Punished Sentence Examples
I hope the father punished the naughty little boy.
If we're punished, it means that we have deserved it, it's not for us to judge.
Felipa will be punished for her part in the incident.
He had sinned against the Law; and at last God had punished him.
I'll tell you what I did to be punished, but it doesn't change anything.
I could not bear to see her punished.
She ignored his implication that women should be punished like children.
The system itself aims in principle at being thoroughly monistic; but, since matter, although created by God out of nothing, was regarded merely as the sphere in which souls are punished and purified, the system is pervaded by a strongly dualistic element.
Do you remember when I was punished once about some plums?
He eyed her clothing and spoke hesitantly, as if not certain whether he would be punished for his words.
AdvertisementIt was among the twelve colonies that were punished for refusing help to Rome in 209 B.C. It was considered a suitable point to oppose a threatened march of Hasdrubal on Rome.
Kidnappers (plagiarii) were punished with death.
He punished the Frisii who refused to pay the tribute, and was on the point of advancing against the Chauci, but was recalled by the emperor and ordered to withdraw behind the Rhine.
As in earlier times, offenders were punished by expulsion.
He expected to be punished.
AdvertisementMaybe he feels like he is being punished.
To bring another into danger of death by false accusation was punished by death.
In 1841 Edward Moxon was found guilty of the publication of a blasphemous libel (Shelley's Queen Mab), the prosecution having been instituted by Henry Hetherington, who had previously been condemned to four months' imprisonment for a similar offence, and wished to test the law under which he was punished.
The proprietors could transport without trial their unruly serfs to Siberia or send them to the mines for life, and those who presented complaints against their masters were punished with the knout and condemned to the mines.
These Personal Liberty Laws forbade justices and judges to take cognizance of claims, extended the habeas corpus act and the privilege of jury trial to fugitives, and punished false testimony severely.
AdvertisementMurad thereupon returned to Europe with a large force, and sent Chendereli Zade Ali Pasha northwards; the fortresses of Shumla, Pravadi, Trnovo, Nicopolis and Silistria were taken by him; Sisman III., rebel king of Bulgaria, was punished and Bulgaria once more subjugated.
She was at first left undisturbed, but by degrees the château itself became taboo, and her visitors found themselves punished heavily.
All mortal sins shall be punished and extirpated by those whose office it is so to do.
But he taught that the state may interfere with legal or public duties only, and not with moral or private ones; He would not have even atheists punished, though they should be expelled the country, and he came forward as an earnest opponent of the prosecution of witches and of the use of torture.
The Highway Act of 1835 specified as offences for which the driver of a carriage on the public highway might be punished by a fine, in addition to any civil action that might be brought against him - riding upon the cart, or upon any horse drawing it, and not having some other person to guide it, unless there be some person driving it; negligence causing damage to person or goods being conveyed on the highway; quitting his cart, or leaving control of the horses, or leaving the cart so as to be an obstruction on the highway; not having the owner's name painted up; refusing to give the same; and not keeping on the left or near side of the road, when meeting any other carriage or horse.
AdvertisementThey also punished those who had too large a share of the ager publicus, or kept too many cattle on the state pastures.
On the 1st of November Charles reached Florence, promising to respect its laws; but he permitted Corso Donati and his friends to attack the Bianchi, and the new podestd,Cante dei Gabrielli of Gubbio, who had come with Charles, punished many of that faction; among those whom he exiled was the poet Dante (1302).
Both these cities were secured by Moawiya in 660, and at the same time Yemen was punished for its adherence to 'All.
In 1884 they were punished, together with the Kakars, by the Zhob Valley Expedition.
Otto soon showed his intention of breaking with the policy of his father, who had been content with a nominal superiority over the duchies; in 937 he punished Eberhard, duke of Franconia, for an alleged infringement of the royal authority; and in 938 deposed Eberhard, who had recently become duke of Bavaria.
A pestilence drove Otto to Germany in 965, and finding the Romans again in arms on his return in 966, he allowed his soldiers to sack the city, and severely punished the leaders of the rebellion.
It was regarded not only as an error, but also as a crime to be detected and punished.
There was also the question whether any one should be punished simply for bearing the name of Christian or only if he was found guilty of "crimes associated with that name."
Whatever might be the real character of their profession, he held that such obstinate persistence ought to be punished.
The persons in question were not to be hunted out, but if they were reported and were found guilty, they were to be punished.
Blake, who offered to resign, complained of the conduct of many of them, and some were punished.
Yet every man felt and knew that no detail of military duty, however minute, escaped the emperor's eye, and that any relaxation of discipline would be punished rigorously, yet with unwavering justice.
The Romans punished massacre by massacre, and the complete suppression of the insurrection was long delayed, but the Jews made no great stand against disciplined troops.
Bribery may be punished by fine, imprisonment and disfranchisement for ten years.
If faith to him had not been broken he would have been sent back to Bohemia to be punished by his sovereign, the king of Bohemia.
Disobedience to or contempt of the ecclesiastical courts is to be punished by a new writ, de contumace capiendo, to follow on the certificate of the judge that the defender is contumacious and in contempt.
In 1833 a conspiracy of the Giovane Italia Society, organized by Mazzini, was discovered, and a number of its members punished with ruthless severity.
The conspiracies were repeatedly betrayed and the guilty parties terribly punished.
Its prestige was seriously undermined by the conduct of individual members, whose corrupt use of power was exposed and punished by Ephialtes, the democratic leader.
The Republican legislature had in 1867 appointed a committee to investigate the management of the canal system, but the abuses were allowed to continue until in 1875 Governor Tilden disclosed many frauds of the " Canal Ring," and punished the guilty.
Crime was rarely punished, and debts were not recoverable.
This third time he was not punished, but sent to sea, and turned out very well.
This disregard of responsibility was partly punished by the use his critics made of it when he became celebrated as a writer on education and a preacher of the domestic affections.'
He regained his ascendancy over the king, punished his enemies and forced Marie de' Medici and Gaston of Orleans to sue for pardon.
Whenever opinions did happen to be expressed which could be construed as criticism of Austria or Germany the offenders were speedily punished, and it was not long before the political leaders of the Czechs and Slovaks found themselves in confinement, some of them under sentence of death, while the Czech and Slovak press was subjected to a rigorous censorship and many of its organs prohibited from appearing.
Many of the clergy were punished for refusing to obey the injunction.
A force of 12,500 British troops traversed the country of the tribes, and severely punished them.
This is not merely in the vague sense that on the whole good will be rewarded and evil punished, but that every single act must work out to the uttermost its inevitable consequences, and receive its retribution, however many ages the process may require.
The last book of the Laws of Manu deals with karmaplialam, " the fruit of karma," and gives many curious details of the way in which sin is punished and merit rewarded.
Finally, the Aduatuci (near Namur) were compelled to submit, and were punished for their subsequent treachery by being sold wholesale into slavery.
The criminal laws were of extreme severity, even petty theft being punished by the thief being enslaved to the person he had robbed, while to steal a tobacco pouch or twenty ears of corn was death; he who pilfered in the market was then and there beaten to death, and he who insulted Xipe, the god of the goldand silversmiths, by stealing his precious metal, was skinned alive and sacrificed to the offended deity.
He that shall do contrary to this shall likewise be punished as a favourer of heresy and error."
The sum of $463,454 was finally awarded as compensation to the Canadian sealers who had been unlawfully seized and punished.
The "six towns" were severely punished for their share in the war of the league of Schmalkalden, and about this time the reformed teaching made very rapid progress in Lusatia, the majority of the inhabitants becoming Protestants.
It is absurd to make this document responsible for the introduction of the bloody persecution of witches; for, according to the Sachsenspiegel, the civil law already punished sorcery with death.
In Igo Philopoemen protected Sparta, which meanwhile had joined the League and thereupon seceded, but punished a renewed defection so cruelly as to draw the censure of Rome upon his country.
On the other hand, it is argued that the authority of Galen and Cicero (pro Cluentio) place it beyond a doubt that, so far from being allowed to pass with impunity, the offence in question was sometimes punished by death; that the authority of Lysias is of doubtful authenticity; and that the speculative reasonings of Plato and Aristotle, in matters of legislation, ought not to be confounded with the actual state of the laws.
In 383 the emperor Theodosius, who had demanded a declaration of faith from all party leaders, punished Eunomius for continuing to teach his distinctive doctrines, by banishing him to Halmyris in Moesia.
In his later years he made some attempts to maintain the public peace, and he distinguished himself by the vigour with which he punished robber barons in Thuringia; he also won back some of the crown lands and dues which had been stolen during the interregnum.
But soon the victorious peasants became so violent and so destructive that Luther himself urged that they should be sternly punished, and a number of princes, prominent among whom was Phi.iip of Hesse, banded themselves together to crush the rising.
A revolt of the city against the royal authority was severely punished in 1262 by the expulsion of its principal inhabitants, who were, however, permitted to take up their quarters on the other side of the river.
Czech manifestoes were confiscated, and meetings stopped at the slightest appearance of disorder; and the riots were punished by quartering soldiers upon the inhabitants.
The Nationalists therefore stormed the platform, and the president and ministers had to fly into their private rooms to escape personal violence, until the Czechs came to their rescue, and by superiority in numbers and physical strength severely punished Herr Wolf and his friends.
He retook Catania by the help of a Saracen to whom Roger had trusted the city, and whom he himself punished.
The purpose of Mahomet is to show from these histories how God in forme/ times had rewarded the righteous and punished their enemies.
The mercenary troops at Elephantine mutinied and attempted to desert to Ethiopia, but were brought back and punished.
The register by which a great portion of the land was a fief of the Mamelukes was left unchanged, and it is said that a proposal made by the sultans vizier to appropriate these estates was punished with death.
The popular tribunals regained their authority, and a supreme court of justice, Det Kongelige Retterting, presided over by Valdemar himself, not only punished the unruly and guarded the prerogatives of the crown, but also protected the weak and defenceless from the tyranny of the strong.
She was punished for her obstinacy by being deprived of Norway, which she was compelled to surrender to Sweden by the terms of the treaty of Kiel (1814), on the 14th of January, receiving by way of compensation a sum of money and Swedish Pomerania, with Riigen, which were subsequently transferred to Prussia in exchange for the duchy of Lauenburg and 2,000,000 rix-dollars.
Beside these works Ranch wrote a famous moralizing poem, entitled " A new song, of the nature and song of certain birds, in which many vices are punished, and many virtues praised."
He built Castelfranco on the northern frontier; fortified the port of Civita Vecchia; and strengthened the Castel Sant' Angelo, equipping it with cannon made from the bronze of the Pantheon, an act of vandalism which the Romans punished by the epigram, "Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini."
This was punished in October of the following year, when Duke Maximilian of Bavaria sacked the town and put nearly all the inhabitants to the sword.
Warned by Frederick, Keith escaped; but Katte delayed his flight too long, and a court-martial decided that he should be punished with two years' fortress arrest.
Such defection was formerly often punished severely.
The latter, enlisting a body of Jews, punished his capital with fire and sword.
In 387 there was a great sedition caused by a new tax levied by order of Theodosius, and the city was punished by the loss of its metropolitan status.
The Italian government demanded that the lynchers should be punished, entered claims for indemnity in the case of the three Sicilians who had been Italian subjects, and, failing to secure as prompt an answer as it desired, withdrew its ambassador from Washington.
Gracian was punished for publishing without his superior's permission El Criticon (in which Defoe is alleged to have found the germ of Robinson Crusoe); but no objection was taken to its substance.
The cardinal, however, punished the church-sackers and imprisoned George Douglas, while Hertford in 1544 moved with a large army against Scotland, and Henry negotiated with a crew of discontented lairds and a man named Wishart for the murder or capture of Beaton.
On the 24th of August three statutes abolished papal and prelatical authority and jurisdiction; repealed the old laws in favour of the church, and punished celebrants and attendants of the Mass - for the first offence by confiscation, for the second by exile, for the third by death.
Though the recalcitrants who held it were punished, James's own officials saw that he had gone too far.
The United States, asserting that expatriation is an inalienable right of man, maintains that, to lose his right to American protection, the emigrant who has been naturalized in the United States must have done that for which he might have been tried and punished at the moment of his departure; it claims to protect him against the exaction of what at that moment was merely a future liability ' Cf.
The sailors confessed their guilt and were punished.
Punished by military occupation and a fine for its reception of the Reformation, Minden underwent similar trials in the Thirty Years' War.
Nowhere is crime committed on such trifling grounds, or with such general impunity, though when it is punished the punishment is atrocious.
Antoine de Chabannes, who was to be the instrument of the plot, revealed it to Charles, and Louis was mildly punished by being sent off to Dauphine (1447).
A second expedition became necessary later on, two small patrols having been treacherously murdered; and a force of 100 British troops traversed the border of the Abor country and punished the tribes, while a blockade was continued against them from 1894 to 1900.
Those who submitted were forthwith received back into favour; those who persevered in rebellion were punished with death.
Khaqan had murdered his master and had been punished for it by death.
The citizens of Tarsus who were involved in the plot were severely punished.
This misdirected will is punished by finding that the objects after which it thirsts are in truth vanity and emptiness.
In the morning Krauss's troops, the Bosnians and the German Jager, who had both been heavily punished already, made a great effort to break through.
Under these circumstances, Nathaniel Bacon (1647-1676), whose grandfather was a cousin of Francis Bacon, took up the cause of the borderers and severely punished the Indians at the battle of Bloody Run.
A Swedish archbishop, returning from Rome, had been seized by robbers, and as Frederick had not punished the offenders Adrian sent two legates to remonstrate.
Returning to Germany towards the close of 1162, Frederick prevented a conflict between Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, and a number of neighbouring princes, and severely punished the citizens of Mainz for their rebellion against Archbishop Arnold.
Some illegal practices of certain chancery officials had been detected and punished by the court itself, and generally there was a disposition to overhaul its affairs, while Coke and Lionel Cranfield, earl of Middlesex (1575-1645) directly attacked some parts of the chancellor's administration.
Another theory, propounded by Captain Bazeries (La Masque de fer, 1883), identified the prisoner with General du Bulonde, punished for cowardice at the siege of Cuneo; but Bulonde only went to Pignerol in 1691, and has been proved to be living in 1705.
Another explanation is that the place of the sacred wolf once worshipped in Arcadia was taken in cult by Zeus Lycaeus, and in popular tradition by Lycaon, the ancestor of the Arcadians, who was supposed to have been punished for his insulting treatment of Zeus.
Knox does not seem to have known beforehand of Rizzio's "slaughter," which had been intended to be a semi-judicial act; but soon after it he records that "that vile knave Davie was justly punished, for abusing of the commonwealth, and for other villainy which we list not to express."
Wales was relieved from the burden of toll-gates, while the few rioters who were captured were only lightly punished.
The Babylonian towns, especially Seleucia (q.v.), were handed over by Phraates to his favorite, the Hyrcanian Himerus, who punished them severely for their resistance.
Defection from Zoroastrianism was punished with death, and therefore also the proselytizing of the Christians, though the Syrian martyrologies prove that the kings frequently ignored these proceedings so long as it was at all possible to do so.
Tile rebellion of the asafu d-daula, maternal uncle of the shah, was punished by exile, while his son, after giving trouble to his opponents, and once gaining a victory over them, took shelter with the Turcomans.
Louis made peace with Holland at Nijmwegen on the 10th of August, and punished Danby by disclosing his secret negotiations, thus causing the minister's fall and impeachment.
Further, we are not only under a government in which actions considered simply as such are rewarded and punished, but it is known from experience that virtue and vice are followed by their natural consequents - happiness and misery.
It may therefore be concluded that the balance of probability is in favour of God's government in general being a moral scheme, where virtue and vice are respectively rewarded and punished.
His argument, that the punishment of an imprudent act often follows after a long interval may be admitted, but does not advance a single step towards the conclusion that imprudent acts will be punished hereafter.
Perjury is to be punished by the wardens and society with such correction as that other men of the fellowship may be warned thereby.
The victorious Greeks subsequently punished Thebes by depriving it of the presidency of the Boeotian League, and an attempt by the Spartans to expel it from the Delphic amphictyony was only frustrated by the intercession of Athens.
Philip was content to deprive Thebes of her dominion over Boeotia; but an unsuccessful revolt in 335 against his son Alexander was punished by the complete destruction of the city, except, according to tradition, the house of the poet Pindar.
By these committees criminals were summarily tried, convicted and punished; suspicious characters were deported or intimidated.
Antiochus punished an outburst of strife between the rivals by plundering the Temple and slaying many of the inhabitants (170 B.C.).
Although the importation was forbidden by the Chinese imperial authorities in 1796, and opium-smoking punished with severe penalties (ultimately increased to transportation and death), the trade continued and had increased during1820-1830to 16,877 chests per annum.
However, the former professor and inquisitor-general was stoutly opposed to doctrinal changes, and demanded that Luther be punished for heresy.
The morality attaching to the oath, so deeply rooted in the conscience of primitive peoples, was expressed in the cult of Zeus "OpKCOS, the God who punished perjury.
Its inhabitants fought in 43-41 B.C. against Octavian, and were punished by him for erecting a monument in honour of those who fell.
In the Second Punic war Alba at first remained faithful, but afterwards refused to send contingents and was punished.
This was to be the true Catholic faith; the adherents of other creeds were to be reckoned as heretics and punished.
On discovering this the prince went to the emperor and threatened to lay down all his offices if the conspirators were not punished, and after some resistance he achieved his purpose.
After the Second Punic War (203 B.C.) these tribes were severely punished by the Roman generals for the assistance they had rendered to Hannibal.
The Amatola mountains were stormed; and the paramount chief Kreli, who all along covertly assisted the Gaikas, was severely punished.
The island was subsequently punished with great rigour by the Persians.
An offender in a chase is to be punished by the common law; an offender in a forest by the forest law.
There were a few preliminary outbreaks of rebellion, which were suppressed with vigour and punished with horrible cruelty.
General rules of indisputable equity are fixed for the conduct of the courtsno man is to be tried or punished, more than once for the same offence; no one is to be arrested and kept in prison without trial; all arrested persons are to,be sent before the courts within a reasonable time, and to be tried by a jury of their peers.
Those workmen who refused to accept them were to be imprisoned, while employers who went behind the backs of their fellows and secretly paid higher sums were to be punished by heavy fines.
Where Oxford was punished, no less favored person could hope to escape.
Those who rose up in any way against the established order were sharply punished.
The vileness of such criticism was punished, as it deserved to be, in the Letter to a Noble Lord (1796), in which Burke showed the usual art of all his compositions in shaking aside the insignificances of a subject.
He is sent back in disgrace, punished by solitude and plain bread, presently repents, reforms and is killed by kindness.
A husband who wilfully abandons his wife, leaving her destitute, or who refuses to support her when he is able to do so, may be punished by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding one year or in the county jail or workhouse not more than six months nor less than fifteen days, and for ten days, in the discretion of the judge, he may be kept on a bread and water diet.
The tendency to increased rigour may be discerned in the 2nd canon of the synod of Orleans (541), which declares that every Christian is bound to observe the fast of Lent, and, in case of failure to do so, is to be punished according to the laws of the church by his spiritual superior; in the 9th canon of the synod of Toledo (653), which declares the eating of flesh during Lent to be a mortal sin; in Charlemagne's law for the newly conquered Saxony, which attaches the penalty of death to wanton disregard of the holy season.'
The fall of Basileios followed; he was punished with exile and the confiscation of his enormous property.
The first narrative is that of JE, which relates how two Reubenites, Dathan and Abiram, rebelled against the civil authority of Moses,andwere punished by being buried alive,they and their households.
We have a curious relic of this in the later times of ecclesiastical persecution, when the heretic was doomed to the stake that he might be punished in some manner " short of bloodshed."
For example, it is not reasonable for me to perform my share of a contract, unless I have reason for believing that the other party will perform his; and this I cannot have, except in a society in which he will be punished for non-performance.
The object of this sympathetic resentment, impelling us to punish, is what we call injustice; and thus the remarkable stringency of the obligation to act justly is explained, since the recognition of any action as unjust involves the admission that it may be forcibly obstructed or punished.
To be " obliged " is to be " urged by a violent motive resulting from the command of another "; in the case of moral obligation, the command proceeds from God, and the motive lies in the expectation of being rewarded and punished after this life.
An irresistible motive, it is forcibly said, palliates or takes away guilt; no one can blame himself for yielding to necessity, and no one can properly be punished for what he could not have prevented.
In answer to this argument some necessarians have admitted that punishment can be legitimate only if it be beneficial to the person punished; others, again, have held that the lawful use of force is to restrain lawless force; but most of those who reject free-will defend punishment on the ground of its utility in deterring others from crime, as well as in correcting or restraining the criminal on whom it falls.
For the British, English law alone prevails, and they can only be tried and punished in the British court, and so on for every nationality.
The council were at a loss which course to take; not that they doubted which of the disputants was right, for they all held by the views of Calvin, but they were unable to determine to what extent and in which way Bolsec should be punished for his heresy.
It was the day on which, thirteen years before, Alexander had punished the rebellion of Thebes with annihilation.
In Scotland, at the date of the only statute respecting bigamy, that of 1551, cap. 19, the offence seems to have been chiefly considered in a religious point of view, as a sort of perjury, or violation of the solemn vow or oath which was then used in contracting marriage; and, accordingly, it was ordained to be punished with the proper pains of perjury.
Bigamy was punished in England until the reign of William III.
The League interfered in every relation of life, and the mere fact of not belonging to it was often severely punished.
This, however, only served to show in a very remarkable manner the courage and faith of the Christian Malagasy, of whom about two hundred suffered death in various cruel forms, while many hundreds were punished more or less severely by fine, degradation, imprisonment and slavery.
The ungodly will be punished mercilessly, and in exact correspondence to their sins.'
Blasphemy is punished by imprisonment.
The newly organized government of the empire, however, instead of inflicting the death penalty on him and his principal followers, as would have been the inevitable sequel of such a drama in previous times, punished them with imprisonment only, and four years after the Hakodate episode, Enomoto received an important post in Hokkaido, the very scene of his wild attempt.
It produced no effect, although the cardinals felt that Grosseteste was too influential to be punished for his audacity.
No one was punished for the massacres, and many of those implicated in them were rewarded.
The clergy were freed from taxation and from lay jurisdiction, the ban of the Empire was to follow the ban of the Church, and heretics were to be severely punished.
He was punished by him on some desolate hill (usually styled Caucasus) for fire-stealing, and was finally released by Heracles.
They.d been led by the demon leader Darkyn, whom the Dark One had punished when Death discovered what the demons had done.
Hardly suitable for these vulnerable people who feel they are being punished by this confinement, on top of their other problems.
The parent sees nothing contradictory in these responses, yet the child will be punished if it shows contradictory behavior.
Moreover, opposition to the tenets of the accepted religion is apostasy or heresy and is punished by death.
No good God could put up with such deceit, and justice demands that they should be punished for it.
There were debates with people who were deeply disillusioned with New Labor who want to see it punished at the polls.
Unless sin is to be awfully punished, the language of Scripture appears extravagant.
The incidents in question took place during Hewett's mayoralty, when various alleged felons were not punished.
Stealing from a fellow thief, turning state informer and a host of other offenses were punished by execution.
Not only this - is it morally justifiable for people to be punished differently for the same thing?
He punished malefactors by coating them with lead and roasting them over a fire.
Individuals who have been too outspoken can be punished in various ways.
Dirty water or empty pails were commonly punished by pinching or lameness.
We bowled far too many short balls which were severely punished by quality batsmen.
We all deserve to be punished by God, and cut off from him forever, and endure everlasting punishment.
First the dead have to wait in another land until the funerary ritual is over and to be punished if they are sinners.
You see, because God is so holy and we're so sinful, we have to be punished.
There follow a symbolic prediction of the exile (xii.) and a denunciation of non-moral prophets and prophetesses (xiii.) - though Yahweh deceive a prophet, yet he and those who consult him will be punished; and so corrupt is the nation that the presence of a few eminently good men will not save it (xiv.).
The last duke, the celebrated constable Charles of Bourbon, united the domains of the Dauphine to those of the duchy, but all were confiscated by the crown in consequence of the sentence which punished the constable's treason in 1527.
To detain, harbour, &c., a slave was punished by death.
On the other hand carelessness and neglect were severely punished, as in the case of the unskilful physician, if it led to loss of life or limb his hands were cut off, a slave had to be replaced, the loss of his eye paid for to half his value; a veterinary surgeon who caused the death of an ox or ass paid quarter value; a builder, whose careless workmanship caused death, lost his life or paid for it by the death of his child, replaced slave or goods, and in any case had to rebuild the house or make good any damages due to defective building and repair the defect as well.
The first, containing thirteen articles, recognized (Articles 1 and 2) the person of the pontiff as sacred and intangible, and while providing for free discussion of religious questions, punished insults and outrages against the pope in the same way as insults and outrages against the king.
It should be noticed that trial by one's peers, as understood in Magna Carta, is not confined to the nobility; in every class of society an accused man is punished in accordance with the verdict of his peers, or equals.
When serious proof existed against one who denied his crime, he could be submitted to the question by torture; and if under torture he avowed his fault and confirmed his guilt by subsequent confession he was punished as one convicted; but should he retract he was again to be submitted to the tortures or condemned to extraordinary punishment.
Taking advantage of this short interregnum, some members of the secret societies, mostly officers of the Guards, organized a mutiny among the troops quartered in St Petersburg and in Podolia, with a view to effecting a political revolution, but the movement was easily suppressed, and the ringleaders, known subsequently as the Decembrists, were severely punished (see Nicholas I.).
The disorganization of the Curia was appalling, the sale of offices became a veritable scandal, the least opposition to the Borgia was punished with death, and even in that corrupt age the state of things shocked public opinion.
Above all, many of its members have come to " the conviction, which is not new, but old, that the virtues which can be rewarded and the vices which can be punished by external discipline are not as a rule the virtues and the vices that make or mar the soul " (Hatch, Bampton Lectures, 81).
The freedman took his former master's name; he owed him deference (obsequium) and aid (officium); and neglect of these obligations was punished, in extreme cases even with loss of liberty.
Unions between slaves and free women, or between a freeman and the female slave of another, continued to be forbidden, and were long punished in certain circumstances with atrocious severity.
Indignant at the severity with which they were punished, Lazarus, king of Servia, joined the rebel princes.
She was at first left undisturbed, but by degrees the château itself became taboo, and her visitors found themselves punished heavily.
An amendment to the constitution adopted in November 1888 declares that any combination or pool to affect the markets for food products is a " criminal conspiracy, and shall be punished in such manner as the legislature may provide."
The interpretation of this dialogue which first suggests itself is that the prophet is referring to wickedness within the nation, which is to be punished by the Chaldaeans as a divine instrument; in the process, the tyranny of the instrument itself calls for punishment, which the prophet is bidden to await in patient fidelity.
When accused by Sulla (to whom he had been quaestor in 81 B.C.) of having squandered the public money, he refused to render any account, but insolently held out the calf of his leg (sera), on which part of the person boys were punished when they made mistakes.
He incurred the wrath of Sejanus, the powerful minister of Tiberius, by some supposed allusions in his fables, and was brought to trial and punished.
Their defection, which was terminated by a capitulation in 1621, was not punished severely, but in spite of their attempt to maintain neutrality henceforth they were quite unable to secure peace.
In the second instance, while the Hebrew says that the man who rebels against his Heavenly Benefactor will a fortiori rebel against a human benefactor, the Greek text gives a cynical turn to the verse, "Let the man who rebels against his true benefactor be punished through the tender mercies of a quack."
Instead of the Hebraic doctrine of a Jesus punished for our sins, we have the Hellenic idea of a man who is calmly tranquil in the consciousness of his unity with God.
To maintain the character of French goods in foreign markets, as well as to afford a guarantee to the home consumer, the quality and measure of each article were fixed by law, breach of the regulations being punished by public exposure of the delinquent and destruction of the goods, and, on the third offence, by the pillory.
The plot was discovered and the conspirators were barbarously punished, many being tortured and put to death, and their estates confiscated.
Justice (e.g.) is regarded by Mill as essentially resentment moralized by enlarged sympathy and intelligent self-interest; what we mean by injustice is harm done to an assignable individual by a breach of some rule for which we desire the violator to be punished, for the sake both of the person injured and of society at large, including ourselves.
For, if we told you truly, you might escape us altogether; and if we told you an untruth we would be naughty and deserve to be punished.
Her tears were those of an offended child who does not know why it is being punished.
Any violence to them or to their property is promptly punished.
And why if they were guilty of not carrying out a prearranged plan were they not tried and punished?
Opposite the Bluecoat formerly stood a Bridewell or House of Correction where " petty crimes " were punished by confinement and hard labor.
This more serious version of GBH may be punished by life imprisonment.
Leaving during a game (without a good excuse) Racist comments - Racism will not be tolerated and will be punished harshly.
It was decided that I was the ringleader and should be punished accordingly.
We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve.
The minimum standard of fairness does not permit a person to be punished twice for the same offense.
The stricter licensing regime must be implemented speedily so reckless lending and other sharp practices are clamped down on and punished.
Why the ringleaders of the attack gang were not punished is a question we must ask of the prison authorities.
Feeling sick beyond belief, I would go home feeling I had been punished for things in a previous life.
You see, because God is so holy and we 're so sinful, we have to be punished.
Those who therefore refused to do any work were punished with solitary confinement for long periods.
The East End has seen sporadic outbreaks of mob violence, often punished by death.
However he became tetrarch (ruler of ¼ of the kingdom) and on his return he punished the Jews in a massacre.
It was unfair for him to get punished, though; he hadn’t started the fight.
The surgeon was punished for her unethical advances towards her patient's husband.
When Tom's chronically late boss punished him for coming in late one day, Tom thought it was total hypocrisy.
If you ask me today, I wish I had been busted so I could be punished.
When they are confronted by an adult about their behavior, they lie to avoid being punished or to minimize the punishment that will be meted out.
It caused quite a stir as many people felt she was being unfairly punished because she was a celebrity.
Because we haven't been punished enough, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie have agreed to reunite for a fifth season of The Simple Life, as is being reported by the Associated Press.
Since you took your dog out immediately, and your boyfriend punished him after that, there was no connection between the original house accident and the punishment.
Certainly you'll have to worry about being punished if a prank goes wrong, but more importantly, you should be concerned with the physical and emotional safety of your family members when pulling a prank.
Those who sell to minors can be punished with fines ranging from $5,000 to $40,000 or up to 93 days in jail.
It is very important that children understand what is expected of them and why they are punished for a particular behavior.
They need reassurance that they are not being punished.
Children caught by their parents masturbating are often punished and told it is a sin.
The evil stepmother is punished for her cruelty.
Midas, king of Phrygia, who had been appointed judge, declared in favour of Marsyas, and Apollo punished Midas by changing his ears into ass's ears.
This difficult task was accomplished by Count Peter Tolstoi, the most subtle and unscrupulous of Peter's servants; but terrorized though he was, Alexius would only consent to return on his father solemnly swearing, "before God and His judgment seat," that if he came back he should not be punished in the least, but cherished as a son and allowed to live quietly on his estates and marry Afrosina.
About 1639 he entered upon the career of an itinerant preacher, and for preaching in various parts of Wales he was twice arrested in 1640; however, he was not punished and during the Civil War he preached in and around London.
On the 13th of February 1880, the minister of war, Dr Carlos Pellegrini, summoned the principal officers connected with the Tiro Nacional, General Bartolome Mitre, his brother Emilio, Colonel Julio Campos, Colonel Hilario Lagos and others, and warned them that as officers of the national army they owed obedience to the national government, and would be severely punished if concerned in any revolutionary outbreak against the constituted authorities.
Even in casual amours these class laws were invariably observed, and the young man or woman who defied them was punished, he with death, she with spearing or beating.
He punished the rebellious clergy severely, and ruled the church with an absolute hand till his departure from England in 1218.
Adultery was punished with the death of both parties by drowning, but if the husband was willing to pardon his wife, the king might intervene to pardon the paramour.
To cause loss of liberty or property by false witness was punished by the penalty the perjurer sought to bring upon another.
On the 15th of November he was assassinated, and as no one was punished for this crime the insolence of the disorderly elements increased, and shots were exchanged with the Swiss Guard.
You call it unjust, he says in effect, that you should be punished.
Does it not look very much as though you were being punished?
Heresy has been treated as a crime to be tried in and punished by the ordinary courts of the country, as in the cases of Servetus and Grotius.
In the fourth book Boetius raises the question, Why, if the governor of the universe is good, do evils exist, and why is virtue often punished and vice rewarded?
He took precautions, however, against any of the dead or moribund principalities being resuscitated, and punished with merciless severity any attempt to resist or undermine his authority.
There was no longer within the Russian land any independent principality in which an asylum could be found, and emigration to a principality beyond the frontier, such as Lithuania, was regarded as treason, for which the property of the fugitive would be confiscated and his family might be punished.
On arriving in Moscow he found that the mutiny had been suppressed and the ringleaders punished, but he considered it necessary to reopen the investigation and act with exemplary severity.
In this process some of the local officials displayed probably an amount of zeal beyond the intentions of the government, but any attempt to oppose the movement was rigorously punished.
In France, blasphemy (which included, also, speaking against the Holy Virgin and the saints, denying one's faith, or speaking with impiety of holy things) was from very early times punished with great severity.
Israel was punished by the ravaging of the northern districts, and the king claims to have carried away the people of " the house of Omri."
But the admission of Christians into the Jewish fold was punished by confiscation of goods (357), the erection of new synagogues was arrested by Theodosius II.
Leasing-making - a Scottish term for seditious language - was to be sternly punished.
Some of his chief nobles - Thomas, earl of Lancaster, in 1321, and Sir Andrew Harclay, earl of Carlisle, in 1322 - entered into correspondence with the Scots, and, though Harclay's treason was detected and punished by his death, Edward was forced to make a truce of thirteen years at Newcastle on the 30th of May 1323, which Bruce ratified at Berwick.
The aim of the work is to show, on Scriptural grounds, that sins of professing Christians are to be punished by civil authority, and not by withholding of sacraments on the part of the clergy.
It was fortunate for Becket's reputation that Henry punished him for his change of front by a systematic persecution in the forms of law.
After his victory the regent Antipater punished Athens by the loss of her remaining dependencies, the proscription of her chief patriots, and the disfranchisement of 12,000 citizens.
He had suffered twice from the chicanery of Edward's lawyers; in 1284 when a dispute between himself and the royal favourite, John Giffard, was decided in the latter's favour; and again in 1292 when he was punished with temporary imprisonment and sequestration for a technical, and apparently unwitting, contempt of the king's court.
For entering the military service or taking on him any state office a slave -, was punished with death.
While the slave trade was permitted, the mutilation of boys and young men, too often practised, was punished with exile and even with death.
As witness, the slave was still subject to the question; as criminal, he was punished with greater rigour than the freeman.
Already the master who killed his slave had been punished as for homicide, except in the case of his unintended death under correction; Constantine treated as homicide a number of specially-enumerated acts of cruelty.
If he abandoned his holding he was brought back and punished; and any one who received him had not only to restore him but to pay a penalty.
Some of the rebels retained their provinces; others were punished, as opportunity offered.
In the following campaign of 362 Mantineia, after narrowly escaping capture by the Theban general Epaminondas, became the scene of a decisive conflict in which the latter achieved Achaeans and jealousy of Megalopolis, was punished in 222 by a thorough devastation of the city, which was now reconstituted as a dependency of Argos and renamed Antigoneia.
A born ruler, Casimir introduced a whole series of administrative and economical reforms. He was the especial protector of the cities and the peasants, and, though averse from violent measures, punished aristocratic tyranny with an iron hand.
Enghien's pertinacity had not achieved a decision with the sword, but Mercy had been so severely punished that he was unable to interfere with his opponent's new plan of campaign.
On the overthrow of the empire, de Gerando was allowed to retain this office; but having been sent during the hundred days into the department of the Moselle to organize the defence of that district, he was punished at the second Restoration by a few months of neglect.
For this Achior is punished ley being handed over to the Israelites, who lead him to the governor of Bethulia.
It was not till the 28th that Mr Balfour, speaking at Southampton, was able to announce that the Russian government had expressed regret, and that an international commission would inquire into the facts with a view to the responsible persons being punished.
During the religious struggles between the East and West he was on a few occasions condemned (by the Eastern council of Sardica, by Dioscorus, by Photius); but the sentences were not carried out, and were even, as in the case of Dioscorus, considered and punished as sacrilegious attacks.
Thus he rewarded the Orthodox upstart, Prince Constantine Ortrogski, for his victory at Orsza by making him palatine of Troki, despite determined opposition from the Catholics; severely punished all disturbers of the worship of the Greek schismatics; protected the Jews in the country places, and insisted that the municipalities of the towns should be composed of an equal number of Catholics and Orthodox Greeks.
The statement that he issued an edict of toleration, to the effect that, while the exercise of magical rites would be severely punished, his subjects should enjoy full liberty of conscience, rests on insufficient evidence.
Its resistance was punished by the destruction of its walls and the banishment of its town councillors to Etruria, while their lands were handed over to Roman colonists.
Through Whitgift's vigilance the printers of the tracts were, however, discovered and punished; and in order more effectually to check the publication of such opinions he got a law passed in 1593 making Puritanism an offence against the statute law.
In a later rebellion, Thebes was captured after a three years' siege and severely punished by Lathyrus (Ptolemy X., Soter II.).
The imperious terms in which he was summoned to come down were punished by fire from heaven,which descended at the bidding of Elijah and consumed the whole land.
Guilty officials having been severely punished, the fraudulent creditors of the government remained to be dealt with.
I realize that it hurts to see their afflicted little child punished and made to do things against her will.
Then again he thought of Lazarev rewarded and Denisov punished and unpardoned.
Having ridden up to Nicholas, Ilagin raised his beaver cap and said he much regretted what had occurred and would have the man punished who had allowed himself to seize a fox hunted by someone else's borzois.
Many of them were punished, some sent to Siberia, many died of cold and hunger on the road, many returned of their own accord, and the movement died down of itself just as it had sprung up, without apparent reason.
And the scoundrel Rostopchin was punished by an order to burn down his houses.
What we all deserve is to be punished in hell.
The Long Parliament had ordered a strict observance of Sunday, punished swearing severely, and made adultery a capital crime; Cromwell issued further ordinances against duelling, swearing, racemeetings and cock-fights - the last as tending to the disturbance of the public peace and the encouragement of "dissolute practices to the dishonour of God."
Doctrines directly attacking Christianity Cromwell regarded, indeed, as outside toleration and to be punished by the civil power, but at the same time he mitigated the severity of the penalty ordained by the law.
Offences are punished by the aggrieved party.
Tearing up the soil with the plough is regarded as an invasion of the domain of the earth-mother, punished by the all-devouring hunger for wealth, that increases with increasing produce.
He does not appear at this time to have been seriously punished, and at the beginning of 1401 he is found in London, where his preaching again attracted the notice of the ecclesiastical authorities.
Y oshamin desired to raise himself above the Primal Light, but failed in the attempt, and was punished by removal out of the pure aetherial world into that of inferior light.
By legislative enactment whites and blacks living in adultery are to be punished by imprisonment or fine; divorces may be secured only after two years' residence in the state and on the ground of physical incapacity, adultery, extreme cruelty, habitual indulgence in violent temper, habitual drunkenness, desertion for one year, previous marriage still existing, or such relationship of the parties as is within the degrees for which marriage is prohibited by law.
Antoninus Pius punished him who killed his own slave as if he had killed another's.
Almost in Fredericks presence, they rebuilt Tortona, punished Pavia, Lodi, Cremona and the marquis of Montferrat.
When a decision had to be taken regarding a domestic serf, especially if one had to be punished, he always felt undecided and consulted everybody in the house; but when it was possible to have a domestic serf conscripted instead of a land worker he did so without the least hesitation.
When that happens, refusal to accept the currency is swiftly outlawed and punished harshly.