Purple Sentence Examples
Nina returned with a dress made of dark purple velvet and satin.
It was a man too familiar to be a stranger, with beautiful purple eyes, a small frame, and a face without emotion.
Purple lightening rippled in the air nearby.
His features were stoic, his beautiful purple eyes the color of spring flowers.
The man with translucent skin and purple eyes – the one Jonny hadn't exactly greeted with open arms – stood a few feet away.
The man with purple eyes knelt in front of her.
Hugging herself, she sensed the magic in the air and moved back a few steps, not wanting to be caught up in the purple crossfire.
Despite his desperate shouts that used to seem so terrible to the soldiers, despite his furious purple countenance distorted out of all likeness to his former self, and the flourishing of his saber, the soldiers all continued to run, talking, firing into the air, and disobeying orders.
A small purple purse sat on another shelf.
The priest came out with his purple velvet biretta on his head, adjusted his hair, and knelt down with an effort.
AdvertisementPurple magic seized him, bound him, and lifted him into the air.
Glancing around at the men with purple eyes, she began to suspect that good cause was going to kill her.
After a moment, he winked out of existence in a purple flash.
Natasha had not time to take off the bodice before the door opened and Countess Bezukhova, dressed in a purple velvet gown with a high collar, came into the room beaming with good-humored amiable smiles.
The rocking chairs were back, four in a row, red, green, yellow, and purple, adding a blaze of color against the century-old white building of Bird Song.
AdvertisementMartha joined them, slumping into the purple rocker, her favorite.
The cat declined a lap-offer in favor of the purple rocker, Martha's chair, as if to question the whereabouts of her missing friend.
He whistled as he shook it, and the color went from purple to orange.
Three Others with glowing purple eyes stood several feet away, frozen in surprise.
She'd been sleeping somewhat well beside the panoramic window when purple light lit up the foyer.
AdvertisementHe was a small man with eyes that were more purple than blue.
With astonishing agility, the Grey God outmaneuvered lightening, weaving through the bursts of purple fire in a lethal dance.
No doubt the bird had mistaken the purple silk for something good to eat.
Her other dress is purple, trimmed with purple velvet, and the waist has a collar of cream lace.
It was an autumn night with dark purple clouds, but no rain.
AdvertisementDean caught sight of Paulette Dawkins grabbing wildly at a purple contribution.
Her gaze shifted to the purple ring around Brady's neck before she returned to her microcomputer.
Its colors were pale purple and the bed beneath him more comfortable than any he'd lain in.
Purple magic arced from his body and slammed Darian into a tree.
Jenn dodged one and saw the flash of purple from the corner of her eye.
His body adjusted to the physical blows while his magic absorbed the purple lightning.
It bristled with purple power and was focused on her.
Purple lightning sizzled and a guardsman's sword arced towards her simultaneously.
Jenn ducked at the sight of purple lightning, stunned when he caught it midair and flung it back towards the Other.
He disappeared with a wink of purple light.
Purple light arced through the broken glass windows, high above.
Purple flashes appeared around them suddenly as his men appeared.
She bolted into the red and purple mess.
Without seeing the form clearly, she did see the purple lightening start to form in the hands of the Original Other.
Relying solely on his mortal senses, the Other unleashed a bolt of purple lightening.
Only in the descriptions of scenery, which here resemble too much purple patches, does George Sand reveal her true inspiration, the artistic qualities by which she will live.
The corolla is tubular with a spreading limb, and varies widely in colour, being white, yellow, orange, crimson, scarlet, blue or purple.
He gave strenuous support to the Spartans; evidently he had already then formed the design, in which he was supported by his mother, of gaining the throne for himself after the death of his father; he pretended to have stronger claims to it than his elder brother Artaxerxes, who was not born in the purple.
One of their objects was the collection of murex, of which an enormous supply was needed for the dyeing industry; specially famous was the purple of the Laconian waters, the isles of Elishah of Ezek.
The merchant put the gold in a bag of purple silk which he tied to his belt underneath his long cloak.
When he entered, Prince Andrew, his eyes drooping contemptuously (with that peculiar expression of polite weariness which plainly says, "If it were not my duty I would not talk to you for a moment"), was listening to an old Russian general with decorations, who stood very erect, almost on tiptoe, with a soldier's obsequious expression on his purple face, reporting something.
He was lying on his back propped up high, and his small bony hands with their knotted purple veins were lying on the quilt; his left eye gazed straight before him, his right eye was awry, and his brows and lips motionless.
The Trigla polyommata, or flying garnet, is a greater beauty, with its body of crimson and silver, and its large pectoral fins, spread like wings, of a rich green, bordered with purple, and relieved by a black and white spot.
Prominent among a great variety of song-birds and insectivorous birds are the robin, blue bird, cat bird, sparrows, meadow-lark, bobolink, thrushes, chickadee, wrens, brown thrasher, gold finch, cedar wax-wing, flycatchers, nuthatches, flicker (golden-winged woodpecker), downy and hairy woodpeckers, rose-breasted grosbeak, Baltimore oriole, barnswallow, chimney swift, purple martin, purple finch (linnet), vireos and several species of warblers.
Purple corundum, or sapphire of amethystine tint, is called Oriental amethyst, but this expression is often applied by jewellers to fine examples of the ordinary amethystine quartz, even when not derived from Eastern sources.
A genus much represented is Culcasia, and swampy localities are thickly set with the giant Cyrtosperma arum, with flower spathes that are blotched with deep purple.
Ground orchids and tree orchids are well represented; Polystachya liberica, an epiphytic orchid with sprays of exquisite small flowers of purple and gold, might well be introduced into horticulture for its beauty.
The cones, produced in great abundance, are short and oval in shape, the scales with rugged indented edges; they are deep purple when young, but become brown as they ripen.
It is the adrectal gland, and in the genera Murex and Purpura secretes a colourless liquid which turns purple upon exposure to the atmosphere, and was used by the ancients as a dye.
On the under side of the free edge of the mantle are situated the numerous small cutaneous glands which, in the large A plysia camelus (not in other species), form the purple secretion which was known to s the ancients.
The first is flaccid and sluggish in its movements, and has not much power of contraction; its epipodial lobes are enormously developed and extend far forward along the body; it gives out when handled an abundance of purple liquid, which is derived from cutaneous glands situated on the under side of the free edge of the mantle.
The desired effect may be produced by a graduation of the same colour, or by a polychromatic scale - such as white, pale red, pale brown, various shades of green, violet and purple, in ascending order.
In the north the plateau is overlain by red and purple unfossiliferous sandstones, capped near its edge by a cherty limestone also unfossiliferous but possibly of Lower Cretaceous age.
The advancing summer introduces many flowers of the sunflower family, until in August the plains are one blaze of yellow and purple.
The royal pinon (Erytlrrina velatina) is remarkable for the magnificent purple flowers that cover it.
The better (" purple ") varieties are mainly consumed in the island, and the smaller and less juicy " white " varieties exported.
Having entered the Roman army, he rose to be praetorian praefect in the Persian campaign of Gordian III., and, inspiring the soldiers to slay the young emperor, was raised by them to the purple (244).
It is probable that certain privileges of the equites were due to Gracchus; that of wearing the gold ring, hitherto reserved for senators; that of special seats in the theatre, subsequently withdrawn (probably by Sulla) and restored by the lex Othonis (67 B.C.); the narrow band of purple on the tunic as distinguished from the broad band worn by the senators.
A mixture of stannous and stannic chloride, when added to a sufficient quantity of solution of chloride of gold, gives an intensely purple precipitate of gold purple (purple of Cassius).
The test is very delicate, although the colour is not in all cases a pure purple.
It is known that laymen were required to wear special garments, and the priests (who wore dark-red or purple) were sometimes called upon to change their garments in the course of a ceremony.
Purple, pale green and white, richly embroidered, are favourite colours in the dresses represented on the painted tombs.
The plain white toga (toga Pura) was the ordinary dress of the citizen, but the toga praetexta, which had a border of purple, was worn by boys till the age of sixteen, when they assumed the plain toga virilis, and also by curule magistrates and some priests.
A purple toga with embroidery (toga pieta) was worn together with a gold-embroidered tunic (tunica palmata) by generals while celebrating a triumph and by magistrates presiding at games; it represented the traditional dress of the kings and was adopted by Julius Caesar as a permanent costume.
The tunica was precisely like the Greek chiton; that of the senator had two broad stripes of purple (latus clavus) down the centre, that of the knight two narrow stripes (angustus clavus).
The purple flower, which blooms late in autumn, is very similar to that of the common spring crocus, and the stigmas, which are protruded from the perianth, are of a characteristic orange-red colour.
The rainbow, which men call Iris, is a cloud that is purple and red and yellow.
The colours previously available for English table-glass were ruby, canary-yellow, emerald-green, dark peacock-green, light peacock-blue, dark purple-blue and a dark purple.
The Romans had at their command, of transparent colours, blue, green, purple or amethystine, amber, brown and rose; of opaque colours, white, black, red, blue, yellow, green and orange.
In these every colour and every shade of colour seem to have been tried in groat variety of combination with effects more or less pleasing, but transparent violet or purple appears to have been the most common ground colour.
Sometimes purple glass is used in place of brown, probably with the design of imitating the precious murrhine.
The ground of these cameo glasses is most commonly transparent blue, but sometimes opaque blue, purple or dark brown.
The stems are solid and marked with numerous shining, polished, yellow, purple or striped joints, 3 in.
The numerous cultivated varieties are distinguished mainly by the colour of the internodes, whether yellow, red or purple, or striped, and by the height.
Here Bardanes, taking the name of Philippicus, successfully incited the inhabitants to revolt, and on the assassination of Justinian he at once assumed the purple.
With the cinchona trees grow many kinds of melastomaceae, especially the Lasiandra, with masses of purple flowers, tree-ferns and palms. In the warm valleys there are large plantations of coca (Erythroxylon Coca), the annual produce of which is stated at 15,000,000 lb.
On the 16th of the month Maimacterion, a long procession, headed by a trumpeter playing a warlike air, set out for the graves; wagons decked with myrtle and garlands of flowers followed, young men (who must be of free birth) carried jars of wine, milk, oil and perfumes; next came the black bull destined for the sacrifice, the rear being brought up by the archon, who wore the purple robe of the general, a naked sword in one hand, in the other an urn.
The colors pass from deep brown through purple to yellow and white, thrown into relief by the dark green of non-deciduous shrubs and trees.
Thus, having pierced a spray of flowers in a thin sheet of shibuichi, the artist fits a slender rim of gold, silver or shakudo to the petals, leaves and stalks, so that an effect is produced of transparent blossoms outlined in gold, silver or purple.
The latter ceramist excelled also in the production of purple, green and yellow glazes, which he combined with admirable skill and taste.
Okamuia Yasutaro, commonly called Shozan, produces specimens which only a very acute connoisseur can distinguish from the work of Nomura Ninsei; Tanzan Rokuros half-tint enamels and soft creamy glazes would have stood high in any epoch; Taizan YOhei produces Awata faience not inferior to that of former days; Kagiya SObei worthily supports the reputation of the KinkOzan ware; Kawamoto Eijiro has made to the order of a well-known KiOto firm many specimens now figuring in foreign collections as old masterpieces; and ItO TOzan succeeds in decorating faience with seven colors sons couverte (black, green, blue, russetred, tea-brown, purple and peach), a feat never before accomplished.
Acting upon that theory, the experts of TokyO and Nagoya have produced many very beautiful specimens of monochrome enamelyellow (canary or straw), rose du Barry, liquid-dawn, red, aubergine purple, green (grass or leaf), dove-grey and lapis lazuli bl,ue.
A gold base deeply chiselled in wave-diaper and overrun with a paste of aubergine purple is the most pleasing.
It was industrial, depending largely on the purple and pottery trade.
It also possesses a splendid purple Here, the large dark masses are the silver or silver-rich substance that crystallized above the eutectic temperature, and the more minute black and white complex represents the eutectic. It is not safe to assume that the two ingredients we see are pure silver and pure copper; on the contrary, there is reason to think that the crystals of silver contain some copper uniformly diffused through them, and vice versa.
But the chief ornament of Lebanon is the Rhododendron ponticum, with its brilliant purple flower clusters; a peculiar evergreen, Vinca libanotica, also adds beauty to this zone.
When the gold is finely divided, as in " purple of Cassius," or when it is precipitated from solutions, the colour is ruby-red, while in very thin leaves it transmits a greenish light.
Filter paper soaked with the clear solution is burnt, and the presence of gold is indicated by the purple colour of the ash.
In solution minute quantities of gold may be detected by the formation of " purple of Cassius," a bluish-purple precipitate thrown down by a mixture of ferric and stannous chlorides.
The principal fodder crops are green barley and a tall clover called " sulla " (Hedysarum coronarum), having a beautiful purple blossom.
The flowers issue from between the mammillae, towards the upper part of the stem, often disposed in a zone just below the apex, and are either purple, rose-pink, white or yellow, and of moderate size.
Kunkel shares with Boyle the honour of having discovered the secret of the process by which Brand of Hamburg had prepared phosphorus in 1669, and he found how to make artificial ruby (red glass) by the incorporation of purple of Cassius.
His dominions contained the monstrous ants that dug gold and the fish that gave the purple; they produced all manner of precious stones and all the famous aromatics.
He revolted in 1078 from Michael VII., and with the connivance of the Turks marched upon Nicaea, where he assumed the purple.
Though part of the plumage in many sun-birds gleams with metallic lustre, they owe much of their beauty to feathers which are not lustrous, though almost as vivid,' and the most wonderful combination of the brightest colours - scarlet, purple, blue, green and yellow - is often seen in one and the same bird.
Although he recovered Isaac did not resume the purple, but retired to the monastery of Studion and spent the remaining two years of his life as a monk, alternating menial offices with literary studies.
The colour, too, of these antelopes tends in many cases to purple, with white markings.
The word Kpivov, on the other hand, included red and purple lilies, Plin.
The flower is then said to be "rectified"; it is a bizarre when it has a yellow ground marked with purple or red, a bybloemen when it has a white ground marked with violet or purple, or a rose when it has a white ground marked with rose colour.
Nauseous flowers, dull and yellowish and dark purple in colour and often spotted, with a smell attractive to carrion flies and dung flies, e.g.
At Jebel-kahar and west of Traras, Pomel attributes certain conglomerates, red sandstones and purple and green shales to the Permian.
Some of the marble has the rich purple veins in which poets saw the blood of Atys.
On the death of Guiscard in 1085, his younger son Roger, born "in the purple" of a Lombard princess Sicelgaeta, succeeded to the duchy of Apulia and Calabria, and a war arose between Bohemund (whom his father had destined for the throne of Constantinople) and Duke Roger.
The purple or black phelonion, however, remained plain in all cases.
The place is little mentioned in ancient literature, though Silius Italicus tells us that it was hence that the Romans took their magisterial insignia (fasces, curule chair, purple toga and brazen trumpets), and it was undoubtedly one of the twelve cities of Etruria.
Its mineral produce, metal-work, purple and pottery not only found markets among these settlements, but were distributed over the Mediterranean in the ships of Corinth and Samos.
It crystallizes in dark red prisms which are readily soluble in water; it is a valuable reagent for the detection of sulphur, this element when in the form of an alkaline sulphide giving a characteristic purple blue coloration with the nitroprusside.
In Stanzas written in Dejection near Naples the two lines 4, 5, "The purple noon's transparent might, I The breath of the moist earth is light," were printed in the 1st edition, "` The purple noon's transparent light," owing to the homoeographon " might" "light."
The yellow stamen-bearing flowers are in sessile, nearly spherical catkins; the fertile ones vary in colour, from red or purple to greenish-white, in different varieties; the erect cones, which remain long on the branches, are above an inch in length and oblong-ovate in shape, with reddish-brown scales somewhat waved on the edges, the lower bracts usually rather longer than the scales.
The violet form gives a purple solution, and all its chlorine is precipitated by silver nitrate, the aqueous solution containing four ions, probably Cr(OH 2) 6 and three chlorine ions.
The nitrate, Cr(NO 3) 3.9H 2 0, crystallizes in purple prisms and results on dissolving the hydroxide in nitric acid, its solution turns green on boiling.
With regard to natural products the country has few worth mentioning; minerals are found in the Lebanon, but not in any quantity; traces of amber-digging have been discovered on the coast; and the purple shell (murex trunculus and brandaris) is still plentiful.
Isaac, drawn from his prison and robed once more in the imperial purple, received his son in state.
With the stocks, when a whiteflowered and hairless form is crossed with a cream-flowered and hairless one, all the offspring are purple and hairy.
The insignia (pontificalia or pontificals) of the Roman Catholic bishop are (I) a ring with a jewel, symbolizing fidelity to the church, (2) the pastoral staff, (3) the pectoral cross, (4) the vestments, consisting of the caligae, stockings and sandals, the tunicle, and purple gloves, (5) the mitre, symbol of the royal priesthood, (6) the throne (cathedra), surmounted by a baldachin or canopy, on the gospel side of the choir in the cathedral church.
When William of Malmesbury describes the knighting of Athelstan by his grandfather Alfred the Great, that is, his investiture " with a purple garment set with gems and a Saxon sword with a golden sheath," there is no hint of any religious observance.
The ribbon is light watered blue, the collar of alternate gold elephants with blue housings and towers, the star of silver with a purple medallion bearing a silver or brilliant cross surrounded by a silver laurel wreath.
The ribbon is deep red bordered with purple.
The badge has an elaborate design; it consists of a star of purple, red, yellow, gold and silver rays, on which are displayed old Japanese weapons, banners and shields in various coloured enamels, the whole surmounted by a golden kite with outstretched wings.
Inferior to this is " cudbear," derived from Lecanora tartarea, which was formerly very extensively employed by the peasantry of north Europe for giving a scarlet or purple colour to woollen cloths.
Amongst other lichens affording red, purple or brown dyes may be mentioned Ramalina scopulorum, Parmelia, saxatilis and P. omphalodes, Umbilicaria pustulate and several species of Gyrophora, Urceolaria scruposa, all of which are more or less employed as domestic dyes.
This bird, believed to be the second kind of ibis spoken of by Herodotus, is rather smaller than the sacred ibis, and mostly of a dark chestnut colour with brilliant green and purple reflections on the upper parts, exhibiting, however, when young none of the rufous hue.
Besides the blue and purple of the spectrum he was able to recognize only one colour, yellow, or, as he says in his paper, "that part of the image which others call red appears to me little more than a shade or defect of light; after that the orange, yellow and green seem one colour which descends pretty uniformly from an intense to a rare yellow, making what I should call different shades of yellow."
Bright orange, yellow, red and purple hues predominate and are set off very effectively against the dark green pines with which the margins of the canyon are fringed, and the white foam of the river at the bottom of the chasm.
In the front row patches of the white arabis, the yellow alyssum, white, yellow, blue, or purple violas, and the purple aubrietia, recurring at intervals of 5 or 6 yards on a border of considerable length, carry the eye forwards and give a balanced kind of finish to the whole.
C. pulla, 6 in., purplish, nodding, on slender erect stalks; C. turbinata, 9 in., purple, broad-belled; C. carpatica, i ft., blue, bfoad-belled; C. nobilis, 12 ft., long-belled, whitish or tinted with chocolate; C. persicifolia, 2 ft., a fine border plant, single or double, white or purple, blooming in July; and C. pyramidalis, 6 ft., blue or white, in tall branching spikes, are good and diverse.
Fraxinella is a very characteristic and attractive plant, 2 to 3 ft., with bold pinnate leaves, and tall racemes of irregular-shaped purple or white flowers.
P. imbricata, 5 to 6 ft., has pale purple flowers in closely imbricated spikes.
P. peltatum, the North American mandrake, has large umbrella-like leaves and white flowers; P. pleianthum, from China, purple.
Besides this, P. Sieboldii (cortusoides amoena), I ft., originally deep rose with white eye, but now including many varieties of colour, such as white, pink, lilac and purple; P. japonica, to 2 ft., crimson-rose; P. denticulate, ft., bright bluish-lilac, with its allies P. erosa and P. purpurea, all best grown in a cold frame; P. viscosa, 6 in., purple, and its white variety nivalis, with P. pedemontana and P. spectabilis, 6 in., both purple; and the charming little Indian P. rosea, 3 to 6 in., bright cherry-rose colour, are but a few of the many beautiful kinds in cultivation.
The colour of the fruit varies from green to deep purple, the size from that of a small cherry to that of a hen's egg; the form is oblong acute or obtuse at both ends, or globular; the stones or kernels vary in like manner; and the flavour, season of ripening and duration are all subject to variation.
Though it contains far too much sulphur to be used in iron manufacture without first being desulphurized, yet great quantities of slightly cupriferous pyrite, after yielding nearly all their sulphur in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, and most of the remainder in the wet extraction of their copper, are then used under the name of " blue billy " or " purple ore," as an ore of iron, a use which is likely to increase greatly in importance with the gradual exhaustion of the richest deposits of the oxidized ores.
It oxidizes the carbon also, which escapes in purple jets of burning carbonic oxide.
As captain of the imperial bodyguard, he accompanied Julian in his Persian expedition; and on the day after that emperor's death, when the aged Sallust, prefect of the East, declined the purple, the choice of the army fell upon Jovian.
As all attempts to conduct a satisfactory negotiation with this emperor failed before his impenetrable stupidity, Alaric, after instituting a second siege and blockade of Rome in 409, came to terms with the senate, and with their consent set up a rival emperor and invested the prefect of the city, a Greek named Attalus, with the diadem and the purple robe.
Branches of palm, olive or sprouting willow (hence in England known as "palm") having been placed before the altar, or at the Epistle side, after Terce and the sprinkling of holy water, the priest, either in a purple cope or an alb without chasuble, proceeds to bless them.
He talked at large of the "purple geese of the Capitol" and met the remonstrances of Cardinal Zelada, the papal secretary of state, with insults.
They wore brazen helmets with purple crests, and rough-haired black cloaks, in which they slept on the bare ground.
C. t has for its subject pavements and roads, their construction, mosaic floors; c. 2 is on white stucco for walls (opus albarium); c. 3 on concrete vaults, gypsum mouldings, stucco prepared for painting; c. 4 on building of hollow walls to keep out the damp, wall decoration by various processes; c. 5 on methods and styles of wall painting, the debased taste of his time; c. 6 on fine stucco made of pounded marble - three coats to receive wall paintings; c. 7 on colours used for mural decoration; c. 8 on red lead (minium) and mercury, and how to use the latter to extract the gold from wornout pieces of stuff or embroidery; c. 9 on the preparation of red lead and the method of encaustic painting with hot wax, finished by friction; cc. to-14 on artificial colours - black, blue, purple;, c. to white lead and ostrum, i.e.
Various colors were used; beside the old green and blue, there were purple, violet, red, yellow and white.
The Roman glaze is thick and coarse, but usually of a brilliant Prussian blue, with dark purple and apple-green; and high reliefs of wreaths, and sometimes figures, are common.
The essential coloring materials are, for blue, copper; green, copper and iron; purple, cobalt; red, haematite; white, tin.
Avidius Cassius, who led the Roman forces in the war, usurped the purple, and was acknowledged by the armies of Syria and Egypt.
Above this belt the firs gradually disappear and are succeeded by the shortleaved Pinus montezumae, or Mexican " ocote " - one of the largest species of pine in the republic. These continue to the upper tree-line, accompanied by red and purple Pentstemon and light blue lupins in the open spaces, some ferns, and occasional masses of alpine flowers.
To the eye, however, members of this group present a greater variety of colour than those of any other - yellow, brown, olive, red, purple, violet and variations of all these being known.
A vase of Menes with purple inlaid hieroglyphs in green glaze and the tiles with relief figures are the most important pieces.
Where the rock projects it more usually appears in low crags and knolls, from which long trails of grey or purple debris descend till they are lost among the grass.
As an orator he well deserved the epithet of "the Hungarian purple Cicero."
The Roman soldiers mocked " the King of the Jews " with a purple robe and a crown of thorns.
These ancient rocks, which form the foundation of the country, are overlaid unconformably by a series of conglomerates and sandstones, generally unfossiliferous and often red or purple in colour, very similar in character to the Nubian sandstone of Upper Egypt.
Wampum was of two colours, dark purple and white, of cylindrical form, averaging a quarter of an inch in length, and about half that in diameter.
A strand of wampum, consisting of purple and white shell-beads or a belt woven with figures formed by beads of different colours, operated on the principle of associating a particular fact with a particular string or figure, thus giving a serial arrangement to the facts as well as fidelity to the memory.
The inflammable gas is carbon monoxide, which, however, does not burn with its proper purple flame, but with a flame tinged bright yellow by the sodium present.
They vary similarly in shape and size of ears, colour of the grain, which may be white, yellow, purple, striped, &c., and also in physical characters and chemical composition.
In both cases the colours are the same, - turquoise blue, copper green, dark purple or golden brown, under an exquisitely transparent glaze.
This was a branch of olive or laurel, bound with purple or white wool, round which were hung various fruits of the season, pastries, and small jars of honey, oil and wine.
This was properly the name of the shellfish (Purpura, Murex) which yielded the famous Tyrian dye, the particular mark of the dress of emperors, kings, chief magistrates and other dignitaries, whence "the purple" still signifies the rank of emperors or kings.
This title, generally translated "born in the purple," either refers to the purple robes in which the imperial children were wrapped at birth, or to a chamber or part of the imperial palace, called the Porphyra (iropckpa), where the births took place.
It is slightly soluble in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, giving purple solutions.
On the 1st of May 305, the day of Diocletian's abdication, he also, but without his colleague's sincerity, divested himself of the imperial dignity at Mediolanum (Milan), which had been his capital, and retired to a villa in Lucania; in the following year, however, he was induced by his son Maxentius to reassume the purple.
In the variety C. purpurea, the leaves, as also the pellicle of the kernel and the husk of the nut, are purple, and in C. heterophylla they are thickly clothed with hairs.
The small development of Upper Carboniferous strata, visible on the shore south of Corrie and in Ben Lister Glen, consists of sandstones, red and mottled clays and purple shales, which yield plantremains of Upper Carboniferous facies.
The Cambrian rocks of Ireland, a great series of purple and green shales, slates and grits with beds of quartzite, have not yet yielded sufficient fossil evidence to permit of a correlation with the Welsh rocks, and possibly some parts of the series may be transferred in the future to the overlying Ordovician.
The Sicilians honoured his august aspect as he moved amongst them with purple robes and golden girdle, with long hair bound by a Delphic garland, and brazen sandals on his feet, and with a retinue of slaves behind him.
Though they defeated Vindex and his Celtic levies at Vesontio (Besancon), their next step was to break the statues of Nero and offer the imperial purple to their own commander Virginius Rufus.
Here also are polished stalagmites, a rich buff slashed with white, and others, like huge mushrooms, with a velvety coat of red, purple or olive-tinted crystals.
She wore long woollen robes; a veil and a kerchief for the head, her hair being plaited up with a purple band in a conical form (tutulus); and shoes made of the leather of sacrificed animals; like her husband, she carried the sacrificial knife.
The leaves are rather short, curved, and often twisted; the male catkins, in dense cylindrical whorls, fill the air of the forest with their sulphur-like pollen in May or June, and fecundate the purple female flowers, which, at first sessile and erect, then become recurved on a lengthening stalk; the ovate cones, about the length of the leaves, do not reach maturity until the autumn of the following year, and the seeds are seldom scattered until the third spring; the cone-scales terminate in a pyramidal FIG.
The branches and corolla are purple, the fruit woolly.
Beautiful varieties have been introduced under the varietal names, ampelopsifolium, atropurpureum, dissectum, &c. They are remarkable for the coppery purple tint that pervades the leaves and young growths of some of the varieties.
On boiling, it yields a purple colour which with sulphate of iron affords a black dye.
The colour of the rind, yellowish, brown or purple, furnishes distinctions, as does the yellow or white colour of the flesh.
After the early rains the bush bursts into gorgeous purple and yellow blossoms and vivid greens, affording striking evidence of the fertility of the soil.
The introduction of many of the insignia both of war and of civil office is assigned to his reign, and he was the first to celebrate a Roman triumph, after the Etruscan fashion, in a robe of purple and gold, and borne on a chariot drawn by four horses.
Along the Colorado is the Painted Desert, remarkable for the bright colours - red, brown, blue, purple, yellow and white - of its sandstones, shales and clays.
The purple bacteria have thus two sources of energy, one by the oxidation of sulphur and another by the absorption of " dark rays."
Certain crystals from Cumberland are beautifully fluorescent, appearing purple with a bluish internal haziness by reflected light, and greenish by transmitted light.
The dark purple spar, called by the workmen "bull beef," may be changed, by heat, to a rich amethystine tint.
The inner face .of the arches, with the spandrils and the pilasters which support them, are covered with flowers and foliage of delicate design and dainty execution, crusted in green serpentine, blue lapis lazuli and red and purple porphyry.
Four varieties of poppy are distinguished - two with white flowers, large oval capsules without holes under their " combs " (stigmas) and bearing respectively yellow and white seed, and the other two having red or purple flowers and seeds of the same colour, one bearing small capsules, perforated at the top, and the other larger oval capsules not perforated.
The juice yields about one-fourth of its weight of opium, and the percentage of morphia varies according to the variety of poppy used, the purple one giving the best results.
The purple cloak which Picus wore fastened by a golden clasp is preserved in the plumage of the bird.
It was natural, therefore, that he should be regarded as a candidate for the purple.
Beyond, again, lies a broad furrow, or ` longitudinal fold,' as geologists call it, parallel to the ridges, and then rises the last elevation, a belt of low calcareous hills, on which, here and there among the waves of beech forest, purple or blue with distance, a white cliff retains its local colour and shines like a patch of fresh snow.
Her cult was first established in Cythera, probably in connexion with the purple trade, and at Athens it is associated with the legendary Porphyrion, the purple king.
Dancing and festivities are forbidden, fasting enjoined and purple vestments are worn in the church services.
The berries are red or purple in colour, varying in size from that of a pea to a nut.
The formation of murexide is used as a test for the presence of uric acid, which on evaporation with dilute nitric acid gives alloxantin, and by the addition of ammonia to the residue the purple red colour of murexide becomes apparent.
The insignia of office were the lituus, a staff free from knots and bent at the top, and the trabea, a kind of toga with bright scarlet stripes and a purple border.
The more characteristic and useful birds include many species of the sparrow, such as the song, swamp, Lincoln's chipping and field sparrow; the bank, barn, cliff, white-bellied and rough-winged swallow, as well as the purple martin and the chimney swift; ten or more species of fly-catchers, including the least, arcadian, phoebe, wood pewee, olive-sided and king bird; about ten species of woodpeckers, of which the more common are the downy, hairy, yellowbellied and golden-winged (flicker); about thirty species of warblers, including the parula, cerulean, Blackburnian, prothonotary, yellow Nashville, red-start, worm-eating and chestnut-sided; and four or five species of vireos.
Potassium ferric sulphide, K2Fe2S4, obtained by heating a mixture of iron filings, sulphur and potassium carbonate, forms purple glistening crystals, which burn when heated in air.
Ferrous salts also give a bluish white precipitate with ferrocyanide, which on exposure turns to a dark blue; ferric salts are characterized by the intense purple coloration with a thiocyanate.
The corollas are obliquely funnel-shaped, of a dirty yellow or buff, marked with a close reticulation of purple veins.
In size and plumage the two sexes offer a striking contrast, the male weighing about 4 lb, its plumage for the most part of a rich glossy black shot with blue and purple, the lateral tail feathers curved outwards so as to form, when raised, a fan-like crescent, and the eyebrows destitute of feathers and of a bright vermilion red.
According to that apocryphal document, the emperor after his baptism had ceded to the sovereign pontiff his imperial power and honors, the purple chlamys, the golden crown, the town of Rome, the districts and cities of Italy and of all the West.
The very various periods named make it probable that the periodical return of the phoenix belongs only to vulgar legend, materializing what the priests knew to be symbolic. Of the birds of the heron family the gorgeous colours and plumed head spoken of by Pliny and others would be least inappropriate to the purple heron (Ardea purpurea), with which, or with the allied Ardea cinerea, it has been identified by Lepsius and Peters (Alteste Texte des Todtenbuchs, 1867, p. 51).
But the golden and purple hues described by Herodotus may be the colours of sunrise rather than the actual hues of the purple heron.
Leovigild,, 567586 The first Visigoth king who as sumed the diadem and purple, struck coins in his own name, and enforced recognition of his supremacy in all parts of Spain, except the south coast.
At large few European birds possess greater beauty, the pure white of its scapulars and inner web of the flight-feathers contrasting vividly with the deep glossy black on the rest of its body and wings, while its long tail is lustrous with green, bronze, and purple reflections.
They are red in the peach, dark purple in the poppy and tulip, orange in Eschscholtzia, &c. The colour and appearance of the anthers often change after they have discharged their functions.
Its colour varies with the rank of the wearer, that of the pope being white, of the cardinals red, of bishops purple, and of the lower clergy black.
The three years of his reign, which were spent wholly in the camp, were marked by great cruelty and oppression; the widespread discontent thus produced culminated in a revolt in Africa and the assumption of the purple by Gordian.
Zeno also gave him the unique privileges of wearing and signing his name in the imperial purple, &c., which are still preserved.
Unlike the Watchers' tell-tale green eyes, the Others had unnatural purple eyes.
Toby's purple sweater, streaked with foul-smelling angel blood, was strung across a low branch.
The guardsman materialized out of the dark, moonlight glinting off the metallic purple symbol on his back.
Vamps poured out of the fortress into the snow, stopping to puzzle over the brilliant purple lights lancing across the treeline.
The man with translucent skin and purple eyes – the one Jonny hadn't exactly greeted with open arms – stood a few feet away.
The beds contain pink pelargoniums, scarlet geraniums and purple cordylines with white alyssum around the edges.
They do include some beautiful purple amethysts and most of the glass beads are a single color, usually red, orange or blue.
This brown striated coal glows with fissures of opal, brilliant insights of purple amethyst.
This distinction was abandoned in May 1920 and thereafter all ball rounds had the purple annulus.
Flowers have white to greenish corollas and purple anthers and filaments.
He had a mysterious aura, dark purple in color.
For a vegetarian option, serve your favorite pasta with a tomato and garlic sauce and garnish with purple basil leaves.
The girls wear purple and white baubles or ribbons in their hair.
Also for the winter, and growing well, are purple sprouting broccoli and sea kale beet.
The woodland is of regional importance as it contains many important plants such as giant bellflower and early purple orchid.
Gitana isn't the screaming purple blob that he remembered her being.
The areas of the ocean shown dark blue / purple are areas where there is not much life.
To the crowd's disgust, it was actually Chuck Sherman who made his way down the aisle, complete with purple feather boa.
The western side is older with tiny streets, traditional architecture and simple balconies brimming with bright purple bougainvillea and sweet jasmine.
The first overall award presented was a beautifully polished walking stick for the oldest bowman which went to George Webb of Purple Haze.
The silver and gemstone chakra bracelet is approximately 18 cms long and comes in a exquisite shiny lilac satin pouch with a purple lining.
The royal family was dressed in rich brocades, fancy purple, red, green, glittery fabrics.
Purple sprouting broccoli is in season in March too.
There's just the very dark purple bruise on the inside of my left wrist of which the origin remains shrouded in drunken intrigue.
I first saw two of these on my dark purple buddleia mid-August.
Then come the early purple orchids and Goldilocks buttercups.
He wore, when he walked out, a purple silk hat and carried a gold-headed cane.
Pigment Power in carrot Color Have you ever seen a purple carrot?
It has a dark purple color, beautiful pure cassis and blackcurrant fruit, lovely moderate tannins and an elegant and long finish.
The choir, dressed in their rich purple cassocks, performed to a packed cathedral, lit entirely by candlelight.
Female plants have shorter catkins, which are followed by small dark purple berries.
First I sowed the purple cauliflower, yes purple.
Plants include mosses eg Sphagnum, cotton grass, purple moor grass, cranberry, marsh cinquefoil, marsh violet and round leaved sundew.
And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple cloak, and put his own clothes on him.
Girls purple bike, 24 " wheels, 18 gears, ex con, suit ages 8 - 12 years. £ 30.
Echinacea, the purple coneflower, is the best known and researched herb for stimulating the immune system.
The area of the cortical contusion is outlined in purple.
There were also a myriad of soft corals of all colors from red to yellow to purple.
Look for signs of mycorrhizal infection - the root cortex will contain bright blue or purple staining hyphal threads.
Geranium sylvaticum Our own wild cranesbill, comes in shades of white blue or purple flowers in late spring or early summer.
Further browsing can be done by clicking the relevant parts of the purple crayon at the bottom of each subsequent page.
The vines in the patch in front of the row were glowing crimson, purple and gold.
Finally for more all year color bulbs such as yellow and purple crocuses were added.
Several double flowered ornamental cultivars have been bred with flowers of white to purple.
Cold's great bear hug embraces all, forms a particular delectation for my purple nose and yellow fingers.
Colors range from white to purple, and the smell, which is released in the evening, is incredibly delicious.
Gray leaved plants like Santolina, lavender and Artemesia contrast beautifully with bright blue delphiniums and purple and white hardy geraniums.
Printing with colored ink at the Resource Center Our digital duplicators can print in black, red, green, purple or blue ink.
A fine variety for those who prefer a dependable, larger fruited, traditional purple eggplant.
Long Purple oriental eggplants are very sweet and delicious and are typically cooked without peeling.
Their leather jackets all emblazoned with a purple celtic cross show them most likely to own the bikes upfront.
Did you see the guy in the purple fedora, that was my mate Rich.
He is also the owner of a Caterham Seven in a rather fetching color of purple!
Ralph is defined by a blend of apple leaves, soft blue musk, purple freesia, pink magnolia and zesty orange mandarin.
Specific action has also been undertaken by English Nature to survey and promote the importance of purple ramping fumitory among arable farmers and landowners.
One marsh produced our only white tailed plover of the trip along with purple gallinule, many ruff and black winged stilts.
I am selling two ball gowns 1. A long purple, backless, strapless satin gown with diamante detail - has a short train.
Sections of lagg remain, typically dominated by purple moor grass.
Stir-fry green cabbage with celery, purple sprouting broccoli, onions, carrots, leeks and flat green beans for a tasty seasonal treat.
Rare species include purple gromwell Lithospermum purpureocaeruleum and butcher's-broom Ruscus aculeatus.
Upland calcareous grassland occurs on landslip material below the chalk cliffs; species include harebell, thyme, purging flax and early purple orchid.
Where rabbits have nibbled the turf short there are mats of wild thyme and delicate purple harebell.
For now, on a moody, overcast day, the " purple haze " seems fitting.
Along the south wall, an oblong bed is planted with dark purple heartsease, and two more with yellow.
Later in the year purple heather stands out resplendent against the golden bracken.
For really bad calluses and cracked heels, try using the Purple Nail Shaping Pad to further buff away rough patches.
Dark purple heliotrope are flowering in pots, and I've also bought purple petunias as bedding plants this year.
John is the one with the shiny purple helmet.
The bog area has wetland plants including hemp agrimony, purple loosestrife, bullrush and yellow flag.
The only similar species is the purple heron, which is much smaller.
I looked down to see an arrangement of purple and pink hyacinths.
Plants can grow quite large and produce dozens of large purple inflorescences on stalks about 1 m tall.
My purple irises are up and I'm most delighted with my lavender mountain lilies!
The Little Purple bead Company LLC - Unique one of a kind handcrafted beaded jewelry!
These were joined by dwarf green kale, purple kale, Swiss chard 'bright lights ', Verbena, Achillea and so on.
In summer months it turns purple with prairie fields of sea lavender.
There are masses of purple loosestrife in the marshy area.
Musk mallow is a more delicate and pale pink relation of the robust and purple common mallow.
Both are also metallic purple, green and blue, with white markings.
East and south Ben Vrackie has many plants concentrated round one fairly small crag - purple oxytropis, Alpine milk vetch and scottish asphodel.
Still the huge Dragon walked on, through halls that glistened with blue Sapphire and red Ruby, Purple Amethyst white moonstones.
Theres a purple neon in there, but without the flash you couldn't see a thing.
An adult Purple Heron dropping in to the reeds and a female Marsh Harrier causing Pandemonium among the duck and waders added further excitement.
We started through sunny green pastureland with scattered patches of woodland all swathed in the purple of Patterson's Curse.
Two strings of purple beads dangle down from the base of the brace to form a tail, ending in small peacocks ' feathers.
They carry generous clusters of gleaming flowers, with sleek scarlet sepals flaring to reveal a slim skirt of purple petals surrounding coral stamens.
I'll look out for that fluffy purple poncho!
The purple color of the potassium manganate(VII) is eventually replaced by a dark brown precipitate of manganese(IV) oxide.
Lily Allen, Alright, Still Britain's new pop darling justifies all the purple prose.
The lines had immediatly turned a dark purple on her leg.
Purple loosestrife, which bears purple loosestrife, which bears purple flower spikes between June and August.
Three very pretty purple shells with persistent comet trails exploded overhead (video clip 1 below ).
I noticed that the leaves have developed a dark almost purple stain, like rust over them.
First blue, then pink, then purple and gold mixed together.
Neat rosettes of rounded fleshy leaves are produced, sometimes green, blue-green or even purple.
Answer " Love life " and her love meter will turn purple.
It would be like insisting all houses should be painted purple.
What looks gray on your PC might look purple on your neighbor's.
Other identities appearing inside MEP include purple (13 ), with small clusters in the southwest and southeast.
Please be warned that the Gibson site shows the guitar to appear purple!
Once you make it one fourth of the way, you will get a purple to yellow question mark.
Elegant dark purple flowers, male and female produced in a drooping raceme in April.
Waiters are clad in purple raiment, likewise tables in red cloths.
The purple bacteria evolved oxygen respiration by reversing the flow of molecules through their carbon fixing pathways and modifying their electron transport chains.
Use a green or purple ribbon and tie it in a bow.
Also known as African rosewood, Bubinga is medium red-brown with purple veining, native to the African continent.
His usually pale face was purple with rage, and his bushy eyebrows knotted over his slightly rubbery nose.
Wet slopes have purple moor grass and the wettest areas support heath rush.
At Glyne gap beach a there was a purple sandpiper.
If leaves contain acidic sap, the anthocyanins will appear red and if the sap is less acidic, they will go purple.
It may simply be a glimpse of raven or peregrine, feral goat or a glowing mass of purple saxifrage.
On Pen-y-ghent either mat-grass or purple moor-grass dominate the grassland and higher up this contains stiff sedge Carex bigelowii.
Heuchera sanguinea Evergreen clumps of leaves with various silver veinings, purple shadings or gray to pewter bloomed surface.
They will be wearing purple tee shirts with the Lowry logo.
In answer to your inquiry, I have pleasure in sending you a large purple crystal of carbon silicide.
Instead, he has a white smock with a purple chevron and a weird symbol.
Lesley was first and chose a border spade, left handed secateurs and as she attracts rain her purple waterproof.
In addition Liatris spicata which has purple spikes will push through the foliage.
Why are my chillies getting black or dark purple splotches on them?
Sweeps of purple flowering heather and sweet scented gorse dominate the heathland whilst the wetlands harbor insect-eating sundews and rare marsh gentians.
The purple glow is probably a combination of red-orange light transmitted through the lower atmosphere and scattered blue light from still sunlit stratospheric dust.
For example, a dark purple plate on a dark purple tablecloth may be difficult to see.
Purple tang 5-6 " I have for sale 1 purple tang approx 5-6 " .. .
A. At the moment they include the purple tartans and plains kilts.
There were fairly large purple teardrops on a white background.
Only a mound, where purple thistles grow, locally called ' Queen Mary's tears ', remains today.
These can produce large areas of color in the summer such as areas of pink thrift and drifts of purple Sea Lavender.
In summer the purple flowers of wild thyme can be found.
A dull gray green sometimes tinged with purple, Agrostis.
Tiny flowers appear in April with a purple tint.
Before puberty a boy's toga had a purple border.
Behind him, huge clouds of an almost impossible purple turned slowly topsy-turvy in the silent anarchy of heaven.
He'll have purple and black velvet browband and I'll be in gray tweed with purple tie and brooch.
Illogical skeptics will complain that any hypothesis can be induced in this framework, such as a giant purple unicorns or flying cats.
At Leningrad, written in gold letters on purple vellum.
It is written in silver letters, in very narrow columns, on extremely thin vellum stained with purple.
We present them in a silver case with gold hinges and clasp, glass topped and lined with purple crushed velvet.
Being exposed, pinned on purple velvet, spread on a marble table.
It had taken up station on a bright purple verbena that grows next to our greenhouse, so was visible some distance away.
And then there are the purple blue vetches that are a pleasure to the eye at this time of year.
Its striking blooms are a rich purple violet on the inside, honey brown on the outside, with pronounced violet stripes.
Flowers are borne in terminal cymes and may be pink, red, violet, purple, blue or white.
Judith is wearing a purple sun visor with the word ' Princess ' written on it.
It was curiously wrought with gold and purple, and fastened to the ephod with chains of gold.
A Sea of purple yellow as far as the eye can see.
All this we can now perceive to have no relation to history, but at the time it may have made the subjugation of the Roman less bitter to feel that he was not after all bowing down before a race of barbarian upstarts, but that his Amal sovereign was as firmly rooted in classical antiquity as any Julius or Claudius who ever wore the purple.
The patriarch of Venice is usually raised to the purple.
Sodium gives an intense and persistent yellow flame; lithium gives a carmine coloration, and may be identified in the presence of sodium by viewing through a cobalt glass or indigo prism; from potassium it may be distinguished by its redder colour; barium gives a yellowishgreen flame, which appears bluish-green when viewed through green glass; strontium gives a crimson flame which appears purple or rose when viewed through blue glass; calcium gives an orange-red colour which appears finch-green through green glass; indium gives a characteristic bluish-violet flame; copper gives an intense emerald-green coloration.
But the great stretch of highly irrigated and valuable fruit-growing land, which appears to spread from the walls of Herat east and west as far as the eye can reach, and to sweep to the foot of the hills north and south with an endless array of vineyards and melon-beds, orchards and villages, varied with a brilliant patchwork of poppy growth brightening the width of green wheat-fields with splashes of scarlet and purple - all this is really comprised within a narrow area which does not extend beyond a ten-miles' radius from the city.
At a distance the plumage of the adult appears to be white and black in about equal proportions, the latter predominating above; but on closer examination nearly all the seeming black is found to be a bottle-green gleaming with purple and copper; the tail-coverts, both above and below, are of a bright bay colour, seldom visible in flight.
On the other hand, the upstart Latin emperors, far from proving submissive and humble tools, assumed with the purple the habits and pretensions of the sovereigns they had dispossessed.
When white Emily Henderson (the race having round pollen grains) is crossed with a blue-flowered pea, purple offspring result.
Similarly, when white Emily Henderson (long pollen grains) is crossed with white Emily Henderson (round pollen grains), the offspring wholly consists of the reversionary purple type, and sometimes wholly of a red bicolor form known as "Painted Lady."
Obviously, we may regard C as a tyrosinase and R as a chromogen, or vice versa; and in the case of the white sweetpea crossed with a blue-flowered one, and producing purple offspring, we may imagine that the white flower brought in an additional tyrosinase or a chromogen not present in the blue flower, which, when combined or mixed with the chromogen or tyrosinase for blue, gave purple.
The early practice of writing the initial lines or even the entire text of a volume in gold or coloured inks, and of staining with purple and of gilding the vellum, while it undoubtedly enhanced the decorative aspect, does not properly fall within the scope of this article; it concerns the material rather than the artistic element of the MS. (See Manuscripts, Palaeography.) It will be seen, then, that in the earliest examples of book decorations we find the germs of the two lines on which that decoration was destined to develop in the illuminated MSS.
When the soldier is hit by a cannonball, rags are as becoming as purple.
They then move back to lay eggs in the bases of purple moor-grass stems.
Purple loosestrife, which bears purple flower spikes between June and August.
We pride ourselves, too, in our purple heather.
The wine is crimson with purple hues at the rim.
Three very pretty purple shells with persistent comet trails exploded overhead (video clip 1 below).
What looks gray on your PC might look purple on your neighbor 's.
Other identities appearing inside MEP include purple (13), with small clusters in the southwest and southeast.
Please be warned that the Gibson site shows the guitar to appear purple !
The typical rash seen in meningococcal disease is purple in color, looking somewhat like a bruise.
The bell-shaped 5-petalled flowers are purple with brown spots, 5 cm across, and appear in clusters of 10-15 in May.
Septicaemic rash Watch out for tiny red or brown pin prick marks which can change into purple blotches or blood blisters.
Late shoots in July, for example in hedges or small sapling trees, often have a dark purple tint.
Scarlet Pimpernel, beautiful colored scarlet with a purple eye in pairs that close in the afternoon.
Notice the sepals (modified flower leaves) which curve up around the purple unopened buds.
Leanne 's winning menu was a North Sea cod and Cromer crab torte with tarragon, tomato and purple shallot butter sauce.
Instead slinky satin purple dresses combined sexy glamor with credibility.
Real pink snapdragon flowers are naturally cooler than purple ones, so to start with the fake flowers followed the same pattern.
The poster has a purple background and shows a cartoon drawing of a snowman 's head.
Barney tails him and his socialite friend to that den of iniquity, the Purple Shade Club, where Carol sings.
Prince thought the gig such a success, that some of the soundboard recordings were later used for the final Purple Rain album.
See that splodge of burnt purple muck over there?
Pretoria is the staid, conservative capital, with wide streets lined with jacaranda trees that bloom purple in spring.
They wear a special ring and a white tunic with a wide purple stripe on the right shoulder.
This cool vintage scarf features gold background, with large pale purple stylized flowers.
Diversity and ecology of phototrophic sulfur bacteria [Acrobat PDF] How do purple photosynthetic bacteria harvest light?
Purple Tang 5-6 " I have for sale 1 purple tang approx 5-6 "...
Her father had been driving along a solitary glen that wound and climbed up the purple Highland hills like a tendril of ivy.
Only a mound, where purple thistles grow, locally called ' Queen Mary 's tears ', remains today.
These can produce large areas of color in the summer such as areas of pink Thrift and drifts of purple Sea Lavender.
In the green house is an exquisite species called Pelargonium triste whose tiara of creamy-yellow flowers with purple blotches are spicily fragrant at night.
Before puberty a boy 's toga had a purple border.
The large purple tote bag lies open at her feet.
Amethyst Amethyst can vary in color from a pale transparent lilac to deep purple translucent crystal.
Trillium luteum has a yellow flower, rather than the more common white or purple.
Purple Ohms are the most potent trippy capsules available in the UK.
The area is characterized by tussocks of purple moor-grass which turns white in the winter months.
His bleeding shoulders covered by the purple robe, His head crowned with thorns, His visage marred and smitten, perhaps beyond recognition.
Marcia looked resplendent in her shiny purple dress and pointy shoes.
Strawberry hemangiomas are easily identified because of their red or purple appearance.
Although blue is largely associated with the ocean (and therefore boys), you'll find plenty of green, purple and pink aquatic life to balance it.
Whether dominated by pink and purple tones or cool modern hues, baby room ideas for little girls are easy to come by.
Slower growing trees that still fall in the fast-growing category are the tulip poplar, which makes flowers that look sort of like tulips in the late spring, Norway spruce, autumn purple ash and the quaking aspen.
If you're looking for trees that flower in the spring, there are many choices. the Eastern redbud is a great tree, growing to about 20 feet and showing purple flowers in the spring.
Japanese black pine, cherry laurel, Japanese plum, red buckeyes, honeylocusts, purple leaf plum and chinaberry are among the other trees classified as small.
This piece is from the blog Just a Modern Guy from the owners of The Purple Moon located in Charleston, West Virginia.
This white bunk bed set includes a purple and pink tent that fits over the twin bed and resembles a princess tower.
Use red and purple as the colors if you want to go with a Red Hat theme.
The acai palm, part of the plant genus Euterpe, provides purple berries the size of blueberries which are harvested and processed before eating.
The rich purple pigment, which gives the berries their characteristic color, is loaded with anthocyannins, a particular group of polyphenols which include grapes.
The berries are a made up of a seed which is surrounded by dark purple pulp.
As part of the berry family, research published on Web MD supports the conclusion that berries, particularly those colored red and purple, contain the highest amount of antioxidants.
The mangosteen tree (Garcinia mangostana), a tropical evergreen, produces small purple fruits with a hard rind.
The acai berry is also known for its small size and deep purple color.
Dark blue or purple berries ripen late summer and early fall.
The plant grows approximately 30 inches tall and produces a fuchsia or purple flower at the end of each bract.
A member of the daisy family, there are nine varieties of echinacea and they are often collectively known by their common name, purple coneflower.
Most often seen in purple shades, the echinacea is also grown in pale pink, white and yellow.
Some get saved for holiday baskets and sachets, and some get placed around the house, in wreaths, inside glass pitchers, and tied with a purple ribbon in the bath.
I found the outside window trim, the garden trellises (now purple and stunning), the inside window trim on my newest room that somehow was left unpainted and has hidden for two years behind draperies, and lots more.
Similar Hues - Colors that are next to one another on the color wheel (called analogous colors), such as yellow and orange and blue and purple offer a more subtle contrast than the opposite colors.
Fields of lavender are a common site in Italy, and the muted purple of the lavender flower can also be used to give your kitchen a splash of color.
Lavender and sunflower fields provide soft purple and yellow hues.
If green is your main color, you can use bold colors like purple or orange for accent colors in your décor.
You may be artistic and want to paint a trellis of grape vines and grapes as a border with green, red and purple grapes.
Pink and purple are the two most popular princess colors.
Green is an excellent color to use with pink or purple and white as the second accent color.
Yellow, aqua or orange can make purple pop.
You can use pink and purple together with a white accent color.
Electric colors such as pink, purple and green are sometimes combined with black to create a very bold look.
The palette for Victorian colors is a wide range of neutral grays and tans mixed with richer colors like deep red, blue, green, purple, and mauve.
If you need a strong accent color, the choose one of the many Tuscan reds from a brilliant red poppy to deep red or purple grape colors.
Use a variety of different colored Easter basket grasses and place a yellow patch, a green patch and a pink (or purple) patch spaced along the length of the table like a bird's nest.
Purple falls on the far end of the blue spectrum and can be used as an accent color, just as red, pink, yellow, or green.
For example, a purple hallway that connects to a yellow kitchen could look a little harsh and disjointed.
The Painted Desert provides a vast range of hues that includes blue and coral as well as reds, turquoise and purple.
These paint colors by Valspar include Embroidery Rose, Cherry Mocha and Purple Stripe.
These grays feature blue and purple undertones.
A blue, purple, red, orange, or green accent color will make your tree become more festive and unique for your winter theme tree.
Purple ribbons on white packages and purple packages with white ribbons make a striking gift design for your tree.
While the natural colors for giraffe print are warm tones of dark brown, tan and beige, the giraffe print pattern can also be done in fun neon colors such as lime green, hot pink and purple.
On a color wheel, orange is opposite of blue, yellow is opposite of purple, and green is opposite from red.
If your undereye circles are purple or blue, look for concealers with a hint (or more) of orange or yellow.
Kiss Me Mascara is available in a variety of colors, including black, brown, blue, purple, and even green!
In a sharp contrast to the pale expectations of the majority of the face, gothic makeup eye shadows come in fun hues of purple, blue, and brown to name a few.
Lastly, apply some liquid eyeliner to polish off the eyes and choose a dark purple or dark Red Lipstick to polish off the look.
In four different color combinations, like brown, gold & blue, or brown, purple, and silver, there is a combination perfect for every complexion and eye color.
And you have chosen the perfect color too; deep purple is a great choice for your striking eye, hair and skin tone.
As for your eye color, some colors to try are brown, apricot, purple, plum, deep khaki or forest green (because they are in the same greenish family, they brighten green eyes).
As for a day look, try a subtle matte pale purple and for evening, opt for a deeper plum, grape, bold violet or even silver gray in a shimmery formula.
To glam up for evening, just add a hint of dark blue, green, brown, purple or even black to the upper corners of your eyes.
For drama, consider wearing long false eyelashes and purple eye shadow for an entirely unique vampire look.
Now this purple tube has a permanent place in my makeup bag.
A purple perfume bottle is useful for a variety of purposes.
There's something absolutely divine about the color purple.
An empty purple perfume bottle is an outstanding gift idea for that hard-to-please individual who seems to have everything.
The top is also purple, shaped like a rose and studded with a rhinestone.
Dressed in a frothy purple tutu, this crystal bottle is definitely an attention-grabber.
Some of these purple bottles may ring a bell, while others may be completely new to you.
Perhaps the fragrance with the most popular purple bottle of them all, Passion is as relevant today as it was the day it was released.
The deeply intense purple color was inspired by the color of Taylor's own violet eyes, and the bottle itself is a testament to the actress's own passion for strength in femininity.
This juicy rose fragrance is held in a lengthy, deep purple bottle with a luxurious velvet rose wrapped around it.
I love the varying shades of brown and purple in this trio, and I was pleased to see Maybelline eye shadow really focuses on color combinations that bring out the beauty in specific eye colors.
My eyelids were purple when I left for work, and they remained purple when I came home in the evening.
Available in a whole range of colors like black, blue and purple, you can line those eyes and hit the waves with no worries.
Green eyes pop when highlighted in shades of purple and plum.
For brown eyes, locate brown on the color wheel and find the colors on the opposite side (namely purple and blue).
On the other hand, nighttime hours are the perfect time to choose intense shades of purple and indigo.
Play with glittery eyeliners (depending on skin tone), in silver, gold, turquoise or purple.
And if you're looking to pump up your look for summer, opt for loads of color in unexpected shades of pink and purple.
Whether it's a bold, rich purple hue or a more organic brown tone, creating a smoky eye makeup look instantly makes eyes stand out with an incredible allure.
Reach for one that is dark and smoky, like black, charcoal grey, deep purple, deep blue or forest green (the color you choose depends on which goes best with your skin tone).
Rather than stick with the usual gray and black eye shadows that made the smoky look famous, consider contrasting shadow hues such as lime and pink, orange and purple, or blue with green.
It's no wonder purple and redheads are a match made in heaven.
Orange and purple are opposite one another on the tertiary color wheel.
Purple cools off vivid orange and red hues, making it the perfect complimentary color choice for a vivid and bold redhead.
Why not incorporate a magical and mysterious look into your makeup routine by simply blending a smoky purple eye with a sheer pink glossy lip gloss and black eyeliner?
Dusty and heathery hues, such as gray, purple, and mossy browns should be avoided at all costs.
Limes, blue, and purple hues are flattering on yellow skin and impart a youthful glow.
Pink tones with purple undertones work well, and bright colors may appear to clash with lighter skin tones.
If you have blue eyes, revel in turquoise or cool water hues, and if you have brown or hazel eyes, play with purple and green tones for a palette that flatters and pops your natural eye color.
There was a pink, a green, and a purple on the eye… it turned out really well and looked really sharp.
If you fear the intensity of a red hue, pairing it with a purple highlighter will lessen the depth and create a lighter contrast.
Accomplishing the purple smoky eye technique means having several tools in your makeup arsenal.
There's no doubt that when done properly, the purple smoky eye technique can look incredibly enhancing and beautiful, but why use the color purple?
Even so, the color purple seems to beckon women more than any other shade.
Once these steps have been completed, it's time to apply the deepest (purple) shade of eye shadow.
Gorgeously colored purple smoky eyes can be yours if you gather all of the appropriate tools and take your time during the application.
With three varying shades of purple, a gleaming gray and a shimmery black, it's a recipe for the perfect smoky eye.
Another flattering color to try is purple.
Hazel eye makeup colors range from brown to purple and that's because hazel eyes tend to be a mixture of both brown and green.
However, if you want to be more creative, you can try a blue, green or purple shade and coordinate your lipstick with your outfit.
On the other hand, some goth beauties go for a softer look; they'll still go heavy on the black eyeliner, but they may wear pink or purple eye shadows and lighter lip colors.
Some colors, like brown, green, black, purple, blue and grey look beautiful when rimmed around the entire eye, however, other colors might mot look quite as good when worn that way.
Purple also looks very nice with green eyes.
The company's color palette ranges from candy pinks, buttercup yellows and girlish greens to daring shades of purple, midnight black and electric blue.
The medium purple shade features an iridescent finish that makes eyes pop.