Psychotherapy Sentence Examples
He was looking for more information on autonomy in psychotherapy and counseling.
Both depression and alcoholism can be treated with psychotherapy.
Treatment consists of medication and psychotherapy.
Her areas of research interest include adolescence, physical disability, psychotherapy, and identity development, particularly using qualitative approaches.
Notes on style All authors are asked to take account of the diverse audience of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
Taking medication is easy, but psychotherapy takes work.
Medications and psychotherapy have proven to be very effective.
In particular seeks to explore the confluence of depth psychotherapy with the world's contemplative traditions.
An amalgam of mysticism, psychotherapy and pure science fiction, the content invited the derision which was inevitably forthcoming.
McLeod, John Narrative & Psychotherapy (Sage 1987) Exploration of the concept of self in story telling against a changing social milieu.
AdvertisementThe standards for the Institute register of practicing psychoanalysts are the most intensive and rigorous of any form of psychotherapy in the UK.
He recognized the need for practicing a psychotherapy which can be demonstrated to be an effective contribution to mental health care.
In some areas psychoanalytic psychotherapy is available within the NHS.
We discuss what makes a client suitable or unsuitable for weekly biodynamic psychotherapy.
Back to Associate List Audrey Neill Audrey is a psychodynamic counselor, currently completing her training in psychoanalytical psychotherapy.
AdvertisementIt aims to provide an experience of learning from which it's graduates will qualify as competent and responsible practitioners of Jungian analytical psychotherapy.
Then, something else has to be considered; and this might well be medication and/or psychotherapy.
I work with people with autism whilst studying art psychotherapy, where I also work in art with the mentally ill.
Not widely available within the NHS psychotherapy Sometimes used to describe all forms of talking treatments.
She established London ' s first body psychotherapy training school in 1969, which she named the Center for Bioenergy.
AdvertisementIt is also recognized by the Westminster Pastoral Foundation course in group psychotherapy.
For the next fifteen years the school was an intensive psychotherapy unit for about forty primary-age children and twenty adults.
Like the Tavistock Institute's more specialized occasional group psychotherapy courses, the ' Midlands Course ' is not professionally validated.
David Edwards has taught at Rhodes University in South Africa since 1972 and has a longstanding interest in humanistic and transpersonal psychotherapy.
Finally the goal of Psychotherapy is to reveal the unconscious motives, fears and anxieties that are being manifest in debilitating mental symptoms.
AdvertisementPsychotherapy produces gradual benefits in academic performance and attitudes, but girls who are underperforming at school would also benefit from special educational support.
Like the Tavistock Institute 's more specialized occasional group psychotherapy courses, the ' Midlands Course ' is not professionally validated.
Psychotherapy and medications can be used either alone or in combination to help the person manage these symptoms and regain the ability to function.
While depression is one of the most common mental health disorders, more than 80% of people with depression can be helped by antidepressant medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of these treatment options.
He/she can provide psychotherapy and prescribe antidepressant medication if necessary.
He/she has advanced training in psychological testing, counseling, and psychotherapy.
While prescription drugs are used as the primary form of treatment, psychotherapy is often recommended to help patients develop positive coping strategies.
Several studies have shown that regular psychotherapy helps stabilize moods, reduce hospitalizations, and improve the overall quality of life among bipolar patients.
Depression can be treated with psychotherapy and antidepressant medication.
Addiction counseling differs from psychotherapy in that it focuses on short-term goals related to the client's addiction.
I also believe that an important part of treatment is the inclusion of more in-depth psychotherapy.
One of the most traditional forms of treatment involves a combination of antidepressant medication and psychotherapy.
In many cases, anti-depressants and/or psychotherapy can completely eliminate such symptoms.
Major depressive disorder may be treated with antidepressants, psychotherapy (supportive counseling or "talk therapy"), or a combination of both.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used personality inventory, or test, employed in vocational, educational, and psychotherapy settings to evaluate personality type in adolescents and adults age 14 and older.
Anorexics who are not severely malnourished can be treated by outpatient psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy with anorexics is a slow and difficult process; about 50 percent of patients continue to have serious psychiatric problems after their weight has stabilized.
Age-appropriate cognitive-behavioral individual psychotherapy, focusing on problem solving, communication, impulse control, and stress and anger-management is a usual component of treatment.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy-A type of psychotherapy in which people learn to recognize and change negative and self-defeating patterns of thinking and behavior.
Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, involves analyzing a child's life to bring to light possible contributing causes of the present depression.
For those children and teens who feel stigmatized or self-conscious about their depression, arranging psychotherapy sessions outside school hours may lessen their burden.
Behavioral therapy and psychotherapy can help a child with CD to control his/her anger and develop new coping techniques.
Most children diagnosed with GID eventually grow out of it but some psychiatrists try to speed up the process, usually using psychotherapy.
What was once seen as laziness and lack of motivation on the child's part has begun in the early 2000s to be recognized as a medical condition that can be corrected or modified through psychotherapy.
Individual or group psychotherapy is sometimes helpful.
Most children diagnosed with GID eventually grow out of it, but some psychiatrists try to speed up the process, usually using psychotherapy.
Impulse control disorders are treated with medication, psychotherapy, and behavior modification.
Long-term counseling and psychotherapy is usually necessary as well.
Psychotherapy can help older children whose language disorders are psychologically based.
Psychotherapy is indicated when the child exhibits signs of severe emotional distress in response to events such as a death in the family, the birth of a new child, a change in schools, or divorce.
Psychotherapy is also indicated if a child shows signs of persistently low self-esteem or depression.
Underlying psychological disorders are also treated with medication and/or psychotherapy.
Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves all members of a nuclear family or stepfamily and, in some cases, members of the extended family (e.g., grandparents).
When phobias do interfere with a person's daily life, a combination of psychotherapy and medication can be quite effective.
Play therapy-A type of psychotherapy for young children involving the use of toys and games to build a therapeutic relationship and encourage the child's self-expression.
The child's doctor may recommend either individual psychotherapy for the affected child or family therapy for the family as a whole.
The MSE is particularly important in psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy is recommended for patients with sleep disorders associated with other mental disorders.
A number of counseling or talk therapy approaches exist, including psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, and group therapy.
In cases such as personality disorder that are thought to not have biological roots, psychoactive medications are usually considered a secondary, or companion treatment to psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy for tics and tic disorders typically involves education about tic disorders and therapy for the family as well as individual treatment for the child.
Cognitive-behavioral approaches are the most common type of individual psychotherapy used to treat tics and tic disorders.
Depending on the severity of the problem, treatments for anxiety include school counseling, family therapy, and cognitive-behavioral or dynamic psychotherapy, sometimes combined with antianxiety drugs.
Psychotherapy may be recommended if the language delay is accompanied by anxiety or depression.
Play therapy or therapeutic play-A type of psychotherapy for young children involving the use of toys and games to build a therapeutic relationship and encourage the child's self-expression.
Extensive psychotherapy may be helpful with some Munchausen patients.
Psychotherapy or counseling may help older children deal with the emotional symptoms characteristic of this condition.
Treatment may include individual, group, or family psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy is a form of treatment designed to help children and families understand and resolve the problems due to PD and modify the inappropriate behavior.
In some cases a combination of medication with psychotherapy may be more effective.
In psychotherapy, patients have the opportunity to learn to recognize the effects of their behavior on others.
Alternative treatments are available for personality disorders and most are complementary to conventional psychotherapy.
Such programs are also frequently combined with psychotherapy.
In 1956, psychiatrist Erik Erikson provided an insightful description as to how personality develops based on his extensive experience in psychotherapy with children and adolescents from low, upper, and middle-class backgrounds.
Support services may involve physical assistance and therapy, counseling and psychotherapy, modified learning environments and assistive learning devices, educational and psychological assessments, and behavioral modification techniques.
If an individual does not respond adequately to speech therapy, psychotherapy is recommended, as in many people anxiety and stress are linked to VCD attacks.
However, speech therapy and psychotherapy are often successful in reducing the number of attacks.
Psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can be a useful tool in helping patients and their families adjust to the disorder, in encouraging compliance to a medication regimen, and in reducing the risk of suicide.
Education in the form of psychotherapy or self-help groups is crucial for training bipolar patients and their caregivers to recognize signs of mania and depression and to take an active part in their treatment program.
For those children and teens who feel stigmatized or self-conscious about their diagnosis, arranging psychotherapy sessions outside school hours may lessen their burden.
Psychotherapy is often recommended as an adjunct treatment along with the prescribed antidepressant.
Vomiting related to emotional upsets may be avoided by forms of psychotherapy that teach people to manage stress in healthier ways.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (learning new behavior), group therapy, or interpersonal psychotherapy may be employed to uncover the emotional motives, distorted thinking, and behavioral patterns behind the binge eating.
Behavioral approaches include individual psychotherapy, group therapy, and family therapy.
Children should be taught to not feel ashamed of toileting behaviors, and psychotherapy may help decrease the sense of shame and guilt that many children feel.
The primary treatment for dependent personality disorder is psychotherapy, with an emphasis on learning to cope with anxiety, developing assertiveness, and improving decision-making skills.
Individual psychotherapy can help an AD/HD child build self-esteem, give them a place to discuss their worries and anxieties, and help them gain insight into their behavior and feelings.
The most effective treatment for mood disorders is a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
A number of psychotherapy approaches are useful as well.
Interpersonal psychotherapy helps the patient recognize the interaction between the mood disorder and interpersonal relationships.
Treatment for severe depression should be a combination of psychotherapy and the use of antidepressant medication.
If the depression is diagnosed by a professional as mild, psychotherapy alone may be sufficient.
Psychotherapy, with or without medication, can help children to feel better about themselves and their lives.
In most cases, people undergo past life regression as part of a spiritual journey often achieved during a psychotherapy session.
Offering massage, bodywork, skincare, and even yoga psychotherapy, Dharma adds increased value and services to the yoga center's course and workshop schedule.
Psychotherapy can help victims understand their obsession with food, overcome poor coping habits, and develop more healthy responses to stressors.
Individual psychotherapy is crucial in the treatment of emotional eating.
As an adjunct to the psychotherapy, nutritional education may be helpful.
The patient must receive psychotherapy to address the underlying issues, medical treatment for the health disruptions, and nutrition counseling to help them learn to eat in a healthy manner.
Many people can benefit greatly from the assistance offered by mental health practitioners, including psychotherapy, medication, and other methods of treatment.