Pure-bred Sentence Examples
The pure-bred riding camel is only found in perfection in inner Arabia; for some unexplained reason when taken out of their own country or north of the 30th degree they rapidly degenerate.
In Great Britain wild cats survive only in some of the Scottish forests, and even there it is difficult to decide whether pure-bred specimens are extant.
In this book are named the recognized and pure-bred sires which have been used, and ewes which have been bred from, whilst there are also registered the pedigrees of such sheep as are proved to be eligible for entry.
Yak have the great disadvantage that they will not eat corn, and the large pure-bred animals will not live at low elevations.
The colour varies from dirty white to dark-brown, but when pure-bred is never black, which indicates eastern blood.
Thoroughbred and pure bred hackney stallions are maintained in private studs and by agricultural associations throughout the Dominion, and animals for cavalry and mounted infantry remounts are produced in all the provinces including those of the North-West.
In Ontario sheep breeding has reached a high degree of perfection, and other parts of the American continent draw their supplies of pure bred stock largely from this province.
The work of the live-stock branch is directed towards the improvement of the stock-raising industry, and is carried on through the agencies of expert teachers and stock judges, the systematic distribution of pure-bred breeding stock, the yearly testing of pure-bred dairy herds, the supervision of the accuracy of the registration of pure-bred animals and the nationalization of live-stock records.
C. C. Hurst, more recently, has shown that albino rabbits, whether pure bred for eight generations at least, or extracted from pigmented parents, may carry the determinants for black or for black and grey.
Hybrids are sometimes less fertile than pure-bred species, and are occasionally quite sterile.
AdvertisementSome hybrids, however, are as fertile as pure-bred plants.
The annual pure-bred livestock show is of national importance.
If a mare or other female animal is liable to be "infected" by her first or by subsequent mates, telegony will rank as a cause of variation, and breeders will be justified in believing (1) that pure-bred females are liable to be "corrupted" when mated with sires of a different breed; and (2) that inferior or cross-bred females, if first mated with a high-class sire, will thereafter produce superior offspring, however inferior or cross-bred her subsequent mates.
In all these establishments, after two or three crossings of the mare and ass, the breeders cause the mare to be put to a horse; yet a pure-bred foal has never been produced resembling either an ass or a mule."
Thirty mares put to a Burchell zebra produced seventeen hybrids, and subsequently twenty pure-bred foals.
AdvertisementBut as equally distinct markings occurred on two pure-bred Highland foals out of mares which had never seen a zebra, it was impossible to ascribe the stripes on the foals born after zebra hybrids to infection of their respective dams. Further, the subsequent foals afforded no evidence of infection, either in the mane, tail, hoofs or disposition.
Moreover, while the faint markings on the foals born after hybrids completely disappeared with the foals' coat, the stripes on the three pure-bred colts persisted.
All the pure-bred pups were typical terriers, and evidence of their dam having escaped infection is the fact that three of them proved noted prize-winners.
On the other hand, from the experiments of Mendel and others, we now know that crossbred animals and plants may present all the characters of one of their pure-bred parents, and we also know that the offspring of what are regarded as pure-bred parents sometimes revert to remote, it may be quite different, ancestors.
The tribal organization of the Hottentots has been broken up, and probably no pure bred representatives of the race survive in the colony.
AdvertisementHairy long-legged sheep are also met with in Persia, but are not pure-bred, being apparently the result of a cross between the long-legged Guinea breed and the fat-tailed Persian sheep.
A pure-bred Southdown sheep has a small head, with a light brown or brownish grey (often mouse-coloured) face, fine bone, and a symmetrical, well-fleshed body.
The benefits arising from these schemes are being more and more realized by farmers, and the department is able to report an increase in the number of pure bred cattle and horses in Ireland.
D Devonshire Traditional Breed Center Chickens - wide range of pure bred large and bantam fowl for beginner and experienced keeper.
A long dog is originally produced from a cross mating between two pure bred sight hounds, ie; a greyhound x saluki.
AdvertisementHis holt can very well be passed, his delicious scent may be overrun; but the pure-bred otterhound is equal to all occasions.
It offers prizes in butter-test competitions and milking trials at various agricultural shows, and publishes the English Herd Book and Register of Pure-bred Jersey Cattle.
Under this act a record committee, appointed annually by the pedigree stud, herd and flock book associations of Canada, perform the duties of accepting the entries of pure-bred animals for the respective pedigree registers, and are provided with an office and with stationery and franking privileges by the government.
Rostov was particularly struck by the beauty of a small, pure-bred, red- spotted bitch on Ilagin's leash, slender but with muscles like steel, a delicate muzzle, and prominent black eyes.
He looks pure-bred, but what breed does he fall into?
Of course, some Maine Coon hybrids, or mixed breed cats, may look like pure-bred Maine Coons.
Acquisition of a Maine Coon with papers from a reputable breeder or genetic testing is the only way to assure that you have a pure-bred Maine Coon.
Getting a dog from a Portuguese Water Dog rescue will assure that you have a healthy, pure-bred dog that needs a secure home and family to love.
Shelters are often the temporary home to pure bred and mixed breed Portuguese Water Dogs.
It takes three generations of breeding before the Bullmastiff breed can be registered as pure bred.
Graduates of TDI's training program include everything from pure bred Pitbulls to mutts from the local pound.
The current Traveler is a National Champion pure bred Andalusian horse.