Pulse Sentence Examples
Her pulse quickened, as did her breath.
A pulse of warmth dispelled the tunnel vision that had begun to form.
A faint pulse of life came from the direction of the gym.
His hand caressed her cheek and then slid down her neck, sending her pulse into a frenzy of activity.
Jackson felt his pulse quicken.
Darian shouted again, and another pulse of power made the earth rumble.
Reluctantly she pulled away, her pulse and respiration in a race.
Dusty felt for her pulse before resting against the cabinets opposite him.
He checked Brutus for a pulse and then put an arm around her.
His predatory smile made her pulse fly.
AdvertisementHe smiled, and looked over to Dean who felt his pulse quicken.
He felt the flicker of a pulse and prayed it was enough.
Sensing the pulse of power, Rhyn whirled from the far side.
Her pulse was flying, and her body cold.
Her pulse quickened as he drew her into his arms.
AdvertisementShe glanced up at his face - so close to hers - and her pulse quickened.
She waited, her pulse quickening.
Either let the land lie fallow every other year or else let spelt follow pulse, vetches or lupine.
But, fortunately for her, she felt her eyes growing misty, she saw nothing clearly, her pulse beat a hundred to the minute, and the blood throbbed at her heart.
Her chin trembled at the steady pulse of his heartbeat beneath her fingertips.
AdvertisementHe made no move to bite her or kiss her, simply studied her, his thumb stroking the pulse in her neck.
Her pulse quickened and she shook him harder.
Rhyn opened the door, surprised to find the jailer's room empty. He'd expected Jared at least. He closed the door quietly behind him. He snatched the talisman hanging near the door, the one that freed inmates from their cells. He ignored the quickening of his pulse as he entered the familiar cell block.
The sight of the white dodge ram truck threw her pulse into high gear.
Looking up into his sweet chocolate gaze, feeling the stroke of his hands on her face and neck, even the quickening of pulse — it was as if they had met all over again.
AdvertisementIf her pulse were any indication, she should be happy – and cautious.
She did not pull away tonight, but pressed her body to his and he felt her pulse quickening.
The convent members who managed the Sanctuary had replaced the wall Rhyn knocked down with a row of brown tents that matched their dresses. Rhyn eased between two of them, aware of Kiki's fading pulse. He set his brother down on the ground and looked around wildly, hoping they hadn't sent Katie's Ancient Healer, Lankha, home to the underworld.
As she met that sweet chocolate gaze, her pulse did the usual dance.
Sleep may overtake the patient in the midst of the sweating stage, and he awakes, not without some feeling of what he has passed through, but on the whole well, with the temperature fallen almost or altogether to the normal, or it may be even below the normal; the pulse moderate and full; the spleen again of its ordinary size; the urine that is passed after the paroxysm deposits a thick brick-red sediment of urates.
The doctor came every day, felt her pulse, looked at her tongue, and regardless of her grief-stricken face joked with her.
He felt Prince Andrew's pulse, and to his surprise and dissatisfaction found it had improved.
Her pulse pounded like a drum in her ears.
Jonny's body was bloodied and beaten, though his pulse was strong.
His crying and shifting distracted her from the strange world around her and made her head pulse, as if he were trying to pry his way into her unwilling mind.
A small pulse of power, and the man dropped.
They said his pulse rate has increased over night, which might mean he is trying to wake up.
She closed her eyes and offered her neck, surprised to find her pulse quickening in excitement.
The way the pulse throbbed in her neck when he kissed it, and the way she sounded out of breath when she pushed him away – the feel of her breasts when she molded her body to his...
When his other hand moved up her arm in a caress, her pulse quickened.
The principal crops are wheat, pulse, maize, millet, with some cotton and sugar-cane.
The principal crops are millets, pulse and cotton.
The soil is in general very fertile, the principal products being rice, maize and pulse (kachang) in the lower grounds, and cinchona, coffee and tea, as well as cocoa, tobacco and fibrous plants in the hills.
With the instinct of a true statesman, he felt the pulse of the people, divined their need for prestige, and their preference for a government heavy-handed rather than lax.
Other symptoms of undue absorption are vertigo, deafness, sounds in the ears, stupefaction, a subnormal temperature, nausea, vomiting and a weak pulse (Sir Thomas Fraser).
All those symptoms are referable to spasmodic constriction of the small surface arteries, the pulse at the wrist being itself small, hard and quick.
The feeling of heat is at first an internal one, but it spreads outwards to the surface and to the extremities; the skin becomes warm and red, but remains dry; the pulse becomes softer and more full, but still quick; and the throbbings occur in exposed arteries, such as the temporal.
The principal crops are millet, other food-grains, pulse, oil-seeds and cotton.
Lisa returned her attention to the picture, her pulse quickening.
Her breathing was quick, the pulse he felt in her neck flying.
It was a simple kiss that had no reason to quicken her pulse, but it did.
The hum of a spacecraft made her pulse leap again, and her eyes found the small craft descending from the sky to a landing point a hundred meters away.
The effect on her pulse was electrifying.
Her gaze rose to the rider and her pulse bolted as she met that bittersweet chocolate gaze.
In spite of an agonizing pulse, she responded flippantly.
Jessi's pulse surged, and she trotted after him.
Something about his voice quickened her pulse.
His warm hands on her arms did wild things to her pulse.
His sultry expression quickened her pulse.
The individual muscle-fibres contract and expand more perfectly, and thus the diastole and systole of the heart are rendered more complete, the pulse is slowed, and the blood-pressure is raised.
Godzilla also had cool powers like atomic breath and the ability to emit a nuclear short range pulse from his body.
Pulse Uniform has a wide selection of lab coats for men and women.
Pulse Uniforms - Visit the Pulse Uniforms website to view the company's medical uniform collection or to request a free mail order catalog.
Photoblogging elements are very similar to the type of service Flickr offers, with the inclusion of "moblogging" (mobile photo blogging via cell phone) in their "Pulse" service, released in 2007.
When she pulled back, his dark chocolate gaze turned sultry, quickening her pulse.
He couldn't help but detect her wild pulse.
She closed the doors when she left the room, anticipation increasing her pulse.
She needed to have a pulse.
She touched his neck with trembling hands and felt his pulse.
Something stirred deep inside, increasing her pulse.
Had anyone else been that close, she would have felt her space was being invaded, but in this case the smell of his cologne and his close proximity increased her pulse.
Finally she pulled back to gaze up at him, fully aware of her pounding pulse.
Her fingers caressed his bare forearms, the sensual touch increasing her pulse.
He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek in a soft caress that increased her pulse.
For a moment his gaze wandered over her face in that disturbing way that increased her pulse.
The words were innocent enough, but the look in his eyes increased her pulse.
The hunger in his eyes increased her pulse.
Fear increased her pulse.
The feel of his warm hand on her waist increased her pulse.
His deep voice had the usual effect on her pulse.
His eyes went to the visible pulse.
Xander's body moved behind hers, resting lightly against her in a way that ratcheted up her pulse.
He cradled her against his chest, waiting to feel her pulse.
Cotton, tobacco, pulse, millet, wheat and barley are also grown.
The principal crops are barley,',rice, wheat, other food-grains, pulse, sugar-cane and opium.
The black soil of the district yields crops of which the principal are millet, other food-grains, pulse, rice, cotton and oil-seeds.
The pulse is slowed, the number of beats per minute being actually reduced, under considerable doses, to forty, or even thirty, per minute.
In order to reduce the pulse to its normal rate in these cases, without at the same time lessening the power of the heart, the drug must be given in doses of about two minims of the tincture every halfhour and then every hour until the pulse falls to the normal rate.
The pulse and respiration steadily fail, death occurring from asphyxia.
The pulse is not spoken of in any of the works now attributed to Hippocrates himself, though it is mentioned in other works of the collection.
Two of them, on the urine and the pulse respectively, attained the position of medical classics.
In particular the fluctuations of the pulse in fevers and inflammations were better understood, and accurately registered; and we can scarcely realize now that before Harvey the time of the pulse seems not to have been counted by the watch.
Other crops which are grown in the province, especially in Upper Burma, comprise maize, tilseed, sugar-cane, cotton, tobacco, wheat, millet, other food grains including pulse, condiments and spices, tea, barley, sago, linseed and other oil-seeds, various fibres, indigo and other dye crops, besides orchards and garden produce.
The principal crops are millet, wheat, pulse, oil-seeds, cotton and sugar cane.
The principal crops are millets, pulse, cotton, wheat, barley and sugar cane.
The principal crops are millet, wheat, other food grains, pulse, oilseeds and cotton; there is some manufacture of cotton-cloth and blankets, and there are ginning factories in the town.
The staple exports are beans, pulse and peas, marine products, sulphur, furs and timber; the staple imports, comestibles (especially salted fish), kerosene and oil-cake.
The principal crops are millet, rice, other food grains, pulse, oilseeds, cotton and tobacco, with a little coffee.
In severe cases the pulse may become imperceptible, the extremities may become cold, and the patient may pass into coma.
The state of the pulse is the best criterion of the action of alcohol in any given case of fever.
The principal agricultural products are wheat, kao-liang, oats, millet, maize, pulse and potatoes.
The principal crops are wheat, millet, other food-grains, pulse, oil-seeds, and a little sugar-cane and cotton.
The principal crops are millet, rice, other food grains, pulse, oil-seeds, cotton and indigo.
Some have given up all grain and pulse foods, and have declared that old age can be best resisted by living entirely upon fruits, salads, nuts, soft water and milk products.
Jeffreys having suggested that his mind was disordered, he held out his hand and bade the chief-justice feel how calm and steady his pulse was.
A caustic taste in the mouth is quickly followed by burning abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, with a feeble pulse and a cold clammy skin; the post-mortem appearances are those of acute gastrointestinal irritation.
The principal crops are rice, barley, other food-grains, pulse, sugar-cane and opium.
The patient is quite unconscious, the eyes are motionless, the pupils dilated, the skin cold and moist, the limbs relaxed, the pulse is slow and barely perceptible, the respirations very slow and convulsive.
The principal crops are millets, cotton, wheat and pulse.
Agricultural products are wheat, millet, Indian corn, pulse, arrowroot and many varieties of fruits and vegetables.
He had, however, some years before, when he was a medical student, noticed the apparent regularity of successive swings of a pendulum, and devised an instrument for measuring, by means of a pendulum, such short periods of time as sufficed for testing the pulse of a patient.
After the taking of a moderate dose the pulse is markedly slowed.
Almost equally striking is the fact that digitalis causes an irregular pulse to become regular.
Clinically it is to be observed that the drug is cumulative, being very slowly excreted, and that after it has been taken for some time the pulse may become irregular, the blood-pressure low, and the cardiac pulsations rapid and feeble.
The general agricultural products of the country are wheat, barley, pulse, fruit, madder, asafoetida, lucerne, clover and tobacco.
Not only have the shops of silversmiths been recognized by the precious objects of that metal found in them, but large quantities of fruits of various kinds preserved in glass vessels, various descriptions of corn and pulse, loaves of bread, moulds for pastry, fishing-nets and many other objects too numerous to mention,, have been found in such a condition as to be identified without.
It teaches little more than that the pulse is felt in every part of the body, that there are vessels leading from the heart to the eyes, ears, nose and all the other members, and that the breath entering the nose goes to the heart and the lungs.
It follows from the above that a patient who is definitely under the influence of atropine will display rapid pulse, dilated pupils, a dry skin and a sense of discomfort, due to dryness of the mouth and throat.
A hodge-podge of pulse was prepared and offered to Apollo (in his capacity as sun god and ripener of fruits) and the Horae, as the first-fruits of the autumn harvest.
At this stage collapse may set in, the patient become faint, the limbs twitch, the radical pulse become imperceptible, and unconsciousness supervene.
It may perhaps be derived from cicer (pulse), in which case it would be analogous to such names as Lentulus, Tubero, Piso.
The principal crops are millet, rice, other food grains, pulse, oil seeds and cotton.
The principal products of cultivation are sugar, coffee, rice and also tea and pulse (rachang), the plantations being for the most part owned by Europeans.
Its principal products are cotton, wheat and opium - the anti-opium decrees of 1906 had little effect on the province up to 1910 - and these it exchanges with the neighbouring provinces for coal, iron, salt, &c. Kao-liang, pulse, millet, maize, groundnut, barley, beans, pease, lucerne, and rape seed are also grown.
Just before he died, says his secretary, Tobias Lear, he felt his own pulse; his countenance changed; the attending physician placed his hands over the eyes of the dying man, "and he expired without a struggle or a sigh."
The significance of a common name and a common blood is immensely enhanced by its association with mystic rights and duties, and the pulse of brotherhood beats faster.
The chief items were cotton piece-goods, rice not in the husk, sugar, grain and pulse, salt, iron and steel, tobacco, cotton twist and yarn, and brass and copper.
Before death occurs the pulse and respiration become exceedingly rapid and weak, and complete unconsciousness sets in.
The nature of this is not very easy to analyse, but as mental depression is closely associated with irritation of the vagus nerve and weakening of the circulation, it seems not at all unlikely that mountain air acts by accelerating the pulse and quickening the circulation, and thus creating a sense of well-being.
He does not possess the fiery pulse and humaneness of Burns, but the exquisite perfection of his metre and the subtle alliance of his thought and expression must always secure for him the warmest admiration of true lovers of poetic art.
The principal crops are rice, wheat, pulse and other food-grains, sugar-cane and opium.
The principal crops are millet, wheat, pulse, oil-seeds and cotton.
The heart's action is feeble, the pulse being small, irregular and often abnormally slow.
Pulse (kachang), rice and coffee are the principal products of cultivation; but in the days of government culture sugar, indigo and especially pepper were also largely grown.
The principal crops are millet, pulse, oil-seeds and wheat.
It is only in very large doses that it weakens the intracardiac nervous ganglia, slows and weakens the pulse, and dangerously lowers the blood pressure.
After absorption it slows the pulse by stimulation of the vagus nerves.
It has indeed been asserted that the slow pulse characteristic of the puerperal period is really due to the common administration of ergot at that time.
For it was in 1716 that Leibnitz, in a letter to the Abbe Conti, proposed a problem for solution " for the purpose of feeling the pulse of the English analysts."
The principal crops are rice, wheat, millet, other food-grains, pulse, linseed, and a little sugar-cane.
The principal crops are millet, rice, wheat, other food-grains, pulse, oil-seeds, cotton, sugarcane, spices and tobacco.
The principal products of the country are corn, wine, oil and soap (from the olives), with every species of pulse and gourd.
The natives use no grain or pulse, but make a kind of bread (mandrai) from this, the taro, and other roots, as well as from the banana (which is the best), the bread-fruit, the ivi, the kavika, the arrowroot, and in times of scarcity the mangrove.
The pulse is feeble and irregular, and respiration is difficult.
On the heart and circulation the effects are stimulant unless large doses are given, when the pulse becomes slow and blood-pressure much lessened.
The idea of a lurking mystery quickened her pulse.
He was standing close and she looked up into his face, acutely aware of an increasing pulse which wasn't entirely due to the dangerous situation.
If her pulse were any indication, she should be happy – and cautious.
A quickening pulse was enough to confirm his statement.
They gazed into each other's eyes hungrily for a moment before she turned to the car, her pulse racing.
His close proximity had the usual effect of quickening her pulse.
Her breathing was erratic, her pulse flying, her lower belly ablaze with warmth.
The way the pulse throbbed in her neck when he kissed it, and the way she sounded out of breath when she pushed him away – the feel of her breasts when she molded her body to his...
The pulse of the protective field surrounding the compound mixed with the distant howls of coyotes inhabiting the forest.
Looking up into his sweet chocolate gaze, feeling the stroke of his hands on her face and neck, even the quickening of pulse — it was as if they had met all over again.
His lips brushed hers again, the light pressure nonetheless making her pulse fly faster.
The pain was ameliorated by prior treatment with a pulse of corticosteroids.
You really need to get more active - talk about finger on the pulse!
However toxicity (including alopecia) is less than might be expected and in combination with pulse steroids cyclophosphamide is often well tolerated.
They also demonstrate that bandpass filtered acoustic pulse trains provide a useful analog of electric hearing.
In fact anything with a pulse, Kate Wilson will rescue, apart from children!
There was a drum beating in the background, throbbing in time with his pulse.
Monday 13th June 2005 There is something about the smell of the first broad beans that raises my pulse.
The choice of crotchet, dotted crotchet, or minim for indications of tempo, throws the predominant grouping of the basic " pulse.
In this trial all patients will receive our standard low dose pulse cyclophosphamide treatment.
He has also given many seminars, advanced talks and courses, including introductory courses for medical doctors and pulse diagnosis courses.
The pulse duration of a wide pulse, on the other hand, is a large fraction of the period of the waveform.
The pieces of crust thrown upon the surface were soon engulfed by a variety of handsome sized creatures to excite my young pulse.
Only a very small electric pulse is needed to disturb the equilibrium.
While I was in hospital, I developed atrial fibrillation with a pulse rate of 156.
Two fully charged pulse cells and five concussion grenades were snugly held in his chest webbing.
It follows that it is most useful to monitor heart rate and blood pressure, also pulse oximetry to detect hypoxia.
Time resolution is limited by pulse length and can be as short as 20 fs in the visible and near infrared.
However, deep inhalation is still required to produce the rapid pulse of nicotine to the brain associated with absorption in the lung alveoli.
This includes probe linearity to pulse modulated and amplitude modulated signals, spherical isotropy, and spatial resolution.
An essential part of all ultrasonic flow meters is the circuit or algorithm that determines the time of arrival of the ultrasonic pulse.
All the layers are put together and synchronized by setting the metronome to a specified pulse, eg a thousandth of a second.
The pulse produced in the modulator has a voltage greater than 10,000 volts and lasts about 1 microsecond.
Very short pulse durations of the order of a few microseconds may be obtained with this circuit.
P - Set Pulse dial Default This command forces pulse dialing until the next T dial modifier or T command is received.
The pulse width modulation on these waveforms has also been extended.
Moog (synthesizer)pulse is joined by a high-pitched moog sound.
Citronella, lavender or tea tree oils applied to the pulse points will repel mosquitoes.
As the particle passes through the beam, a secondary " pulse " signal is generated by a single optical fiber.
Add a simple percussion accompaniment incorporating the playing of a pulse and either the rhythm or a rhythmic ostinato.
The town wore a festive look as people came out of their houses with their children to the pulse polio booths.
The gun uses magnetic coils to create a pulse of energy which can hurl a projectile at more than two miles per second.
We are applying these methods to study ultrashort pulse propagation within the cavity of semiconductor lasers.
Irregularities of the pulse should be noted as well as abnormalities of the jugular venous pulsation.
The reference " RS " will quicken the pulse of Porsche connoisseurs.
He had positive bodily pain a violent headache, and a throbbing intermittent pulse.
Simply plug into a standard electrical socket to emit an ultrasonic sound and an electromagnetic pulse.
A vertical sync pulse is generated near the end of every frame.
Conventional inversion recovery methods for measuring T 1 use a slice selective inversion pulse, followed a time TI later by an excitation pulse.
Observe the effect on CVP, blood pressure, pulse, urine output and capillary refill.
We have seen in Section 1 that the pulse repetition frequency (p.r.f.) is the number of pulses occurring in one second.
Farmers are also being provided with vegetable seeds, fruit saplings, mustard, pulse, rice and wheat seeds.
The results, combined with recent psychophysical evidence, suggest that differences in pulse rate are unlikely to prove useful for concurrent sound segregation.
Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, vomiting, muscle cramps and spasms, pale skin, weak pulse and high temperature.
Characterizing the catalyst using BET nitrogen sorption, carbon monoxide or hydrogen pulse chemisorption, and FTIR analysis.
A single slot in the metal disk triggers a single electrical pulse in each lathe spindle revolution.
Keep your finger on the patient's pulse during the entire induction, or better still have a pediatric stethoscope attached to his chest.
A precordial stethoscope and a finger on the pulse is compulsory.
The teacher has one tambourine and another is passed quietly around the circle to a steady pulse.
Those who have a very slow pulse teat is very weak may have itching on various parts of the body surface.
Clinical observation can be usefully supplemented by pulse oximetry, blood pressure measurement, ECG and end tidal CO 2 monitoring when available.
Sporanox Pulse is indicated for the treatment of tinea pedis or tinea manuum and onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes or yeasts.
The pixel bestiary commences an instinctive dance to the throb and pulse of the quivering heap as a state of wild transfiguration is achieved.
The pulse echo waveform has a fractional bandwidth of 50% .
Cromwell appreciated this feeling at its exact worth, and his pre-eminence in the Civil War was due to this highest gift of a general, the power of feeling the pulse of his army.
Towards morning the fever abates; the pulse falls in frequency, but does not come down to the normal; headache and aching in the loins and limbs become less, but do not cease altogether; the body temperature falls, but does not touch the level of apyrexia.
The appearance of the nebhiim in the time of Samuel was, it would seem, as is explained in the article Hebrew Religion, one manifestation of the deep pulse of suppressed indignant patriotism which began to beat in the hearts' of the nation in the age of Philistine oppression, and this fact explains the influence of the movement on Saul and the interest taken in it by Samuel.
Their grand master, like many other subordinates in history, repeatedly begged to be allowed to charge, but Richard, who on this occasion showed the highest gift of generalship, that of feeling the pulse of the fight, waited for the favourable moment.
On review, the advisors thought monitoring pulse oximetry was specifically indicated in a further 27 cases.
The next step is to design a pulse oximeter in which this extra measuring facility is already an integral part.
The four pulse oximeters also supplied will be used daily in assessing Acute Mountain Sickness and acclimatization.
Our little coding technique is called pulse code modulation.
Pulse width of vertical synchronization signal is fixed to 16 rasters cycle.
However, being a fairly big car with a lot of boot space, the performance was never going to set anyoneâs pulse racing.
Rugged thermopile sensors for high power lasers and sensitive pyroelectric sensors for individual pulse energy measurements at KHz rates.
Just looking at the pictures of the car which are printed here does nothing to quicken the pulse.
The fever was over, and Emma could harbor little fear of the pulse being quickened again by injurious courtesy.
And my pulse quickened when, with three overs to go and Esher needing about thirty, Richie Richardson beckoned me toward him.
I rechecked the turf again, both sides, and with a slight quickening of pulse moved the Fisher over the hole.
The pulse detonation wave engine offers a marked increase in efficiency and a simplification of design over current rocket and ramjet engines.
It is extremely rarefied, extremely subtle; few are able to find the true pulse.
If the pulse duration is too short for the available receiver bandwidth, distortion and attenuation of the pulse result (Fig 21).
The pulse and bar signals are inserted in the cable at the position of the last repeater amplifier.
Add the flour, cinnamon and butter, and pulse until the mixture resembles fine crumbs.
The pulse should not increase more than 50% of the resting pulse.
A hobby servo motor requires a ` control pulse ' on its white wire.
The four stepper axes provide pulse and direction outputs at up to 500kHz.
Keep your finger on the patient 's pulse during the entire induction, or better still have a pediatric stethoscope attached to his chest.
The effectiveness of the pulse artifact subtraction method is demonstrated in this image.
Symptoms of hypertension include headaches, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness and visual disturbances.
The sync pulse in the signal from the adapter card tells the monitor how fast to actually run.
The use if pulse code modulation and multiplexing to create the synchronous digital hierarchy and SONET.
I wonder what my pulse is now, cause my heart was thumping out of my chest through most of it.
If it is used as such the transmitter pulse duration depends upon the duration of the output pulse from the ringing oscillator.
Vg1 returns rapidly to its original level and remains there until the next trigger pulse arrives.
In this Center, ultrashort pulse lasers are used to manipulate atoms and molecules and to generate non-classical radiation using non-linear optical processes.
The pulse echo waveform has a fractional bandwidth of 50 %.
Cardiorespiratory monitors and pulse oximeters monitor baby's heart and oxygen levels.
A slow pulse would typically register a one, and a fast heart rate would receive a score of two.
A few blasts from the pulse function on your blender will also do the trick.
Place the leaves in the food processor with a drizzle of olive oil, and pulse until the leaves are finely chopped.
Perfume should be applied to your pulse points.
If you love the scent, dab an emolliating substance, such as Vaseline, a shea butter cream or an unscented body oil onto your pulse points prior to applying the fragrance.
Try them out and maybe you'll have your own signature scent on your hands (or pulse points) that no one else around you wears!
Carry a small atomizer in your purse and reapply once to pulse points during a restroom break.
Finish getting dressed and then spritz your fragrance onto your pulse points.
The fragrance feels smooth to the touch, and application couldn't be easier - simply massage it into the pulse points or anywhere you'd like a touch of light fragrance.
Once oil is applied to warming pulse points, it has a higher chance of intensifying throughout the day, prolonging the fragrance as it works naturally with your body's chemistry.
You can expect that an application of just a few drops of scented oil will cover all of your pulse points, hence the name One Drop Perfume.
It also makes it simple to apply to any pulse points without dripping.
A big part of being successful at fantasy football is keeping your finger on the pulse of the NFL.
Find the pulse of the current market, and tailor your images to meet demand.
Simply add your favorite cut of beef to your food processor and pulse it five or six times, depending on how fine you want it ground.
The more you pulse, the finer it will be and if you only pulse it a few times, you'll have a chunkier texture.
Place the ham in your food processor and pulse until finely chopped.
Taste for salt and pepper; add needed salt and pepper and pulse to combine.
It also gives you a read out of your pulse.
Dancing - Music is therapeutic and dancing to music can improve pulse rate, respiration and mood.
Goddess Magazine keeps a finger on the pulse of the teen lifestyle because it's largely run by high school and college students.
Bik Bok-with stores in Denmark, Latvia, Sweden, England and Norway Bik Bok has its finger on the pulse of all the hottest fashion trends.
Having their finger on the pulse of the modeling world, an agency will often be one of the first places to look for auditions and calls for models.
Save preparation time by buying pre-chopped vegetables, recruit some extra hands to help out, or toss veggies in a food processor and pulse once or twice to break them down into ribbons before adding them to the dish.
Add them as a topping to your favorite vegetarian recipes, or pulse them in a food processor and add into the recipe.
The school uses a Blackboard-like program called Pulse for their distance learning programs.
Use the pulse button to mix well until you have what looks like a mix of crumbles.
Designed to accent your space while providing a touch of color, rope lighting can span large areas and even pulse at varying speeds.
Due to the faddish nature of this attire, younger men connected to the "hip" style pulse of the day were the usual wearers.
At Pulse Uniform, you can get a pair by Cherokee that comes in sizes up to 5XL and has four cargo pockets, perfect for carrying the many small items a medical professional needs to have at hand.
While it's true that not everyone agrees on the merits of a certain product, customer reviews will provide an opportunity for you to take the general pulse of the favorability and benefits of a particular model.
Actually, it's a combination of them all, plus the fact that they have their finger on the pulse of the hottest trends.
Besides the four senses, you also have to deal with your pulse, adrenaline level, bleeding level and your physical strength.
You pulse will increase when you get scared, dodge, or see a trap.
They clear, more beads pulse out from the center and the game continues.
During the physical exam, the child's pulse, blood pressure, and height and weight are checked and recorded.
The child's blood pressure, pulse, reflexes, and height and weight are measured and recorded.
Dizziness, faintness, and mental confusion are often present, as is a rapid, weak pulse.
The pulse becomes strong and rapid (160-180 beats per minute).
It is often accompanied by high blood pressure, an abnormal pulse, and visual symptoms.
In the absence of a pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must be performed.
Signs of traumatic shock include weak and rapid pulse, shallow and rapid breathing, and pale, cool, clammy skin.
Physical reactions, such as fast pulse, sweating, trembling, fatigue, and weakness, may accompany anxiety.
It is used to restore circulation and prevent brain death to a person who has collapsed, is unconscious, is not breathing, and has no pulse.
A rare and still more severe variety of serum illness produces extreme weakness approaching collapse; the child's temperature may be subnormal and the pulse weak.
The child's pulse, reflexes, height, and weight are checked and recorded.
The child's blood oxygen level can be measured using a pulse oximeter, a sensor placed on the fingertip or earlobe.
Flow-volume loops and pulse oximetry are diagnostic tools used to measure how much air flows through the breathing passages and how much oxygen is available.
In that situation, the person will have low blood pressure and a rapid pulse.
The child's pulse, reflexes, and height and weight are checked and recorded.
Blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and body temperature are checked, and the ear, nose, and throat are scrutinized.
A pulse oximeter or arterial blood gas measurement reveals the presence of decreased oxygen in the blood.
Withdrawal-The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol includes feelings of irritability or anxiety, elevated blood pressure and pulse, tremors, and clammy skin.
A = Activity (or muscle tone); P = Pulse; G = Grimace (or reflexes to stimuli); A = Appearance (or skin color), and R = Respiration.
With a score of 0-3, the newborn is unresponsive, pale, limp, and may not have a pulse; therefore, an infant with a score of 0-3 needs immediate resuscitation.
Further developments include fever with chills, loss of appetite, heavy perspiration, a rapid pulse, and general weakness.
In more severe cases, there may be a loss of pulse below the fracture site, such as in the extremities, accompanied by numbness, tingling, or paralysis below the fracture.
Parents or caregivers should immediately call for emergency care if a child is found not breathing or without a pulse or is unable to be aroused from sleep.
During the physical exam, the child's pulse, reflexes, and height and weight are checked and recorded.
Incorrect placement of the transducer may detect a pulsating maternal vessel with a resultant swooshing sound (uterine soufflé), and the rate will be the same as the maternal pulse.
Temperature, pulse and respiratory rate, color, and activity are recorded, and blood glucose levels checked for at least four hours.
These symptoms are often accompanied by anxiety; a rapid, irregular pulse; and a sense of impending doom.
The pulse will be rapid and the blood pressure may be low.
If trained, the parents or others present should administer CPR if the child stops breathing or does not have a pulse.
The epinephrine may make the child feel shaky and have a rapid, pounding pulse, but these are normal side effects and are only dangerous to those with heart problems.
With the exception of arterial blood gas, pulse oximetry, and total lung capacity, pulmonary function tests are performed using spirometry (from the Greco-Latin term meaning "to measure breathing").
Pulse oximetry uses a sensor placed on the earlobe or fingertip to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood.
Except for the arterial blood gas tests and pulse oximetry, pulmonary function tests should not be given to patients who have had a recent heart attack, or who have certain other types of heart disease.
If the victim is not breathing and has no pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be started.
Pulse oximetry, another way of assessing oxygen levels, involves attaching a device called a pulse oximeter to the patient's finger.
The radial pulse (wrist area) is detectable, but rapid.
The pulse sometimes races and breathing becomes rapid.
However, these counters measure the MCV, which is directly proportional to the voltage pulse produced as each cell passes through the counting aperture.
Extensive burns may induce shock, the symptoms of which are faintness, weakness, rapid pulse and breathing, pale and clammy skin, and bluish lips and fingernails.
The person's circulation is also evaluated by the pulse rate (number of heartbeats per minute) and blood pressure.
Using a stethoscope, a physician can detect the sound of a pulse in the affected vein (bruit).
Place the figs into a food processor and pulse until the figs are well chopped.
Add the blue cheese and pulse until well blended.
In a food processor, combine parsley, thyme, and garlic and pulse food processor until the herbs and garlic are finely chopped.
Rhythm is extremely important to such cultural dances, and bodies often pulse to the beats of music provided by percussion instruments.
This tip will blow cool air onto the skin as it works (usually a fraction of a second before the laser pulse) in order to keep the skin free of irritation during the procedure.
To give the client a test of the laser, she offered a quick pulse on the palm of the hand before beginning on the upper lip and chin.
When pulsing, the laser blasted a brief shot of coolness before the hot pulse to help balance the skin's temperature during treatment.
Each individual pulse was slightly more painful than plucking a single hair, but they happened much more quickly.
After each individual pulse, the technician pressed the spot briefly with her gloved finger to help dissipate the pain, and she also kept up a running commentary about her progress so the client knew what to expect.
Users report that L'Oreal's Color Pulse in orange/copper will turn dark blonde hair a very nice shade of Irish red, although this is more for tinting than a permanent color.
They administer medication and check pulse, respiration rates and temperature.
It is made with a material exclusive to Speedo called LZR Pulse, a woven fabric considered the lightest in the world.
Ergonomic operation Only one touch is needed to pulse or blend, making the Ninja safe and easy to use.
The controls include a three-speed selector switch for alternating the speed of the mixer and a pulse switch for pulsing thicker mixtures.
As you hit the "pulse" button to prepare your smoothie for breakfast tomorrow, you may find yourself wondering, "Who invented the blender?"
There are only four buttons on the front of the base - On/Off, Pulse, Run/Stop and Ice, which makes the HealthMaster one of the easiest appliances to operate.
The switch can be set to continually turn the attachments or set to pulse.
Every time you donate blood, your blood pressure and temperature are taken, not to mention pulse and hemoglobin rate.
It's designed to quicken the pulse of the reader, to remind them of the passion and heat of desire.
Examples of Gaelic verses include "Pulse of My Heart " and "Anam Cara" (Soul Friend).
Star Pulse offers a review of Casablanca and also features a link to original trailers for the film.
Fans can keep a finger on the pulse of certain storylines on GH by visiting Robin's Daily Dose.
They can keep their finger on the pulse of the show by reading episode recaps and visiting Internet message boards.
They take a critical look at the storylines, commenting on what works and doesn't with updates regularly that keep their finger on the pulse of the show.
Viewers need daily recaps of soap operas to keep their fingers on the pulse of what's happening on their favorite shows.