Publicly Sentence Examples
He publicly continued to express strong feelings about Dean's involvement.
We will apologize publicly for our misconduct.
In a convocation held at Oxford under Archbishop Arundel in 1408 it was enacted " that no man hereafter by his own authority translate any text of the Scripture into English or any other tongue, by way of a book, booklet, or tract; and that no man read any such book, booklet, or tract, now lately composed in the time of John Wycliffe or since, or hereafter to be set forth in part or in whole, publicly or privately, upon pain of greater excommunication, until the said translation be approved by the ordinary of the place, or, if the case so require, by the council provincial.
Proposals to increase it had been made in 1869 and in 1878, and on the latter occasion Bismarck for the first time publicly announced his desire for a state monopoly, a project which he never gave up, but for which he never was able to win any support.
The minister sent in his resignation, which was accepted, and this practice, which had been deliberately revived during the last ten years, was thereby publicly disavowed.
The count hastened publicly to disavow Favras in a speech delivered before the commune of Paris and in a letter to the National Assembly, although there is no reasonable doubt of his complicity in the plot that did exist.
Bright publicly deprecated the popular tendency to regard Cobden and himself as the chief movers in the agitation, and Cobden told a Rochdale audience that he always stipulated that he should speak first, and Bright should follow.
The sultan fled, and on the 21st of May a new sultan, chosen by the council of elders, was installed by the British high commissioner, after he had publicly accepted the conditions imposed by the British government.
Aziz attempted without success to enter into friendly relations with the Buyid ruler of Bagdad, A1/4od addaula, who was disposed to favor the Alids, but caused the claim of the Fatimites to descend from Ali to be publicly refuted.
In the paper which he left signed, and to which he referred in answer to the questions wherewith the busy bishops plied him, he expressed his sorrow for having assumed the royal style, and at the last moment confessed that Charles had denied to him privately, as he had publicly, that he was ever married to Lucy Walters.
AdvertisementMoreover, with this masterful temper was joined an infirmity of purpose which ever let " I dare not wait upon I would," and which seized upon any excuse for postponing measures the principles of which he had publicly approved.
A week earlier Mary, without waiting for the necessary papal dispensation (Pollen, Papal Negotiations with Mary Stuart), had publicly married Darnley, who bore the title of king, but never received the crown matrimonial.
On the side of the extremists, Cameron was happy enough to die in fair fight at Airs Moss (22nd of July 1680), after publicly disowning the king for his breach of the Covenant.
This caused great stir; it was publicly burnt by order of the government of Uri, and many more or less forged proofs and documents were produced in favour of Tell.
So deeply wounded was the hero by these calumnies that when in 1619 he was sent against the Turks he publicly declared that he would never return alive unless victorious.
AdvertisementPermission to print the theses is given by the rector or vice-rector after report from one or more professors, and they are then discussed publicly by the faculty and the candidate (soutenance de these).
There is no proof for the legend that Bernard Saisset earned Philip IV.'s hatred in 1300-1301 by boldly sustaining the pope's demand for the liberation of the count of Flanders, and by publicly proclaiming the doctrine of papal supremacy.
His exile gave rise to a schism in the church, and the Johannists (as they were called) did not return to communion with the archbishop of Constantinople till the relics of the saint were, 30 years after, brought back to the Eastern metropolis with great pomp and the emperor publicly implored forgiveness from Heaven for the guilt of his ancestors.
It was in these circumstances that he returned to Rome; but most of the clergy, suspecting his orthodoxy, and believing him to have had some share in the removal of his predecessor, shunned his fellowship. He enjoyed, however, the support of Narses, and, after he had publicly purged himself of complicity in Vigilius's death in the church of St Peter, he met with toleration in his own immediate diocese.
Nevertheless, so long as Gladstone was in active politics he felt he could not publicly join a party in opposition to an uncle whom he revered.
AdvertisementDissuaded from that course, he nevertheless wore his crown publicly in the church of the Sepulchre.
The mutiny was not successful, but Father Burgos, the leader of the reform party, was publicly garrotted with three other native priests; and the native clergy were declared to be incompetent to have the cure of souls.
The most modest and one of the most illustrious of the founders of modern palaeontology, Lartet's work had previously been publicly recognized by his nomination as an officer of the Legion of Honour; and in 1848 he had had the offer of a political post.
Though he named himself publicly a refugee of the House of God, he had himself secretly addressed as caliph, and many of the citizens of Medina acknowledged him as such.
He called the people together at the hour of prayer, publicly cursed Mansur from the pulpit and declared him deposed.
AdvertisementAbdallah, another brother of Mahommed and Ibrahim, who had taken refuge in the land of Dailam on the south-western shores of the Caspian Sea, succeeded in forming a powerful party, and publicly claimed the Caliphate.
Abbas, however, publicly renounced all pretension to the Caliphate, and the whole army accepted Motasim, who immediately had the fortifications of Tyana demolished and hastened back to Bagdad, where he made his public entry on the 20th of September 833.
As a part of his penance Berengarius is said to have been compelled to burn publicly Erigena's treatise.
In 1712 they publicly renewed the covenants at Auchensauch Hill in Lanarkshire, and in 1743 their first presbytery was constituted at Braehead, while a presbytery was formed in North America in 1774.
This was publicly exhibited in Paris and London, and attracted great crowds.
The Franciscans had no sympathy for profane knowledge, even among the Mexicans, - sometimes publicly burning quantities of books of a scientific or miscellaneous nature; and the reading of Fenelon's Telemaque brought excommunications on a layman.
The feeling of distrust was removed in 1861 by a visit from Mr (afterwards Sir) Theophilus Shepstone, secretary for native affairs in Natal, who induced Panda to proclaim Cetywayo publicly as the future king.
She was present at his trial and was publicly acclaimed by the mob as his supporter, while the Tory divine was consoled immediately on the expiration of his sentence with the living of St Andrew's, Holborn.
Less publicly avowed was the purpose to make their commanderin-chief king, if he could be persuaded to aid in establishing a monarchy.
On the other hand, though a strong opponent of militarism, he publicly stated that foreign nations attacking Germany must not expect the help or the neutrality of the Social Democrats.
His contemporary St Bonaventura complained publicly that he himself and his fellow-friars were often compelled to hold their tongues about the evil clergy; partly because, even if one were expelled, another equally worthless would probably take his place, but "perhaps principally lest, if the people altogether lost faith in the clergy, heretics should arise and draw the people to themselves as sheep that have no shepherd, and make heretics of them, boasting that, as it were by our own testimony, the clergy were so vile that none need obey them or care for their teaching."
He objected to Luther's counsel to deny the existence of a second marriage; abused John Frederick, elector of Saxony, for not coming to support him; and caused bigamy to be publicly defended.
John De Witt had been Spinoza's friend, and had bestowed a small pension upon him; he had Spinoza's full sympathy in his political aims. On receiving the news of the brutal murder of the two brothers, Spinoza burst into tears, and his indignation was so roused that he was bent upon publicly denouncing the crime upon the spot where it had been committed.
Edinburgh was still doubtful, and the queen regent held the castle; but a truce between her and the lords for six months to the 1st of January 1560 was arranged on the footing that every man there "may have freedom to use his own conscience to the day foresaid" - a freedom interpreted to let Knox and his brethren preach publicly and incessantly.
Knox publicly protested; and Moray, who probably understood and liked both parties, brought the preacher to the presence of his queen.
He publicly protested, in the sharpest language, that unless Johannes Magni were recognized at Rome as archbishop of Upsala, he was determined, Breach with of his own royal authority, henceforward to order Rome. ?
Taverflier, without charging the shah with injustice to Christians, mentions the circumstance that the first and only European ever publicly executed in Persia was in his reign.
Then he returned triumphant to Teheran, where (or at Ardebil on the way) he was publicly crowned shah of Persia.
The empress reassured him by fresh honours and distinctions on the occasion of the solemn celebration of the peace of Jassy (2nd of September 1793), when she publicly presented him with a golden olive-branch encrusted with brilliants.
Such agreements must in all cases be publicly registered.
Encouraged by their success, he devoted himself diligently to this kind of composition, but refrained for a long time from either publicly reciting or publishing his verses.
Garcia de Noronha, publicly sold by auction every vacant appointment in Portuguese India - an example followed in 1614 by the king.
There he became an adherent of Thomas Cartwright (1535-1603), and publicly expounded his presbyterian views, with the result that he was obliged to leave Cambridge without taking his degree.
As already mentioned, the Bulgarian 7th Div., in arriving from the Struma side a few days after the Crown Prince had fought his way into Salonika from the W., had lost no time in publicly claiming ownership, and it was with hardly concealed joy that the Greek Government received and promptly executed a request to transport this division by sea to the Thracian theatre.
An Aberdeen printer named Raban was publicly censured for having on his own authority shortened one of the prayers.
He had been publicly nominated king of Assyria (on the 12th of Iyyar) by his father Esar-haddon, some time before the latter's death, Babylonia being assigned to his twinbrother Samas-sum-yukin, in the hope of gratifying the national feeling of the Babylonians.
In 1844 Queen Isabella II., who was now declared to be of age, gave her consent to her mother's marriage, which was publicly performed.
It never actually acknowledged the Bulgarian Church, and Bulgarian prelates may not officiate publicly in Russian churches; on the other hand, the Holy Synod of Moscow refused to recognize the patriarch's condemnation, and Russian ecclesiastics have secretly supplied the Bulgarians with the holy oil.
This treaty publicly marked an American policy of alliance with these Indians and caused the British peace negotiators at Ghent to abandon them.
Early in 1531 he lectured publicly on Galen and Hippocrates, while his more serious pursuits seem to have been chequered by acting in a morale comedic, then a very frequent university amusement.
In 1561 Gotthard Ketteler publicly abdicated his mastership of the order of the Teutonic Knights, and Riga, together with southern Livonia, became a Polish possession; after some unsuccessful attempts to reintroduce Roman Catholicism, Stephen Bathory, king of Poland, recognized the religious freedom of the Protestant population.
In 1289 he went to Montpellier, wrote his Ars veritatis inventiva, and removed to Genoa where he translated this treatise into Arabic. In 1291, after many timorous doubts and hesitations for which he bitterly blamed himself, Lull sailed for Tunis where he publicly preached Christianity for a year; he was finally imprisoned and expelled.
After this, quarrels arose between the negus and Bermudez, who had returned to Abyssinia with Christopher da Gama and who now wished the emperor publicly to profess himself a convert to Rome.
Two days later the 19th were publicly disbanded, but no further punishment was attempted.
For this offence they were condemned to ten years' imprisonment with hard labour on the roads, and on the 9th of May they were publicly stripped of their uniforms and marched off to gaol.
After a public examination, begun on the 9th of January and lasting six days, and another conducted in the prison, she was, on the 10th of March, publicly accused as a heretic and witch, and, being in the end found guilty, she made her submission at the scaffold on the 24th of May, and received pardon.
This caused a miniature rebellion, and on its suppression five ringleaders were publicly hanged at the spot - Slachters Nek - where they had sworn to expel " the English tyrants."
But however excellent his intentions, his publicly expressed disapproval of the ChamberlainMilner policy probably did more harm than his private influence with Mr Kruger could possibly do good.
It was probably forgotten at the time (though Lord Kimberley afterwards publicly stated it) that one of the chief reasons why the Gladstone government had granted the retrocession of the Transvaal after Majuba, was the fear that the Cape Colonial Dutch would join their kinsmen if the war continued.
After a successful series of tours, during which he debated publicly with orthodox pundits and with Christian missionaries, he died at Ajmere in 1883.
Bernoulli adopted the suggestion, and publicly announced the prorogation for the information of those who might not see the Acta Lipsiensia.
They all, without exception, discharged some legal functions, legislative or administrative, and even in those in which amusement predominated, the Cain law was publicly rehearsed.
As early as August 1862, Cardinal Wiseman publicly censured the Review; and when in 1864, after D0111nger's appeal at the Munich Congress for a less hostile attitude towards historical criticism, the pope issued a declaration that the opinions of Catholic writers were subject to the authority of the Roman congregations, Acton felt that there was only one way of reconciling his literary conscience with his ecclesiastical loyalty, and he stopped the publication of his monthly periodical.
Penitents, therefore (as a rule), were excused the painful ordeal of public humiliation, but performed their penances in secret; only at the end they were publicly reconciled by the bishop. This was at Rome and Milan appointed to be done on the Thursday before Easter, and gradually became a regular practice, the same penitent year after year doing penance during Lent, and being publicly restored to communion in Holy Week.
In the Salvation Army people are continually invited to come forward to the "penitent form," and admissions of past evil living are publicly made.
He had wholly misjudged the situation; Becket made neither promises nor threats, but three weeks after he reached Canterbury publicly excommunicated the bishops of London and Salisbury for the part that they had taken in the coronation of the young king, and suspended from their functions the other prelates who had been present at the ceremony.
Lord Paimerston had publicly expressed the views of the people by declaring that, if Denmark were attacked, her assailants would not have to deal with Denmark alone.
It was objected that, as he had publicly declared that the words of the oath bad no clear meaning for him, he could not be permitted to take it; and after some wrangling the matter was referred to a fresh committee, which supported the view that Bradlaugh could not be allowed to be sworn, but recommended that he should be permitted to niake the affirmation at his own risk.
The history of Israel from Moses to Ezra furnishes a large number of instances in which the fasting instinct was obeyed both publicly and privately, locally and nationally, under the influence of sorrow, or fear, or passionate desire.
The 72nd canon ordains that " no minister or ministers shall, without licence and direction of the bishop under hand and seal, appoint or keep any solemn fasts, either publicly or in any private houses, other than such as by law are or by public authority shall be appointed, nor shall be wittingly present at any of them under pain of suspension for the first fault, of excommunication for the second, and of deposition from the ministry for the third."
On the accession of the Caps to power in 1766, Fersen assisted the court in its struggle with them by refusing to employ the Guards to keep order in the capital when King Adolphus Frederick, driven to desperation by the demands of the Caps, publicly abdicated, and a seven days' interregnum ensued.
The father died five days after his son in 4 B.C. He had done much for the Jews, thanks to the favour he had won and kept in spite of all from the successive heads of the Roman state; he had observed the Law publicly - in fact, as the traditional epigram of Augustus says, "it was better to be Herod's swine than a son of Herod."
All that can be said in doubt is that since the '41 government came into existence on the 6th of September, and the letter was written on the 5th, its interpretation as complaint of being publicly neglected, as a craving for some mark of recognition, is possible.
The likelihood of his death was publicly known for some days before the event, and then the greatness of his popularity and its warmth were declared for the first time.
This was generously recognized by the emperor in a letter publicly addressed to the chancellor on the 21st of May 1906, immediately after the passage of the Finance Bill.
The first when opened was found to be empty, but the second contained fourteen books relating to philosophy and pontifical law, which were publicly burned as tending to undermine the established religion.
The bishops, elected by the people at the Althing till 1237, enjoyed considerable power; two, Thorlak of Skalholt and John of Holar, were publicly voted saints at the Althing, and one, Gudmund, received the title of " Good " by decree of the bishop and chapter.
During the Revolution Villette publicly burned his letters of nobility, wrote revolutionary articles in the Chronique de Paris, and was elected deputy to the Convention by the department of Seine-et-Oise.
In 1578 Giovanna died; a few days later Francesco secretly married Bianca, and on the 10th of June, 1 579, the marriage was publicly announced.
His name was, however, unknown to the general public till he was arrested on the 15th of October 1894 on a charge of selling military secrets to Germany, condemned, publicly degraded (January 4, 1895), and transported (March Io) to the Ile du Diable, French Guiana.
In 1643 he was offered a seat in the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, but declined it publicly in terms which drew upon him the anger of the House of Commons, and an order for the confiscation of his library was averted only by the interposition of Selden.
The laws were publicly promulgated or rehearsed; there were councils to deal with disputes and matters of local interest; popular sports such as horse-racing, running and wrestling were held; poems and tales were recited, and prizes were awarded to the best performers of every dan or art; while at the same time foreign traders came with their wares, which they exchanged for native produce, chiefly skins, wool and frieze.
Before he left office Mr Bryce publicly sketched a scheme of his own for remodelling Irish University Education, but his scheme was quietly put on the shelf by his successor and received almost universal condemnation.
But perhaps the most conclusive proof of its brevity is that it was read publicly to the assembled people immediately before they, as well as their king, pledged themselves to obey it; and not a word is said as to the task of reading it aloud, so as to be heard by such a great multitude, being long or difficult.
The royal family itself was not free from his attacks; after the Day of Dupes (1630) he allowed the queen-mother to die in exile, and publicly dishonoured the kings brother Gaston of Orleans by the publication of his confessions; Marshal de Marillac was put to the torture for his ingratitude, and the constable de Montmorency for rebellion (1632).
Yet through its right of remonstrance it was the only body that could legally and publicly intervene in politics; a large and independent body, moreover, which had its own demandv to make upon the monarchy and its ministers.
Even in 1150 Bagdad had seen a library of philosophical books burned by command of the caliph Mostanjid; and in 1192 the same place might have witnessed a strange scene, in which the books of a physician were first publicly cursed, and then committed to the flames, while their owner was incarcerated.
He was publicly hissed at his lecture, and found it prudent to resign his professorship and withdraw to Florence in 1591.
Suetonius, in his Life of Nero, refers to a Cynic philosopher named Isidore, who is said to have jested publicly at the expense of Nero.
He was captured by the governor of Kordofan and publicly executed at El Obeid.
During the spring and summer of 1905 Mr Chamberlain's more active supporters were in favour of forcing a dissolution by leaving the government in a minority, but he himself preferred to leave matters to take their course, so long as the prime minister was content to be publicly identified with the policy of eventually fighting on tariff reform lines.
In June 1863, as soon as parliament had risen, Bismarck published ordinances controlling the liberty of the press, which, though in accordance with the letter, seemed opposed to the intentions of the constitution, and it was on this occasion that the crown prince, hitherto a silent opponent, publicly dissociated himself from the policy of his father's ministers.
He first publicly proposed it just before the war; by carrying it out, notwithstanding the apprehensions of many Liberal politicians, he placed the new constitution on a firmer base than would otherwise have been possible.
When, on the 1st of September 1859, the Austrian government issued the "Patent" which struck at the very roots of Protestant autonomy in Hungary, Tisza, at the congress of the Calvinist Church beyond the Theiss, held at Debreczen, publicly repudiated the Patent on behalf of the Calvinist laity.
Leo feigned for a while to be on their side, but on the 2nd of February 815, in the sanctuary of St Sophia, publicly refused to prostrate himself before the images, with the approbation of the army and of many bishops who were iconoclasts at heart.
In February 1638, for the part he had taken in importing and circulating The Litany and other publications of John Bastwick and Prynne, offensive to the bishops, he was sentenced by the Star Chamber to be publicly whipped from the Fleet prison to Palace Yard, Westminster, there to stand for two hours in the pillory, and afterwards to be kept in gaol until a fine of Soo had been paid.
The Sorbonne condemned the book, the priests persuaded the court that it was full of the most dangerous doctrines, and the author, terrified at the storm he had raised, wrote three separate retractations; yet, in spite of his protestations of orthodoxy, he had to give up his office at the court, and the book was publicly burned by the hangman.
The prince publicly reprimand a few of the Saudi staff to ensure the message gets across to them all.
He was publicly executed amid scenes of drunkenness and disorder which contributed to the ultimate abolition of these revolting exhibitions.
We intend to set up a publicly accessible register of all land.
All of this needs to be done in a publicly accountable way.
Richard Broadbent, chairman of Customs & Excise, publicly accused Imperial last year of not being sufficiently helpful, a claim Imperial denied.
Look for an incident early in every game, and make a big deal about it, by publicly admonishing the perpetrator.
Anyway, I can imagine nothing more absurd than the sight of a 53 year old standing publicly bleating songs of adolescent angst.
Once employees have publicly avowed support for better security, some will begin to change their perception of themselves.
Thirty four women have been publicly beheaded up to the end of 2004.
Air force censors not only hide the facts but also belittle those who publicly report UFO sightings.
A coin bonanza he spent overseas is publicly traded.
He donated money to our campaign, which we publicly brandished on all our literature along with all other donors.
Suffice to say that a soap star can be publicly castigated for speaking lines she only read.
The loyalist cease-fire allowed people to feel safer in publicly expressing political feelings in such a campaign.
The regulator can publicly censure or fine a company or a director who is knowingly involved in a breach " she said.
To make it Michael pernicaro Charles in publicly run to for the.
Microsoft publicly chastises security researchers who don't follow its rules.
Others, including pastors, followed, also publicly confessing their sins.
Dear Editor We would like to publicly congratulate the members of the Junior Pantomime Chorus.
No one else was publicly declared from Heaven to be pleasing to Him.
He has not been above funding and training terrorists such as the Al Aqsa Brigades while publicly decrying them in the past.
The Academy later publicly disassociated itself from the petition which runs counter to the institution's stated position on climate change.
The Central Intelligence Agency has publicly disavowed the likelihood of Mr Hussein's handing over his most prized weapons to Osama bin Laden.
Moreover, it is simple enough to amend court procedures to ensure that sensitive material is not publicly disclosed.
For a publicly funded body to have allowed it to be published on the web is a complete disgrace.
And no doubt, the kind of man he was, didn't relish the thought of being publicly disgraced.
He was also publicly disowned by SLP president Arthur Scargill.
Thus her tacit view of accounting does not always coincide with the publicly espoused view of accounting promoted by course materials or by her.
Grayson used every opportunity to publicly expose Lloyd George.
He often publicly gloats about getting the photos up on Redwatch.
One minute she was sweetness and light, and the next she became a screaming harridan as she publicly berated Sir Laurence.
These people would quite often be publicly humiliated or even tortured.
All 175 publicly funded higher education institutions in the United Kingdom have been included.
The Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) has funded a national family mediation helpline, which was publicly launched on May 11th.
Michael pernicaro Charles in publicly run to for the.
In my opinion what we had here was a blatant misuse of his position described as chair of a publicly funded body.
Parnell publicly condemned the murders and rode out the storm of public indignation to push for a policy of Home Rule for Ireland.
The scientific domain is that of publicly observable objects in shared public space.
I publicly challenged this in a recent open letter [6 ], which has drawn wide attention.
This theme, of the publicly recorded good death, lies at the historical root of western philosophy in the person of Socrates.
I always love this kind of service, as the body of Christ welcomes new members as they publicly profess their faith.
Moreover, Autrecourt was ordered to publicly recant several of the articles specified in the legal record.
Having thought about this since, its easy to see why Jesus would not and indeed could not have preached reincarnation publicly.
In later years he publicly renounced his Communist sympathies, taking an anti-Soviet line during the Cold War.
The family had no contact with the man, and had publicly repudiated him in accordance with Chechen tradition.
It is also causing the church to be publicly ridiculed - witness a recent article in The Mirror.
How could a new, publicly funded church school with a highly selective set of entry guidelines, be opening in 2003?
Senior republican senators, including a Texan, publicly voiced their unease last week.
To that end, I want to state publicly that I have abandoned the doctrine of " incarnational sonship.
The number of insurance increasing purchase publicly subsidized insurance variety of plans.
Than either married taking group coverage publicly subsidized insurance in the former.
Fanny's time, in this interval, has been largely occupied in contending publicly with wild swine.
Some sort of the million-dollar publicly that serves Tex-Mex.
Born in a manger, an animals ' feeding trough, publicly crucified thirty years later!
At age twelve He announced it publicly to His parents and the learned teachers of His day.
It is completely unprofessional to publicly slam someone without their knowledge at all or without giving them the chance to respond.
But publicly vilifying respected SWP and PCS executive members is not a good place to start.
Finally, the research results will be implemented into a publicly available architectural design environment, community workbench.
In Lyons their views were publicly known; Roland was elected a member of the municipality, and when the depression of trade in the south demanded representation in Paris he was deputed by the council of Lyons to ask the Constituent Assembly that the municipal debt of Lyons, which had been contracted for the benefit of the state, should be regarded as national debt.
He improved the incomes of poor livings by revenues derived from episcopal estates and the fines of delinquents.An important feature of his church government was the appointment on the 20th of March 1654 of the "Triers," thirty-eight clerical and lay commissioners, who decided upon the qualifications of candidates for livings, and without whose recommendation none could be appointed; while an ordinance of August 1654 provided for the removal of the unfit, the latter class including besides immoral persons those holding "popish" or blasphemous opinions, those publicly using the English Prayer Book, and the disaffected to the government.
After Caesar's death, Mark Antony, for a large monetary consideration, publicly announced that, in accordance with instructions left by Caesar, DeIotarus was to resume possession of all the territory of which he had been deprived.
Worst of all, the Orthodox tsar occasionally abandoned the decorous flowing robes of his venerated ancestors, and appeared publicly in the unseemly costume of heretical foreigners, whilst his consort, when carried through the streets in a litter, did not conceal her face from the public gaze.
The-considerations are not very striking from a general point of view; but the author adds to the weight of evidence which some of his predecessors had brought to bear on certain matters, particularly in aiding to abolish the artificial groups " Deodactyls," "Syndactyls," and " Zygodactyls," on which so much reliance had been placed by many of his countrymen; and it is with him a great merit that he was the first apparently to recognize publicly that characters drawn from the posterior part of the sternum, and particularly from the " echancrures," commonly called in English " notches " or " emarginations," are of comparatively little importance, since their number is apt to vary in forms that are most closely allied, and even in species that are usually associated in the same genus or unquestionably belong to the same family, 2 while these " notches " sometimes become simple foramina, as in certain pigeons, or on the other hand foramina may exceptionally change to " notches," and not unfrequently disappear wholly.
His death was followed by scenes of wild disorder, and Cesare, being himself ill, could not attend to business, but sent Don Michelotto, his chief bravo, to seize the pope's treasures before the demise was publicly announced.
Merchants, people, and many civil officers held toward him from the beginning a hostile attitude; the military, especially, refused to pass into the Spanish service as stipulated in the treaty; and Ulloa was compelled to continue in an ambiguous and anomalous position - which his lack of military force probably first compelled him to assume - ruling the colony through the French governor, Philippe Aubry (who loyally supported him throughout), without publicly exhibiting his powers.
Throughout this dual existence Mr Dodgson pertinaciously refused to acquiesce in being publicly identified with "Lewis Carroll."
No less an authority than the ex-premier Protic publicly challenged the constitutional validity of such action.
The Fatimite caliph 'Obaidallah (see Fatimites), to whom Abu Tahir professed allegiance, publicly wrote to him to restore the stone, but there is some reason to believe that he secretly encouraged him to retain it.
He publicly expressed his disapproval of the attacks on the Jews in 1878; and the coalition of Liberal parties founded in 1884 was popularly known as the "crown prince's party," but he scrupulously refrained from any act that might embarrass his father's government.
When he became assistantsecretary of the navy, his work was not so publicly conspicuous, 1 In a volume entitled Roosevelt the Citizen, which, while it is frankly written as the enthusiastic tribute of a personal admirer, may be relied upon for accuracy in its statement of historical or biographical facts.
In 1669 an unworthy follower - Daniel Scargil by name, a fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge - had to recant publicly and confess that his evil life had been the result of Hobbist doctrines.
On the 21st of September 1567 sentence of degradation and death was passed on him and sixteen others, ambassadors from Florence vainly kneeling to the pope for some mitigation, and on the 1st of October he was publicly beheaded and then burned.
It was publicly agreed that England's difficulty in South Africa was Ireland's opportunity, and that all should abstain from supporting an amendment to the address which admitted that the war would have to be fought out.
In those days it was by no means unusual to hear the parson publicly rebuking offenders - even calling them by name.
Publicly reprimand a few of the Saudi staff to ensure the message gets across to them all.
Prince is not only asserting his total artistic control but publicly displaying his inability to resist throwing a very heavy spanner into his works.
Senior Republican senators, including a Texan, publicly voiced their unease last week.
Long term detention without trial and publicly shaming them by publishing photo 's of them in their underwear is the only possible solution.
Bush administration officials have publicly provided only sketchy details of the nuclear review.
To that end, I want to state publicly that I have abandoned the doctrine of incarnational sonship.
Indeed, BAA was about he only publicly quoted airport group of any stature in the world.
Fanny 's time, in this interval, has been largely occupied in contending publicly with wild swine.
Have you testified publicly to your union with your Lord?
Some sort of the million-dollar publicly that serves tex-mex.
Born in a manger, an animals ' feeding trough, publicly crucified thirty years later !
Principles All of this work will be underpinned by six basic principles to which every agency involved will be asked to publicly accept.
Wheelbarrows of money live quot pamela publicly traded online only players at.
Finally, the research results will be implemented into a publicly available architectural design environment, CommUnity Workbench.
She is the author of the critically and publicly acclaimed books The Panic-Proof Parent and The Safe Baby.
For example, the Churches of Christ believe that one must confess his or her belief publicly, then be baptized for the remission of sins before becoming a Christian.
Here you will be able to track the sale of every baseball card publicly traded at anytime and at any location.
The first type is publicly owned and usually operated by a government agency.
In 1986 the Home Shopping Network became a publicly traded company on the American Stock Exchange.
Publicly, as one example, the current government has demonstrated a bad tone of fiscal responsibility - one of the worst in this nation's history.
The variable rate is fixed against some kind of publicly available figure, such as the prime rate, the rate for US Treasury bills, or some other standard market measurement.
The Mobil Gas Card is part of a line of products offered by ExxonMobil, the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas company.
There, you can also find out if he has previously been publicly reprimanded for ethical and/or professional violations.
Many people believe that men don't struggle as much as women do because they don't publicly express their emotions; however, divorce can be just as devastating to men.
His work was important not only because of its artistic merit, but also because he created controversy about how the arts are publicly funded.
His story begins on March 21, 1843, which is the first publicly known incident of a non-military ski event.
A secret friend may be someone who you have known for many years, but is not a part of the in-crowd or a new friend that you don't want to publicly associate yourself with.
The ultimate goal is to publicly declare your love and devotion to your partner.
He has also publicly expressed his disbelief in ADD, postpartum depression, and the use of medications to correct chemical imbalances.
Dane and Gayheart sued Gawker Media for releasing the tape, though no one has ever publicly confirmed how it was leaked.
Although the two have not publicly confirmed their relationship, many people assume they are very close and may be planning to get married.
However, a spokesperson for the group has publicly stated that they intend to record another album together in the near future.
He publicly denied that he was the father of Brown's unborn baby, saying they weren't together any longer and that the interviewer should not "jump to conclusions."
Her talk show echoes her image as a down-to-earth celebrity, as she publicly takes pride in her body image and encourages other women to do the same.
Campbell also has publicly feuded with several celebrities, including fellow model Tyra Banks and former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham.
In June 2006, McPhee announced publicly she had been suffering from bulimia for five years -- an eating disorder that, because of the forced vomiting, could have destroyed her voice.
Kirstie Alley was the first celebrity to address her weight and subsequent loss publicly when she signed on with Jenny Craig in December 2004.
Not only are celebrities quick to reveal the designer's name, but the designers make out pretty well from the deal too - a beautiful celebrity wearing their latest design and making the designer's name publicly known.
Now that Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez have publicly announced that she is in fact pregnant, their fans can offer them a very public congratulations and best wishes.
So, the man that called her out publicly for her unprofessional behavior, just might be the only man in Hollywood that can help Lindsay revive her career.
After a period of time and many tabloid pictures of the two together later, they could no longer deny that they were together, though the couple still refused to speak publicly about their relationship.
In early 2008, Linda publicly claimed that it was The Hulkster's shady financial maneuvers that led to her ultimately filing the paperwork to dissolve their marriage.
Throughout the entire ordeal, Kidman stood fast by her new husband's side and Urban has publicly expressed his gratitude multiple times regarding his "extraordinary" wife.
After the funny man divorced his wife, the two came out publicly as a couple.
As for Californication, the new season began at the end of September and the producers and staff at Showtime have publicly come forward in support of Duchovny with well wishes.
In the end, there was no rekindling of this bromance as Corey Feldman has stated publicly on numerous occasions that he just isn't that into Haim anymore and doesn't wish to speak to him.
Paula Abdul has responded to the "extreme fan's" death by publicly stating that she is "…deeply shocked and saddened" and that her "…heart and prayers go out to her family."
A representative from the company stated publicly that Fantasia has a choice of whether or not she wants the home to go up for auction, but her people have not gotten in contact with them, so this is their only choice.
Disney proved understanding, however, and after Hudgens publicly apologized and explained the nature of the photos, released a statement backing the star.
The couple began dating in 2006, although they didn't publicly admit it until the following year.
Kate's brother Kevin seems to think he knows as he has publicly stated that Kate and Jon's marriage is over.
Demi Moore has stated publicly that she is a big fan and singer Jon Bon Jovi is also impressed with Boyle's vocal prowess.
Though he has been photographed many times by the paparazzi, the much maligned father of eight children has never publicly spoken out about his split from his wife.
He also went on to say that he despised the things that she said about him and their failed marriage publicly because he does not believe she is telling the truth.
This statement is clearly aimed at her marriage, though she has stated that both parties are "…working" on their "issues" and have agreed not to speak about their relationship or possible split publicly.
Rich's suit claimed that Ashley defamed his character by going on a Florida radio show and publicly, falsely accusing him of striking Ashley, which Rich maintains he never did.
Before his sentencing, he performed over 1,000 hours of community service, hosted public speaking gigs against violence and repeatedly apologizing publicly for his actions.
The lawsuit was settled out of court with the only stipulation known that Sapir had to publicly state that Tom Cruise was not gay and the alleged tape "proving" Cruise's homosexuality did not exist.
So, Tiger admits to his extra-marital sins, he's publicly repented, he's taken a step back from his career for the sake of trying to save his family and now he's gone to rehab.
Murphy's husband came out publicly to state that his wife did not suffer from an eating disorder and did not get fired from any movie for her behavior.
Joe and LaToya Jackson have also stated publicly that they believe that many other people conspired together with the doctor and this group conspiracy is what ultimately led to Michael's death.
The Jackson family publicly stated that Dr. Murray should have been charged with murder.
Regardless of how they met, the two publicly announced their love for one another.
She was one of the most beautiful and famous actresses during the 1970s and some of the 1980s; though not as publicly visible today, she keeps busy with a variety of causes.
Healthy Stuff, at this time, has the largest publicly available database of test data on toxic chemicals in consumer products.
Still, if you wish to play out publicly, you're going to need a bigger sound than the acoustic guitar can supply.
Successful super model and entrepreneur, Tyra Banks, has erased some of that stigma by publicly admitting she wears shapewear to help look her best.
Also offering American cuisine, this eatery is best-known for its dancing workers and for loudly -- and publicly -- embarrassing people on their birthdays.
Anyone who publicly answers that question is begging to be heckled in the years to come.
Don't post your phone number publicly, though, just to be safe.
It should also be noted that online stores typically keep an online inventory count that is publicly viewable.
GameCrazy managerial leadership also publicly speculated that they may be putting the business up for sale or reconfiguration due to disappointing performance.
I now publicly recant any former criticism of the Bonny Doon establishment.
The publicly traded corporation began in 1980 and grew through a combination of product development and acquisition.
Charter schools are independent, publicly funded schools run by teachers, parents, or foundations that are often formed to meet local community needs as an alternative to public schools.
Adoptions through publicly funded child welfare agencies accounts for about 40 percent of all adoptions.
MySpace is used to connect old friends, maintain current relationships and publicly display information such as concerts, reunions and memorials to loved ones who have died.
He just does not always feel the need to publicly show his grief.
Justin's first publicly noted hair cut was abasic buzzed style.
Publicly schooled children often miss out on hands-on activities because of budget limitations.
Do homeschooled kids really do as well as their publicly schooled counterparts?
Mean scores on every subtest on standardized academic achievement far surpass those scores of publicly schooled students.
People who succeed in this field may find college to be either a waste of time or too expensive, although many of them will publicly state that they wish they could have gone to college.
While Brad has publicly proclaimed both his joy over Angelina's pregnancy and his commitment to Maddox and Zahara, Star magazine recently quoted the pregnant Angelina Jolie as saying the couple has no plans for marriage.
After fans learned of her surprise nuptials to Kevin Federline, Britney began speaking publicly about her desire to start a family--leaving fans to ask, "Is Britney Spears pregnant?"
Gwen publicly announced her little one's impending arrival during a December 2005 performance in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Gwen's mother, Patti Stefani, has also publicly expressed her excitement over her grandchild's arrival.
He's been seen publicly doting on the mom-to-be.
Despite all the telltale signs mentioned above, none of J.Lo's representatives have publicly confirmed her pregnancy.
When asked if there were any celebrities who have promoted or publicly worn 1690 Swimwear?
In fact, due to their extremely skimpy and revealing nature, you will probably never see these items worn at beaches, pools, or any publicly accessible area.
Think about publicly exposing as much of your body as you possibly can without getting arrested, and you'll have a fairly accurate idea of what wearing one of these styles can feel like.
While she may not have the stick-thin bikini model body that is so prevalent today, she knows she is an athlete and has publicly stated she is not interested in starving herself for an unrealistic size.
Federal grants are publicly announced as the grant becomes available.
Some students have publicly rejected the holiday, calling for others to do the same.
Furthermore, if the existence of your romance is publicly known, you will probably be the topic of some conversation (e.g. aren't they just the cutest!), even if you don't really want to be.
Publicly the artists were castigated by fans, critics, and even fellow musicians.The strange thing about this was that the practice was actually quite common, used on many records for all sorts of artists.
Embarrassment - A lover who has been publicly embarrassed by a cheating spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend may find writing a break up letter easier to cope with.
It is a highly significant step as it is one of the first opportunities that a couple has to publicly show their commitment to each other.
According to E!Online's article, Anatomy of an Engagement, they started dating in late 2010, first seen publicly together in December.
If you participate in social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace, think about the types of information you're making publicly available.
Hall moved with his grandmother to the United States where, at the age of 19, he began publicly speaking about ancient religions, traditions, philosophy and the sciences.
Though Knightley publicly stated that she is finished with her role of Elizabeth Swann, there is no word as to how, or if, she will be written out of the story line for On Stranger Tides.
In 1966, in an address at the Area Arts Association in Amarillo, Silva publicly announced the "Silva Method".
Many of these haunted asylums are not publicly promoted as haunted hospitals.
They were publicly denounced by numerous people, including Lisa's family, and eventually left Hollyoaks together for good.
While network executives refuse to publicly disclose Lucci's salary, sources close to the actress report that she earns between seven to eight million dollars per year, and devoted fans will tell you that she is worth every penny.
Due to a number of complications, the Atmos 2 did not debut publicly until 1939.
Wailana Yoga, which became popular thru the Publicly Broadcasted (PBS) television show, has music, videos, and equipment you can purchase online.
Pulitzer Prize-winning critic and author Tim Page publicly defended his diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome in an op-ed for the New York Times.
If a company is publicly traded, the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that financial reports be filed in accordance to Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP) for a few reasons.
Form 10-Q is not as detailed as the 10-K nor is it audited, but it is required by law for publicly traded companies to file a Form 10-Q quarterly and contains pertinent financial information.
It has been a publicly held company since 1984 and has more than 800 stores in 48 states providing an average of 40,000 items per store.
By 1969 the company had 169 stores in 28 states and was publicly traded on the American Stock Exchange as Fabri-Centers of America.
It seems like Monsieur Eiffel was right, since many of the earliest critics either retracted their statements or publicly created works to honor the Eiffel Tower.
This publicly held bank is the fourth largest in the country.
Torchmark provides life insurance, supplemental health insurance and annuities, and is a publicly traded corporation on the New York Stock Exchange.
For insurance companies that are publicly traded, this also smoothes out their earnings curve by preventing sudden losses from major claims.
And whereas if a back-closing bra suddenly snaps, a friend can publicly assist with getting it closed again, you'll only draw more mortifying attention if it's a front closer.
However, Jimmy Chamberlin publicly confirmed he would re-join the band and later said a reunion tour and new album are being planned for 2006.
She publicly acknowledged her Christian roots and caused a media stir by announcing she was waiting for marriage to have sex.
He even once publicly challenged ex Take That singer Robbie Williams to a boxing match!
In 2003, she publicly announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Touring picked up again, though, on a limited basis with various backing musicians replacing some members, right up until June of 2004, when it was publicly announced that Graeme Kelling had lost his fight against cancer.
Lucas was extremely frustrated and publicly aired his grievances, but eventually he re-adapted his story into something the studio was comfortable with.
Publicly, Lady Gaga has stated that the track is a tribute to boyfriends she has had in the past.
She publicly blamed Jackson for her lack of payment, then withdrew her statement in 1999.
Born March 14, 1994, in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, Justin Drew Bieber started performing publicly at age 12.
As of early 2010, Nick has not commented publicly about his relationship with either of his fellow Disney teen stars.
In particular, they have campaigned for gay acceptance in the entertainment industry and have advocated for more homosexual characters in television and movies and encouraged other gay musicians to publicly acknowledge their sexuality.
After all, declaring something as important as this publicly is a big deal for a teenager to handle.
Not only were fans at home overwhelmed by Boyd's talent, but European operatic pop quartet Il Divo and world renowned tenor Placido Domingo also publicly praised the million dollar winner's phenomenal voice.
As gossip starting surfacing that there was trouble in paradise at the mansion, Kendra was the first of the girlfriends to publicly split with Hef and openly have a new relationship.
Relatively little has emerged publicly about Disick's life pre-reality TV cameras.
Most of the Real Housewives of New Jersey publicly claim to have no mafia ties.
Kim didn't react well to her sister publicly airing her dirty laundry, and this spawned all kinds of rumors that Kim Richards would not be returning for the second season.
The remaining 12 books were rumored to be about King Arthur himself displaying 12 virtues publicly.
The testing stage is crucial to any website launch because it allows you to get as many problems out of the way as possible before releasing it publicly.
If you want to publicly post an update on someone else's home page, you can do so by prefacing the message with the "@" symbol.
Berners-Lee publicly announced his theories regarding hyperlink technology on the "alt.hypertext" newsgroup.
The only way Denton was going to accept the termination of their engagement was if she publicly announced it, and that was what she would have to do as soon as she returned.
Lotze publicly and formally denied that he belonged to the school of Herbart, though he admitted that historically the same doctrine which might be considered the forerunner of Herbart's teachings might lead to his own views, viz.
He first asserted his power by literally throwing to the dogs the last of his boyar tyrants, and shortly afterwards announced his intention of assuming the title of tsar, a title which his father and grandfather had coveted but never dared to assume publicly.
The convention was attended by Sir George Grey, who was publicly welcomed to the colony by New Zealanders resident in Sydney, and by other admirers, and his reception was an absolute ovation.
It was publicly sealed and witnessed by professional witnesses, as well as by collaterally interested parties.
Up to 1895 or 1896 the suggestions for wireless telegraphy which had been publicly announced or tried can thus be classified under three or four divisions, based respectively upon electrical conduction through the soil or sea, magnetic induction through space, combinations of the two foregoing, and lastly, electrostatic induction.
The former at Pavia (15th October I 2878), and the latter at Arco (3rd November), declared publicly that Irredentist manifestations could not be prevented under existing laws, but gave no hint of introducing any law to sanction their prevention.
Antipas is chiefly known to history in connexion with John the Baptist, who reproached him publicly for his marriage with Herodias.
In the version of the Luite Tristran inserted by Gerbert in his Perceval, he is publicly overthrown and shamed by Tristan.
Biot - who loved and admired him as a son - publicly announced that his enterprise was chimerical and the problem insoluble; Dumas evidently thought so too, for he advised Pasteur not to spend more of his time on such a subject.
After obtaining the degree of doctor he returned to Ghent, and is said to have been the first to lecture there publicly on philosophy and theology.
While the bishop publicly defended the royal measures, Nordin became the king's private adviser.
Austria meanwhile had begun to arm as a precautionary measure; and Napoleon, shortly after his return from Bayonne to Paris, publicly declared that, if her preparations went on, he would wage against her a war of extermination.
To make the restoration more complete, a great assembly at Diedenhofen declared the deposition of Louis to have been contrary to law, and a few days later he was publicly restored in the cathedral of Metz.
His fine presence and his tact on ceremonial occasions rendered the state some service when in 1896 he received the Tsar of Russia at Paris, and in 1897 returned his visit, after which meeting the momentous Franco-Russian alliance was publicly announced.
Charles returned to Wales on the 30th of January 1804, and the British and Foreign Bible Society was formally and publicly inaugurated on March the 7th.
Throughout this dual existence Mr. Dodgson pertinaciously refused to acquiesce in being publicly identified with "Lewis Carroll."
On the 2 1st of January 1903 Cardinal Richard publicly condemned the book, as not furnished with an imprimatur, and as calculated gravely to trouble the faith of the faithful in the fundamental Catholic dogmas.
Already in October 1879 it was clear enough that he had thrown in his lot with the Liberal party, but it was not till March 1880 that he publicly announced this change of allegiance.
When the orthodox emperor Valentinian ascended the throne, Auxentius was left undisturbed in his diocese, but his theological doctrines were publicly attacked by Hilary of Poitiers.
In 1555 Bishop Farrar of St David's was publicly burned for heresy under Queen Mary at the Market Cross, which was ruthlessly destroyed in 1846 to provide a site for General Nott's statue.