Purgative Sentence Examples
Castor-oil should not be used as a purgative.
Hyphear is useful for fattening cattle if they are hardy enough to withstand the purgative effect it produces at first; viscum is medicinally of value as an emollient, and in cases of tumour, ulcers and the like.
Initially it was used externally to cure sores, and later drunk for its purgative qualities.
The root is strongly purgative (Lewis & Elvin-Lewis 1977).
Some of them, like the Kreuzbrunnen and the Ferdinandsbrunnen, contain alkaline-saline waters which resemble those of Carlsbad, except that they are cold and contain nearly twice the quantity of purgative salts.
In the treatment of a case where the parasite is already present, for two days previous to the employment of a vermifuge a light diet should be given and the bowels moved by a purgative.
Jalap is a typical hydragogue purgative, causing the excretion of more fluid than scammony, but producing less stimulation of the muscular wall of the bowel.
Soda tartarate is purgative and diuretic, as is the citro-tartarate.
These purgative sodium salts are most useful in the treatment of chronic constipation, and of the constipation associated with gout and hepatic dyspepsia.
Internally strychnine acts as a bitter, increasing the secretion of gastric juice and the intestinal peristalsis, being a direct stimulant to the muscular coat; in this manner it has a purgative action.
AdvertisementBy means of the castor-oil the irritating substances are removed, and the laudanum which is mixed with the purgative soothes the intestine.
The last acts chiefly upon the lower bowel, and forms a constituent of nearly every purgative pill.
The watering-places divide themselves, according to the temperature of the waters, into cold and thermal, and according to the composition of the waters, into purgative saline, indifferent saline, sulphur and iron.
A number of other waters containing sulphides and chlorides are powerfully purgative, and are more often drunk at home than at the springs.
The waters in which chlorides form the purgative principle are those of Homburg, Kissingen, Wiesbaden and Baden Baden in Germany, and Bridge of Allan in Scotland.
AdvertisementThus most salts of iron are distinctly constipating, and are best used in combination with a purgative.
They therefore remain for the most part in the intestine, and as they attract and retain large quantities of water, and at the same time slightly stimulate the mucous membrane, they come to have a purgative action and form the well-known group of saline cathartics.
A few of them, such as aloin and colocynthin, are also purgative when injected subcutaneously or into the blood, probably owing to their being excreted into the intestinal canal.
The oil contained in the seeds is a drastic purgative.
The use of the bark as a strong purgative dates back to Hippocrates, but is rarely used nowadays.
AdvertisementBeforehand, you have to drink a saline purgative.
These too are a mild purgative, but they dont drop as readily as honeysuckle berries.
The root is strongly purgative (Lewis & Elvin-Lewis 1977 ).
The vermifuge is given in the early morning, and should consist of the liquid extract of felix mas, male fern, one drachm in emulsion or in capsules to be followed in half an hour by a calomel purgative.
In medicine it is frequently employed as a hydragogue purgative, specially valuable in febrile diseases, in congestion of the portal system, and in the obstinate constipation of painters' colic. In the last case it is combined with potassium iodide, the two salts being exceedingly effective in causing the elimination of lead from the system.
AdvertisementI know of nothing more purgative of winter fumes and indigestions.
The idea was to showcase the purgative properties of the vegetable.
All these substances play a role in the purgative action of the bark.
But at the very least it will have had a purgative effect and got rid of his rage and grief.
In Germany a fungus (Polyporus Laricis) grows on the roots and stems of decaying larches, which was formerly in esteem as a drastic purgative.
The active principle to which the oil owes its purgative properties has not been isolated.