Pursuant to Sentence Examples
The establishment of a permanent tribunal at the Hague, pursuant to the Peace convention of 1899, marks a momentous epoch in the history of international arbitration.
Several of the powers nominated members of the permanent court pursuant to Art.
Lunatics are maintained in St Patrick's hospital, founded in 1745, pursuant to the will of Dean Swift, and conducted by governors appointed under the charter of incorporation.
It was founded as Queen's College, with other colleges of the same name at Belfast and Cork, under an act of 1845, and its name was changed when it was granted a new charter pursuant to the Irish Universities Act 1908.
A new charter was granted to it under letters patent pursuant to the Irish Universities Act 1908, when it was given its present name.
The decision of the adjudicator shall be binding on both parties until the dispute is finally determined by arbitration pursuant to clause 9.5 hereof.
The payment by Abbott of royalty arrears and other related payments pursuant to the High Court Judgment are not reflected in these results.
No offer or invitation to acquire or exchange any securities or proposals to existing bondholders is being made pursuant to this announcement.
Investments include the capitalization of a portion of maintenance costs pursuant to accounting standard IAS 16 / SIC 23.
Owners claimed demurrage pursuant to clause 8 of the charterparty.
AdvertisementIan Gunn prepared a detailed advice pursuant to Part 40 CPR Practice Direction, which became effective in October 2003.
The Covenant was fully implemented on November 3, 1986, pursuant to Presidential proclamation no.
The trusts appeared to work when the foreign trustee refused to repatriate the assets pursuant to the courts ' orders.
Non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty so desiring may also obtain such benefits pursuant to bilateral agreements.
All orders placed shall be deemed to be an offer to purchase goods pursuant to these terms and conditions.
AdvertisementThe Authority must take into account any responses to such consultation before it makes rules pursuant to this article.
They also seek a stay pursuant to section 9 of the Arbitration Act.
The detention was not pursuant to Vietnam's Customs Code but to an order of a Special Court.
They are obliged to do so pursuant to rule 46 of the Solicitors Indemnity Rules 2003.
Second and third installments of £ 900,000 and £ 500,000 within 2 years and 3 years of implementation respectively pursuant to clause 4.16.
AdvertisementThere are no details to be disclosed pursuant to paragraph 6.F.2(b) to (g) of the Listing Rules.
She has acted as an Inspector appointed pursuant to the Companies Act 1985.
The Central Bank of Belize was established pursuant to the Central Bank Act of 1982, the Bank Act.
The present report is submitted pursuant to that mandate.
No right to create modifications or derivatives is granted pursuant to this license.
AdvertisementHe did not abate his activity, however, and the Peace Congress which assembled at Washington on the 4th of February 1861, pursuant to a resolution of the Virginia legislature, and over which he presided, was largely the result of his labours.
What emerged when a Bill was enacted pursuant to s 2 of the 1911 Act was itself an Act of Parliament nothing less.
The detention was not pursuant to Vietnam 's Customs Code but to an order of a Special Court.
The remuneration of the Auditors shall not exceed any limit imposed by the Registrar pursuant to the Acts.
Any questions or subsequent permission requests must be submitted pursuant to the instructions on How to Request Permission.
We then kept Dazzling isolated in a bathroom with food, water and a litter box for approximately one month pursuant to the behavioral specialist's direction.
Payments must be made pursuant to a divorce document.
If the payments are pursuant to a separation agreement or a temporary court order, the couple may still be living under the same roof and the payments are tax deductible.