Pursue Sentence Examples
I really want to pursue this, but I don't know how.
If so, she didn't give him time to pursue anything else for the next three days.
This was a relationship she might want to pursue if he wasn't involved in something illegal.
I am simply curious at what cost you are willing to pursue your goal.
All fishes of the mackerel family are strictly carnivorous; they unceasingly pursue their prey, which consists principally of other fish and pelagic crustaceans.
Best of luck as you pursue a new career.
In spite of his numerous engagements, Burnell found time to aggrandize his bishopric, to provide liberally for his nephews and other kinsmen, and to pursue his cherished but futile aim of founding a great family.
Darian debated whether to pursue or let her go.
Both men felt the old man had probably killed him, but Westlake's brief disclosure was insufficient to pursue the matter and as both men were dead, there was little incentive to do so.
The state was a vassal of a weak and distant empire, which would leave it virtually free to pursue its own career; it was an independent tributary of a near and powerful kingdom with which it could trade, and trade between east and west became henceforth the note of its development.
AdvertisementThere's no reason for them to pursue this except to—never mind.
He has gone to them with word of his breaking allegiance to pursue his title without their mediation or interference.
An ample inherited fortune permitted him to pursue his studies undistracted by the necessity for earning a livelihood, and to maximize the results of his time and labour by the employment of amanuenses and secretaries.
The Solenopsis can make its way into the territory of the Formica to steal the larvae which serve it as food, but the Formica is too large to pursue the thief when it returns to its own galleries.
On the arrival of the Argonauts, Phineus promised to give them particulars of the course they should pursue and of the dangers that lay before them, if they would deliver him from his tormentors.
AdvertisementCynthia used Martha's smile to pursue the reason for their questioning.
It was time to pursue his duties relentlessly to continue to build momentum.
Deep into the night he would continue his studies, stimulating his senses by occasional cups of wine, and even in his dreams problems would pursue him and work out their solution.
If poor nations decide to pursue what I will call the Japan strategy, importing all their food and developing other industry, then they become huge fans of farm subsidies in other countries.
I knew he desperately wanted to pursue Howie's never-before-encountered ability as far as it would go.
AdvertisementCynthia turned to her husband with a look that said 'don't pursue it,' then announced, If we're going to get in some ice skating, we'd better get cracking.
And, if he found out she was meant to be his mate, he'd pursue her with the same wild determination he pursued Others.
Various species among those that are predaceous attack smaller insects, hunt in packs crustaceans larger than themselves, insert their narrow heads into snail-shells to pick out and devour the occupants, or pursue slugs and earthworms underground.
While Dean could have officially requested Fitzgerald to pursue the matter, his past experience was beginning to teach Dean when to keep his mouth shut.
The die was cast, which decreed that from 1579 onwards the northern and southern Netherlands were to pursue separate destinies.
AdvertisementUrged by such considerations, he once more turned his eyes to the scene of his early exile, where he might live on his decent patrimony in a style which was impossible in England, and pursue unembarrassed his literary studies.
From the beginning he recognized that government exists in order that the bulk of the population may pursue their daily work in peace and quiet, and that for a government to be successful it must be strong.
By refusing supplies they would put it out of the kings power to fulfil his engagements to that army, anti it would immediately pursue its onward march to claim its rights.
The first breach in the Liberal ranks had been made; and the government, after 1870, never again commanded the same united support which had enabled it to pursue its victorious career in the first two sessions of its existence.
Ample levels of government were available to pursue the matter.
However, I wasn't about to pursue that subject.
Moved here to pursue my acting career.
It aims to resolve conflicts by peaceful means and to pursue preventative diplomacy.
Nevertheless, she was determined to pursue her ambition to be a professional musician, and became the first solo percussionist.
Sworn assurances you or your people will not pursue our identity in any way and you'll do all in your power to protect our anonymity.
He must have thought it fruitless to pursue that angle so he moved on.
Greenie—and those he was working with—would be crazy not to pursue her, once they found out what she did.
In order to render an 'account of Tyndall's "residual blue" it is necessary to pursue the approximation further, taking for simplicity the case of spherical shape.
Nelson's destruction of the French fleet at the battle of the Nile disconcerted Bonaparte's plans; he hoped to pursue his designs through Syria, and laid siege to Acre, which, however, successfully held out.
But to pursue the tale of isolated instances would be wearisome.
The king wished to pursue a more conciliatory policy, without, however, yielding any one of the points in dispute between himself and the revolted Netherlanders.
I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one.
The bundles from the cotyledons pursue a direct course to the stele of the main axis, and do not assume the girdle-form char acteristic of the adult plant.
Owing to ill-health he applied for leave to reside at Wickham, and in 1712 he removed to London on the plea of poverty, intending to pursue a literary career.
It was determined in 1648 that the one of these two judicial authorities which first dealt with a case should alone have competence to pursue it.
In a matter of a couple of days, she not only accepted there was a chance to live, but she'd decided to pursue whatever she had to in order to guarantee it.
I'd like to pursue further experimental work on the rapid pressure swing adsorption process mentioned above.
To pursue aikido, or any martial art, as a path to self-improvement involves more than training.
She joined the events team at CFDG in order to pursue her career aspirations to work in the charity sector.
The police have failed to pursue a vigorous case against the alleged assailants.
She was becoming more left-wing in her political sympathies, and wanting to pursue an artistic, almost Bohemian lifestyle.
The present dearth of referral practices North of the border makes this the ideal time to aggressively pursue this initiative.
I believe that we need to pursue a new model of dementia care and one which can promote both positivity and participation.
Patrick Clayton left to pursue the quest his own way via the Desert Survey.
However if the unauthorized use continues OSNI will pursue to the limits of the law proper legal redress.
In the south of France it is rather popular with artisans, who, however, are content to pursue it on any flat surface and use round instead of biased bowls, the bowler, moreover, indulging in a preliminary run before delivering the bowl, after the fashion of a bowler in cricket.
Not every woman is interested in a muscular frame, but there are general clues she will look for when deciding whether or not to pursue a relationship with a particular man.
You can pursue an Associate's Degree in Technical Communication and Business Writing or you can expand your knowledge base with continuing education courses that specialize is different areas of technical and business writing.
You may even have a list of the "Top 10" children's books that inspired you to pursue your dream of making a living from your way with words.
Scouts are also required to pursue community service projects geared toward building citizenship and patriotism.
And, the government chose to pursue the PMF rather than risk another civil war by going after people with a lot of influence and money.
Such perceptions dispose the mind to pursue what nature dictates as useful.
The scandal and the pressure of foreign Catholic opinion compelled Depretis to pursue a more energetic policy, and to publish a formal declaration of the intangibility of the Law of Guarantees.
Henceforward she remained in the background, leaving her eldest son Henry to pursue the struggle with Stephen.
The post of astronomer-royal was offered him in 1881, but he preferred to pursue his peaceful course of teaching and research in Cambridge.
The rationality of the former principle he takes pains to explain and establish; in opposition to Hume's doctrine that it is no part of the function of reason to determine the ends which we ought to pursue, or the preference due to one end over another.
In Geneva his progress was arrested, and his resolution to pursue the quiet path of studious research was dispelled by what he calls the "formidable obtestation" of Guillaume Fare1.2
In the same year he won a Fergusson scholarship of £loo a year for two years, which enabled him to pursue his studies outside Scotland.
For a short time, indeed, under the energetic rule of Agesilaus, it seemed as if Sparta would pursue a Hellenic policy and carry on the war against Persia.
The government was thus in a position vigorously to pursue its religious policy.
Renan still used his literary gifts to pursue a scientific ideal.
Or should he pursue Tilly westwards and crush the league at its own hearth and home ?
The final line of the article vowed to pursue the anomaly in coming additions.
Greenie—and those he was working with—would be crazy not to pursue her, once they found out what she did.
She'd left them both to pursue a position among the Guardians, so she could start a new life in the mortal world.
There's no reason for them to pursue this except to—never mind.
I was awarded a grant from Commissions East to pursue training in silver jewelry making.
It was worthwhile to pursue the ghost writer.
Special Features The subject specialism of the pathway allows you to pursue an interest in addition to law, thus broadening your employment potential.
However, to date, only 58 members have opted to pursue deemed buyback.
Look deeper, think laterally, pursue the interesting byroads as well as the motorways.
Graduates may pursue careers in the public or private sector.
A natural on screen, Jones officially retired from soccer in 1999 to pursue his acting career.
Therefore, for some, to consider marriage was to pursue a welcome alternative to the probability of lifelong celibacy.
The EPA, for example, continues to pursue the chimera of radon in the home.
We shall continue to pursue claims for adequate compensation from the Council.
In such cases the Ombudsman would normally advise the complainant to pursue his complaint further with the local NHS body.
An hundred pursuits they pursue, and in them seek contentment.
He submits that the claimant is entitled to judgment for the sum demanded leaving the defendant to pursue any counterclaim it may have.
Others may wish to pursue a research career in applied criminology.
We regularly pursue debtors in the UK and overseas.
Mr Kirchner is not advocating another bout of war but has ordered his country's diplomats to pursue the policy more aggressively.
Nevertheless, the UK's commitment to its obligations to pursue nuclear disarmament has been shown in significant ways to be limited.
Despite this, artists are frequently too dreamy or bashful to pursue fair wages for their troubles.
Following in her brother's footsteps, Lily has also begun to pursue a career in show jumping.
Arrow poison frogs pursue the most devoted of family lives high in the boughs.
Elective modules allow you to pursue areas of specialist interest (Eg gastronomy, hospitality events management or environmental management ).
Obviously, someone without the resources to pursue this patent, and only then against the extremely gullible.
Or they may try to maximize leisure to pursue some hobby or interest; or some mixture of all these.
They have a longing to know God, to follow God, to pursue holiness.
Some, of course, intend to pursue an academic career and recognize that a research degree is therefore indispensable.
If the mediation does not result in a legally binding settlement, parties are free to pursue litigation or other lawful alternatives.
At every single level, we have to pursue and dismantle this machinery of terror.
Instead we must pursue education as if it is some sort of politically neutral activity.
Even if the commission were required simply to pursue the objective, it could only aim to do that on each occasion.
The changes could open the way for highly opinionated, " single-issue " presenters to pursue their personal agendas on air.
The travellers were thus able to move freely and to pursue their scientific enquiries without hindrance from either people or ruler.
The differentiation of the females leads to a complex social life, the nesting habits of ants and the various industries that they pursue being of surpassing interest (see ANT).
Like many of the leading modern utilitarians, they combined with their psychological distrust of popular judgments of right and wrong, and their firm conviction that all such distinctions are based solely on law and convention, the equally unwavering principle that the wise man who would pursue pleasure logically must abstain from that which is usually denominated "wrong" or "unjust."
It was more particularly in the definitive constitution of the temporal and political power of the papacy, in the extension of what may be called Roman imperialism, that chance favoured his efforts and enabled him to pursue his conquests farthest.
In 1903 Count Billow declared in the Reichstag that the government was endeavouring to pursue a middle course between the extravagant aspirations of the Pan-Germans and the parochial policy of the Social Democrats, which forgets that in a struggle for life and death Germanys means of communication might be cut off.
On the 9th of January 1776 Paine published a pamphlet entitled Common Sense, a telling array of arguments for separation and for the establishment of a republic. His argument was that independence was the only consistent line to pursue, that "it must come to that some time or other"; that it would only be more difficult the more it was delayed, and that independence was the surest road to union.
On Mary's accession he went abroad to pursue his theological investigations at Louvain, Antwerp and Paris; and from a letter of his own, dated Louvain, 1554, we get a glimpse of the quiet student rejoicing in an "excellent library belonging to a monastery of Minorites."
He traces this opposition into the forms in which it appears in the social life of mankind (as, e.g., in the difficulty of reconciling the conflicting claims of individual self-development and self-culture and social service), and finds " a hidden root of insincerity and hypocrisy beneath all morality " (p. 243), inasmuch as it is not possible to pursue any one type of ideal without some departure from singleness of purpose.
Most importantly, like most people with AD(H)D he would pursue energetically and conscientiously matters in which he had great interest.
Always pursue what is good, noble, beautiful.
A few concrete, real-world examples of tasks you might want to pursue would not have gone amiss.
Giving staff a sabbatical in order to pursue qualifications or undertake voluntary work is another option that enlightened employers can consider.
Associate Professor Takeda is planning to take a sabbatical year in the UK in 2007-2008 to pursue this research.
But, contrary to the course I thought he would pursue, Hillyar brought with him the Cherub sloop of war.
With his growing fame and singing success, Cassidy was keen to shake his squeaky-clean teen idol image and to pursue a solo career.
Cause groups can be subdivided according to the aims they pursue.
We will pursue alternatives in which synthetic peptides, based on joint collagen, may be engineered to become more effective.
Ms Thornback suggested the Forum Working Group pursue the theme of values, perhaps using the Mount Cameroon project as concrete example.
Moreover Ahith'ophel said to Ab'salom, Let me choose twelve thousand men, and I will set out and pursue David tonight.
We were the first to pursue the same goal by an as yet untrodden path.
I do n't pursue vendettas or punch people on the nose.
The taster course is designed to enable people to make a well-informed decision about whether teaching is a career that they wish to pursue.
You must speak to the Head of Sixth Form if you wish to pursue this course of action.
Yet they still saw it worthwhile to pursue the ghost within that machine.
I wish I had the motivation to doggedly pursue research in a topic that I am passionate about.
This excess cash provides you with the opportunity to pursue a number of positive strategies.
The world needs you to pursue your dreams, since that's what keeps the world moving forward.
Do not let your kids pursue your pets, either by chasing them or pulling them out from a hiding spot.
Adoption is an option that many couples pursue, but what are the advantages of adopting as a single parent?
I was born in 1970 in Tel Aviv, Israel and moved to Pittsburgh in 1996 to pursue my master's degree.
Another option that some families pursue is an independent adoption, which is typically facilitated by an adoption attorney.
Once you've decide to pursue the adoption of a child from Haiti, the following steps must be taken.
If you believe that you have been the victim of outright deception, auto fraud is the avenue that you want to pursue.
If you enter an installment agreement and don't hold up your end of the plan, the vendor may report the debt to a collection agency or pursue you for the debt, which leads to stress.
Though she has a journalism degree and worked in the corporate publishing world, she was able to leave that behind in 2010 and pursue a full-time career as a gift expert.
Needless to say, you'll have to pursue a diagnosis with your vet in order to establish the exact cause and try to curb the hair loss.
If you don't have a career or a job, actively pursue one.
Solar power is just one of many different things that people can pursue to this end.
In interviews she did with various soap opera publications Budig told fans that found herself "wondering what else may be out there" and had the desire to pursue other job opportunities.
Budig says she plans to remain in California to pursue other television and movie jobs.
Actress Eileen Davidson, who originated the role of Ashley Abbott, left the role for a decade to pursue other opportunities including a multi-character role on rival daytime drama Days of Our Lives.
Actor Shemar Moore left Y&R to pursue prime time opportunities, returning briefly when between jobs.
Dobrev left to pursue other acting opportunities such as a starring role on the The Vampire Diaries.
Other times actors will leave a daytime soap to pursue other opportunities, or a character will be written out of a show and then brought back at a later date and the original actor is unavailable.
Finally, Oliver decided he wanted to pursue Kyle and reclaim what they had, but by then Kyle was then involved with Nick and Stacy turned up pregnant.
Violet and Cooper pursue a friends-with-benefits relationship.
Addison and Sam grow closer, but decide not to pursue a romantic relationship, as they don't want to hurt Naomi.
Addison begins dating Pete, causing friction with Violet, who decides to take him to court to pursue joint custody.
Addison and Sam go back on their original agreement and pursue a romantic relationship.
He was utilizing his athletic ability to pursue his architecture endeavors.
Currently trying to pursue his apprenticeship as a tattoo artist, Dizzle has hit a major speed bump, having been cut loose by his mentor Twig.
Professional tattoo artists have seen enough infected tattoos to quickly recognize another one when they see it, and they can likely tell you what to do for the wound, as well as whether you should pursue further help from your physician.
After quitting her high school education at the mere age of 14 to pursue an inking career, Kat's unique image has made her one of the most watched artists on TLC's Miami Ink prior to her departure and return to Los Angeles in 2006.
The industrial design part was particularly interesting to me, so I decided to pursue a Master's degree in that.
After grasping the physical concept of yoga, practitioners often move on to pursue more challenging paths or become teachers of the Iyengar method.
What made you decide to pursue yoga certification?
He then returned to Khartum, and in 1879 went again into Darfur to pursue the slave traders, while his subordinate, Gessi Pasha, fought them with great success in the Bahr-el-Ghazal district and killed Suleiman, their leader and a son of Zobeir.
He'd pursue her like a predator its prey, and he'd consume her.
She has now decided to operate full time in this area of work and is leaving MCofS to pursue a freelance career.
Those who wished to pursue this theory were free to apply to funding agencies for resources to conduct such experiments.
The jazz infused ' You Can Do It Too ' tells listeners not to be afraid to pursue their dreams.
The unit provides a necessary background for students wishing to pursue research in the field of archaeozoology or human osteology.
I might go out tomorrow, possibly to a rural location to pursue some pastime.
We have no preconceived ideas about the types of cases we're willing to pursue.
That is why we pursue a radical agenda for opening up trade in the WTO talks and resist protectionism.
I plan to pursue a career in sports marketing or public relations which will allow me to combine both my passions.
The hero demonstrates the tenacity of God to pursue the plan of salvation despite repeated failures in the plan.
Moreover Ahith'ophel said to Ab'salom, " Let me choose twelve thousand men, and I will set out and pursue David tonight.
They cannot pursue a career by filling a permanent full time vacancy.
I don't pursue vendettas or punch people on the nose.
You pursue me all over Europe with the little vexations that I came away to avoid.
The job of the ECB is to pursue sound policies for the euro zone.
In June he was at Magdeburg, Halle and Naumburg; the elector of Saxony excluded him from his dominions, but Albrecht's brother, the elector Joachim of Brandenburg, encouraged him at Berlin in the hope of sharing the spoils, and by the connivance of Duke George of Saxony he was permitted to pursue his operations within a few miles of the electoral territory at Wittenberg.
Seized with a longing to pursue and kill the Moor on account of his insulting language, Ignatius, still doubting as to his best course, left the matter to his mule, which at the dividing of the ways took the path to the abbey, leaving the open road which the Moor had taken.
He was the first sultan entirely devoid of military virtues and willing to abandon all power to his ministers, provided he were left free to pursue his orgies and debauches.
Here he hoped to pursue the tranquil avocations of a poet honoured by men of the world and men of letters throughout Europe, and of an idealistic politician, whose effusions on the questions of the day were read with pleasure for their style.
Our trainees, mostly from school, have gone on to pursue careers in the trades at the local building college.
She left to pursue a solo venture in 1990, briefly reuniting with the band for its 10th anniversary in the mid 90s.
The diversity of plants and animals in the earth's biosphere amazed Catherine, so she decided to pursue a biology degree.
In some cases, the charge off will also signal that the company has sold the debt to another creditor or collection agency who will likely pursue you for the debt.
If the creditor agrees to a reduced payment to close the account, the creditor cannot legally pursue you for full payment.
If they believe you have the means to repay your debt as agreed, they will pursue you legally to ensure that you do make payment as originally agreed.
This means that while you live in Ontario, the person who stole your identity may live in a different location entirely- this makes it hard for law enforcement to pursue the case.
The collector is going to do everything in his or her power to pursue payment.
Creditors can pursue each individual partner's business and personal assets to collect on the debt should the debtor fail to repay the debt as agreed.
If you default on the card, lenders may pursue your personal assets to recoup the loss.
If you have a hobby that you've been neglecting for awhile, take the time to pursue this special interest.
Child support enforcement agencies are directed to pursue their work to locate non-custodial parents (and collect child support payments owing) in the same vigorous manner, no matter where the children involved happen to reside.
People who decide to pursue this option have a team of experts (an attorney, a therapist, and a financial advisor) to help them.
An attorney can offer a father who wants to pursue the custody matter advice about their personal situation.
Despite the numerous objections from law professionals, child advocates and divorce counselors, many people will pursue romantic interests while in the process of divorce.
These types of forms, also called custody modification papers, are used in a variety of situations in which a parent or guardian feels the need to pursue primary custody of a minor child.
At first refiners were reluctant to pursue ethanol expansion because of historically low demand.
There is a major push by local governments and utility companies to pursue alternative means of powering homes.
If you think of yourself as a healer and want to pursue a career in medicine, consider becoming a Doctor of Naturopathy.
This makes it especially attractive to those with diabetes and those who pursue low glycemic index diets.
If you have designer dreams, but a schedule that doesn't quite allow time to pursue it, then online interior design learning programs might be for you.
Thanks to online interior design learning programs, you can pursue a Bachelor's degree in interior design from the comfort of your own home, as well as a number of other interior design related certificates, accreditations, and diplomas.
The first step is to decide what type of degree you would like to pursue.
He gave up corporate life and decided to pursue a career in interior design.
Trying to decide on the career you want to pursue can be an intimidating task for anyone.
No matter the area of expertise that you plan to pursue, EI has the course for you.
You don't necessarily have to enroll in an online degree program or an Internet seminar to pursue continuing education online.
First, you must decide whether you want to pursue cooking school for professional or recreational reasons.
Once you have decided which direction you wish to pursue, you are ready to consider the other criteria.
Regardless of which type of digital scrapbooking business you choose, there are several important legal considerations to keep in mind as you pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.
If you find you have a knack for chemistry and would like to pursue it in college and beyond, you will have several doors opened for you regarding future careers.
Over time, he may break up with this girl, and then you will be free to pursue him till your hearts content.
Pursue other boys but still be friends with this guy if you want.
Should you allow him to pursue a relationship or is it something you should ignore?
If you do decide to let your son pursue a relationship, always instill important communication so he feels equally comfortable coming to you with his failures as well as his successes.
Modeling classes are a great, relatively inexpensive, way to see if you or your daughter will enjoy modeling, and if you will want to pursue it further.
A modeling class is an excellent way to figure out if you really want to pursue modeling or not, since they usually are not very expensive, and they show you the ins and outs of being a mini model girl.
If you let them know you are really passionate about your dream, they will probably, at the very least, let you pursue a part time career, as long as you don't forget your other responsibilities to your school and your home.
For a lot of teen girls, becoming a model is a dream they have, but don't always pursue.
If you decide that modeling is something that you want to pursue, you will probably want to know what a model's life is like.
Real world experience helps you see what types of work you might want to do in the future or the type of degree you might pursue in college.
Are you interested in trying to find out more about a teenage model agency to help you pursue your dreams?
While it is understandable that someone with a concern about appearance would pursue such treatment, BDD is a complicated psychological problem, and not one that can be simply fixed by altering one's appearance.
In fact, plastic surgery needs to be discouraged for BDD patients since the most likely outcome of such is that the person doesn't like the result and then goes on to pursue corrective surgery.
The move to Miami is to better enable the Hogan kids to pursue acting and singing careers.
Apparantly only Trump is able to pursue other interests.
The family moved a lot, and Kiefer attended several schools before dropping out of high school to pursue an acting career.
He then moved to New York to pursue acting full time.
Although Price had many interests, a friend suggested that she pursue modeling.
She majored in English literature at Stanford, but left in 1998 to pursue her acting career.
She still intends to rejoin The Black Eyed Peas as well as pursue solo endeavors.
Her single Go-Go Dancer met with modest success-giving her the confidence needed to pursue other goals.
She started out acting and singing in local productions as a child, and soon moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career.
Soon after, he dropped out of college to pursue his dream of a career in the entertainment industry.
They released four albums before taking a break to pursue solo careers.
The gang recognized Snoop's hip hop talent and urged him to pursue music.
Longoria has noted in interviews that once her contract ends with Desperate Housewives, she will pursue a film career.
With Hilary's interest in acting, her mother Susan moved the girls to California to pursue their careers.
It was rumored that Carter left Lindsay Lohan to pursue Duff and that the two actresses were feuding as a result.
The group later disbanded so Urban could pursue his solo career.
Ripa, a former cheerleader, was urged to pursue an acting career by her manager, Cathy Parker, after a performance in her high school senior play, The Ugly Duckling.
Originally, actor Andy Richter served as O'Brien's sidekick, but he left in 2000 to pursue other acting opportunities.
He dropped out of high school while in the ninth grade to pursue his acting career.
He left after one year to pursue a modeling career.
LaBeouf was accepted to Yale University in 2003, but decided to further pursue his acting career rather than majoring in psychology.
After graduation Damon headed off to Harvard University to pursue a degree in English, but left in 1992 to focus on his career as an actor.
The 5'6'' actress dropped out of college to pursue her career in film, which has proved to have been a good move on her part.
The win even sparked the possibility that Jackson may pursue a career as a rap artist.
In 2006, Fey left Saturday Night Live to pursue a sitcom project at NBC called 30 Rock.
The taste of success led him to pursue stand-up and acting in the U.S., when he made the move to Los Angeles at age 16.
Natalie reportedly found the world of modeling "boring" and decided to pursue an acting career -- in 1994 she landed the role of Mathilda in the film The Professional.
Ferrell left Saturday Night Live in 2002 to pursue film roles.
After that, Brolin decided to move out to Hollywood with his father and pursue an acting career.
Regardless of her ultra fast rise to stardom and equally fast fall, Barrymore continued to pursue acting.
After living in California for a year, Robert decided to drop out of high school to pursue his acting career full time.
While attending NYU, she would go to various clubs and bars on open mic nights in her spare time, eventually dropping out of school to pursue her career in comedy.
Since the comedian always wanted to be on television, he decided to pursue that avenue of entertainment instead (not that television gives anyone job security either).
As for her future career plans, she hopes to pursue a career in sports medicine or to get into sports broadcasting.
She went on to star in the highly successful films Bobby and Mr. Brooks, and continues to pursue challenging Hollywood movie roles.
This performance convinced her to drop out of University and pursue her acting career.
Sure, sure, the paparazzi can be very aggressive and invasive and that has to get more than annoying - there should definitely be limits as to how the very aggressive photographers pursue celebrities.
Whitney Port, one of the most likeable characters on The Hills, moved from the warm and sunny west coast to pursue a job with famed fashion icon Diane Von Furstenburg in New York.
Whitney Port, one of the most likeable characters on The Hills moved from the warm and sunny west coast to pursue a job with famed fashion icon Diane Von Furstenburg in New York.
As a result of his passion for clothing, West announced that he was planning on leaving music to pursue a career in the fashion industry.
Was a journalism major at the University of Missouri but dropped out just shy of graduating in order to move to Hollywood to pursue acting.
At the age of 16, he dropped out of high school to pursue his dream of becoming a rock star.
He dropped out of Harvard, however, to pursue his acting career.
He also dabbled in performance at local comedy clubs, and ended up deciding to pursue a career as a professional actor.
Heidi intelligently used this burst in popularity growth to pursue jobs in television and film.
Spencer dropped out of law school to pursue his dream of becoming a sculptor, but has yet to explain this to his father.
In 1996, co-host John Tesh left Entertainment Tonight to pursue other endeavors, including a radio show and his music career.
At an early age, she decided to follow in her older brother Kirk's footsteps and pursue an acting career.
Soon after, she put her singing business on hold to pursue an acting career.
While working in Las Vegas, Walker was encouraged to return to California and pursue a career in acting.
She quit school to pursue modeling and show business, making a move from fixing others' smiles to displaying her own.
It was there that Rogers decided to pursue his music and acting career, and also where he met first wife Lucille and horse Trigger.
She acted in stage productions in school, but left college early to pursue her acting career.
She was discovered in a shopping mall at the age of 14, and two years later she headed to New York City to pursue her modeling career in earnest.
You actually have a variety of options to pursue in your quest for clothing that will be suitable for your toddler.
Voted the 2007 Transworld Snowboarding's Rider of the Year, Shaun continues to pursue competition titles in both sports.
If you need to temporarily postpone your studies to pursue other interests, taking a class online makes it easy to pick up where you left off.
Career planning experts recommend you take some time to evaluate your priorities before deciding what type of career you might want to pursue.
If you don't take the time to pursue scholarships and other forms of financial aid, private colleges can be significantly more expensive than other types of post-secondary educational institutions.
Thanks to their history and stature, their rich reputations allow faculty and students to pursue cutting-edge research while endowments from successful alumni ensure state-of-the-art facilities and resources.
In response to the growing demand, online Masters degrees have popped up, allowing anyone to pursue a graduate degree.
The school also features partnerships with local colleges in Washington state to allow students to seamlessly transfer their credits a four-year school if they choose to pursue their education beyond Everett CC.
This is in order to allow as many students as possible to pursue a bachelor's degree in their field after completing two years of coursework at Bucks County.
In other situations, students who finished high school years ago, but never started or finished a college degree, decide it's time to pursue one.
If you completed part of a college degree or completed an associate's or bachelor's degree and would now like to pursue a master's degree, there are additional considerations in making your back to school choice.
It can be a lot of work to declare an independent major, but it's worth it if you know what you want to pursue and can't find it among the traditional course offerings.
The jobs are flexible and allow students to pursue their degrees while earning money to offset the cost of their educations.
Returning to school shows a child of any age that a mother values education enough to pursue it even when circumstances aren't ideal or when scheduling isn't convenient.
It can also increase the likelihood of getting into a great music school, as most students interested in music colleges start the process earlier than teens looking to pursue other majors.
The benefits of using this scholarship to pursue a secondary education are numerous.
Most schools also have career services offices and counseling centers to provide you with the information you need to pursue your goals.
Differing tracks are tailored to students looking to pursue degrees in the liberal arts, business or math and science.
There is also the option for you to pursue a dual degree program where you can obtain an MBA and another advanced degree at the same time.
If you decide to pursue your MBA on a full-time basis, you can expect to complete your degree within 15 to 21 months.
Distance learning for bioengineering degree programs allows students with an interest in bioengineering to pursue educational opportunities without having to attend courses in person.
Online distance learning master's degree programs are designed to allow students maximum flexibility to pursue further education while getting the same high-quality courses and instruction they would receive with an in-person study program.
It's wise to consider both traditional and distance learning doctoral research programs before making a definite decision on which to pursue.
However, if you are looking for a complete online education, pursue some of the other options out there to get what you want.
While requirements for admission to graduate business programs vary, most people pursue their MBA (Master of Science in Business Administration) after three to five years of practical work experience.
Overall, there are presently 64 different college degree courses that students can pursue to get a doctoral degree from North Central University.
The best way to pursue this type of degree is to contact each one of these colleges to ask about the assessment as well as course requirements for your intended program.
If you want to pursue a degree, you need to complete an application and enroll.
If you decide to pursue a paralegal degree at an institution that lacks such approval, make sure to compare the scope and quality of their offerings with those required by the ABA.
Recent graduates of paralegal schools traditionally find entry-level positions with law firms or in corporate legal departments and pursue more challenging and financially rewarding jobs as they gain experience.
When your dog is sick or hurt, you can decide how you want to pursue treatment based on your heart, not your wallet.
Whatever the culprit, your vet will then know how to pursue treatment to stop the itching.
There are a number of suggestions I can make, but are you sure you want to pursue this?
They were originally used to pursue foxes, badgers, otters and vermin.
Without evidence of animal cruelty, authorities cannot pursue a suspected mill.
Men who pursue modeling have to go through the same processes as their female colleagues.
If you aren't set on using organic kombucha mushrooms and still want to pursue its use for your health, it is available in capsule and extract form, as well as in commercial bag teas.
One of the most difficult organic practices to pursue in the home garden is to eliminate the use of prepared chemical pesticides.
Soon, this young man from Fort Wayne, Indiana had sold enough of his designs to move to Manhattan and pursue his fashion career.
It's not easy to pursue a modeling career.
For full-figured women who understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, having women's plus size exercise capris can give them the comfortable workout clothes they need to pursue a fitness regimen.
Models, plus size or otherwise, need to pursue good health in order to meet the demands of a fast-paced career.
If you have a senior center close to your house, you may be able to connect with other seniors in your area to pursue traditional senior activities.
Join an activity group or a senior center and pursue an interest you've always wanted to explore.
It's rare that parents and children desire the same things, wear the same clothes, or pursue the same interests.
Increasing life spans expand opportunities for boomers to pursue new passions and dreams following retirement.
Senior communities frequently offer activities to help residents find friendship and pursue active pleasures.
Doing so may help you find specific positions to apply for, give you ideas on the types of jobs that you may want to pursue, and help you identify employers that have a special interest in hiring workers from your generation.
There are a number of relaxing and exciting hobbies for retirees to pursue.
These are the hobbies that you might have only dreamed about doing during your younger years, and now with the additional time on your hands you can finally pursue them.
Most people have a desire to do some kind of hobby, so retirement is the time to finally pursue all those things you've been meaning to do.
One hobby that some retired engineers may pursue is collecting things, whether it be baseball hats, coffee mugs, t-shirts, or gifts with their favorite team logo.
Foreigners cannot get jobs, so this is not the place to go if you want to pursue a part-time job in retirement.
Is there a hobby or special interest that he has always wanted to pursue but didn't have time for?
From there, you can pursue the pair of Halcyon goggles of your choice, taking advantage of the best deals you can find, and take your prescription along with your goggles to the optical shop or lab.
When considering whether or not to pursue a lawsuit, injured guests should think about the following questions.
The two founders parted ways to pursue learning objectives (Gavin to MIT and Rubin to Newport Beach).
Once you have decided to pursue an education in video game design, you need to select a school.
You may be able to pursue your dream by studying video game design in one of the many online programs that are available.
I've thrown out four names for you to pursue, but the action genre is vast.
Then armed with Enology and Viticulture degrees from UC-Davis, Meyer left the brotherhood to pursue a new calling, to create his vision of Cabernet Sauvignon at Silver Oak with Duncan.
There are a number of things you will learn about as you pursue your growing interest in wine.