestinians sent shock waves through israel.
We watched them for quite a while before they were put up by a group of trotting horses.
Whilst for Scotland, Hailey Haining and Susan Partridge should put up a good fight with GB vests at stake.
Mooney executive vise she put up to consider the.
As long as there is a cartoon villain to put up front and stone to death, then people do n't notice.