Pulling Sentence Examples
Pulling out a drawer, he removed a paper and pencil.
She sighed and left the room, carefully pulling the door shut.
Are you pulling my leg, Heidi?
He reached down and took her hands, pulling her into his arms.
Carmen nodded, pulling her horse to a halt.
His warm hands slid around her waist, pulling her back against him.
Pulling the contents out, she stared at the ultra sound.
He steadied himself, pulling upright until he was sure of his footing.
She blinked, pulling her attention from the heat racing through her body.
She leaned over to grab the thick rope and yanked it up, pulling it up hand over hand.
AdvertisementHe squeezed lightly then circled his arms around her, pulling her into his body.
Leyon ordered, pulling her up.
Let's get down to business, she said, pulling him to her.
Pulling Ed to the side, he allowed Carmen to go through the gate first.
Pulling the cell phone from the holster on her side, she called Felipa.
AdvertisementIn the same manner I can also tell when I am pulling against the current.
I was just pissed that some kids were messing around the mine— pulling that dumb stunt with the bones and all.
And hated for just as long for pulling shit like this stunt.
He gently disentangled his arms from her hands and gripped her waist, pulling her close.
Will you lie down and stop pulling the covers off of me?
AdvertisementHis warm hands dropped to her waist and slid to the back, pulling her gently against him.
Pulling on her boots, she quietly left the house using the back door.
He stepped behind her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest.
He snatched her, pulling her into his body before she could struggle.
Seating herself on the bed, she stared at a wall for a long time before pulling herself out of the trance.
AdvertisementShe grew edgy as they passed the town near the bungalow before pulling up the long driveway to the beach house.
She found a narrow, rocky road and hopped from rock to road, surprised to see an older man leading a donkey pulling a cart ahead of her.
His brother snapped his mouth closed and extended his hand, pulling Rhyn and Katie with him into the shadow world.
Gabriel waited until he was gone before pulling a chair to the side of the bed.
Kris produced a key chain from his pocket and unlocked the five locks before pulling the heavy door open.
Pulling it out, she sucked in a breath and withdrew a familiar vial of blood.
Gabriel rose and began pulling weapons from the wall and planting them on his body.
She left the bathroom, pulling on an oversized, soft T-shirt Evelyn had shanghaied from Romas and Kiera had shanghaied from Evelyn.
Kiera spun and darted down the hall, snatching Talal's arm and pulling her around the corner before Ne'Rin saw them.
Opal, the head of the Council, rose gracefully, pulling A'Ran from his thoughts.
She pushed the light away and shrugged, pulling her arm free.
He joined her and took her hand again, pulling her into the hall.
The teeth enable the climber to scale a vertical wall by holding to the ice while pulling yourself upward.
She joined him, sitting on the sofa and pulling one of Cynthia's quilts across her lap.
Two of the climbers clawed them apart, pulling Dean from him, just as Cynthia reached the front door, screaming for him to stop.
She stamped out her cigarette in the snow before pulling a large suitcase from the small rear seat, nearly yanking off the handle and serenading the action with a chorus of curses.
Martha, who couldn't have run that fast from her trailer if she did have a decent pair of sneakers—which she didn't—was at the door, pulling a sled upon which was piled a bundle far smaller than any ten-year-old's belongings ought to represent.
She squealed and he lowered her feet to the ground, gently pulling her close.
I'm sorry to keep pulling you here when you have work to do elsewhere.
The belt slipped, and Brady slung an arm around her, pulling her back hard.
He glared at her, then unbuttoned his tac gear, pulling his arms free and pushing it down to his waist to reveal the dark T-shirt beneath.
She inched away, and he grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him.
Dan exclaimed happily, pulling chocolate out of the cabinet.
Brady gripped her arm, pulling her quickly through the forest.
His resolve to keep his distance wavered as he thought about pulling her into bed with him again.
Greene was pulling in the Horsemen.
The rotators caught, pulling them out of the spin, slowed their ascent, then gave out once again.
Brady set his micro to track any laser fire before pulling his mask over his face.
Rhyn responded by pulling a dagger from the small of his back and tossing it.
Death lowered the hand displaying the end of the world scenario. The images of Gabe fighting demons switched to those of Katie on the beach under the moonlight. Rhyn's breath caught at the sight of her. She appeared exhausted, tattered, and drenched from the underworld rain. She'd never looked as beautiful as she did, even if she looked as if she'd just left the underworld. Toby was with her, pulling her from the beach towards the Sanctuary.
We walked into the kitchen where Mrs. Thompson was pulling out a ham.
The corpse was covered with a white sheet, but before pulling the cloth back, the attendant again looked at Cynthia, who nodded.
After patting her body as dry as he dared, Dean reached over and grabbed her night bag, pulling out her pajamas.
He closed his eyes and tugged on a pair of lavender briefs before pulling up the bottom to the PJ's.
Dean finally freed the last of the knots and Fred rose, pulling up his pants, staggered a step or two and sat back down.
You don't have to tell the cops about them pulling down my pants, do you?
She laughed merrily and raised her arms in one motion, pulling up her t-shirt.
He was re-zipping his front bag when he glanced down at a biker a switchback below him pulling off a jersey and donning a bright yellow jacket.
Pulling her hair back, she squeezed water out of it and then fluffed it with her fingers to release the natural curls.
Pulling the shirt open, he surveyed her swimsuit, oblivious to her embarrassment.
Pulling open a drawer, he dispensed a spoon, fork and knife for each of them.
He sobered, pulling her toward him.
His arms surrounded her, pulling her closer.
He returned her kiss with equal passion, pulling away only when they both were short of breath.
When she turned to him, he was pulling a card from his wallet.
Sliding her hand inside his shirt collar, she worked it around to the back of his neck, pulling his lips down hard on hers.
Strong arms encircled her waist and moved up, pulling her back against his chest.
His arms surrounded her, pulling her back against him.
Pulling out her phone, she dialed his number.
Once inside, he reached out and took her hand, pulling her across the car seat.
Pulling her body against his, he kissed her ardently.
He reached out and gently took her arm, pulling her towards him.
It sounded like he was pulling the tarp off the buggy.
He instantly responded, pulling her hard against him and kissing her hungrily.
She opened the bag and grabbed the needles, pulling them out with some yarn.
When they both lay sated, he kissed her and rose, pulling on his clothes as he went to the horse.
He lifted her back through the portal and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to solid ground again.
Pulling a knife free, she dug into the dry ground, not expecting to find the treasure she'd buried so long ago.
Sofi waved him away before sinking into the bed again and pulling the covers up.
Darian Traveled to the portal then leapt through it, pulling them with him.
She choked back a sob and wrapped her arms around Darian, pulling him as close as she could.
Vara was still for only a moment before he whirled and grabbed Taran, pulling him toward the forest.
He moved forward and took her arm, pulling her to her feet.
Taran waved the grizzled man in and retreated to the bed, pulling the book free.
Pulling her rifle from the box under the seat, he left Jonathan with the younger children and walked Carmen to a spot facing the target.
She undressed and climbed into bed, pulling the covers up.
Pulling a chair out, he sat down and put one foot across his knee.
It would be the first time they took a buggy ride that Ed wasn't pulling the buggy.
Rob followed her gaze as he finished pulling the last leg out on the table.
I'm just not supposed to be pulling myself up with my left arm.
Pulling the hair off her neck into a French roll, she used a few bejeweled clips and let it go at that.
Pulling her hair into a pony tail, she secured it with a blue ribbon.
Pulling his head down, she whispered with her lips close to his.
When his arms surrounded her, she slid her arms up and around his neck, pulling his lips down on hers.
Pulling the cell phone from her purse, she tried calling Mr. O'Hara.
Keaton was right behind her, pulling her into a protective embrace.
Her face warmed again as she realized she had been pulling her upper lip down over her teeth.
We plow them under so we can plant a garden and then spend half our time pulling them out of it so we can grow something to eat.
A strong hand gripped her arm, gently but firmly pulling her out onto the open area on the verandah.
Pulling out the letter, she looked at the ten digit key code.
He wrapped his free arm around her, pulling her to his side and effectively pinning her there.
She didn't want to be curious, but he had a way of pulling her in, when she'd rather walk away.
Xander rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his body once more.
The Original Other jabbed her in the arm, pulling her back to reality.
The Original Other didn't release her, instead pulling her back a few steps.
He set her on the bed and lay on his side, pulling her into his body once more.
Among the advantages of enclosures, he observes, " you will gain much more labour from your servants, a great part of whose time was taken up in gathering thistles and other garbage for their horses to feed upon in their stables; and thereby the great trampling and pulling up and other destruction of the corns while they are yet tender will be prevented."
Fouche, pulling the wires through the police, was an invaluable helper.
In weak fields the magnetic contraction is always diminished by pulling stress; in strong fields the contraction increases under a small load and diminishes under a heavy one.
Taylor Jones showed in 1897 that only a small proportion of the contraction exhibited by a nickel wire when magnetized could be accounted for on Kirchhoff's theory from the observed effects of pulling stress upon magnetization; and in a more extended series of observations Nagaoka and Honda found wide quantitative divergences between the results of experiment and calculation, though in nearly all cases there was agreement as to quality.
He evaded the clause in the constitution prohibiting the election of a president for successive terms of office by invariably arranging for the nomination of some adherent of his own as chief of the executive, and then pulling the strings behind this figurehead.
In the manufacture of a wine-glass the ductility of glass is illustrated on a small scale by the process of pulling out the, leg.
Pullers appear to renounce pulling, refusers take to jumping and clumsy horses become nearly as handy as a trick horse in a circus.
The weir is raised again by pulling up the shutters to a horizontal position by their bottom chains from a special boat, or from a foot-bridge on movable frames, together with their trestles and the props which are replaced in their shoes.
It is amusing to observe the extreme care and deliberation with which the bird draws the worm from its hidingplace, coaxing it out as it were by degrees, instead of pulling roughly or breaking it.
It has considerable compressive or crushing strength, but is somewhat deficient in shearing strength, and distinctly weak in tensile or pulling strength.
Cabbages that have headed may usually be preserved against injury by frost until the middle of next month, by simply pulling them up and packing them closely in a dry spot in the open field with the heads down and roots up. On approach of cold weather in December they should be covered up with leaves as high as the tops of the roots, or, if the soil is light, it may be thrown over them, if leaves are not convenient.
The practice of pulling down the ancient monuments to be used as building material, which was connived at by venal officials, was strictly prohibited.
The work lost in pulling a given length of rope over a pulley is found by multiplying the length of the rope in feet by its stiffness in pounds, that stiffness being the excess of the tension at the leading side of the rope above that at the following side, which is necessary to bend it into a curve fitting the pulley, and then to straighten it again.
The various operations through which the crop passes from this point till flax ready for the market is produced are - (i) Pulling, (2) Rippling, (3) Retting, (4) Drying, (5) Rolling, (6) Scutching.
Pulling and rippling may be dismissed very briefly.
The pulling ought to be done in dry clear weather; and care is to be taken in this, as in all the subsequent operations, to keep the root-ends even and the stalks parallel.
As a general rule the removal of the " bolls " or capsules by the process of rippling immediately follows the pulling, the operation being performed in the field; but under some systems of cultivation, as, for example, the Courtrai method, alluded to below, the crop is made up into sheaves, dried and stacked, and is only boiled and retted in the early part of the next ensuing season.
By this method the operation of steeping is entirely dispensed with, and the flax is, immediately after pulling, spread on the grass where it is under the influence of air, sunlight, night-dews and rain.
The power is obtained by pulling the bar-handle across, which causes FIG.
The iron hand-press, such as the Albion or the Columbian, used for the pulling of proofs, or for the printing of limited editions de luxe.
The space for the site was gained by pulling down the old houses composing the Schlossfreiheit and damming the Spree.
Prince and followers alike soon earned hatred, the former showing the incurable vices of his character, and pulling the beards of the chieftains.
A sermon by him at St Paul's on the second Sunday in Lent, 1549, was immediately followed by the pulling down of "the sacrament at the high altar."
Suppose we have a leather strap A passing over a fixed cylindrical drum B, and let a pulling force or effort be applied to the strap. The force applied to A can act on B only at the surfaces of contact between them.
Pulling the covers over him, she picked up his clothes and laid them on a chair.
Your getting awful good at pulling me out of scrapes.
She dodged to avoid a pair of magnificent blacks pulling a buggy.
Her eyes went to his body hungrily, and he gripped her belt, pulling her against him.
The guardsman finished pulling the last arrow from his chest and climbed to his feet.
Pulling himself from his spotty memories, Jule looked up at an expectant Rourk.
He flew in a specialist, she responded, pulling the blanket over her head to shield her further from the sunlight.
Maybe she was stretching her behavior to the limit, like a slingshot—pulling it tight until it snapped back, with stinging pain.
I was just pissed that some kids were messing around the mine— pulling that dumb stunt with the bones and all.
Martha, who couldn't have run that fast from her trailer if she did have a decent pair of sneakers—which she didn't—was at the door, pulling a sled upon which was piled a bundle far smaller than any ten-year-old's belongings ought to represent.
Jackson was pulling seeds when he heard Elisabeth, "Ouch. Oh no, I cut myself."
Dan exclaimed, pulling chocolate out of the cabinet.
He clicked off Art Tatum and "Willow Weep For Me" and after pulling out a bottle of scotch and two glasses, returned to Fred's room.
Pulling the hood up again, she draped her cloak over the Tiyan seal on her horse's saddle and urged it forward.
Taran in the meadow…arrows…red and black dancing across her eyelids…drowning…Hilden pulling her from the Springs…
A rider in the tube becomes airborne by pulling on handles attached to the floor of the tube.
The heat combined with more than two weeks continuous pulling made the job arduous.
It is easy to fall into the trap of calling the calls when you are yourself just pulling the backstroke.
We also bought her a helium balloon, which she loved pulling around by the string.
A few hours spent pulling lumps of plastic around the ocean yielded just a small barracuda.
They allowed me to wear a beanie (a snow cap) during school to help minimize the pulling.
The time came when she became very agitated and was pulling the bedclothes about.
But hopping is still viewed with nostalgia by those who spent their childhood pulling bines in the fresh air.
We still make primitive, physiological preparations for battle, just like pulling back a bowstring.
To avoid pulling oil droplets through, an oil trap was placed inside the crankcase breather.
The hand pulling the weight down to ground level represents the action of the spark gap, periodically discharging the tank capacitor.
Pulling me back, pulling me home, the memories of the soft caress of a sun kissed breeze stroking my face.
The donkey, seeing the horse pulling an old cart full of cow manure cried out " Oh, what happened to you?
The enraged brethren attacked their abbot and cellarer, pulling the cellarer from his horse and pursuing the couple for several miles.
The teachers played the horses, pulling each chariot in hotly contested races.
Pulling her tattered cloak around her shoulders she proceeded up the steps.
After much coaxing and pulling and pushing, I smelled fresh air and felt an enormous wave of relief.
I do remember the police pulling up to see me sitting in my car eating chocolate cookies in the wee small hours.
You pull the arm down and then raise it pulling the cork out of the bottle.
The custom of pulling crackers came to Britain in the 1860s.
We have spent time using a halter and a shepherds crook to get him to stand correctly and walk along side us without pulling.
Pulling into the overhanging niche above provides the crux of the climb.
How wonderful it was to be able to switch on the lights indoor without worrying about pulling the blackout curtains.
Its repetitive riffs and percussion become almost cyclical and hypnotic while slight variations keep pulling you in.
And also, pulling a sledge is a big guy's challenge, and I'm quite demure, as you see.
He smiled, pulling Anya into a darkened shop doorway.
The dirty dozen Tim Atkin on wines with pulling power plus his 12 top bottles for seduction.
For once she didn't mind her brother pulling the duvet off.
He proposed that as the endoplasm to ectoplasm transformation took place, the forming ectoplasm contracted pulling the cell forward (Figure 3A ).
Have allowed it pulling out of and insurance coverage expat medical insurance policy analysts did.
Pulling back from customersthe folks at the motor accidents quot to insurers.
For example, using a head halter to prevent pulling while you are training your dog to walk nicely on leash.
In theory, too, the peak halyard should be pulling at right angles to the gaff.
Call me crudely oiled, but commerce is pulling the heartstrings, with a penny saved for casual sex.
Pulling on just one, high-mounted handle hinges the backrest forward and makes the cushion move forward and down at the same time.
It takes a lot of pulling to raise several hundredweight by this amount.
Graham Kavanagh had started to become more influential, pulling the strings in the middle of Cardiff's midfield.
The young lad, whose name I can't remember dived under him, pulling him clear.
Pull onto the grassy ledge then climb the clean corner pulling out left at the top.
Therefore the injury begins medially, rupturing the deltoid ligament or pulling of the medial malleolus.
By flying in by helicopter or pulling up in a luxury limo.
Lucy, age 12 After pulling your horses mane rub neck were you pulled it at.
Pulling these trials together is not an exercise in intellectual nihilism.
The combs 33 teeth remove and destroy even the very smallest nits without pulling, cutting or hurting the hair.
The sensations of cold metal adds to the intense orgasm brought on by quickly pulling these beads out at the point of orgasm.
Lateral - with the tape pulling the patella to the lateral side of the knee.
A band may be felt tightly pulling the patella over laterally and tilting the patella.
They lifted the steel grating, pulling back its securing chain like raising a tiny portcullis.
I had NO intent on pulling a prank to have an article written by any member!
He replied, pulling out his mobile phone ' I have the number preset and I get straight through to them directly ' .
They have turned to pulling rabbits out of hats.
Every group needs a comedian who can keep the fun going during a dull day of scrub-bashing or pulling ragwort.
Unlike other units, You can quickly override the memory by just pulling out any of the 32 control knobs for temporary readjustment.
Solent looked all at sea as Wildcats dominated by stealing the ball several times and pulling down every defensive rebound.
Remove the ribbon cable from the laser unit to the board by gently pulling the ribbon cable from the laser unit to the board by gently pulling the ribbon straight up.
There's also a ridiculous sequence where Kato follows the car - on foot, pulling a rickshaw!
They are pulling the rug from under our feet.
I have tried things for pulling up socks or tights without much success; shoe horns, long and short, and elastic shoelaces.
A good team of 9 dogs would travel 30 miles in a day pulling a sledge with a load of over 1000lbs.
In winter, the dogs put all their force into pulling sleighs.
A full grown reindeer can run between 12 and 15 miles an hour pulling a loaded sleigh.
A separate concluding chapter pulling together the various strands of the book would have added force to the propositions for change.
Opposite to him sat his testy friend, Isaac Dorkin, pulling the stroke oar.
This upward surge has also had the effect of pulling up the rest of the equity markets around the world.
Remove the cap from the base of the pre-filled syringe by pulling.
Water is pumped out of the cylinders until the entire assembly lifts up in the water, pulling the tethers taut.
Anyone with experience of upmarket hotels may feel a little tentative pulling the desk away from the wall.
Pit ponies, pulling wagons along rails, transported these items to the end of the barrier.
Yet, the faster planets form aspects to Pluto on their own journeys round the zodiac, thus pulling longterm issues into shorter-term contexts.
There is no method known of curing this disease, and all that can be done is to take every precaution to eradicate it, by pulling up and burning diseased plants, isolating the infected area by means of trenches, and avoiding growing cotton, or an allied plant such as the ochro (Hibiscus esculentus), in the field.
If a mass of M grammes be placed in the earth's field at a place where the acceleration of gravity has a value g centimetres per second, then the mechanical force acting on it and pulling it downwards is Mg dynes.
To drive the air out of this skin by pressing on it, or even by walking on it, would be easy; to fill it again with air by pulling its sides apart with his fingers would be so irksome that he would soon learn to distend it by means of strings.
Locke believed that in attacking " innate principles " he was pleading for universal reasonableness instead of blind reliance on authority, and was thus, as he says, not " pulling up the foundations of knowledge," but " laying those foundations surer."
Block Rope Used with a pulley block to increase the power of a horse pulling a boat out of a lock.
Remove the ribbon cable from the laser unit to the board by gently pulling the ribbon straight up.
There's also a ridiculous sequence where Kato follows the car - on foot, pulling a rickshaw !
What I 'd mistaken for a deep rumble of summer thunder must have been the sound of The General pulling up.
Pulling the sally was the first lesson to learn.
The real challenge facing British engineers, however, was the design and construction of a self-moving road engine for pulling loads.
It extended as I went back, only to shorten when pulling me back in.
The vampire slunk back into the shadows, pulling his idiot companion along.
The sheath of a cable should always be secured by clamps otherwise pulling forces are exerted on the soldered joints which can then fail.
He staggered forward like a drunk, guilt pulling him down like a physical weight.
Initially the pioneers gained these stalactites of ice using Aid (pulling and resting on gear).
Pull Phase From the start position the hand follows a straight path pulling underneath the center of the body.
Division Teasing, pulling or cutting apart clumps of herbaceous perennials and suckering shrubs in order to produce more plants.
He then went down the A556 swerving across both lanes, through traffic lights and hit the curb before pulling up.
Being an MP had become a tiresome habit as familiar and dreary as pulling on an old boot.
But pulling harder it soon came free and the 70m of rope toppled down on top of me.
Pulling out the oak tree symbol of his faith Ako banished the undead creatures with ease.
Pushing and pulling on various weight lifting apparatus is modern, and because it is modern, it is supposedly more effective.
If you have furniture that could tip over either by pulling on it or stepping on a drawer or shelf, you will need to buy wall anchor kits to eliminate this risk.
You'll have cute decorations, and you won't have to worry about baby pulling anything off the walls and onto his head as he learns to stand in his crib.
You and she won't have to struggle with pulling down shorts or pants, unzipping zippers, and unbuttoning buttons.
Before she begins pulling up, you should place the mattress at the lowest level to keep her from falling over the rails of the crib.
Although they might feel like diapers, Pull Up training pants do have the advantage of being designed for easy pulling up and down.
You can build a room from one object by pulling the main color and accent colors to use on the walls, in the curtains, paint trim, and throughout the room with accessories and other details.
The best way to do this is by hooking a safety pin at one end of the material and pulling that safety pin through the middle of the opening.
Do not let your kids pursue your pets, either by chasing them or pulling them out from a hiding spot.
Box surprise-Fill a box with crinkled wrapping paper, and watch baby have a ball pulling out the paper and then placing it back into the box.
Arrange the sock buds into a corsage by pulling the wires together and taping them.
Lay your baby on the diaper, pulling up the front of the diaper to cover your baby's bottom.
After laying your baby on the diaper and pulling the front up, the back of the diaper that is pulled around each side should overlap the front at least an inch.
Overlap the fabric on both sides, pulling the cloth around baby so that it fits snugly.
The child is capable of sitting still in the seat for the entire trip without leaning on the seat belt or pulling his knees under him.
Does the lap belt sit across your child's hips without pulling upward onto her stomach?
This will keep the baby from pulling himself over the crib railing and falling to the floor.
Consider the advice below before pulling out your wallet for that dusty first-edition print of Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea."
The waistband and leg openings of a properly-fitted brief will lay flat across your skin without pinching or pulling.
If you are not pulling in the big bucks, it is important.
You'll need to find one you enjoy looking at so that you'll want to use it and feel confident about pulling it out of your bag.
A used trailer is an extension of the vehicle you are pulling it with, so ensure the brake lights and the rest of the wiring works properly so when it's time to get it inspected for a plate,the trailerwill pass.
For instance, in 1990 hedge funds were pulling in less than $50 billion per year and now they account for about $1.7 trillion in investments.
Breaking your eye contact is sometimes seen as pulling out of the bidding.
Then when your cat becomes fixated on opening them or pulling at the grate, give him a harmless squirt of plain water from a squirt bottle.
Staple this in place on the underside of the wood board, pulling smooth and tight before you do.
If the fur is virtually pulling out in your hands beyond what you'd expect from normal shedding, it could be a sign of an underlying illness.
The top layer folds up and away from the base of the table, pulling closer to your body and making it easy and comfortable to eat and work.
They work in the exact same way, pulling power from the sun to power your home and keep you off the local grid.
By pulling together and doing our part as individuals and groups, we can help to reduce the amount of waste produced each year and help our environment.
While you may have a general theme or color scheme in mind, cement it into place by pulling from an accent piece you already own and love.
To finish the vanity, you can cover the top with fabric, pulling it taut and securing it with a staple gun.
If you need more advice on elegant bathroom designs and pulling your bathroom style together in general, we have tons of information for you.
The basin needs to have a streamlined aesthetic and it should help in pulling the total look together.
Formal dinner table settings are an important part of pulling off a special event.
Last but not least, if setting a formal dining table is overwhelming, remember that the most important part of pulling off your formal event is making your guests feel welcome - no matter where you end up putting the salad fork!
Consider pulling together a set of panels, rods, hold backs and hooks for the windows of your home and know that affordable style is in reach.
By keeping pulling your palette and your materials for the natural surroundings of the Southwest, you'll be sure to create the perfect Southwestern bathroom for your home.
If you’re pulling up highchairs for meals, dedicate a corner of your dining room for storage rather than keeping them pushed up to the table at all times.
In fact, one rule to pulling off the gothic makeup look is to act as if you are allergic to all things sun related.
Never line inside the lash line - pulling the lower lid down to apply eyeliner to the lower lash area was a staple of the 80s, but today the inside eyeliner is a definite no-no.
Because of this, emo makeup plays a large role in pulling off this unique look.
Growing weary of my standard eyeliner and lipstick look, I've decided to do a Cover Girl eye shadow review to see if it packs the same makeup punch that eyeliners do, but without all the tugging and pulling.
It's perfect for pulling out in public or keeping stashed in your bathroom drawer.
There's not tugging or pulling with this formula.
To line the eye, hold the corner of the eye down, without pulling it.
Use the brush to blend the shade in while pulling the color out towards the outside corner of your eyes.
Very fair skin has an especially easy time of pulling off dark makeup in various colors because the slightest hint of a color could look smoky when applied to the lid, crease, and under the eye.
Make your eye skin taut by gently pulling the outer skin of your eye with your left forefinger.
There is no need to be resolved to only pulling up the online dictionary when there is need.
Most of the information, especially when pulling from other encyclopedias, comes from The Columbia Encyclopedia, Oxford's World Encyclopedia and the Encyclopedia of World Biography.
Take action now to pick yourself up and start pulling your life back together.
You are being pulled in twenty different directions and trying to balance everything without pulling your hair out.
It is very common for boys and girls in this age range to begin pulling away and trying to gain independence.
With Disney and Nickelodeon pulling out all the stops when it comes to promoting their young celebrities, it is no wonder tweens are eating up all of the marketing and merchandise available to them.
For this measurement, you want to hold the tape loosely, as pulling too tight will result in an inaccurate reading.
Well then you will need to decide what prank you want to pull, and how you are going to go about pulling it off.
Now that you have read some ground rules for pulling a prank safely and in a smart manner, you will want to pick the actual prank you're going to use!
Always be careful when pulling pranks, of course, not to hurt anyone physically, or emotionally, or to break the law.
As always, be careful about pulling pranks that will get you in trouble, or hurt someone's feelings.
Pulling pranks is a part of growing up and they can make some wonderful memories later on down the road.
Depending on the theme of your wedding, you may even find yourself pulling that same dress out again to wear for another occasion or a date with your new husband.
If the color you decide on is a dark color and the bathroom is small, pulling it to the side will still provide complementing color, but will keep the room lighter and brighter so it doesn't feel closed in.
Moving the icing once it is in place runs the risk of pulling off pieces so proper placement is very important.
Place them on a small table and then cover with a tablecloth, pulling it so that the box sizes are visible.
Steve was filmed pulling the barb from his chest moments before losing consciousness.While it's true that Steve had encountered many dangerous animals during his career, he was always careful to follow standard safety precautions.
Many people outside Spears' inner-circle are pulling for her and hoping that those close to her finally push her to seek professional help.
When Lindsay's life began to spiral out of control, Dina was often blamed for pulling the reigns in on her "wild-child" daughter.
When rumors started circulating that the women's beach volleyball champion was injured and possibly pulling out of the competition, her reps denied it.
On Monday afternoon, Treanor's reps confirmed that the gold medalist is, in fact, pulling out of the competition.
According to Nicole, Francis turned and began hitting her, kicking her, and pulling her hair.
The channel is pulling the plug on its health channel and putting the Oprah Winfrey Network in its place.
Occasionally people try to get a little extra attention on the red carpet by pulling some sort of silly stunt.
In 1985, she was arrested for making a scene at the U.S. passport office in Manhattan after pulling the hair of the clerk who asked her to wait her turn.
After all, you're pulling out your finest, so why shouldn't your little guy do the same?
If your toddler is fond of pulling socks and shoes off her own feet, a good pair of thick tights will keep your child's feet warm and toasty all winter long.
You should also open the book and check for places where the pages are pulling apart or actually falling out.
The black handle areas are extra strong to stand up to lots of pulling and chewing.
If you hear a dog let out a distinctive cough, do not buy an explanation that "He just does that because he is pulling on the leash".
Pulling and trying to get it free could lead him to pull off the toe nail or just tear the carpet.
Premier's Gentle Leader Headcollar is a head halter collar; it's a training tool that discourages pulling.
Use great patience because pulling too hard or too quickly will hurt your pet.
The ancient Romans also used large dogs that resembled Boxers to do a lot of heavy lifting and pulling for them.
These nineteenth-century performers never actually disrobed, but they were harassed, fined, and occasionally jailed for pulling up their skirts, flashing their underwear, and swiveling their hips in a way that evoked the throes of passion.
It is multiplied by pulling the tufts into small pieces and then replanting them a few inches apart, when they soon meet and form a carpet.
As weeds prepare for winter by pulling nutrients into the roots, herbicides are better absorbed as well.
Remember too, raking leaves, putting down mulch and pulling weeds are all really good exercise, which everyone needs a little more of before the holiday season!
If it seems the root will easily come out, keep pulling.
However, pulling them is not the only option for control.
Even though you may have pictured yourself pulling the guitar out of the case and quickly rocking along with your favorite records, you will soon find out that it's not as easy as it looks.
Once it is free of the peg, remove it by pulling it through the bridge.
Dunlap Dual Design - These solid metal locks (pictured above) function the same as the others, but use a slightly different system to attach the strap to the peg (you push a button down instead of pulling a lever up to attach the strap).
Forget about pulling out the phone book and arbitrarily calling various contractors; there are better ways to find someone to help you with your home improvement needs.
Start by pulling the facing from a loose corner and pull off as much of the vinyl as you can.
Since the tiles are already in smaller sections, you can start pulling up the corners using a putty knife to loosen them from the floor.
Continue working around the room pulling up the tiles.
No matter what type of bathroom design you are pulling together, you'll find wall tile patterns for bathrooms that will work for you.
Automatic ladders and stairs don't require any pulling or physical exertion, as they are motorized.
Begin by pulling an accent or coordinating color from your counter, whether the material is granite or slate tiles, the counter should always be the starting point for backsplash color.
If you have a stubborn, thick residue left on your floor after pulling up your tiles, use a chemical floor-adhesive remover.
Some people will find these uncomfortable to wear and they may start pulling at the ear after a prolonged period of wear.
It is important to check the necklace at regular intervals to make sure that the clasp is not becoming weak and that the jump rings (the rings that hold the clasp or pendant onto the chain) are not pulling open.
This is important to consider - particular for young mums who may have young children pulling at their wrists!
Finish the look by pulling the polo out slightly so that it falls gently onto your belt.
It's important that your blazer falls to your hips in a straight line, so button it when trying on to make sure it's large enough to comfortably cover your stomach without bunching or pulling.
If you require a big and tall suit because you're very muscular, move your arms in a full range of motions to make sure the jacket moves with you without undue pulling on the seams.
Once you find a suit style that flatters you and the size you need, pulling together a complete look for business or other occasions will be easy.
You might never find yourself pulling on another pair of tuxedo trousers again.
Hold the knot loosely and bring the wide end all the way down through the loop, pulling cleanly.
Follow by pulling the wide end over the tie's outer layer.
What better way to make yourself laugh in the morning or after work than by pulling on a T shirt that describes a facet of your personality with humor and a cool image?
Plants do a pretty good job of pulling nutrients from the soil or from air and water, so there are many nutrients your grass needs that you don't have to provide.
Commit to spending an hour or so each day pulling these small intruders out of your organic garden.
On the same side of the bed, repeat the same step, pulling the pad taunt.
You close the kimono by pulling both sides together in the middle, lapping one side over the other and securing the kimono with a sash.
Pulling together an effective portfolio is important, because in the modeling business you often have one opportunity to sell yourself.
Cross-over front - This wrap style allows easy nursing access by pulling the gown down on the nursing breast.
The rayon gives a drape to the fabric which keeps it from clinging or pulling on a woman with a fuller figure.
The shirt dress is a seven day a week wardrobe staple, so buy a few in a cut you adore, and you'll find yourself pulling out this basic whenever you have "nothing" to wear.
The fastening system can slowly slide down as you move about, making it necessary to keep pulling it back up.
It's time to start pulling together your summer wardrobe.
Conservative leg openings prevent the swimsuit from pulling up too far.
Otherwise, a polished jacket is also great for pulling together an otherwise casual ensemble.
First of all they tend to slip which necessitates tugging and pulling to keep things in place.
Blue skinny jeans are a great item to keep in your closet and will surely be a favorite that you keep pulling out season after season.
The key to pulling off a pair of leggings is to style them appropriately.
On the other hand, there are some transgressions that are deemed so severe that pulling revenge pranks isn't appropriate, either.
In the case of a cheating boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse, the urge to make them pay will likely go way beyond pulling a prank on them.
Certainly you'll have to worry about being punished if a prank goes wrong, but more importantly, you should be concerned with the physical and emotional safety of your family members when pulling a prank.
However, if you're interested in pulling a prank on your parents, you should take some important factors into consideration.
Finally, think about the emotional or mental damage caused by pulling a prank that causes great distress.
Planning is key to pulling off a prank that will give you the effect you desire but it's also important to keep safety in mind before you proceed.
You may be pulling the snow down on top of yourself, and even a small area has the potential to shake loose 100 pounds or more at once.
Avoid pulling pranks that are meant as putdowns or that will embarrass the individual.
Illegal acts, including trespassing, are not part of pulling harmless April Fool's Day pranks on someone.
Pulling easy pranks is a way for friends, family members and coworkers to share good times.
The whole process of pulling pranks can be fun, from the planning stage to getting the materials together and executing it.
Start by pulling the bottom sheet out from under the mattress and tucking it in at the head of the bed.
The next most common injuries were of the "reaching, lifting, pushing, bending, pulling" variety.
By pulling the jaw slightly forward during sleep, the patient's airway is opened reducing the airway blockage that causes sleep apneas and snoring.
Some recommend starting as early as seven or eight weeks so when they get to that pulling and tugging age, it won't be an issue.
Those with cool tones in their skin have no trouble pulling off silver frames.
Do you have any tips to pulling these off and still looking hot?
There won't be any pulling over and struggling for twice the amount of time it used to take you to read a map and be on your way.
If you want to mix things up a bit and continue to look festive without pulling out the candy cane glasses every time, you can order the candy cane version and the tartan plaid reading glasses as well.
You can even bring them closer to the front of the screen by pulling the remote away from the TV!
Many involve pushing, pulling and breaking objects.
Gory acts such as decapitation, pulling the arms off of an opponent, or tearing their bodies in half were just a few of the moves.
Nintendogs, one of the best-selling video games of all time, hooked a wide audience of gamers and non-gamers alike and set a record for pulling in a 21% female crowd.
Kudos to Capcom for pulling this off on a decades old franchise.
Pulling the throne in front of the TV for a nice long video gaming session is a favorite past-time for many of us.
Before you know it, you'll be pulling in awards left and right for things that took absolutely no effort.
Pulling the Legend is no different than pulling a standard travel trailer.
Keep in mind that towing a travel trailer involves much more than just pulling the unit down the open road.
Many RV enthusiasts report that pulling a small lightweight camper can be much easier to get used to that dealing with a large heavy travel trailer.
In some cases, you can walk into the T-Mobile store, sign up for a contract, and leave without ever pulling out your wallet other than to show identification.
There won't be any need for the old-fashioned, pulling out of the wallet to show off your girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, pet, best friends, etc. Those pictures can be right there on your phone.
MobiCreed has a jeans theme for Nokia s60v3 handsets that features a back view of a woman pulling on a pair of blue jeans.
Most children have some sort of self-comforting ritual that may involve sucking the thumb, fingers, or a pacifier, pulling or twisting their hair, or stroking or sucking a soft toy or blanket.
Nursemaid's elbow is caused by a strong force on the elbow, such as a sudden pulling or yanking on the hand or forearm.
A stretch, praxis (damage), or traction (pulling or tension-creating) injury, in which the nerve has been overstretched and damaged but is not torn.
Hold the condom at the base of the penis while pulling out to prevent semen from leaking or spilling.
Trichotillomania is recurrent pulling out of hair.
Trichotillomania is characterized by recurrent pulling out of one's hair to produce noticeable hair loss.
Children and adolescents with trichotillomania experience a growing sense of tension or stress just before pulling hair out or when trying to resist hair pulling.
They experience pleasure, relief, or gratification when pulling out the hair.
Another important cause of hair trauma is called trichotillomania-a habit similar to thumb-sucking or nail-biting-of twirling or pulling out the hair.
Trichotillomania is generally considered to be a nervous habit and may include the pulling of eyebrows and eyelashes.
If children are observed pulling out their hair, eyelashes, or eyebrows, parents should consult a physician in order to determine the underlying cause of the habit.
Other forms of self-harm include biting, hitting, or bruising oneself; picking or pulling at skin or hair; burning oneself with cigarettes, or amputating parts of the body.
Compulsive self-mutilation consists of repetitive hair pulling (trichotillomania), nail biting, and skin picking.
Another technique involves applying weights pulling in the opposite direction.
In the second half-year of life, babies begin pulling themselves up on furniture and other stationary objects.
When the decay has advanced to the pulp, pulling the tooth is often the treatment of choice.
Five percent of babies skip crawling altogether and move directly to pulling, standing, and walking.
Especially on smooth floors, it is easy for them to move forward using only their arms or elbows and pulling their legs along, which are held out straight behind them.
Infants can also get around while remaining in a seated position and pulling themselves with one or both arms, a form of mobility sometimes called hitching or bottom shuffling.
Often, these alternate means of mobility are so convenient the child never learns to crawl, advancing directly to pulling herself upright and learning to walk.
To that end, an infant soon begins pulling up on everything within reach.
If the particle is small, it can be dislodged by blinking or pulling the upper lid over the lower lid and flushing out the speck.
Pacifier use should not be terminated too soon or too abruptly since a baby may substitute thumb sucking or some other behavior such as hair pulling.
To compensate for this, the person may be asked to perform some muscle contraction, such as clenching teeth or grasping and pulling the two hands apart.
Consider securing heavier pieces of furniture to walls, as children are often injured by pulling heavy furniture down on top of themselves.
Electrical stimulation of the muscles causes contraction, and the force of contraction pulling on the skeleton causes movement of the arm, hand, and fingers.
First described in 1889, trichotillomania is a psychiatric disorder, the result of which is alopecia or hair loss, caused by repeated pulling of one's hair from, most often the head, followed by the eyelashes and eye brows.
The act of hair pulling is a private one.
Rarely does the hair pulling occur in the presence of another, except for close family members.
The hair pulling may occur either when the individual is relaxed or under stress.
The individual either may focus intensely on the hair pulling or the pulling may be done unconsciously.
Immediately before pulling hair, the individual with trichotillomania feels a mounting tension.
Since a tingling sensation is felt upon successfully pulling a hair follicle completely from its root, a neurodermatologic connection may reinforce hair pulling as a means of tension relief.
After pulling the hair, patient may carefully examine the hair root, and the hair bulb may be rubbed along the lips for further stimulation.
The amount of time each day that the patient engages in hair pulling may consist of either several brief periods, or a longer intense period.
The typical trichotillomania patient will spend one to three hours daily pulling hairs.
The urge to pull can be so intense that the individual with trichotillomania cannot think of anything except hair pulling.
The act of hair pulling in trichotillomania is often ritualistic.
In addition to hair pulling, the hair may be bitten off or twisted or twirled.
The hair pulling in trichotillomania can be differentiated from that in OCD in that the hair pulling in trichotillomania is an impulse behavior where in OCD it is a repetitive act performed as part of an obsession.
The individual with OCD is aware of his or her actions, while the individual with trichotillomania is not always conscious that he or she is pulling hairs.
Trichotillomania is not the underlying cause of hair pulling if there is a medical reason for the hair loss or if another co-existing psychiatric disorder such as hallucination provokes the hair pulling.
According to this model an unconscious unresolved past conflict triggers hair pulling.
It is important to realize that the occasional or infrequent twisting, pulling, or chewing of hair in a child does not constitute trichotillomania and does not require medical attention.
Most patients are embarrassed to admit to hair pulling and the resultant sequelae, and elicitation of this behavior is difficult.
The hair pulling is recurrent and a noticeable pattern of hair loss is observed.
The patient feels increased tension prior to the hair pulling.
This tension is relieved upon pulling hairs.
The pulling is not associated with another mental condition, and there is no medical cause for the hair pulling.
Usually, the patient with trichotillomania does not present for treatment until, on average, two years after the hair pulling has begun.
Behavior modification, especially with children, helps the child to increase his or her awareness of the hair pulling.
Under HRT treatment the patient acquires increased awareness of his or her actions and learns alternative behavior to the hair pulling.
Treatment of the resultant medical complications of hair pulling must be addressed.
Carpal tunnel can develop from repetitive pulling.
If the hair pulling continues for long periods without treatment, the alopecia may be permanent.
For many with trichotillomania, hair pulling is not an activity that can be stopped at will.
For some, however, the suppression of hair pulling may be possible, even if the underlying urge persists.
The Erickson approach of hypnosis helps the child to substitute hair pulling for a stroking behavior.
Other approaches to hypnosis in trichotillomania teach the child that he or she has control over events in his or her life, including hair pulling.
There are other hypnotic techniques that employ adverse conditioning, so that the hair pulling becomes associated with pain instead of pleasure.
Parents must realize that the earlier the treatment for trichotillomania is begun, the more likely that the hair pulling can be controlled.
In both versions the arms are held loosely, and the back step should only extend them a bit - not fully and certainly not pulling on your partner.
So, if you execute a right two step, then you would step your right foot out to the front, close with your left, take another forward step with your right, and once again meet your feet together by pulling in your left.
A sidestep to the right with the right foot, followed by pulling the left foot in next to the right, completes the box step.
Upon pulling out the correct amount of wax, he or she will spread a layer of the wax on top of the bikini-area hair.
Pulling the hair back into a ponytail is in style for this summer.
However, pulling hair out at the root may actually result in thicker faster growing hair, so avoid the urge to tweeze unwanted hairs.
Effective tweezing is not just a matter of gripping and pulling out a hair.
Pulling skin taut helps raise the hair, giving the tweezers a better grip on short hairs and preventing the skin from being pulled as far, thus reducing the pain.
Moreover, styling occurs smoothly without any pulling of the hair.
Removing eyebrow hairs one at a time takes more skill than simply pulling them out.
Pulling the front of the girl's hair back into a partial ponytail, possibly tucked under itself or accessorized with flowers.
Pulling off your scene haircut with confidence will take you far.
Recognizing just how emo you really are is essential to pulling off the look of emo hair.
Experiment with wearing most of your hair slightly wavy, but pulling the top of the hair into a curly updo.
One problem, however, is that the pulling on the delicate skin can cause it to loosen if you wax regularly, which could be uncomfortable and unsightly.
It requires great attention to detail, and it's something many women can't imagine pulling off successfully.
While summer may have found you pulling your hair up and back, fall is all about the low, sleek ponytail.
Start by pulling your hair back, leaving just a small section free.
Loosen some hair from the top of your head, pulling a few strands completely out so they frame the face.
The look was achieved by pulling back both sides of the hair into the long clip.
Constantly pulling your coils through with a brush can cause your hair to snap and break in the bristles of the brush.
A hair piece can be used by pulling your hair into a chignon, which is much like a messy bun, and then pinning the hair piece into the chignon.
Also, by pulling your long hair up, the focus is on your dress and any special detailing at the neck or back.
Highlights may be done by painting the color onto the hair with a tint brush, pulling the strands to be highlighted through a special highlighting cap, or using by using foil.
By pulling only half of your hair up, you're able to showcase your makeup and sparkly jewelry, while still having the benefit of a sexy loose hairstyle.
Repeat by taking a medium thick strand from the third section and pulling over to the first section.
Try experimenting with pulling all hair back, leaving out a few tendrils, or keeping your part in tact.
For a new take on an old classic, try pulling the bun slightly askew, which will look polished and classic, but slightly unexpected.
After blow drying hair smooth with a large round brush, pull the top portion of hair back, either pulling completely off of your face or leaving your part intact.
Show off your gown's neckline and accessories by pulling hair up from your shoulders.
While pain tolerance is certain to vary, it's best to be prepared and expect some tugging, stingingand pulling during the procedure.
Blow dry them straight using a round brush, pulling hair first to the right, then the left.
If you want your bangs to swoop from the left side of your face to the right, focus slightly on pulling the hair to the left as you dry it.
If you are pulling your child out of school, spend some time jotting down the basic problems you see in the school your child was in.
No matter your reasons for homeschooling, pulling your child away from what is familiar will not be easy on them at first.
Many couples stay in the home 3-6 years and then resell, pulling out the equity they've earned to pay down on the next home and so on.
Pick up the paper and point the top of the triangle to the surface of the table, pulling it apart in the middle.
Wrap tops can easily be pulled aside for nursing, without the fuss of pulling the top up.
By pulling the fabric along the string, you can have optimum or minimal coverage.
The butt of the suit will shift slightly, but if the entire swimsuit becomes a wedgie it is not a good fit for you, and you will spend the entire day pulling and tugging at it.
Ms. Fox, pulling and tugging at what appears to be either a black shirt or a swim cover up, is literally tearing it away from her body.