Purplish Sentence Examples
There are several other species, some with purplish flowers.
C. bracteata, 9 in., has sulphur-coloured flowers in April, and C. nobilis, i ft., rich yellow, in May; C. solida, with purplish, and C. tuberosa, with white flowers, are pretty springflowering plants, 4 to 6 in.
In colour the sides of the face are puce, and the neck and most of the body purplish, but the buttocks and upper part of both fore and hind limbs are transversely barred with black and white, while their lower portion is mainly white with black fetlock-rings, and in the front pair a vertical black stripe on the anterior surface.
Aspidistra lurida is a favourite pot-plant, bearing large green or white-striped leaves on an underground stem, and small dark purplish, cup-shaped flowers close to the ground.
Bright blue berries surrounded by purplish red, papery scales often appear in autumn.
The flowers are also very pretty -- in a purplish green color.
When looking for a deeper red shade for everyday, search for shades with red and purplish undertones.
You'd be hard pressed to find a darker fruit than the acai berry, since it is a deep purplish black.
Arctotis Aspera - a half-shrubby species, with deeply cut and wrinkled leaves and creamy flowers, purplish outside.
Its long, silvery, deeply divided leaves and purplish flower-heads make it useful for pleasure grounds, but it may get killed in hard winters.
AdvertisementBugle (Ajuga) - A small family of dwarf herbs of the Sage order, flowering in spring and early summer, and having purplish flowers.
There is a white variety of A. reptans, also a form with variegated leaves, and another with purplish ones, this being finer than the type.
Creeping Vervain (Zapania) - Z. nodiflora is a pretty, spreading trailer, with prostrate stems 2 or 3 feet in length, which late in summer bear small round heads of little purplish flowers.
L. garganicum, from 1 to 1 1/2 feet high, has in summer whorls of purplish blossoms.
It has mottled downy foliage, and small purplish flowers, in heads like the Hop, hence the name Hop-plant.
AdvertisementOn the upper half are densely arranged, in a cylindrical manner, numerous greenish-white blossoms, with purplish center, crowned by a tuft of narrow green leaves.
It is similar to the alpine Aster, having large heads of purplish flowers in late summer, and remaining in beauty a long time.
Corydalis Cava - One of the dwarfest race, flowering early in the year, with purplish blossoms.
Late in May or early in June all the little grey shoots bear small oblong purplish heads, and early in July the plant is in full blossom, the full-blown flowers being a beautiful violet-blue.
The flowers are bell-shaped, 1/2 inch across, and white, varying to a purplish tinge.
AdvertisementThe flowers are deliciously fragrant and in color dull purplish green, but it does not bloom so freely out of doors as in a cool conservatory.
The falls are deep violet-purple, with a beardless bright yellow keel, from which are purplish branchings, whilst the standards are pale self-lilac with creamy anthers.
E. palustris is a somewhat showy hardy Orchid, 1 to 1 1/2 feet high, flowering late in summer, and bearing rather handsome purplish flowers.
There are also C. leptosepala, a Californian kind, and C. purpurascens, distinct and handsome, about 1 foot high, with purplish stems, and bright orange flowers, the outside of the petals flushed with a purplish tinge.
There are two or three varieties of it, one (atro-purpureum) with dark purplish stems and leaves, and a second in which they are golden.
AdvertisementIts prostrate stems bear deeply toothed leaves of dull green, with small crowded spikes of white or purplish flowers in early spring, when they are much sought by bees.
A form with dark leaves is atro-purpurea, with a deep purplish zone along the edges of the leaf, and in some plants wholly suffusing it.
Pennisetum - P. longistylum is one of the most elegant of grasses, 1 to 1 1/2 feet high; the flower-spikes, borne on slender stems, are from 4 to 6 inches long, of singular twisted form, and enveloped in a purplish feathery down.
In the flowering season they bear airy, purplish or violet-tinged panicles, rising to twice the height of the tufts.
China (Hupeh), whose purplish rose-colored flowers are freely produced in terminal corymbs.
It grows 1 to 1 1/2 feet high, and throws up strong flower-stalks above the foliage, each with seven to fifteen purplish flowers, 1 to 1 1/2 inches across.
E. romanum, 6 to 9 inches high; flowers purplish, in spring and early summer.
Sweet Gum (Liquidambar) - A very beautiful summer-leafing maple-like tree from Florida westward to the prairie states, often reaching 100 feet in height, the leaves turning an intense deep purplish red in autumn, fine in effect.
These are D. canadense, marilandicum, and Dilleni, all from 2 to 4 feet high, with slender stems, terminated by dense racemes of small purplish flowers.
In the best forms the leaves assume rich tints of purplish red red and crimson.
Takesima is recognised by a purplish tint on the exterior of the blossoms and on the stem.
The leaf may be anything from 5 to 10 inches across, nearly round, and purplish when young, changing to pure green and reddish beneath.
The starry white flowers are 2 to 3 inches across, with purplish sepals and sweetly scented, though forms occur that are almost without scent, and others with flowers more or less incurved.
It makes spreading tufts of a good size, but does not bear its purplish plumes freely in this country.
In colder winter climates, the leaves will turn coppery or purplish in color, but do remain evergreen year round.
Purpura, a purplish or reddish-brown rash or discoloration of the skin, and petechiae, small round pinpoint hemorrhages, are both caused by the leakage of blood from tiny capillaries under the skin.
Purpura-A group of disorders characterized by purplish or reddish brown areas of discoloration visible through the skin.
After one to two days, the red blood cells begin to break down, and the bruise will darken to a blue or purplish color.
The major symptoms of juvenile dermatomyositis include a characteristic reddish or purplish rash called a heliotrope rash; weakness or pain in the proximal muscles; and a low-grade fever.
The baby may become pale, or the skin color may change to a blue or purplish hue.
When in hypovolemic shock, systolic blood pressure taken in the arm is low or not detectable, the arms and legs are cool, and the nail beds may have a bluish or purplish discoloration.
A red or purplish cast on the treatment area is normal after a laser therapy session.
While more bluish or purplish circles may appear to be the most severe, these are actually a sign that the body is on the mend.
The elongated cylindrical cones grow chiefly at the ends of the upper branches; they are purplish at first, but become afterwards green, and eventually light brown; their scales are slightly toothed at the extremity; they ripen in the autumn, but seldom discharge their seeds until the following spring.
The eggs, often six in number, are of a very pale blue marked with reddish or purplish brown.
These are followed by the inflorescence, a fleshy spadix bearing in the lower part numerous closely crowded simple unisexual flowers and continued above into a purplish or yellowish appendage; the spadix is enveloped by a leafy spathe, constricted in the lower part to form a chamber, in which are the flowers.
It lays four or five eggs of a pale purplish buff, streaked and spotted with purplish red.
C. pulla, 6 in., purplish, nodding, on slender erect stalks; C. turbinata, 9 in., purple, broad-belled; C. carpatica, i ft., blue, bfoad-belled; C. nobilis, 12 ft., long-belled, whitish or tinted with chocolate; C. persicifolia, 2 ft., a fine border plant, single or double, white or purple, blooming in July; and C. pyramidalis, 6 ft., blue or white, in tall branching spikes, are good and diverse.
Copper is a brilliant metal of a peculiar red colour which assumes a pinkish or yellowish tinge on a freshly fractured surface of the pure metal, and is purplish when the metal contains cuprous oxide.
To the unaided eye the disease is seen as purplish brown or blackish blotches of various sizes, at first on the tips and edges of the leaves, and ultimately upon the leaf-stalks and the larger stems. On gathering the foliage for examination, especially in humid weather, these dark blotches are seen to be putrid, and when the disease takes a bad form the dying leaves give out a highly offensive odour.
The purplish red of the sandstone at the base is finely modulated, through a pale pink in the second storey, to a dark orange at the summit, which harmonizes with the blue of an Indian sky.
The flowers are usually of a purplish colour, but are sometimes white, and the seeds, like the petals, vary in tint from dark violet to white.
The flowers are regular and rather showy, generally with three greenish sepals, followed in regular succession by three white or purplish petals, six to indefinite stamens and six to indefinite free carpels.
Outer foliage may turn purplish in very cold weather.
Bleeding from tiny blood vessels in the skin may produce small purplish spots (called purpura) on the legs.
The purplish hue to the gills matches this species.
The legs are purplish blue in color and they have a fifth toe.