Pulmonaria Sentence Examples
Formerly also Sticta pulmonaria was much employed in brewing instead of hops, and it is said that a Siberian monastery was much celebrated for its beer which was flavoured with the bitter principle of this species.
The chief of those employed for one or other, and in some cases for several, of these purposes were Cladonia pyxidata, Usnea barbata, Ramalina farinacea, Evernia prunastri, Cetraria islandica, Sticta pulmonaria, Parmelia saxatilis, Xanthoria parietina and Pertusaria amara.
Pulmonaria longifolia This species is known as narrow-leaved lungwort and the word longifolia means long-leaved.
The silvered leaves of the pulmonaria light up the increasing gloom, alongside the tiny white starry flowers of sweet woodruff.
Thus white honeysuckle and false honeysuckle are names for the North American Azalea viscosa; Australian or heath honeysuckle is the Australian Banksia serrata, Jamaica honeysuckle, Passiflora laurifolia, dwarf honeysuckle the widely spread Cornus suecica, Virgin Mary's honeysuckle the European Pulmonaria officinalis, while West Indian honeysuckle is Tecoma capensis, and is also 'a' name applied to Desmodium.
Lungwort (Pulmonaria) - These are vigorous and hardy in any soil.
Pulmonaria Azurea - Flower stems about 8 inches high, flowers a full, perfect blue in bunchy heads, what botanists call a "twin capitale" raceme.